TT -1 '-r'-C' " ' i 1 i 1 if''-' v KXTT EI -3, R. C. TEIDAt IIQRS1S3, MARCH 11, 1304 ; .- TWMTT-8IC0HD TIAE YOU XXI-KO; 294. -Ji.' y , W W - V"V ; Women of taste is is '8. i Dodd' S?5 for every variety of toilet. .The infinite, W number of styles and shapes to be had, t' from heavy outing to dainty full dress, y .makes them equally desirable for out- O 2 door or house wear, social or "business k use. ' ' $ ALL STYLES AT $f Cotton 2s King Agaiait At tbe prio in proepct you can pfford to fertilise it wel Jf you want the BEST -- t Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano Insist on having that kind, and yea will not be disappointed in your crop. . , -'Z, For Tobacco . J Use Meadows Gold Leaf Tobacco Guano - It makes-food, iliok, tough Tobaooo. November 1908 an planter sold l,45ipoundiof tobacooWfJll.OO. HemedGold UtVi-J& Special High Grade Ferrior kIljCfopsJ If there U no dealer in jour lection bakdllng our goods, write us. E H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO.;Mn'fri, LONG DIST ; E Factory Iff ease UlTer, Yon Will Oct Lett vta ea inm for If voir mimiiI al lire few vkl it bol4 be.- Good IoUm . ekeni for lb ftlre Uy have for trvj oat a to14 Cnm u . a ititlwu woald. OH- laaa laifeatr wf talloa of amt, laUkaad fabrla If Uarlea roar BMarara or rd at F. U. Ckadvlok'i Ua Ullor, 101 MUdW 01. About CluicIt TTorli. II to aj wta a fewa koovt how tni - W balWra ire bar Va I latHtv i th ii that aioaf caa ri e4 aJ7 arry ta Mmk aMtwfal of art7 tlo, f"t oaf Itoa c4 work, ta4 n ra i1 to do wl a4 qiikk work. or.aar f.hada let Utalr til rm4 f.' Km rna. ft. O Ir Cr-. i I ! f '! I 4 1 t n V i - w - W w' ' and judgment X7ear v t V PHOSTJfr 66, New Bern, Ife C For 10 Days Begin- . DiD4liKCU,7tli DISCODHT, Ox HAMBURG 4; : V. EMBROIDERIES - No , Rebate Checks Given on This Sale.; D. F. JARVIS, ' .' vl 6t PaVc ' ''"' Etlts'Sbops No: 132 Pollock St. . I I Are aaw Ttaadi W TUpalr yoe Farm aa4 Road TablaWa, Canitfaa, Eifrai aada, aa4 al) itadi tt ocfl tad Iroa votk 6a rtoaipUr. ' Watk Qar W.S.ELLIS. Tho Acmo. lorlGamcs of Par. I FIxacIi ev a lit) It S 1 1 1 1 I I i M 10 i I I.I Almost Embroidery Sale RALEIGH. Goreraor Grants Rtnulsition For Knrdar- I err EoplUl For tysaitt.'- OI4 " :t f Veteran; J -italelga, March 10. Th ilreetore of the hospital for the lntaae "here ;ad Josrned today. They confirmed Uia ac tion of raperlntendent McKea ia aacni- ing the txanifer of 18 female fcatlenU from thia dtatrlot to the. Teiteni hoi pltaU Soperuiteadent Murphy of the lat ter hotpltal hu promUed) to take nine more, but It 1b hoped to femre, the en trance of em more than Qila number: Thete la aome room .here for male ja tientt and nperintendent If eKee Intend to make an exohange by.Uklng tome men from the Western ihoapital "and tending women" there. . I ft hoped In thia way to make room for 'a total of 50 female pMtentt'from thlt dUtrtct wlio efcraetfly need attention. j" MT' " Mention hu been made of the fact that QoTornor Ayoock hai reoedrtd requbl tion from the GoTenor -oC South Caro lina for Thomaa and Edward w"akeneld, white men, brothera, Who are wanted for mardei at Spartanburg, both being In ail at WaynesTiUc. The Oorernor promptly honored, the re4ultItlon and uiuea rtia warrant ,ot rendiuon. ' man the men lnttitnted habeaseorpui' pro otedlnga; before j Judge r fyrgeraon re turnable today A talegnua to the Qot ernof aayt the men were guilty of a hor rible murder and