- ( THE JOURNAL. Kew Ber, W.'d April t, 10. . LODCBDISECIORT. ;, m atttw inno NO. 1 XHIGHTB OP HARMONY. Meets Sad sad Wnavtll nlvtltl In MT.k month U Eountree'B HslL Pollock street, t 7-80 nvwk nmnl n ril President: J. IL Bmlth. Betfyt JUB. Bl FlauwUl Index to ReiMmeato Removed, ; , National Bank Statement K Coplon SpeclsL :,C C Q mm Q Dunn Bemored. Hyman Bapply Co 8 W P. V Mitchell & Oo 8peclaL JBirfoot Brof Corsets , Simmons Hollowcll Co-Neckwear, Business Ltcals. REMOVAL Dr Primrose has lemorod ' hit office to the new Galon halldlng ' ground floor, one door if est of the conrt house. ' LOST Small gold ring, anake (pattern, " oot with Diamond. Reward It left at , Journal office. - f BEAUUFCfL Burnt woodln Ysrlous (insicns. suitable and aoDroDiiate for v mesents. Can be seen at my house on . Craven street. Mis BKBrj an, . WOULD like to mention a few nice things Lowney's Loose Chocolates, - Nunnally'i Package Candy, Fine Fruit, Limeades, Bam and Tongue Sandwiches ' Fresh Oysters. Try me. I will try to nlease von. JameT B Dawson's, 103 x 'Middle street. PhonWOQ. , . WANTED To buy a few shares of stock in A tfc NO railroad. Apply to W F Hill, New Bern, NO. : FOR BALE A tery raluab.e parcel of property. Apply for particulars to J D Barfield, Broad street. FOR RENT Two large and desirable , ', furnished rooms with use of bath. Cen- '; trally located. R D Hancock. ADRIFT Skiff 14 feet long, painted v wrl. Rewanftor its return to foot of Craven St. " WANTED Young men or women as ,'looal representatWes for McOlure's "1 Msgazlne. Liberal commissions, cash prizes. Write J. N. Tralney, 141 E. 25th, '-Street, New York, N. Y. - FOR SALE CHEAP Three Oak Book cases and two revolving Book Cases, Can be e'en at the E C D Wharf, inquire ' st the Journal office. .A - " WANTED to buv few shares of A & ; NO Railroad. Apply to GV Richard - eon, Dover N C. : SPECKED Apples SO cents a peck .Broad fit Fruit Co. J TOR 8ALE-8 Iron safe $35.00 another another $15 00. Safes, one large smaller $30.00 - : FOR RENT Brick house on Craven St, 6 rooms, hot and cold water, with bath. E K Bishop. ' RAILROAD MARKET I have opened a first olaas meat market on Queen Street, rear of G W Pope's store, and am srepared to furnish all kinds of fresh meats and sausage. v Prompt delivery. J ' ABwert. J FOUR desirable homes torrent at $6 ach per month. Apply to J W Stewart M Middle 8L TOR BALE A tract of land belonging to Mr Thee AMcIniyre, consisting of about two acres, adjoining the ally water - works plants and AUaatlo Coast line RaQroed near lad street, Tale Is a val uable property, splendidly looated. Foe farther Information, address O I Foy, P O hoi Ho 748. THE PRESSING Club at the Kew Ben MWteT Academy will press year doth ei neatly and will give yoe tetlafaetlom. Ladles skirts aloely pressed, J HrJiosp eoa. .' . I AM now ready to clip horses and bsfs met sad spplUaees to give a cjnlok satisfactory Job. 1 Street, FRTJIT, Coooaaut and Walant Taffy today at MeftoTleys, GUARANTEED Sugar Cured Bases at 1) culb'at the Oaks Market. .. , ' $notnssrac tiym. -J; tij special rtqaeat Rev .W B Rkh will preach a aermea to the MaeoM te n'fiVt. at the first " leptM cbarca, TtepublleeotdlallyUvtted. - ' Tonight The Lltllle BaMden of the 'hrliiMa cbarch will give ae enjoyable -trr(,iamo celled Ue Easter Oeatete "htlnnary Falria losdsy algkl. All u s w rdlally ievttad to tosae aad brlaf i ofTiitagteBelp the tefasloeadea. All the cblldree whe -Uas'e pan la . Cieflflla raetomlne art rtqoeeted i -m at the cpera house ksaorrow r,!r at tlevtt e'etock. . , ' , .UvhCtiy attoaa ah- lp i ui hotd hf a female who its b'xk 1 follows lt)aa clr. ; t'inrl to talk wllk Ue woman t , f 