THE JOURNAL. V n-VU.Vl' Am la t.Vtei V fit AT. . A UiH iavf. j ar "eptMoJidty, JouTMllBuildlag. 6I0 -'-s .. ' 11 -' . v rnversiVTfnV PITTS :: Oao year, la edTSiioe,,...-o,...$' One rur. aot la adYaaoe......r... I Monthly, by carrier la the clty... rrS0 Advertising Rates furnish sd oa: applt cation. Entered at Ute Pott Office Hew Ben, N. C, as second class matter. t- - Official Paper Hew Ben - CraTem Ctmity .s am THE JAMES ait. TROUBLE.:' The attack uopn the .officers of the law, last Saturday, at James CUjif the negro town or settlement . across the Trent river, while the officers were, in execution of their duties, does not nec essarily mean that the entire negro pop ulatlon of James City is against lav and order, but it does mean that a farther continuance of such actions as took place last Saturday, will place anodlam upon the entire place, and especially upon those leaders, ministers and teach ers of the race, whose Influence" at this time should be exercised to preserve peice, and prevent any . gatherings of 1 people, who may be Incited (0 commit acts which may result disastrously for them. And not only Is it the duty' of the leaders of the eolored race 4a James City to act for peace and order, but the leaders of the colored " people in .New Bern should move In bebatf of law and order. . T .-I. So far as the authorities Sre concerned they must see to It that the law is ear rled out, peacefully if it can, forcibly if It needs be, and the burden is specially upon the colored people, that no farther disturbance takes place, for as law and order are preserved, they will te the principal beneficiaries, and the great mass oi the colored people snouia see so it that they are not disgraced, and them eirea mjureu ujr me eunuuet ui . shameless and lawless members of their race. . .The colored people cannot be insensi ble to the fact that as they preserve law and order themselves, so will they have peace and happiness, and enjoy quiet and prosperity. It Is for them to settle the question, for one thing is certain, lay and order are going to be maintained at all haiards and those who seek to oppose will be .the sufferers. How's Tito? i- . We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of .Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CEZNKTACo., ' Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have kaowa T Cheney for the last 13 years, and belters him perfectly honorable la all business tranaacUons, and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by his Arm. Waldiho, Kimam ft Majsvix, Wholesale DnggiaU, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken tater b ally, act lag directly upon the blood and Bucoua surfaces of the system. Tsstiaoalala seat free. Prloe TSo per bolUe. Bold by all Druggtru. Take HilTs Family Pill for eoasUr lloa. ' TUs buztan) vnjoy tli mu rrolnoM- in lb Nnr.rlrM dlatrtrt of ,'Wnrt Virginia a tboy Co ia book COontrkM. A breaker bny Was broagbt iwior iquHv u m mi nuumf o the charge ef baring kllM one f I the oaly sraretgrs er that eovutvy. -'tbe.ld equlre. who was a Utreta . eald? "I Smjtm llor , , : ' - i . -f hain't ami ltut tnBrh " rvnllnl thJ V'-DwslBBeyoegsr ; . 1 toato't M 15."? r VU, twrw tnadi baf y rMT- "Thmaottare and amoty eve ewrti." "AH rlfbt! 6r I flae fou HTJf rv. l,y to 1 It 4 .... . . , . .M TL:i:.-2iY'3 z:. -lis. Cottos, Grain, rrertsloa tal Stocks lUDfe Ia Prices. Receipts an! : Shipments, ' The following are the market quota tions, received by private wire to J. Walter Labaree A Co.. New Bern, N. O , V"- Raw Tore, Apill 4. - Oorrc;-" Open. High.. Low. Close 'Z ' V ft Al 1 M Ale K Aft K OB star,., . " u m w wjto July 0 15.39 15.43 M.22 18.43 Aug,, ,r;,.V 11.85 14.90 14.81 1489 Octroi., iwlWO 18 80 18.80 1181 - 'Chicago,' April 4r v' Chicago QralD. ,J Ope a. " Close Hay Wheat 98 May Cora , , - 58, Hay Oat Hay Ribs - .6.85 13.15 Hay Pork ' "18.17 f" 7.00 Hay laid 890 flew York, April 4 atoOM" Open. Close 1-49J 714 Amr.Bagar......l37 Amr. Copper, .