f I . . C .-.ta l'a r CMARIX3 U STEVEN S," . J i . -- - v : - aiiTO Jto rmoraimio :.-- SUESCRIFIICS JUkTU T -'One year, la' tdTUMM......... r - One yew, sot la idmoi..n.; I - Monthly, by carriax I tka tty.;. , . 0 ri-" .-r A.WerUalaf Rata formlak! Oft appll Enterad tt the Poet OfBea, Xfir BaxB, , POliTICAt GOODNESS AND FIT- Political parUea, aaaume, ech for It self, certain attrlbutea Mch each will claim make ltlhe party deferring jthe majority o( the Vofei of (the people,theie yotofi placlnpthe party la control of State or theNatlon. Bat party goodneaa and fitness in o' floe are not determined by the public platform utterances which are lamed by the pilltical paitiea when they assemble in coaventloni, for toa . often the party ntieraace In a convention ii meant to 8rTe as a vote catcher for k today, with no lasting principle In it which shall serve for the betterment of the people both today and tomorrow. Party principle and paity morality are no better than the principle and moral Ky of those" who control the action of the party, and it la this desire of those In party control, to perpetuate themsel ves, both In supremacy of party dicta tion and continuance in office which causes a rottennese to form, that leads to party ruin and overthrow. It Is not the rank and file of a political party which leadt to Ha defeat at the polls. It la not the falsity in party principles which breaks np a political party, bnt it it the action of party lead ers whowlllfolly pervert the party's principles to make them Individually applicable, not party applicable, which' mean that the leaders make a political oligarchy for themselves at the expense of the mass of the voters of their par ty The regulation campaign oratory will noon be beard In every town, city and cross roads meeting place, and the voter will be appealed to "to stick by hli old pany," with a string of adjective de claring the goodness and fitness of the , party to be put in office, or continued In office, as the caae may be, " Never in the history of the Democrat ic party of! North Carolina has It need . ed to be so conservative as it demanded of It this year, for this year Is one in which personal liberty of the masses of the voters has tie full political swayt when the East is not calling upon the West for help to elect Us men to offlo, and the West is looking fearfully to the East, loil there be a colored vote which - shall put Into power men who wl 11 threaten the stsbllltyof the financial and moral fabric of the State gorern- ' menu With the polllloal freedom which Is t be felt In this State daring the com ing campaign, there la demanded new - political methods, new standards for party aollon, new polltioal battle crlee, on the sldeof (ha Demoeratlo party. Political freedom in the sense it Is aow being felt la something different from that of previous years. Party ap peals matt be practical, sensible, honest . , and not have sentiment as tbeealetia- ' gradient, with a hurrah as a eHn&er la ' - argument, 1' " The danger which threaten Dem ' . Cetlo stability la North Carolina, la the JmUooaoeptlon oa the part of the party ; leaden as to the poeetbnitlei la this po J Ileal freedom ef the ainaeeeof the vt . are, tad tat leek of ' knowledge, where to apply the right seetbode weloa shall ' control this : freedoa had brier It to " etreogthea the party, eed not make It a aeoee which will etraagla Ue'party,and '. pat It oat of power, eraeej' It has etlllW aaacb to do la the Way of aaklsg' 6 id ill party promleee to the people, and f aUllleg thoee ih'age which It has al readtVgakV ' ' V ; - ' -- :"iv'- - . ; nn r niHiilK-erlunt It wee Joroa. -tyhnat of-entne famlllca of Irm . rhoertu Hint jhey rUliW to bate - U4.-fi ibe ttm ef Xoeh's delncvt, a boet to thrtwartrea, and J ran rvcall, on the WW hand, when a eodat srlr- ant IK floetmi "Who betong to the felly old fsmlllni randmsmmir and wha that ralettv shook br " wwry rHid and asld, "Uoetly n no, J my dear."