"1 rf H0r 1- 9 f . .. e A4tptah! Prenatalionf jrAs simulating fceFoodan(ffic2uti-1 ting the StoEKteandJioYiels or Promotes DigcsBoitCheerfdh ness andRest.Con tains neither OpdunuMorplune iwr Mineral. KotXarcotic, ' " Aperfed Remedy forConsfip R6n,Sourtoiiiach,DunJK)ca Worms Xrwulsions,Feveristh hess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simua Signature of NEWYDHK: :1 Sfffni't sMlt EXACT (SOW OF WRAPPER. - land is w More than that land is the source of all wealth, The ratio of pop ilati n to aordagi is fie sliding scale upon which opi ortunity is guaged, s lecess determined Cut thejonm-be- of laid holders in any 3 ate in the Union in t to, and wlia t is th result ? It'u simple arithmetic opportunities do 1 1 ld in that State. What if t'iree-fourths the popula tion be eliminate I f Opportunities quadrupled; and so'on 1 list's ihi condition in the great Southwest,' Arkansat,tn- dian Territory and Oklahoma. This vast territory is sup porting less than one fourth the population of its capacity. Fert 1 1 a land where wheat and ootton thrlte side by . s d i wjere two yea: 1 vegetable crops are demonstrated possibilities the greatest fruit section in the country; but. that's only half the story. The low ratio of. population to. acreage makes land cheap that's the main point There's room for sacoeas in the great Southwest. Illustrated liter ature seat on request : r PLUS 8 DOLLARS For the Sound Trip Tint and Third .. ..Tuesdays of aaeh -Months The I.A11GEST Store -trlththeBlggest Stock of Furniture and House Furnlahlng Godi in tbe State of North Carolina solicits your trade for sack Deer giade of goods as yoa caa sot obtela from yoar home BMrchanta. In idvertUleg la yoar bone paper 1 am aot eadeavorlag to compete with the f era Hare dealers la yoer place, bectise I bellevs It Is the jlaly of every good elUscn to bay whatever they caa at home, whatever laey can not bay at home, bey la North Car.jUaa Irst, the Boeth secood. sad eUeffbere last, bat as 1 carry a s'otk of goods a las la qael. Hy ae aey store la the thy of Rew York !t may be that I have soaMthlaf which yoar home mcrchaata hsve set, sad my prtcee are, as a- mailer of eoeree, from U per eat to M per scat lees the Kew Txk City pi lota. Of coarhejojsr home merehaat roeld order from kU cala tof o aommkteg that I have la stock, bat the, as yoa are well aware,' heacct. fal peterM are oft time deceptive, sad 1 raslly ihlak yoar home merebaate ' sa I yoeelvee wteld get Veuer tat- 1 yea woe Id lay from a tatVr thea Oi f from ptoterte, a4 thsrefot t eollolt e prreeea! call am ye. ', . t K.r. p at en. Ho. 104 8. froat 61, WllmittM, Jf, Fubllcatlofi of Bnru- onrncAtouiii,' ' " ' ithe Craves Uoeaty. Bcpetlot 1 .' ' Jeha ,Ws, :.V - ' Meilea.tHso,: '3;".J T Matleea DIih' " .V I . . - TAimoTicri ' . !. ' f , Till a av-.tloa eatltkd ae . has hmm enaitMeeed te lht loa-t . Vy aWiatlfl u fmm josil. Hate rerule Joe ef Uo4 le lb Cut cf rW Pin, aiee ft rwa rr.na lauy 4mmiM la Us Uolalel Ud la tMi SaiIm, e4 to iWUr ya a Trtt for piaiaiitta t'tte tit, epoa tb grrmnit tkU ofc Ml M (ff ) ! tiy rnm w'.ta m-fy of p aUtlS aad tbs lliV . tkrn4 Ul 'e f mt o' Tga rm j km'rn vtI 14 ke s4 ftu k. . fn tl PrHf tf1 ' roa. ' j ly It t ! 