1 . A5pfatilp Preoaratlon Far As- slinilating tteroodandScf ula-rl ting me scams anouoweia or PromotesDigesHonSheerful nessandHesLContains neither Opiumarphine iwrMneiaL' KOTltAACOTIC. -.f AperitedBemedyrorConsfip Qon.Sour$loinKhjDiancboea Worms .Convulsions .Feverislf. ncsa and Loss OF SLEEP. ; TacStirala Signature of EXACT COPT (V WRAPPER. t LAND IS 1 fSlS ) More than that land is the source of all wealth. The rat'o o( pop ilati -nCij orea is tie sliding scale upon which opportunity is guaged, slocess determined. Cut thenum ber of land holders in any S at in the Union in two,anl what it thi result t It' simple arithmetic opportunities ("oirl led In tlat State. W bat if tbree-fnurths the popula tion be eliminate! ? Opportunities quadrupled; aod so'an That's the co: dilion in the great Southwest, Arkansas.gln dian Terr tory and Oklahoma This vast territory is sup porting less than one fourth the population of its capacity. Ffrtil a laud where wheat and cotton thrive side by vide wiere two yea 1 vegetable crops are demonstrated prssibilitles the greatest fmit section in the country; but that's only half lha story. Tie low ratio of population to acreage makes land cheap that's the main point. (There's room for success in the great Southwest Illustrated liter ature sent on request Nfc rAMIC PLCS 8 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third Tuesdays pf each Month The IaARGlSST Store wItfitfiARIriM. Mfnlr of Furniture and House Furnishing Good in the Male of North Carolina ioiictti your trade for soch floer grade of good as yoa can sot obUta Trom your bo March so is. Ia tdrerttslag la yoat boat paper 1 eat aot eadvorlng to compete with the faraltara dealer! la your place, baosa.se I believe It Is toe doty of every good dliata to bay whatever tbey can at boas, whatever they eaa aot bay at bo EM, bay la North Carolina Orat, lis floats aeooed. and aUewbera last, bat as I carry a foe of goods a laa la qual ity a aay slots la tbe dty of Haw York U my b that 1 have toasctblnf wales " yoar bossa atercbaata bate aot , tad say ' price are, as a Batter of coarse, frosj M pat east to 60 pat aaal lata Usa Hew '' lath City pilot. Of oareajoar boata asarcbaat eoald order "Trous bla caia- " logu oeMthtag Uat I have la stock, hltba,oa are wall aware, Wsati- - fal pleura are oil IIsm deceptive, aad I '. really Iklsk yoar boate atcrebaata sal . joenotvae would get better raaalulf df froa pWurra, aad therefor I soltcn - ' a prtaoaal aau ftxsa yoa. H. t. FAQkttE, ' H.I0H. Float Bt- WDsalettoa, H. Publication or 8nm V0RT11 ClROLCf A, lalba i;rf oa uoaaiy. i oapavsor w a ,v , .- Joba Dlioa, ' Ta HalUea Wioa, - ; ' TAH HOTlCXi ' - . i''. ' Tt a sViUoa ratliW aa"' aboie Imsms trmwft la UN t'oa'l by tliHo" i fra loa laa U l ioti Wfsaf t4 la tle Ctty ef IW, 8 'f Hnnfc Camllea fa!)y ixiMIii OwpMat ll1 fa tMe a.lin. 4 lr yoa a Tnuta for (.'inii.1! Is s'l-a tW4, twa rit U.t sarfe l-lHMMfkut .., m-mrr ef p'alsttif ad in til ibrttiutH l yt. loj sre x i'.::.1 in k a r f ,r f ' : r1rir tV'"1 ' ' !- tr ti a i Is ihe II"" m cf sM I -ipnt's ih t tty of Jfew f-et ( ;(int r r-', tt-e ' Mi4 a ,-.,-. F r.t K'.n!if la VrritM i . t! '.111 '! t.