TUB JGUPJIAL. Kew Eera, K. C Ear. 1, If 3. LCI'CB L ULllCT C UTe CRAVE LODGi EO. 1 KXIGHTS OF HAitMOHY. Meets Sad and ik Wedneadsy night la eaca moat U Rountrees Rtll. Pollock, street, at 7.80 o'clock, tivnul B. Ball, President; J. H. Bmlth, becYi B.B. El'l, Jinandal . Secretary. -' --- '- Iidex ts Hew HTCrtUcmciU. - Tot Bale." ' - Coplon Ai Coet. j- , . J F Taylor Beer. Hackburo Shoe. ' ;' ('- 1 Edgerton Bacycle. " Promptneea In Light Berrioe. ' Broad St Fruit Cto-IceGreeio. ' Hew Military Inetltute. and Carolina Business College. , Simmons HollloweUCo-ltffilnery. Business locals. ICE CREAM today at tke Broad. Street Fruit Co. Phone 83. - i 1 . TURKS island Salt, Ground AlumTBait Malleta at B B Darenport'a. - STOOKt) Beit pat Flow, Stock! DJa dim, Partly at B B Darenport'a. SHAD Net?, Mullet Nets Drag Netting at B B Davenport'. CINE Tar, Coal Tar, at B B Daven port's. RESIDENCE for aale, modem and aplendtdly located. EE Barper, FOB SALE A fall let of War Records, cheap. B D Hancock. FOR BENT-A Urge and desirably far nlshed room with use of bath. Inquire of R D Hancock. - ' FOB SALE 56 acre farm on trolley line two mile from Wilmington. Apply to H A Tucker & Bro, Wilmington, fl 0. T.J. MITCHELL 1 now prepared for clipping hone. Phone 207. FRUIT, Coceanut and Walnut Taffy today at MoSorleya. GOOD APPLES 40, 60 and 60 cents a peck. Specked Apple 10 eta. a peck. Freh Date, Banana and Cheatnuta at the Broad St. Fruit Co. Phone 88. RAILROAD MARKET-1 hire opened a first class meat market on Queen street, rear of G W Pope's store, and am prepared to furnUhall kind of fresh meatl and aauaage. Prompt delivery. J. A. Swart. FOR SALE Half Interest In Hardware Basinets of Foy and Simmon. For further particular aee J H BImmena, 79 SouthJPront St. BTERIOPULOS and Manaoe will more their Confectionery emd Fruit store from Broad street to Bryan Brick Block near the corner of South Front and Middle street, and will be in thjslr new atore on Saturday next with a complete line of Fruit and Oonfectlonerle. MHSaaBM(llpIHSMHglMIMlMaMM ORANGES tO cent per doaea, Malaga Grape IS cent ,'per pound at MoSor ley. FINS Seedless Orange at James B Dawson's, 103 Middle stmt, Phone too. GSNTLIUKN'8 clothe can be neatly pressed at the preaalng club at the Har- Ty building on South Front street Mr. 2 B Simpson, atudrat of the New Beta Military Institute, I working hi way throat a the school by this aaeaaa. Be ta Mperleaoed la lull work and will give satisfaction. Rate, one dollar pat month, flfty ceaU per salt. FOR Real One workshop, four living rooms above, oa Oravta street. Apply to X K Bishop. O WIS II. OUION. AUoraey atUw, aaaooao that tallkU aew offloa build lag ea Broad street la oocpleted, he wUlooeepy office oa lie Brat Boor of brick balldlag. Opposite la City BalL GUARARTXXD Bagar Oared Eaayat 18 eta lb at the Oaka Martot, Guilford Louis; WILL P from the Chespest to iU Beet, A rjoe lis Kept - IN STOCK.. ' Sample seed to jonr booM,' ' ' It Dsvson'i 101 Middle Bt, ' ' . - Phots 109. . - For Sale. A rod Stros eeeoad head imttl. Randolph atkka, rereiilr erbeld aid filaud, WUI be sold cheep for 4itr ash of ea ttate. Apply to Joaraal i loe, ot W F Or.ben.Wew Bert, H a Ce!i Wits CtTteWiy. , ftfcr ti fi taw te TfMl 1Tfei.oti4 ysri'.s aid bare yof eriiw frf Cfli of 14 tf fie Ml wool. ;.n. WAT8DS. S-orj pa::l 3 l,; ::. The weather today will be fir and warm, Contractor J L Hancock la bul'.dlcg a commodious cottage on Dunn's Avenue for Xr Richard Davla. The yard surrounding the residence of Mr W B Blade haa been 1 andsomaly graded and sown to grail seed. The ' dlstrlot 'convention of the Ealght of Pythlaa tomorrow night will be held la the Odd Fellowa hall Instead of the Court house. - . Mr L' B Habicht la having ' a large building erected on Orescent street to be used as a store and dwelling.