-.i 49J :. Atchison:.;...".. 79 Southern Ry,..ri2i 82J : Hi Southern Ry pf.. 84 ; D. a SteeL...... 1U C. 8, Steel pf...69' . 68 - 117 Penn.RR..... 117 Brie-;.....u...86i Loulsvllle&Nash 108 8t,Paol.i..V...143i H.Y Oenteal...,. U6J 28 107, U4i net R.&-VT 68 58 Va. O Chemical. - Are Ton a Dyspeptic 5f If you are allyspeptlo yoti owe it to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's friend because his disease soars his disposition as well as his stomach.' Kodol. Dyspep sia Cure will not only oure ' dyspepsia, indigestion and soar stomach, bat this palatable, reconstructive tonio dlgestant strengthens the whole digestive appar atus; and sweetens the, life as , well as the stomach. When you. take Kodol Dyspepsia Care the food you est is en joyed. It Is digested, assImlUted and its nutrient properties appropriated by the blood and tissues.- .Health is the result. SoldbyFSDoHyrV.--- - Bralm Orwth. Brnin developmeutIa fOiiml by Pro fessor Seggel of Bluutcb to lave two periods of nccelerutlou. from .ten . to eleven and from seventeen to eighteen In girls and from - twelve to thirteen and nineteen to twenty In boys. At the period of most rapid increase lq height, from twelve to fourteen rears, the growth of the brain is less tuao one-hundredth that of the body, but at seventeen to nineteen It grows oneV thlrtleth as fast and at twenty reaches. one-seventh of the body growth. " A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble. Whea the stomach falls to perform its functions the bowels be come derangedTHbe liver .and. kidneys congested, causing numerous diseases, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The Important thing la to restore the stom ach and liver to a healthy conditioned for this purpose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. lor aa4 Srfw. Joy, they aay, la a actuation almliar to sorrow. It merely hurts along lines that wp enjoy. We go to tbe theater, weep oTer a trary play and sre delight fully sad. Borne people's greatest )oJ urn m being as a. - ... Wbst a remarkably Interesting study must humanity be to tbe sdcntJsu of the tower kingdom! Baa Francisco Bulletin. Rotting Hore DtDfertw" - Tbas) iegtaote4 cough,"! what Pr 1 f Baa mood, professor la . the .E&ectie Medical OoUage, eeysJfiusd at pre veuuuvs treed aad a ceraure agent. ehearf ally reoosamead Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of 8 feet Osaa aad HoIWU. AtdrvggUu,k83e, 80 e., aad 11.60 a botQi ;For sale la 2few Bera;bypT ffpU-Uhe sold she bad to marry bla Je gH rid ef blut. falle-And boV did It wrrt t Klp-i.loawiy. . Tou aoe. b b tongs to all ub-tlladtphla te- era f,t I v .-, I - ' t. it ue world would only aire t ansa Ciwdlt while be t Aolng tUnn thrs would raors tiHTflllve te thoee wbe hoaiie. UUwsttk V-oUrl - r cr A eleg'e fc('I. f , 4 m. .... M tn i ..... . No appetite, lota of etrei . oervousnsaa, headache, oonstipaUon, 'bad breath, general debility, aouf ria Inga, and catarrh of tbe stomach sre all due te Indigestion.. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of dijsUoa " as they exist In a healthy stomach. 'combined with (he greatest known tonio and roeonstruettvo. properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure la- digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranea doing the stomach, w .