.,1 i 8 Hi "'V' , .. . 'i.i' !')- .-i ) - ii , t 4 . .' : t :; j i. ,. i , - , , . . f . , "V" t ' , r, ... - THE JOURNAL. - , , - - Published every dsy la the yew, ept Monday. JouraallBaUdlng, 6W Crsven'.St. . 1,: - - ; -7 ' Proms Ho. t," r L'.' , . J CHARLES Lt STEVENS. ; " "I BDtroB in nonimi " SOBSCRIPTIOH RATESr. One year. In advenes..,, fZr Oneyesr, not ta sdvanos r y Monthly, by carrier la tas city.. ... Advertising; Rates furnished on appU " cation, 1 , ' - ? G : Entered at the Poet Offloe, Sew Bern, 3. 04 seconders matter. . ' , Olttelal Paper f:'NfWBn aai Cratea Cematy. ITS TWENTY-SEVENTH TEAR, With this Issue of the Journal, today, April First, the Journal enters upon Its 27th year, this paper having been estab lished In 1878 as a Weekly, and in 1888 a Dally wa started In addition to the Weekly. While not equipped as it expects to be, the fournal enters upon a new year In the best condition it has ever been in since it first started, and its efforts are to see no cessation tn further improve- menti In Us every department. As Its efforts have always been, the Journal continues the champion cf every best Interest which may affect New Bern or Craven county. . It has stood for these Interests In the past, re gardless of criticism from outside, or the questioning attitude of those who feared for local results. Never in its history has the Journal deserved so much at the hands of New Bern and Craven oonnty, yet it has never received or asked, nor is it now asking for anything, except the Individ ual support of those whom It has fav ored and supported, first, last and all the time. It the Journal has prospered, It has been the last to receive the benefits which have come to this community, benefits which were largely due to the efforts of this paper in promoting, en couraging and assisting enterprises which brought business and with the Increase of business, better times and more prosperous local conditions. In this the beginning of a new year, the Journal cannot but congratulate 11 telf to find that Its confidence In New Bern and Craven Oounty hai been justi fied, and that the people are proving themselves capable of local development which can be noted In the ever Increas ing Improvements taking place. That the' Journal has been foremost In sug gesting means and ways of development, was to be expected, for such was i s full duty to the people to whose suppoit ft owes so much. But there Is yet much to be done la local Improvement, in development of new enterprises, and the Journal will - be found giving Us fall support In every thing which means better condition for the people. How' This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can aot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. f. J. CBINEY A Co Toledo, 0. We, the' undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 18 years, and bellovo kla perfectly honorable la all business - transactions, and 11 a as dally able to car ry osl any obligations nade by his firm. Waldiho, Kim & aUnvm, Wsolessla Drt gglsUToUdo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cora is Uses later Bally, act tig directly , opoa the blood and nscoae surface of Iks srsuss, TesUaoalela seat free. . Frloe TO per bottle. Sold ay all DraggtfU. -' Take Hall's family Pills for oossitf e llon. lira ftrnbam Wtl, If wont tome to worn! 1 caa kp the wolf away from the door try singing. fteahawr Vou at If be bee correct r for mtwie.-Sowrt at.