If - V V ; I, VOL. XX1I-K0. P5 KXtf, EI3, E. C, SUNDAY KOEXIXa, APRIL 3, 1904 i.v TWIHTT'THIBD IIAR ( -I ' T?ou can find Some " Inducements Xfrery.Day at - jr. m. niTciinxii. r& ccs; : ; ' Wo;hTohly ipv3noogh to mention few thlngK l ,DKY GOODS AMD WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. We are showing a very extensive line of new and many strictly -ex-e'nslve Wash Fabrics at values that cannot bs excelled. Among the' ; ' tew and popular fabric! in wash goods, we simply give yon a eynopsli . c of the popular weave which we have on Bale at prices that can not fall to meet the approval of tba closest buyer. , - . . India Linens and Victoria lawns, 40 inch lOo the yd. ' ' ; - Fine quality of Frenoh Organdy, full yard wide good talue at Mo, our price only 60 and too. - Whlt Merceri id Madras, beautiful silky finish. We are showing ; : all the new weave and exquisite patterns, the greatest valnesever of- , fend, tha gooda really like illk. Our Scotch Suitings are exceedingly desirable and attractive, the latest mixed colon and noveltf weave for Spring Hhlrt Waist Suits. Cotton Voiles in the popular shades...: Our ' Wash Goods Department atoned in all that is new. We are showing bet artful Dotted Swiss and Curtain Swiss. Our Mercerized Peit 'coats just as handsome ia trimming maks and finish as silk petticoat, nd -leallv look like silk, are very full and handsomely trimmed with Ruffles and frills at 75c, $1.00, 11.2S, $1.50 and $3.00, , J", , ' TABLE LINEN DEPARTMENT. 9 yards wide Table Linen, bleached, beautiful patterns, others charge you $1.00 and $1.15, buy it here at 85c. Ask to see It. -- , , OUR MATCHLESS GUARANTEE. " " ; . We guarantee the price of everything we sell to be as low or lower than tha same article can be bought anywhere else. If in a day or a week, or a month later, yooJSnd the same thing- lower elsewhere make -' a claim upon us and it will be allowed at onoe. What fairer, fuller, v broader guarantee can we give, it should make your shopping very ' safe, especially as we deal in the very best of everything and sell abso i lutolv nothing that has not intrinsic value. '"' 'We prepay Express and freight pn all purchases amounting .- to $5.00 or over shipped io any plaoe within a radius of 1(0 miles of New Bern.-. - . - ' J.1 MITCHELL 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. ;'ttMWMfHvrm i a. b. m I .Crockery, Glassware, Alo a X'ce Xinc "Pollock Street, . sa CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN. Visit our New Store and aee our Fine Display of tTp-to-date Mens, Youtfcs, Boys and Juvenile , G?LjOT3E3EIKra3- ; We carry the very 'pest, of makes, and . guarantee fit and workmanship. OUR MOTTO: Satisfaction, guaranteed v Epstein One Trice - : '72Btyan Block, li'likdhj.: Wo are no Wv representing,- In our Agency, all of the Fire Insurance boro If. 0, and are prepared to . furnish full protection in the homo companies. .. BISHOP & GLAYPOOLE, . ' '. ':- Phone 27. " . '';'" notice i; T1Q houses for rent, en 1 01 and ond $5,go0d I,:" cation; -. J i: :o 153 Couth Front ; t. far inlorznatlon. . j ave you : nOARDOPIT? - .i . :. k 5 3 isrntsmt . LT r . I Special .' & CO,. I &Q. f Ilia in Hloclt. Opp. P. O. lis. or money refunded, Bros., Clothleri, ffitMi Street. GtiAYPOOIiE. e e Stationery uliliJkUlulliJa;' Companiea of Greens tiff IffllllGS-k i Wo have , tho