I -r J. . The Kind Toa Have Always Bought and wUck has fceca 4Vln use for orer SO yean, has borna the dgnatiu f 'and bas ir sonal supervision since its tTxfiuaejk iUcfi&,2 Allow no one to deceive yon In this A AH Connterfeits. Imitations and Experiments that trifle with Cartoria is W harmlns snltftltute for Castor Oil, Party gorlc, Drops and oothlnt' Syrnps It Is Pleasant. . Ifc : contains neither Opium Morphine jior other JXaxcutiOc snbstance. Its age is its guaranteed It destroys Worms ; and allays FeverlahneM. cures Dlarrhosa and Wnd. -Colic. It relieves Teething llonbles, cures kn8tlpattQn and Flatulency. It assimilates the Feod, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natoral tfOG, ; The Children's PanaeeaXhe Mother's Friend. c CENUINE CASTORlA" A Sean the; Signature oi The KM You Hay e In Use ForJYetv30 Years." I LAND IS 4 ja t Mora than that land It the source of all wealth. The ratio of population toacreagi la the sliding Boale upon which opportunity ia guaged, aacoeae determined. Cut the'num ber ot land holder! in any 8 ate in the Union in two,and what ia the remit T - Iff simple srithmetio opportunities doubled ia that 8tat. What if three-fourths the popula tion be eliminate! ? Opportunities quadrupled; and eo'on That's the condition in the great Southwest, Arkansas, In dian Territory and Oklahoma. This vast territory is sup porting less than one fourth the population ot its capacity. Fortil a land where wheat and cotton e side by side where two yeail vegetable crops are demonstrated possibilities the greatest fruit section in the country; bat that's only half the story. The-low ratio of population to acreage makes land cheap that's the main point There's room for saooess in the great 8outhwest ' Illustrated liter ature sent ou request PLCS I DOLLARS For the Rouad Trip First and Third Tuesdays of each Month WMTTflTflllllllffKllfTTTTTITIIIIIIIIITITII The LAJIGEST Store with ihoBIgscat Stock of Furniture and Ilonse Furnishing Good ia the tale of North Carolina wiwu your trade for such flaw giSde of goods as you caa aot obtaia boat year home merchants. In advertising ia yot bom paper 1 ass aot endeavoring to compete wlU the fnralure dralert la yoar place, beoaase I believe it is ike duty of every good clllat to buy whatever they "caa at home, whatever they caa aot bay at bone, buy la North CeMltae fret, the South teooad, aad elatwker last, but as 1 carry a s'ock of goods as BM Is qua. Itr as aay store ia lae xilf of Hew Tort it stay b teat I bate totaelklag wklcb your hoeie merckaaU he aot, aad y prtesa are, as a matter of oourse, fross M per otat to 50 per east lees teas Hew Tot k City price. Of eoertajouf beat tetekaal could order frost kls es logue eomethlag. that literals ttoek, bet thee, as yoa are well aware, bsaatt ful p'oures are oft tlaM deceptive, aad 1 really Iblak yof boas aarkanU I yoertelvee would get1 batter resell! If tee would bey frost ta retlw iba or Set frost efcrteres, sad tWafete 1 solicit a psreeeal eetl ftta yo. ,, ) .'' ', , . -..ILP. PB.Ua, He. KM K. rrewt fttv WUaeUgi, X. , Putlleat Ion of Bum- VORTll'lAROUJfA.li- iaik Crktua Couaty. j BspeikorO i f MeOes S. t tna, '. , i ."TsVsUaestXtea, : ' r ; ;tam HOticii; - . . ( "'Tkst'es settes eetiiM e ' k ha eom n4 1 Ikie I ot by plstavif to renpver froet tewtkeU tie te refute toss of W4 (a ika C if of W(m hm, i of Itorth (mlls tally dMrttMd I tb Cmirl'e !l I l's ertloe, aad to d-Ur ye Trtala frt plalavll la ve'iV tfcra, et ftrmiA that k lot jmirnA o tih a"y ef ptlsi:3 mmi t!i thratuka la rrir at Toa iTfrfe rrtl 31 In be e4 srr' b fore tKa KnrrVif (.nM ft t'tit.a fina ls t t k I ! ,k Ca't li"" if ' 1 i-r s.tr la 'y f ; i . f ef HnHS ('' ' ". !