-v The eit wsy t aatwK Usf Is to teil Ibe tratB. . '; . ; OAOTOniA. la) lad tailiw an tr; i 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 ' M YESTERDAY'S MARKETS. . ' Cotton, Grain, Provisions and Stocks - - Range la Pricca. Receipts anl - , . Shipments. f - The following are the market quota' tlons,- received by private wire to-J. Welter Labaree & Co.. New Bern, N.O, Naw ToRKarch 81. Open. High. Low. Close 14 95 1S.131495 1501 15,18 15.88 15.13 VM .. 14.70 14.81 14.70 1480 . 12.25 18 81 12.24 19.28 OoTTOS; May , July Aug..... Oct....... Chlcsg", March 81.; Chicago Grain. Open. T Close May Wheat 96 . 5 May Co.n 56t 58 May Oats 41J 41 May Bibs 6.80 6.90 May Pork 12.85 1 18.00 MayLaid 6.00 , 697 flew York, March SI. 8tock8j Open, Close Amr.Sngar 128 1371 Amr. Copper.... 49 J 49 Atchison 72 72 Southern By.:.. 21 22 Southern Ry pf.. 83i 84 O. 8. Steel llf 11 U.S. Steel pf... 68 59 Penn. B R 118 118 Erie 20 26 LouisvIlle&Nash 108 106 Paul 144J 145 N.Y Central 110 HOf N. & W 68J 68 Va. C Chemical. Ex-Dlvldend todaj-, NYC, 1 per cent. All excb iDge3 will be cloied Q jod Fil day, and New York Cotton Exchange and Liverpool will be closed, Saturday, April 2nd. Nothing: Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Com plaints In Children. "We have uied Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In our family for years," says Mrs J B Cooke, of Nederlands, Tex m. "We have given It to all tte children. We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Cham berl'tln's. If you will use It as directed It will always cure." For sale by all Druggists. la Itulj-. In K( j,.iirics n lictiollul Is con r.iih'ml only ii l-',:r..' less nncml llian O mnrrliw nml l!icri'fiin a bivsuh of promise, i .;irc!,iliy on t ho f.irl'8 Bldo, Is regarded in very wliu. liln. Tills Is very mm li tin- case In Italy, where1 a Klrl vim after lietrotlial h;:s clianxed lier wind Is known for life us n clvettn (owlet) mid lias rarely nnotlier clinnec of inutrlinony. Tlie terin "owlet" con veys no Idea of reproach here, but lu Italy It Ib HlBiilllcaut, becauao owlets ore there used for luHnurtng other birds. An Untimely Death. An untimely death so often follows neglect of slight cough or o. ld. If Tay lor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein Is taken In lime H will pre vent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds and consumption. At druggists, !3o., 50 o., and $1.(0 a bottle. For sale In New Bern by t B Diffy. Tb" Japaiicw divide the twenty-four liours Into twelve ihtImIs, of which alx lieloiiit to the iiltcht and alx to the day. their day WMmilng at eunrlaeand ending at iiiict. Whether the day or right Ix lung or abort, there are al ways tx (HTlodt tn earn. To attain UiU the cbftractm or no nieralu on the arala of their timepieces sr adjunublo. Two of tbem art svt, one to ngrtv with tbe sunrise, the oth er with auneet. and the four charac ters between tlicm divide the epace Into equoi iortions. Thus wbco the period of dayllirht Is longer than the ntebt tbe dny hours .will b proportion atrly longer then thoee arnlgbt Ao otlr iwsnllartty In their scale Is Out they mm only six characters, tnoae from 4 to 0, and those read backward Instead of forward. , - ' - A Cart For Beaiache. . Any sBsa, woesst of ehtld, isffermg frosa hesdschs bllhassess or a (tall, drowty feeUnf shosld laksose or two of DiWIit's LltUt Earl Risers atfbt aadasrefsir These fasxni HtUsplits era feasots beoaea they are a tnlcsi welt as a plIL . Wkfla they c'taeae its Syetess tksy slrMglaea sad retind It by their Ua!e iCeet epos ike Urr aid sew eK Sold by V I Duffy. a . ID' Mil Hint I M s . . . 