most comploto assortment or .iinttings mat we havo over shown you will do wen to mako your eelcctidna early, Vhito Lawns ,Comparo cur 40 Inch at ioc, 12Vo nnd 15c l:cforo yon buy. ' Serrlccs Today. ' ; ' v - Christ Church-Rev TM R George rector, Eater Day. Holy Oommunlon 7.45 a m. Berrlce, sermon and Holy Com munlon 11 a m. No evening service. Sunday School ? Zastei - Festival 6 p m. Lenten services : daily v during tha week aa announced. of' Avoordlal Invitation la axtended to alL' ; First Baptist Church, Rev W fi Rich. pastor." Preaching at 11 , a m, rabject, Barnabas, th Great Soul Winner" 7.50, hp m. subject, "Jehovai's riumWlna." Sunday School at t p in. Au an cor dially invited to these services. - ; . Centenary M E Church Rev G t Adams, pastor. At 11 a m reception of new .'members followed by tha Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. Preaching lit 7.45 p m by Rev F D Swindell, D. D. Special Easter music at both morning and evening services. -Sunday School at 8 p m. T A , Green, Superintend ent. Epworth League meets every Monday night, T W Orowder President. The public cordially invited to attend all the services of the shursh. - Rev Morehouse, pi Newton, Mass.wlll preach in the Presbyterian church to night 8 p m. Rev F p Thomas,! recent ly of Eaaley 8 O will occupy the pulpit, this morning. . , Services at Bt Ovprlan Church 11 a m and 8 p m. The publlo is cordially invi ted.; Win Geo Avant, pastor. Rev L 8 Boney, of Wllsblngton, N 6 will occupy the Tabernacle Baptist Church pulpit todiy, both morning and First Church of Christ, Scientist. 87 Craven street. Services Sunday UhaC a. m. and .7:80 p. m. Bible Lesson Ser mon today, Subject, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Healt"Revelationl:tSundsy after morning service. Testimony ser vice Wednesday 7:80 p m. Beading Room Is open dally. All are cordially Invited to attend. . ' For Infants and CMdren. The Kind Yoa Kan Always Busgfct ' Scare the Signature of T The Boy If yon want a nobby npto date Spring Suit I can supply your wants and won't bait your pocket much either. Let us show yon, Special prloes for 10 days, B; W. ARMSTRONG. To tac Mca I Oar men's clothing for the Spring hu arrived. We will take pleasure In show log yon through.- Glvens a chance to save yoa money., Bpeelal prices for the neat ten days. r- I. W. ARMSTRONG. REPORT OF IIS COUTH OF THE NATIONAL BANK, Qt New:BernX.a nt New Bern, la the State ef Nertk Carallaa, at the e!esv4f Btalness, . Mareh Idta, 1104. RE30DHCES.J Loans ana -discounts ........ t (M.711 11 Overdraft, aeonred and in- ' . eacurea.... ....... ........ invite U.S. Bonds to saceredrcu- Utlon,................. n 000 00 Dtocis, seounuas, etc....,..; vww Ban klns-hous. fund tarSAad - - -- futures...... 1M00 00 Otbar real estate ownrf... ,40UIC Due from National Banks i, (not Reserve Agents).,.. . . tM 86 Ose from StaUJBaakJ and Barters......:... ' 11,49I3 Due from approved reserve - eDU. ...... ............. fi7t 18 Checks and other cath items Not as of othar Katkwal . Banks.... . - Fractional POev swreacy, ... nickels, and eati.. ....... ' .tttU Lawful monrr iteserve w Man, v Lral under aotM 11,000 0 tileiSt Radaaiptton fcaa wllk U. S. . , Treae'r of drcalaUon). i,W 00 Total W,IB8W Capital Stock paid la........ 1M,000 00 Harplusfaad 70,00000 Undivided rrofiu. Urn e- r pmiM and UiMpald.. . 