'f h t f sie fsilsrrs. iStVsnr l i rn t1i stilafit tke m'i'nidfcl 'I l p-r,t.a'jle tht tf flMlU -' y i it v !I rt gt h t. i ' '-U, P3pTtt''.!'S Jf .! : f rt Is a k. - f t'.il SS I I'l' rnl 5SS,Ss are enough corn- grown In Famiico and ujae coun ties every year, to make many thousands tons of paper. ; i s :'y".V' ; The Mount Olive Tribune Is the latest addition to our exchanges. It la. a new enterprise la that Tillage and starts out with flattering prospects. Notable In its newt columns is a story, about the straw berry croy. Mt Olive U In the heart of tfc strawberry and melon section, jf If any one wants an Idea of the lengtk of Eternity let him go the post-office some day and wait while the man la be Ins Dot np. It comes : u near to the everlasting as anything coojd. ... '... The American District Telegraph Mes aenger service affords a very convenient way for the transaction of telegraph bus inessorany errand, ' The messengers are prompt and reliable. ' " , " The sale of seats ' for "A Ftahermans Luck" will begin at Waters' store Mon day morning. Ticket BO cents. Some fine specialties will be Introduced at the play "A Flshermans Luck." Mr Zebb Tripp, living near Yanoeboro who was taken,whh an attack of appen dicitis a few days ago and later had an operation la improving finely. Drs Primrose and Covington performed the operation; A White man named Rogers, anm ployee of the Cotton Oil Mill met with e bad accident Friday. ' He was operating the gin and bis right arm got caught la the machinery fearfully mutilating the hand. The thumb was so badly.lacer- atedthat amputation was necessary. Drs Rhem and Hughes gave the surgical assistance. . Quite a crowd of nagroes from James City came over last evening after the riot and much mautering and wild talk was engaged in. Those people over there frequently show a disposition to defy the law. and it is dangerous fof an officer to trv to arrest one of them for any grave offence. Several violent dem bnstratlons have been made by them In the pest and rash threats have beenj made that they would come over and at tack New Bern. Jts very unfortunate that their ministers and leaders don't try to learn them some sense, for as apt as not some of these days a serious col lision will occur and they will be forced to abandon their' settlement and go else where. , Mr Luther Holton has opened a furni ture store at No 55 Broad street and hat a very nice and well selected stock of housefurnlshlngs. The Younr Poor le's Union of First Baptist church- will meet at 7 p m in Sunday School room. y Young America early becomes Imbued with the martial spirit when hehaasu opportunity, a delegation of youthful cadets from the New Bern Military Acaaemy called at tnii offloe to ascertain If a tumor that the United States had de dared war against Rossis and intimated a willingness to immediately set out to battle for the honor and glory of their country. Take It easy boys, It U to be hoped that you are destined to serve your native land In a better and more peaceful way than by grappling .with. the Russian Bear. It Is noticed that the officers of the Coast Line train are trying to discour age persons from lamping on end off the train and standing on the steps. If they would keep this rale up It might prevent another accident. The Woman's Home Missionary So ciety of Centenary church will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the church parlors. Mr WJi Dixon has tendered his resign alios as Colled BUUe Deputy Marshal of this district We hare not learned who win be appointed his saooseaor. Mr V A Tolson the postmaster at Cro ats a has resigned. Good shipments of lettuce are being made from New Ben a early every day. A solid ear load was shipped few days ago f roes one farm aires, which sold for $3 sad t( per bkt. The local market blow pretty well supplied wtU gerasn kale, spinach, as- paragas and v si loos other greeas." The latest to of Mr B A man, a led Saturday morals g at Bavetoek the home of lu parte la. The latermeat will take place at their piece today. 