1 1 1 i m ah. t 4 J - If you are a sufferer from this dread affection of the and want to see actual proc?3, absolute and indisputable, that this disease, so Ions considered Incurable, rep! yields to the soothing 'and curative qualities of that most astonishingly effective me dicament knowri as the . PREQGRIPTIO call at our store and wtbrWUi be pleased to ahow yoksuch evidence of its alntbsi mar; velous cures that Will leave no doubt in your mind as to Its absolute merits. : ; W Tu It An niir miannMl:-9l Jf via wasiB, "aa e wysi P. 8. DUFFY, vWho'essleaniBeti- Drngglst. , 35 The weather the pass' tew flay! J-fc'el been rather cool, bat the' faritirtrkaie puthlng ahead with thtlr work. - t Mr W T KcCoys - was -here iSatsrdey putting down a pump for Hi Hoed -' ' Mr R O Adams, went td"NeW BernTon business Monday. ' s t-ft-a-"The roads are still tn a terrible eohdl-: tlon. The one from here to PoBoeMetllle is well nigh impassable. A totf fl be Ing told that a trareller Ws hosje eaad buggy got mixed up somewhere illong that rojd and had gone down UtQolr . the horses ears and three of the'flagars' man's were showing. Iti a pretty, ksrdr story, but from the locks ot thefjadi It does'nt tern improbable, i I its Good For Children. ; The pleasant to take and harmless tine Minute Cough Cure gives immedle1re" lief in all eases pf Uouglv Croup rtaa4 La Grippe because It does not pasaillmm' dlately into the stomach, but Hakes1 ef fect right at the teat of the trouble. Jt draws obt the Inflammation, I beats' ahd soothes and cures permanently 'It eha- bllng the lungs to contribute pore life- giving and life-sustaining otygin tolls blood and tissues. One" Minute CongM Cure Is pleasaut to lake and it Is good alike for young and old. Sold by F 8 Duffy. "The Doc Will Har His Day." ' In' "Hamlet," act 4, scene 1, we read: Let Hercules himself do what he may. The cat will mew, the dog will have his day. The hitter line has become a popular saying, but we are naturally, Inclined to ask .what it means.- Why should a dog have a day all to himself anymore than any other four footed creators? Is not the passage a piece of Silly slang, and ought it not to be suppressed, like any, other cant phrase that la bora; In the streets'? To harmonise tha verse with sense and Shakespeare atfriend has suggested, that the last .word ought to be changed, to bay. Wt should .then read, "The .cat. will mew, .the doftwllj have his bey." -1 have a4mbtltbat Shakespeare wrote tt so- and .thatUtM word day Is a misprint andiMosanaa, The analogy between the can ttewtng and dog's baying Is self evident and in teUlglbl&-Kansss City IndepeodeBtT! A Thdurhtful Kin MM Austin of Winchester, lad, koew what to d- tn the koar ot Bis wtfs had soca aa anasual east of stomach and Vvar trouble, pkyslotaas could aot balp her. Be thought of sad triad Df King's Bow lib nils sad ska got relief at oaoe sod was flaally oared. Only 13c, at C. D. aum Biore,. ' '.' ,m t . . v v. Mitli cu i . sunlit The cat, says- sir. IUV fo kk rtD tory of tbe Crusades," was Alverjrlav Porta ut persooaaw in fao rellglaas fes tivals of the times whldf ba dseribea. At Ala. la rroveaos, oa the ZaeUval of Corpus Chris U, tUe Bnst4omt la th cantos, wrapped tike a child fa sw ad ding tiothea, was axhlbttoa la a iff Blflomt shrloe pnblU 'sSHnirsf'in- Kvsry knee eras brar, as4 every U strewed fkrwvrs or, paMreo loceaaa, sal grim I kla was treatrd ta all respect aa the god of tb Uy. But on the festival of tL Joha, Jans 3 poor Tom's fata was mersed. A number ot rata were pat Into a wkr basket and tnrowa allv Into the tntdst of Ian firs klndU4 ta 11 pnblls aqasre by ihk bishop sad bis clem. Uymna and anthems were eung, sod p pot Ketone were made by the prbvts oa people la bo of the Merinos. The pfrifortlon f flieiinrjlabed an n4 women eontrtbntrd from amonf tbe fsmlllee of tbe rJeriy aa only be de"THl IS ervrmnrrtit, . In titer e ntir br h t Wry ran erl.inm tT em!1 U t.iikl.ere ot t kt. tn ll.r'r t yt fttit tf er ( t 'it f i l t.ntd.e t,J four Inikfr. r di 1 rnilnrt.t r1iii?rr-n e effo!: l..;i j -r H VTii'.nrut ' ' i t,f c.. rUfgt it'i!:i.t-f t' f li v ; e Vrtfca sivl !L f l-wl , ' r r.la ih ether l.r. 1. e-i- It t I'.e m t'iy t4 r ") f 1. 