'6' 4- i The Kind Ton Have Always Bought and vrt!c has htsa. In use f oi" over 30 yean, has borne th signator -eat, and haa Jy-f-fl . - aonaliaperrlslon tines italnQuwyw t-CUCAiM i Allow no one to deceive you In tfelav All Counterfeits, Imitations and Ju8t-as-good are hot - Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of Infants and ChHdren Experience against ExperinMBli WhaCiQCASTORIA Oastoria Is a harmless Substitute for Caster OH, PaSeV gorle, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. ,: It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ther Narootlo substance. Its age is Its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Lit cures Dlarrhosa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Consttpattesi and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,' giving healthy and natural stag. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. " -, QENUINC the Signature oHl The Kind You Haye o mvnHnHvmvnnnmmvmvnmnib t T A KTT f r $ la wis id More than that laud U the source of all wealth. The ratio of popnlati n to acreage Is the sliding scale upon which opportunity is gniged, success determined Cut the num ber of land holders in any State In the Union in two, and what la the result ? It'- simple arithmetic opportunities donb'ed in tbat 8tate. What if three-fourths the popub tio'a be eliminated ? Opportunities quadrupled; and so on That's tbe co diti m in the great Southwei', Arkansas, In dian Territory and Okl .homa. This vast territory it sup porting leas than one fourth the population of its capacity. Fertile a land where wheat and cotton thrive side by side where two yearly vegetable crops are demonstrated possibilities-the greatest fruit section in the country; but that's only half the story. The low ratio of population to acreage makes land cheap -that's the main point There's, room for sucoess'io the great So ithwest Illus trated liter ature seat on requett lQ7 ON IS r AllE l PLUS ... DOLLAR For the Round Trip' First and Third Tuesdays of each Month oi,UvmMmuuvmuvnUvnu,nvvivvn.v,5 Mortgage Naif. Pgrtuaat to a power of W contained In that certain Mortgage oieculed by Joeeph Blllley t W 8 Bonner bearing date Fby 10, 1900, tbe same being re corded In tbe office of lb Register ot Deed la Graven coooty In Bod JW, Pag 491, 1 will aell at tbe Court Hooa door In New Beta, : N 0 on March 88, 1904, (Friday) at lb boar of It o'clock, M, to the highest bidder for cash, all of Ike lollowtsg ooetlbH property as ooTsye4 in tbe mortgage aforesaid, to wilt ' All thai tract or parrel of land lying and being Ja Towfliblp No 1, and ad joining Ike land J B O'Neal aad Wbtt fordlatdtoa too Weat aldo cf Little Swift Creak and -on tbe Eat aldoof Dp Braacb: beg'nglrg at a Ughtwood marked stake on tbe ede of ibo rei of Deep Baa Branch aad raas If. 68, K. ISO toba to a stake la tbe roa of the Oral reach N. 17, W. 14 fxiUs, tbeare N. tt E. 40 pole, ikeneo N. 17 P. St poire, tboaoe I tlW.M mIml tbf aoe & n S It po lea, tbeaoe 8 41 W. dwa tbe ran f Sprier Braooh Kea to too Mala m . of Deep Braaeh to tbe Marked slate, , thenoa dnwa said raa of D--rp Braabh to . Ike berlaelng, ooelatalse 04-i ftore. It heletlho sam land deeded by W.J. IMIIlay aad wife to Joarpk BUI ley Xov V, llMe rwotdVd la Craves Ooaaty Boix m riw. . - - , W.S.BOHNIR, c Vnft Of.'