-Tbomaa Wearwofth IHr . Itnew latiaaUC' - ' l-..;'.v; . - .Hon'i mi?' r7- K.1 . Wi effer Oaa Qaed-ei Dol'ara IU- 'l for aey eeee f Catarrh that le cored i HaireCaUrrh Cere. , ;r - ;;TJ.CntaiT s. . r . ToWlo, 0. Vr, ite aleTt'(eet,VsvkStfwa ft ( ! r.r fi l4 lait I J yeart, and U.Ie V.m ftft!y fcoemeVe l a'l bllofM r ',l.at, asd finaee'el' aMe i rer if rm f ' bHSt'oe try !i ' rl(, ' " - . - '."ll.t !", Klt h M !, ", '!' f, --,( f ' ' l, ft Tke tuJioning ar tbe n-iuitet (juou tioaB, , receltad by prlT&to wire lo J. WalWr Labarae ACo- New Barn, . 0 ,.JSBw..f onnVApill Jt . rij, Opea, High. Low. Close k May.;;:;. 13 64 18.71. IS M 18.68 - Jnly ' lt4 18.88 13,89 .g: 130 13.48 13.U 13 43 .tOoWiVr.; itl'lM U M HM Chicago Grain,' Hay Wheat s May Oora MayOata; Hay EIhi May Pork " May Laid 861'?.. 881 tar 1193 ess 1300 Mew york;A.ptll3. Open. ... 127J ... 491 ... 73, Close " ,r i7 48 J8 Ajmr.Sugar.... AJnr. Copper. . Mchlson. Southern By.; an Southern Uy pf..85 D.8. SteeL:...... I0t U.S. Steel pf... 68 Penn. R R H7 Erie., 36 Lonlsvllle&Nash - St Paul.; H5 N.Y Central N.A i'W... ....... Va. C Chemical. n 8)i 06, H7 144 29 r BANK BTA.TEMEST. New York, April Reserves, increase 6,899,100 Loans, increase 8,136,800 Specie, increase 7,411,600 Lesal Tender.lncrease 9,551,601 Deposits, increase 1,255,000 Circulation, increase 4,410,800 Arc You a DyspepUc? If you are a dyspeptic, yon owe it to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's friend because his disease sours his disposition as well as bis stomach. Kodol Dyspep sia Care will not only cure dyspepsia, Indigestion and sour stomach, but this palatable, reconstructive tonic dlgestsnt strengthens the whole -digestive appar atus, and sweetens the, life as well as the stomach. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Core the food yon eat la en joyed. It is digested, assimilated and Us nutrient properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health It the result. Sold ry F S Duffy. War Against Mosquitoes. N.C. Bullotln, Owing to the short time required for the complete development Of the mcs ,qnlt from the egg to maturity, there Is time in cur long summer for the pro duction of several generations. As each' female lays a great many eggs, It Is easy to understand how millions could come In August and September from hundreds at the beginning of the season. . Bo the proper thing to do Is to force the fight ing "from the jump" and praetloally ex terminate them before myriads of rein forcements come in. As Is already well known, mosquitoes breed only In still waters preferably small stagnant pools protected by grasa and undergrowth from the wind, and free from flib, which prey upon the larvae. It la now also pretty generally known that a thin film of oil upon the sui face of such waters will prevent the laying of the eggs there, and effectually destroy any larvae that may have hatsh ed therein. The problem, therefore, Is a very simple one thecretlcally, and la moat instances vraotlcally also. It Is summed np in this one lentenoe; Driln, fill up or oil (every tea days or two weeks) every body of stagnant water; no maltsf how small. Empty all old dis carded fruit nans, buckets, and barrels about the premises, and pat them onder sheltsr or turn them upside down ; diata, If poiaible (If not, flit Hp or oil) a'l aatur al pools; open the ditches and small wtt weather alreams, ao permit ths uealeg off and prevent tbe re-fornietlnn .cf the pools ao oten found al Bg their ooeriee, Larger pood stocks J with lib are not ao favorable aa breeding places, for tea sins given above, provUeJ ao shallow i protected by grata, billruihes, eet-ielU, ets , art permitted oa their bolder. The btaht of such ponds should be mad ea cleat and abrupt as possible, to aa to ix poae the entire pond to the wind and flan. Sot tome sat win tart Wky take thl troutje, when that b .a iwaap within a mil or half a mile of my honsef for the reason, that fortioataly aaosqal loea rarely ver fly a ml' or evaa half a ml . If lasteed of laying the' eoeqni tceeoa the distant t warn p lb hone holder wont I make a eate'ul ieepeotlnn ef tie bantedhtte eavlroaateat, be would aearly always o4 the aoarr at aapply to he wlthta a radloa of two or tare btadred jarde of his house aa it totaled oat la Dr. Howard' hook oa aioeqtttiea. . , I i l .