1 ftrl '3 10 HtUoniU Uaak Boles out SiandlOf H.t'O V Dee to oh HslloaU Basks . i,C4 67 Ln v Btve utcks sad , lisaktrs. ........ ........ S,e61 7? ie to srprwM rsssrve rrU , - t 11 uV!t lorhack S171S 4t Tlmrrt!flctMof rioro.it Ul.1'1 W Cufi rhfks . otitnl!r.?...., 1,7 8 M 4'"'"i' Wut and bit . r ::!! ( Toial UUt of TTorlh f" -'r,, ('.-. r If i t t ti rn. J, . 1!. 1 . i i rf t' . - ts'l.el! .! . f p.'nl !'. lOTO '.' ' 11.1- tl i O ! t ( ' "''' I tJ' ' ii. im. . " :.t ,(. ' ' r F 1 "ll f i ! i : ' ; iu i i i 'T i . : T.. -mi.; I Big Representation of Counsel For v -' '", 'Consplratorsv Iif, AffldavIH lade by Counsel, as to Al leged Agreement by Governor : . - Aycock. Nnmerons Al- 1 legations as to Klsman t , , ' - agementof A p ' : .c Special to Journal Balelgh,Apr , 2. Marked Interest shown In hearing of motions In case of Finch and fttoBee before Judge Brown in Buperlor court. ' They ..were present with their attorneys, W H Day. W W Clark, T M Argo, F H " Bnsbee, and W 0 Maxwell, John W Hinsdale and W 8 OB Robinson not further. appearing In case.' The- State -was represented by Attorney General Gilmer and Solicitor Jones. Attorney Argo f iend a letter to Solicitor requesting , bill of particulars. Solicitor had refused to grant request. He asked order for bills. Also moved to quash Indlotment. 1 ' . It was further stated that defense would demur In jurisdiction of court, contending that according to D B statute it Is If anything a crime to conspire to wrongfully Influence Federal court. He then added motion y continue. He stated, he 'had several affidavits bearing upon motion to continue. So licitor Jones moved that the motions be paised upon before affidavits were read. Thla was declined and affidavits were rsad by W W Clark, MeBee and others Including J A Turner, manager of the hotel of Horehead City and Mary Baker its cashier,. W W Clark In his affidavit Went Into detail as to allege agtejtmnt by GovernorAycock that It suit of Flnoh for a permanent receivership of A it N ORB were dropped la Federal court tte prosecution against McBee would be dropped ia State court. Clark swore he was sure they had positive aseuranoe from Robinson that the Governor agreed to drop prosecu tion, and nnlsss this had been donethe Flnoh bill would not have bean dli- misted, the John P Coyler bill would have been filed, and the witnesses 'sub- poened. McBee. In affidavit ays he was under appointment, by Judge Par nell, was arrested by Sheriff at New Bern on bench warrant, ' and hurried here and upon arrival, Informed Joha W Hinsdale his only counsel .within reach had been sabpoeanad si a wllr aess for the Qute. His motion to waive "examination was not .allowed sad hearing was had at which Hins dale, his oountel, nadtr (ear-of eoa taaplof Court, aid la abseaoe of bis client Finch, was audi to tastlfy to entire eontereatlon is had with. Flack McBteand other wUaesaet and required te give evldenoe of his knewleoge .of ease. , v Agreesasnt to settle ad sign decree was done eader direct duresf of Orlmlaal prosecutive A the beech werreat was sworn te Attorney Gsa eral. Issued by Jedge Clark aid served tot the sole perpcte t obstraoilag aetioa .of Fedaral, Cetrt,' by (orotsg withdrawal of sell thee peadl eg, ' ao solvlag retwlversklp aalev dare, for cibly taking ; Ballwiy oat of Fadstsl eoert, and retgratag It to office. ,V Bee filed aaotbr 'affidavit Ut U It aiatertal for his defease to prove In Ik fstaWef allatattoas eat la Flesh till foe receiver ragardlag mtsaMsagtibsBl ef A A If O Railway. That road has beta Bad te now being ran Isrgslr as poUltoal saacklae. If say tle sad srptastvs saaptnjaes hare baea fMUq. ad epoa (t la payavaat of pollilcal oe hgitloas of tko polal la Its ssm t$mml, ettrarigiat coatraeu, bkIi samtroai BnUaful fr ptitoe glrta, i)it aodf trBiprtBt dUte of !: i sntisitl sntty a UflMatltl is 2f 0 f .'