HlVf BIH3 B. C, SUNDAY. UOESIKB, MARCH 6,;1304 TWIHTY-SIC0HD TEAR 5 '.X V -V' - - . ': J 'i- - .-. - - " ' i ? n ii ii , . . 1 ' ' ' , . ..... . t i hi .mi mi Ii n a ' - . ' 1 "Women of taste & forevery variety of toilet. The infinite ) gj number of styles and shapes to be had, S irom heavy outing to dainty full dress, $makes them equally desirable for out- J jjf aoor or nouse wear, use. ALL STYLES AT Cotton is King A At the price in protpect you car afford to fertilise it wel If jou want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano Insist onJiaving that kind, anl yen will not be disaplntd in jour crop. For Tobacco Use Meadows Gold Leaf 1obaccoGvano It makes rood, iliek, tonzh Tobaeeo. November 1903 cur pUntar sold 1,453 pounds of tobaeoo for;f 511,00. He used Gold Left ' .8 Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops If there U no dealer in your section handling our goods, wtite us. E H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO.,Mrif rs, ' LONG DIIT B Factory Reuse Hirer, -vAny-farxner desii ing to fence -his land with the American- Field Fence can procure the same of me for a f hort while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. Uaiec Hl ChatUwkva, ivBw nEnx, it. o. YouVfM GctljciU a war dsf If yoer prt i t r few! kl It W14 . Q4 ka aeba-m for tke f.lr.M Utf k' fH vrt at sbnM 'M m i ! wiMtUt 04 Ikana lnMr ( 'a . Stk 14 fahH kf 1 1 t-ott aK.e f t f. M. . kwliri-. ik. iiUr, (01 14(11 0(4 ni WhIiF.;B3 B Will CO, CH MIdJWM, NrwDem.K.t; All Kinds HuHdors Zlatcrlal i:-.'v.!y-ialxcd Taint T' r-tt n ! C ? t'.S aurV.l . T- rrA M - Notice I Wi if w m i I-. f i i i r j i and judgment wear V7 Shoes socuu r Almost PH02HE 68, New Bern, X. C. Embroidery Sale For 10 Days Begin - ning MICH 7th mmm. DISGOUMT. Od.HAMBUEO v EMBEOIDEBIE3 No Eebate Checks Given on This Bale.' D.F. JARVIS, COLD WEATnla hKCll IIliX. Doat itn4 ct Cfi nMt,rk- Sun. Brp ad rnlti any lung Uj tt w ll uVe yw to rmck nr Ur S)l itm lMn(S S hi rel Sn4 ci Ifto eosirr kn inar Te y l"k ta BI rk f !! vn, s4 U) I . trl U Ir4 Jfrq frnrtMff ska. Foy f i t S ir.inmn:, r;s,rx:.:', v. C. for Wnlr. Chrr.j -r C Cf r-; '' Hot Ml rs r t i r- J ill mm - Traded Wire For Pua Nets. - A peculiar atory oomw from Curri tuck Co only ( imuiuotd Oatlaw x caanlae; hla wife Sag two fUldrMto Ua brother for a pair of iia seta, the eiebange being afreeabla toaUfartlea conoernedy After the barter Jerome Outlaw, to whom the woman sad chll drea were gtyea, and Ua newpoaees alona were arrested ia Elisabeth OH j Thunder and taken to Currituck for trial, bat In view of the feet that there wee not aufflolent evidence to ooutIcI and that the ehlldrea of the deteadenta were dependent on tome- one for sup port, the oonple were released. The man with the flab, nett being shrewd enough to know that hU pres. enoe would only breed trouble, disap peared. U$ ta pmuraablf ,; putting them to there legitimate nee. Ex-Sherlfl Hooker Dead. Mr Wallace B Hooker, a- prominent Itisenof Pamlleo county died at his home In Bajboro, Friday after pr treated mnaea. - , - - Mr Hooker iraa ahedl of hla county for aereral yeart basldea baring- filled other poattioni of lmportanoe and hono and was at the time of hla death, 80 years of age. rutttfta J. PantSpence. -. SewBem.NO. Deat Bltt Ton are a teacher: hero's one for yoar boys: ' " It jtht painting aoeta two or three at taaoh u the paint, and on paint Joes twloe u far as another, how much artfheattwo palntt worth f If Derof b worth U0 or $175 a gallon, how much la the other pne worth?, floir much Is a gallon of paint worth anyhow? The answer la: Depends on the Plt The reason Is;'.painVian't always paint There ate tros and false palota and short measure.-".' ! :' How much li a short-meuure gallon worth ? How ranch la false paint worth ? How mooh Is Daroe worth? ' There are millions a year in the an swer te thia laaioae. . Yours truly T. W Deroe Co , . 47 - - KewTork. 1", B. X. W. Smallwood sells oar paint New Bern Hili tary Academy and ' :,. ' ... , Carolina Bus- . Iness MlUtary, Literary, Musks, Book-keeping, Typewriting, Shorthand, Offloe fraoUoe. ITUPKITBODT. A. urge and eatkulasUcstadaot body representing Three States, KorthOaro Una, wett Caroline and Feansylranla Stteral eoantlee rtprennted. . Able faculty lepreeeaUag Ualrerafty of Itonh OeaUna, Orugeburg OoIUgi PMbody ltattal CVUet,lahTtUs Zfor- K.sl Cohafe, Hotline IaaUute, Tampa Baa1aseOoTr''ce, New Kaftan Coa atrratory of latN sad oUer noted La lUlsUonaf . . ' ' ' - 'couBai oFsnjoT." - The Dterary eowee eoters a period of fotr yvara, twe ywe prtparttory aaa two ecUtetfate. The fow clinii ere at follow imlot rrwparatoT7,aBjor Pre peratary, rreuman, ana Bopnomore. A IVAIXAMJE OOTJSSI JOB : . TX1CEXE8. T ftWSo ftokool 1Wkr Or porta altyll An esoMdUfly valuahleeoarM otikody for tw-hrs I bti( trrtirvd 10 htsla htarck JwX. Tawcasrs who de tre ko thorwefLl trpare Urnt&Jrw to tssislakiUiB. Thoe who daalre to brolca tMil'.Mrary kaowladfa. - Ta)c,tlrto Ukaa tboroeik rwrtew of tt brukclite Uch aI Uoae who wish to Ukt aa hr1JfJ Nor tl eoarte iBr.saaiat 1 lrnr, ' wUJ tai Utocarof itefl UitiUji lkoroik sal pricUcil. A. efrie of WotorM tm ntHOotari Bant, f.brm Lw, Stbrv V5 in ir.in by ir cf Ua k.!;rf 1art'.ors. n;'; nt l! Wd la Ih.'r f rr 1h; ' X U wl fc lh r.fll l:;v ffot. ; r ' ', loi k 14 tf. r l.i- Kiwlr.JU.H.'iitU;, (. I'i u i llt P-.'5r. y.rrr.-:r l t t Tel r-t, I ' I. f i r t, 1 i i !i r 1 r !' I rr t EISTIG tn. , r,- - I - , . J Inhioltaatsof Vladivostok Warned ' ' . to Leave -, , Pert Arthur aai Tladlroitok Mast Defend , TkemselTss. 'i Bassla Trying to , Gala Time. -Centlaned Bomhard 4 meat ef Port Ar ,lhujr. War ... v Prises.' Special to Journal.' - : ' St. Petersburg, March B-The Admiral ta command of, Vladltoatok werne the inhabitants within 17 miles of the city to leare Immediately, taking only per- sonal effects, but no food, stores or cat tle, which tke garrison needs. Appre hension for the safety of the garrison la felt It ia thought Vladivostok Is un tenantsble owing to the Japanese fleet, and the approach of the Japanese army from Poaatet Bay. It la the Intention of the Russian Commanders to let Port Arthur and Vladlvostok'defeud themseHee the best they can, and to concentrate the Rus sian troops along the line of the Trans Siberian railway. London Mch 6 It la aad that Raiila la seeking to rain time In Manchuria, as tt has been discovered that enough troops cannot be brought to the front and sufficiently profliloned fo begin e actlTe campaign for another month. General Ltnorrltch is withdrawing the advance guard in Northern Corea, and there la confirmation of the advance of a large Japanese force In the rear of the departing Ruaalans, coming from the northeast coast The Russian General haa resolved to make a stand at Kew Ohwane before re tiring upon Liao Yang. TltaTiInMcho-Port Arthur hai been bombarded by the Japanese at In torvels oa Monday. Tuesday and Wed neaday. Toklo, Moh 5. The Russian fleet b reported as hariag bft Vladlvoetok, FabyWthforaaorthern erulae seeking Japanese vessels as prlsea. Two Russian ships were seen off Usulle Bay A Rut dan volunteer transport steamer baa been fitted an sa aa sexWary cruis er. The steamer Manoharta, belonging to the Chinese laatern Railway company Lae sohoonaaSllpnoraad the the steam Uunoh UUde have been , declared prises of war by the naval court at Beeebo. tMMwwnawaninMiKenBjBnwamawawaa OABTOniAi ! Lai f In tiwin gupt -1 Felice Court Rein. : . David Meeklaa, white wu before the Mayor yeetardsy for disorderly eoaduot sad for dlatarbtag a rallgtoas meeUag, As the hat named offaase ta a vlolaUoa ef the State law he wu beaad erev to the Suportot Court lot trial aader a $100 bond. ". ,;. '' " : -. Lm ' BryaaT- disorderly eoadoot Jsdfaeat suspended oa paymeat ef Joha Ciller, easault Oa Matthew White, flee aadeoota. 3M. ' ; Sanaa Toiiy.' ?'- ' Prtsbytertaa Church Praachlag at 11 a. as and TAO p m eemoa by Rv O nV Bradshaw. Saaday School U ' AM p m. Ve eivaad a eordlat latluiloa to Chilet Chareh-rUv TMI George, reetor. trd Saadsv la Lent, i Bmloe sad Boly Goesmaaloa 11 a m. Zrsatcf rrj7)p m. Saadsy School I JO p as. Laataa wrvtoee dally darlrg the wek as aaaoaacsd. A cordial tirlutloa U tiualcd to all Tint Church of ChrUt, SclentUt 51 Crarsa ltrt rVr! 8ondy 1U 4! a..aa l 1 11 p. as. Bib's Lmios B mnm todtV. Pul l 8 abmsc. t' thtw, ll.tl. iiBdif Prbojl afle r.ir-.'rg T''mnBy tr !- V.!r. f RJ p m. !'' g Itofira Is r- ! '. Ali'areorUla'.ly ia!tJ li) a'.t.nl. l'f. trr; ' rf it II am. -,V'-' r- . 1 :-!, "iu Ti''- i f ( I ' T ; ' - 'lit p rs. A'll'H ! '' !it'. 1 li V. '!' . ( v. ( - -: t o A ' . ; - r. A I 5 1 n I- 1 i ' ! : ' " i t s r ALDERKEfl KEETING. rrocieding ef Beard. Reports cfOffic sis and Auditing Committee. . 4 -':-': .-.v Kew Bern M G. March lad Board met ia regalai monthly scsmoo Mayor Xlllspiesldinr. Al termen present Smith, Bangert, Avery, Oawan,- Line PhUllpa, Wood, MoOanhy, - Watson , Hollowell and Galon Mlnutea were read amended and adopt ed. " . J B Wagner, asked for License for Beer bottling Eatabllehment including al1 soft drinks by motion Llcenaea wu order ed Issued upon filing application. Mr X B HerrelL made application for Ucenee to retail liquor at So 84 Middle St yipoa motion llceniee was orde'ed Issued upon filing application, Petition algned by a majority of the fire department cemmittee was read to the Board and upon motion waa adopt d. sue wouniy rruiise matter was brought before the Bcaid and by motion Ulty Attorney waa instructed to employ attorney Payne, of M Y-to take up the tnutee matter and te have a trustee ap pointed that rcsldaa In Kew Bern and to offer 100,00 for such lervice. Upon motion it was ordered that the Water and Light commission be notified to render itemized bills for Light and Water furalahei to dty in future. Upon motion the Mayor wu authoris ed to loan ta Mr Bray, the city road roller for uie on Noose road adjoint ng the city. The motion of extending K.'eit st e wai taken op. Offers of O T Hancock, and M DU way, wts ieiJ to the Board anl up.n motion was Ciepted. The offer of Merritt Whitley, wai al- ao read hla change for damage wa con- staered eice sire and upon motion a committee was apiolntMto aiaiaa thai damage, aa required by oik charter aiajvr appuiuwu joiiuwiDg.commis o U - ..ii t fx - . I B Wadswortb, J J Wolfendeo, and B E Harper. Reported that Slisby Entine being lit tie out of order. By mction the fire Dei t Oommltue waa icattocted to have repair made. Upon mot'on the Mayor waa Inatruot- ad to aooolnt three mtmbera of the Board, and that the two fire companies be rsqueeted tr appoint three numbers of each company and that they all meet together soon as possible for the purpose of coming to some agreement and un derstanding Utween the elty and the company s aa to future rules and -regnla tloa. The following committee waa ap pointed by the Mayor Alderman B S Qnlon, F P Avery, and L B Wood, by motion the Mayor and Chief of fire Dept wu added to committee. The following resolutions waa read to the Board and apoa motion wu adopted Resolved that meala be tarnished to the policemen of the city while oa active duty and that la oommuletloa of this eaeh policemen may at his option take are dollars per moath with which to purchase his meals at tneh time, to be paid at the monthly meeting of the board. B S QUION, Ghm'n f P AYCBT, A H BAKGXST, ooim uxd oa nzv raaa. Alarge.