7 . There wtU be e Meeting of the Jane Hagkes Chsptsr, Chlldrta of the Coa- lederecy, at Ue home of Mrs F C Rob erts oa Moaday afteraooa at five o'clock A fan ettetMlaoce Is IspeclaUy eV sired. . THE T CO IE AHD CO,' . Mrs Oeotis B Waters aad Utile soa, aad Uht Kaltle CUrk left jitrdy moinJeg fo Washlagtoa to speed str era! dsjt with friends aad reUtirei. ' MIm Eetette CreWsoa, who hat bea flslilug relatives here reteraed to her botes la Raleigh tetierday. KDLWarl weat U rollotkif ysstetdsyea btslasssaad reUratlla the afuraooe, " " MrWiniad Doss, if. arrlve4frosi the 'tate Calverilty last emlsg to rase ths Eteier with his parents. Dr F M Woye, who Us ba la Ue etiy star early la Msrth Is Its !.. t of H-sTt,Ul jutttf ma'slcitto hlsheeiiat wllaoa. Mr asi Ktt D ft f)vU wei u tr fort leM sljkl 10 f ts tr-dty, Srt JW Pmlik ef C,!tA, It U, l.n tf lltt W H r : 'i. Ut Passl C mi cf A',!bc wii'a IH etty )fuitj. Mr V? F u::Vn cl afoTfca4 C'.'-j m ta t' i jii "'f. ASSAULTED BT 1XZ20 KC3. Henry Stocks, Special . rtputy Shtrl.7 Receives Some Hard Treatment from - - ALot of liegroes ; '. There was a demonstration In James City yesterday that seemed vto Indicate the necessity.ot not only taking a regi. meat of soldiers bat alio a Catling gua or two la order to make an arrest there. The people of that place Mike negroes generally are oppoted to .a peaceable process of law, If they can "butt In" in someway, no matter if two or 'three are kll'el in the proceeding, they seesa to think they hare . discharged , a moral duty..' Xi -f. - i Deputy sheriff Dick Blackledge, with a specially deputised effloer Mr Uttrf Stocks, went to James City with a capias for Joshua Moore, who had bean arrest ed tor larceacy bat had failed t appear In court when the ease was eallej. L -,.' They west to the Blades mill where the man Is employed and. after finding the man Blackledge, put hjm under ar rest, After the warrant was read the man said he was net the one wanted and gave the ; name of vAusruttui Moore, From the start, he displayed a very ugly disposition. ; Mr Blackledge told Moore, to go with them to the office. He wanted to go one way" and Black ledge another, but the later Instated and had gone ahead several etept,- Before he had reached the office he beard a pistol shot and hurried back, to find Sticks, and Moore, fighting. They had fsl'en from thev platform which waa built about five .feet high. They both had hold of the gun and Moore Was tr, log to get It away from dtocia, When Mr Blackledge, ssw the condition of things he hurried to Mr c'ttoks, as sistance sna not bring able "to ge Hoore's grasp loose from the gun had ii take a stick and beat hit hand loose. By this time the negro employees of the Blades mill had beard of the trouble and they came to help Moore make his fight. This crowd was increased ' by lot of menTrom Manger and Bennett' mill and women and children were there in plenty. Before the men knew it they had a mob on tneir hands, While aid ing In getting Moore Into the offlc Stocks waa assailed by the mob, tome forty of fifty, be thinks, and waa unmer olfully beaten. He took refuge in the omce ana ue negroes gathered around. a crasy, ugly, howling mob. The nu- doubtedly would have got in theofBoe and killed .Stocks had not Blackledge stood and threatened to