The. Kind You Have Always Xiuc-Lt, and M'J.i Laa I t in use for oTer SO years, lias borno tLe) tfsnatara cf , jT '' ' rr ancl Iias been made under Lis ' i fiPL ij&-f-fo.. " tonal supervision since Its iaOif " 4 Tu?o UcMZ , ; Allow no one to decelre you la tllj. - All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jost-asgoodMare fccS --, Experiments that trifle with and endanger the lieaUi cf -Infants and C3illdren--Expeiience against ExperimcV What lo CASTOR. A - Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, fforict Drops and Soothinjf Syrups. - It to Pleasant.. IX ---vj contains neither .Opium, Morphine nor other 2?arcofJo r . substance. Its ttgn is Us guarantee.'' It destroys Worms ? and allays feTerishness. It cures Plarrhoaa and "Wind ' r Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation . : and Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food regulate tlwhf. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural atetysV a- - The Children's Panaoea---The mother's Friend.. S9 Sears the Signature of The Kind You Haye In Use For Over Vhc ocntaum ejoMnMf MMftt There s Room ' ' ' "" " " " ' In The Great Have you -vt-r nonld tad the great advantage of this fea ture of the South st plenty of elbow room where three, flva, iven ten a :iea mv ba bad at the price of a single acre in your home "section f Ii's worth coneldeiing, especially I e.- the great proiuctlve worth or the land Is taken In ac count. It's a wonderfully fertile se Hon. ' There Is no bet egrlj tural e iIod In this con' try, and farms are cheap out tber s-la Arkansas, OkUhoma ana Texts -simply bt caue ibtre are more firms lha farmers- Can yon afford ti overlook an opportunity of this hind f Our illustrated h(o lets will give you the particulars in detail. It not luierestel younelt wrte for then anyway In behalf of your lesaavored relative and neighbors. (Mention this Paper.) om; hbei PLUS 2 DOLLARS!! For the Round Trip mi i j rr'X t .1 M I P1MIHI' I r lr" mini 2 Ljp"J Tuesdays of each L. G. DANIELS, Sale Livery And Ex change Stables, ON CKAVEN ST. Cnntant y In stables, Stock of One fsrm and driving jLoracs, and draught mole. Chop for cash or on lime with good psper. - See me before you Buy. L G DANIELS t APurlifcJlCa TKAnr MajWta r a . DCttMMO "fMlO ' cow La nTon amalna a aattiej aa4 aartatfcia mm ral.or Mtuii mt .lit" frae " ae Ml. IU laMknt tm Malt - - . Scientific Uniertel . - niJl m ii.1l, I41 raw: l'-r noHW.Il aaMkfBl. n. i-. ward Atorn7 tt lsw,'i J , 74 Kr. fmn Hi , Cpp. Delet CraMtswka f'trnart. UrBi. ioaa. OmIaw, fsif. mi. P.wltro. Ilrwn. t nr aivf .abe NOTICFJ, , 6 Houaes ti rent. .X lor $3,1 $1,1 $0, 1 $8, ami I for $6.50. -CAU in good locution. - ; r ; 8co 163 South Jfrni St. for IntormatUn. " . . Ono Mowing Itachlno and Xliko for filO in '.rood orders : ' V ' 3 4 Alao. 50 head ol fine ; hogs lor Bilat, -' v c tiiJCi f nils sTuteiU tiTthy gts tltt hsvltg MhH re Hil f ue 1 1 f r io sVre i"tH iae lr t-re ti-i' ! Isf si Le A-wUt!". in "''J-a Ii - tsade for a fli(!".ttU fiT' -"ft lag letks ra'ae el the ."'i'9. OKa.'R?ifr;i Always BopgM 30 . Years. tsmccTs mv votM vns - For Success ".v. . J. .1 Southwest: W.'T, SAUNDERS, D P A Richmond. Vs. JOHN SEBASTIAN, PaaaenffBr Truffle Maaatrcr, CHICAGO, ILL t i;niviuurijhav jcmuAjuu la UK. u 414 MdV kM, iM T.k M iltatilWl HIII SWUt.ttaM M UMiM bom, iinIlniMiTMl44i tan Mall. lt.tMl3Bakk.Ull. MatfcM wh MUjU Mi VVireiiig For Electric igh ts Persons wishing their bnlldlngi wlrei .m i i.. ,t...i . I wtlj please make application la wri ting. Any complaints for defective lights, laattentlon of employees, Ac. If made in writing, to the Commlssbn, wlQ re ceive prompt alien Hon. Address all communtcatloae to the Becrstary. ' ' WATIR LIGHT COMMISllION, ltGriffltlBU Notice of Dlswlstloa. ' Koilos U hereby given that the co-part nershlp heretofore existing between the uaderslgstd George 8 Wilcox and Gey tl Lane, seder Ui Iflns name and tlile of Lane k Wilt ox ku been this &ar dis solved by aruUsl consent. . v r - fAU debts dae by the firm wtU be paid by. sad all debts joe te the firm will be eebactad by Osorye B Wilcox, Gay 0 Use this day retiring froevsald Iras.