. Aimra. H. a Pehrsarr tted.IWI ' Fublleettlon of Burn ; - tm'ooa. I ;.. 'MORTO CAROLINA,! , lotke - . i. Crkvtn Uooety. Baportor Coitl. ' ' iobO D1I0B.' ' ' . 'vt ' .:' MelUa A, Olua. wV. , Tf MatUaOttoo. " ' vV'-' .'C TAI t MOHClt , That ' oclloa eoiltM'ao ihnt t kaa bM ' fHsiocd la Ikle Coort by filalatiffto iscovef Iron otbetl tia to rvui kna of lead la ike City of pw fVr, State ef North Caroltse fall tr. riNI is ike Coat'WIM Clad la this e-iion, an-t m dnrtere rea a T roa tee for f ' Tii i aitno tkOToto, epoa the tr 'i iht tjrji imM aercaaaed by y u : ! m ef at p aintlf aad tae liCe t tttik.il ta yt.or aaowi Too art t .. ' W aad srrarbe f.ire i Hn-Tnf Crt of t'tSTaa eoea. ' tr to t 1 In 1W Omi tlmae of said i .fmiy In )-e City ofNaw Pore, Biat, rf ;,n,:k t'anl.aa, re Ike likMal S i' r nl kloaday In MarrhHko t. f i,' litii 4f tf April If'l.to amw i . ( ..! j t a j la I artlna kirk t. t I n r-t Witt Ike Tint Thr i' t f.f i. 1 tf m. aol ariiw.f ttt Mkir. !, r. r f a I- y 1, r V fitf da'il tk'rt'a t; fj rtk !-. W. M. A T ' if r. p, c, J 4 P - T bwnmada under his i ALWAYO Always Bougbt Wr A W flfftT V GEO. n. LEE, Little Bock, Q. PA, ' W.'J. SAUNDERS, D P A Blohmond. Va. t ts ZZ Twenty-flTO yeaia prtettcal iw perionoe, and the fact that w do the larxeet batdneos In 8ceda la the Southern BUtea, enabfas na to apply arary joqulromoat la C -.6ARDEH AND FARU SEEDS to the vary bt adrannta, both u regarda quality aad pMa. . Trockert and Fiiincrf: roqtdriag km quantltifl cBeodj are roqnecied to write ft apodal price. If Too hare do reared a oopy of W001T8 8KKD BOOK iorlM4,vrlUrbrlt There ie not other pahUcatloei OR yw bore that approofbea K ta tho atoefttl od practical tnformailoa that H tiveo to Soenhora tvnon aad gardooora. ,; .- . , , . i - . "'V.' ajr - T.W.VY00di$BBt1SKteBl 'iiiison, . Tuiani, Administratrix Notice, Barlag qiallljd at adatlaiUtrairla of f,H. ilaoktaa. deooaaed, telooUre feaaooary, N O.lhU la to aotify aQ ptreons baring Cialmi agalaat tke eaUte of laid dreeaaed to esklb.'t lkei to Ue adereigaad oa or hefora tke lei day of Muok. 100V or Ik la amLna nt h ed la bar of their reooTerr. All person aaeoirw MJ eatq tetato wtu please make Iir1latp)aal. ' . . This loth da; ofrbyl04 .' BTTA HAWJCIKS, ' " Admlolatratna, Loftla It Vtraet, Ally for Adas. ; Exocutor'a Notico. '' ITf leg Ul day qttaHAtd a the Xsee eta olibelaat Wilt as I Tettsateat of Uaaaah Merpby all p raoas katlsfealM aralaat tbaeatato of asy U.tauli are ketahy wollBrd to r rnt ike Mini daly erISM to as, of X aad RO'lUr eitoraara, r mt bfore tkt H k day of rhrer y, lf3 ot tbla ewtf "I be p!a14 la Ur vf lklr rr T.rT All paranaa lnl.hr4 o t 11 .ute ara kanby r ad ao oust lBd!at aet tW hL - - Ikie rahfnary lh. W4. AncTj'nr tilt ' " i J , , . . . 