:ilfPH ' i - ' :Nice Lot Voigt's 1 Women of taste and judgment t7ear; I: a. iiy.yiiwiiuy for every variety of toilet. The infinite V number of styles and shapes to br had, , irom heavy outingj to dainty full dress, n mn.Tr as fh Am nnnallv doairable for . out O J door or house wear, social or' business A use. . ': VI' ALL STYLES AT U Cotton is Almost kmg Ag At tbe price in prospect yon can afford to fertilise it wel If yoa want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano Insist on having that kind, and yea will nob be disappointed in your crop. For Tobacco Use Meadows Gold Leaf lobacco Guano It makes food, ilick, tough Tobacco. , November 1903 on planter sold 1,452 poundi of tobacfor,f5ll,00r He Med Gold Lerl. V'H Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops If there is no dealer in your section handling pur goods, write us. EH. 8 J. A. MEADOWS CO., SFn'ffs, LONG DIST ' B PHONK 6$,:; . Factory If ease Illver, New Bern, If. C Ooal and Wood A fall supply of Antimoitt fre burning WMU Ash, QraU, 6toT and Chestnnt Ooal, also, the C'elebrstod rpcihantas Bitamboni for grates and Steam. , Tbe Bert Chk, Ash, Pins and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt m IS! Delivery. ELXiIS':t' Union Phono 47 We have - the most complete assortment of Mattings thai we have ever shown you will: do well to .make your selections early, White; Lawns. Compare bur 40 Inch at 10c. 12o and lBc beore you buy. D. F; JARVIS, J FIRE ALARM :capds:. mm ' Any . oat wUhiof on f Umm vsefal terds ean'obUia 5 4 V mAfrAA Pftna ' F Owen' Q. Dunn, rRl.VTLH ft STATIONUR, 7t CRlTtS BT. Attempt to Settle RecelTershp Hess r , Out Of Court J ' ' Jadffe PmrneU Estsn at Taa A tlea. ; la esse f Noa Arrival H af Jadje Slmoatoa Wilt - -"v;5; Hear 7 Argumeats i?.;-? ' Hlmselt - Spsoial to Jonrnal, , " , , . " V- Balelgh, Hon 18. At six o'olock this afternoon Attorney General GOmer and his'aMoelatai eonnselOhu WTIUet representing the StatoJandTT 9 0 B Roblnton, aUornsy for 7 H r MeBes re- eelrer of tbe Atlantic and North Care- Una Railway, went to the resldeaee of Judge Purnell, of the rederal eourt who had appointed McBea Meeltor, with a paper which they desired algned, It hav ing been agreed on by both sides. ".This paper was In the shape of an order, re- voklnt the receiverships lsamedlately, taxing the cost upon K 8 Tlach,who Instltnted . the . receivership ease and swore to the C9mplalnt, - aad allowing If oBee no pay lor his receivership. Judge Pnrnell was aot , at home and the attorneys will return later with hh Importautldooument. It was currently rumored that the Judge would not sign It bat Insisted onbavlng HcBee before htm In open eoutt tomorrow. ? It is now awerted that Judge Purnell is extreme ly engryr at the means, by ' which Finch brought about the receivership5 and at the fraud perpetruated. The matter it the chief topic f.:eonversat!oa of aD the large number Of public men here to day. - . , . - -. Judge Simontoa of the United States Circuit -court who Is to hear the ease in which the Bute seeks the revocation of the reoelverahlp did not arrive this after noon a expected, , la ease ha does not arrive Judge Purnell can dispose ol the himself. '- Jadge Purnell refused to ilgn.the order.'- ' - I ';. - ; Judge Purnell says he had so objeo- tloa to the order bataslJadgc 8Imoaton had beca asked to some Acre and hear this reeelveashlp matter and would reach here at -midnight and at hl re- Queat the signing of such an order bow would be a gross discourtesy to Judge BlatOnton. Judge PuaeU added that he would slga ao order aatU the oourt reg ularly opened tomorrow. ' ', Tour eomsBOBdaatlearas that.at two o'clock this af teraooar MeBee's 1 attor neys W W Clark and W 1 O B Bobta soa called ba Judge FvaeQ at the ha tor's offloe and said they wasted to talk about this reodrerihlp matter. ; Thej did aot then enbmlt any order for his signature. He told them he would not hear anything regardlaf this matter or consider aay pfopealUoa except la the presence of counsel oa the otbor sim aad added that he was aot eoadactlag aay star chamber eourW " ' - r -- 'X " Siirtmi Court Dechloaa. 