- - Tbaaklag oar patroas tot favors berf. t afore exteaded to the . Iras, and solloli let their (olsre pairoaage for . Mr Gae ! IWUoof.weA wiu bersaftsr eoedaet sad eerry on the busloess at the sum stand. - - .JaeiWtk.Wl. - '. " f-. 1 Yiyrwpecifsny, I - i- . GfcY'oVUHeV ::. ..' ; 01a p. wixcox.i iBirnest Al. Oreerr inirj,siiifmriiui, rofr, ,vhzvrjiiiw, K.b VTsIl eqqtrW to Kaeeh t Uas by raseoa Of meet jear etparteAfle le the offloe, sad RfgUarr of Vttif Prartlers le ine Unnru or Craven, i aaea, , raialleo, Cattarvt.Osie, of k "Tr snkae are rjlr4, . ' ; ... TOT iL!iL mm - Oaaa. pure whobfra, taa'ati be rlnaalraJir taante (mm e u U4 ssd fiS Irnm Iwrmrtiae. ff4ny Uadat asd fri-ftr.i for hanaa ea. ewwpti'ni. Jr 4li vared dallj (S0 ft famiiMpfy IMtolem. r-iatTi (rUtl tm'f) 7 a as so It t ooew For yrwae as 4 t as Wke. . . A :.:;, 1Tct7 Bcrns lea Co. RugscI 11 t r.zAvroiiT, (r.lrt!!j J-viiid. AU t'er WrU . 11 1 . It a - t . . iiruer "W fca ... m i- I 1 -. J y i 1 All great cooSsgTatlous that are t-' tvu'.l w!ih loss of lire bate, as a rule, ! tlielr terlo coui'c as well as tlielr tragic tncldeuts, Maty peculiar ecr have been reconittd, bet ti e f allowing t'.-jvj Of bow one woman and her two chil dren were saved front death la the awfjil horror of the Iroquois theater In Chicago, where ao many hundreds per ished In the turr leans of flame and papJCj a told by Mia Elisabeth A, Beed in the -Chicago fiecord-Herald hortly after the fearful tragedy, la nnlque In many waya:' f-. , ' i ; ;'. Mrs. Henry Stirling, with her two Children,' sat In the fateful Iroqnola tt eater on that; dreadful afternoon. Little Bob was next to the aisle, then the mother, and Dorothy eat en, tho other aide. ' Beyond the ilx-year-ol4 girl there was a vacant seat, but Uttls heed was given to U as the Bpectaealar drama went on and the wondering lit tle folks looked open eyed npoa .tha scenea beta .them. v,5W feti "A At lest an uncertain step came down the : aisle and, a ell dressed: man lurched Into the vacant seat,. The ear; tain was up,jut he was aa-old theater goer, and as the extravagansa was not entirely new. to him be turned to the ehlld."; Her confiding : Wof reyes an swered bis appeal for friendship: there was wonder in the expressive. Uttl face, but ao ,fear, even when he yer- -tnred to lay a caressing band upon th - Mrs. ' Stirling shrank ftomrils eon tajnlnattng touch upon Dorothy's heail He saw or felt her loathing and said brokenlyrDont yon be 'Xrald-ish all right-all rlght-Hiweetlsh ll'l girl ever I shaw-sweetlsh fi'I girl ever I shaw," ' The gay 4trema, went on, the crowd cheered, Ihe i children clapped: tnelr bands, and their merry laughter min gled with the applause, but the stran ger still kept bla bleared eyes upon the lovely child. : Every few mlnntes his hand wopld stray lovingly, ever -the sonny bead and some, expression Of endearment would fall from bis uncer tain lips. At last Idrs. Stirling caUed the attention of an usher to the pro longed: annoyance; and a remonstrance was made, but the answer came, "You go way ish all right all rlgbt sweet ish ll'l girl ever I shaw-sweetJBh ll'l girl ever I ahaw.??,. i.' -.