- 'i ' 1 af f ' I nl t 'f H 'r ' it t rj t' a I ! 1 f.f i I i - I'll'."' I . ' ;. ' n i a I '-! s 1 : fa f ! . ' I I ' I ' ' 1 ' ; ( i $ I I I i ! ' S' W1 1 I ' v l ! I '' IHM r f 1 ' been made vnder sis per Jnst-aood art bos and endanger the healtb of - WEALTH 3E 4 GEo.;n. lee,:q. p, a, Little Boek, Ark. Z'. W.'T. SAUNDERS, D pi 32 Ricbmoad. Ts." "25 rfti?fvs PEfinYRWALPILLa B". SflfHlu4llittSwlw la UV.U M4 OjM MiWf torn. Mk A 1 imSilli n,mi iii ii ii hin. MaaM mitt n e fm.J For Electric Lights Person! wUbfng ikelr buIMIsgt wired will pleat nke sppllcatloa Is' wrl Aey eoaplalatt for derecllM Ughie, iaaiteaitoaof enplnyee. . Kasdt ia wrltleg, to Ike- Cosiasletlja, will re eelt proapt alieatloa. Address "all oaaaealcailoa to Ike Becretary. " WATIR A) LIQuT pOMkilSalOX, . - ,W 19 OHfflik Bt, k Kotice tt LisjoiBtioa. : Kotle la hereby tlvts that Ike co-part eanfctp tmtofor itai1g totweea the aaotsl(sd Oeorg A Wilcot aad Gay BLaae, eaderthi lrat same aid style of Use Wlkos baa been tkli day dlt- tolvtd bt aninsl eoeacr. ' - Ail debts de bf tbo tnm will be fld by, aad aU ebU dee to- the trot wlU be ilUftd bt Oeoffe B Wllcoi. Uoy B Uuie ibis dsy retlrisg from sttd trm. Tksoklnc our petroat for ftrors Imw tofnjeatMadedtOtb Bras, sad eoilrll Is tktlr fotar oairosM lor MrUeo S Wileot, ao ,IU brfir eoodact sod urry es Ike bailee at tk sstte Stand. - ,;"-.. j, , , . iattft. WtT.y ---..V "t m ", ? .V7ripeJfany, v . -t B. I.AH1, - ' . ' - exo. p. Wilcox Krricst M.,0rccn - Atir)l Cei1ertl law, " I'sotsif i IW l;E!t, M. 0 til ri'p d rth t lUa l.y t) tA men efrlr-e tt U limiiHfjuwrHit.or ir' ila the t f Crf , icmmt, fi iv t'aru 0Uo, or asyrtnar fkt are rt4. Always Bought vireing ILL Soms lzC':Ji it-st Td llzl tay Tiit rfs lc;a I.:.:t.t. - ' All fool day wst clterred in tUs city to quits aa sit-ni si some will hate to admit though unwillingly.- The playing ot practloal Jokei seemed to be quite a popular form of amusemeat andtery of tea the tlcttm will see the funny side of the Joke aad enjoy It If only la a half atartod way.-;4 3,vVj t'-h t 'A ' rOae man while riding leisurely along on his wheel was accosted by aa urchin with "hey there, mister, there's a big snake tangle! up la your bind wate!." The man knowing that he had; nothing to do with "wheels'! and makes," ly cooectar that tk : boy wm" Just fooling; ' v; , i'-' 1 Another pow fellow dl67nt tumble soon enough and when offeted tempt- Isg place jbf eandymsdo to, look ,uk ohocolato.drop. All foot day was fori gotten is theaBttqipatloAOf gastronomto enJoymeaUpHe too on bite of the d llclou moraaJev! One Ue was euougk. : It wu soap -Tks very soaplwt kina pi . When it wst M,laMtbTletla looked round and.ttfi4gjPrptor laugb tn Uf ghonllah glee , Then ' be Jieallsed that he