-1 ' Sciatic Rheumatlim Carcl'u 1 I have beta suhjeot to eeletlo the aatlsas for yeare," eayt I H Waidrtfav of Wlltoa Jaactlon, Iowa. "hty Jolata were stiff tad gave . at teach pile and nof')rt.- My Jolau would era k t' ha l etralihlened p,' 7"4 W Chest itlalft'e Tela Ha! and htva bva thn ojhly' tared. fiv aothad peit r lobe frta lh old trenUeft maey akoilb. it le certainly a aaotf woader. fal JlnU-eat." lot , aaWjtry 'all Dreg f lHr llcrliaww i:rt:imrliTtJr-I Mft4 are nin' Ift'weai.lni'i-fiiln, lirw. Jlrrtnoil: i'K tfr'.U (vbrM, bot)hj list Urt a priBit M-i or R'e Kniy emti h' rUiuirr. thj wants th wlNliee wirofl tM t'Mna thtj rn RiaXf Hctnrc on V.ota. ' ' . . ; the test TarsnSalTf. DeTTItl't Witch IftH t'T lr,Unt rt fleffr ra liarna. rove !'",!, H"frt, rf.7rt Xf"r tB'l '! ' .-r of r t'i. is i i -1 " " i r.- f ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lr;ti fit -'U, el.. ' lir.twv, t. a litem lhu A . i c -.. . r . AKtkorlUes Com biar '! he Jioa ; Broadwar Killed Hndu Street. Tho church wardens of old Trlnltj 'church bad more to do with naming the stivete In the lower part of old New Tork than nil other authorities com- blned.VTo be aure,-lho quaint- turgo masters, before the first Trinity church was built, after bearing tbe proa anil cons cf landowners, found same foe many atreeta significant of Certain ee tabllshed facts, for streets and bywaya helow Maiden lane; on the easterly aide of the Heefe atraat afterward changed to Great George atreet, la honor -of King George, by , the authorities of Trinir;GThettour.ptriota Ignored the same and called It BioomlBgdale road and' then the. Broad;, way,, almpllfied Into' 8roaivfayi.'?-i!f'P-' - The present Trinity church, at the head of WaU street ia the thirrl edifice of that nanie, the two preceding atriW turea' erected upon ; the same groand having beeBt burned,- but the flrat' was one of the first churches erected in thla city' tn4 TrihWy has, alway been the Wealthiest corporation; patronized by the richest and most influential f amillea 1 for Hges. The "churchwtrdenaf thto church had their own way about nanV lngfthe atreeti from the church I4o What is now-Twenty-third atreett west Of Broadwan alonff the. Budaon. river front, becHuse they . owned that:, im. inense property. 't- v In the olden time Queen Anne of England owned what' waa knowa aa the Queen'a farm,' which "covered the land: conflueiiclng at St VV&i tdiurch: and exteiidlns to what la now Twenty, third street, bounded by Broadway oB the east and the Hudson river on the west ' ; '''''';V:-;f-:'s' v Vestry atreet was so styled by Trin ity because the church had a vestry in that atreet between Hudaoi and, Qreen. wlch'Btreets. Chnrch street waa so called because it bounded the west aide of St Paul's churchyard. -Bector street was honored by the residence of the rector of Trinity. Barclay and Ye Bey streets were named after two cler gymen of the church'. . '.V, . Trinity's officers determined that the main artery of the dty should run through it land, and, grounded in their J belief in their ability to carry out their intention, Hudsotrrtreet was laid out St John's park and many other im protements were offered ai t induce ments to purchasers, of land, and St John's chapel was erected and finished in 1803, one of the handsomest pieces of church architecture in the city. Trinity counted without an expression of the majority of the people and fail ed in Its endeavor. The arrogance of the church fretted the-gfiod people, and moro to spite the churcnwaraensT tnan becauso Broaa way was nearer the center of the city Broadway acquired the preference, and tbe glory of Hudson street departed, never to return. ' ' It has been remarked that the street laid out by Trinity on the farm are all perfectly straight while many In the lower part of tbe city are wonderfully crooked. The explanation of this lies in the fact that scarcely a smalt hill existed on tbe farm, while below there crooked lanes and byways, to say noth ing of cow paths, were- turned into streets, which ran in devious ways around hills, . valleys and swamps. Many streets Were named after th owners of property adjacent - to or