0mcU1 to Journal! ylK?r?: . Baletih ate. ieV-Baproac eourt this evealag ahti tk followlag opialpas.' . Bargttl vt Ball from .OnaloW, , acUoa MBleed.' . . - - . - rv. ' Bute vt Jtaa. bom Lenoir,'; tew - Lead Oomyaay vtAUaaUa Botel fiom Oerteret a errof.V v r . ; , v, : . wllsoa vs Browa Irom rut,aoer State TslGreta, from Oravea, aew Brethaw vt WOnams,' froea Daplla, pet curiam, afllnaed, J v . .. - MoriuLumbM Co,. from Sampeoa pefcirlam. aSraed a aolhorby of KImII vt Baraatt i K 0 . If. Owen v B B 71 K & 634 aad Drake vt, PowtU v ' mmh 12, " A k 1 ,nrr I : Healthful cream of tartan deriyed solely from grapes, refined to ""absolute purity, is the active principle of every 1 pound of Royal Baking Powder. Hence it is that Royal 'Baking Powder produces food remarkable both in fine flavor and wholesomeness. Wfcite Admiral Just Received Also a Nice lot Harvey's Small Su gar cured Hams, Breakfast Strips and English Cured Shoulders, also Cooked Ham ready for the table, which we jslice and sell in any quanity desired. Try it, it's nice. Nice large California Prunes 10c lb., 3 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apples and Peaches, Nice Canned goods all kinds. I respectfully solicit your trade. Yours to Please, Wholesale aft Retail J. L MAIL, Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 rod St1 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK. ? About tIck Vc'orU - U U mf S i low a4 Wk ta .U l 6d tt We Vlie e Vm V. 4 lif f4 m J Ii ta vi tmK a4 tarry t V .l J rf trfj M(i !'.,. t t-t !'- i.f w -V. tm4 art 4 kn St $ ' 1 k .. T- -V !r ir . , I t-t (., tf tr CASTORIA ' Tar lafuU asd Clilirix Uart the C;aArare of THE WAR GAUE Both. Sides . Do Will and Lose 1 BetTllj. Beperts From Beat of War Payor the Japanese." ' Busians Buffer v Severe Losses ta Narsl ; Battle. Special to JournaL ' . ; London, If eh IS, Another attack was made oa Port Arthur, yesterday. Three hundred Boaalans are reported killed aad wounded and a Bunitan orulier ser I ously damagedThs Japaneie sustained light damage.. Word from . Beoul says that a great land battle is la program on the Yalu river. - London, Meh IS DItpatobes from Porte Arthur sUte that the Japaoeee neat has' disappeared from ' before the city.- Homentloa it - made .of the at tempt of Admiral Makaroff to Jota the the Ylsdivoeiook tqaadroa . at the sea though rumor Is reiterated from Tokto that la great naval battle bac Dee fitaCj-:i''-:Vv;'V-i?:Vl uxi',:' i,,rr'' Z.'k''- Parts. If oh loV-The Tempo eorreepoa deatat Bt Peienburg asetrts. that corps of theBuisUa army are adTaaaing from TUdlvostook toward Cores." i ; ; PortArthar.it Is reported U garri- toted wUh 10,000 troops aad are sup- piled wtth proxlilont fot a year. . , The BtMtaa Vtalatry of Marts t claim that ilaoe the opaalag of the war the Japanese have lost four erttaart aad are torpedo boat detlroyerai the machinery of a U.00O toei balUethlp hu also hea ssrionaly damaged. ; Tht eorrerpondeat aatertt last the ooaoeatraUoa of Baulaa troopt si Kik ieaaadllaibla has petmaaedUy'pre- rtatedthe Japaaeee from land leg oa the aotlhera short of the Bay of Cotes ITotlco lo PnbUe KoUoe la glrea that the tX slBtmU rrrt hating stack a4 bewwne of ao ttrttee ttt tmtj tU of.BeoMtlty be 5;o.)8i!otd ami ti flu u m,rd cr Olhtt afrrir,r.t eta bt m '.. Imporinit! It U lwirtst 1tl tfcit. mha lSm t e". I frv-t Vo!r t'-t t K Hr Jiofr.l for X U p'r;-rty ef d'!"!rt.u t"t ".'er-it of t'. III tn J f w'll t' "r.'s-.e j.j.t t, C7T11C ' r. . ,StlU No Pay. Another day pasted, bringing no pay day for the employees of the A 4 H O rosd, but the trains are still running and there seemi to be no disposition oa the part of those running them to. make a strike, at least not ust bow' An interview with a number of the em ploye! developed the Information that their confidence la the Integrity of the old A & N O. was unshaken, at leait ao long as there is a shsdow of its pasting back Into the bends of lis J former msa sgement'. f All seemed to be ' wlBlBg to wait for the out come of the cate atl Raleigh