- Mr Hab- toht haa Ave nloa new completed houses on that atreet also. ,4 Muter Robert S Oarraway haa won a "Mother Goose Paint Book" In the pua- ale contest which appeared la the Child ren'a Page of the Rlcbmond Tlmes-DIs- patchofFeb-llst. . t - . Mr B L Brock haa levered hta eonuefv tioa with the Oltlaena , bank whert he was book keeper and returned to' hta former home in ; Trenton, v Joai a Spring broke forth In-uH her : radiant loveliness yesterday.'' She has audoubV edly come to atsy for the hobo and, the Jy bird ire here and they get -thawed out about the last ot any thing that goea Into winter quarter. , Inquiry at the General Office of the A and N O. Ra lsray yesterday. ahowed that there was nothing : new la : the situation, ayerythltfg waa quiet and no change of any consequence had been ade by Receiver McBee. -The Bamnett Animal Show , drew great crowdi at the opera house yester day afternoon. It waa a fine exhibition of cleverly trained , anl mala. The blrda were- especially pleas ing. The whole show wa Interesting and lnstruotlve from beginning to end.' One of the horse belonging la Mr L G Daniels stable waa killed Sunday. It wu being driven by Mf Ellis William and aa he waa giving it water at a place below Jamea City, the animal broke away and ran down the A&N Otrack and fell through a cattle gaurd instat ing injuries from which It died. f. OABT( BMitth yTlK Kind Yw Haw Mwavs BwtK WED. Mr Rebecca Adams pasaed.' awy quietly at her home oa the morning of the 25th of Febaoary la the 6ih year of her age. She had been la bad health for tome time but yst her death wu not ex pected by her friend. . , , . , , , t She wu taken suddenly 111 oh euhday and gradually grew wore till the end came. She wu a consistent member of the Freewill Baptist Church and wu a kind and loving . Chrltlaa.v She u bora In Brunswick county N O. and married Mr Archbald Adams, at Chart otte. in 1857 and and came te Tuacarora after the civil war. She waa loved by all who knew hr. - Bhewu burled Bat urday evening in" the family burying ground. She la survived by her husband and four sons Meaaata Samuel Adam of Bachelor Greek, W A and X R Adaml who are thrifty merchaau of Tuacarora. and Mr B O Adams, of Tuacarora She la also aurvlved by two brother, Xr M and BP Stanly4 of Bhallotts Brunswick county and one sister Mr T A Caroll of Charlotte N O. . We aympathie with the bereaved f as tir and friend. ' IV Sottlhport Standard Please TJopy. Toit Beaatllol Clou. eomes from the varalah la Devoes y atah Floor Palalt eost 8 eeala more a quart UougL'Sold by X W 8auC wood, . ' Fanner Tibtcct Wixctoat ,' "Opcx' ! The above warehouse wU t opa la ta April 1st. FsnaenwOl Bad a good aaarket her daring March for aU their tobaooo. ' j OABVO XTJk.i .... PromptncM In . IIglit Serried , ueretcure aiuca oeiay a a ta ex perleaeed, ta puttlag la wine let lectrta Hhta, la Store DweTllag Aa. The Waur A Light CobbImIob wish to eaaoaare that ta full re thla work shall kje proas pi) attended t. 4 riraoa wUalaf t have VaHdlagt wired aad Itg hu aat la will plea ate applleaUoa la wrttlag te Ue WaUf 4a Utit Co-ttlnloB, either t U urn, Of leave it at the tit; Clark Offlea., r . .,. ... , - - , ValualDleCity Proper' trFor Bali. V A3 U eerUli toe of rroperty eor ear of iokieoa aid WtUalt stri, aid fomiriy ea4 ty 0m fj Wk!u; alio a pl e'wisr Qin sil tUnvxk treU, tnrtMi'J Cd Yj TTU"a OU !