1 V .1 t - k , i a ' 'r. iCTS HI FEW Li: 3 av Eussia has almost three times the population of Japan. ' ' a. The OifrUi police of the' United'Elng- Coni cost nearly 7,000,000 a year, , The Japanese government la sold by trustworthy authority to have 300,000, 000 yen available for war purposes.; ; The Italian state railways, according to a report from Borne, will soon place ifrders for 200 locomotives and several thousand freight cars. v - -;; - Liverpool has tloeed -one-third of its ealoonadnring the last ten years and o- decreased, her; police force in conge- Xinence as ta nave maae an economy of S40.0O0 yearly. . - . ' v Jtii; During" the last six months Ireland sent to Great Britain 148.101 more cab tier "108.100; jnohi sheep and only 742 xewer uornes iuuu were reoeiveu iroa telar; the celebrated republican orator anOT forMer presWenr of the Spanish tepttbUci bia friends Intend to raise a .monument to him ta Madrid. V gjlrllili&i. immediately on the erecnon or a urge museum in uttawa to becalled the Victoria National tnu. secinv'whWhJS to'be tlSe center of liter- jsijaodsctentlflc trarkln Canada. -The BnsBinn government bns'granted permission tot three foreign' companies t cut ,wood toe; three, years ' in the ca,.rovincVpOtfArnngel, the exports nor to exceea w,uw in value. . ueyoivi: QKrdoQr8,. axe . peiiig removed irain--public esiaoiisnmenis in eerim by order ot thai MUceL The reason for itMs1 order is that the police!, fear the re volving doors would not permit speedy trreS in case of fire. i'iJt yesea-were 6088 ap'pHca- rLfe.L' .lJli'jrij"i ili-l. . iwua ior,iiaieuuf bi me paeui omce id bjinpfbefe, 2992 were srantel.Tne wwlDti'ofsthe office were lAOO,(0.'.The'pateht 6fflce is the only gxJVernmehtureuthai is' opera ted at a profit ' - I r'Tne orelgn,?cbmnjerce"ofi the United States for 1908 was larger fhan that of 'any othe year tn OieTilatory of the aWirtfirv kUlXCi 4li AHA 11A In 893rj!,OWi6ii 1883 land H.1C4,- ra6V&2laj873. 3 Twenty-eeven viaducts . on the Ugan rdfc raUWay have been completed by the VlBkttfettffeifldm The work was aecompltehed'n one 'year and sev en ' dars; About' arM toils of steel baVel been . used la ihe construction of bridges and about 600,000 feet, broad measure. 1 The bubonic plague continues its rav aires in India. For aamd time the averrig9.rbumber ,'6f deaths per week irom uiis disease oas peen over xa.uuu. One -week the deaths' mounted to 20.- WIt i: tstlmama'1hMt Wince 1890, Wben. ihe;.preaentsiee began, over 200,000 have died from the plague, f Although the late Lord Salisbury was much Interested In science and was a fellow of the British Botal society, he never approved tt fha extreme views of aomS of his associates,' Be wis par ticularly opposed to the theory of evo lution as .taught by Herbert Spencer and of the descent of man as ennndat ed by .Charles Darwin. ; Idaho will make an exhibit of miner als at the world's fair that will call at tendon to thai state's Wonderful ra- aoorces. - Her ourivaled exhibit of 200,- 000 opala is now overshadowed by the report .that, big discoveries bf radium have, recently been made. J Executive Commlaa toner Bortt la arranging for a display of this newest wonder. ' Ther are TlXl2W ro(ee4onal beg gar la Bps In, of .whom llMi are wo men, la some of the ddeo tragsrs ara nce&sed ta carry oa thetr trdde. Seek' lag alms & racogmaed a k jlegltimata bnsltiesa, and (bo aiinklpaUv demanda a percentage; .upoo. the collections. 