.'.:'.. i Iwi grnt4 aaasal p , t ' 1 MTr i't ny J'-O . Tht J" ' r.1 C'!l Citr;-ry ta B faV0TJ f. : ' i I V.t .-. ' j ,;nl, Ut o- ' ' i I t. f f I' i r 1 )'r' tS f )' -i i i. ' i i ii r r- !, r'. i i i ' r ' t' T - T t I largest private stockholders, with assur ances he would Join in the complaint and his association of stock Interest favared lease and vould also join In bill Jndge Brown tooks papers " In eaae and will on Monday announce what ke will do In regard to various motions. , Btantbo "v- ! fci"- on Hart Always 8o J -Vgoatnrs COLD WEATHXR NECESSITIES. Don't atand In need of Coal Hodg.Flre Sets, Pokers, Stove Pipe, Stove Boards Stove Rangee and Beaters any longer than It w!ll take yon to reach our store. All these things we have in em v ' HARDWARE STOCK, and many more too numerous to mention The verv look of tnem w 11) make von feel warm, and the low prices will strike you favorably, etc. ? , ' Foy & Simmons, 70S. Front 8L, NEW BXRV, N. O. Corned Hams and Smoked Hams.' Stove .wood at Big Hills A nice farm iMLare and one mule cheap or on time,See BIG HILL. ICECREAM, Every Day, IT Broad St. Fruit Company- 1 Gaskil; Hdw.& r.1ill Supply Co. have the' following article in Car Load lots and Guarantee Prices as Low aa can be bought in tie Northern maike! b: : Bath, Dooia, BlindaVStOTM, Ellwood ire Fence, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Tar Paper Roofing, Paroid or Felt Roofing, Gonld'i Iron Pomps Pump Pipe, Wood Split Palleyi; alto a Full Line of Hardware and Mill Supplies.' PEICE3 LOW QTALITIES UIGHi Gaskill Hdw. & Llill Supply Co., HARDWARE 71 Middle 6k, " ,. rhonell7.' .' . r WmTFORD IIAIIDWAHB COMPAHY I T One Car Load of Cook - 5tovcs Just Arrived, ' For ill next CO dnju rlll cll at a liar Sr.sh Dears and Blinds. ' Another Car on the Way. '"- t : : iwaaaawacraaaraaawwar Removed 1 , Bavlne , moved mv Printing Office and Utock -of : Stationer to the Corner of ; Pollock ' and Craven Street, I am now better prepared to .fill your orders promptly, . ' 4 jr ; If you want NICE JOB WORK .send your orders to me. Owen Q. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONER, - Cor. Pollock ft Craven stg. A SPRING DUTY it is for every man to order his Easter suit in time for the warm and balmy Spring daya that are about due now We are showing a superb line of domes tic are imported Spring fabrics in Chev iots and Clay Serges, that when we put our style, cut, fit and finish on a suit for you it will make a combination of elegance that the mart exquisite taste wlllreve In. F, JU. Chadwick. FII1E INHUBACE. and Brick Our Easter Eggs. are all sound and full of good meat, and tha supply ts inexhaustible. If you have proper thought for your future, you should not delay protecting your Inter ests by a gilt edged polloy in one of my Companies. I also sell BRICK. GEO. A. NICOLI Phone 800. So. Front k Hancock