TV.?. i Ma lli i r ' - : a. . x . . .. - -; - - i V v 517 EI I, S. C, TDISDAT U0SXIS3, MARCE 8, 1904 : TWMTT.SIC0IU1 TIAR T-r f4 o V A ft - ; : : : : 2 - i - 11 -1 .. 1 " " """ 3 " , , t Tsar aaa' tsbw aw7 r ae aw' aSW eawr Women of teste and judgment wear W ft 1 g for every variety of toilet. The infinite V number of styles and shapes to be had, 4 irom Heavy outing to g. makes them equally door or house wear, 5 use. . fJS ALL STYLES AT ft- - . 8 IE3Csi,ck:TbTCiL37iL Cotton is Almost King Again. At tbe pric in proipect yon cm If job want th BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano. Insist on haring that kind, an I yeu will not to dUap-ntnted jourerop. For Tobacco Use Meadotfis Gold Leaf Tobacco Guano It makei food, iliek, tough Tobacco. Norembtr 1903 on planter sold 1,469 pounds of toUooo.for.fMl,00. He nsed Oold Lei ( Special High Grade Fertilizers for ail crops If thsrt is no dealsr in your section handling oui goods, n ike us. E H.& J. A. MEADOWS CO., tfn'frs, LONG DIIT E Factory Ncute Iliver, 1 Ton Will Get Left. Tta os a vans dat If vow pttiMal at Urt laol wkkl II aboaU k. Good lxa m kaft a aaam for Ua falrM Ury kara for trary oaawko akooJd 4roa aa s faatlomaa voald. Oat Ikaaa ta Uir K1 ortloa of oat, ftaUh aad fabrla by vbif yoar laaaara or orda at 7. M. Ckadolek'atko tailor, 10 Hlddla St. VaBoa,aa , ' About fulck Work li U f Wa a o knta a4 a nata frocktoa to 4olt olA. tr Itla a Uta ko I 'akor a4 m UUm tb't awiat toa ft an4 al;i rr N iv k m Urial f orr oal k, f r' ttoaUwotk aa4 aia lnt V- t f4 a4 Uk work, -1httkufratf ta!a far tkati Tvt hkU taa1a. ti. ti XVsitrra ftoBt, f ira k I', YUit A t , ' . ;" fl f float i OaiS', l!.'a - W- aav eaar aainty iuii mnaa, y desirable tor out- social or business afford to fertilise it ' rel in rHOK 66, New Bern, If C. Embroidery Sale For 10 Days Begin ning MABCQ 7th 2113 Si? DISGODNT. OnHAUBUBQ j:: , EUBROIDEaiEB ' No Bebate " Checks Given on This Sale, f d;f. JARVIS, Ellts- Sh ops No. 132 PoUoch St. i Art sow Coads tolUalr yoot Fans as 4 Bta4 Yaktaka, CarrtafM, Patgtaa taada, aa4 alt tfodaaf oc4 ao4 troo work M rtoojoilf. Wart 4ir taiaad. . .... . . ' W. 5, ELLIS. n I 11 AYS ' i toa-lsrf t(.a Ue ae e:.!i l,tt I ri a a i -?f T ! ant !.at a!.h It tat a'l ' Illltrf tii f- RECEIVERSSIP E2AMXG t , Delayed. piaesirraTeiU Judya Slmonton ? Comlnf To Rtleigk Until UUu . - BalelKhi H C. March 7tivi-GoTanior Ayaock was today formally no rifled that Jndee BImonton, of tho US Circuit oourt ooold aot bo horo nntl. the 17U hut, to hoar too Stale's answer vlatke Atlantie At North Carolina Railway to- eelTerkhlp matter. , He was to hate beea hare earlier hot aloknoea praTantaa. QoTernor Ayeock, remarked that Jddje Slmontoji.waailok when ho jslgned tke order lut woek,settug the time for, the hearlBf oa the 10th last, and 'that he la yet ladlsposod. -The governor laid ihat he had beoa apprehanalTO that the Judge weald not ho able to be here on the 10th The answer of the State, whlah haa beea minted, ta taUemel well drawn, and has attracted much attention on tke part of lawyera as well aethe general public The governor oootlnnes to ; at lttlora raaardlna tho laa0: of the ? Atlant'o A Mottb Carolina railway, and ii Teeelv. el three or fonr each sinoe the road wee placed In the hands of recolvar MoBee. LOST ON GULL SHOALS.' The Schooner X, X .Bannock Springs a Ltaa ana captain nans Her . Ashore." '' 't . The schooner C T