X '"V -I. TH E JOURNAL 1 Keir ra, X. t, lu. 6, 110. ' ICDGl MMCIOB.T. y.; Chavez imox ho. i kkiqhts OK HARMONY. Meets Snd end 4th Wednesday nlghta In eca month tn Rnnntrm'a Halt Pollock street, at 1JSO o'clock, tiamwd B. BalL Fresident; J. EL Bmlth, BeCn B.B. Hi'l, financial Tnd t Rnr i Awn-tisernenta. Big Hm-6k wood. : , - Barfoot Bror-Mffllaery;fe: w Old Henry Rye Whiaaey. 1 J 0 Baxter Baby Blags. .'. Stores .end tables for nale. , B B BUIook Upholaterlng. - F S Duffy Announcement. ; :X 8 8treetHoree clipping. : D F Jarrls Embroidery sale; - T J Roberts Insurance agency. J J Baxter Millinery Opening. Simmons & Hollowell Co-Special. Business Locals. 1 STOVES AND TABLES 8mll cook atoTfc two coal stoTss, two extension 1 table. Inquire Journal Office. DB H O Hiatt will be In New Bern at Hotel Chattawk March 14th, 15th, and 16th. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday ' tnr tha nnmoia of treating diseases of the eye, ear, note and throat and fitting " glasses. KBW INSURANCE AGENCY. I have ' purchased the fire Insurance agsncles o Mr 1 P Ires. Traders and Bt Paul, and ' solicit the patronage of the public. My " '' offloe Is at 8 0 Robetti store on Middle street. T J Roberts. I HAVE a first class cabinet maker and mhblster In my shop and can repair your furniture and polish you pianos nrnmntlv and at rleht prices. Satlsfec tlon guaranteed. R B Blalock, 89 Cra Ten street. Next to Hyman Bupply Co. I AM now ready to clip horses and hare men and appliances to gire a quick aailafactorr lob. E 8 Street. Tfln. VERY Finest Oysters of the sea son today. Also the beat Bam and Tonraa Sandwiches. Hot Coffee and Chocolate. Fresh Nunhally's Candy. James B Dawson, 108 Middle Bt, Phone BANANAS today. Special sale 10c, 15c and lOo per dosen at the Broad 84 Fruit Co. ' WANTED Two unfurnished rooms with good family, by mai with wife, Water heat and Tentllatlon required. References good. Address W H M, Journal office. 100 CORDS Slabs for sale. Apply to Elm City Lumber Go's Mm. FOB BENT Three an furnished rooms, inquire at No 11 Motcalf street. FOtt BENT OB BALE House No 94 Pollock street Apply to R Ulrica. LOST DOG Black and white Point er. Large dew clawa on hind legs. Osme to New Ben from Maysrllls two weeks ago. Libers! reward for dog's re- tan to F T Patterson, or Tobt Lane, A J Collins, MsysTflle. RESIDENCE for sals, aodsre and splendidly located. X X Barpsr, FOB 81LX-A full set of War Beoords, cheap. B D Hsneock. FOB 8ALX M acre farm oa trolley Use two BoHss from Wilmington. Apply to H A Tucker A Bra, WDmlsgtoa,N O. . T.J. MITCHELL ta bow prepared for dipping bore. Phone 107. FBTJIT, Ooeoaaat and ( today at MoSorleya. Walaut Taffy FOB BALK Half Interest 1 Hud ware Business of Foy and Blmmoa. For farther particulars see I H Slnueena, 7 Boata Front It. " FOB Beat-One workshop, four Mvlsg rooms above, oa Oravsa stress. Apply (OS A Bishop. OWZNH. OTJ10N. Attorney at Law, aneoances that nntO his new offlos buQd lag on Broad street ie eompleud, he will oooupy ooce oa the first floor of Wfok balidisg. oppoeiu the Qty DCL 0UARARTXKD Bagat Cured Hsm at 15 ots ! at the Oaks Mark. . Guilford- from U- Cbrst to th Bost. nlc Hon Irpt '.' ' . 113 STOCK. Eamj-l? smd to yotsrionw. At iHsscsi' ICS iT.ddEV, Jfton 03. Ti:ZT CC"3 AD CO. r-i r: i k r r tat rtlsia4 Sftf l.if r rn!t knme Va. i 1 i f - ti I . f it:. SE0XT PASsaG EVEm Ipresiixt lutaxs iz:v::.:.i2. The New Bern Military Academy and Carolina Business College, had an ad dition, ot six pupils last week. - ; . " ' Hoe shad were offered yesterday after noon at 50 cents the fish. ' Bueaa were S3 and 80 cents. . .- ; Mr Bufus Simpson has purchased a lot at RlTersids and will soon commence budding a resldenoe thereon. It Is said that at least dossn new houses w ill be erected this year at Blrer side, the pretty northern addition-to the A small fire In Psrle town called the fire department out yesterday morning about 0-80 o'clock; . The damage was slight,:-; .. 