( A(lU i tO ' , . . (, . i, a ta I a"'" ki' ! . ' 1 (! ; Vftt taa fit Th'a , . , v. .r f f"--m'1 "bt'a r ' -Mil i rorlnfantsand Children. , Tfis' Kind You Have : Always Bough! 1 1 HflftTa thfl 1 . y rj-r-r ' ''-"V iji Signattue In Use For Over Thirly Years jlifl 1M OMWt QWPMrV VMS wMV WEALTH GEO. II. LEE. 0 P. A. Little Bock, Ark. 2 W.JT. SAUNDERS, D P A 35 Richmond, fa. ' . cMiCMrsrrca'a (nous ri")9ayflLe!LL3 I ClilCHKHlBH-MKNOlISd Rtr fW l4t.i IXMr. I Mall. Ill B II II T il. II Uil. MtM ,Am aMk Vireing For Electric Lights . Persons wlsblog tbetr balMtngs wired will please make application la wrl Uaf. Aay cocsplslots'for defccllra llfbla. (aatleatloa cf cntplnjeea, Ac. If mad la writing, to lb Cora miss be, win ra oeiv prompt st'rtttoo. Address' all OosDBOBloaUoB to Ibi Beorttary, WA.TIB A LIOOT COMMISSION, 19 Grlffllb St. notice of DksoIaUoa. Koike batety glvea that lb co-part aarablp kretoforailstlg batwata lb aadtTtlgaad Oeorg tf Wllooi aadOiy o Laaa, wader lb flrss Barn sad style of Laaa A WQcot baa beet thli dsy dla. olwd by aiataai eoBMBt. A.11 dabu dea bt tk Sraa wfll ba inahl by. aad all eebu daa to Ike eras will U aillactea by Ueorre B WUoot. Uay 8 be mm asy rauriaf noes sua Bras. . Tbaaklag ear patroa for favor beta tofore tiieadad to Iba firm, aad aolldt laa tblr fotara patroasa for MrOeo WUeoB, wbt will krraafur aosdeot aad asrry ca taa batlaasa at U fiaao.- - t, ,t , - Jkay ttib.lMl. .' : ?-y reepaalfalfy, ' - . OUT 8. UHt, ' - ' - eta f wilcox. Executor'fl Notlco. U.vUg ibU dv 4aHfld a tb Xta tor of is last Will sni TKtsmtnl of llnh Mrpf dcrait, all parson bstlar t'slm aralsst lbuie of my ttArlt r brhf DfltUfd to rrTi 't atadair taflSrd to sna, or J I tad tab B.f 4 fvfcnir, Iti.l m otlns MI b (;krt1 I bmt .f lhtr ffrc.Ttry. S'iirwiW'M oiit utte tre krlr f in4 4 aiUe lw dlsl et Ifcl rUafy rtb. iv. " fff H 0R tiOtt X f t tw f,a': V sr.s-'-e ff' '4 -'t d f If- lrjir.-: " "y I A - B W ""TAKE YOUR MLDiClNE. - Kfw and then you h-r a fellow " " Mak a kick sbout fc kirk, ' - Eat rea vry stldom bear hua " Talk about faia lack ol pluck. .... - Now an4 then a fsJlnra tell aa' ' ' That Ut world U down oa hlra . . . But he iMvar tails na kow ha - MUk-nd-muahl hla frit and vta. : - - " Every day jroa hear soma loser : ' - Say that be was (rosen out, . - But that he was ever In It v -. - '.:. Be axprsessa aot a doubt ' - L" ' ' " '- r -Wtm the world stamps oa the kicked , Tou eaa hear him rU a mile; - - ' ", But who always seowlad at other . . . Mow s bscslaf tor a smile. -.. X When ar asaa t dowa and out. he - Always has soma tale to tell. ii r He waa always pushed or shoved, bat . Never tails you that he elL . V'Andi lh aort It asM tha rule t- When a chap I on theneir- - ! ; Tell a tale that sound so srood he ' Nearly think K true bimaelt. 