Dannock, Ospl T If Uamford was wrecked on Gull Shoals off Roanoke Island tTedneadny morning The boat had on 7f ,000 feet of tamber which FM-' consigned from the Goldt- boro Lumber Co, of Dover, to the John- eon and Wlnsett Lombor, Od,of Waah logton D 0. . Tbe Dannock wu loaded at ihe Treat Warehouse wharf last dar ing the week ending toby 87th.. , When the captain discovered that the boat wu sinking he headed her for the ahoalf thinking he ooold mako a landing and poeslMy save ths cargo If not the hip. Bat when aba Went aground she became unmanageable and soon went to pieces. Tbe crew escaped In their yawl bat had soma thrilling experleneee be fore getting to land. " i Capt Mumford reached i Xllsabeth City on the steamer Heats Saturday morning and Immediately ollfled the owners had lasnraace compaalee. The boat and cargo art a total teas. ; OJa.l0VOXl.XJa.. . ' Stan tea -,' m But Wwyi Batf tagaatHa tf . CURES WITHOUT STOSLACll DOS n ... WG.. Byomel Cuts Catarrh by Simple Breath- .Inr. A8.1a1TyBxntadilooey U It falls tj Care.' A long stride toward eolvleg the mystery of earing catarrh was takes with the dlaoovery of ByomeL' la fact, the pereeatagt of euraa by thia treat- meat prone II equal to the final tests. The folly of taking' medical Into the ooaach to euro catarrh of the nooe, throat and tuiga, has baea realised by phraSclaea,.but not lata Byomel wu kaown, had they a practical method tket would obviate stomach drugging. A complete Hyoaaet outfit ooats bat lUeaAooaakts of S eat tcokot la kalar that eaa be need aaywhere with- oat httreetlag atteatkm, a medlclae dropper sad a bottle of Byomet. - , Bieathlrg Byomaf through the lahaV er, every panicle of air that eaters the seas, throat ead iaara, U charted wltk aheaUag balsaat that soothes sad at lays the IrftuOoel, , kQla- the catarrhal carms and emrkhes the blood with ad- tfUloaa eaoaot re s. f. a Daffyku so mack faith la the power of Byomat to rare catarrh, that ketssalltagltaadar hla peo4gaar- eatae to rafaad la moaay If It does aot eirepoaiuve tauaf. Adminiistrator : Calo. ROSTB OATtOURA t BanorW Co'ari, Cravta Ooaaty, J Bafore the Clk 0 1 MoOeniy, AJattatatratoi of the ee , uu of k tnio Jaaloa, KaalMaissXaatalfaaaaJtJltarlfuaBS .'UdkiayAhfaaaa Br TIrtaa of aa trim aad daersa c aala ta a Cirartad U tha abata acHUad trarUI rrfxsawUBft fd!! ta Ua t,Zm of ihe Cat h of ta fopaitot 'Coart of Uravaa aoaaiy, kia aaid ttvmxul'nt latliai4 It tha parfnaa f p . t : r ( itM lo f i tha f1l.u t,f t: trt a ivltr, tt-t I tt fat,:, a i.U i ta L', t L ' 't f- r r .3 ti atiiy ri J' V l l t : r. !.-,, ! , t t a '. 1 . r- ; 1 I f ',1'iU ar cf .iti ;i ( r. n ,' f 1 t I; r a 1 t 'a (l i t 1 .1 r i- I f 1 ! T . r J V : t t 1 : 'dib -mm JspMese Wanhlps Eater. Harbor Bussla's Vladivostok fleet la Dsn- ; r pf Cspture. Quiet at Port Arthur. Busslans Work- 1 c .Ins;' Coolies Bepalrlag EMaplng Sall- era Jhot.i h Special to Journal,. t , St Petersburg; If oh t It is. reported that men JapanMe war'ahipf entered the harbor of Vladivostok today and afterward withdrew without firing a Shot. , . 1 K V London,- Mch 7. Bepor a from Bt, Petersburg aay that great anxiety is felt for the BuaalanTladlvoatock fleet which Is now locked out of the harbor by Jap anese. The Ruisiana wlll ioon be kelp less beoauu their coal and ammunition will soon bs enhauated. It la feared It will be destroyed by the Jspaness fleet. ' .... , ' Berlin, Hob 7 The Tageblatt, sayi that Ruaala will defy Europe and tend lta Black Sea fleet through the Darda nelles. Paris, sch 7.