2 ' " ' - Tomorrow the new screen mall wagon carrying mall between the post offlse and the A 4 N O depot, will be put in commission. The monthly meeting ot the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Metho dist church will be held Monday after noon at 8 80 o'clock In the church par. tors. A full altendr nee is required: J E Wagner of KInston, has leased the building located of SI JMiddle street to be used as a bottling establishment. He will bottle the beer made by Bar tholomew May & Co.s " Ed Richardson, a young white boy working In the A ft NO machine shop was badly injured yesterday. He was at work on the power grindstone ana his hand was caught snd mangled. The minimum temperature; Saturday way 27 degree; all pools being coTcred with ice. The fall In temperature from Thortisy's msxtont was 49 degn Fair and warmer, followed by rain Is the forecast for today. It waa announced at the A & NO office yesterday. In contradltlon to th e report that certain passca orer that road had been called in "that the Receiver htd not ordered any passes whatever called In," The ground hog who had his day some time ago wasn't so foolish about retiring to his hole after all as he would have suffered some sharp weather had he stayed In exposed places. It will be wise hereafter to follow' his lead. , The young ladles of 'the Centenary church will give a Japanese .Tea for the benefit of the new church, on Wednes day evening Mar 9th. This reception will take place at the old building on Middle street which waa formerly occu pied by the. JourneJ. Aatrange man girlng the name of Capt George Howard died In Dover Frl- dsy. He claimed to be at one time cap tain of a steam boat on1 Tar rlTer. He said his home wu at Xnglehart, Hyde county. Efforts to find rslatlTSS or friend were uaiuooessful by the masons of that Tillage who befriended him. There never has been known such a scarcity of vegetables In this section as now. A colored man from the country earns In town yesterday with a load of little eollarda, about as large ones as a saucer, for whiohhe askedten and fifteen cent each and he got his price too. Last seen of him he wu standing beside his cart wishing It wu a wsgon and full of eollarda. It U hoped that the authorities will continue to keep an eye on the vsgreats The few warm days la the first part ot tee week Is said to hare thawed out several hoboes, whose ugly mags were seen on the streets at different V And ladeed the pro fees! omsl 'hobo Is hardly more of a nnlsanoe than the ordinary street and bar room loafer 0 our own towa. All should be made to go to work or take themselves oC The lateteet la the revival now la progress on Host street la the Free WU1 Baptbt church la laoreeslag night after night Bereral Confessions al ready, and maaj morn ' an asking the prayer of the church. . The Bar Mr Stephens is by far the most MoompUaaod speaker that :has visited this city for time past Babjeot Sunday moralag la, "Broken Link. Baaday night sub sot. DeatlBed Repentance. Do not fell to hear him for all will be delighted aad taterested. . . . ,i ' k Lap Tar ftrtj. A very eajoysbl party wu given lasi Friday evealag by the yeaag ladle to few of their ' gsatlemea frtsadt at ths hosM tf MUa EUlaor Taylor. ' The hosts wu Ustsfally deeoraled la plak sad white bsatieg aad nut low ers of the sprtag ssseoa. ... - , There wu mesle daring tts tvsstag ad assay latereatlsg guss plsyed, ess of which wu the lalUal gasse. la tkl qsteiloss srs asked to be answered b words beglsBtsg with the IsItlaUcfU- oa who aaswsr lhm.