-..j-se; L piOESTS WHT ICO fAi ; ' Otei UUb to 'the tick -' . trea0tii to Uw Wet. ' , - ? BteUas ibtr 11.06 Sin boksnt Lj . . Ifca hrlal whiek aalU ar Sn !' Tflmna X. fll Tj.WI ft. flkli'' ' A GROWING TREE. Txro Thins 'rkst Watar tvrtaMr Doe to Protect It, . Nature invariably does two things when she tries to grow a tree ahe protects the bark irom hottest sun shine and i the roots from severe changes of temperature. Both .these points are almost invariably overlook ed by man. Observe a maple or elm or birch ns It ehootr froin the' ground. Its'aides are clothed all the way with small twigs unless removed by knife or browsing.'.'. Any tree starting 1a an open lot Is thus protected from tho sua v Otherwise the extreme heat will rupture ceUs. Und the bark wUl'dry and split -As" far as possible there must be equal development of cells on all sides of tbe tree. c But care of the roots is even more. important.: - --t The feeding of a tree la at unequal depths, but most of It ia near the sue fac..r If the sun be allowed to strike directly on tbe soil' the flnef rootleta that do the foraging are destroyed, and extreme droughts will affect the roots for a foot in depth. " What la worse, the extreme; changes of tem perature also affect the tree end suck its life away.-: In some eases such condltlona are produced as encourage the development of fungi or other ene mies to plant life. Nature guards against this by laying down each aa tumn a layer of leaves to mulch her forests or solitary petav . .' ' GOOD SPIRITS; Good spirits dost nil. come from Ken tucky. Their mala source Is the liver and all the fins splilta ever nude In Uv. Blus Qrau 8UU could not rtmedy a bfcd 11m or the hondred-ead-oce ill effects U prodaoes. Tosj cat have good spbita and a bad liver at the same- time. Toot Uvermustbe la fine ooadltloa ifyoa would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful brtibi of ere. Ushtolateo. Tkorooa aad saoresafolla yourpursulti, -.Toucia pal roar over ia flat condition by wlag Green's Aogost Flower the greatest of all medicine tor the Utm lad rtoaaach aad a ctrUla ean for dyspepsia or tadl gtstloo ' It has beet favorite loaal hU remedy for over thirty-five years. Angtut Flower wlU soaks tour JJvsr bealthy aad active aad thus lssvre yoc a liberal supply of "good spirits Trial site, I3 regular bottles, 75c:. A an Wh'SiM m ttoMeV As a boy. Walter Scott gat ftrw In dications of bis coming greatssM and waa deacrlbrd by en of tits varty prs- cet'tors ss "the boy that has tbe thick- eat skotl la the school." Afterward st Edinburgh anlreraity the future "wis srd wss thus rpltooilid by one ef the leedinf profoaaurs: Duuce he is, and f once "be will remain." MM'-Asstla ef Winekrtst. lal- kesw what is d la tht boar of r i Bis wife had sack aa esannal ca of I lo na'sch and Itvsr trtrob'a. r.y! :ns OOt'4 BOt tx'p W. D Unsr'it of an triedDf ling's Kw Life Til s tell got r Itf at oacs aa 1 u tii !y rtr.. Oaly 13c, at & D. I ra 'l am s Dreg Btore. i Tie TU t . - Ki!nf msrt tnny t. I of tbe tian. as a rtf: 1 1 t6 ' t. bat tb( ! . .;. t. bis IhenrT tht UiPre U a !!( fof ririjr b! t "Vtrt'-ri bi)!ls" . vf 114 facUira tuntr-I ( ' t t"l fnH Of f.rr :) v' i ,n tk A!fmirtr rl'l from try rnw. ism. i i fcol'h. T'i merifBl , i ! J cn f ft t - ? i t-!y an Jut' yd, ''y. !? t 1 i - i !, f'- t""!i; f r rf !'e ! r' i fr-' ni ,t ; . !, f t ( V, tit c. r v - ! - a A t V. f t 1. llj. Trtis., ia At i s City ef Kew v Lera. ' QENZRiL FUKD. . IS." 1 Recelpta. ,'r 1904.- -- . kick ls to Pat l, T t381 " 88 80 r"X.m oi 2nd to J H Harget 82nd to J J ToiSoa I,tl8$ - t 1904.'' J Marcfi. - By paid. NABrocat WOO j Dr DaVal Jones4 -18 W "7 -ttlper Fire ' Wagoa ' BOO - nC Roberts;. ,'r,- ... -.480? ?LMKdgerlon ' 1 60 j a wmiimM , '110 rizatiss HanMe Bfae V V 68 88 ' .Barros dt Gray Ob Steven- j.New Bera-Oaa Com- Irpany ', 4 1 Tolsoa SB 00 J1000 , 880 818 47 100 0' 900 W03 " 18 87 ' BOO 6000' 6 60' BO 0) 4000 7 4000 16 67 l JBBCrarrawaV7 ' " HMTiroVea" . 