1 to WEAL, 1 jtl M'sSeeds. , L.coinircKo t&.u rixst pagx, ; Tb Board met at tha Court honi at tJ9 g SiTBriatcl to rooeaa. ; ; ' Present Commlailonara Baxter, Toy and Richardson. ; -?n K -H Mr D L Roberta, Treasurer, presented bis nffidal report whlta npon axaovloa tioa vti aaoeptod aad ordered Hied and recorded. ". r : : Report of D L Roberta,' Treatu'rer; 6f CraTa ooaaty, for the month- Of f February, 1804. PW I. By baL , v . - . ' , o89 08 " 89. By Touchers 1,760 88 Peb.4. ToJuWBlddla 1,000 00 ,i7.do i f 1,00000 March i. Total 1888 88 .i'ln i , i i MS,80S8 tMrvna.RT AnrrkTTWT - .Ovl jel aaaajaaavav mawwvwe March 1. By bal. FENCE NO.'l. Fab.L TotwL f -f 133 06 8140 Harch t Tobal. 6 87 Bob, 39. By Toucher FXNOB No. sV Much 1. To bal ! ! FINES AND PENAJ.TI13 Fal. To baL ' 35 80 A fhTC3.B Harvey .. &. :?iTi!iil,ttarge' ..- 4 " 15. To J L Mathews 5 00 " 89, To J E White 400 78 00 March 1. By bal. D.IW)BJRT8, m r Tree. Crayen Co. - Ordered that proparty at Ho. 100 PoU look street UM loMra Beboopa fllUon be reducod to jftjfa 0Q on (aoonat of orar-valaatIoB . . r ? . , " The matter of 'redaction In valuktlda of property. f B & -Baaeook4oa . Bait Front street, Ufa upoaBaotloa nol al- owad.' -f tit 4 '.tut attU Ordered by the Board that aUaohadala B Uxea are dtia aadyaWa tha flrst 10 daya In JAnnarv of aaoh voars all per sona who fait fig tUt and pay their ached aia-u'- texe bythe 1st Mondsy la Aprllnext wlU.be preeentad to tha grand .Ordered by .the Board thai Mossra George Henderson. Agent for the B 0 D line, J S Maalx'Agbat for -tha AOL, J P 0 Dark, Agent for tha A. dt 0 B B, and ZY Taylor. Agaat for tbe South arCXxpraat 0wapaay;ba and art harc by notified to lie with the Boa td of JOpat mlaionsrs at ttalr effloa U tho" Cart Houee at New Bers. os Taeeday" htaroh 8th, 1104 at isyelook, a lias of ell goals delivered by khem tertb holeaala aad ratatfllqadr deaa-ila ;t4,f B; for tho eawBthrpreoadt ' tt.lst y iJaa- aary 1904,. had tke CUrh! 1 dlreoted to caoieaoopy of CVmoUo aaaof the teal oi alt 6doa plt eno4 '.' 6i the above aamtd perUee. V V- IT-; .Ordered that the properly of Mtu Aaaaf earoa-oa-IDddW atWl' or re daoad to t00'ba aeobaat of ovval aattomV iWA-r-yi.U The fofitrwlilf aamea.were 'drawVto aerve a ;i rt:l 41 Cocrt'fpr tie rlal Of ftrhatt. a) cai to be,1 aaldr f tb lh Moaday alat kb lal Monday U March B batag Aprtt Uth I9M -y V s " ' - So f Towaahrp-Hrary HafJ j ee a MlUer, f k Mottle. Aagasha MeRay, T JohaF WttasmfcvW , IUlTI. ". Xol Towahlp-A t Xrarlagtos, D L frio,LBIpoc;tM AnhetXSAr Utr.lDToWr, LAartfoy.0 a -rariioy.ap w t M'Sealh.1! il anB ,.r. uaihtau. MolTawaahla Ifoci.WA WLaoa, FB Imlth,!! umta, g eueaau, a B Bswklat, 4 Tewahp Wo J D Baaooak, j Dos wrTyu;n , I Tevaak K s-b Uwreaeai TewaaUip Xo T-Qo B Latham! TowasMp Nll Perry, T J Taf erj W WetAe, 0 D Pocikxaa. , , Toaaahlp X a.ata , Atklaaoa, W Arnold,' Id f Weihetiagtoav W M ipootq ;- - . ; . . Oa motto board took reeaea aal cioek I m Kh lta'' - ' ' ' Board M ufriM Hoate Meh ftkv im,u 19 e-aloct tm ptrMsat tore . .w IT,., pi,. 