that the hekeai corput prooeedingt were for thfiparpoae of gaining time. Their lawyeri andearored to get the Gorenior fa trithdraw. hit warrant, and renewed that attempt, hut the Gorernor said the whole matter wet la the Judge, 'a nanda &:-$ttfx. One of the , oldest Inmates of the Soldiers Home here It rerjf feeble and not likely to lire mora than few days. He la JLlllson BlaeL well known In the Piedmont section. The oldeit man In the home U 93 years of age. He wa seea at the State Maaeam today. Among the iamates are . two .rrenchmea who tarred during ttai entire mk2- 'A.;'-,'.' .The 8tate Superintendent of public initrnctton .lined warrants1 today; for nrr new llbrarlee for , rural public aohobls and for fire aupplementary libra rlaa. He wee pleased to raoelra letters froavtha anperlntendenta of Haw Han- orer ana uurnam natiog uai . nearly ererrachoUdlttrict ta thoee oouuUet now hat a library. ; Theaa libraries are well coaduoted and very popular. : ; Concressnua Cftlt bad. ' BpecfaVto JonraaL ' Waahiagioa, March lOth Hon George VlOroft, rapretentlng the atooad Con dfttrlct ot; W Coliu, aiea utu moraisr or biooa pouoa. tm ed by a spliater la kit hand. V w Hartowe and 9. Harlawe.' A large party ol frloadi from Mora kead City state creroa Mr BIT Tay lors fine aaptha laaaoh, the OaorgU to tpaad Sunday at Barlowe Aatoag waoaa were Oapt Jla Boyal aa4 hu amiable lady Mrs Boyal. .-Hi MflTT Taylor attandad: Qoarterly auatugatlUwpOTtlaat Satardaf and ' Mrs lane Htaaart Is rltKleg at ZTaw- MrOGBeQaow of Moreaeed City pant a ooeple of days hare this week tit Mr JohaSMorton aev aporuaaew baaaUfal aoable seated traaate. 1 ' Quite a eumaef Of oar f rWndt, amoeg whom we aotlotd Mr" A f ITknahaad, aad daeiktar, KIm JmJJy, J at L Taylor aad tot 4tf rt 0 C Ball aad dt lgbUr LrtM XraaadMiirSBactoa aad daH paaaad throh hare latt Batoraay golag ta qitrttriy aMatrtg at Hawpett. ' " Mlana Uila Boat aad Crrtaae Ball of Morahaad Ctly are speeding the weak wit rtittim earn I 11 "J8Mortoi,I,afaat(tOl!aW tfera Monday re aUradlhe iaaar of the Board af CJaaa'-jTiu , . : t- - i r D Cir;i , lUpped H hoata. sold t?tu oa laa tcaaoiMf MtrUtu to lfw Bare tilt watk whtre.M aad htt famny in follow la a ft layt to t Ut!rkot, V , . , Mr rtbaUlkeMNrkotppUoir ataithtdU Uk good oak wt I kara yat tarda y ' fi'fMj' . '.iPqJ! tUdoa aad Mr O t.Ui of EKkf'.or tt bar jaU4t f rctkt Tfct rMCf oflf lrnrVr'trt fir '"1 wttihar ar.rr tt!r, !".! bt tolig ea tM., N ri8 ca X - --' . ' i O-'EEB As to What Russians or Japanese are Doinf. KiliU'ry Experts at Loadoa Figure a Bnssian Coup. Qnly Actual , Kfort Arthar.-Pe , ' "'lai af Na Tal Bat- 'l T- tie."-- fr " Special to Journal ; - " , i ' London, March 10, It U the opinion In military oirolet here that: Bussla hu planned a Coup which Is to utonlth the worid.'i''v-V ; 47 No'iiuthentic news of.tba Vladlrostpk been .reoelred since February 88th On that date four ships of this dtfliloa of the Busslan nary are bt Hered to here steamed out of Yladlros tok harbor, and tot a course down the Sea of Japan. . . WaMxperts figure the possibility that the commander of the fleet hu succeed- el in bringing hUrettelt within ttriklsg diitance of Port Arthur, with the iatea- tion of attacking and deitroy lag trent- ports oerrylng the Japanese : troops to Cores and Manchuria. - The Juncture of the Port Arthur and Vladirostok fleets combined would girt the Haitians an equal show with the Japanese fleet. - Port Arthur, Moh 10. Thete watan eight hours terrlflo bomWrdment by the Japanese at this place this morning, the fortt replying to the attack. St Petersinrg; Moh I0.