1 Thos F McCaithy ; AJGasklas"' rjCBoales'T -?MHarfet' -- do- - - WmMIs ' R P Montagrls i OLuploa ,r WDMelver Helper fire Hose S- Wsgoa j. 1 " ':il7Bryaa ' , WHQrlfflA 1 ,1H Bowdoa-! i O Collins ' HBsaks- BtO 4000"'" 4000 " 4600 . 8000 8006 4000 , BOO ' 160 1000 " 7088 I18,98 j. WB Parker' " WTBrlBioa- to r i '. OLEtereaf is toft i jATksi kairca'J) klIotrio tront ; . BXOJEIPTB. - - e. 14. ' ' ' March: : - - 1, TolaL' t. to B RHfll, Collector . To J O Thomat, Ir. ; ' - -r-M.Do - 8l. . - . DISBtRsiMiti i6oi KarciL ;y-rpa- "... Bales Mackloe Do i lltoUba:,'. ".XHJtietli; ' 84 IS 86 66".'. -:-B6l0'''' 6600.' I0"60 ' iv'fOTjfr' Wdtf -i ? .. foster Bast wood HVDaalelr t VT.- KkSk KRMoDaaiet :' PredThteaa s- V HHTooW' . . : 1 3 Of&malt . ,.60 r j The B CBobtaBeatA 1 f h. Baow Sua Pasip Co ttWC Fort 'Waai Bactria ' ' ? Works D O Bsaasr .17 43;, 3 3 Tolaoa ' fl?!;: jltateMst!oct!; BobeiH-'V-- Cleaning Co." ' , " 83 Orf : .' -' 8 rnlth Ooartaey Co r- 19 M1, t! ,-ensial Ce-trle Cw yklr .6 84." "'"laadard Oa C ' : v" 8t li . psrlock Pscklsg 0'-. ; ' 14 86 i ''WatUrS i:eeUoCw---J"lMI ,V 'U8.4i -fy CaT-, l?t5-.-; . ;ohaCP-'' s : J8e7 fcutW I" J are Co' ' '. " 40 :i.ut;-M - '..";; f?sw Totk EfvtUlag Co. - 6 8t f JRrark-P.Jr.V, - 1145 ! C4,.i::si:.:.:. ..eCoV.': 81 M '.-. lm ra Ts-.'-oae'' ' "Co : . ,", . 4 ,4 -7t0j ' ,. rTEstuBberOo. f 161 i6." '- ' Or Q -' - - ; 4c3'; tjiA j . V iMeo 4 lii-ITO t I. 1 Is Te UJ. f.-3 71 Ti DiTti r.:. I J Tl lal i. :ies r.HcUi. coaat wit. e 1,88896 11418 70600 88864 88684 48888 476 88 1 . Wl'Tt l tv c'i ' f auirerl; "i ou ft. e .o 'i- .a o nut luwd US . i " - r- " - - i TTinen hours of eufferln goan be avoided.1 XnTeat In a 3o-eent boUlo aad prove ear on.-' IS lniitantly eorreota and Qvuoajr on res all disorders arising-rom an impaired disesttve system.: Iry it at IZ Three Bises, BSci 60o. and 81.00. ' . 8. OR OVER RAHAMOCs(lNO,)NEWBURQH,N.V -.Ton rash' boy.'V she aald; looking sweetly up at him es ahe tenderly drew his silk scarf about hie throat; "yOu mustn't koOut'ln the aiaftf air , without being more careful. J Ton are so careless. 'Ton ?ought to have somo boOy to watch ever yon and keep yon from catching Toui death:" And still he wondered aa he went home whether he would lose her friendship forever if he ' were to dare to ask her-to be his when' he returned 'on the following everung-uueago juecora-neraia, 0 JUaVs tat fjf Tbl lMWtoU2, atgaatats sf i''Wt: tiatti ti the Ouni. The largest "regular assemblage' of people In the world is said to be the crowd which gathers" -annually at Benarea. in India,, to bftthe ; in the Ganges, , A large temple, or rather a aeries of buildings, la on the 'shore at this point, While steps reach dowa to the water's edge. Thelndooa crowd upon this bank iBenormoua numbera, the croWd at times numbering upward et 60,000, As the natives are dressed In the brightest colors, the crowd gives the impression of .an enormous bed of flower, k - ? - ,t i . tk'; ' . A Cur For Headaclie. h Any maa; womaa or clvlld", stfffer'-og from' headache; 'blHoustsss or a" dull. drowsy feeling should lake Oae '- et two of DeWItl's UtUtt Early Risers' alght aad morning. These-famous' llttU plus are famous because Hlhev kra i ' tula aa well as i pill.: While tier' tfeaasa the system they atren'gthea sad febaUd it by their tbhle effect upon the liver l ad bow ela. 8okrby P 8 Doffy;-';; ' v oItHe paws CHXkge. A PlaM AjMmaf-the tvratr' Wta -.. ; Abomt Tlmo auilfosi Ttmrnrnt. ,It may be aald that a seat among the'seventy' (they can it a charge) costs about a.000,000 ' franca j (8600,000),- or sometimes WOOOO, and a - charge earns from 9 -to-16 per cent (net) year, -so that the annual profits are from 830,000 to 890,000, or more te ex ceptional years. 