4 ; ', "i ,4 rreaewt CoaawWoeere, Btsler, VMU ardaoa, I!arry aad Toy, Orders tkat property LUuo by If rs M t Monl eaUaaonch ttroet be . daoad U oa eooout 4 over val. aalloft, . Oidr1liyU board lkt tke if inti of tUIOD L!oa, ACL A A .1 O nM)a.!tle tsd are kry f'r tha ait r'f r .-imi ii-ir i 4f la A J i (.:.' I.tr' i t, ft-,' J ff I' ; J , .1 ! "r T kltKeba:l ati'-j 11 si . Vit ' 1 1 r t: -.. . t r r - t , i, 1 1 ' r IfV ? . 18887 '"8887 I'll.: tr ri V '.' 1 !' .... I t;oa civ'... a accepted and ordered ciea and recorded. . -, i .- '. . . . - saw ' 'BTATEJIENT..7;" -;: I W Btddla. tlierU of Craven Oo.lfch s, 1904,.. -if-iyC 1904. Febi; r 4a Tlal aaa skamJ 38019 w vat was -- . .. . - 7,837 83 . 89 00 To taxes 8. B.- i ' ; j; 17.74863 BaldaeBhff ' - 8779 Jill j - 7,774 81 Feby 37,Bycaih bal to - . Bta 'r- 8,408 0QJ Feby 4, By oath Gen t. u fasd' r , .1,000,00 Febyir.doH Feby 99, By eaih sohoola By Ocmm 768,88 X$ . 1,00000 3,000 00 888 81 $7,774 81 Respt Babatltted, ' i 3. W. BIDDLE. ' i . I Sheriff. t .The report of Dr J F Rhem, County Superintendent of Health was apon jno Uon aocepted: and ordered filed and recorded. ' - Ttt the Ohairman and Board of Commit. . ilonefl: .'i,',5" I herewith anbmlt my report for month oi FebiuaryA JThere has been reported to me one ease of Typhoid Fever during the month. LI recommend that there be a foree ppmp ahd hdee supplied at' the County home for prfttectkm Jagaintt Are. , ueipecunuy, ; i; ifftJ.'F. RHBif, M D, . -..r: 8npt6f Health. On motion board adjourned. . .GEO. B, WATERS, " , Blk. Bdj of Corns Mch 8th, 1904. CANCER CURED BY BLOOD BALM vf All ikln and Blood Diseases Cured. Mra. M. Adams, Fredonla Ala.. Botanlq Bloqd Balm which effectually cured ah eating caacer ot the nose and face. ..The aores healed up pefectly. Maay doctor! had glvea' up her cue u aopeleta. huadreda of ,aaei of cancer, eating sores, aopperatlng aelllngs-eUx, hav4 been oh red by Blood Bflm. Among 6thera,; Mrk B. M. , Goernty, Warrior Stand, Ala.Her nose and tin were raw as beef, with cffenslye'dlagharge from the eating tore. Doctors adrised cutting, but It failed. : Blood Balm healed the sores, and Mra, Guerney Is aa well ta ever; Botanic Blood Balm alto core ecaema, Itching birnors, aeabt and scales bono pain t, alters, offenttre plmplca, blood poWV- carbusolea, scrofula, rlt Ingt and bampa oa tba lkm had aQ blood troubles. Druggist uti pertarge bottle. Bamp'.e orBottalff Blood Balm tree and prepaid by writing' Ploodj .fielm Oo Atlanta Gt, t)eacrlbe'tr-tiubll aad special medical ad rice sou tin sealed letteer. It U certainly worth; wine iuveeugaltng tack ehwmarkeble remedy, al Blood Balm cure the moat "awfuL worat aad most I deep-eeated blood dlaeaaea. ; The Mnveoiil ataaia. ' The pointer Mlchettt, who designed tbe aewlltallan. poetaff stampa 1 do vtaed an Ingenlooa detail tor .the two oanteetml atarape which are In .honor of Marconi, a telegraph- xolofrom which tbe wire hang dowq uawleaa Ail ths atampd were made At the deelre ot the ling, who had come td the conclu aioa that IOtly's attmpa were no better ttiaJetboee of France, England; afid tSermasy aad did not reflect booor on a country kaowa aa the home at elaa . BPP7 EeittsrCBildrea. . Aav