through which the ways were laid. Moore street wis orlglnaUy-the line of the first wharf erected In the city. Colonel Moore waa formerly a large owner of the lota when first bunt Upon. John street was named after John Harpending, who resided in Broadway, and John atreet when first laid out passed through his garden. Cortland t. Dey and Beckman streets were carried through the property of the men after whom they were named. Ann street waa. named after: Ann Beekmaa. ; Van- dew a ter, Roosevelt Rutgere, Gouver neur, Harrison, LlapenardV Bayard, Da Lancey, Rlvingtoa and WUIett' street were so designated because they pass ed through th property of peopto heat ing these names. Hester atreet was named after on of th Bayard family and Catharine after Catharine Rutgers, Henry street Was named after1 a son of th Rtrtfera fam ily, and Jacob street bounded th J cob Leister estate, Frankfort street waa aleo a boundary of th nam tate. Leisler .was a natlv of Frank furt Jam street was named after. member of th De Lancey family, a waa alao Oliver street Batavl was ao caRed because th Bov)t tat, throvgh which this street was ran. -was Mllnd Nw Ititarla. m Division street wss orltinaily'thVdi v1lo line between the De Laacey and Rutgers farm. Leonard streerksxaaJ named after one f th IJapnrds, and Orchard street was cut throng lh orchlrd -of th D Laacey farm. 8ber1ff street wis called attar hart wniett through whoa eetat it was carriod,' Mansln and Ooerck trta .were named after th tw city rorrey tors who laid out th rive Ua. t i- I Th flrat mayor of New Tort after ,the Revolution, a - true pmot, was James Daaoe, wb was honored by tbt naming of Duan stmt after him. t Kim, Ore rife and Mnltxrry atrewts war laid out through, publlo property In th vtctntty of th Collect pond and trw their names t the pieulUrlttet they surgeet. Chrry afreet waa rift' Rally ma thrwefh nb road by the cherry tree" and Darned )!Oordlngiy. -Kew Tork Herald. ' ' Rofuee fllffrr Utile. Terb tta at I ilsobidimt srn. .'Iilie rrrr. iGrtit Sen5at!oa, -vTbnewae i)g caution la Lin vIlUM.WheaW B Bro A tbl plans wko we eipecttd to (1, He llfeeatrd by Dr Klt'e Hew PUrvry fof CffBiomrtloa. l!e wri'.'i; "I :, '.-lt4 lufferle ifuM frri Afama. UA jnat Fee t)'$ irety (it -, mm:i. t f'Uf sil fin tl.rrr:r t. :t i fot V. enra." f !.t 'r t-:,-e t t C . ttiwr'.l' n, Tttt --Bta, T-rr-n-'..:'$ :, i trip are -.rr. -,. It's t' ntr.t'f f t a'l I' f'-t anl h"f I; r. ' Trt'ef d r-i.v :iM(in, t; lyC .1 1 "i r . a & tue t:s t.-as M tji .! toe hn yoar t--'r fcr1n to fsl cot and .r , Is tuU bt Iiandruit It is a ire t i that tiiec eouiiUesa serms are " y it work. '- , :: . i Ejera ia but An viv t hm.wbw, iKa trouble ana kill tlM genna-that war ta t au!y Kewbro'l Herplrtd t tha ealp-tt will km tha awns and healthy hlr ia aura to result."--'.r'' - Bold fey toadta SrnrrtmtM. ' Sand lotf. In tampa (or aample to Tbe Herpidde Co Detroit, tUch. - .- - .. - - v ': -. a BRADHAM.8pcUl AgeaU" Hlnka-I always like. to dine with a maq who knowa how t brder a din- ner. Blnka Tear if s almost aa good as dining" with a manvwho knows bow toj pay for one. tS''r A Tboufhttal BaaSlj V M Jts.A mvtl of Winchester. ; ladU rknew,wh jo di la the hour of need. His win had such,, aa- unoanal ;case of stomach and, liver trouble, physicians could not help ber.,He thought of and tried Dr King New Life PUis and th got relief at once and -was frially cured. Only 5c,it ; J, -i JD. ' Bradham's Drug store. f , i , "v. - "w - : " '-Wit Their Ooda. -- The gods-of most South American tribes of Indians are generally looked nponjM altered, but .when the god" be come a nuisance It is time to pat an end tot them;, at least that la what a. certain tribe ;klontr the Zabari river WnK They worehip' the iguana end monkey, but as rfoori ns.'the iguana Matted - eating chickens they thought It -thne- to ton worshiping him' and to eat him In place of tbe chickens he had eaten. This they do, and they pre fer iguana stew; to chicken fricassee. ; -;; obted Tbe Grave. - - A startling I Incident, 1 narrated by 7ohnOUTr of Philadelphia, as follows: "I waa In an awfnl condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, taln c&ntinoally : In bach and tides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day.1 Three physicians had given me op. Theal was advised to use Eleotrlo Blttere; to my great Joy, the first bottle made a decided Improvement;' ' :A con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them.