bad been fool47 xnt tne ununaeet tnec oi au was put up on i yotugelrkt!ao has s awaet- btarrfatureny not far from flew .Sara, Ait etQ aad deslgniagirlend told this young man thattk lady of kit ffeotion WMyWtlng ala hotue lheolt; The young nus wat jnucA supruea sua ue lighted st lbs nwt snd wbn.ksirent bomo to dinner tcfkaalnt to : tognp ht order that be might tnatajdth. unpreu ton that h bad already ettablished, I Dinner disposed of, be went to make a eallon the young J lady and learned to hit chagrin that the lady waa.jiot ther nor naa sne neen tneres ,ine joungmau tnd sway with s .heavy beait hat when the fact of th day being April the tint dawned on bit mind he te realized that he hal been mad thwl victim of an AprUfoOIJok,!' Best COncn? Medicine For Cnl When yon buy s cough? medicine for small children yon want' one in which yon can plaoe Implicit oonfldeaoeJ Ton want one - that : not ; only teller but Cures, Tdn want one that., U unques tionably harmless. Ton want one that u pkasant, to tak V OhamrjRlaln't Cough Remedy" meeta ah of ; these con- I dltlons. .Thar It nothing so good for the cenghs aad oolds incident to cblld bood.v. It It also a oartais ' prerenUte snd cur for srovp, and .there la no dan gar whatever from r whooping ' cough when It Is given.. It has heen used Jo j many epidemics of that dlaese with per success. , rot tain; ny au urug lfsta.-' ' : ' . ': ; '" - " Am rlt.i- - - ".' ; "Why does Mrs. Clabwoman look so t The world' injustice to woman baa t"How wasthatr ' i "She happened to think Vtatlfartas Washington isn't called the 'mother of her co on try.' "-Cincinnati Tlmea-SUr. ; .Kikes a Qeaa Sireefcjii, : There's aotbtag Ilk doing s tkrng thorongbly. Of all the Balre yos ever heard of. Bucklea't ArAlcs 6alr tilth test It sweeps sway a4 cure Bars, Bores, Bruises, Cats, Boils, TJlcerr, Bkla Kraptloat sad Pile, rlft oalt too, snd guaraateed to giv. sUafaetlos: iff 0 D Bradbam, Druggist,' " ' .' mm ateWr. . ; "Toot eon ia going la for literature, 1 ;"Iea, and. bVa :md. aa' excellent start already Be went to auction this morning, bad - bonght a - secondhand writing desk very ckesn.'-Kzchaag. ' W Ster Vmtmw.! ( Mr. Wtggto Everything V bav her In th loom a old It it stubby. .Waggles Oav a UtUe p dance, my Crntr, When they get s BtUe older they win be sntlOjuoWodg. - ".:- Gm4 For 0114x0., Tk ploasaat to take and bamUas On Mlaote Oougk Cur give latmedlat re lief It tS dees otCoagh, Croep.Ud La GHppebecaoeeftdoe. notpu Imsae dUUly Into lbs ttosuck, bat takestf- fect right at tkt seat of tk trouble. It draws oat Ue lfagaeamsHoa, baalt SAd tooths tad tuiet penssueally byeaa- b lug Ue lonrt to OOBlrlbeU par )ife- glvtog and ItrtusuiaUg iygB to lhs blood tad Umo.. Ote MlnnU Cvnrh pert Is t,.Wiut to lake tad U U g-"-1 tlikefof yoaeg atd old. told by " n f . O as at V "T T'- "rl ' t 1 1 .d i y r y to It I Tnl ct Pcrtrct 1 .i:i.m la . Seailr All Uk.. ' 1111k Is Viiown to ta one of the fe co replete f 's. It coutji'ns the bone, muscle auj tut producing elements and. sustains the heat of the body. The milk of different classes of ani mals mammals) varies in composition tb suit the different requirements, thus mare's milk is richer In sugar, but lacking In protein "compared - with .cow's mulc.;.;-!'