1 M i Unnir IS Oi City o 5 l f't I af KJ'tk m lln iMk1 SfUf F rt k '''? I r""IIM f t 111 df Ai-i'l 1' nwt ' , f ----t'i i t.M a ' ' !! f '-'- fjv !' t f f i -1 t ' 1 i-'i, it tsuir ri ii" ! !1 I I rr, i-.y 1I V t I. fit ' f ',' ' ) i Li Tb Kind Yea I!:va . J ." Always DcL'Cut Bears tho of In Use For Ivor Thirty; Years wealth!! . i ;' .:.r ' GEO.'H. LBE, G. P, A;::l - Little Beck, Ark. l i W.'J. SAUNDEBS, DPI . Bicbjnend. T. .',Z a oMicMtart N-a tNaitsr wm tuitnjuii Kit's MAuklHiM tliWrttM. Tmk, M MarTaVta ! MMIlulM mt ImUm M4 "a-W fW Ls4tLi WtlT.lTM I llMirtl, M M (VMM CL mm trkt mmm Ma For Electric Lights Persons wtshTeg their bo tidier wired will pleeto make kppllcailoe It wrl Asy eomplalate for- defective tit his, laatieatloB of hmployaee, Ac If made la writing, to the Commlaslin, 'will re ceive prompt attesstoa. .Addrese. all comaiaalcailoos to Ihi BeorstsryvT - 'WATXIi LIGHT OOMMlSsIO, .'.'' - Griffith. SU - notice el DlstolvOoa. ITotlce U hereby give that ibe te-part aenblp heretofore etistleg bet weea the aaderslgaed Oeorgo S WUcot aad 0y 8 Laaa, eadsr tht Irm same aad style of Laae Wflcoi ku tee this day d!- elvw) by matoa coast at. 7 Ail dbta doe by Ue arm wDl be paid by, aad all dehu dec U ths firm will be bv Oeorge B rTtlooi, Ooy0 la isis asy reunag uom Sam arm,' Tkseklag oar patrons for favors hr torore estaeded to the Irm, end aollrtt 1st their fotare patroaste for MrOeo aWilnoa.whe will b teafler eosdoct ud erry oa the betteeee at the .iatyMth.tWk A" . - rpeouaiiy, ' -OUT B. UKI. V ; ' CEO. IV WILCOX, Executor's Uoiico. " Dvlf Ht'i i aoailCed ll Kieo- t p ttm Iwt ri 111 aat 1 nuiMi.1 d' Hrnti Mn-ftif divf a'1, j rf'n ' hlf ijrtlnM it rlt of Iff ih . r taritiwt t ir.. mil and nu .itte .uI,.tt t .r ' . -'y. 1 lfnra tbe ' t th'.t aniloe '..n I r ',!." () to;l ttt r T i'-,'sl to ss I'raviSUteoat i, : I 'r.ftary nv 1' . ' I f.V, , t (.'"!1S. i s 1 1 (.-, i t-' J9 X l'a tWFv.-. :.THG eJeWrtstsJ JOeeWMIw HOT Vajawal eMwwV V"- vireing Tt Desaocg, orce tie j:kU of tie lt ;.re cf Erri't, la rowved as a f.. .t tftc.e sior.j the Atlantic coast , The Jumbo of t&e lobster tribe waa caught at Gloucester; Mass., recently, lie was twd feet Ion, and weighed .thirteen pound, ' -.-.V . " ' . ' During the month from NoTember to AprU one-flfth of an deaths In the large cities of the tJnlted Btatea are from pneumonia, while but one-ninth are from consumption ; r! "i " In a deed, recorded at Newark, N. J., Miss Mabel P. Coo conveys a atrip of land four Inches wide and ft hundred feet long to William H. Everett The price paid for the atrip was $33. ' -" At the fttinual eonyention'of the Cotf nectlcuf fruit growers at Hartford the other day Me. 'Hale of Glastonbury tald that in hla opinion half the trees in- the state would never bear again because of the ravages of the Ban Jose scale. :v - f "J'- t? 1 '' There are too mapyvpennlee Jiuihe tlnlted State at present. In th,opln. Ton of the treaanfy department,bd no more win be ground out at the govern ment mill at Philadelphia for some time. During the past flv rear S&XV OOOaS new pennies have.beeo shipped to ?arjpua parte eC the country. . i BRITISH BRIEFS in' in i .i ' 3 vThe 8,581,000 4ahabltant. Greater. Titiilnri live 1(t'028.008 hOUM8 tf . X 1th4 VngUk JboronhLtai ewark Jhar tba taJleetimayor in.BcUatn..He,ia aix vfeet flverrand Wllt;1nbe jn height- ftfi, rr ,; Thev jMlled-Black eonntrr Eng land 1 to be'made beautiful kgalu by eowla'g the, seed ef tree .ovtre vast areas of furnace jwruee nA. bp and coal waste. v --. 