4 . r . mobau . - Never aquaa! It Jrouta b baakoedi For nobody a b the dark. ; ' .j Either yoa passed py th snaffle Or you were easy aaarav If they caught you in ths pantry ' With your nns;er in the Jam, , And yon got a proper- Ucklnc Emulate the wlee old elanu ' . . : -Baltimore aw ' SflPhaJOaJrV Way.' ; ? "Do yon think it poasible for a law yer to be an honest manT" "Oh, yes; provided he has a sunt' clently large incQme independent of bla practice!" New ,York Newa Are Ton a Dyspeptic ? If yoa are a dyipeptlot yoa owe It to yoaraelf and yonr friend . to get well. Dyspepsia annoy the djipeptlc't friend bfcattM bla disease aoara bla dUpoaltloa a well as bit Itomaoh. Kodol Dyspep sia Care will not only ate dyapepsla, Indigestion and bow stomach, bat tbt paltable,,reoontrnotlTa tonle dlgestaot trengthenUi whole ijdlgMtlTa appN ataa, aad iweeUn the life as well a the atomtob. . When yotf take Kodol DyaMDeia Core tbe food 'too bat la an- joyed. It Is digested, aastmlUted and M " w J nutrient propertied appropriated by tbe blood aad tissue. Health, ! the retnlt Sold by F 8 Daffy. It. Lemia, St Louis la the only large city In th United State which ia not a part of a county, aay the Chicago Chronicle. The municipality la self governing. The county of St Lout baa so Juris diction in the city. William J. Court ney, b clerk in the office of the clerk of the federal courta, recently attained hla majority, and owing to tba peculiar location of tba bona in walchite Uvea he baa been puttied over the que tioa of whether be should raflater to vote 4n the city or in St Louia county. From the latest" map Ur. Courtney find that tba lmlginary Una dividing tbe dty front tbt county p-a dug- anally taraagb tb bona' la WbIcb b Uvea.' Tba bona l on the vorta aid of Qambleidd Bvenoe And therafora. If the information be correct, Uaa bait In tba dty and half la tba coontyi - Mr. Courtsey aay that under tba boat ad vice be ba got off tbo qnMtlos a biaa ahould eta in tb pradnct a which be aleepa. . Mb tberetore deddea'to aleap In the Bt LotnH aide tit the nooaa and rota la tba city, t- . -T0iTT0-IAT.-. ; ; Tl4tIh-vsrBU)abcoaf4fpat t 'ml to-morrow wkat 'yoa fcoa do to day," k now &aralry praaaated la til forms 'Do It to-day T Thai U tba lata advio w wat to glr yd abott thai backlfl joeg or dsaortUifigooldwlt blob yoa bava baa trag0ag for Mr ral day. perUp wk. Take aosaa raHabla fatted? fot It TO-DAT aad et ttraByBe Xft Boacbaa'a Oamaa byrap, wkkb bt beeav In' na t over Utrty-Bv yaara. A Uw doaaa of It will adobtad: FaWUfo yoaraoagbwr eoU aadtU eoatlaaad for afwdyi, wfQ aat yoa eompleuly. Ha taaJUr bow deep t4 year aoagb, -araa If dr4 aoanaipUoa baa'aitackad yoar lga, Ovrasaa Ayrap wlH rly 3ot a ear- a It ha done before ia tfaouiaad frptoUy bnpaWi eaa cf Ung troabla. flw trial bottle, tSj r2lar laa,?Sa. At J1 dratftsta. n t ' ' f ( I CCLCi . iC! . . I In no country . la Wtillam MorrL golden rnle 'IIave notlilng about yoa but wbst yoa know to be useful and belSeve to be beautiful," bo scrupulous ly toUowed a in Japan, Tbe politeness of the Japanese a !a of "equality" the poUtenea of this hierarcnlcal east, ia in surprising contrast with the ag gressive ' rudeness of our democratic communities. : Genilenesa and cordial ity are the Japanese rule; no scene or violence. The readiness with which En ropeana. fly into a passion atnpeneatha Japanese, appear to them to be a aign of innate, coarseness. ' In bla considera tion for others a Japanese habitually refrain from making any ahow of blJ 1 t v . pervonai ssrrvvs, vnii; uer vauiiy uaa led Knropa to fancy that the Japanese regard Treated clvilliation as superior to their own and that jtberefore, they are ' "Enropeanlzlng- themselves pur posely. Tb western diplomatist who described modern Japan , as a "bad tranalatlnag of Europe merely shared the delusion and conceit of foreigners gcnerallyF; Cballaya In Revue de Pari,-a; y f- ;U -; : . J-' ;- SfS'ffty'fy, '. " - RoWedTlie Grave. L atarOIng " lnddeai,- la narrate! by John "Oliver of Philadelphia, aa follow! "I was In aa afal condition.' Vy tkln wai almotl yelloW', eyea iokken, tongue coated,lala contonallyiin back: and aide, bo appetite, - growins; weaker day byday 'Taree physician had given me np.Yl MylBoitb nae ElSctrlo Bitter: ta at neat iok ha first bottle tede i4acded;lmpT0Tement' I con- tinned thalinw for three eeka, and aaa now a well man. Ikndw they rob bed the grave of "another'vlctlm." No oawahoald fail to try them. Only 50 cental gntranteed, at C jD Bradham'i drogato're.; ;r.-;, . . .; "' :'-"t11' , 'f ':H'f-Aatmat'"o' 'Venelablet Alice climbetl a tree near her home every day ttf look at ir bir.V nest con tabling three speckled eggs. One morn ing after her usual visit he rushed In to the house and called out to her mother excitedly, "un.; mamma, the eggs have nil blossomed Into little birds!' Llpplncott'S Mngailne. . Rather PoMtmlatlo. "This la a tough old world," remark ed the anvil In the blacksmith's shop. "I get nothing but hard knocks all day long.? .j.v "Right you art," rejoined the bellows. I'm alwaya hard tfreasett to raise th wind." . : :. A ' - A Great Sensation. Therewaia big senslatlon In Leet ville. Ind, when W H Brbwn of that place who wai expected Jo die, bad hi life taved by Dr King! NowDlaooTery for Oonanmptlon. Be write: "I endured Insufferable gonle frrmj Aithma, but yoarKew DUcoveiy gve me Immedi ate relief and aodn thereafter effected a complete cure," Similar cure of Con tumptlon," Pneumonia, Broncbltla and Grip are numeroua. It' 'the peerle remedy for all throat and tunc trouble. Prloe COo and 81.00. Guaranteed byO DBrdham1Drogglt. Trial bottle free. Bssmuurek'a eBderral Byca. No one overcame into the presence of the chaneellof wlthobt a deep sense of tbe mind powet beflected1 from those large gray blue orb, t Their flnalUng brilliancy and the piercing penef radon of the glance shot from them were never to be forgotten. They aeemed incapable of txpreaalng affection, and I tbetr ateeVUka hardness only inspired a wtr 1 or jot towering intellect, ine lrre aatTbla win.' the denant eoaraK. tbe Bary energy of their owner. To walcb the lightning change of erpreeaion mir rored III them, reflecting the atrong emotion' evoked by humbled pride, wounded kmbltloo and thWarted aelf- bhneaa, and, abov all, by th loa of bla abaohito wjr, "wal'lnfleed aa eo vtabla privlietav-Denir Villard In Cen tury, Itxi Cwtii ; Metldni 'Fof Oll- - --r- 4rti I- Wkaa yoa bay a aougk dlcloafor aauQahlldrM yo Waal one fa which yoSlAApUo loryUcIl ooaldasca. Ton vaal oa. Hut not; only ranatwi bat oraa, To waal oar that' Is aqoa. tleaably karaUaa. Toa' wakl' aa that trpkau&f W Uka, , : "Chabt1la'i Cotgb Bamady 'oMats U of' tbaa o diUoaa, Thara la nothing bo good fot thc4ibaaa4ooldT lacldait tOjDbtld hood. It I aUo a 'cartala'prmaUv sad car for crooft aad tbari It e ia gar waaUrsc frvaa vwb9opbg ' ogb wbaa II I gtvea. . liksa beosi sued la may pIiijBlo ol lb at dUa with par ftctlaoca,- Fot sal by U Drag. fa, - j. -. I - ATTOEXITlTlArT. . "rractle to the cmntte df Craven, Oartri, PSmltotv Jckmh mi Onslow, and In iu Eiata rjupram and rdrai tkMrta. . 