v ) r ! i N 'V - - a. KIW BX25, I. CM TUISDAI HOESIXa, MARCH 29, 180 TWIST Y-SIC05D YEAR VOL. XXI-KO. it pmppJ CHALLEHGB KSUTRAL POWERS , f Q R , REF C HANDSOHE DOTTED .:; -. Br Rusla. : Martial Ui Declared in . MaaehurU. AmerkaaandBrlt- ; tab to 4. basils force! Special to JOurtiL J" London. Moh 98.-Uadtt n order from Viceroy Atoxlefl, declaring Hew Chang, Manchuria la a bUU of war and under martial law, the American ; end i British flag were today removed from the property of American and Biltlak elt laena,' 5 -1 Alexias'! order says the Newehwang dlapatoh la regarded aa challenge to Site Accepted In Koorc ConntyBy TQRTURHIG r- DISFIGURING Mr i - ' Union Passenger Depot Question. - Fear of Frost, Faints Frou Smlta't Iiland." f Ueh J Case' Not Helped T : ; Alleged Agree-' , meat. . Raleigh, Ken 88.-The King Daugh- ten hare aeoepted the offer of 00 acres! of land In the auburba of Lake Tlaw.l the neutral powan aa It exolades them I 00 county, on whloh will be erected I the reformatory for young' wait enm-1 Suoh as we are selling are bound to recommend I we Muuii powers J QWICQ CA IDT A I ISIS. S( from trade la this port. v VI Ti,.i.n ..raadltnata. which work the Stag's Daughters l : . J.. , ... . neve aaoDtea. aa weir inw wwi. m xu- , . .t'.. . TO . 1 ett Oempea.;!r- tuomeoiyeBro wiose who recognize gooa qumipy wueu tuoy tf. I th. American and other OTernmentl The eorporatlen eommbalon. left th)a are the kind that a " - C ' I efternoon for Charlotte, where tomor- nnuiui tvuvji . . . . . union raateager aiauon wui oe nu ik tt. The curtains we are offering now wear for several season?, and are honest bari prices we ask. $1.25 to $2.00 per Pair v jv a.i a meeting wa im conawa 11 guias atthfi. V the admlaMratlon Informed them Vi It waaRnaala'e-Intention, bealdeidV jEIsLcltezTbiDLriiL v ling martial law, to : annnl Maritdlotlon., A dlapatoh today tara the . lateat at- 1. S. SDffl l Crockery, Glassware, Stationery, &c. , AImo a foe L.ine of Raffia in slock. Tollock Street. Opp. P. O. Gaskill Hdw. & MillSupplyCo. Iftnntluira U Imdlntf ia the fiahtl "rriacauat this Atetlon and the matter haa all coneniar I become of general pnbllo Intereet' The nnaeMonabl) cool weatier yeater I (Jay and today following aome ?erj Ammam haa A a M aAfY TflltlinH f A&V ftf I tack, flowed tne tattle ef yeiieraay i,, ntn ,. d . i lavnti wmw"vww - - i aceompanylog the attempt, to bottle npi, fanner( tnotber aet back In the Port Aithnr, waa raoceaafnl, So say I WOrk of planting. Japaaeae reporta. - , : I PalmSanday Waa Tery naiaaomeiy obaeryed in tne Kpuoppai ana nomu K . . ifi.ik.i i AiMMkH ibm 'I ui fiannra. Ma . nnse tu 11. .w.w . - . ' . Jtlona were' of North Carolina palma, Speclatto Journal. Jwfloa' mmc ftom Bmlth'a Island Or Raleigh, March J8 lathe game pfffialdhead.at the month of Gape fear huslii hMtAii' ih a aw nniiMel River. and which are aa fine ai-thoeel I club waa defeated br Lefavette UnlMr-l'rom i .. . . .. . . .it h. . ' ' lv ner tne teat 01 a asy or iwo ma m- i j -j . . , A - .v. peeung omoer ten toaey w " work of aecertelnlng the. condition of BILL FOR CONSPIRACY. I the North Carolina National Guard. The Supreme court U at worfc tnu week on appaala from the 9thdIetrlot iprawa Against MeBee and Flach. Com-lthedo,ket Mg. , rather heary one mines to Eiamiu a. n. v, 1 witn no eaaes or tpeoiai inpornnei. , Affairs, . I It the Current ooaameut here that I thm Huh Mil Ikraad AUt 10 Da OTOa iSpecUlloJourmaL ' mAMMuUoBalthM that of MoBee. Raleigh, March -8 Solicitor Arnua-Iuoahtt was not. nearly to great a tend Jonee of thla dletrlct, la drawu a I drawing-card. It U further aald that the Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours; v fr&iPbstdScrcfala,frca ".' All Bsi FiStv' The vromxtof Itching and fatmitac of the ekln, as In eciema j the fright fcl sealing, as In paorlaala t the was of hair and crusting of the Scalp, as In called head( the facial dlaflgnrementa, as In acne and ringworm the' awful Buffering of Infants and anxiety of Worn-out parents, aa In mUk cruet, tet ter and salt-rheum aD. demand a rem edy of almost anperhnman vlrtnee to auooessiuuy oope wnn mem. xnu Cutteura . Soap, Ointment and Resolr- ent are snch stands proTen beyond all doubt. No statement la made regard ing them that la not Justified by the strongest eridence.