. iii Another fact of Interest -connected with milk is foqnd In the difficulty with which" some persona digest plain milk. ' It it safe to aay that should any organ, secretion or digestive Juice fall to perform its free duty the milk consumed. wlU not be properly , digest od. The reason.: for this la simple. Milk contains such &' variety .of com pounds that all portions of the diges tive system are called Into, activity tor the digestion of these-yarled elements. The gastrlc julce attacks , the cheesy matter, the pancreatic, and intestinal Juice digest the sugars and fate. This take the milk througa the stomach, th. small intestines into the large In- testine. The lower intestine I digests wood fiber also,. , This aloae of all the forme of food nutrients 1 not found in milk.' Because.of the facta Above stat- ed.:tbe ability to drink, milk to a test of perfect digestion In nearly all casea VThere wM big : tentailonlin Loli nil. Ind, when W. B Jsrowp ; of that place who waa expected, ts.dle, had bit llf saved by Dr King cTow Diaoovery toi Ooninmptloa, Be writes:,uI endured lnsuflerable agoulet trrm " Asthms, bat yoar Kew Dlacovery gave rate Immedi ate relief and sooo thereafter effected a eompleteoure." Similar cures ot Con sumption,. Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are :nunvtroui,c jitfe ; the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price COo and 1.00. " Guaranteed -by 0 D Bradhamr.Druggltt ' Trial bottles t Ton may know If k girt ilkea yon by the way she behaves -whett you meet her. Don't be taken in by the mere tact that she change- color. .Girls, do that from a thousand different causes, Snd there Is ho reason why she should be In love With you, merely because the blushes. Health. - " ' Tees Why.ri Mist Upplach't grand, mother was -merely, a , aemnt girl, wasn't the? Jess-Oh, no. Indeed! Mist TJpplach aayt ah was. a aouehold specialist" Phlladelplila Press. . : Education hat many good resultsi but none, that Is mors turn than the sense of power and self reliance with which JMpvest jM possessor, -j JRbhc4TlH Grav&l r A, tUrtllng Incident,, I narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, af follows; MI vat in sa awful condltltll. , My akin was almost yellow, eyet tnnken, tongue coated, pain oantlnuallyr tn back , and sides, no appetite, . growtag wcaket day by day. ! Three phytlclant had given me tpn Then I wet advlaod to us Eleotrle Bitten; to my greet Joy th flrtt bottl mad a decided ImptovamenL. I son- tinned their use for Jhree ; Wteks and am now s well sua, I know they rot bed the rrav of . tnother vtetlm . Ho one thonld faQ to try : thenar. ,r6nly 00 ' . . M . V eenttj gsarMteea hvu oraaaaavs drug itore. -i4 rVfr , 111 I They hv s way of settling lawsuitt ts India that It would be well to Copy bare, according to the Springfield' Re publican. :Wben s dispute arises over th ownership of kud two boles are due aeaxitogather and th two oppos ing lawyers nicely planted up to fhelr Walsta. Th Bret on to become bitten by s bug or becomes so exhausted that be has to b exhumed Ioe the cast for bis client . This doe away With unnecessary talking and adds ta In teresting element t-chaace Kama V? ?; --- ' w'i to: the Ksthlatr Equal t - Qiaaberlalas, Colic piolert aal Dlarrlisea f!m . ylalata la Qliarca. MW hav Used .Cbaabarlala'l Collo, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy tnov faasSy for years," tsyt Mrs B Cooke, of Hederlaada, Tsts. Wt ksv glrta It to all tk chUdrea.