1 1 Off. cor ti-s'.li trr.t fir i, over Tib-' gr j h orrteo rw Yvnt, ft. O. Trochtfj Cc!c! :z Sr,! i 0?::i. A wH -1 '-, cor fnf F. H T U M ATIT 1 'i CC VT. r : .fit 1 r I 1 t t rrf l.i l ST -n 'S r f i . rpo n i At f. I ' s 'f la ; h"ksl c:i:'' , t. b 'iU lii I",---' of t.. tonst h wi'Sont es .sir.g i.';i'ti"a a d:sr-tS tyn-.p-ioms. i'rire, II bot:.. ' (Sold tj err- . f s' i ft I' r "t'ne, . Uluiik't -.. 11 tl..: -'!, ae r r ;ld rrr e i .rrr okVJa Inn'! r - -n And many other &'ainftU aad serious " - tUneati from' wnicli most mothers a iir; can be avoided by lie use ci r .ll F,i::J," . This great remedy v Jiaa God-aend to wtwnen, carrving them through their most critical. - ordeal with aafety and no pain.' Ko voman who ns'ts T.zHzfi Frl:iJ" need fear the suffering and danger Incident to birth for it robs the ordeal of its horror and msnres safety to life of mother and child, and leives her in condition more favorable to steedy recovery. ; The child is Hffttrivrriftftr1 ' .lWV itswghtineoldtoevexy'Wi.U LjLjJU Wfltflfln: nnA iriT1 awnf trm m 1 ; wwsasssMs sfMwa wa v twtA4.w u ; envelope bydrUsmg-ajUcatibn to I j Free. RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS 1 Btapeadoaj offer atada. fey a well kaowh Phlla. firm. RADIOS RAD0S RADIOS Tbougmds of persons to all section's of the; country barft been healed by this wonderfardiscoyery Every educated person haa heard of Radium, its wonderful powers and healing qualities have occupied page after1 page in the Metropolitan publications, - Almost everybody knows that it is the greatest remedy that QA has ever given to suffering humanity. Duv easef gernufof every description flee before it they cannot stand the contact. We have such faith in OUf proposition that we guarantee abso lutely to cure you, What is more we will give you a written contract to that effect. This offer has never been duplicated. Fill out the blank below and mark the malady from which yoa are Buffering and receive by return mail information that will be worth7 hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any banking firm re garding our responsibility. Free Offer Free Offer' Tree Offer RADIOS OO. 813 Drexal Building Philadelphia, Pa. 8nu - ' Kindly send ave free' of eoat In formation regarding yonr Radiant treatateat aad your wonderful ad'y-BadloB.'' Maiae.... AldreM crfr Stat.... Disaaaa. Sf "farw BMAWV aft BB AwrnmmMrtf ) rh fjaasfl rlaaBaagif J raasf Ciirm 19 ftafs-wKt!) n4nwm fraj km aT ajat I aajriti'-i ba .afctr raw'''rf'6 (V ' IsVw rtBlir "naiavdamtlasi. 1 1 uvi nnrm um r pawra iiaaw ' os. hi mturj jtm aani i bm I'aatawta) tkiaw lartsMfti k-aJ.ai A j :f Entry 'Notice. 1-4 - . -. - Bla) of )Torib CaraUaa, I Cram Ooaaty. To Gaorg M Wtta, Xatry TUer fot , Criva Caaatyt " Tba andr!