3at .these are usually divided among several associates,-, tor ft "rarely happens that aa ageat'w the Sole owner of his eetMorw ofteai he lua oeid tor only half of J or a third of ft and baa three or foot silent part- ner, who owa the rest had who may agala have subpaHneri so: that you will hear of a person owning aa eighth or a aixfeenth of a scat or avetf g thlr- ty-eecond; these keing simple lnvest- ments that earry no rights ec prtvt- tcresoa tbe boaree.-t. --fi 1 , A to procuring a charge; the thing baa oooe of the Stock Exchajige alia-pUdty,- where, the soalo requhrameat for'gettlng a seat ia to be able to pay, for it. Here a candidate must be Frenchman and at least. twenty-Art rears old. Be must hare served four years la certain forma of business.' Be must be tenon acceptable to the agetat from whora he weald pvrc&Ae the- east aad eftaa to hla family, ta rinding the la disc He must be passed pott by the seventy with formal rot int. as if he were Joining eoto select clr.b, which be la. Tbers must be no stata oa bis bosinpss record and no siar oa Us peraotmt tharacter. A can- dmate was rejected receoUy for 'bad bablu and another for ra fault et-bis owa, but beraua bis broibpf had beea Conrerned In QilMtUmaMe transactions. With all tbla favorably sU!4 thers Is still nppdwl the arproval vt tbe Wnta trr of Ciiancvs and tb anctka ef the hr-ai of tbe ST)veTnmnt--3eTeUnd j:fftt la Outury. ... ., ; lie Ecit ras!! Sglre. r Witt's TYItcb !ti instant re Uf ttm , Earsa, eorsa CsU, Emtrna, Boirr, I i'bi, Teltef aad all sbrulona eftl sMa. Ia tnylng IVilch I!m1 P,'rItla at.'.f t'mrf to l tktt j i It ( r t tl, rnu!ni Dt Will's tnd s csre rtn'n, Tl.'ra att rr.ry rKeip f ot rn U rr rkM. all t lit.h are 1,'f -i4 f)-il;e a fti'S dBK , vl.'le DtV. ;:i'i Wlti k IIimI f t r i - ' - - I'y hm.: it aa I shut, f"Hl !"" v , March 81. . We a.e harlogt bolter weuher after Uet'i fioat,- - ,' - Our farmers are very, much discoura ged about their farm work. There, has baee so much rara . that -ibey could aot plough and It bs put Jbem ' behind io their woi k. . " , - .i CsptMEBloodgool'who "hat-been boating oysters to Elisabeth - City- came home lasr-week to Vspead : few days with hU fsmlly.Sj ThSxe aretwd thretf mssr aohoonws ia heieaow is idlag lumber at the 8 wan s DOT Lumber Ooi.Si:,-;.r ' There tu a basket p rtylt the school bouse oa ,Beaa Creek Ieat Satdtdiy night for the beutflt of ih l& E Chureh at Qdoeni ;Cretk.-r Mr T M - Woodhull took some of our SwaUfcboro ulrU over there la. his lau nch, among them were Mrs T kt WoodhuU, sad Misses , Mamie Fraaka; j floral Matlocli, Djllia Ma Uxjks, Daisy Plltman, Ida Ward, Mattlo Moore and others we can't remember their aaraea.' i - - 0 sickness here except mump s and Mrs WJS Mattocks aad daugh.err, M las 'Flora and Dojlle Mattocks and Mias Bessie Holland went to Stella on the Launch Rosalia! last Tuesday. Mrs M A Russell who has been spend ing a few days with' relatives" ia 8 want boro returned home last Wednesday ac companied by Mis J A Hitman. CL1M4X. THE SOC1ETV SPY.- NeW Pro(esala For the Idle Han Ia , ! J LadOm'B Smart Set. . The otit of work man In tbe smart se who formerly lent himself for a Consideration as a "guinea pig" direct or 'touted'- for tradesmen on commis sion or sold furniture, country bouses or1 motor cars has found a new profes sion. It Is that of "society spy." According to a correspondent of Truth who signs himself "A Shop keeper and a Gentleman," the "society spy" is invaluable. If a west end man brnn .difficulties or hla -wife has over rated' his patience, the "society spy" Informs, the trade at once. If .a west end man who has Keen fof years on the brink of bankrutcy wfhfe a large sum at the card table, there are Intimate friends who profit by making the good fortune known. Af a time when there are so many Bo are rich or appear to be .rich whose names are unfamiliar the shop keeper might make serious mistakes were It not for the information wblcb Is So given. .