-I la said that the Rui- slan fleet at Vladlvoitok hu gone to bombsrl the wett coast of Ja psn. London, Mch 7.-It Is thought that Japan's attsmpt Is by holding her fleets off from Port Arthur and ' Vladivostok, to lure the Bnsalsn fleets oat of those ports sad engage them In an open sea fight.' The Russlani are trying to avoid such con testa. v - Roma. Ifnk 7. Tha lanort raoalvad bv the JapaneWsLagatIoii here of tha en gagement at Vladivostok on Sunday differs from the Buailan aoooaat,tht latter uylng that the Japaneee shells fell short doing ao damage. The Lega tion account ssys thsBuulaa battertoe were damaged, while the shells from the forts failed to reach to the Japaneee ahlps f slllag short, thus Indicating that the Russians had ao big guns on their forts... ' v London, March 7-Only Ruelan re ports on the bombardment of the Vladi vostok have yet beea reodvednd they give',ao Indloatloa u to. whether, the Roaalaa squadron Is still there. Accord lag to a report the squsdroa wu seea off there Thursday, act e this potal there Is ao reliable UformaUoaSreea laUoa, he wevsr, mostiy tacUaes to the belief that the Basalaa sqtmdron 'll not ta port at YladlToalock, u aelthor the oflklalot tbe other reports of the bom bardment meatloa Basalaa batUeahlpa. Port ArthftrdlipatchM of Saturday aad Buaday ssyhat ajrerythisg U qulat there sad on the liao Tung peeJaasls. The Japaneee erslaar aquadroa wsa seea teoonaoltarlag of Pott 'Arthur Friday alsht daring a heavy snow atom, i ; . . ' " The Dally Teltgraph's Chee Poo cor rotpoadeat says tha Bsaaiaas are stm aastployiiig thoaaaadi of eoo'lae at Port Artkar aad Daisy! oa eatroaahmeaU a4 saw forte aad that tkay are i moustlsg over a kssdradgias oro taot the sack of the ittkmsa. The cor raaiadaat of Ike Staadard at Ttaa Tata glras a rsavor that thirty Rawlaa tailors ware eaagkl la aa attempt aCMperom fott Arthar aad that thay ware ahot the aaaaa day. w j , , . CCGD SFI2IIS. Good tpfrita doat aU coma from Eaa tatliy. Th!f !a aoarna U tha lirtr si all tta t-,. i, ar rtnU la xl I 'oa fl rJI !'. rnr.; I nt rin-1f a ta 1 : i-i t t i' a ho; 'rl a;. 5 f i.a II! a"r'.i I '. -t. Yi eat Ma a ? ! r ; va s 1 a 1 1'tt l t'.a - a V -a. Ti ir sr r "4 t. ta f-a I ! If y s 11 - r I . 1 Tf t rs 3 I 1 r-'-E T , ! , ' t '. y-ir r r I i f - ' J SCALP HOURS l!sf.!:2r Scaly d Cii:s!:i ;;Vitt Less ctHfr Caxi. ty Mm V ' " amamaaawaaai i Vh:n Ev:ry Ot!::r P.:r.:iy tr. j Fliyslctas Fail Wann shampoos with Cutteura Soap sad light dressings of Cutlcura, the great skin cure, at once stop- falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dsn draff, soothe Irritated, itching surfaces, destroy hair paraaltas, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the scalp skin, i supply the roots with energy and noor Ishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, healthy soslp when aU else fails. v, 'Millions 'of the' world's best people use Cutteura Soap, usisted by Cutl cura Ointment, the great skin euro, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stop, ping of f ailing hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itchinga and chaflngs, for annoying irritations and Inflammations, or too free or offen aire perspiration, for ulcerative weak' neasee, and many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, u well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. ., ; uompiew treatment iotv every no mour, consisting of Cutteura Soap, to cleanse ths akin, Cutlcura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cutlcura Resolvent Pills, to coot and cleanse the blood, may now be had for one dollar. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning and scaly humours, ecaemaa, rashes and Irritations, from Infancy to age, When all else falls. taw Krfc. i Ha. a. h hUl IM. W-Cttomt, At.. .Attar Drat a Clwa. Cot., toUtitmimm. Bf liU a "Maw Omm jtmf Maawtr and Wood A fall supply of Anthracite free . burning White Ash Grate, 8tove and Chestnut Coal, also the Celebrated Pasahantai Bituminous for grates and Steam. The Best Oak, Ash, Pine and lOxelwootL QuickrPrpmpt Delivery. 'SXallalTS Union Point. riione 47. ' . Ftraers Tcbaccs Wtrehetue ; ' Opes' .". The above warehouse wfll be opta aa- UlApmiat. Parmarswni fisdsgood market here daring March tot all their tobacco. '....'.; ' ' : 1 1 i U I V-" a J Goal I liavo nt l-t Eccurcd a line of Boxed nhnrnintn end Cciifsctioiia thatwlll meet your cntiro approval, COo.pcr lb.-;-- w " Al:o Chocolate. Almonds, Naugatine As- cortcd'Kub. Ica Creara, Chocolato, Peppor rncrita, at 10c nnd 15o and Cream Choco'ala Call and czn.: New Bern Tlili itdry 'Academy arid " ' Carolina (Bus iness College KlW BERN, N. C. Military, Llter.ry, t'ualc; Book-keeping, Tyiitwrltiug, Kh rtLant', OBI re Practice. STUDENT BODY. . A large and enthusiastic student bud) representing Three States, Njnh Caro lina, South Carolina sod Pennsylvania Several counties represented SACULTY. Able faculty representing Uni vermin of North Carolina, Orangeburg Coive, Peabody Normal Collegr,4sh vll'e Nor. mal College, Bolllns Institute, Tainpa Business College, New Englan i Con servatory of Music and other noted in stitutions. , COURSE! CP STUDY. Ths literary course covers a period of four yesre, two years 'preparatory and two collet late. The four classes areas follows: Junior Frcparatory,8eaior Pre paratory, Piesbman, and Sophomore. A .VALUABLE COURSE FOR . TEACHER?. To Public School Teachers: Opportu nity 1 1 An exceedingly valuable course of study for teachers is being arranged io begin March 8th. Teachera who de site V thoroughly prepare themselves for rumination Those who desire to broaden Iheir literary knowledge. Those who desire to take a thorough review bf the brioches they teach and those who wish to take an abridged Nor mal course including Pedagogy. Pay ohology, "Methods of Teaohlog," etc, will find this course of study interesting thorough and practical. . A course of lectures on Civil Govern ment, School Law, School Management and other important subject will be gtv enjn connection with tha regular coarce oy soma or tne leaaing eaucatore. Wldeawaka, ambitious tsacherswho uplro to take the lead In their profes sion bv better preparing tnemaeivei.ana keeping In touch with the most Im proved methods, will look to their in. tercet and take advantage of this valua ble course. EXPENSES. Tke total expense In the Literary De partmentor In the Teachera' Depart ment, lnoludlnr tuition board, room- rant, fuel, and fights, is only $1150 per month. . Tha course la the Business Colli lege (Book-keeolnc or Shorthand and Auxil iary stadlesllnoladln fall tuition boar room-reai, ugnu ana ruei, oosu ate per onth Tuition for vocal Or Instrumental mualc is Si per month. TIM1 TO INTER