(a4 D W ffewSy tt Crars eeoBiy, Bottb Cro!!ai' aaur ad 1st flsJai 14 IV follow Is g da. afbd r.lo or par) of land la tad tovaiKtp. Crevaa onaalf, Mala of fTivtli Catotlaa, ti iB-e'rg vaeaat i3 i t!rpmriTt!eiJ Ia4, si y ts KUj, vim A t tr rrc.l (J )t3 ta Cr f-iiy, f9 tfc Sortb M ;n I w i4 wi iVs o' r .' 1 t if. sr. 1 Hit s! ! cf Pa'b Creat, ! ) t.'rt;U ) ' Pf B W I-eir.sns, t I : r' ' r, ) i 's, sr. i' ) ! tlt'i'ti'l I) VT I ' 'l f.Vr. t -r .''..'. i 1; ,' r,' ! it i tr ' ts ff ! -"'. TnUrtl ll'l 1 tty tt l'lff. 1 i Free ai Sci:::in: Jl:::r;:!s I a tm tr HtwInlM r. 1 " ' liluin. 4 Kif iwum HimL t . M , it rmmr , frmr BoMH. Si. S4 J ti . P. J , Ji f as. - '. , . . Ml ill i' v1iw Tl rN kAaeVAii, I I l jdUlilulll Tt JU CJrtwaaPiw. at H. Meadows, Ptm Bt. M. ChrVM,OaaUr. Citizens' iBank, or xararw- jaxxr, jN-.o. ' Do i aeneral Banking Business Bnrplus and Undivi ded Proflui $22,000.00. We wfll aire orociDt and careful atten Hon to all business entrusted to na. We invito yonr account. Try us. Board et Dtreetora. rardlnand Clnol) J. a. Meadows, Bamoel W.Ipook Ohas.H.VowMr, t ; W; eralner, B. B. Meadows, Ohaa.DDflv, Jr. James Bedmond, Mayer Hans, Thomas A.Gren O.E. fov. w.nssuvsca wo. a. ive. w.r.uroeKeti. (Hark Disoiwar- KA8TE1US . CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND 0 fEIIGHT & PASSKN6KR. For All Pointii Worth. Kffectlve Oct. lt, 1908. The Steamer NETJSE la scheduled to sail at 6 p. m., Monday weaneaaay ana many, for JUzabetn Ulty . U. The Stdamer OCRACOKE la aohednled to all at 8 p m Tuesday. Tbnraday and Saturday for Elizabeth uuy, . u. Freight received not later than on hour previous to sailing. For further inf onnntion apply to GEO. HENDEBSON, Agt K, 1L Ktjto, Oen. Mgr. H.O. HuDGUrs,Qn.Fit.4 Paaa.At Norfolk, Va. W. & 8UMMERELL, Aaa't. Oenl Frt. and Pas. Agent, New Barn, N. O. NOTICE KORTH CAROLINA, ) In tbe Craven County. (Superior Court Mary Hay TI George W Hay. Tba defendant above named will tak a olio that aa action a tilled aa above baa been eowmsraoad la tbe Boperlor Court of CraTea eoaatv to obtain a vln eelo Btatritnoail from th deftadaat oa tbe ground of infidelity; aad tba said d fendaat wilt therefore lak aotlc that be at required to appear at tbe aeit term of the Bu parlor Ooort of ad Oooatv to be bald oa tba (th Moaday after th first Moaday la March, ft being tba 111 dsy of April, 1S04, at the Court Bona of aid Ooaaty la lfw Bare, Motto. Caro Uaa, and aaswer or dacanr to tba com plaint la said action, or plaintiff will ap- Sy 14 the ooart for the rllf dasadd said aoaiUaiat , . W.M.VTAT80N. Clatk of tbe Superior Court. Thl the lib day of March 190. Administrator's Hale. SOUTH (UROLTJM 1 Baperief Coart, Crtrea Ooaaty, ( Before tba Clark 0 1 MoOarUy. Adattalttraun of the aa taU ol Mania Jhaaa, XJ Maaaa, Xaak btuaaaUiat fttaaa ' and Mary A ktaa. , By Ylrtaa erf aa atdar aat daeraaaf aal (o aaa aMraoted la Ua abava aatltlad tpaaial procaadlag pMdlBa theoflot el UaUwkot the BaparWt Ooart of Cravwa aoaatr, wklch eaid praeaadlag r taatUatad for lb pvpoa of snakjag aata t pay the dabta af as Id Mania iacksoa daoaaswd, I will Offer ofaai