- -Only 60 cents, guaranteed, at G D Bradham's dragster. HIS FIRST CHECK. Tl Way the Piece ol Paper Worried ThOHM A. Edlaoa. ' Thomas A. Edison once told a friend the story of his first acquaintance with any big sum of money. It was when he was struggling with his earlier in-ventlonr-hd he bad about as clear en idea of the value of a bank check as the man In the moon.. He bad final ly sold his patent on the gold and stock indicator to the Western Union Tele graph company and had called at lta office to- close the deal. After a few "preliminaries he was given a check for $40,000. . He. eyed it curiously and ap peared to be pussled what to do with it , Observing his perplexity, General Lefferts, then president of the Western Uhlori, told him that If he would go to th Bank of America, In Wall street, i be could get th eaah on hla check. - "Bo I started," said Edison, "after carefully folding up the check, and went toward W'ail street Bo uncer tain waa T In -regard, to that way of doing business that I thought while on the way that If any man should come up to me and offer me two crisp f 1,000 bills for .that piece of paper I would give him th check very quick ly." On his arrival at the Bank of Amer ica be half . tremblingly shoved his check out to th cashier. The latter scrutinised it eloawly. gave him a pterdnx glance aad said something which Edison, being hard of hearing. failed i to. understand. That - waa eoough. - H was fully convinced that hi chock was .not. worth 140.000 and gala thought as n rushed out f th bank that any man -who would gtv hint 12,000 for tt could have It He harried back to th office of th West ern Union and said he could, not get hoy money. A dark waa sent to the bank with him K Identify him.'-. , ! This man,' said th derfc, "Is Mr. Thomas Xi Edison, ttrwboa order th itbert is drawn," : i v t "Why. MrmlBly, Mr, XdIson, said the cashier. "How would yoa Eke year mooey I what snap 7" - . "Oh. aey -way to suit th tank) tt doesn't nuke any dlfferenc t me, so long a I get my money.--. . t ; louatta wt gv a-to,ooo u Mrs hill. 'After dividing th ran torn two wad of 130,000 each h stuffed tat each trots pocket sad made ail speed oat of wall atreet . Tbe axt day. be vegan work oa hi Irtt Kw York IsboratoryH-octie. ." A ; JAPANE8E PROVERBS. . .'. ," '. 1 . . ' There b ao miracle la true doctrine. Hnrnea Of Is Iflt tbe'dew of th morning. -' ::,: The fall hkMBMMa avr return .to the branch. . . - ' -; : There m no shore to the bttwr Birth andUeaXK W. .. :,j i 'im kt co tb rein of th wild coit ft h im ' j .; ' s Or onfoaaios effer th alne at ata tliraa ik - , . j . tWity Xj raon ef having died do ett into life. - " ' , v, its oo katr ef a women yon raa iirf fn a grt tpbarit e tbe trrtUnf of ebwvee la paaa- tnf is rtimM bf fme rs:to Is e fnf' ra Uf-tiffaie lltrti "In U knt- 1 J'tefk.' f. - s i-ti.ioii ...imia-ii i inn i h mm .ab-n . 1'r ftibrr, A tiii:ln, , d ''-"I e a r vl i 'nit m. mtn of wtt, I ni'tn.l tit L ef t tir..i'ff. tin f,i ra n r r4 1' t r it f I' f t. ka lit V t. t ' I . . n;t mhf-t tU'a n i r r t I ' r I t ft, . t f I . i- tt r f rs. i r f rr I ! I :. t f It ; r, i ',. , , I a ' 't,T I. I - I I. ! . t vui..!, iu o.lir us weii as for-o aud tliit.. No otli?r f.ovrei- i-embles an or cUiJ, but orchids ur forever aping but ter flii. pansiea, boots, spiders. - pitch plants, bin! and 'what not.-.And4bey are not absolutely certain to look Just juv Baiup i wire m anccessiou. V. t . . . . -r . . i; rkstearaaar. 