shoot any man who should attempt to make a hostile move. The crowd surged and grew more excitable, and it seemed as If they would do something desperate In spite of everything that could be done to pre vent ' Blackledge telephoned the aherlff that there waa a riot la James City oa account of the. arrest of Moore end come over at once. He also telephoned Dr Duffy for his surgical assistance and Dr Frank Duffy. Stocks waa In a bad condition from the blows be had already received anaaaa decided to get to Wiggins (a white man) bouse If possible without the negroes seeing him, e got through the wtnddw la the rear of the offloe and started for the house but wss discovered sad set upontala aad received an aw ful beating with iron pipes two boiler Hues, aad brick bets aad stogsw were al to thrown at bun. V ut mat who bad been called to at tend to the wounded man ia the BUdes office sew the melee and went to the re oue. Had It not been for the doctor Is most likely that Stocks woili have been killed. . Stocks wis brought to Dr Daffy's of- noe aad received medloal . attention There were three very bed woeade em his bead aad his ana aad let ware van uchlajared. He withstood the treet- mnt on his tojartee very well and was ah to walk from the doctors' offloe It) his heme en Craves street- ' - Moore was brought to the eojstt aA aad placed o a eot 1a a cell. BUIn- )ery b serious bat not necessarily fa- tel. - - .. ' -V, : . Poubtleaa several arrests wtU be made oaaoteaat ofUU aseaalt .and the of feasels-ot n . very'settoas atare. Stocks say s be wiU be able to Identity all hU aesetlaau aad with the aid of Blackledge it te qilte probable that a Urge aassbeTof UsmwUIbe fathered la. ' .. J.".- - , . . OABVOrilAi Ue A is) l Tss are ivm ( , ; T XU Koticnt ' 7- 1 hire lost received a Vt Uae of bora kar peats eelte at low pttose. aires a to 17. rpeciei prtose for the asit 10 dare. 7 : g. W. AKM5TRQSQ. .'. ItrcttBU Auoclatiw Tomorrow Monday a!fi at I o'clock there will be e aaeHlai ef the 5t w Hti Retail Orowrs eel trr.ku Aoc!. Uoa at UaO rooms la ISe IlatiH rslj. leg. , W. K.rj4XTErt, ' - rW-rtt wy. r:-- j -, 1 C: CCa KW OPERA HOUSE. Tea Thonsacd Dollara 1111 b: Expended . , onltt Rpodellsg. The amusement lovine- reODle of this city will hail with Joy the fact that they twill have a $20,000 theatre la which to witness the best theatre companies that win be oa the rral next season. They will also be' pleased to learn that the same ' has been leased to the Cowan Bros, of Wilmington and Mr Frank Mat thewa of this city - who will be resident manager. A - - - - . J -. Messrs Cowan Bros, are thrlesseea of the Aeademy of Musta and will, attend to the bookings. : The local - pie y bouse will become a member of the Kiev and Erlanger Theatrical syndicate, controll ing the best amtuemeat attractions on the toad. The Frohman plays and oth ers of the same high grade are among the attractions. "".T'v," Work on the construction of the dpera bouse will begin at once. The north end of the, masonic building will be torn out and an extension of 18 feet will be made i making the building square against the Brown property. This will made the stage 86 by 43 feet with proscenium opening of, 80 feet. " The htsht of the stage or from the floor to the "gridiron wlU be 45 feet. The dimensions et the orchestra floor will be 48 by 60 feet giving u stating capacity of 500 on orchestra floor and 8:0 in gallery, ' There will be one entrance from the west cm Hancock street tide and three exits from different '. parts of the house. Bta will be seen from all parte of the houte with out any dlffloul ty and tbe seata will be placed on an in ellned nlane. . " The foyer