- Borne of the SMwers were very rid (colons sad asissl lag ss th words were aot so eoarssUat ly foaad so u to stsctly salt qt. tloa. Amosc soae of the essstloas wsNwbear yos 1 Wkst 14 hsve yon f Who Is yoar favorite pott ? aad aeon. ' For the bm ssswersMr Rosea a TUraa bark ww tlrta Us prise wklch was hasdsom tUck pta. Those prM at wtm KUe Fssats lisalilsg sad Ritasl Em. . - WU Lot tts Jordan sod Jlct Hlrts- bark of OnliliVira, Kin Lena Siffr4 and FarOi. ini. i asdis uari;;oa sua i."t, ku i:nt wjr.n am unrf lur i!"t n. .N i:;s 1'ial K:i!y nd E-y Ma il!!. I ;f j . i -. 1 I r ,11. m A & H C KcceivenUp littler. Finch -.'. Hot a Stccl).;::.r. . , : ; Attorney Gsneral Ollmsr filed In tte United f f ttes District Court la Raleigh oa Frldsr latt the aatwer on the part ot the . State to (he complaint of K 8 Finch, ot New Yrx, oa' which Judge Purnell sppoli t d Uspt V K McBee, teoelver tor the Atta itlo A North Car olina Kallwoad It esta eat that Finch is not a stockholder according to the records of the company at the ' time the complaints weie made.', Jhst there u collusion between Finch and Mo- Bee, la shown by the manner In which the stock was goitjn;, the withdrawal of MoBee' offer to lease the road and the application i was made ' that the court has no Juilxictlon, for the rea- sin that the stock held by Finch, Is worth less than 1,000, Only $1.7(9 at 189 a share. That this road nas; been earning enough for;; the put uveral years to pay dividends, but the profit have by order of the -director been applied to. ImproTements. The answer avers that the road earned net $7929 in 1908, and almilarly large amounta during the three years previous. TheJ Improved conditions have already In duoed a trader of bids I t Mease . the property, tttaf would average; o, per cent, dividend on the atock, , and; that la a'l matters;' pertaining to the road the Governor has been actuated by the dutre to - obtain the best . result 'for the State and the private' stockholders. Ths hearing will be March 10.&. by Judge Slmonton, and Purnell ' COUNTY AURUBON SOOE1T Holds LS Regular Aannal Meeting and Electt Officers. - The regular annual meeting of the Craven county branch met Friday night In the office of Mr George B Waters and transacted some business Including the election of officers for the ensuing year. There wu some discussion u to game laws. ; An effort will be made to hare game laws that . will be - satisfactory to th people and will protect the game. The following officers were elected, President, G A NloolL Vloe-Presfdent, W T Hill. Secretary and Treasurer, George B Water. Board of Directors 8 W Smallwood, DIi Ward,-T G Hyman, A D Ward, George Green. . - ' Committee on Msmbershlp E Smallwood, W T Hill and O E Han cock. Legal Committee.-AD Ward, OH Galon aad DL Ward. Committee on Grievances F 8 Duffy, H 0 Lamsdan, F H Whltty. Committee on Gsm Warden J Duffy, W F Foy and George Green. Th sum of nearly 400 wu collected of non restdeat hunter this tsasoa. There will be a delegation to go from this city to the moetlog of th State Aaduboa Society la Greensboro next Baturdsy. Lltcftryand MisIcaI A musical aad Uterary aatertalameat to to be given at Mb Btt Kuan' home on Pollock street, next Friday night for the benefit of the electric light fund, thee light Mb pat lathe Chriatlaa Church.- ' An Interesting program wtH be given. Those who take a pert will be Miss faced, alageri Mis Katherya Griffin, plaalstt Mle Annie Green aad Rats Wetsoa, fadtatlons) Mr Brick, TtoUatot aad mala quartette, tack one taking part wu give sveral Nleetloa. '.The ndmlmlon to B0 otn, retreshmeat tool 'x The tkk are oa sal at Jsrvls', Bar- loot j aad by the ehttdrsa of the Baaday BchooL , i . - : C ASTOR I A . ; For Infants and Children. ' Tts Ft-4 V. I', r Bean the anatareof V-r. u wu f T7o vIU I nt our nov.' ct it::. C7 : V7r 'yiS A h If. C. R. R. H1TIXXS Y.E McBte StUl Away. Insufficient i ; Force Cripples Work, Somci ; ; Facl on Situation.;,! - - Receiver McBee had not reported yes terday, so tbst