aad U ta the blgkewt btdder for eaab at Ueort bna door af said Crevwa Coaty oa Moaday, lb alb day ef Apr! A. u ua Wr f ia Cdot M. at pab lie vskdaa, all aad tlBplar that eartala r' et raroej of Ua4 lylag aad be lust oa U aeath aid al the A s W 0 raiirnswd, a part af -the Mtibvrryl). n& tract, txmr)y ewafd by t'MtUy, dwaaexTl aad aflai ward I nrrriy of T, J. r. rj sa aad wlf 4 J iialsg U laad of t T flryaan aa Kara. !': (s!' st two lii at laa n' i'tr I ' 'dn ll leads at ir I. I', 1 ryss, iL.roe rue!r milaav sr.JIy to a s'.rf Sa plaa, sk1 ire, iv fir i.nbitff !tb r.Ma Wblu i'r, n ;.f4 Ha, ikna weet wtik us ri"r'- la the tt'nlrf, au!n!( f fe r"s rrr U. It fc!ng a I tfce 'ft if? fit y r tkel t , f i. r..r-.-l- stk!pfl i I -elefti f-r.5 n Itie ssld 1 (Ji ll ,M.I !. ? f T J tftit - ' -' f i : 'f IJlll. 4 -. ' s rewTs . . - cf !; f"t et4 ( t- t, ta r k ti ttrr.r 5 ',. !-'".' Is kerefy e4e v.. .r ' trTiir, i. r. s ! r. n ; s tehiD i 11 TI!; !. i i . i t A. LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF HOBSES and. TivTtTI Ever offired for sale in New Bern, A car load of each inst in. Also a complete line of Buggies, Cart Wheels. Etc. T. A. CI w 5$ CIGAR AustVIeticken & Bro itidket Bdlto.M.1 Publication of Sum- , mons. NORTH CAROLINA ) Craven Gounty. j Superior Court John Dixon vs tUrah Dixon To Sarah Dlxou TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In this Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lots of laud in the City of New Bern State of North Carolina fully described In the Complaint filed In this action, and to declare you a Trustee for plaintiff In relation thereto, upon the grounds that sucL lots was purchased by you with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken In your own name: You are there fore notified to be and appear before the Superior Court of Craves county to be heid In the Court House of said County In the City of New Bern, State or North Carolina, on the 5th Monday after the first Monday In Majch, It being the 11th day of April 1904, to answer the Com plaint in said action which will be filed daring or before the first three days of said term, and answer or otherwise plead thereto as you may be advised, or the relltf demauded Ihtreln will be granted. This Feb. 16th. 1904 W. M. WATSON, Clerk of Superior Court of Craven County. THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH KBtCniD BT Southern Railway. The Southern Hallway 'announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resort of the South, beginning October 15, 1903. Tbs winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida ar espec ially inviting to those In search of health or pleasure, in these Slalaa ire such noted resorts aa I'lnehttrst, N. 0., Cam den, Alkea, Bummervllle, a C, Charles ton, B. 0 , Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and ThomuvlIU, Oa. Jacksonville, Bt Augustine, Ormond, Davtoaa, Palm Beach, Rockledga, Miami aad Tampa, Fla., also lb resort of Nsa saa aad Cuba, beat reached via Souther Ball way. Tick u oa sal up to aad Including April 80, 1901, limited to retura until May tl, 1901. Booth era Railway afford alegaal train rvlo,wllb lb la Uat