child caa tale tittle Xarly RIa ra wtth perfect tafety. - They are harm kW sever gripe or tiokea, jead yet they are o owlCa to reialta thtt roboat ooa atltatkra requiring drtallA maaaa are raavar 'dtaappolated. thay aaaaot tall to perform their sstaatoa aad every one Wk aaee DeWIU'e Little Xarly Risen prefer thWete all other i pills, Thay sura tdUoaaaeaa, .Bold by F 8 Dit ' . . . - . i Itttt raaml tarimttnt. , Corlooa lMtroctlona aa to the manner of her buniiia were aft behind by an old lady at Ptockport England. '.Uer farwr!, abe Urcted. ahoold be kt todel by srU of the brretord ooacbro : 'ortort coo Id pwlle, eoothpr Cireriioa was that after tbo Interment Ue funeral party nmir to tb bot Tory hotlry IrAOUTuav there to be aorrtd with Uotxat rvast U hm emitl ,arTf-d, yrbkb to b 9"IV''','T atTory Uwllmfle4 arrt4 by Torytwaltrra. 1 " -n Whia uim shall 1 lnrrutfur t&M AMrdnt rhit : :-:!i?""rni .Cat la a 'e'istel wortj ra:ii1,r''a e-f.r!''-irAa!l fr y I' '.'l l'l t: J 1 I...-V, . a.i - if ,lt1e.: rj'f'-.rl t -- v. ail, J .i.n.1 i f t) i.!'rr A. a ra: liatlJ r T .-1 i ' t It ft r-t, -! 1 1, 1 7 . i c: i r r i j r ' ;. ! i I f f 1' . ' r . a. w-rf ... U her nature to Ioto r ,"-" rand wan thom j , ,. 7 as-much ao aa . 4 it U to lore the' ..-' - -'v . - . - y-" - W ."vl.toatttifof; an l'i pure. The critical ordeal through which tha expectant mother mm ; rtaa, however, is ao frapeht. with dread, pain, suffering; and danger, "that the. very thenght of it Uls her with apprehension' and horror. There it n$ Bocoasity for this reproduction of life, to be either painfal or dangerona, ".The use of Jjlotuer's Friend ao prepare tho system for Jho coming event that la aafeiy pasaAd without any danger; "Thia great and wonderful - X ' " X' : i;- 91,- women throngh -thotrvinrcriiA without aufferinfr 'l ami for ra V on talnls Information m.m a. . n ,. a-- . . . A e aira-... . rsej"!r--r tic irisurea. t RADIOS' RADIOS RADIOS nil,; I'.!' Stapendoat offer made by a well A asFMla44m'. ''hi radios' rad os Radios Thousands of persons in til sections of the country uitrt i heen heited by this wonderful discovery. Every educated person hu beard of Radium, it wonderful powers and healing qualities have occupied page after page in the Metropolitan publications. Almost everybody "knows that it is the greatest remedy thatGod has ever given to suffering humanity. Dis ease gernufof ever description flee before it they cannot stand the contact. We have such faith in our proposition that we guarantee abso lutely to cure you, What is more we will give yon a written contract to that effect. This offer has never been duplicated. Fill out the" blank below and mark the' malady from which you are suffering and receive bv return mail information that will be worth, hundreds of dollars to you. Ak any banking firm re garding our responsibility. Free Offer Tree Offer Free Offer RADI08 CO. ' 818 Drezel Building, Philadelphia, Pa, Bias: Kindly tend me free of ooet la formation regarding your Radium treatment aad yoat wonderful rem-' edyfBadloe Ntm . Addr. - Wty : ....' State,- - .".1. ' PUea..... J - - SO lLAttv - V-"" v aa.saa ''i,M0.Crrit " )initnHt 1 ' vVi.. .a failai rr axeR ewew ; li&m f MrmL Taw tsaa, 4i Va4 at tj t aat r aw Wwatwm rl i ti,lnM,rnaEl. Citizens!; Bank . om rarvr jwr,av.o. Do a General Canklog Baslsasa Borploe aad Cadlt- 4drneutri,Mr.o.' . . Vt will r'y r r'' t and rrfml ttkea tla o aM i.a iitntd to aa. W Uvlt yoor aewuBt. Try a. -4 t irwl t. 9 wA!a, a. i. I'.'aik V'i rii i .