will include tbe gentlemens smoking room and a lounging room for ladles will also be an aPP' lated' fea- The stage equipment, will be of the most modern construction. The "lash" scenery will be used and all appnr tensncea and requirements tor toe urge ccmpanlesltravellng In the south. The heating will be by the warm air system and the ventilation will be by the best process extant. In this respect the bouse will have the best effects of any puMlo building In the State. The front of the building will be re- etnoooed and all necessary repairs will be put where needed.' T"Mr HW Simpson, the aichltect Is member of the National League of Thea tre architects which Is in direct eon nection with tfie Theatrical Exchange. This gives him a treat advantage aad with hie skill and art which be Is well known to possess, our citizens may ex peot an opera bouse such as we have' been longing for. The theatre . will be ready for en tertainments by September. ' Easter at Orrtst pbarcn. . : MORNINI?.;; 1 Organist Miss Rosa DalL Prelude Welcome Bsppy Morning, .. Knox., ; Anthem-"Christ Oar Passover, I M Gloria Patri-H P Danka. Te Daam Lendamus la O Erwla " . ead. .' Jubilate Deo.-JT Field. Hyma "lift ap, lift ft"yotr Tolose now."--H W Parker, ;;v tyrie-W a QQbert. c-i t ; t Gloria Tlbt-Daaks. By ma 4Jsans Christ la risen today.'V 'Morgan Antheav-',He'la not kern, Be ta Risen," hVwte H Bead. - vt Offertory BentesMe. BCHDAT 8CBOOL. . onosn or nmjtvicn. . ,.v Proosetlonal "Onward Christian 8ol lo-1s Prayer, Yersleks. JJjma,' r j Apostles Creed; w Offerings by CUseas ' I ( Bymn. . ' ' Award laf of Prlaes. , . 7 . ; . CcUarti aad iWedlottoa. lUoseslosal "Hafl Ola Lord aad Lead. 7f.7- . of. .' , . :-..M.. j. Organist Mrs L Daffy. - j Utter tiCE Hirpcr.. ' Jtew Bers,b1 C . Dear Bin Ton waat 0 cheap Job of petal tor B aheap aoeee, don't yoe f - Irs Deroa. It's the rtlar tkleg la Derevt there's aotalag, la aUpalat, so chess as Devoe. - ' -. Oh, yae, J on can palst With Mad; bat that Isal palat; yon waat It to lrk sboet tigtit for s atoata or two. TsUt Dvo caat do tl for )wt there's aolblag so eksip; etyaothlsg ef wear, l a M s ao'.ltnj so chstp as Pe Toe.' . , It fm SO far; Mrs CoS a) wit'er ahtit Ue prloa, giUoes. A f's of f!st, pst-oa, e U i or ssre (U 1'. ES. ! e Is yoer r;lu( sits j!o( Vt voe U yref r atnt. ' M "! tra'f T, T7. 1'tfe4 Ca tt " Yoili. 1 p. it i. T-.r-.-- t .--t 1 1 ! 1 & t ... N ;Fr6sh Supply "-' . - ;' pnbirc bo."-'...'; . ; ',' Exclusive Agents American Lady Corsets Fashion Bays, Mps In. . Latest and long waist ,Knf. The deep hip models of the Ameriean Lady Corsets reduce the hips to the desired slenderness and secure the long waist effect without the least sacrifice of comfort or elasticity. - Many other shape to suit different figures, $1 OO, 1 50 and $2 OO. LADIES TAILOH-MADE I 8KD3TS. . Perfect fitting, high class goods, in black, grey, castor, etc, 88.00, $6.00 and 7.50 each. We also take orders to your measure. - . . ' ' '".. MILLINXBY DEPT. We miljMeeivingthe latest styles la millinery as fast as they com out Cut ready to wear Hats are as pretty as you have ever seen. Our prices are reasonable.. . The May Fashion now ready. Fashion sheets FREE for the asking. asking the Tttfc Kletits of Out Merchandise. . It U the desire of tbjantore that its merchandise should . U atertUoi as it reaily Is. Nothtaf unduly oTerdrawn; nothing caxtloaj ntdereitlms a word Wiling the i trnth about (for waxes without tulsrepreseaUtion. New ! ! newnaiUgods, worthily made, and Jurtly prloed are of Interest to every ooniuraer ia this community. To tell ' yoa that tlU itoro is stocked from end to eud with jast j tnch goods 1$ the mission of ; ; Women The popular Tk stock preuy Biyies, uniy o.v w v . Japancic Ilatkclit. 