Wltle the beginning of the seealon is for mean reaaoas ths Met time to enter. atudanU will find It to their advantage to eater NOW, sad take advaalage of us lut una moaus or tas session, whloa Is la many respects the most Im- portaal penod of ue session. Tor farther particulars addxaas a J. BOLLADAY, i.B.LL B, Prceidost. Bloticel Any, former desli lug to fence his land with the . American Field Fence .' can procure the tame of me for a ghort while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. - Usdar Hotel Chattawka, CTET7 If . CL mt a . . - as as aa . . . at a moiium price, vi2. ; y. : .. , . per box. Catcs of Dvroo 5c. cur lino. Sawe ejBBjaaa ay aa aaaaaaBBB) emaaam :nrr- Nice Lot Voigt's I and Admiral Flour Sai . - 52 Also a Nice lot Harvey's Small Su gar cured Hams, Breakfast Strips and English Cured Shoulders, also Cooked Ham ready for the table, which we slice and sell in any quanity desired. Try it, it's nice. Nice large California Prunes 10c lb., 3 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Nice Canned goods all kinds. . I respectfully solicit your trade. Yours to Please, 'Phoue 101. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiini: JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF N Co Hams? Shotildets and Side Bacon Also plenty Fresh Eggs 20c Dozen. Give us a call for for anything in the Grocery line. You will find our stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money refunded, Yours to please, J. Wholesale and Retail drocer, Cor. Broad eft Hancock Hm. SNaT?VTfTTTTTVVTTVVeeVWa-wa7Weewa)a)a.wa.. gl kJiiAiAiiiAiiiiiiiiiii iiiaiizii iiiimiiimiiiiiiin MITCHELL'S New Stables. .Located Opposite Hotel Chattawka, Rigs for All Occasions. Plrst Class Eqolpmint. Everything In Ike Livery Line. T: J. MITCHELL. WE1TF0RD HiRMAEE CO., 68 Middle St, New Bern, N. C. Phone 99. All kinds Builders Material, Saab, Doors, Blinda, Lime sad Cement lTew Era Beady-mixed Paint, Tbe Beat and Cheapest oa the market Builders Tools of the Beet Grade. Stoves and - , Cooking Utensili, Oaot, Tlstola, Shells acd Oartria'gea, Disc Cultivators. , Wa, B. Smith, Balesmaa Qraphophonc Records at . Half Price 1 ksr e a stock of ovr MO Colombia Mottldad Itaoorda, laoladtag Band aad Orehaana aatHloaa, Baaio, Ptooola, nurtaat aad Vtottat tkloa, hamoaa sad T.air Hotia aad Daata, Qaartatlat, aad a fall llaa of Talking reoords, which I smstUlsg at ' : 25c. EACH. 1 Tkaaa reot fon'.;nf h t. liarl.r f ""! A f (SI, lies c l Bsffl , y f"i life - 4iai aa sty - Kl i d.iae eiBg er bi Kks'sss sad T. HILL, Just Received Wholesale eft Retail Grosser, TirialrtkS&sl Hi1 LIIIIIIXIIIIIIITITTTTTT1 of Nice Jr. NEW GOODS ! I returned from the North after a thirteen days itay in the Mark et selecting my Spring and (Summer goods. I bonght the most up todate Over Waist and Shirt Goods that can be had. 9,000 Yards Embroidery, There Is but one way' for You to find outjust what I have got. and . that is to come and see I bought my stock so I could iellf IcheaD ' ro gardlesa bt liiglf price cotton; In, our next add will 'give you prices. ,,,. s. COPLON, a;0. AlOirrok, BaJaamaaT-; T inDDL;tTlim, rtstt ee OaakiU TKt IT A1'? 04 -ti- at. w. a. ama. f. a a.t I . ' 1 I b - t ' ' WM HEW GOODS1 V r ' t !.i r "T-T na, Gfaa, r;tT'.ta, Ca 1i -, ii Fi'i, Ini af'rna, I : -, X i ti, t "1 r fS" a f'i I ' -'U J f H ri a T' I' 1 t ' r , , ' I

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