8e- vme Is the only in tb4 "kingdom wnlch rerbias-beegmc ta t4 atreets. -Cnameted: trick, tba aotlr bfoduct of which was valued at' 147118b. "was made In 1S only. In pallforala, 111 xtota: alaryiand,' Mlewoort, Ktw Jersey, Ohio sndTennaylvanla. Nrw;Jassy and . PennsTtvaniA, wtth pridocts re spectively of $202,740 and IstlSS, were too only. states ta which there three or more producers of 'eosmeled brick. ' ViTo"', f'Undlng lamleTof tba'worid and tU bavies a;Aite 000,000 men. lace of .wir thei'BiropeNb'BaUoaa' caa raise th :r atibbw to 9300,000 Chinese aokivrs 4 (i per njonta and board tbemlves, Vtwea J701 and UrU rrsnee rau44 lafmlea that aaov tered AJSAf X) teeii,1 Ihrws-fpurtha oJ maoiartr auir at aia oc weonas and diseases eontrartsd ta thf Bald. 4a tt any wonder tuttbe rretAhmea of today are s!.Tatsedl . . . la rcnt aiasarUOoa rresUrrd; I t of Harvard, stated thatftha v! Me store cf knowledge now rtsil, 1 u toe vnt for Shy man to master, tVn(b be bad a hundred lives Instead of oner and lis growth ta tbe nine teenth century was greater then' i, tfie thirty preceding eenlrlti t t - gether." Culture, thorefore. caa f ) Ij- tn impiy a anowiedge or ever) ' f, Dot even a little knowledge tf , r ttlnf. It SMt bo eoMent With ko'iwir.'i4e ot some thtnts sad i snaeiery or some a man portion of t. human atnre,", - Torgirg la ruefle eaay, sceordlng to a tVwton btk olilal, by tbs pew sys tem of vertlral writing OoW Mng tncf)t la Ihe s-Wi1. Tliii flVc!l Says t1it when tlie ejeleni Ii firmly ei.r evrvy t-rm lll write "' Any mn rn writ "Jd.a t t',t r.o r! .t cs Irll frnrrf t ',ili ( f !! r ne'e vni. It I r-m t ' . t t! e e t rUnr inl i i-'r.r i.jte ee tuu ij rfluse ee I 1 l"li 'd ti '' ;-1 to t!,o tx - It ; ' t r to t enm- t ' i f t f ,rcry t t rt 1 7 tie lti e f t;f i !. olv; T t In - -"'. - - "-'1 -al4i htS.Y" Miss t J T -oU wb4 las t ii act lag ao-.j iLL in K-,--sJ v;U li . flailing her many relatives hero. .... Mrs W T Bectoa who has beea oa a visit to her daughter-Mrs IV T Webb bi 8 waniboro is agata kome. kj-,- r-'- Mr E D Bangert and family have moved I looi rHoxth barlows -iTKeiT Bera, wkerelhey propose to maksUelc tutors ioaa,1' -.?i-V;.; :: -iv? B'J fltniotf Ir, spent oaa, alght last week at hU old. home ia mewtft;LH Mr John HeweU -of r Carteret Lodge spent last Saturday and Sunday la oar berg the! gueat of Squire Adami. 'f The as fields of our Uueker tipecfal ly th,ose oi:Mtssrf.;tf Mottoa-aad Joshaa Adams aje looking-very f,ne,,we wiilsooa bje able .to aaaoaaea blooms, fbtittdes are afsoHtolng wall.' r ' MIss BeWiMorton, oad 'bftof most populatonbg ladles acobmpsaladt by oar onoleMr V? t Ooqadr of Blades ptat last Monday ia i tba city of Mdrtoif warSltfWsW Bera1 'of basinets 'XrJoeMTlshefsMtfaiitUrareaow ooodpaau of the BahgerfS Horns InNorth Harlowe, Mr J Batmoad "Mason nas gone to New Bern today whste71ie icohtemplates getting a ftoslllba 'as talbsiaan. 'The X WThoaipaim;management at N Harlowe U t)ttlti -a? cauocess every thiug moves (b llk cldek-iork. : - i raeaasaaef " ' SCHtttRflrtmtismjCored. Itonf&tmW iaotatlorbeu- matlim for yakra, layl t H Waldron, of Wllton Jtlhotlohi lowa f rjiy Joints were kUff and ga me J maoh pain and disoblnforti My" rtclits jioald aok when I strktglltea'cd an. 1 ased Cham. berlalbV 1aln Baltd tad bate been thr onghlf enrad.1" flkve not f bad a paia or ache from tba old trouble for many monthsT Itu 6eltlhly a' most wonder ful llnuxent," For sale by all Drag- glsu. Etlllls tit 'NlSTbt. Every living bird