- W hsv sd other saedlci net forth tsjo. purpose, but never fooad aaythlsg to tqtal Cham berUla'a J U yos will tt It u directed it wlU slwsjs eer.., fov sal If aQ DronUu. ATTCTNEI AT LATf. ' Tracttrm In the r"nnt! cf frai'S, CftrtBrTt, l'amlU', iirtft ami I'm.' nd ta t.1- t 1 ;i rrne r.l ) -:rJ t.T;t Boa'-hyr'.t.t ftTl, evst Ttle- a i ur?r ' n I v. . ?w 1 w I fectaxtEother-aTost pass visually iaH 1( - ; so vsU cf rtficnng, danger and fear , thit the looks forward to the critical t allaja erdkllhst ti tasses throarh the mat K-'Jy andwitbui? little fnJTiricr. as ncabera hare tested aad jtaM." 'it" fi WaltiaV1. !." flMai mmatA- - :ttaa ; Pepper Fo Anta. "1 annall Knw vrh Mvul .5. ..wt. p v . v. tft,- and grsndma. noticed that the hlack pepper enakef was mied vrltt red pepper: . This startled Turn,'1 and! turn- ing to his aunt who lat next at the ta- or tnai. reov pepper, . Aunr, i ujtmer. Grandma ;aj. that: red ppeJkllto asbMiristiatt IntelUgencer, r The nest physia.Chamberlaln't Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Iy; to. take: pleaisnt In effect. For aala hy all drog- ; ; iViTfcSi'j ttj- ;of ; 4tijr j--; , v BluWlliAMnnnlilnMa 1 .t j I rnin nL teryed in .urope wfueB, give, sq ao quate idea Of t he streets of the middle ages'. ': One .of the 'most , interesting of these relies is the bouie of Murtla La ther, in Frankfurt-am-Main. It stands on tlie corner of d narrow, street and rises to a height which seems unusual tven in thec; Qaln oftall. buUdlngt,, Like most of the architecture of its pe-- rloO, the Luther house is half timbered and richly decorated. It is a very. tooiyrplscatib and' probably badly ventilated.;1; The Lutber. house,, like, many of ltt thnA contained floors Increasing In . aise af they rose, thus giving a curiously pic turesque but top heavy appearance to the building. k .. .r.z ...;' ' " . Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. I have been tubject "to " sclatlo rheu- rhstftm for years, tayt I ff Waldron, of Wilton Junction, lows. "My JolnU fere stiff snd gave me. much pais snd discomfort. - My, Jolutt would erack when I ttralghtened up. I used Cham bermln's Pain Balm and have beeft thorl oughly band.;-.' Hsv not ; had t pels T . . ..... . ' or acne rrom tne oia irouoie ior many months. It Is oerUtnly a mott wonder fhl llnlneot." Por tale by nil, Drug fltt. . -. ;V --v. v.. - .": Administrators Notice I Bavins thta dty outlined at the Admit trstor of the last Will and Testament of U Mcnett, deceased, all peraoni hav ing claims against the estate ot.the said deoeased are hereby notified to d reseat tk tarn duly verified to me on or before the sist dty or tiarea mo or tut nouot will be oloaded In bar of their recovory. All persons Indebted to said, esUte axe hereby requested u jnax 4mneciate set tlemeut '. i " . -' ' Tbla tltt day of March. 