2 ' SO stjles to Mlrct from, Yoa OhonfU fcce We are ahowirg an nnusu'ally attractive line of pretty weaves In Cotton BuIUng and' Cotton Voilsv. These aro tbe Newest and Nobbiest things for BhlrtvaJrer SniU at lOcClftobSOo. "- " !'''V''"v" ctt Vsolt AtTlrnN. : '''. LltUe Ehq herd tt iringlom Come. lfv Friend iT'imS Tarloh of tteUuaxd," "Adrtnlnr of Q'wl l.vj earn, . irew -John 1I nry" look 'ft i i i Mi ilitiwi i I' rs', 1 rf r . at I a r r f ' fast Received styles Gowns demand narrow hips BLACK PONGEE SILK. second snipment 48 men wide, veiy light weight and very durable, especial ly good for Shiit Waist and extra skirts Price 86o. FASHIONABLE-FOOTWB tit FOB LADIES. The Merrick up-to-date, Boots $5,00 and $3.G0. Oxfords 92.60 and 8.00. oar advertising, . Ntxtwear. Coil, eoorei ,of styles, yery ! datoty ahd odd, ry pretty, Thts Drr3 Goodx f - " A "I niyyl the Woofj" its'. " r ? - ft - 0- - X 1 IL.wllle 77 n Tew , 'l.'ft. 3 r'i t WHni !' an 1 s 1 r t ', I arli r! arkr j ! 1-jw. i :cooooooooooccoo o o X a ms springs Diyies m ajUW HUAK- TFR SHOES are all here and we are t showing all the new shapes. MEN'S NIZKN a.iO. AA ..! w.i aa mi.!. atS 9 Ma mm TT" I BOY'S $1 X7f f I" AM 3 mm i v d aic uoe1.u4utai-1.ura ior iootwear X and if you want the best and nobbiest J A snapes we can suit you. T - Also just received big line of EA.ST-J ER NECKWEAR, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS nd all other Furnishing Goods. oj. G. Dunn & Co.t 57 Pollock Nlrfef. hew Goods At Low Old Prices! OUR STOCK OF Clothing, Dy Goods, Shoes Notions, Gents Furnishings etc. were bought before big advance in prices and it will be "Treaty to your advantage to sCe us for any goods oii may e.-il before bming, n advhnj'-on foinier jiric. Our 40 irjen White Lawns at 1 2 jc i- better than you can get elsuwhee at 15c, Our Line of Silks & Ribbons is larger than 1 ver ami at prices never befoi 1 lieard of. No. 40 All Silk Ribbon at 10c, ail fhades, 60 at l'2t, 83 at 5c. Agtncy foa Clojipcnbeinier and Kisschb-im Clothing. Dotigbie, Crosee's and and Ralstcn for ia; r.. Queen Quality and K . lieeda for wormn. J. J. Baxter. Now Is Ik Goo SERVICE and covering capacity are what show the economy of paint not the price per gallon. . ' ZHLRWli-WlUJM pjittr wean longest and coten most It u the best pai&x economy, Made to. P&tt buikHo'gi with. V , IV , 8oeeee 1Hbs)sj 'swBere eoreretf W. f t . We B b'44, : 4 W fUtsrt' CW M anger, . Olfnr. . O S Hilll 1st, . i r VrtiO Ot(tft. , W C lll, ' Vt R fiVi Je Vt n 8 rnre Ilreideeee. Old Painting line. H K IH'blt'KS, " . W T Brtui, . -I. A Rw.l'h. - ' Wmi, (llliijiw, I SI i, ii JUM'kt, s's en. I HfiHs Cl o o o ( ) o Low Quarter Of. t onoes. m w - - WT TT w awaau VtftWU i a aa TT " A M mX am mm J. J? - - A m4m 0ratSr, Half Price l 1 ite t( rk f.f itrr WO ColomtU M onldi () HichtiIf. Inrlertloy Bnd ind Onbrilr . I. ci i tr, lrjn, I'lrrolo. la rtnt i tnii Vlnlln hnlo barlli Be nd T. n. r Kolci rjd llnri., tjuirlellei, tod s full llr.rof Tulllr)? rto.rdi. hlrhl 11 slllnp it 25c. EACH. 1 bnr rrrof( rio bt pU)ed on nv ' ht nntitfh nt (!! bi phcer u.lr i ) Under rtcoids. AM Htf of TsIsIdc Mw-bln. ..rt 8 i pi . WM. T. HILL. DeiT In BlOTa.l Ocsn, Pito:, ('. TmuK)ST. J Hnei.i, 1 11 hkikmh, Ksnnsr, m n'u. 1.1m on Sr. euno OnotM. Joi er.Tia in 1 vs ssa Brku sl4iiorACTc. Pll f II illddlr M. tee,stU4 h t esrtir ee4 VlUfs)se, ee4 sle Dsr el krete t4 Uses, Is Proettet BreeVea CVs tei Uf. tl Is sl s 4iHfe ef oM ellVtrel IsrSf se4Wdleie k'fee4 tsieees sse pere lHste. . " : v J. P. Taylor; lint, a c Afl fr Ttcr ptvtp C.er fi Ii 1 MZZi . 17 ev S Ir Pi.