Und beast strives its utmost to nm itself With food be fore retiring for the-nlglit. and this food is digested as the nlgbf progresses. Tbe evening feed is the feed of the daf with the brute creation, and yet doo tors tell us to refrain from eating heart try at night and even advise! us to retlrt to rest with a more or less empty stom ach. 1 Are we following nature wheif following this sdvlce? Country Gentle man. Been the 'TwMYNlUttilwmlotvM 'erJ"! - Bgaataie - sr Tk' ktatfaat TwuuAom Stea. - K)ld Adam' Fbrepauglj." skid a friend Of the-veteran showman, ''trace had a big white parrot that bad learned to say: " 'One at a time, gentlemenone at a time. Don't crash.' The bird had, of course, acquired this sentence from the ticket taker of the show. 1 Well, one day the parrot got t - -oy sr l."crlaora. lost la the coeintry.'sod Mr. rorrpeugb leeped'tnto bU txitx? sod started oat Doathaeta to hunt for it' ' t Temple Urt sod tbr wba bad tees the rertsnt rt:rortxt ti t:t ' tat his quest. aiii flnany ss be 1a ' "l-Mg by a Cora- Cetd ko wag er-j! tlbear a fanUI- Tie f4 cut andcBfi;'! tba field and runl tWparrot U N toMdle of I Cocf eeow,1hrief V-ecked bint till r.e wae atw r n:!.Tkwa. As the t' -tUtsml 'i .1 tway tbe parrot. Ijli.g-o b!4 S.d'VrvpPSted over Sled evr: . .. " "One at a tiro, mjtWm one st a tlma, Don't rronh.' "-.ew Tort Trla- A OltArdrwd ii)irl stay easts ae exl of IfOlt-le. WkeS te slnneck falls ti rf?ofr ti fii'-i Ul Viwele SO e"i me f.pr Bfi f-e Hf t est ktrj iti(il, ris.lpf et d! V ni't feul tf mhUk ae- petkteee4 tier forej Ihe fcote try t 4 S'dd, Tk lrrpn,!,r-t f 'rj 1 in fre'i.te teers -'h r 1 !' 10 a WU!.f fwi jo4 f .r l' ' j .;, i.a l. Yvl t'ri'a''l ' ti' 9 fm 1 ' '. tysil ... EDITORIAL FLINGS. r About next week the Ohio river will t sin to spill out over the sides and I at the war news back Into second place. Chicago Eecord-Herald. : " Owing to press' of bnslhees the csar probably will not be able to partici pate in the next international peace congress. Kansas City Journal. When Dowie Invades the Mormon wtronghotd In the spring with bis 5,000 Zlonltes we can Only hone for a Kil kenny intahvthlladelphla ledger. JOne thing appears to be certain- whatever radium can er cannot do it bas' jl "positively powerful effect to atlmBlaw-the Imagination. Pittsburg Dispatch. - - A Berlin paper says the best preven tive of appendicitis Is to walk on all fooro: three? times a day twenty mln: Qtea .at . a time,.. But . who wouldn't rather have appendicitis? Denver Re publican. f Ascientlst has found out that a ohlld two years old uses a vocabulary or loo words, a three-year-old 3,300 iand'a fonr-rearold 4,600 different worda, i evidently only Boston children were examined. Philadelphia Ledger. MODES OF'THE MOMENT. Silk cluny is need for entire waists aa well as for trimmings. The close hat of chiffon cloth in uni son with the color of the costume is much in vogue. Rice .cloth is a thin, coarse woven fabric flecked with little White grains resembling rice. Elbbon "rosea have been brought to great perfection of form and color and are much worn by well dressed women. With , soft madras waists stocks of the same material are furnished with scarfs which tie in the front with the one loop and two ends. Petticoats of thin evening gowns are sewed with thick 'silver or gilt sequins. Seen-through the fall of tulle or lace tbe effect of these little ornaments is much enhanced. The woman who can tie a bow is on the Winning side just now, as these are much affected for hats, neckties and halrdresslng. Velvet ribbon is the fa vorite of tbe moment. HORSES AND HORSEMEN. The pacing mare Ruby M., 2:12, is