1804. t r - , . - a MoOABTBT, - ' . Admislttntor. Administratrix Notice, Bevies outlined a admlslttrttrlg of William A Xvast, deorosed, ' this it to notify all persons having clehn atrahsst the estate of said deceased -to oskibtt them to th Stdenlguad. on or. befor the list day of M arch, 1800. or this attic will bt pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona indebted 1 tald tat will plata make immediate payment, ' ; This tUt dty of March 1W4, T V 'vyrV'-Laora Xvatr, . i 4 -:-:-u 'xAdatidstrsttts; twstat era. aa a a a a , w,j aaxiyer, uiy taaai '; vt: Administrator Notice Kotiot It htrebt tivea that 1 ksva IkU day qsallfled st Adalnlsuator of th ee tat of Holland ltos. deosased, -All peraon Indebted to tald Ml alt Art rtquestea to., nuk laaeaut , pay. msau .. . ' i - Aad persoaJ holding tlalat against sgalast tald ealau are a oil aad to pteeaw thetssMtoth udera!ga4 aaif ven ted oaoc Ufor March soik,.ia0oot this aotlc will be pleaded lsbaf ofr- ooverv. - .. lais arcsoi,ivxa. . . ... ; BKL BOSE, - v - -' L" J-- - - - AdmlataUetor. ; 1 1 I "T- s.,) A , - i 9 T 1 nkvwt7 r 9 wj ."I Ton f r Is t? lave clildren, ana no'" lose can be, completely l-rrywi'.Hort thepyei'.tho!? al throat wMci the eial-f M "war.witli apprehension and dread.. -t hj ts jtiratirer goothmsf propeyl tenrossnesa, and all unpleasant leelinfirs. and V I V 1 a f A -UXV I w u . j A i . vr! I &ifnJ ' .- rtei' l?'r - T- A.Orata,rMi, B. H. Haadowa, . Prea " v (ox ja3rwrauw; ar. o. Dsv a Qoneral Banklnc Buslaett . ' Bnrplna snd TJndtvW : r de4Sr9SKta,000.OO. .. We will give prompt and careful atten Uoa to all buaittesi entruitted to ut. its lUT.ta jrvui auuuuut. rjr ua. -STdlBtd ITlrlDh " B. H. alaaLdt.va. J. A-Medowa, ; - Ohaa.Dnffr, Jr. wuntl w. I pooa James Bedmend, gaM.a.Tewi,v4 - ktarerHalus. t . wraunsar, inomH&.enn ' 'Zil,-: (Mark Disoe tv- ; CABOLIKA DISPATCH LINK DAILYLIIfE. IBII6HT & For All Points Jforth. Effective Oct. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NEUSE it scneauiea to sail as e p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday, for Elizabeth utyn. o. - The Steamer OCItACOIkJE ta scheduled to tall at 8 n m Tuesday. Thursday and Baturdav for Elizabeth iMty, . v. rar Freight reoeived not later than ons hour prevlout to tailing. , For forthsr informstion applj to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. IV K. Euro, Gen. Mgr., H.Ck HrjDarjrs,Gn.Fit.& Pats. Act Norfolk, Ya, W, & 8TJMMERELL, Aas't Oral. Fit. and Pass. Agent, New B6fBt If a 0 NOTICE KOBTH CAROLINA. ) In the t; raven uounty. l superior uoun Mary Hay VI . - . George W Hay. The defeadaai above aamed will take notlc that an actio eallllad aa above kubeea oomnatsoed It th Superior Ueart or UrsTts eocaty to obtaia a via eulo malnmoaM Iron ta ova read ant ot th ground ef Infidelity; aad th said de fendant wlU therefore tea noUot that h la required to appear at the neit term of th Superior Court of tad Cotaty to be held oa the Clh Voaday afur the first Monday la March, h being th HUday of ADrlLlBOAat the Vourt Bous of said Cenaty la tfew Bern, North . Oerc- llaa, aid teswet or oeaur to tne com. plaint t d action, or ptaiatIS will ap ply to th eourl for the relief demaadad in Mia oomuaitv ' .. ' W.M.WAT80H, M .