'r-s ' .. Photography, wee-discovered. In this way; Paeuerre wea,Iylng. on.it couch In his attic abode and saw a sunbeam tail upon a spot in the darkened room. tie was startled, te-see ther object, on th street vividly portrayed in Ail their colors In -act a panorama; otrtbe incidents ontaiae. He studied the sub ject and his -aearch. tn tho-mystery was th beginning; of hli that I beau tiful in photography today. ,'y s".'jBeatjr r Raat Ia -Seeeaaajrj'. -s The best worki however hard, la al- irayt methodical enough, to permit of timely rest snd.regular nutrition, andJ0 the full recognition of thla fact is a mere question of public utility which we hope tosses more and m. ore-widely admitted Into practice. London Ian- ;' "r - Goo For1 CMldren. The pleasant to take and harmless One atlnut Oough Cure gives Immediate re lief in all cases of Uough, Group, and. La Grippe becanseit does .not pass Imme diately Into the stomach, bnt- takia ef fect right at the seat of the trouble. -It draws out the Inflammation, heals and soothes asd cures- permanently : bv ena bling the lungs to oontribnte, pure life- giving ana uie-suataimog oxygen to the blood and thwuea. One Minute Cough Cur la pleasant to take and It is good alike for young and old. Sold by FS-I uony. The llalu Vacation. Practical Kother-SH Hint -young man who wants to murry you any money? Romantic Miss Money! He gave me a cluster diamond ring and a bracelet of peftrla. Practical Father Tea, I know. Has be nny money leftl OABTOTilA. Bears the ; yTl Kind Ym Haw always Bonflit Blgaataa of t'rle Acid. Bbeumatlsm is due to an excess of uric acid in tbe blood. The percentage of this poison Jn various articles of diet Is: Fish, 8.15; mutton, 6.75; veal, 8.14; pork, 8.48; beefsteak, 14.45; liver, 19.26; coffee, 4X3; tea, 8.22. . Milk and vegetables contain more, except the po tato, which haa a trace of uric acid No Life or Then began to lose flesh and next came a cough. WW1 ... MARION If the writer el tkte article earr had the aower t aeahe hi axrmmaat as eoaviactna aa tbe faota aural? warrant. vaara wvuia as ae eeo-aver oh eaoaca la te world to stipplr ea lae Ovmanoa ar eauerva, f aiaae aauiia. wot sot Ue fotlevta letue aaoly te mrr call ea eartfe at one ferlod ee aaetaor of Its srertaT - it ManUasaVa Av, JJjrBJorf " ! Dear 1 re I sat r fia te five statateent a box an utile daashtar. She aa4 eaaa a toe) In r eblUI te a aaert time aao, wtMO) we aute4 W appatlM waa tvol aa (nod aa M ha aeaa, and aa Si4 ao aam ao full ec life and al mation. no toot eaejie Bwah an Ih.a Waa t eoash) she arobeMr took aot at the ewteou Hut. at aajr rat, tbe .eeoah him oa aad lunul la pttii hr ova aotaa atore.- rtaalijr, 1 ei!l le Cre the ehl)d Oeowutttoa. I do hot be re la alrfna aaint aiaMnaa. out' fteoarolalna to e ainrw rna the anltMrr alnrtM rortlMt aa I erMra ootlr4 the I.""' I the rhltd wa artvtnf from thla prrperattoe. tt h raat ana w.a. to the oaoeh waa eutrhlr ear4. ht fvi tit Waa murh htiT ana hr hlt trrnrrr4 tn .r r. I II lul M hear a rmdy eit4 Va a4 edanad te he ile if arowtrMl r hilar. li-m (aonu laton. Th.f like . IKe taata at hi and tt rttalntr I heat a araal dal' rood. , Ve trolv woe'. . " (ntrr.wil it r, ts ' TTntrre. C bt4v U live wnrid t-M hf H la kt aii at aaSiia, ilk a ta4rr Wtt out ef a efear af. tfca wioi hT ee f.ihr rnl'Ht that h Mh r.f trar th,, I la h-. nnl'-e rhrd ha ,mm I MfM hrtn".a hat fVW the aifCMte la aot aa a4 a U . ; F. 0. DUFFY, Wholcsalo & Rotall Drugrglst;;; r td Cc!:r.t!,'l3 Qiiu ;!w.til C-.fo, v. ;:i cf r ' ':v, ror or Vine. ' l Iff '. i I It U'Vv t en4 If . t ' ; A C :: 1 cr i . i . . A..in ;i !', uo y. sier V li U te;n b auii L avid lll ro,lt,t tbe HoMuf Hoanr of "t.a. a l' lift J scbot 1m Ue Utt m nth. - '. : UiHwa Boata Vaoa and Ma'tle "B-ll a Ml Mr Ijdo tfotton wrotVe Hra bit rawiilay. 2 r - rnkW 4 rt. has gone, ii Rlvj iU!e to asake a shuit vWt tu r.la vr ibV pisre.