the A aad N O road wu ust running trains and no special or. dsrs were given out.' . ;;.. vv;;.;- Work at U e shops of the road Is not showing say progress. It cannot, u I there are now about six men In the car penter shop, Instead of the usual sixteen to twenty. Some of the rolling atock which I needed are ten refrigerator car to be need In track trade, ten flat and ten log car. . The combination coach No. S7, now undergoing repairs, . is wanted, as ilt leaves but one cosch fori the "8boo-fly.n; Xnglues No's. 11 and 18 are being slowly repaired. Any dis ablement of any engine in i the regular service would be felt, with no engine for aaubatltute. . 3 t , - Put enger coaches nos 88 and S3, will be needed for summer travel csnno I placed In order while the ne w U 8 Mail oar, materlala for whtch are pa hard cannot be gotten Into ship on account ot no force of carpenters. - - To show bow little nesd there wu for any reduction la the actual working force, It osnbe stated that there la from $9,000 to $7,000 worth of Georgia, pine timber and Iron which has been waiting for nearly a year ti be made Into car bat not yet touohed. The reduction. In the force made by President Brvsn. folio wsd by fiat of I Receiver McBee is seen In the almost nothing being done in the shops In f sot there Is Just about foroe enough to meet the dally repairs, which are always oc- ! curing. It Is Impossible to say what would be tie aluatlon If any accident shonld occur, which would demand any extra work a aworkman aald wheniuch an event'wu sugguted, "nothing could be done" : ; Merchants Assoclaflon Notice. The regulu meeting of the New Bern Retail Merchants Association will be held tomorrow Mondsy night it 8 o'clock March 7th at the rooms In the Hughes Building. A full attendance is desired. " v W. K. BAXTER, Becty. Thanks For Library Payors. At a muting of the Library Commit tee Wednesday afternoon a vote of thank wss most slnoerely rendered the generous "Donor" of on hundred dol lar. ' Also for th gracious act of Mr A D Ward, la presenting the Library with n certificate ot membership, to the Union Library Assoclstlon of . New Tork. Buck liberal and kindly deeds art; gratefully appreciated u they give great enooaragement to the ladles In their work of maintaining the Libra ry. Ma. 8TMoun, Pres. Mas. M M Mams, Bsc ATr. Ellis, x " AtnxMnaDows, " Tom MrrcHBLt, POWXLL, " Joan HoixisTaa, ' O. H.Guio, MiuOurnn, Miu HOLusTan. More At H C Heads FtU. Wall Becalm McBm wu not rlslbl kls -work" was vislbl here last bight Mr B H Lass a valuable employee, clerk at th Neau river wsrshouse, without p micas aotlo received wrlttea notion lata yastordsy afteraoon that he wu not wnated any wager, a nummary pro oeedlag which would not be committed anywhere bat la such n sltasUoa as lb p reseat receivership. - Bel the fourteen prnlons "naad ofl? got no' longsr no tion thsa Mr Laa. - Werd also oosm that Mr J H Taylor, agent at Pier Ho let Morshead City re-1 eeived notion that h tru not waat- edV -V :.r -'j: - '.- - , Bo far u th uvisg tathee two places can be Men, by discharging thsu twemsa.lt to Impossible to. Mr Lea hu had to work avory night, whOe It to prssumsd that two mas at Mershead City, to ettsad to two plscu n sail apart wu a sepeiflulty of labor, neaee the uvtag by kesplsg oaly oas. 'Ililllrry Opcnin; ca FIRE alar:,i CaPDS. . s ; An j - one wishing one of these useful card "can obtain the same free from ' - Owen Q. Dunn, PRINTER ft STATIONER - t ' H CBATXN BT. , , Best, remedy and sold by j """ n rifi i Jul.,. mi.iiaj.i. j.iiiu)hji iqinnaK?niitftfXtfWt I Celery HiMite. I B 9 Vavts' Pharmacy PnOJTE 50. 