now owned In Hawaii. C. K. G. Billings, owner of Lou Dil lon, is visiting In California. It is said that Ed Geers will have Audubon Boy, 2:03, In bis stable. The Lexington association, it lu said, is contemplating the grand circuit. George Starr may have tlie fust Woodtella In his stable this season. Ed Allen, owner of Itetty Wilkes, 2:16, will train at the Cedar ItapUla track this year. Joe Gnhngiin of Toledo, O.. has add ed Idlewlld, a fast creen paring mare by Hal Dlllard, 24, to his stahle. Darnette, -2:12V4. has lieen purchased by Will Bexton of Modfonl, Musb., who Will nse her on the Charles Itlvcr (Itos ton) speedway. Mr Killings says that ho Is willing to allow Lou Dillon to go ncalnst the watch In Philadelphia provided the proceeds are donated to charity. AN IMPORTANT ARREST Officer Bryan Made One of Especial Im portance In New Bern. Disease Is Instdtous In lu attack, no disease more losldeoas then kidney die ease. Before you know It Is there.lt aaa takes possession of y oar back and Is aukiag your life mtserable-ao unwel come tenant of your frame. It aouit be arretted la time. A New bern patrol aua will tellyot how ho did lL ' A T Bryan, oncer In Ue police dt pat basal residing st US East Front 8u, aye: , "My back was so bad that when I got Aiwa Oa tba bed I ooald scarcely get op There was so strength ta say back and It ached aH over. I thought I bed rheu malUm.' Ta kidssy secretion were dait oolored and fall of sediment. I av Don1! Cldaay PQU advertised aod procared tbox at Bradkaas's PbarDacy Sad Seed U. Iks vary first Aoee helped aaa aid after . fiaUblsg Ike first boil boaghl a seooad.,.Ths paia la mj beck disappeared aa4 1 was itroagsr and bet ter la every way. I aaa gtiuefol for what Ibis remedy did for see sad yos are wt)oos to ass say Baas as aaea dorser of Its alalmi" - Tot se by aA oaalsrs, frtoaMoeals a Vox. rostor-stCbvra OowBaffslo, H. T, aola agaats fry the TL 8. UksMetben -. L , ;" ' An t"..i.i!:r Ciirertnx, T mi" ' f f :, sftfRevetf '' - r-,'e f .er entire eetpvi f t i !. liif M( eny frmf, r ! r r "1 sr. tn Wlihnt en ! rt e v!.Wi, h. by ' it ' -i p!e Ji eit'f e !( ffwa f-' r. f 1 st ' f t f I'l1 . 1 i (l!t t f ( f r I i - ! i i j r l-.rr.'-.e - ' ! Il To the Enemy. . ." answer to some of the claims of the other fellows. Ah 'Wfftft MR. M. B. In this newspaper article we ask the patience of the reader while we answer a few of the arguments of the other fellows who make all sorts of claims about their respective preparations of cod-liver oil. This subject is worth the attention of every intelligent man and woman. The very fact of the Im portance of cod-liver oil in medical practice makes what we have to say worth serious consideration. But first let us Introduce a letter from one of our friends and then proceed. 520 Brlgham St., Toledo, Ohio, December 4. 1903. Dear Sirs I was suffering from a general run-down condition of the sys tem. My digestion was very weak, I seemed to be nervous and my friends were rather worried about my condi tion. Seeing an advertisement of Ozo mulslon In the newspaper, I determined to give this preparation a trial. The result has been in every way satisfac tory. I found that 1 gained In strength rapidly, my nervous system was greatly nourished and digestion became normal. I think Ozomulsion is a splendid remedy for anybody whose system for any cause 1b weakened; and I take great pleasure In Indorsing it. Very truly yours, (Signed) M. B. Soncrant. By the foregoing letter you see what Ozomulsion will do. Of course you do not see all It will do, because there Is almost no limitation of the uses of cod liver oil and hypophosphltes In the