St MILL SUPPLIES M Craven St Phone 118. ew ; . r i . .: in ;, r, : nirY-Ti." M -V:' A. : N orthCarolina HAM Nice lot Also new lot Harvey'8 Small Sngar Cured Pig Hams and Ureakfast Strips. Good Canned Corn lOo oan, Corn and Tomatoes, Okra and Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Lemon Cling Peachp's, Early Juae Peas. Lima Beans, String Bems, Beets, Snenotwh. Canned Meats, Lunch Tongue, Salmon, Sar dines, Scotch Herringe, Cheese, Macaroni. Fancy Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter A complete stock of everything nice in the grocery line. 1 respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Yours to please, J. L HgDJUL 'Phone !91. aAAAAAAi 1 a a! 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF N. C. Hams, Shoulders and Sidle Bacon. Algo plenty bt Nice Fresh Eggs ISc Dozen. Give ns a call for for anything in the Grocery line. 'You will flod our stock always fresh and complete in every way. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money refunded, Yours to please, T- IB- PABHEE, Jr. Wholesale and Retail drocer, . BONK 69. r Kroad A Hancock Hi. II BIG CUT IN PRICES. Old price tick agjlD. High stan dsrd of material and workmanship maintained. All work guaranteed. Halosprlogi reduced from 11 to 76ct. Watch glaaies red iced from to 10c Hands reduced from 25c to locts. Ltadrr In loir prices. J. O. Baxter, nuoeEB BLOCK, New Grain STORE. I bare ooenrd a Grain sod Tfi Btor.at No t Middle Street, sad 1U keep Corn, Oats, Oroaad Feed Brta and tbe Bet Timothy aad North Oafolla 0y. CALL and Bee Me. -1. SCOTT, 52 niddle street, . 157 Jllddl fit. , Full lino of Druga,lled iclnos, Tollot Ar ! tlcloa and Boap. FresK- Supply , of Flower Seeds. Plijilclnu Prescript (lonn A Hri0'lIty. . 44e e e4e4M EASTER r . NOVELTIES THAYER : i - Eoona . RTltl HYIUTAL3 t MM. UAAAiiiilllimXIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIIITTITTTTTTYTTTTI Just received. Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 71 Itr..saH tti" 1 1 1 XI I ITTTTTTTTTTTTvvvvi 1 8 I READY MADE Clothing, Salts! Salts! I SuIIm !! j5.Gl), $12.50. LISTEN I LISTEN 1 1 LI8TEN. I TBE same goods for let money, bet ler goods for tbe same money. Thl fact wDl be demonitrated la oar itore for tbe next ten dsj. SPECIAL No. 1. Tbe T D Barry Bhoa old b no one else since tbe Benton stock wa closed oat. BPEOIAL No. 3. A well idecied line of Lullo Ml sad Children bllpper from 4Bo to $1.78. SPECIAL No 8 iflOO yards of Lawn from 4o to 15c per yard. Our line of Hamburg I mil coating la aad going oat, Its the low price that keeps It on tba moon. SPECIAL No. 4. Men's, foalh. sad Chlldron tail of olothes at the following' oat price: 187, $5.00, 1M, Bolts 14 90 $10 00; Satu I7.M, flLM aad U.0Oi Xea'e Feala M eaata. Kaas oaaU froei ISe to T5o. BPECTAL No. 8, Tbli le Ike plaeo for voa to m wnnt fcals, Ltd:, eadaeve eosae of yew hard eareed dollars, aad aas aloe late aad we sellUetkaap; PtaALHo.1 1,000 yards of Psroel lOo aad lli u taJetelelo. 1.000 yards ef I Waits Hoaaanaa. keavy. eoM at te tl late sale le. uuatB on i com on ii W are ready to serTS yta, S.COPLON, . C a MOinOIf, SaUtmaa. . n vtudxji rrairr, Krt oaeAtrj ' tUfdware Oo, Few e, , . TKI ITAH0ARO . m, BT. V. Baa. n4 tt, Ik aims tnm arUtOatMM - kkka wry i n t i.w ( ri 1 1 hi. WnMH lV (VM ft4 f. V .. f4 mi t -' . I In Km pmm ' "v 1 i iMMr t i ..:r..-. , i V