Pall sua Drawlag llooea BUeplag Cars, operated ibrougb bat was a prlaclpej dila aad raeorta, ! gaal Dlalag Oar service, aod everything for tba comfort aad plaur of the tr velar. Ah aaaiaat Ticket Agal for further laforaulloa aad daacrtpllv literature. The- till Csait torts, Kabila, flew Orkas, Mexico 11 Catiraniia Southern Hallway. vTlatVToarit ticket bow m1 ta the noted taaorta of . U OalfOoaat ad bUitoe bad Call for I. TV ea sal via Southern BUy p to aad laludlg April 10, 1904, Uastlad ta Kay It, 1?H. for ralara paaasg, ( . st UaJa mtfU. Tba foal af tU - WMfclaf u ad SouUeestera Um tt1td,ftet Uj)td.w Ask iMran Tickat A gel for doiaCad laforaiatloa sad desefptiva Bsatlar. TBelaalaf la. Si; Tt,fVmtra Ra'Iwsy rark U l'Kl!M.H.ttlHUs I r,dftWe fly" "t "rTkt'('-f)U7," r' : Vf i .t, .,?j(;, l'i Ppt'nr, u !... Ji. C ; I -.,,1 ..4 I .i 1 r toy. 7M n-.'erfl t a is ; s ' 'A, n!is' f riavs f f . r. t ! Wagons,' Har8. Botes, Whirs JOWISS, Rrol St. S x A. & N. C. K. h. TIMS TABLK NO. 82 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 5, 1908 ' at 0:55 A. M., E. S. T. QoinirEast I 8ohbsulb: I Goine We ' No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: At, a m ' 8 80 Ooldsboro 11 06 8 69 - Lainuiirn 1ft ua . 22 Kins ton 10 If, - 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 0 ' 5 50 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 15 Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 06 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Paiwenger Train. BTATIOS8: DAILY. ! - Ar,p. a 8 00 Ooldsboro 8 80 8 18 Best'a 8 08 8 26 LaOrange 7 67 8 87 Falling Creek 7 4" 88 Klnston 7 ff 8 02 Oaawell 7 86 918. Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 "50 Tuacarora 6 50 9 M Clark 6 4S 10 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 a- M. r FREIGHT. No. 1. DATI.V F.TI'RPT W a 2d Chut,. BUNDAY Id Cku. Lv. Ar. p m 611..,,.. ..Ooldsboro 8 60 615 Beet's 1 18 51' LaOrange 8 08 87 Failing creek 1 88 7 82 , Kinaton IS It 7 40 oaawell H01 8 00 Dover 1101 90 core oreek 10 40 10 10 Tuacarora . . 10 10 10 83 Clark's 9 54 1100 Ar. Nw Born, Lv.. 9 ' 18 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 8 16' 1 19 Klverdale 7 40 1 90 oroatan 7 88 1 40 Havelock 7 10 9 00 Newport, Lv 6 81 9 WUdwood S 17 9 98 Atlantic 6 08 9 66 .. Ar. Morehead Oity.Lv.. .. 6 60 100 ...Ar. M. dty Depot, Lv 100 a . M. B. L. DILL, B. A KXWLAND, Oanl Rapt Majter Transportation. L. B. Habicht; FINK Lager Beer IThe Finest Liquor and Wine. Hablobt'a Key West, Hahaohi'a Teat Cant Parts bo CKfABA Oorwar S Front and Baaoock Bcrawta, New Barn, M a ITTORIIIT AT LA If .-'' b raaoved bla offlo to 71 Boaih trai treat, Bp ataJra. . . Atuad ragalarly the aoarta af Ora vta, Oaalow aai Paaalioo aoaalia. rjaa iaaa aoceptad aaywbar. - 'AUawBTatLaw. U Aa. rroal Ot BetaJ CUtaawkn Oravwa Ooaaty Ataorisay, rtMait " r r . . " 1" " , , vwaiovr, tjeutk , rajalWwi,, limns, Larmt. aU u.m NpM d Feira4 Curta . r... g!....s, . . . A Wirl TrT.TJ WATD, ATTCI.T XI aal CCCrJILCn i ' UTf. taw x tin, sr. tj, 0"' r--'i a -., u ; t t'.y f.f I -. f i,-,. i 4 , an 4 jf;h' f b-.t 'r-- l f i!;. '; (er ' " ' " m !o r-. i . f ' . ' It I ! J . r -ir ' j , tt