form of Ozomulsion. Some fellows are offering the "wine of cod-liver oil," as they call it. They claim that by eliminating the fat from the oil they retain its active principles and thus offer a preparation which Is more pleasing to the patient than the natural oil. The simple truth Is. that the active principles of cod-liver oil are the oil Itself, and when you try to eliminate the most Important part of the oil. ynu have little left of any medicinal value. It la like leaving Hamlet out of the play. F. S. DUFFY, Wholesale & Retail Druggist. Cotton is Almost King Again. At tbe price in propped you car nfTonl to fcrtiline it cl . If you want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano, InBiHt on having that kind, siiid jeu will not lw disHjinfllnted lu jour crop. For Tobacco Use Meadolfts Gold Leaf Tobacco Guano It makes pood, a'ick, tough ToUcco. NnvemUr 1103 vr planter sold 1,452 poonds of obacooforj51 1,00. He nscd Uold Lit Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops If there Is no dealer In your section bundling out goods, write ns. E H.& J. A. MEADOWS CO., ATnTrs, I.ONQ DIST B PIIOSK fl, Factory Ncuhc Hirer, New Bern, JT. V, New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade FertSuurs, NEW IIER?Vt 3ST.T. Will pay the Highest Caali Prices for Cot ton Bocd and Seed Cotton. Ban furnished to seed shippers. HAVE TOR SALE a Fresh Supply of Cot ton Bocd Moal and Hulls, whJeb U .the finest. Cattlo Feod in tho world. ; We wUl exchange Hoal for cotton seed. - fcc&j atl Efllx Lei rfee Pkre Hie ten finer., ,; M I LLI NERY: v : Spring, Upcnmg AT ' II Fnnnla Ae 8nw yer. ' - -. ' k:r.:sty, l!ttMt j Tflf. AT 26 Cypress St. SONCRANT. The best comparative tests of all of the forms of cod-liver oil are made In children, who respond more quickly to treatment than adults. You only nave to give OzomulBlon to a child for a week to find out what the natural oil, made palatable and easy of digestion, will accomplish. All the wines of all the oils that are made will not do aa much. Now a word about emulsions. It has been established beyond the possibility of a doubt that an emulsion is the best practical form In which to administer cod-liver oil. In this form we are not only able to disguise the taste of the oil and make It palatable, but we also make It so the stomach has practically nothing to do with It except to pass it on to the small intestine, where It Is quickly ab sorbed and becomes blood. There Is no emulsion of cod-liver oil In the world which has arrived at such a degree of perfection In Its manufacture as Ozomulsion. The process of Its manufacture has been perfected by the proprietors of Ozomulsion, and no other emulsion in the market Is made from as perfect a process or from as scientific a formula. Tou will certnlnly find from experi ence that there is something about Ozo mulsion which produces better results In the human system than any other prep aration of cod-liver oil. This is the uni versal experience of everybody who gives Ozomulsion a fair trial. To claim that a long record Is the only guarantee of the merit of a cod liver oil emulsion is all bosh. Druggists sell Ozomulsion at CO cents ind II. If your druggist does not keep Ozo mulsion In stock, he can easily order It for you, or If you denire a small sample, to see what it Is like, you can obtain tho same by mentioning the name of this paper In which you read this, ad vertisement and Rending to THE OZOMULSION CO., 98 Fine St., New York City. v J Ka. 125. L. G. DAN I ELS, fia2o XivoryAnd Ex- ; .chatifto.Etablts, .' Coeutt'r Is euMee, sivt si le fsrss ts4 M!nf, JWvm, s4 s'nU Ue. CWia for f t'm .'. ' r r: