r tlzz jfefablePreparatloaf Aa staSlatlng tfceFoodadBeii ting the S toiaacis aniBcfweis of- PromotesDigcaaonjCtieerrul- nessailRest,Contaim neither -I Opiimaiorpluiiejior Mineral. on.Sour SlomachiDiattboea WornX)nvulskjn3jcveristih nrss and Loss OF SLE . I Facsimile Signature of " NEWVDHK. DCACT COPY Of WRAPPER. LAND IS ApetfedBemedyforConsapa-J Qon.Sour Stoinadi.Diatiluea I . flu V I III 1,1 I ill ewsmwaaw . .... More than that land 1 the source ot Q wealth. Therat'o of pop bUin to aireagi is the eliding scale upon which opportunity Is guagrd, tuocess determined. Cat the num ber ot land bolder in any State In the . Union In two, and hat is the result f It's simple arithmetic opportunities doubed in that State. What II three-fourths the popuL tioo be eliminated ? Opportunities quadrupled; and so on That's the coi dltion in the great Southwest, Arkansas, In dian Terr tory and Oklahoma. This vast territory is sup porting ltci than one fourth the population of its capacity. t mile- a land where wheat and cotton thrive side by side w! ere two yea-lr vegetable crops are demonstrated p ssi lilttics -the greatest f rait section In the country; bat that's only half the story. The low ratio ot population to acreage makes Und cheap - that's the mala point. There's room for soccess in the great Southwest Illustrated liter ature sent on request ' fONK sVAUEII 1 mm PLCS I DOLLABSG For the Br oed Trip First and Third ' Tuesdays of each Mouth To Sell LandFor As sets. NORTH CAROLINA I Hoprrior Court, Oraren Ooonly, ( Beto-tke Clerk (' J McCarthy, Administrator of the es tats of MtrJo iickion, deceased TS Real Moans, KonkMuatt.IHtet Maaae aad Mary A Miaaf. The defsadaat above nessed will take a ottos Uat pedal ptcossdtsp a above MtlUad ass been eomaMac4 More Uc Clerk of Ua Superior pfujt of said Ctstm eoiaty, U esll for easels err la tract of Uad U saM BUU aad coun ty, deeoribed ti tbe deed from T somas J Bryan aad SeeJaVysatn asM MartU acksou, eVeeattd, teorfled la Book Mo K 'olio 159 In ffloe of llrgltter of Deeds for Crertn eoaoiy. , St a rack of iftu arn required to. sppaai $t sjyofOee U tbe court bouse of ttacett coestr. sn Monday tbe lib itsy of Alanb. jrvi, a. Ibe boer of 11 o'clock a es, aud'aasweri or demur to Ibe peUiloa 14 U said pre I exists, or otberlse bosi , If aay you ber, b tbe 0tai Ot lnpe thinner ihstl not be frsatnd, ftbetwta M peMUoswr will tpplt to fwnourt fot This tik day U rbrny, IMC '. ' '; A Good Telpphone SIRHC1 IS A BCjSUXSS: - Txcxaam, iA ' ltoMi .OOMTBMIBKCB.' 4 .OOM. ; V-' , Arr"aH' m fw Fv Centre. s . fn-'. u ifyf t'u ikit esr'f?U ,Jfe, t 'l, m;i i n Jussjry Kit,!?, 1,U J'k' i rUnst l'(ri dill' - fif i n AirtUaa4 CoiUlu A'iaa I'afi rr wl l(Mepf, let W lfH t dtfpTl, s4 rssH t-e lt1, 4 Uu rr:iloe ,!,! n". la J!orl tf D:t-inr f '4 ludrrl Crr-;y I-T IK U-f f a C4K l t',S IV'. I : ; ; I a r r , je.i Jt''S"-l r f 1' '' ll .."'a,-! U V.y li V. t. . . .... kui ' l-rTTr-n- ii -ii iionm min M..jMnaLL J' Ti;7' (II:.:l-Ycj I!:v3-: n Bears tho Signattu.o r f " ti ;; of - In USB. For 6or2 Thirty Years rr ;nH ii ii) L"; WEALTHS it 15 U 1 1 GEO. n. LEE, G. P,A, 2 LUtUEejk, Aik 21 W.;T,81U!IDEE8,3) P A BlebM.s4.Ta. . - ZZ lxirjoa, and tLe facTtJiat we do the largest business In Seeds la tbe Southern Butea, enablen c to supply trery reqedremaat la : " ' EAHCEK AID FAH'J SEEBS io Uii very boat ndTantagn, both m regard qoailty and felon. " 'Trnckeri tnd Fccerf - fuqutrinf larn qaantltka of Baeds are reqnmtod to writ for apodal prioaa. It yon hart no reoHTi n ooprof WOOD'S SKO) HOOK for 1004, write for it there at not wotlksr rsbUcntlow rnywawm tnet nrproeches It la tM seful and practical laiormaUon tnat U ctreu to Sowtlsara brmera and garaeewa. . Wears awt navfs w Willi 1 1. Wrtt, nfiTYiTdyr'r'iLic . ra, ....... . f t n. 151 ti " r-" zJZ - -wr' ; irFUaUoft rtr Fw Ortiuicite, rtelica bsrr g't.a eeit' Araie Ra.iai,twta oa Jtn-ary Kit, l3l u THowMOrak' for ce tkart f Use ;iial stMk of tfce Ai:n: 4 Fnb Cur'aa IU!l4 t'i -:iy. In t er (nrya ). as 1 c p j 1 f r b i4 i' t i ::ctJ -a N ataJs U tfce l-r4 ef Directors f k!4 Jtu'lrei C";y for tit Iwse cif w tn!S eaie ia jlau l)itrMr. " - or )::-,x c. Jf-xircA. ; J )i TT. Jt'Sjr.;a, Mir nice Jt'iin, A4wi'ltri"Tt ef y.:'. ff 7iri 0. Af l'ii,ivt,ui, Wd'sSeJs. i r;7i - .J (--', f -. , r : f ( , , , , ; , , . . , II." -1 ecsTii-J i.ur rmi . : r.-: HATCH'S LimT. ' r' ; : vr-w r -, 3 c, r .i it, "pC" - To the Ee?-' "oard cf lllermtm of .t"aC..- - Barns -;";" """-u-IaaTa tkekouor oirt- potl L4 for tha mot Tibj I bare 1-1T'V?4 ' ; Fines tut Amt ef '-'i' fSl 85 Costotbe Amtof- w . , z s Total -i v 2 -"BU9 74 tworkad Uase put on. atansts. - 7 ; :. )Uaoija4A)U '. ,.". -1 , ?-rriWm ELLIS. , atayor, i Alii J, J ateySfjVP. ' To4he BonorablewUayai aad Board of City Aldermen. -c1 - GnllanvsaiwBnlow: pleaannndmy si port for ; tha aaonU r or- rabniarjr .AAA J - 7vSv Wabara made 4t rmtL dating tha month. w vnowfiuMsi, . , v - fldiaahargad,' . ' I sent to Jail, . worked odsUeets, 1 judgment suspeartod. - ? " Amt Coat collected - ' x: 38 SO ''Tha abomamonnr 188.80 Itaa Iteea tnrsad 9Xtf 10 JkaTi04anjjnn ius ruoeipt ror same. - Polipe Beuprd. . nupton . :. m err sa . . n . Grlfflla , A 7 41 Bowden Parker - 7 41 Total WiiohJinan 4 Jsnuo - LewU iS.qk.lO Bawaatfauy aattnlttad, " J.ALEABQIT, Ohlafof PoUcn. iiUDITlSa 4 OQMM1TT11 BXrOST, ew Bern, H C, Why To tU Mayor and Bard otty Ooua- t4Baat yx: ri.s-i'j, OentlaasanWa ,iyot t-4arsjgnad Audi tin Oossmlttaa tbec te leoort that wa kSTe tiamlned tho bookii and Touch ers of tha naxlonAjnlt afiaan TfnrLhe QuartntondlBf ;spiH-rl?H tad hra, wiia auaa our report .annwing uu pat anet das bo tho dty ty the City Treas ant or tha dlSereai woama..-?.: " ... Tha f onehara nd -eouDoaA wahare eaaoad and yarned .jaanM ojeuin vba City Clark toy safe kaaptag.'r: v '".' J, B B. OARHAW AT. - , ;JLaLTJK8DXH.. -V, ' MdlUHOoaWlttaa.' ... v r . BXOAPITUiVATXOJI k 'y'n : etkaBalsnoedaa tkadty byTnoaf McQarAr: Traasarar:- ' ! T-E ; "'x OonanlFaad t: : . ' '' ' IUUW Water and Lbht a.e Orataoo4 OrtaaUfJ, Total Muttt Aadltattla aoeoanu.of Tbosrt Cartk,Trr"Vr : U artoi 'jaadlBf tay si, -vt, . . i . -y. "h. ISVS' - v - ','.1 . . : ati . ; To Bala Hani , ' 0 SI Ta0kracalr4LI food V," -"7 '.- Cam 'yy"j'jMM -a: "':SS- 4-nmn ' ' ' P-V .'''''' J- ' ' i CBBUBSJUfKVTS By Yeejekera TtU " ' -7 1 1 M BlaleejHsad,. .tiTl -?7 "f-4' tVHTl ciiaooo. cntrriftr. . k-tu ' rc----.-- Te TJa!e8a4 " . ,11841 TttXiktVtafHTrond i;; ; : . . . . . ... ' .94 74 y fata Uad . -"'.' IU1 " r - ' 1- . . -4"l itrie&eeistt T.-tt t'sC'-r tlr,Tr4A. f(f t Qry-t JX . , Ct-U Tc- ?. irt : -?'o. I, To Tittm tis.l s-:-rw--'rl tf 1 1 T '. lilt ! f . f r i r f i i: v rr r ? ; I ; t a:,j Lio-T accocst. ror.l. To BaL on hand . 4,104 83 To cash reoelred, rents, eta.' .-fj.OSO 13 10,194 68 v ;- JIhursemenU. By Touchers paid 8;841 89 .1,6671 vii elasaaaiija- 10,19469 By BaL on hand Feb, t To BaL on hand . .1.653 71 Audit of tha accounts of J I - Tolroc City Tax Collector ; for Quarter endingr Jn. 81, ' ' 1904. . ..." t f - f- Bacalpts.- To amount of "General, taxes 'Coilected Bat. due from W Quarter- . Tq aohool tax collected r - v 10,580 08 " Disbursements. y ouVpaJd city treasurer as per receipts J ' , 8,607 69 Ht OMk paid Wm at Watson, Trustee, per receipts 1,448 88 By cash oa General " V tax " " 459 81 3y4ash - on aohool - tax 78 99 . 69860 10 680 09 Audit Of the scoount of ,L 8 y Wood, chmW cemetery Qmmitea, V Hoelpts. Cedar Qrore Cemetery Qraenwood cemetary 19440 9474 JI1914 ' Disbursements. By eaak paid Thoa F McCar thy, Treat, as. per his re oelpta 919 14 Aaditf tha account of J M ;(Bar4rat,.0hlaf of Ppllw for iQaartor ending, Januaty 81, 1904. f ' Reftslpta. To oask collected for ooats 190 80 , . DUbnraaaMnts. By amount paid Qlty Tress. 187 90 ByBaLdua - 9 70 19040 1904.': r . . Fab, L Tt BaL daa city 970 -Regular aad audited bUlt warn allow Board took raosaa subject to call of Mayor. -3. J.T0LS05, : - . v; -'- .-''Clerk. r Q The name Wttca EazcI. Tha name Witch Baaaj Is machabna od. B 0 DeWitt Oo, Ckleagoroiko taraators of the original .and oaly gan nlaa Wttch Eaaal Salra. Aeertalnemre for Cuts, Bams, Bruleaa, Ecaaa Tat- lot, POaa, eta. There are away poaatar fells of this enlTU, aoma of walok are dangerous, whlla tnay are all worthless. If btyfat WUck Banal Balra aao that the'asma R 0 DaWlU Oa, Ckleagojs) ca Uibci aad aouru lesartaln. Boidby f tlHl.. V'" V ' jj.Maerosso" easaree,,' '! vr " r-tf I ettr y o cUi!i:j ,l rt I'll wsib youf fc rr-; 'y i -tt wkl C1T.ZZ1. CIaO iil LLt'"" ' AlSiUsrlf.ir--C- J a. IT. I. A f?-a, rrc : - 'a Ala. r 1 ' ; tr .( t I' ,r.r. I ' i. ' I 1 -i S t,i j ' r " i: ! ' tji-i ( 1 . ' icf' lfff 9,059 19 8 08 ; 1,619 89 - V r d ' - r, , jksitiuil " . mother should bo a aource of ojr to all, but tho suffering and Incident to tho ordeal makes its anticipation ooo of misery. V IU -tt's IVl.ni b tho osjy remedy which, relieres women of tho great pain and daorur of matomity ; this hour, which is dreaded as woman's acre rest trial u not only made painless, but all tho danger is avoided : by its use. Thoeo who so Uu remedy aro nq longer despondent ot gloomy ; nerTousneas, naoaoa and other, distressing conditions aro i OTercoma, tho system is made ready for tho. cpmicg cTcpt, and tha . aerioQa aeeidanta so commoa to the critical ." . --- It? boor are okviatad by ,tho nsa ( obriatod by ,tho ( Vlt ia worth, ita wfight j ,rho hTo; jnsod 4t. , ay maT bottla at drug, stoma. opk containing; taloabla infoncatioa of interest to rjo seat to any address tre; upon, mmm Free RADIOS -RADIOS ' RADIOS Stupendous offer mad by a wall known PhUH Arm. RADIOS RAD OS RADIOS Thousandg of persons it all sections of the country Lave been healed by this wonderful discovery Srery idncated .person haa heard of Radium, ita wonderful powers and healing, .qoalities hare occupied page - after page in the Metropolitan pablications. Almost everybody knows that it ia the greatest remedy thatGod haa ever giren to suffering Jiunlanity. Dis ease germs of every description flea before It they cannot, ' stand the contact. W have such faith In our proposition, that we guarantee abso lutely to cure you, .What is more we will give yon a written contract to that effect. This offer has never hem duplicated FUlont, the blank below and. mark the Jnalady from which you are jnflering and reodve by! return .mail information that will be worth htavdreda, of dollars to you.,; Aik ; any hangdog, Arm re garding rw responsibility. Fiee Offer Tree Offer: free Offer RADIOS CO. 811 Oraxol BalldiasT. , . PbJladalpkta,ra. -8uat :.. .; Kladly bend ma free of eost ia ,Jbrnatloa ragardlng your Radium "irsalmeai sad jour woudarful reaa- adyrBadloa. . HaaW.;......... -.. iadraat. IrmsMMtnxiti City, ieeMaaaeoaoeeajaaAeee See . X)eMM6oe 4a oeeee a exFtrtiAMcs Tw .?imsr ,1 .a-.. AS ri. , t ... ... r T uC s r :; a i rv ; a 1 t'.. - - 4 . I J i i .'Every mother' feel - 1 great dread of - the pais " and dai)gr attendant upon i tko most critical, period ,f her life. V. Becoming ' Mothor'a ; p A '""s 9 ia goid,M: 1 i ti' V". Si.oo per 114 V, J i,V t Mother'!,, oil womenvwil! I application isr mddie St rail line of Drags, audi Medicines, Perfomeaj TofletBoapsetc, also tha following, mineral Waters: Ifatchtest kflneail Spring, Buffalo Llthia, Hnnny. adl anos, .SunyadLVatyas, Carbana, yeronlcav Apeu Bed aten Splits. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, . Pasterine Tooth Pasta. OOLtJUBUS JBGTI01DB. Oreolnm, the Gnat .Plslnfectank and Bed Bug Destroyer. Brom-Ohlorpium A aura PBEVXNTAT1VX of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA; SHALL POX riyt'oians'Prescriptlorj'a specialty : -ASTJEUir CiEOUHi DISPiWH UNK -ANB-t Od DoaiQiop Steanship Co PAXIiY ltyjTE. ffRHflHT t PASBtSeiR For All PolnU Sortls. EffeettTa Oct. 1st, 1908. Tbe Steamer i NETJ8B ia sonoauiaa no sau as a n, n.. jaonaar Wedneeday and Friday, for Elisabeth CityH-C. The Steamer OCBACOKE la scheduled to sail at S as Tuesday, Thursday l and Saturday, tor.. Xllzabath Clty,N.O. ' tTI 9rals,ntTMAejTad not lainr 'han.ono hour previous to.saflinf. jroy rjixtkewomAuon.appiy to kK,-K.:Kur6b Gas, Xfr., H.OL EuiMm, Gas. Frt 4 Pass. Aa .HorfoUt, Va. " ' W. B. BUM MXRXLL, Aas't. 0aX Frt, aad Pass, Agent, Hew Bern, If. O. TEB- WETTER JESOITS SOUTH Southern Railway. The fkwtkeni Rail way Jauouaoas tbe of road-4rrp Wlater ' Xteuraloa tickets to all tko prlaalpal yuaorts of tka Boatk, beglaaUg Oetobar la,l0t. r Tka wlaus raaortsof Sortk aad Boatk CaroUaa, Georgia and PUrlda are aspee tally tavlUaf UUoseia eaarak of kealtk or pleasura, . la Ibese Stataa are sauk aotad rassrta as PlaabarsVH- (X Oaav Aea, AJrao, cVwsannia,aVCCkarUa toa, 8. C Asguata, Baraaaaav Braaa wtek, Jekyl Islaad aad TkoaaasvOla, Oa. JackaouTflla, St Aigustlaa.. Orsaoad, Payvoaa, rala.DaaKJHad41Uaaal aad Teapot lbL,alata4 resorts of Mas sea aad Cuba, "keat raackedvU Bouabera Tlcaataoaaalaop to aad taoladlag AprQfAlMI,ltaaiad;io .ratora aatll MaytU4S0a. k' T ':J' SotUeru Railway affords akgaat trats sarrloa,wlik tka lataai raUsaaa Drawing Roost Bleat lag Cars, operated tbroagb between ndactyal tfltas aad reeorta, ale fat Dlaiag Car amloa, aad evaryUla lot tka oceafovt aad ptaaaaro of lbs traveler. - " ' Ask nearest TUkeC A ast for fsnbet tnfomaUoa Si 4 daeerlptlTS Bterataro. Tb tlf Caart Bsaaru, KsbDe, Prv - Ortaaaa, Vcxlca lad CaSfamJA ' - . . TU " ' , ..' ; C uthcrn Eallttay. ' TTIste Tourt tkktU new sals a t&e aotad mortt of U Oalf Coast 1 rtiro aad Calirorsla. " TVlet os i t f Uhara railway be aad ! ' ''rr ir,n W, UHUavtUdtoktsy i -st i-.'a tw. Tka route of iv -,,' --if waatera Lla t i't t .. t ,. A r'st fit AeUHed ft' ""'. 1 -ire aaattar, rv: -It1 1 tf l'.t Sly"''. ' . i:i :-;rt!ri Ccssiry." i:nl r:-:zx tr ; jti. I VS f -1 rf t - LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP- HOBSEp and MULES Ever offtred for sale in New Bern, A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Pnggiep, Wagons, HarnoBB. Robes, Whica Cart Wheels, Etc. J. A. mdkors Publication of Sum- mons. NORTH CAROLINA BuperiorOourt Craven County. John Dixon vs Sarah Dixon To Sarah Dixon TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In this Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lota of land in tbe City of New Bern .State of North Carolina fully described in the Complaint filed in this action, and to declare you a Trustee for plaintiff in relation thereto, upon the grounds that suck lots was purchased by you with money of plalntin and toe title tnereto taken In your own name: You are there fore notified to be and appear before the (Superior Court of Craven county to be beid In the Court House of said County in the City of New Bern, Btate of North Carolina,' on the 6th Monday after the first Monday In Haich, it being the 11th day of April 1904, to answer the Com plaint in said action wnicn will oe Died during or before the first three dsys of said term, and answer or otherwise plead thereto as you may be advised, or tbe relief demanded therein will be granted. This Feb. 10th, 1904. W. M. WATSON, Clerk of Superior Court of Craven uountr. Notice of First Meeting of Credi tors. In the District Court of the United States, for ibe Eastern District of North Carotin In Bank ruptcy. Ia the matter of Oeo H Bolton, Bank rupt In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Oeo U Button, of La Ornate, la the Oonoty of LeaoU and District aforetald, a Bank' rupt. Hollos Is hereby- tlrta that on the 9th day of Febreeiy AD 1904, tbe said Oeo Houttoawee flair edledloeua beak- ruptt and that tbe Irst meeting of ate areditors wtu be keM at Hew Barn, r? u, in tho Vaitad Betas Court Room oft tka tOik day of rate. 1904 at U o'clock noon. at which time tka said creditors may at tend, prove tbetr claims, appoint trustee eiamiaa IM oaakrapMM transect saok other bastaeae as stay property eoaae ba- fordaaldaMoUag. .. BAMUEL IF BMAXLWOOD, .. Referee la Bankruptcy. Rev Bern, H a, ' . Fsb. lOlb, 1904. Publication of Sam- ''mon ... . , . , BOnTII CAROLINA, - lathe ' . Craven County. . Baperlor Oouti John Dtxoa. - ' TS . MslUaaA.DIica. To Mallasa Diioa. , - i. TAKI BOTlCXi Tka tk aetloa ' eatltUd aa above baa been eomaseeeed ' la Uts Court by plalaUff te reeover front you tee U- (kterwrtala lotaot Uad ia Ike City f Hsw ftarav Siata of IfotU Oeroltae rally tfeactlbedlatbe Complalat filed ratble action, aaa le aaciare roa a Traetee for plalaUff la relation thereto, upon tbe troaads that sock tots was Mircbaaeirev ro wtu atTavf af plalaUff aad Ue tlUa i tart to taken layout aaaMToa ara laerafore aotlSad to be aad appear bav fore tae Parwrtor Court of Craven eoaa- ty to be bM la the Coat Ilnaae Of said Ooaty la tae City Of W Bm, Biat of Notth Tarollaa, ea Ua Stfc Mnad B fif tb rir MnadtV la btarcbltbe l tke I Ilk day Of April IV0t,to aar the Ompiaiai la I1 action hlr a will N CId artn ev twfore tk flnrt Tfcrae 4r pf saM t nt aniv.r or eUr !.a ft 'V"U "y bea4- V1..4, ei t , i. i I 4 aiiM taerala al l U r( A ' nuriCi' ""." ' f , M. WATPOlf t as,c .!"- -I-., ilotv 1 i I. r .' i ' t J i ' . '.;-- ' 1 t i l ' ' '. . , JONES, Broad HU Bdlto.Md A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABLE NO. 32 To Take Efleot Sunday, Oct. 25, 1908 at 6:55 A. M., E. S. T. Going Eaet Sohkdulx: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ai. a m 8 80 Ooldsboro 11 0ft 8 59 LaQrange 10 88 4 29 Kington 1018 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 0 8 60 Lv. " At 8 87 7 15 Ar. Morehead Oity Lv 7 05 No. 5, Passenger Train Lv. A. M. 8 00 8 18 8 26 8 87 848 , No. , P&auenger Train. STATIONS: DAILY. Ar, p. h .... 880 .... 8 08 ... 7 57 .... 74- .... 7 Ft .... 7 26 .... 7 17 .... 7 00 8 60 649 Ooldsboro Boat's LaQrange ...Falling Oreek Klnaton (Jaswell Dover Oore Creek . . . .Tuscaxora Olarka .Ar. New Bern, Lt.. . 90S.. 9 18. 980.. 9 60.. 9 50.. 1010.. . 880 r. n. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 2d Cbua. Lv. am 511...... 5 45 8 19 No. 8. 2d Class Ar. p m 260 2 18 208 1 88 12 18 18 01 11 01 10 40 10 10 9 64 990 8 16 7 40 728 7 10 . Ooldsboro ....Beat's . LaQranire 6 27 Falling Oreek 7 89 , Kinaton 7 40 oaawell 9 00 Dover 9 40 oore oreek 10 10 Tuaoarora 10 83 dark's 1100 Ar. New Barn. Lt.. IS 80 Lv. New Bern Ar.. 1 19 Kivordale 1 SO...... oroatan 1 40 Bavelock S 09 Newport, Lv... S90 WUdwood S 98 Atlantic 9 55 ..Ar.Morwheedolty.Lv. 100 ...Ar. M. City Depot, Lv. r. . t. H, B.L. DILL, B. A. NXWLAJTD, Oea'l BupL . Xaster Transportation. L. B. Habicht, FXNE L ager Beer QTno Fines! Llqaors aad rVtoea. Ilaklokrs Xy West, Eattaht's Tan nlParteetosCIOAJia, . . Ooraat S Front and Baacock Strwrta, Xsw Bern, H O. . ' . . , , -- - .. ." V" .'. "-.'I--'"'. ' - . . Kussc . ouso. WkOa la Beaniort be sura to stop . at tka Bnfall Banaa. Ilrat-Claaa Board, tboaai lot tfavattaf people. Flaking sad kuatiag taatoallad. Tims $U9 day os t7.0a per wwak - fl A. ICB8XII4 rrow Is. WARD, . - Attorawy at Law, 74 Ba Froot 84, Or. Coaal OmUawla . KX W BXR543t, tt . Oraveo Oouaty Ataovawy. , Crm Crura, Jooaa, Onalow, f raa, Paallra, llmnt, Lawotr, a4 t aa4 Fwtafai Oaras. r.;x.Eininisss, . a. p. r : :.".noN.i a vat :, 4TTCI2X1 est fOCmicri , 'I.1TT. ir"tt,i,n, , ' T ' f t t ' ( r ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ----..

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