-:!;;;; . . -Miaf vPtatlCTaylor. one of ovr a; s popular m J 1 d -as and M r s h n n&rt Hew Haaovet .cuue'y wn mar ried the 19th raat at thOjLea4!Bjca'ir hot father IrM H tajlor'tyire KtJ U , Gllee'pt ewportv-, f' ; Mr Loon Bell of -hew Bern if e tpeodlng a few days he-e viaittitir' rela tives, leinrne'hoaie jtiterdny taking With him his slater, M Ue M amte Bell Who has been oa a vi it to MY J ii Tay- ior; ,.; -:. - Mrs Joseph Pb-her and c'.tldrcntc panled hylflai Be-ele Mart.ni drove up to Biverdale Tueeday o mate a few daya visit to relatives there Mr aad Mrs AM N- wbt-rry wtre he Tueeday to at end the Le-juard Ta.lor marriage. f- Mr John Heweltof Cartent Lodge SSd Messrs Geo'ge Wl lis and D O Bell ofMoiehead City were hero lam bun day. ; . Mr Jno 8 Mortoi wasln N Bs n on business yrtt erday .Mr teicy Archer wh whrs been lally ing lumber for the Clm City Lumbar Co returned tobij borne in Now Barn 'yes terday Mt J H Davis of Beaoforl apent Tues- djay with his aan, .Ijlarry Dvis. i Mir J R 'Mhhoq U hi New Be-n to day. ,i . Makes a Clean Sweep. TThere'e nnthiog like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Rlvea you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica balve Is the best -It sweeps w ay nnii cores' Barns, Sores, Bruises, Cats, BoIIk, Ulnrr, bkln Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give sallbf action by C i Bradham, Drngglst. A Gloomy Weildliie Gift. Two septuagenarians have Just cele brated their golden wedding, and among their many presents waa one from n tombstone manufacturer, whose gift took the form of a tombstone with the names of the couple engraved upon it It will be at once erected upon a spot which the recipients of the gift have selected as their last resting place. Liverpool Tost. Animation. HIMINOKR. This la the beainnlna . loaa of flMtl Mturauy iraUy (allow a, with pal checae, ooa the laaaulahlns; Dodf la )uat it (or a ebroalo eouah or anaaraia. ana rlatit ar alavaat aov awre aarloue allmant- ooteuaua the weakened artm dHfU Into .owe dleeiaa, aootatlmea Into another, out what wd would emphaekaa ta that the Mania potnt la a lowarrd state ef vitality shown bv the (aillns appotK Bad toes ot Scea. Now whoa yoa raalhve that your child hoada the aoartehla proprUe of ood Unr ell to racaln Ua Wurt vlcnr and etraaaia. what do yoa think la the bnrt plan te wurHuat a a. Interior emu talon ar the beet emulatont , Of eourae you will ie tha child' an ewelatoa, fne atmnat everyoody knows aea tha Ibis le the beet form In whtth te adeilnlMar the ell. It mehea the eU Betalahle aad eaay ot difaetioA. Uy ail anoaae set the bet mutUiti no nay can buy fnr that delicate child. tea t be the nIt thln( la a lunatic ' When your awa child's bMlth le at ataka. OaemuWo aad foal aafe, - Oroatulrma Is the baet ewiulalon of e)-tnr oil ka the world. . It le a rat linpmwraant ever the otd-faahlonad wiu I wma, hlns htada by a OJwh Ira. yrnrad arorxaa, and M aa much Ihrlr an. twrtor ee th locnmollve I eiiparttir t ' the ptase at'. Too wort atevaa. ' '- Irnrfit aMI fraom'iWIoa at te eenta an4 IU If Vrar dmaftal dora fmt a , I fifneulaloa n etnah r eaa aoally ordar. It lor yea, or If yna tr a amatt eare. Bla, f a-a what It le Ilka, yoa raa eb lata the earn by mtinnln the name of thia (MtiMr ta whirh roe rA thla ad rvrtkwaat H . , rMCH CCT, SV line u hrw lerli for Drunlccnnccoi Cur end HarmleM, tVf C!r j tt : 1 1 f X J D i J 1 U i ill? liLl , g-No remedy ever jret discovered bJ tnet'with such sjr--popular favof as S. S.S. ' The people everywhere indorse it J)fe nod there are, few homes where o. not known and u&ed. It is superior ia many ways tothoordi- oary blood medicines. , In the brat place S. S. S. ia a guaranteed purely vegetable compound, made exclusively of medicinal roots selected for their wonderful purifying snd tonic properties that act noon the blood, purging it of impurities and restoring it to a healthy, natural condition. At the same eralavatitm imnrnvn. the sliifrcrish t i it a i t., ' Krrrm err n ami vicnr ann nerrer neairn follow th use of S. S. S-, as so i1 frAnffilninrr ftrnnnr fnin.rnta urriirii I"" """to fc " i -6- ugvniiu iancTin other ways damage the syBtem. For diseases of the blood, aoch as Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pim AX.WATS kshps s. 8. B. ON hand. c z e m a, Tetter, MontioaUo,ATk.,May81,1008. Blo Poisons, and other t OanUemen-For about twelve years I hare troubles due to impure or Fheen ualns your S. 8. 8. as a household remedy, bad condition of tha blood, 1 hare taken it aa a tonic and appetiser, and be- no remedy acts so promptly fUeve there is none better. I have used it for my . ,l,,XK1 . o c o ehildren at various times for little skin eruption., ?nd thoroughly as S. S. S. idous anapouons eaaaea oy piayins wa weeaa. " -Dn itu, my standard, never mind what is the long-standing cases, upon matter. If I use a bottle ot B. 8. S. it tones np the which the ordinary potash system, cleanses the blood and makes me well j. -n. J , wain. A.anall-roundfamilymediolneloon.lder and sarsapanlla compounds 8. 