(taw tot lfoii!oa ''ttHtz'.rg t, Prr btae of tin stove l-ciif, (i to R. W. WII LtA! T, tl t't" f t. Ti t -s. Makes he '.food ;more nutritious to 'both K pjjave given the V to;the! Cpmeirjunivefsity. for, five - - ? ff years ' verjr satisfactbrilyand am - i 4thas pedect .tipbn the quality, pf ( Wrtibles ?use A i I liil baking i powder, : whI use- the Royal, for it is undoubt :: "; dlv the.'tesfcv I have occasionally rgiyen;6th,ers a trial, and have dem ronstfatedrto'myrsatisfaction that always ;,niaking i ; sindwliolesome food, The Old Siiable" Royal.n . (Mrs.)' Amelia Morey Atkins. THEY. CO! D80. Mra A R Jennlngi who hu beea via itlng her mother Mra B J Hanoock.hu left Ut New1 York City ialUng oa March 8th tor bar hemB in, Berlin Gerataay. Dr j B Beaton relumed from ITaah lngtoa 0 0 Sunday t where he had haqn attondlaf the meeting pf tha 'Southern Dental Aaaoclatton. J u;r i?;;?. i Mra If Oikadwldt r Beaufort wu la the eity Taaterday. .. . Mlaaea Nary Hurtt aad Xlau Rowe re turned iuaday from New Tork where they Ufa beau la : tha InUrcat. ef tha mUUaery, departmeat tf Barfoot Broe It ore, v.-.i.t-;;. ? f ' MIu Mary Ogleaby left last ertthing for Raleigh where she will raoalva treat- jr Mtoa Margie ; Tiagle returned to her home at Alllaneo yeaUrday after a few diyt vUlt irtth relatival here, t u--:r' . Rev J SFarmti', Xdltor of the Blblt- oal Recorder) wu the gaeit of Bet W B Rich Sunday and Monday ant preach, ed la the Firs Baptiat Church Sunday morning, A y ,.;; Mr G A Barfoot retimed from New York and Baltimore on Sunday. ' Ma B K Bryan returned from a baa fAeu trip to New Yoray Sunday, . ' Mr M L BoUowell Murned from Hew j Yotk, Suaday. ' j ... ' TollcV Court SfTTloei. There waa a goodly aumbor atteedla the lerviee held daily lathe police coart yeaUrday. Putor XUU praachad and Chief Bargt led la the slagtag. Dee ooaa Bowdea, taptoo -Brya aad Moa taga took ap the eolleotloa gad Mr J 0 UwkaaheradtheeadUaea. ' . 1 Uwlag to . a aUmdeietaadlag, thete were aoame who failed ta appoar bat u Ula kbd of taUgtona aaeeUog la of the protracted order aad If the people dost eoau when Uey'se ealled they are hard ly aval aheeat at itha Mil aaeetlag whether . ihey go to. Uat thurh or tr-''''--a , ."'' 2'-. '' laariah Bobetla wu aharged wtu'lhe laraeay of lobeoeo. Tha Aeoaaaary erl deaoabeUglaeklag. hit caae wuooa tlaied aatll todry.'-..', m - V'.i. , JoaaOrs4r,anyteaevwa UtedU ootta for oantag. ,V BomalaaMaaa aad-Wmiaat Valaoa were drnak aad dlaorderly at Five PoiaU Batarday night; Nioa WM dJl sataaed aad Macn wu required to pay the eoeta. r' m t. j. . Jerry Fey wu fetfft drank aad lq Wa a Oraohcd etreet. eaigmeal mini Beaded oa paf miat of east ','". , Tin it Trc&iia . Feby W. '' fleaday aaoraJag bet weea tie hoar of Oa aad twe o'clock the phow gallery of W M CobU A Soa wu beraed to ts gtoaal Nolhlitll wu ii'ilu IraUiUsg wu all or bins wait Us a'.a ai wugtrsa. tl.ODealii erf UW, ef tmlUllag aad eoetf at. T6r u BO Inrsrtice. , . T fact list the tatUleg fH from la eljl.il of tk store ai and tl Indleg ef aabarnaj li!' ll U froia )t bMadi at t '. ! cf il homi fl te froTI ttt I' f m a tr4 C rl ?1 t.i t I re I f aa Ur t'.i'j ... A!MUi,l !' " J'M eft's fr':l af .iot ti..l 1 ' H tn'i la Utre t!,t ' t t -t tarr.tt T t t " " ! t a'.l tl t;..f lit r - ' v n t f r i ' r i 1! ' lit V J". . ! s ; r i ' ' i a v r . ; : . i I ' 'l i : M I r SB i . h - wioesome, and more brain and' muscle Training Table v success perfect, . delicious tmimim - Burned Oot la Atlanta. , KfJuea Claypoole received a letter from )A friend, Mt Joe Fulford, who re- oentiy want to A.tlanta,8unday In which ha stated that be wu one of tha victims Of the hotel Ballard Are which occurred early- Saturday morning. Mr Fulford suooaeded In uvlng a part of hie. cloth lug nut a good many of the guutawere not able to aava anything. . Tha Ballard la under the ume manage mint a tha hotel Arragoa and la one of the.fluMt hotele in the South. The building waa entirely destroyed. - New Bern Tlili- tary. Academy arid Carolina Bus iness College ; NEW BERN, N. 0. Military, Literary, Music, Book-keeping, Typewriting, Shorthand, Offloo '. Tractloa. , BTUOXNT BODT.-; A large aad aathualaatlo atudant body repraaeatlag Three Statu, : North Caro Uaa, South Jarollna aad Peaaaylvaala. Sevaral aoantlat presented. - ' FACULTY... ' All faculty representing' TJalveralty ot North Caroliaa, Oraapburg College, Peahody Normal CoUgt,Ahvllle Nor' KalpoOaga, Bollln IaaUtule, Tampa Badaeu Oollege, New Xaglaad Coa aervalory of Mask aad other noted la eUtaUoaa. . . . ; '. t . ; i COTJBSX OF STUDY. ? . Tha tttorary eoaru oorar a period of four year, two yean preparatory ' aad two'ooUeglete. Th four claaau are U foUowet Jaaloi Preparatory Zealot Pre paratory, Freshman, aad Sophosaora, ;. A VALUABLE 00Ut4X FOB . TXAcaiBa.. ; : t 'n- . To Pub! to School Teacberai Oppottn nltyll An exceedingly valnahla eeuru at study for teacher te belaf arranged to bagla Karch Sth. Teacher who de lira to thoroughly prepare Ueauilvai for gtxaalaeUoa, Thou who deal re to broadia their literary kaowledga. ' Thou who dealre to take A tboroagh review of the branch thiy teach aad thou who wUh to take aa abridged Not a&al oparu taeludlag Pedagogy, Psy Cbokt7, Xethodaof TeaoblBj," ate. wU Bad thla eoaru of study laterwttag thoroish aal praellcal A cooru ot Ucturu ea Civil Govra meat, School Law, Bobool Uaatf taical, aad ether laporUfil labjtct wlU be glv eijla ocfiaecUoe with Uie i(la eoeru by Sctaa of Ue Uaillsg edacator, .WtJi ivtta, ao.U;!oai ttarhenwhi uplre to ttki tie Utd la lialr profae l!o by batter preparing lbtm!Tt,id kf; 'rf la loach wUh tit ano4 li prova-1 atuk'Ja, !lb k to Uttf la UtMt SbJ Utt llrtblt of 1st Vl'ae V eoart. Tka lota i,f tria la lb LiUfiry D ftr'.wtal cf ! the Twl'i' If rt asf , tie-u-!!;-! tBt;!a t''l, ro. r i, fit!, al I .' 'i, It. cr.:y : t ' 5 j r tin la t: I 1 ( ", 1 5 in . i " l! IF', ,e . ( Iff 1 f Collins. Ink -Ercdicator. I Guaranteed to Uke iak 1 taini from caner or Whfar t a without injury, . Owen Q. Dunn, ll rKimi static; mj, u TS CBATEX ST. : : Celdy HeadaoliQ: Powdef g. ' Best remedy for headache. Made arid sold ihy jDaws' Pharmacy, (puoim oo. JUST RECEIVED ! Wehave Just Xteeeived several)! New things in Skirtings & Suitings For tlie Spfingt, ejeral ahadet In the Kew Cotton Vail at 12o yard, The new Gotten Bkirtinf in gray and tan, at 2So yard, Alto halck and white and Ian and white Novelty WooUnj for ikirtg and tuiti at fiOo yard, These are good ynluei for the price named, as these goods were bought befwe the. market advanoed. 