1 - ' The averago-age of death of working- men lri east' London la about twenty- ntoe,Whefen3jathaiweUtodo,dUtrlcta of west iaondoB' Jthe average, age. abont fifty-five. ' ' The authorities. at Edmiiurgh filtered half crown to every one who would be vaccinated, and the rush was Sorae- toin - awrur. '-aaeBcotcn omciais CANCER CURED , BY BLOOO BAIN Mrs: ft L Adams, Frtdonla Ala.j Botanic Blood Balm whWt effectually cured au eating cancer of the nose 'and face, f TheI0Je4iheaie4 , op perectly. Many doctors bad given up her case a hopeiest, tundreaa of cases r cancer, eailag sorea,' supperaUog swellings; etc, have been, cured by Blood Balnu Among others," Mis.. B. ''Mi- Gaeraey, Warrior 8tand; sAUvf iHer ioee and Up were ra w uber,wltavoffej-JvaUcbarge from the eating sore. Doeiortdv!BeduUlng, bat it failed. Blood 3UJiealed the! sores, and Mrs Querney Ja u well as ever.4 BoteaJoi. Blood, Baimlalso cares ecaema,' Itcblnf humors, scabs and scales bone p4us,' nloent offensive " pimples, blood polaon, arbnoolesj aorofala,' ris ings and boapaoa the ikja andaU blood troablesC" Drngglstr, 1 por large bottle. Sample of Botanic Blood Bala free and prepaid tyr. writing Blood Balm Oo AtlanU 0a," Describe trouble ad tptdal medical advice pent in sealed letteer, ; It is certauiy .worth wane UTeitlgatliig inch aetnwksUj n-ed, at (looi Bala cores the.moet awful, wont aa4 meet deep-seated blood dtsoeers. tmm m Avtrr. , The prompt application of the tour niquet or even of tbe finger to stop the bleeding .of . an artery before the doc tor comes win often save life. A wound anywhere below the middle of th upper-arm or balow the middle. of . the thigh may be easily stopped brj tour- nlqoet. . TJse simplest Improvised form Df this Implement which may be al- waya.fouD4 restdy J ftand,"l Jtneft baridkerchteX aiul-A itreng stick. beet placet ao erDiyOh totrmljoe, fot wound Of the arm is above ue et bow, , where the pulaatlona of a ar tery may b tett by any ooe -. :' The handkerchief ahooUt b-fled around Khe arm chthet looadf tfcs stick w ttuoaa ta and ttuped to tighten tt antU the bltxxl :ses) to flow, .Of course Ihkf only temporary -relief till the coming of th doctor, who, la xaae At setloo Ueedl&g, maat haea- moned aa soon as possible- Whe yoa have potblng at hand tn Casw of sadt dan aeddeotvevaa tbe prsesure ot,the toraAotea od tbo.tboteO fer-b wound may arrest th iow' of, blood for th time, v ','.1 C V - -PO 1TT0-DAT The Umewora UJeaoUoa'ITever pat oS 'id hvmofrow wkat yoa caa do tc dty," hi sow eaev ally praeeated b lots fonsu Do. It to-5ijr r Tie! U the trse edvtoe we waat to I've yoa aioat tLst kacUng SotJik ef damoralltlageoli with which yo have bee iUuRBg for ssr eral days, perhaps weeks. Take some raJable remedy for It TO-DAY and let that reateby be Vi BoecW Gerraaa tyrop, which has been ta dm fr over Ulrty-6re yeaa, A few doses cl It will a adonbtedjy !