- in tt riT.r I ' . V' ' -' at 1 -.d - I It - 1 1 ; r f Wo- wowsa'i Happsv. a vuesa can 1m comnlftn V. ...J without children; it 127 Middle St fti6DruRB and Medicines. Perfamea, TbOot Soaps, etc , alto the JopowIng(ltlnen41 Waters: 'Matchless llwSraijjprjugJpunalo Llthfa, Unnny- adi Janos, Hnnyadi Matyaa, Oarbana, yeronleJs Arta, Red Raren Split. uopiDe, ornanea, l oout urutnea, Columbian Insecticide. Clumirthe 0reat DUinfectant and Bed Bng Destroyer. Brom-Chloralum i snre PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA;; SMALL POX. ri ys'oians' Prescript Iot.s a .specialty EASTJEltlf n wim -USD LINE Qd DomirjioB Steamsbip Co - tt JICTSr 'i '.' ' n i V I' ll' I ?.' DAIIiY IIJJE. FREIGHT & PASSENGER For All Points North. Effective Oct. 1st, 1008. The Steamer NEUSE It aehedUIed to tall at p. m., Monday Wednesday aad Friday, for Elisabeth gity . U The Steamer OCHACOKK Bheduledto tall at 8 pat Tnesd Thursday and Baturday for Elizabeth City. N. Oi tSf Freight reoeived not later than one honr nreviout to sailintr. ? Fr fuhtt.Information apply to -JEO. HENDSR80N, Agt K, X. Knro, Creu. Mgr., H.aHtiD8lJrs,Gen.FiiA Paaa.At ... -Jlorfolk, Va. W. & BUMMERELL, Am'LOen'UTrf. and Ptta. Agent, New Bern,K. 0. THT-WlKTER BBSORTS SOUTH aiAcato bt Southern Railway. The Southern Rail war announce the tale of , round-trip Winter Iienrslon Uckeu to all the'prlnolpat resort of the South, haglnalna; October 10,1909. .Tha winter reeortaoirtorta ana oootn Oarolua, Oeprgtamad Florida are ekpeo laliy lavltltg to those la teereh 6f health orpkmare; tstheto Slat tr each aoted retort at Plaehant, n. Cam- deti, Alkea, lammervule, & O Charlea toa,kO Aagaata, Savaaaah, Breae- wlck, Jekyl Itlaad aad Thomatvula, Oa JaskKYjllTJ?t Aigaatlae, . Omoed, Dtvtoaa. Palm Beaea, Bookledge, Miami tsiTempa, fIa'talaothe reaorte of Kaa M aad Onbs cool reached rt Booahera Railway.' ... ,. " .,' Ttohets oa aale ap to eae laoiaaug AnrflOaitOL limited te retara aaUl kfayll.ltot. ooalkraIlJlway tf orda elegant trale trvto,wlth the Uteat PftlJaaaa Drawing Room Bteeplag Oar, operated , Uroagb hetwe prlaottel ettkie aad reeorta, ele gaal Oa aervtoa, aad everything for the toAtort Sad ukaatare of the traveler.''- V ; '., ..'''-' . , Aak aearwt V.Aet iaut lot farther taf ormatloa aal dioorlpaye llteraiara. The fatf phut litaarta, loWlc, R Ortaaaa, Mexico aad tattWala J :;;- ' - .via . " v . Southern Hallway. WlatarrroarU tlekete Sow oaaal , ett aoted moru of the OalfOoart tad htaitoo aad Callforala TldaUOt atletl Bovthara Batlvsy ap to aad (aclodtag ApiQ SO, 1904, Umtud M May 11, 104, tor rettra pa. i E.aat Uala aat vtee. Tka foul of tb - i.M.ftoa aad rVtatkeeatera LI ti1" ail 'H;i UaslUd." Aik imthiTItM Arl for dataDed lar.jrffii'.!') aad flaacrlpUr matlort Tke-Ucief llisSlj" . . ' :l"::rr5i!re Ceunlnr." KtuKmu'ironn. I tt'. r -''- r."wit raiM y I ! w' '. ' t ! 