-From Vlt- iihpBiiUA that the Butslaa aad Japaaese fleeta iougn.on that place on last Sunday. : v ' y ilfewBerii Woman Aski . : "hare you a floor paint that wDl bat two wuksrVYee we hare Derofs;nnu a beautiful glow aad wBl Uai-two yean if properly applies. W BmnHwooa. - t' -aaaaraBBaBBBfliVBaaaBBaaaBM-M- OLtWU. ' MarclulOthv-rMrMO Holton, aad wire Tbited frinads aad ralaUrat at ilountt Creek Saturday aad Sunday. Mr A J aMmoni, aad wife are ttaltlag bb brother at Bethel M C. tab week. Mr Albert Thomas, of near Bwaatboro rtsited hb parents at thb plaoe Batnr day and Boaday. V -M r Willie Bbspsia, of near Dwaat- boro, fbUed fr leads aad relaUres at thb olaee Saturday aad Suaday, Mrs Jaale Lokey. and two or net chOdrea of Rirerdale, rbited her broth er at thb place Saturday aad Boaday, Bits Amelia Dunn. !has been . quite tick for the past ff days but b bUM now. r Bty. A J Bolton, filled ab regular aDDoiatmeat at thb place Suaday, atr Gallop, and Mr Pixca, peaaoa threeih ihii puce left week and took the picture of oar eahooL , Mbs lda myaa, who U tchool at Qtlfloe, tptnt Balardty and Sanday with her paraate at Ub place aooompaabd by one of her papOs, Mbs Lfllb Wayae. .. , loe lyatl OPERA-HOUSE aajHaaB-aaTa-BB-a-aaaaaaaawM-a TEcGfeat Shaw of IhcDay. THB 'ORIGINAL AND ONLY nirirn i rmm .GRIiTtR 5IVT. TOBC , r.inSTRELS IS fllllfsl EiVcrn' ' . . m 10 CuUsrei tlajt'eri ';;' :-V: 10 rieU:!:!fi".'. .tl'.CrisJ l!!:!iry Jt:J ' 13 f ! Crr'.-.'.rt. ' Tkt Iwt-.l rri f Tkt Ela- 4 . C 0 c V;G::DEr.FUL;GLT.E : : . OF SOTiE MAUDS Dr - Cutlcura ? After ? th Most Awful Suffering j ; ,Ever Experienced. EIGHT DOCTORG tnd Manj; Remedies. Failed to oo benrs wertb - ol Qood: "About Are years ago I was troubled With sore hands, so sore that when t would put them in water the pain would Tery nearly set me crazy, the akin would peel "off and the flesh, would get hard and break. ; There would be bwod flow ing from at tout fifty places on each' hand. V "-"ords could nerer tell the saf f erlng I endured for three years. X trlel ererything that 1 war told to use for fuDy three years, but could get no XeHefi il tried at least eight diftarent doctors,' but none of them seemed to do me any good, as my hands were as bd when I got through doctoring an when I first began. . -I abo tried many remef dies, but none of them ever did me one centra worut' ox gooa. '.I was ousoour tured and heart-tore. 1 would feel so bad mornings when I got up, to think I naa to ko to worn ana staoa tne pain fotJen hours, and I often felt like gtr tuf up taj pumuuu. jpnwre x rnnw to work mornlnsa I would hare to wrap erery finger up separately, so as to try and keep them soft and then wear glorea over the rags to keep the greue from getting on my work. At night I would hare to wear glorea in bed. In fact, I had to wear glorea allthe-tlmet v But thanks to Cutlcura,' Mg Vrf u; anuHn mnrh mnnf' . XA. 1m I A OOUrMOI lOOtUrM O CuUcora Ointment ended all myeufler tags.. It's been two yeare sinoe luted any and I doat know what aora handa are now, and nerer lost a day's work while ,utlng Cutlcura Ointment." - 1UOMAB A. VhAXCT. - 910 V.Montgomery St, Trenton. N. J. Ca ten. MOhoMlu. Cm4 Fllb, m. fr TW i aL NAM , Imp. ttm. JX-KMil iltltlCmmm Am rMf Dnik Chmm. Ory.. lot, Tl ilililiuj. aj Mtii . n.iii i , - - - mm.1 -WIMHUIMF. . F.S. DUFFY'S CORFIDENCB Df HYOIIEI. Rota Penny Reed Be Paid Unless It Caret Tot of Catarrh. fUse Hyomel and be cured of ee- tarrhj'MjtFS Duffy. 