- The tradesman is only too bnppy to par for information ' which enables him to avoid a satire loss. tradesmen In former days seldom ventured to ask such questions, and their customers, as a rule, supported each other. Now, says Truth's inform ant, the difficulty shopkeepers have to contend against Is that most of their customers, especially If they are lntl mate friends, have not a good word to sat for each other.' Modern English society la today an "association of ene mies Who profess to be friends. London Leader.. 5 TELL. Tnerd Caii be no Doubt lAboui the Results ; . in New Bern. lwi ,- -, - . t Results tell tie tale, ' -' AUdouMteremotod. - Jhe testlmoay of aNw Bern dt SJBSj1.r'iA-'-.'. 1 Caa be eully tavestigated. . ' What better proof can be had t -OP Bertllari pioprlalor of Us Basel toa barber shop, place of eddrera 109 kJdlo street, saysr "I used Doaa's Kid aey PIJs w kick I pr. eared al Bradbam'i Pharmacy, for mj back aad kldaeys aad 1 fduad them to, be all UatHe clalrasd for'them. I had trouble with, ay back for'soae time, the, asoretkas -from the kldaeys were very dark had fan of ssdt- meat aad my back gave me aay amount ef trouble. It eelned aad ached so bad ly at times ' thai I ooald jot attend to bustneu. .Doaa's KkJaoy PHI wtatto tha rlgbtspot so quickly that I eoold aalUly believe lb The Bra', bor did ate so stock gold that I tough! a .second aad aael foul plus a day. My beck bet aot hart an SJao aad I caa ttaad oe say feet all day aad de aot get Ursd like 4 aied to. Tea ray ase say asae an waloome for I k sow tbe ral ' raise ef Doia s Sldaty PUla."-r.r U Tor sale by aQ dstlvri. Prloe 10 eeatt. rotter-MUbora Co, ioffalO, M Tv sole Sfsats foi tbe tailed Butta. " . f.j. , RtKeabsr ,tke aime-Doaa'said take aa st,jtUtta.r;v "f ;'.;.'" v. ft'- r i V An I '-r C 'y ?''' ; .it .1 r it. i 1 ' I , n,t w 1 ii.ey i. T . .-Ill , j 1 r Sbbfi t Was Himself Again ltirig'?everhinputting on flesh band IbbkiiigJstrong.arid well. - . . . ..r. - - - - - Ef!VIN BTPVHARD ANDERSEN. The case to which we wish to bring your notice today is of common occur rence in nearly every household where there are children, and yet it is impos sible to overestimate its importance. There ia nothing- complex about it. It is simply where a little boy, who had been a healthy child from birth up to two years old, had then begun gradually to fail in health. The father, in writing of the case, cannot tell definitely the cause of this decline in health, and we here introduce- his letter for you to read: 710 Racine St, Racine, Wis., December 4, 1903. Dear Sirs Our little boy, now two and a half years old, waa a very healthy child from birth up to last March. At that time, however, he began to gradu ally fall in health. Whether It was the strain of winter or not I could not say, but, at any rate, we noticed that he was losing in flesh and we could get nothing that he would eat. He fretted and cried a good deal at night, so that his rest was broken, and almost before we knew it he was in a very poor state of health. After trying various remedies, we Anally decided to give the child a treatment of Oxomulslon. One thing that pleased us with this preparation waa that the child became Very fond of it, and would re mind us when it was time to give it to him. The result of tbe treatment has been most surprising. After two or three weeks tbe boy was himself again eating everything, putting on flesh and looking