- The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immedi ate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, we aoeointe- eaiety and great economy, have made them the standard akin cures, blood purifiers ana numour remedies ox tne dTiuiea world. - . . . , Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surfaoe of crusts and acalea and Without bard rubbing, and apply Cutf cure umtment xreeiy, to auay itenmg, rmtauon ana inflammation, ana eootne and heel, and, lastly, take Cuticura Be aolrent. to cool and cleanse the blood. This complete local and constitutional treatment affords instant relief,' per nuts rest and Bleep la tne severest zorms or. eczema ana toer ncning, burning and scaly humours of the akin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy,' permanent and economical cure when all else fails. iiiibmisI , Kens and Boys Fnniisliiiici t I- If yen need a Bat," Fhlrt, TlColUr and tuffs or any thing else la the fnr nlshlng line, can save yoa money. , K. W. ABMSTROHQ We have the most complete assortment of Mattings r that we have ever shown you will do well to make your selections early, Compare our 40 inch at 10c, 12c and 15c beibre you buy. D. F. JARVIS, 01 Pollock Bt. - 'Totn Mothers t I hTS lust reoeired a big line of boys hare the following articles in Car Load Jota and Guarantee Prioes as bin which "he wDl send to the Grand I endeavor to show that there waa agree I kM pMlta niXt at ww prfoea, sites a to . ----- - V. fli.1. .Mil WMul tt9 I T .v. 1I i . a v ' .LIBNH WtWOM ua BMW 1 uiuiinwuunignnHn wmwi-i ...... . v.i .v......,! n . r,ij- tii nn i Tn ti n- 1.1 1 VHm UBICUUWl U1U BUI swu um iwv v oasn, jjoore, minan, owvos, iwuwuou im reuce, uimo, ucuwu row, m the ease of the Btate aralut Mo-1 4k. ...... a11 Low as can be bought in, the Northern marke.s: 17. Special prioes for the next 10 days. ' X. W. ARMSTRONG. 'COLD WEATHER NECESSITIES. Don't stand m need ot Coal Hods.Fire Seta, Pokers, Btove Pipe, Btove Boards Stove, Bangea and Beatess any longer than it will take yon to reaeh our store. All these things we have m oni HARDWARE STOCK, and many more too numerous to mention The very look of teem will make you feel warm, and the low prices will strike you favorably, ate. Foy & Simmons, 798. Front St, NEW BERN, N.O. Plaster, T.r Paper Roofing, Parold or Felt Roofing, Gould' j lion Pomps I Bee and nana 0a the charge of eoa Pump Pipe, Wood Split Poileys; also a Full Line of Hardware and Mill J splracy. The eoart niet today. It la not kaowa whether .the oaae will be taken IE.K. BISHOP. SuppUes. PRICES LOW, QUALITIES HIGH. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., BAUD WARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. M.LL SUPPLIES 44 Craven 61 PhonellS. Epstein Bros., One Price Clothiers. CORRECT DRESS "FOR MEN. Visit oar New Store and see our Fine Display of Up-to-date Hens, Youths, Boys eetvenup A Ic HC Comments. Oharlotta Navs. upettnia tera,If tnograad 3T I nny rata, the papers that opposed turns a tree bUL or whether tha lawyers I a reoslvershlp and deaounoed the eon will have it carried overuatll the aextl sotracy. have aot had to do tana, " lashlag. Why explala so It U expect! that tomorrow the Gov- f ' t0 ? the craw- uch If there I Hortnuaro ma in Nice lot Just received. Also new lot Harvey's Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams and Breakfast 8trips. Good Canned Ttorn 10c can, Corn and Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Lemon Cling Peachs, Early June Peas; Lima Beans, String Beans, Beets, Succotash, Canned Meats, Lunch Tongue, Salmon, Sar dines, Scotch Herrings, Cheese, Macaroni, Fancy Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter A complete stock of everything nice in the grocery line. 1 respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Yours to please, Wholesale aft Retail Grocer, 'Phone 01. 