8PE0IAL KOTICE Our bayers are in the Northern Markets selecting our stock of Spring and Summer Dry Coeds .jnd Millinery. We intend showing the prettiest line of goods in our different department- barfoot Dry Goots ana Phone 711. IS Pollock ! AVE BEG TO THAT trrrrr t ... iiiiiBiniery : in oat wiex in the Hughe's ' VuUdtng on Middle'1 Street, will bo ready for occupancy. In the early! days of llarch, ; where J wo will show the . Spring Ideas New and a most'complcto llnaof Child rc::3 and , Lad!:? T.cr.dy-to-'wcar! Hats, rr.l7 Cap.1 and nitrons., : j Th!i Cprln vro T7111 EhoT7' A lr-r:;:r lino c! 'Thlrr' ft Atchlroa". ::vcry c: " rt mnda to c : ry a cc::;; Icto r.nd up to dr.to , : : : : : iaaeattaaa : Little Things J ''.v. Counts One rfr'tb "taei -od J Imdlag la th . BtaUo&ary 2 fe Utb tie Comet i -- "awjipmi.irpiiiiii) that we have ever shown before. Brothers, Womens' Apparel 6L Oipulte IpIicomI Chares ANNOUNCE OUR 4 m -- 4 , clfflMerm i 1 iVpSv: ( ) O Spring Styles are all here and we are ! SeathIes1. e BHA3,E8 111 aI1 BOY'S SHOES i A It a 4 aw KA aio We can suit your foot as well as your jj pocket. ( 8 a Ttunn & Co A ll 57 PollWlr Siir.s -! New BernCotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products! and High-grade Fertikxers, sew bern, nr. a TlTill XI TTJ 1 w yay one niueei uasn rrices ior uotf ton Seed and Seed Cotton. Bags furnisher: to seed shippers. HAVE FOR SALE a Fresh Supply of Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls, which is the finest Ha 4-4-1 n 1AAi IV J N . I vuuD i ccu iu. duo wunu. We will exchange Meal for cotton seed. Factory ait Ml Eyerie tee BiTer. RqcImII Uduf X. wuwhiii iiufi. vx. Haye out the price oa Heaters Fitted, Stoves set up. Full line of Hardwaie, Klwood Lime and Cement, Sagh, Doors and Lowest Prices, Best Goods, Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. COAL! , A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Coal in all sizes Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all orders'at HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St Agency lor the 44 Oliver' Typewriter THE BTAflDARD VIBIBLK WRITXB lUchbee eeot oat oe trial to proapee Ur parobaaera Jleeoad band mxAlnet (or rent WM. T. HILL. Dealer la IrOTOLaa, Gcaa, Parrota, Caa Tamaaa, Loidbs faaua, Paoaooaras, Rjwoaee, A a rvu. Lias or Broarxao Oooba, JoarkimaaioRi' - kaa Btimt Majruraorraaa, hoi IU. IIMIii!e8t. '',;- J ... ' ' II . ' I :: Oysters! Oysters! '.'From ao on. we will ; ; Oysters which ws will aero ; ' Jroeaanre, half-stall or oth- ! ; ; enrlaa. " Cbeslreeke Bar Oysters to ', Nixon & Go's, 4 Ellis' Shops No. 132 PoUoch St.- Areas I VilitfWr t-oat r- rs'" a--1. a" s'r'.i rf v! irj A. -t m - ' Lou wm Ft: Mo. 125. Mill Qnnnltf Pa if iiii IUUUiy VvUs Car load H be sold. Fire Boaru Fence, Pamela. Oils and VarnisbJ Blinds. Mill Supply Co., :MIU- lUrPLIBS 44 Orareei St 1 hone SIS. OOAL1 Fire Insurance ! Fin CVaaa Rome and Tong Casa pan e Orfete a IkStod. IrqatraH pronpllj untitl MUaS MAJfMl t. trOO NOTICE! Look for tae Ollre Beak Market! low prtoei. Oeroed Pork aad Haau BO ead. See 1G& South Frost Street. A No 1 Be? Mar fnU aad kla4 retgai USO aavad for aale, oeee or ea 163 South Front St. r Dry Store We aader akede. Rerer let BIG HILL, The Shingle llan. About Ctulck V or:. It Is eaay vtea a aaaa kac how t 1 Ue aa ip !o-Ute pkaakhre to do it : .. Wefcetle we kae .t laUr ani r. tMlt that Boa7 eaa f srl tit.;. rarry la stotk ataUrial ti ertrj drtr ; Una. lot oof t!M t4 wotk i1 a j t4 u do x4 aai ejitk wpt. Tt.aRtlrg 6 amiy f,t.r! f l!.'r t'.ttral rlrw4' a. w era Toif ktw.t'a "f't1 H. f. -: , f - r i i i h r, i , v r i ' , I