-Uaeofgold BABY RXKGt, from We. ap. Waavepedal bargains for ti.00 each. All soll4 gold. ' We have thejaew etjles la LAOIBfl BIKOS. ' " Also the heavy wide 18 karat Gold Weddlnf Rlaga. ' !,' J. Oa Baxter, .'' r-.' BuPB31LOCK, . . . MUfle BareM. Baby Rings! ' I havo at lst eccurod. A lino of Boxed Chocolates and OonfccUona tlmt .will xnee your cnUro approral, cooper lb;-, ; AI-o Chocolate-, Almonds,' Naugatlne As- cortcd I7ut3, Ico Cream, Chocolate, Pepper mcnts, at lOoand ICoperbox. Cakes of Bwee and Cream Choco'at3Cc. f -'. Call r.nd csamlno cur lino.' .." - 7: : , m ru Graphophone Records at Half Price I . " ' :'v :., I have a stock f over 0(0 Columbia Moulded Record, inclodlnc Band and Orchestra srlccilon; Bi njo, Piccolo, Clarinet and Violin nolo fctarttme end Tenor Soloe and Duets, Quartettes, and a full line of Talking records, which I am selling at 25c. EACH, These records can be plarel oi any Phonogrsph or Orsphcphone uslog cy linder records AfuUtHneof Talking Machines and Supplies; WM. T. HILL, Dealer in Bioyolsb, Qu6, Pistols, Cab- TBIDQEB, LoiDKD SEUUS, PHOHOORPH8, Records, ft i. full umb or Spobtiho Goods. Job Parana aud Rub bib Stamp MsmrrAOTUBsa, Phon 116. ' 91 Middle St. AVOID WORRY. as!to to the saftty of your property by taking out a Are policy in one of the sound, long established companies on onr books. Let senine: of fear is worth more than the premiums we charge, every da? fn the week, Bundaye incina ed. You can reach ua by 'phone. I also.ieU BRICK. GEO. A. NICOLL, Phone 900. So. Front ft Hancock Sta. Ellis' Shops No. (32 Pollock St. Are now Ready tonspafr you Farm and Bond Vehicles, Oasrlagee, Bugfias made, and aU hinds of wood and Iroa work doiu prompt. Work Gua aateed. W. S. ELLIS. I PAVB already cold about four GAB loads of the ska above cultivators and aerer heard a eutomer say they wort art elected with It tmlaU praise It. It la la m indemeat the best farming Im element ever sold is oar 8mta.lt taken the premium over all ether eultt vstoia. WiUe ks sse for UsUlofass aod prleu or sea ay tepTaeeataavea . I keep repalts oa head. ' J. 1L BPENOEB, ' 'Afeat, B1W BIIKf, It. O. , Alee Ateat fas the Aaplawalt PoUto Plasters -. : at a medium price, viz am la IU :. wi; :tv-t WaVlV Nice Lot Voigt's g Snow Drift, White Ffost and Admiral Flour Is Just Received Also a Nice lot Harvey's Small Su gar cured Hams, Breakfast Strips and English Cured Shoulders, also Cooked Ham ready for the table, which we slice and sell in any quanity desired. Try it, it's nice. Nice large California Prunes 10c lb., 3 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Nice Canned goods all kinds. I respectfully solicit your trade. Yours to Please, j. i mm 'Phone 191. - imxnxxAiAA I JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF i N. C. Hams, Shoulders and Also plenty Fresh Eggs 20c Dozen. Giye us a call for for anything in the Grocery line. You will find onr stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or jonr Money refunded, Tours to please, Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad eft Hancock Ht. HimmmiIIIIIII!!!!!!T!??TTTTTTT?TTTTTTTTTTTT?B MITCHELL'S New Stables. Located Opposite Hotel Chattawka, Riga Inr All Occaalons. Drst Class Eqalpm.nt. Krerylblrg lo Tke Livery Line. T. J. MITCHELL. D. B. WOOD, Carpenter and build er. issiimattB Jfur- nlihcd Promptly on all Bulldloc Work. Ccst References Giv en. 1 la POLLOCK ST and Wood - A full supply of Anthracite flee burning White Ash, -Orate, Store and Chestaai CoeJ, also the Celebrated Poc4ne&tai filtarataoos for (rates and 8 team. The est OaV, Ash, Has and Klied wood. ' ' ' ; Quick, Prompt eajsVassBBf) sssskiav saaaaW SMaal lalaw Coal & Weed Yard, !f::;:ii Point. Goal Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, r nnitrs-md nt LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYTTTTTTl Side Bacon. of Nice t4 Jr. The Doors Are Open And The Prices Down. I lett February 24th, for the Northern Mar ket to purchase my Spring Ntock with strict orders to mv Clerks to sell Goods at coat .until my return. I shall purchase tho Largest Ntock I have ever bought before and Its not my fault that I do it, lis the pa tronage you have giv. en me that compete me to carry a : stock to meet your demand, You want to look out lor my first Ad after I return from North. . Go round and boo if tho boys are carrying out my Order. I ; Yqutb toPloaao S. COPLOrl, dp. MORTON, BalesBu n KIDDH, tTRtSX et ke OakCl Crdre.Oo4tir JUtm. km. 0. a. Sautof 1 VTf ft , ' ' . " lfl ! . , 1 1", ' , I . Li

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