8. 8. the beat remedy of the kind that have I liave no etiect. Even where ever used, and generally keep it on hand aa a f am- there is an hprfriitnrv ilyremady. MRSV. C. WHITTINQTON. .. . C , a 1 ' predisposition to disease, S. S. S will search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison and build up the health ; it enriches and purifies weak, thin blood and stim ulates the circulation. Pure blood is essential to health. You can exist without good blood, but can never be robust and strong ; for every organ, tissue and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment, and unless this vital fluid is kept in a pure, healthy state, the rest of the body suffers and the system soon breaks down. Nature has pro vided in S.. S. S. a remedy for -diseases of the blood which long experience and a thorough test have proven superior to all others, and tbe acknowledged " King of Blood Purifiers." OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, in charge of graduated physicians, ft an important part of our business, maintained for the benefit of those wlio need advice or special information in regard to their case. Write 81, and our physicians will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA Get in Acme peanut-. D. L GORE COMPANY, Gen'l Agts. and Wholesale Grocor., Wilmington, N.I.C. OldHenry Whiskev is "pronounced by judges lo be ihe BEST POPULAR kit:K g.miU in the niH.rk.-t. QU LITY, UNIFORMITY. H K I I A IU I. ITY The winning joints. NTllAIT', IT8T & 0 , Proin ilor KlfUMOND, VA. Uji' n rcccifit (if l."c we will send ;t huge rinui'c o i xpic.-H t barges prep.iiil. '.Vi i'e liiinie iind i.ddreai plainly hi tl go " ti' are-t expreaH oflice. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO NAINT LOIIIH, MO HI ItiF.-T (JUICh KST.rd I'KhT KOU TF, ,7tihulcil, K i-nrr l.lKbicd Tia'n wild I'nUin.a ' lepp. r nn.l Dining i t. Th .nicti Hrknm'al h dlr cl ccnieciloni. 81'KtlM, llTK- FOH SKAHdN, SIXTV or KIKTF.KN IfAV Tl KKTH. fl'irrjn (! its ton from Norfolk, Va, '4 ?3 00. H'rcploH cr urcommod.i'nrn enfrtad upon application SPFCIAl, C4i.('l KXCUKSION8 on i.ltinrlr.eil dalen. ticket, aoo I for te i dayt at rate of tl7 00. Hp clul cc.orn modalloni nrranrrd for ritit. V K TllK C A O HOUTK nn.l purrhate your tlcketa aivrillojlv for couch i xcirloi rliri, rorrri' lon and olbar nforoiailon, iHitnr. W. II. WAHT3KN, I)p; KlrLmnn.l, V , ' .'V VH: Ii. Art C O. Mr . vrfolk, Va, Carolina Business College, "j. i i" .i-lfT '"I i .an i " ijmn i. 1 lb1 .p- 35 .I, r - , . , . I, ii. hp ft r aov iaroDlni ilalil rapid fof laa faaw aalo V JtVOW:inTIIi:TI3II5 XO IlICOIN , a(d aowp'aia ia o( osr eori iartof taa SPRiNfJ ia4 XlRLT CKMEn - -, Till: JXICnT and MOST KAHII.Y !IAfl- Ti:i:r:i) nrrnom ofrki.t .ad ";.- ariav aaal tr dTlopJ art tM la tfcU C -DafaaM U laairaiot la eteala Ml 1 kotow . , . ' ' ;- Tin: I)i::iAM Far looklcrrpcm"'and Mnio;;rnnlKr uorttikati iUU aU J Jtrft If tor tat Diooa is time, under its tonic effects the een- orcntna are toned tin. and r.nw.it .i , t . .. m ia rne resuir. No bad after-effects often happens with blood medicines rforanrrA trtA atrkmnr-ri ant livA.f in Peanut Roaster. U will pay yon better t in anything you liave in yonr stre 'I tie only lloaittir tli it does not take your time and uttentioif. No complicat i ns. ! olliing tn pet out of ordT I'ut your jieaimlH in, ii' t yovr lamp, and go on about your business until theahir.n is sounded, and then go and til n d iwn your lamp, and you tiave roasted pea. nuts of excellent lltivor. Hi ated peanuts pay a prolit of 00 per enl. !t in t'ie 'Hand Wagon ' at ouch autl i ereasn y ur bank ac count. A ny one i an sell peanuts, ami veiybodv eats teem, even i lie Ki g- and Queens. If on don t si ll them, lieyin at onre We fiirni h 'lie Koa-ler corplete Vliee JIT .Odcliv. ted. V ile in fur circular. We are also largo handlers of rrt yr-.