( yoar eoaih er col J tad Its coBttatMsd has fof e fw d;i wlUcateyo eompUtely, tio "-'t bow dp-uil year tottjli, it'a If dr4 raiaajpUna V : v1 jr-n lir, vriaaa eyrrri . t ctfte u It ttaa fl-.n ', i of sprarently t. .. trosl.le, fiew tt.iU b"tl'.r, l'M,75. At a.i drc- ;''. t a Ii.''.' -!- ' o it L.i.'iE '."( fa!af T ' A .CwDUTANJE. v A puff, a frill, a bit of lace, . pu h of powder on the iaca, , A roundrd arm, a slender neck, - . , White shoulders, without Gaw or fleck, . . And oothina more. - A row of teeth, aa Infant smile, - -A stance quite tnnocnt"bt futle, - -. A little bead well packed with ion J ' "Of pounce, flchu and proper ur - And nothing more. , ' j " A kaowledga that the world Is round. Some dun idea of "time" and "sound;" A phrase or two of French, you know; Enough rag-time to make a phoir : v And nuthins more, - t,.. --.j 'A eweet eonterhpttor old time ways,'' Xia olaaala bards or modem, laya tS. -- A eenttancy moch like th wind.. c, t -i But acant regard. or men who sTind' JL i And nothing more. t - A mannerlam not too boidJl-'t T v A deep Idolatry Ot gold. - i " r A nign xeaoive to piajr no per v . "' 'Where one surrenders to the heart, , r And nothing more. s 1 ? v t , " v t t 'A puff, a frill, bit of lace. patch of powder on the face, : f kA. sou1 to which small lnt'resta 11 A A-simple social butterfly And nothing more. - . , if i 49W vrieaoa Timwuanicnui jDOioa.waiitstrciiiaiir If yon wast to Increase your strength yoa mast add to and not take from the physical, I other words, the food that yoa eat most -be digested, assimilated aad appropriated by the nerves,' blood and tissues, before being expelled front tbe Intestlnes.;K;odol Dyspepsia Cure add to the phyucaU . it gives strength to and builds up strength In the ! human system.: It is pleasant to the taste, and palatable, and he-only' combination of dlnstanta that will diaeat the ' food and enable the system to appropriate; tU of lt health and strength-giving qualities. Spl4byFDnffy. " Am, ballgtag Oamght'er, 1 r Irther--Thia thing has got to stop. Ton keep me putting my hand In my pocket alt the time. . . - . Daughter All right, papa. 'Ill have the rest of my purchases chargedan Francisco pzamlner. . -. Proper Tratment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia Is too. dangerous a disease lor anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper reme dies at band. A. physician should alwaji be called.;, It should br boras la mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from .aa . attack f taa grip, aad that by giving Chamberlain Cough Remedy the threatened attack of pneumonia may be rwerded oflV. This remedy it also used byjthystelaju lalhe treatment of pneumonia with the beat resnlta." Dr J 8nUth,of Banderau, who U also a druggist aays of It, .."I have bee selUag Chamberlala's Cough Remedy udprescrlbtBg (t In my prao- tlee for tbtpast sit; fear, I im it in caeeaof paeumoate aad have always gotun-lhe best -results.'' BoldibyaU progglsta,' , i , - Tbe Pale "ea !. The reason why tbe people next doer are Invariably regarded as most worthy of our. Javelins- hi plaid to me. iTbey have a plan I do not know ot any race that is quite so unpleasant as the t people next door. - Tbey are not like W;dlnary peopw who Uto else- W&ere. i ney ooiaus weir mmucoai uo hire afitetn, as It were, and It I; gen erally of Ite type we moot detest. Are wa worldly mlndedlTbey chaaten s obtrualraly with .hymn-or Uesdels aotuv VbalAfot on ebecore rseson retarded a moral force la tb sob orba Are we of the elect? TWhori at oa with defiant peraubMcy the (ataet bloo4 c&rdiM.rrota tha "halla.