today. The permanency of the Becelrerahlp Is not considered by the employees to be s I provoked probability and Mr MoBee, In I the connection, receives no consideration whatever. This conduct seems to betel provided only distrust and contempt. On the streets, one hears nothing but I condemnation of the whole Beotlrer-1 ship crowd and business evea those who I heretofore favored the lease strongly I denounce the policy adapted by MoBee, and all those who helped to bring about I the present confusion. LillllllliAimmmillHTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYTYTTI JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF N. C. Hams Shoulders and Side Bacon. Also plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs 15c Dozen. Give us a call for for anything in the Grocery line. You will find onr stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or yonr Money refunded, Yours to please, j. it mm & ca, Beg to announca thai they -will on Saturday March 19th Open an np-to-dat Dry Cood Iitabllshmant and will bare .for yony laBpeotiot; - . - A Well Seicefcd Stock of ; 1 Spring and Hummer Dress Goods, Subs 'and Novel ties' f ot Etcry pctcrlptltn. .White O da, XnetJ,'Uroeriied and other fabrios, acd t. .''elected stook of ji:,?.J' " . " : J BIIOES forTomen and Childrm. .TVe Solicit' a sharo of yonr patronage JlAIIi OnDEHfi ljreiMptlyJFUied. 7 ' K fiAJIP lull's Bent on nppllcallon. . It; 43: Pollock Street" , OPPOSITE THE : TOST OFFICE, - ' - 1 n:-; n : r:; L J B ... t JU C k BONE 69. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad aft Hancock Hi. C3IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTYYTYYTTTYTTTTTYYTYTYYTYYYYYT1 MITCHELL'S New Stables. located Opposite Hotel Chattawka, Rlgt tor All Oocaalons. flrtt Clau Xqutpmnk Eterythleg In The Li? try Una. IT. j. MITCHELL f rir : :: - :r !: araplioph - . !!. ' j OrvT ft uroclicry, uir.ssv:arc, ' : ':' Stationery, &C. AIo n rilco Jilixo cf I'.r.ri'n In Btock. i Tclrczh Sited,, Opp. P. ,tttt t O. t tttaaeaata WHIH0SI1 HiBBfiBI CO, 68 Middle Bt, New Bern, N. U rhoneM. All kinds . Builders Material, Sash, Doors, Blteds, Llate end Ceeaeat New Era Beadyznlzed Faint, The Beat asd Cheapest oa the market Batklara Tools o the Beat Oaad Stoves and Cooking- Utensils, Oct, rutola, Shtllj aad CartrUgta, Diso Cultivators. Wa. B. Smith, Balctmaa AC l tt f t - i- 111 I ! i i 1 -. i ICfiCUHAfi Ui 1 V. s f '1 c C a cf I3or ..ill i:v I :d cl one Records at Half Price I fctte t Stock Of eve 100 CoHathtt UnLM titrar4a, laeitlag BUd sad OrrhMtr aWnloa, BtaVl, Ptecota ( !tr1aa4 Vlo It HoU. iuAu a4 Trr, Dmu, qaaruttaa, aad trailHMP Ttiklag iMtfia wakh I atat.;if at j i- 25c. EACH. j; TliM ftroHt I iM tlMd M f f fV-t'-f ttrk u , re eaftg ey- Hr, 'tt f of't. V A f - ; ataf T la !k, ) trXtt i4 t j!iLLi: r ti r t :, 1'wr-!, fa- r - ,r-( 1-it in f Tn- xjurtn. J i. .t r I t fl ff- . J a f ; m a f n j " i k r Kt'nt' -. a, Going Forward. here at all timet foodt arriving almott koarly, ao la a tery few dtjt our lite will ba complete and that mtaot the rtp reaanted ones of the city a coortout tod oomplete foroef talMmta that will be pleaeedto ahow yon. When you call we wiil always offer yoa the bett at bot tom prioea. DRXSS QOOD8. Walat goods eonttstlng of Hllka, Qlog- hotae, Lawns, prloee from So to 30e- Trioo la all colors Mo. Aahar Porpalls all colon at 40c. wonted goods frost 10c to 68c Oar Hamburg la stU arrlrlnt; from 5o toieepetyd. Drees OUghaau. aad Apron Otaghaau, for4lS4e. 1,000 yds of Feequa aad Paraaleatee vuorumo. Oar stock of tprtag eiothtag It new eoatphMe ta both goods sad rt;Ua,. . . Maes Balis lAMtoftlM. TeatheBalle AM to 7.29 BeytVuite K)lol,T9 iboksi UdtctfUpoett 49o to 13 Chfldrsae . VkflM KtMCaoee " I6cte U9 LID IIS B1T. Lalett Btyle from 80s to tOS. , i . ' Wewaatyoa te some sad ate ear stoak, b WIS pa foa. AlaCarlaywt potkat Is worth as mack to yoa as aay Mhere totWt Is te htm. ftMat aad T eaa hart eae kaft. . i S. COPLON, ',a.O4M0irrON, BalnuAT TI KHiOLX,aTHIEX, Ktit t QMkCl CjHnn.Uvtrt,!!, H . W. M. r. a. flam '9m 11 rr.m 11 iTA'-n Ml ' iv; t . i