'Whenaaaspea albb badaees hoaao like thbeomesoat aad. advertises .that Hyomel will not coat a penny aabso It does all that ekumed for It, It shows what ' remarka ble confidence they hare In thb totaaU- flo medical treatment. A eompUU Hyomel -outfit ooaebU of a naat inhaler, that can be aarrbda the pooket or parse, a medicine drop per aad a bottle of Hyomel, aadeoeb Thetahalerutto a llfetbtaaad when extra bottbs of Hyomef are nesded,they eanbeobtaiaedforOOs. . Thhv treatment does away with all dbsgreeabto aad daageroea stomach doting.- Breathed throagh the Hyoaaai tahalor for a few saiaatM tony tbnas a day, it Impragaataa trery partlcb at air taken Into the air peaaagea aad lungs with germkmiag aad healih giriag bal- , la thb way It earee the suet chronic aad floopouted eatanhai dis eases of the air passages aad ratptretory organs, ' . '- - Theatarb the aold lodge waetaar Bromatbtobe paid for or not, U tt doM not halo. F. 8. Daffy. wUl cheer roUt raiora tna moaty aaa uwmaet eot a fr- tVio to iv '! tf jo-r t'"i'iy ky tt!r J Mil f,i f'-''.f la Pin tt illl-l. I rf ''.';. ! t-fr.l-r,'et -,' , I " ' -T ( ( ( it ll VOlii r: -:,!'n V f we r !.-. vsry ,'tf -i I. if t, i -e !. V i r n t ' -i tl t J 'i Hone. 1 a1 : I ' : ::. c." . a. ricorx,, New Bern n ill .tary Academy ' and Carolina Biis- V iness College NEW BERN, N. C. Military, Literary, Music, Book-keeping, 7 (Typewriting, Shorthand, Offloe . . : :: ; Practice STUDENT BODY. A large and enthutltstlc student body representing Three Statu, North Caro lina, South Oarollaa and Penntylranla Sereraleonnttes represented. FACULT.T. Able faculty representing University of North Carolina, Orangeburg College, Peabody Normal College.athevllle Nor mal College, HoDIns , Institute, Tampa Bntlnett College,. New England Con terratory of Mutio and other noted In ttltntlons. COURSB OF SIUDT. . The literary courae covert a period of font yean, two years preparatory and two collegiate. The fotu claim are u follows: Junior Freparavry,8en!or Pre paratory, Freshman, and Sophomore. A .VALUABLE COURSE FOR TEACHERS. To Public School Teachers: Opportu nity i 1 An exceedibKlr raluable course of study for teachers is being arranged to Mgin siaron ow leacners wno ae sire to thoroughly prepare themselres for examination. Thoee who deal re to broaden their literary knowledge. Thoee who desire to takes thorough review of the branches they teach and those who wlah to take an abridged Nor mat oonrse including Pedagogy, Pay ohoiogy, "Methods of Teaching' etc, ffiu nto tus coarse or etuay interesting on Clrfl Govern ment, School Law, School Management, aad other Important subject will be glr eajn oonaecUoa with the regular course by some of the leading ed oca tore. Wideawake, ambitious teachers Who uplre to take the bed In their profea- aloa by better preparlnc tbemtelret,and keeping In touch with the mott Im proved methods, will look to their In terest and take advantage of thb ralua ble course. EXPENSES. The total expense in the Literary Do partmeator la the Teachers' Depart ment, lacludlna tuition board, room- rent, fuel, aad fights, b only $14.60 per montn. The eourta la the Buatneu College fBook-keoDlnt or Shorthand and Aux tary ttadlatMnoludlag