- t Tbe thing that pssais with theta for ,pt aao is tailed smoq to do the wort of three, and the wall.Olvldlsg Mr re spective hoewea, be. It born ta tnlad. la beaaOful cood octet of aooad-rOot- ' lay chtld caa take Utile Zaily i era with perfect safety. They tie harm Wee. lever gripe or sicken, aad y they are aa eerUla la rseults that rebuat so sttlatioai ria!rlng dnuile ott are sever -dliarpolnVed. They caiaot fall to perform their mieloa aad every one who tats DsWIU's Utile Xulf llwrs prafnr ihsta to all other pin. Thty en re bliloeaaeas, . fV14 by F 0 V.t 1TTCII5EI AT LAW. J'rari ' 4 ta t'.e fnnl'.fs ff r-r rf'-vrw J'fctr . J -r.ca S -'1 t - ,.i tn l.:,e t lata fntrame d al Ci'tdi-'. (;"' . f-'i'S Tr-T f '.it, wvef T'- feel the exqulalte thrill of otlkerhoooVwrith indescribable dread aad.1 fear. Every woman should know thvt the" danger, paia and fcawror-V of child-birth can ba entirslv avoided bv the use ot Mother'a Mend. i acientiSc liniment f or eortoraal aae puai.ua sai we parts, ana - ... , : ... . . .. assists nature in its suoume ' work, . By it aid thousands t ol women bar: passed this great crisis in perfect iafetr, and without pain.;-- Sold t fi.oo, per bottle ly: .'aggista. ; Out book of priceless walua to all women sent fee. ..Addvecs KXAOnOM acSBLATOM 00, 4 A 5 ;...'.-k i . Free free RADIOS , RADIOS : RADIOS Stupendous offer made by $ well ... fcaowa Phil, firm. RADIOS RAD OS RADIOS TbongandB of persons in all sections of tie country nave been healed by this wonderful discovery Every educated person has heard of Radium, its vooderfal powers and healing qualities have occupied ' page after page, in the Metropolitan publications. Aim out everybody know that it is the greatest remedy that God baa ever given to suffering humanity. Dis ease germsof every description flee before it they cannot stand the contact. We have such faith In our propoeiiion that we guarantee abso lutely to .cure you, W baV is '-more we will give you a written contract to that effect " This offer has neve been duplicated. Fill pat the blank below and mark the malady; from which you are Buffering and receive by return mail information .that will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any banking firm re garding our responsibility . Free Offer Free Offer free Offer BADI08CO. . . , eUDrexalBuOdlag. Philadelphia, PeJ Srass v". Kindly aead me free ef eoat bv . ' formation regarding ,your JUdlaai trsalmeataad yoar woaderfnl rem-, edyMEadios. Bam. AsMreas M....n. ;CUy... SMeaaeeetaeeeeeaae ftlfttseaeeteeaeseawaa Dleeese. wmH,,ft,HiHH D Tim Maaaasl i fmea setae. ' . COwTKlk-T W!f ' ejF ef ika feje) 9-.wmr,nm k lartrhah f fv;tW ej, I fw 1 f ' . tiee; mw ry U-f a"Mrint aaiH a 1 ' I - A U4 Vww..tV J ,. ft, lawnemawf fDiaews-aw m4 . T g. Itv ef siwiN r-iraaL 1 Mr 1 r wa? tt 4 Vv4 aJ evt rt era 111 11 -'Entry Kotlco.0 .-' . V - ' filste ef Worth CarcUsa.1 W V ,,CeraaCoeM f Te George n Walera, Xalry' Taaef fot CmsaOeealyi - ' - . - . Th tn4fri'gad D Vf, 'Dowdy of Crtfta coaaiy, Brth Caollna, mUf aad H .tlatm V tVa fo,lnw!-g ,(5s tcr!l p!Kor tre4of Uad Istal tnwaihta. CVavaa ooanty, , l'U'. f f!rwth CaroTIsa, tks S4e U'rg v- and mr ''cr1'! Hal, aal 1 : t ti J, t'- A t 'r Of paraa cf ! 1 la C?m f-"iR'y, ra t).s i''t ef j;3te r.lTft an 1 VTeet i'.ls f.f InA t .' k I" 1 l' ' ' f Ijark j-.!n!rntle 1r ! at B W U1U1, t lUrt'f, l.';, a1 t Un "1 fft'i' -1 ) tt lifiJr isl f-'''?t, e ' r fj et'ir.a'! a ' r-r ! ' -I ' . r-'--i tt.' 1"S 't f r ! t 1 Ta-. W a . or- ' - Is tLe joy cf the bousehold,Tr witiooj . it nphifpineaaca bo complete. How ' , weet tie picture pt mother and babe - angels smile ...at , and commend ther h- j - 'L thoahts and apirtions of the snsthar .f I bending ovar tka cradle. Th ordeal tbiwogb,'.. 1 . .which taa ezptaat mother mast paas, how- ' j " Tar, is so full tot danger aad suffering thtj ' aha looks forward to that hear whan aha ahal!':- only, which toughens and readers ;:LijilJ;.ll. L-JLir,Ot; rJrJialiLiLJa- T, A. eMeea, ttm, M. B. Bf eadswe, . Free H. mv eroTM,CaalxUr. Citizens' Bank, Do a CUneral Banking Bualness Barpla aad TJadivi ded Profits, t28,000.00. We will RiT prompt and careful atten tioa to all buslnea entrusted to as. We invite yoar account. , Try us. ot Dheuteta. . Pardmaad Ulnsh B. H. ateadows. J. A. ateadows, asmoel W.Ipoek Ghae.H.Towiw, Ghaa.Dnftv.Jr. James Bedmoad, layer Hahn. Thomas A. firaan O.K. For. w . (train gar. Wiomauwooai Oeo.M.Ive .r.croeken.. IMark Disoi ay- EABT-EWV CAROLINA DISPATCB LlNS -AND- Od Domioiop vSteLmsbip Co DAIltYXIIaE. f R1I8HT & PASSIH8IR. For Ul Pointi Wortir. Ellectlv Oct. lit, 1908, The Steamer NEUSB is schednled to sail at 6 p. m., Monday nv , n r . . m , . , weaneenay ano anoay, ror juuauem Olty N. 0. The Steamer rOCBACOKE iduledto safl at 8 pn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday jor City, N. ft Kliiabeth I9T Jreight 'teoeived not lata than on honr.provloa to sailing. yor inxuter,uiTTnuonppiy to V GXOr flKNDXRSON, Agt. K, K.'Knr6, 6ni Mgr., H.O. HTjosihT8,Qn.Fit.& Pm. Act Norfolk, V. W. a 8UMHXBXLL, t. Qeal. Fit. aad Pass. Agent, New (Beta, H.O. NOTICE RORTH CAROLINA, ) la the - r : 1 . t a 1 wnm wouBty. DUmnu vuun Mary &ey . --ui .jt George W Bay. Th defeadsat above named will take aotloe that a aotloa entitled aa Above has been - commenced la the Bnperlor Oor of Oravea ooaary to ehtala a vla eolo matrtaaoali froea tat dereadaot oa thegroaad oXiadaUyi aad the said de feadWwiUtherefore.uk aotloe that he Is rea aired to so pear at tho next term the gaprw Ooort of aad Ooanty to be held oa tae St Jioaaay arter tae nm Moadar 1 March, tt being ta UUOay of AoriL lOOi. at the Oosrt Bouse of aid Ooaaty la Maw Bar,' Ho th Car- Uaa, aa aaawec at oemar te tae eonv plalat la aaii oilea, or plaintiff will ap ply te the eor tor ta reuei oeataaoao la said eomlalat. . .r vW;M.WAT80, - j Clack of the Superior Ooart. This the 8U day of March 1004. Adminlstrator'B Sale. ROBTH OAROLUfA 1 Baperlor Ooari, Cravaa Ooaaty, BefoteihsOletk O J McCarthy. AeMalsirator ef Ihese ;t.-. . tata at aama if u t t , eeat .- va ITeal Muas, Saab MeaniJJltef Maaas sad Mary A Must. -.;, ByTulaeofaa order aad decree of sale to me directed ta Ue shove oatlOed padal rroeeerilart paalaf la theoOoe of Ue Uack ot the ttaperior Court ef Cravea eooaty, which said proosediags are taatltatad for the parpoee of maklag assets ta ry the debts ef eatd hUrtle Jackana, eaoaaaed, wfll offer forsale and tall ta the hlgbeet bidder for cash at iheeoart annaa door or eata vnvaa Onatv ea Moadar. the th day of Apr! li. at its hoar ot IS o'clock M. at pah lta vanuaa. ail aad tleroltf laueertaia pleoe X pares of Un4 lying aad haiaj nets oa the scath iti'e ei the A e H 0 r:: rood, a part of Ue Maiberry lat- end (net. futBJe'y SwlM by eSM I:.f!.t, l 1 aad aAfwad the f" - tty of T.J. llrvaa sad wife ad ( tbelaad of lf Jt I Erjaa aa v a. I 'i.'.tri attwopU'sattke tn r. . i:a ' 'Ulnf tie laads Of VI J. 1". I.rT, I' -ine raaairf 'tiUW virVt V)ii'r-'tM a n'i ta, I'.f"n;,. ."ilivlik IlaQMaWkltM r i-ti r,i rne, thee west with it . 1 M V.. tx-f'nBlnf , fmejU'i'.lrf :. r e er i It t'.Pg a.l tht if i ) f Jt-"t I 'f na the , i ( f i. f ,rr.l. ats-t t!ng 1- . - ' . , '-r . 1 t r.4 ft t' a tkld 1,1'' ... !, tr T 1 B't ta , -'..(.' ' 't t.ih. ' ' ; i 1 ti'i ; I-. 1 ' ! .- y wa.Sa IT. J. r l i ' -LARGEST AND Ever offered for sale in New Also a complete line of Buggies, Wagons Harness. Robes, Whirs Cart Wheels. Etc J. AuaMencaten& mdkcrsu Bdlto.Md. amammmr- s- Publication of Bum - mons. NORTH CAROLINA Craven Uounty. superior Court John Dixon vs Sarah Dixon To Sarah Dixon TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced in this Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lots of land In the City of New Bern State of North Carolina fully described in the Complaint filed In this action, and to declare you a Trustee for plaintiff In relation thereto, upon the grounds that suck lots was purchased by you with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken In your own name: You are there tote notified to be and appear before the Superior Court of Craven county to be held In the Court Bouse of said County In the City of New Bern, State of North Carolina, on the 6th Monday after the flrst Monday In Maich, It being the llth day of April 1904, to answer the Com plaint In said action which will be Died during or before the first three days of said term, and answer or otherwise plead thereto as yoa msy be advised, or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This Feb. 16th. 1904. W. M. WATHON, Clerk of Superior Court of Craven County. THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH aaacHED bt Southern Railway. The Southern Railway announces the sals of round-trip Winter Sxeursioa tickets to all the principal resorts Of the South, begtaaiag October IB, 1908. The winter resorts of North aad Boath Carol Ink, Georgia and Florida are espee- laHy lavtliag to those la search othealth or pleasure, la these Stales are such acted resorts as Plneharst, N. Cam- dea. Alksa, Bommervtlle, 8. C, Charles toa, S. 0 , Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and Thomasrllle, Oa. Jacksonville, 8t AagueUae, Ormoad, Daytoaa, Palm Beach, Rockledge, Miami aad Tampa, Fla also the resorts of N ss sa aad Cabs, beet reached via Southern Bail way. Tickets oa sale op to and lnoladlag April 80, 190 L limited to return sattl May 81, 1901. Boathera Railway affordsalegaat trala service, with the latest Fallmaa Drawing Boom Bleeping Can, operated ' throagh between principal elites aad reeorts, ale gaat Dialog Oar sen Ice, aad everything for, th comfort aad pleasar of the traveler. . Ask nearest Ticket Ageat for farther la formation aad descriptive nteratar. - . ' ! The Calf Out kraort. Mettle, Jew V,Orle.Vcxlcota4 UOfarala, - - -''-.'VU ' '," - - Southern Eallway. Winter Tcirtt Uckeu ww oasaU l the toted reeorta of U'0lfOo aad Mes toe aad Callforata. . Tickets oa sale vie Boathera Railway a to aad Indodlsg Aptfl 80, 1804, Umlted to May I1.190A fot retara paassge. -r r l train servlne, Th rotl f rHe " rVaehtBf voa and rVnthaaster iJm ltl" aad 'Bet Lle)lle4., - Aik aeft Ticket A rat fot AatiOed hforatvlua aad dsacrlpUve matter TtC La8if li.XIJ " - V , - aaa"Jprllrt'CBantry.,, emawaemaaa, . .- '"( ititu wmia arcoma, . TTt fnnfiitra P1wty rvie th winter re--.rla nf tit "l-en 1 (if lh f i j Crnn If v," nr'.j V-f A. . o. ?i. i ., M l f ; r, li. t; M. t' I 'tTi-1 snl 1 i i T. 1 !.lt' ' r I l: !o i 'u- . f. - ' r -1 ' , rr - '-), ' ' ' ,t-. t .iv. -t : . ; v. FINEST STOCR OF- Bern, A car load of each just in. A. JOES, Broad HU .A. & N. C. R. R. TIH TABLB NO. 32 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25, 1903 at 6:56 A. M., E. S. T. Going East Sohkdulk: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. i DAILY. Lv. p m STATIONS: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 05 8 69 LaOrange 10 88 4 22 Kinston 1012 5 40 At. New Bern, Lv 9 0 5 50 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 15 Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 06 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. BTATTONB: DAILY. Lv. A, 8 00.. 8 18.. 8 26.. 8 87.. 8 48.. 9 02.. 9 18. 980.. 960.. 9 66.. 10 10.. A. K, Ar ,p. a Qoldsboro , Best's ....... LaQrange Falling Greek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuscaxora Clarke ,..Ar. NewBera, Lv. 5 80 8 08 7 67 14' 7 ff, 7 86 7 17 7 00 6 60 a 680 F. M. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 2d Claax. No. t. d Class Ar, p m ... 2 60 ... 9 18 ... 208 ... 188 . .12 18 . 18 01 .. 11 01 ..,1040 ...1010 ... 964 ... 980 Lv. a m 6 12 .. Qoldsboro 6 45 Best's 13 LaQrange 87 Falling creek 7 82 , Kintton 140 Oaiwell 8 00 Dover 0 ooraoreek 10 10 Tuaoaxora 10 88 Clark's 1100 Ar. New Bern.Lv... l80.,....Lv. New Bern Ar... 112... Riverdale 10...... oroatan 1 40 Havelock 8 08 Newport, Lv.... 8 80 WDdwood 88 Atlantio 8 6 .. Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. 8 00 ...Ar. It". CitT Denot.Lv.. 8 IS 740 788 710 6M 817 608 660 609 a. a. B. L. DILL, B. A. NEW LAND, GenT SapL Master Transportation. L, B. Habicht, BTh rtaest Liquors and Wmee, HabWit'l Key West, Bahioht'a Tea Oeat rarteotos CIQAR3, Genet 8 Front aad Baaooch Btreeta, V ew Bera, If a Lager Beer .W.D. MelVlEB, ATTORMt AT LAW.; w he removed his effloe to 78 Boeth fnt street, sp lUlrs. r;."'.'''..- Atuadi regularly the eosru afCra . w, Oaalow sal TamJioo eoaatlea. lis. . laeaa acotpted aaywhere. . - ; ;,',,-.,' t" -.Attwaew at Uw, t4 Bo. Front Bt; Or. Botal Chattawka Brw wszx a " Cravea Otwoty Aktorawy. Ctritl Omr, lota, Oaalow, OarH . I'amUeek, llrwt, Lsooit, a4 aha vepraraa aad federal Ooart -. FC. !, 5 " A. D.Wtrl i-JlOrCS at WARD, iTTCsm sai fcrritc,f at i'ttr. - . . ' ' tW W, v '' . t t, l't f S f ? (" - ' w w