-- Clsrh of tk Superior Court, v Thto the tth day of March 1904. TT PuDlication of Bum nOBTtt CABOLIIA, I V Oram Coaaty. J ' I U Beperiot Court, Befor W. M. WtV aos,a&.A-v ai.MeCanky. AdsaOstratOf of ehs A.Mtrtl,dsctasad;, y. ' ' .""". J ';" WQllam Manls tad Lees! Mania, III . wife, naatak Ward tad . WCBae ' . W ard, bet kBsbaad,VK Teat tod loU Teeua, kr hs .' ; : bead, Martha piles aad ' WDHsja Dliwr.aawkM A band, rJtrrty Mania v " - sad Psalusl Mar- . - - Ua. z, . To Ilarvey Mart!. ; - ; tl p;ar1ff te tkt 'J.facUoe ef tk Cr-mlf " !,!' lfeJ liarv Mst! Is a a a r; )t nt tha Puta tf Nortk tar c . , f i era kf! y tU2i that a tarn a-, a a- 1 j-uit- a '.f sale of ral aatata f r . ki t-" cVr t.a-1 la taa r it .rfl'tTII KH!, II C, In la- I I I 1 I' -'ar-r f J :.a A H.n'a. r r': . in i ?i t:. i a t. St lie if tn ii I H a t r- .ar I i . ' w IS a in dif a1 ra- 1 1 'n aa yra ( ray.f el 1. f t.H- t I ! I! v-i. LARGEST AND HOESES qnd KtTLES Ever offtred for sale in New Bern, A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Puggies, WagonsHars88, Robes, Whins Cart Wheels, Etc. J. Aua-Mencken & Bro- mikens Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA ) Craven Oounty. J Superior uoun John Dixon vs Bdrah Dlzon To Sarah Dlzon TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In thU Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lots of land In the City of New Bern state of North Carolina rally described In the Complaint filed In this sctlon.and to declare you a Trustee for plaintiff In relation thereto, upon the grounds that socL lots wss pnrohased by you with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken In yoar own name: You are there fore no tl tied to be and appear before tne Superior Court of Craven county to be held In the Court House of said County In the City of New Bern, State of North Carolina, on the 5th Monday after the first Monday In Maich, It being the 11 in day of April 1804, to answer the Com plaint in said action wnlch will be Uled daring or before the first three days of said term, and answer or otherwise plead thereto at you tnty be advised, or the relit f demanded therein will be granted. 'ibis reb. lOtn. 1UU4 W. M. WATSON, Clerk of Scperlor Court of Craven County. THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH BliCIItD BT Southern Railway. The Southern Hallway 'announces the sale of rountl-ltlp Winter Ezcorsloo tickets to all the principal resorts of the Booth, beginning October IS, 1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting to those In search of health or pleasure. It these Slates ere such soled resorts at Plnehurst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Summervllle, 8k C, Charles ton, B. 0 r"Aogotte, BsTsaeah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island aad Thomas villa, Oa. Jeekeoavfllt, Bt Aa-gutllae, Ormoad, Daytoaa, Palm Death, Bock ledge, Miami aad Tampa, Pis., also the resorts of Nas sau aad Cuba, best reached vis Southern Ball way. Ticket on sal ep to aad lacludug AprQ80, IBOLlimlaad to return tstll Key 81, 1801. Souther Railway affords elegant trele esrvtoe.wltk tk lalost PBQaaaaDrtrUg Roots Sleeplfif Cart, operated Ikrougb bet wee prladpa dtiot and resort, ele gant Dtniag Oat, ten toe, aad everytklag for the.ooafor! titd pleastr of the Ash nearest