strong and well. We could not believe that a remedy would have such good results In so short a time. It Is no exaggeration to say that our boy has been completely restored to health by Ozomulslon. Very sincerely, yours. (Signed) N. Andersen. Does not the foregoing letter appeal to mothers? Is It not human In Its Inter est T And is there not a kernel of good suggestion in ltT How can we learn of the good things of this life any better than by experi P. S. DUFFY, Wholesale & Retail Druggist. Cotton is Almost King Again. At Lbe price frj prospect you cat fifford to fertilise it ! , If you want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano, Insist on Uaving that kind, and jeu will not W di&ajj-ntnted ; in jour crop. For Tobacoo Use MeadoJ&s Gold Lea; Tobacco Guano It makes pood s!lck, tough Tobacoo. Noveinbtr lrg ui yknter sold 1,462 pounds of tobaooo7or $511,00. lie nrtl Oold Lei Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops It there ia do denier la jour section IsndliDg out goods, writ us. & H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., M'n'frs, LONG DIST B PlIOME 68, Factory Ncuse River, New Icrnt JT. V. New BernC otton. Oil : andlFcrtilizcr rjills, ' Manufacturers if, Cotton Seed Products v iWlll pay tho Higheai Caalt Prices for Cot ton; Seed and Beed Cotton. -Eats furnished to aeed nhipperav ", . V, ' HAVE FOR SALE ifFrean Bappiy of Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls, which la tho finest Cattle-Feed In :tho world, w V-v , 7; We will oxchango'Meal Iqi, cotton'aeed. 'life teeTtiKiv; rr MILLINERY Spring Opening '- AT ;:" . Jlhn Fntifilo A. fivr 3 ti n, r M i't-'tf, 0H'W a!Tf'mf. 4T 2() Cvpior . t. ence? And It is the universal rxpprienre of all who give Ozomulslon to hihln n that this preparation produces more re markable results than any other chil dren's remedy In the market. You Will notice. In the foregoing letter, that a special point Is made of the pala. tablllty of Ozomulslon. It is always a pleasure to give children a remedy that they like to take, and this is one phase of the Ozomulslon treatment which cer tainly speaks greatly in Its favor. You do not have to force children to tako OzomulBlon, because they like Its taste and in the case of very young infanta they seem to know, quite as well as parents, the good that Ozomulslon does to them. When you see a baby reach Its little arms out to show Its engerness to take Ozomulslon, and afterwards notice tho splendid Improvement In the baby's health, you will certainly learn from this experience the good that Ozomulslon does and tho favor which It linda with children. Ozomulslon Is the best possible form of cod-liver oil that was ever devised. It Is far superior to nny other emulsion, and it gives to cod-liver oil its greatest value by making It do Its utmost good in the human system. We cannot emphasize too strongly tho beneficial properties of Ozomulslon. It overcomes the wasting of tlesh anil strength In adults. It cures roughs and colds, and by enriching the blood with the most essential properties of nour ishment It gives to the system that strength and resistive power which la absolutely necessary to health Druggists sell Ozomulsl on In two sizes 60 cents and$l. If your druggist does nni keep Ozomulslon In stock, he can eslly order It for you. or If you desire a .mall sample, to see what It Is like, you can obtain the same by mentioning the nam of this paper In which you see this ad vertisement and sending MTJL8ION CO., W Pine 8t, New York City. ' - i; 125. ' , ! ft n Aniirf c; Us U, UU.ILUJ, Calo Llvory AndiEx- ' - t . ; U.I l,r(HH It, i (' fcWr.V la HV!a, stock of lS !'m " i gilt's! p.ims, s4 irai(V r '. ( i .p fof . a of ee itma tik 1 . - . : . . . ...... , I r i