71 Broad Bt" LimiIIIIIimTTTITTTTTTTT!TTTTTTTTTTmTmm J8. CliAYPOOlYE. mm. We are now representing In our Agency, all of the Fire Insurance Companies of Greens boro, W. O. and are 'prepared to furnish full JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF N. C. Hams. Shoulders and Side Bacon. Abo plenty of Nice Fresh Eggs 15c Dozen. Give us a call for for anything in the Grocery line. You will find our stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money refunded. Yours to please, HONE 69. B Jr. Wholeaale and Retail (Jrocer, Cor. Broad eft Hancock Hi. ITTTTIITIITTIT!!I!I!TTTT!TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!H and Juvenile er.ee wiu name ta urea men, WBoareiQm44boro xdejrriB urmUlmrrLata, Uauklac a. - the row ovr the Atlaatlo aad North protection In the home Companies. tramal thomerh ikaniin. nt ik. a a. I Oatollaa railroad, bat Uea some peopie a T; C--7T '- Iluatwealbe eoavlaead, at aay rate w w ih vwiuw aauwar. . ... ,v .M aaey wiu no wau saawa Dwaiaeia aaea aaamaynerrea aauoray to employ WAT tq CATARRH aa expert aeooaaUat logo over the eoou aaa apera. This, lafpeotloa I HtVBelsal fJU AH Catarrhal woam aaye neea saaae, waetaat taere-i crm Maaev Back If U t I Fans." ayi r. . vaoy. BISHOP & CLAYPOOLE, Phone 97. CIaOTjE3EI3KrC3- We carry the verry best of makes and guarantee fit and workmanship. OUR MOTTO: j Satisfaction guaranteed ot money refunded. asBassmMSMSsasaBWSSsassssissssiaassisssassaisBiSBamaiaiasiaaiasaaaaM Epstein Bros., aot.' TW dasaiaaai aa atalaJ aM. . B Ml- - M ' , i I Kag waea aaug uyosaei lammmmaf PtttlBflll Wvtt-lkfflr Imrr Psffa laadaroaaatia Ulaaaas whloh I ef !. A a BOSTON, aASl, lfaroh SeV-The One Price Clotlilc w, Bryan B(6&Mddte Street. , I- 1 WUlTrORO HAKDWAUR COMPANY VT iiii i tcrJi J-- sswtpaer BdftrUeug sgeaey ef PeU glU aad eeespeay today aaaeaaeel that Hhad pUfced lu affairs la the hands of ua eredltora. Covaael, npraaeatUir Pet- tugUl aad aempuy etatad the UahQlUea may teaeh 11,000,000, with asaeU possi bly oaa-quartai of that amoeat ' t ' The aaaoeaesai ef tke l4aadal tretblaeaf the oom Deny wee mada las ttateasril ttaaed by eouasel, which isald Ue oott had heooeae badly est-! barman 1 Urgl aiaay errors ot Judg -KtmX la tU llUaLsi ot eradlti aad la the general eenduet ef lu haslaeee. . . rettlatmaadObtipaay hare beam do- Isg baslasaa Is Bostoa alaee lSiSL end aadawUeeoaaaottoaamoag thenews- pepen ef the seta try. CASTOR I A ; . lor I&fa&U and CUlirta, UirtiYw A!::;i E:::t! CiOkUre ef L6Mff4xLAt thla woaderfnl treataseat are breathed throech a neat socket UatlM that eomes with every 1 oatflt, "' la thla way the gerae-hnilag health-gtTtaf Hyoaaol peaetralee to the moot reaaoto estta of the laaga. It searches oat aad kQa dlaeaae germs to the air passages of the headVlhroat aad eose, soothe aad heals the .Irritated uooae . aaambraae, ; sad abaolutaly rl vea caUnh frost the system. ' ' Bach remarkable resslis have followed j the use of Byomel by the beet people Is Itsw Bern, UM F 8 Daffy haa the graet- eat eooBdeaoe la lis power to ears oa- h. neUlleveataltao' thoroughly, that he will Klre hie pereoaal gnattatee 10 refaad the mosey If tt does aot ear, the ptrchaser to he eote Jadg. Taia la aa saoseal offer aad the (rati llat that aay medldae at trcetmeat lor the ear eaianh ha been sold ta; Utiaay. If It earea, the Si pens b triSlag, whtl If It fella, the eost Is abeo- leWJy aothlBf l . , It jo4 are fort so ne eeoegh aot to be! troatW with eaianh, tell yoer friends offBDsfr'a off'f aad get them to late advanUfe ef It. Dr1 fill f tt'h tti Tlmslrl- pf on Trstal. !., Art, rV!!'.V-a, Bat!ata, tli'Ulot, IM ( aa4 Cur rt tf WS'.h lUtf a Dot Altrae Uts f -ett IW;'.e. .i One Car Load of Cook. . ; ; aStovcs Just Arrivcd.fo;;;;;;: For tli next COtlnjai will ncllnt a Verb ; '- I tir1 Si It- r trf. ' f -, TsUe toys .. If fm wssl a BfMij dais prlr fall I ee lopplf yoer waets sad won't kail yoar ftnrirt rJa eUUr. Let ti tkow joe, rt,r to 1' X. W. AKM'-iir.O.N-O. -'Sr.sli Doors anil DlintI e Anc'Jicr Car on tirj Way. G. PI UK ALARM CaPD: 'Je ? I'thlirt'ii ' i " t r ; . "t I': l H P ( ' tui" 'r t- 1- f U T t J for two days Monday and Tuesday. AT im iiitkrs & Co., The Ortnlcit Embroider Sale ever held In New Bern. We have lost received 1000 yard ef Xmhroldery la abort leogtha- ItolOyarda.- The line is Urr la roJUty, ftoe ta quality atd Baaa tirul la design. All qualiUee fce Kaiaaookt 8 wise aad Camhrle, Tow via Cad UU heaeUlal lio U lees thaa Its real ralo. rrteelelolO the yard. . Hom of theee goods ont, - TWIt our stove aad yea wB ho Bgreeahly surprised, V " .' . ." ; : ;", . - LadU Moalld TjMlanraaf at lad Us love preUi ' sff, lacy aoder vear. Ws carry a fiU l!o of Oowa, CkrH Oowa, raeta aad SklrU mad vp la Kalnaook, Long CVHh ad Caatbrle, trtsassed ta bandsoese Eathroldery, Val folat de Farfa aad Daay Laea. . , Tucking and Ueowtitahlng froisi 15e up to i00. BIG CUT IN PRICES. Old price, back again. High stan dard of material and workmanship maintained. All work jruaranteed. Malniprisgs reduced from $1 to 75cts. Watch glaasee redooed from Ata to 10c Bands reduced from 25c to 10c ts. Leader In low prioes. J. 0. Baxter, nUOBIS ILOCK, MiadU Wixat. 1 I II IJiBLL & I,. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. !: We yriy wall, rr M a4 fr(U os all purWe aoaUBg to 0) of sKfj-rd o ay j We vi'.llu a renins US ot mHa, C r ) 4 f ;. 1 f lljj r, iinUAViMTr-n New Grain STORE. I WILL ooea, MOXDAY, a Orala and Teed Store at Mo 61 Middle Street, and will keep Cora, Oats, Ground Feed Brea and the Beet Timothy aad Worth OaroUaaEay. CALL aad Bee Ye. mm 5a fliddle street, US7 Xllddle St. Full line of Drug,Med icines, Toilet Ar- tides and Soap. Fresh Supply' ;of Flower Seeds. !. DijIclnn rrc.crip (Ion. A ripe 11(7.' ' Uroid SI, fruit Co pring Opening 8 Only One More week To Easter. A look through our Store will remind you of the Spring, we can ftt you men and boys in a minute and you fro home happy and in good style, younc men you must go neat or get left This is ieap year. Am for the girls w have the hataaad dret goods and papa's gc inem to duv. on vol little folks, both glrlS ana Doys we nave the Hats and caps and you have pap to quarrel. We give yoa a few prtoee below that are feels aad aot dream 4,000 yards of Hamburg that weeaa aeUyoafrosa i toSSo, 1,000 yards of white lawa 40 Uchea wide at tbjs opealag sal froaa Tie to Uo, a. 000 yards of Penal 10a aad lifo at tail eels So. ' . ', Oatatoekef drasa toed ead waist : good are complete la style and adore,' A large aad watt eeleoted lot of Ladle Ml aad CkDdrea allppera la ap-ta Aau ityle f root 4Se to I.7S. ' Allaoiorsaadliureof Lawa. ' MOO pair of MA4 paata froea 4 V to S. COPLON, . ,,C. 0. M0ETO2J", tyeamanT- ?i KiDDn rrantT, irit W okta Hardware Oa. lew Beta. y r.m.tk! jo saMnm t OU t frVt 4't'iJ, ! - riTr'. FTrf , ' I'.r.ta.t, A;;'e. ljf?"'asU 1 f r s t; M S) f f t? rla, (T'-' '.- 1 r i ''!. r -5, r '-. ' i ' ' .St -a, H. W. -t M. mrf r "'4 mamA.. r. awjw r w-wijpv ' I I. k '4 e Bar -4ii ft a r r

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