Ticks A pat for fanker Itfomaifon a4 deecrtptiv Utoratura. .".n .i Tke ttU Cul . lUtortv lokfle, Xcv : Olust, Mexico ts4 CAilwrtla V V"f tit ,v "':." ;J Southora : Railway. Wla(rSTortt ticket sew satak to lb soted retort of tke OulfCoett ted Mttloo tea Calirofali. Tkkttt oa lalattt Souther Railway ep to tad UolJ.lltf A pin 0, 1994, Uatlled to Ms; II. lXt. for feluta paag. . . y.'raal Irda tarvtm, Tk rout tu - Ai.Mpjto. end ftoikttm Urn It-n" aei ''Huaaet lAmW.m Atk rtlfkat A fal fof iettlled lafntmaUoe ssd CtipU? Bkaiter, ncusicftj54siv"" ;: - " ttl "?srfblrt Ceaafry." ttrL wTxitk tt-flkTt ntt.re fi'lwty rax)iae lb f r"'t ff tKa Tanlnflaa r;k-foii.f," ar' . :trg ? . r-t ' t. n. tj. .JO-NES FINEST 8TOCE OP- A. Broad HU CIGAR Sf Bdlto.Md. A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABLE SO. 82 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct 25, 1908 at 6:55 A. M., E. 8. T. doing East Boheduu: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains DAILY. No. 4 Lv. p m STATIONS: Ar. a m ...11 05 ...10 S ...10 19 8 80 Goldiiboro. . . 8S9 LaOrange... 4 22 Kinston. . . 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 0 0 60 Lv. Ar 8 87. 7 15 Ar. Morehead city Lv 7 05 No. 6, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. BTATIOBS Lv. a. a 8 00... 8 18... 8 86 .. 8 87... 8 48 .. 9 09... 9 18. 9 80... 9 50... 9 66... tioldoooi. Beat's LaOrange Palling Oreek Kinston Caswell , Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clark . . . Ar. New Bern, Lv. ut 7 6T 7 r 7 y . 796 . 7 17 . 700 . 650 . 649 . 680 r. at. 1010... a. a. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT No. 8. SUNDAY Id Class No. 1. 2d Chut.. liv, am 519.... 5 46 8 19 6 17 aj. p m .. 960 . . . . 8 18 .... a 08 .... 1 88 .. .18 18 .. 1101 . .. 11 01 ...1040 .10 10 9 64 .... K) .... 8 16 .... 740 .... 78 Golds boro. Best's LaGrange Palling Oreek Kinston oaswell Dover core creek Tuacarora dark's ... Ar. New Bern, Lt.... Lv. New Bern Ax. . . . Rlverdale oroatan Havelock Newport, Lv Wlldwood Atlantic ..Ar. Morehead olty.Lv.. ...Ar. ht city Depot, Lv.. . 7 89. 7 40. 9 00. 9 40. 10 10. 10 99. 11 00 II 80. 119. 190. 1 40 Havelock 7 10 9 00 Newport, Lv 6 86 9 90 Wlldwood 6 17 918 Atlantic 6 0S 9(8 ..Ar. Morehead olty.Lv.. .. 8 60 9 00 ...Ar. ht city Depot, Lv 600 'at. a . at, a L. DILL, a A. NX W LAND, Oen'l Snpt. Master Transportation. L. B. Habicht, FINE Lager Beer Th fbtest liquors and Wises. Hthleht'e Ky Week, Hahieht's Tan Ceat Pavtsctot CIGARS, Cone I front sad Raaeook Street, 2tew Beta, II 0. Wn MclVEIla " ATTCftMXT AT LAW. ka rantottd kit eflettO 71 loath Pro I ttreev a stairs. , Ci ' ; -. r . ; - Atud rtaysitarly the eoerU effYt ts, Onslow tl raaalioo eoastl. Be beat toewptod syw here. ; - I;I.J X. WAHD, ; AttatTKy st Law, 74 l Ftettt fti, Op Hotel Chakaawtn KXW BiaX..N, O. Clf!H, Cvaveai,, icavaa, OmVw, vr aw fVaa!U, IItw, Laaaott, 04 tk 8wa and Perier. Ootut , r..M.llaatat, A. ft. Wttl fi".noNS wapd, ; trroA.xi sat rocrrLoii st IUW. , itw itt, i.e. C"-e Tel .,r -.... tataf f ' v jr, f t --. r" '' 1 ' 1 S (i I t" t in : ' ' ' I fr. i sr.t ' , . - 1 ' r t i" : t. i 1 'i ;-: , r-. a p . , . " i ' . 7 a i " 1 I , . f ' i i , ? I -1 ar 4 e t y ' f - r'.BT. ) , , , . . T f , t