'iiwstsnyaiftwi Blew MIkeiy! Ready Hatd We have jaat ieoelyed and opened for Special Sale the EandBomest line of Ready-to-wear Hatn and Tnrbang. The stylet are no varied and beantif ol that yon are tore to be ltd ted, Onr Prices are alwnya Very Beanonabla. lijilckerbocker Suitings Th New doth for Spring Drensee make a Berntifol Shirt Waist Suit for a lady and a vrv pretty dress for Misses and Children, about seven eolors 4muo ana uxrara ury, l'iio ltstena ol 100. Tlie McCall Fashion. The advance styles for April are ready. Tbey show very pretty designs. Fashion sheet FRIK. Barfooi Brothers, Diy Gooes ana Phonini. 59 PoUock m9 f 0 j LJLUii mm No; 1001.36 inch - , ' . - .' ', f. J j t ' , Lawn we are selling this season $J U y O i tho eatao prico t ITavTii la ' tha i jnr.rl:ct. Tlno and Dhcorand yard f V7ld3, AzlZ tO CCO if." V7o r.ro choT7in.7 Iho handsom- :t llr.o cf f.na '3 ) .-.';) over rl:o-7n4 . . r : 13 rr.:!rJly rrctty Fancy t : nr. I I,v,7 Jlc.drz-i for ICQ t l904War: Showing the eempemtiv Militaiydrid Naval- i rr Strength of ItllBSIA AWD , JAPAN;. Ifflim BOOK STOBEi teeeeeeeeetieow for headache. Made -to-wcai to select from, including the New A Womens' Apparel St., Oipotlte IriteoptJ Chnrch as last yoar. This very best on tho Chirt Wtl:t Goods t D- I.':. la 3 CD. Z 'C 3 OOO0:AMAaVtCC Z 0 n mm's SlJrin & S ttl P R OPO showine all the NEW shapes in nil Q LEATHERS. , Prices $2.00 to 5UM. xixi sizes m BOY'S A Wfl flflTI emit vmin J pocket. y O y. G. "Dunn & Co., O 57 Pollock girail, 5 OCOOO neynnCCC90 New BernCotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Ferttltxers, NEW BEBUr, jr. u Will pay the Highest Cash Bxlces for Cot ton Seed and Seed Cotton. Bats furnished to seed shippers. HAVE FOR SALE a Fresh Supply of Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls, which is the finest Cattle Feed in the world. We will exchange Meal for cotton seed. Factory M El Biversiile tee River. Gaskill Hdw. & Hare cut the price oa Heaters Fitted, Stoves eet up. Full line of Hardwaie, Klwood Fence, fVu nils and Varnish, Lime and Cement, Sash, boors and Blinds. Lowest Prices, Best Goods, Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., HARDWARE 73 Middle 8t Phone 147. COAL! COAL ! A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Coal in all size Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all orders'at HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St Wireing For Electric Lights Psrsoss wUbtag ihslr talMIsp wlrsd will ptoeas maks applkatloa la wrl Mat Ast cob plain la fur dsfacllTS llfkts. Is at its tloa of saaplojaes, Ac If siads la wriilsf, to lbs Coamlsalja, will re eslre prosspt atttasioa. Addraa all ooaiBailoaUoal to ta Bscrstarj. WATKR A LIGHT COMMISSION, ISOrlffllh Bt Appllcstlen for Pardon. HORTB O lROUflA.) 0sss Ooastf. ( Hollo I f sb; lra to tae pablle last applWatloa win be a4e tolas Oofsrwor of Not lb Carol la a for Ue par no el WB lerasaa, eua?lt4 atlas fall Xm lbs SapsrloT Ceert ofOra tea eosalf, IMS for tb er'saa of tWI (Ukls ef lofi) ssd esstseesd V work onwebll rosos for e iess of etf ht eaoeiba. MART WBITK About Qnlrk Work. II ta Mar bn a kwvt bow tm4 ( a r- o-Us Mrtia so do It wita. W t :t Jt, V tbW a4 - I' t r fn rV a4 alaaft rrj In ttrwh wi.Wt 11 if tftj 6ttm9 t Mr line ff wrw an4 srs rr. ' 1 W ili fA Sn4 -,'mM work. T . f V !r J l.'.f m ff f lr. ' ( r rlf u () o () o SHOES. fill Warn ttrs A ma - a' (J V SHOES Iba 4 el a Kt 4 gi fnM oa tta11 fS im Mm Mill Supply Co. Car load Im sold. Fire Board ;milv ncppLiM 44 Cstm ss ) Sons SIS. Fire Insurance! Fl-a ( Waa Boms and Foreign Cooi pan Oisaa a IU It d. Inqalrlsa prospwy aaowaraA. MOiSS MAJIirtl P. BTRBAl We Deliver OAK WOOD to your Door for 3 days at 08cts. a Load. BIG HILL, 1 House, 6 Rooms, 2 Fire Places. 1 House, 8 Booms, 4 Fire-places. Water in In both Houses For Bent Seel53pouth Fr -nt Bt. for inlormatinn. flprlns Kct sraan4 fer psrttf Sad baalikfa? Ml. 4sln'at of trila asi ttwa. I rfrt rrrwtt Co's Pott f. It ! !m a fliltk ot .sl'tfcsfol f talk Mia Iks i'(lt n i' r r t CtH , -r 1 I v j t IT