full tultloa board, rooavrant, ugnis ana luei, ootis fie per ta. Tuition for rooal or Instrumental mutio b M per month. TDtB TQENTEB. WhfbthebecUaiat of the seaalon U for mean reasoaS the nest time to eater. etadeau will find It to their adraatage to eater NOW, aad take -adraatage of taeiuttarea moatas oi ue eettion, whioh b ia many respects the most lm portaat period of the sateloa. For farther pertlealars addreu 8. J. HOLLADAT, A. B L L B, Pretideat. A fall tnpply of Anthxaoite free . burnlnf WilU Asa, Grate, 8 tors and Cbeatant Coal, also the Celebrated Pooaiaabui Bltonlnou for tratea and 6 team, Tho Beat Oar, Ash, Fine aad Quick, .Prompt .. Dclivcrvi: Union Point. rio;:o 47a ' DAM " tt 1 0 uoal and Wood cai k mm V Nice Lot Snow Drift, Wtite Ftost and Admiral Flotit Just Received i Also a Nice lot Harvey's Small Su gar cured -Hams, Breakfast Strina nnrl English Cured Shoulders, also Cooked Ham ready for the table, which we slice and sell in any auanitv dfisirAri. Try it, if s nice. Nice large California Prunes 10c lh. 3 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Annies and Peaches, Nice Canned goods all kinds. i respectfully solicit your trade. Yours to Please, I.L. ISM 5 'Phone 91. kiilAilillllllllUmHIIimilTITTTTTTYTYTYYYTYl JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF No C. Hams, Shoulders and Side Bacon. Also plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs 20c Dozen. Give ua a call for for anything in the Grocery line. You will find our stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money refunded, Yours to please, J. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad eft Hancock Hi. HONK 69. MITCHELL'S New Stables. .Located Opposite 'Hotel Chattawka, Rift for All Ooculona. Plrat Olaat Equipment. Everything in Tkt Livery Line. T. i. MITCHELL. IHITFOKD HiBBWiBE CO., 88.1(14110 8t, New Bern, N. C. Phone 09. All kinds Builders Material, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime aad Cement New Era Heady-mixed Paint, The Beat aad Cheapatt oa the market. BaiVlem Toob of the Batt Grade. Stoves and ' ' Cooking Utensil b, Oone, pit tab, Shetb sad Oartrkigaa, Diso Cultivators. Wnu B. Smith, Salcarnaa ' Qraphophorie -. Records :'at:' Half Price Ilittt stock ef erar'Kd ColtaUi Moaldfd iUonrrli. laclndtar B4 aad Orthtra tToea, Baajo, Ptooolo. CltrleM aad Viol I a tioloe. UkriVmm aa4 T.nor Hflloa r1 IhttAM, (jnartattaa. aad a fan lut of Teiklag teoorda. Vkkh I antai.Iiig tt 25c. EACH. Tti timttt t ta ka rtiiad on key r'T': & or Orat-Mj.aoae e!g f A f .,i r of Tlng krUte tad " t inn . . la I 1 1 1- l t ! 'iiliT t i . Crt, rr-.!a, C-( ir- .Jo,lifl!l,lP . j r v, 1 1 . i , t I I :. ff t !) t. 4 " f ' I i I - Voigt's Whoteaale aft Retail Crrocer, 71BrasJ UV Jr. S! I returned from the North after a thirteen days atay in the Mark et selecting my Npring and Hummer goods. . I bought the most up todate Over Waist and Nhirt Goods that can be had. 5,000 Yards Embroidery. . There Is but one way for You to find out Juat what I have got. and: that la to come and seo ' I bought my stock so I could .ell cheap ro gardlesa ol,high prico cotton. Ia bur next add ' will ' : give you prices. S. COPLOK, C:0lM0nTO5, FalatmtnT Tf ktiDDLivrnisrr, Fait v cur.j CaHwaat On'.rf IUra. TV IT A ' " t t , V-m, IT. W. a. tl, m. a 1 to . , t '. t I. . - . I I i . f - I -..-.) t (.II, NEW GOODS N W n

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