1 if t t t. t j iruirnirni 'I'm i Jim'iV LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK. OF- HOESES arid. lTCTLES Ever offtred for Bale in New Eern, A car load sf each just in. Also a complete line of 1 oggiep, Wagons,r Haraees. Robes, Whips Cart Wheels.' Etc. J. A. AuoMencken & Bro- mdker Bdlto.lMd. Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA ) a,rnTt Craven Oounty. ( r John Dixon vs Sarah Dlzon To Sarah Dlzon TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In this Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lots of land In the City of New Bern State of North Carolina fully described In the Complaint filed In this action, and to declare you a trustee for piainim in relation thereto, upon the grounds that suck lots was purohssed by you with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken In vour own name: You are there fore notified to be and appear before the Superior Court of Craven county to be beid In tbe Uourt House or earn uoaniy In the City of New Bern, State of North Carolina, on the 5th Monday after the flrst Monday In Maicb, It being the lxth dav of April 1904, to answer the Com plaint in said action wnicit win do niea dnrlnit or before the first three days of ssid term, and answer or otherwise plead thereto as you may be advised, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This Feb. lHth, 1HU4 W. M. WATSON, Clerk, of Superior Court of Craven County. Pablicntion of Num tnoim. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the Cbavbr Countt j Superior Court Before W. M. W&tson, C. 8. C. Abo Daoenburg, vs A. B. baiter A Co. a Corporation, and The Nallonal Bank of New Berne, N C. To A. B. Baiter A Oo, a Corporation It appearing to the satlifacllon of tbe Conn by affidavit that A B Baiter & Co, a Corporation Is a noa-resldent of tke 8 ate of North Carolina, you are aerebv notified, that a summon and at techaaent baa been duly filed In the clerk'a office of Craven oounty, N C, lo the above entitled aetlon by Abe Danen bur You are hereby notified to ap pear before tbe Ulera at ineuonri nous In Nw Bera, N O, cn Mondiv the 11th dav of April 1904. at 13 o'clock M, and answer or demut to said petition a you nay deem best, otberwls the prsyr of to oeiinonar win d gran tea, U I ordered that this notice b pub lished one a week for all weeks In the Hew Bera Journal. Tblt Mad day of Feby 1604. W. M. WATSON, 0. B. C Administrator's Nale XOBTB CAROLINA I Boperlor Court, Crave County, ( Bafoi it Clerk 0 J MoCanhy. AdailalatrttoT of the e teteolaiarua Jtctroa, daoaaaed va Rl Maaaa, XaaUMaaacttterMaaa aad Mary A Maaaa By Ylrtu of aa order aad door of ale to ta directed la the above eetltled tpodal prooeedlai padlag la the office Ortvea ooaaty, which aald preotedlag are lattltated for in purpose of meal aaeeit to Pr the debt oft tM Marll jflktoa,deotad,I will effr for tale aad tall to the blgbMt bidder for oaah at the ooart Bona coor or aaia vravra OMitr oa Motdav. the 4ia day of Apr! 1904, at tke hoar of II o'clock M. at pah II vnde, all aad lingular that atrial a rreceof ptreal of land lytag tad bal at Itaat oa the teeth side ot tb A M 0 railroad, a part ot Ue M! berry I at. tad tract,' foraaerlr owatd hy Jaate Deailay, denMaodf aad afUtward la r ropanyolT.J Bryae aad wlfa, e4 olalag Ik)' o. ' r J P Bryaa, and ibara. t '0 plart t tk a!lrrd llaa j I 4 'ki leaa of Dr J. V. Bryaa, ' . -ll fretkaaai wirlly to t ) ,' a aaarkad Irt, Ih.nr tnuat.. 1 1 , H lUubl Wktta It n o to railroad Ma rte aiatt wltk th raDroad to th blnln(, elalnlnf (It ar ra mor er Im. It twlng a 1 lb 1b1 rtn.l ry Jtm llaa'ay ea'lh nt 11 il l of lb railroad. an4 blr g al n U it. tni r'.ntr4 t tha aald l' J'i- n, f,-ail, t y T J I'ft r 1 ri l l,t I'1,! ? f1l flf (i tr,Vr i3ih, t i ! 1 r- "i .' 1 la th"riv.nr.-v.c(a ('( I ' r'.'.r f-f ! "' ' f , : i J V : , tt- r . , ' ' " ' i ' MBS JONES, Broad HU A. & N. C. R. R. TIKE TABLE NO. 32 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25,11908 at 6:55 A. M., E. S. T. Going East Sohedulk: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: At, a m 8 80 Goldaboro 11 00 8 69 LaOrange 10 89 4 22 Eineton 10 U 0 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 0 B 60 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 IS Ar. Horehead city Lv 7 00 No. 5, No. 8, Passenger Train. Passenger STATIONS: Train DAILY. Lv. a. A.r,'.r, M .... 880 .... 806 ... 7 67 .... 74" .... 787 .... 780 .... 717 .... 700 800 84 680 r. a. 8 00.. 818.. 826,. 8 87.. 848.. 9 02.. 918. 986.. 960.. 960.. Goldaboro Beet's ....... LaQrauge Falling Oreek... Klnston Caswell , Dover Core Creek.... Tusoarora Clark . ..Ar. New Bern, Lv. 1010.. &. u. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT HUNDAY No. 1. 2d Claal No. S. IdChua Lv. a m Ar.i 6 11... Goldaboro. 6 45 Bef... 8 12 LaQrange 6 7 Falling fjreek 7 82 Kinaton 3 18 808 , 189 .13 18 13 01 11 01 ,10 40 ,1010 , 904 , 930 lSIO . 740 . 7 88 . 710 . 088 . en . 806 . 680 . 500 a. a. 7 40 oaawell. 9 00 Dover 9 40 oore oreek 10 10 Tuacarora 10 89 clerk' 11 00 Ar. New Born, Lv H80 Lv. New Bern Ar 113 Riverdale 130 ..oroaUn 1 40 Havelock 3 09 Newport, Lv 8 30 WUdwood 8 28 Atlantic 3 65 ..Ar.kforehead olty.Lv.... 100 ...Ar. hf, city Depot, Lv.... r. at. L. DILL, Uen'l Bupt. a A. NZWLAND, Majtar Transportation. L. B. Habicht, FDf Lager Beer BTh Flnost Liquor and Wine. Deblcht't Ky Wt, Llabloht'i Tea Cent Perfeoto CIO ABA Goreer 8 Front and Eaaoook Btreekt, Kw Bern, H 0. a CMiCHvamirw (Metre . . M w wnvev w ( , y Cf - 0 ' mmi m Saae . a m anratfcA, J ' v Attormew at Law, 71 Bo, t mat Bi, Opp. ttokal Cbattawha - HEW EilUXX 0. Oraraa Ooonty Akkorney. Clwofi Or t, toom, Onslow. Curt. twt, rtaallea, flraaaia, Lenoir, and li e Dupreme aa reaavat vowna r. K. Rlaraeaa, , A. D. Wtrl SIMnONS A WArD, moiJtit aal ccuKsn-cri , itAW. aw 0"rw lwvd arr n f'-at to fa- v ', f t"ry f.f !' i (!...' ; ' t ') ' .!'!' t.i, r,'! , t ' ' M, I )'( i i ' f a d f I , I t 1 i : -if 1 1 5 f i 1 w.