-.. y t Again the big hand touched the gold en hair, and this time it strayed down ward and took . the little band In . lov ing clasp. The cliUd looked fearlessly into his face and smiled. ' V . - ' ' The mother grew more and more nervous. ' Again an usher was called and a complaint made. The slender young man. looked at the big fellow and concluded that pradence was the 'better part of valor," so be went to .consult "with another; about effective methods of getting the intruder ont of the bouse. .. . :r t The stranger looked at ' the stage again; this time be saw a tiny name 'rapidly spreading to the scenery. Ris ing Instantly, be took little Dorothy In 'bis arms. Stepping beyond the mother and unheeding bar frightened remon s trance, he swung the child upon one shoulder and with the other' -hand caught up little Bob; then with both pt them pressed closely In his strong is ne waiaea oaf or me nans. p 'doubly frightened mother-Involunta rily followed him. This precious Instant was the mo ment of salvation. Another minute another half mlnute--end It would bave been too late.. They bad nearly reached -the . entrance when a cry of horror rang through the bouse, follow- ed by screams o(.terror and shrieks of : Without further, volition of their own they were swept into the street .Wholly dated by tfea awful shock Mrs. Stirling pleaded, '"Put them downput them down new,"' "No, thesh an right Where do yon nt to tor - MPIrht an Bight up this wsy to the Ashland block,-, she answered. Then the strange party poshed on through the crowd : which was . already rushing with helping hands to the scene of the disaster.. ' Lurching from one side ef the walk y the ether au4 apparently" in con stant danger of falling, he SOU carrtefl his p redoes hurdea - safely-' Dnce 'within the .protecting doers of the great Ashland Uoek.tfce elevator ens iled them to s of the higher floors, .Where airs. Stirling rushed Into her hasbaada office- 0704, OV Henry, the theater Is burning, and this man has tweugbt the chOdrea nlT r Although bot half 'coorjrebendlag the horror, tsw father put his hand to his pocket and drew net a twenty ol Wr bUI, wfelch he oQarsd with prafse thanks. Bat be and hat aooney were alike Ignored. - With S, majetrje sweep f the hand the drasken here enewt ed, ?Oe wsy 1 don't wsat your money-go wsy-tbssh all ritt-thh the sweetish 111 gtrf ever I ehsw-eweHSali Tl girt ever 1 thaw," end then he stag fared eut ef the eOce. ; .... 1 !aat Colnmbne dead, popr. ; ' -P TWay,' certainly he's sm4, years and years es4 years ego. j What pet each g sjnesrioa Into year head, my soar Wby. the tittle bey what sits nH to ane to erbool said bis father sddrva. ed a letter to Cotawbus yesterday . "Where did h send ft, soar : . T Te OuaV Tonkers Utstrssase. , , trail sT"tDs parrot wU) any I told re ee. Win sad the parrot wilt ey i 'dwarrre rr"Ut. . We are,- wrv-mv j ectonaly, Snet ef aa, parrteV:bocl- Nmrr- .. iters FiCa"Ii kLiULTA. (.! t la-mslrr CI - 1 . -S . r : ) i v ,.. . : i l rtt Cv-.u.i- i:. a i..;a;ua Ure, to whU-h fc.t a become Immune, Is ciadiy to hliiL From Maud wilder loodwiu's ."Four Boada to Paradise" la Century. r ' J v ; i ' . f -r r A Easy Umi, "I am supposed to die of a broken heart," said the unmanageable actress. "Now, how am 1 to know how a per son with a broken beart behavesT'. r. Til tell you what to do,'' answered the plain spoken manager. "Ton study the author of this play after he sees your first performance of It" - V . ? good ImiTsrJ ' Good sptrfvi doat all eome from Kea- tucky. Their main source Is the liver and all the fine spbits ever made la the Blue Grass Btste oould not remedy a bad liver or the 1 buodred-andoce HI effects It produces. You cant have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time, Tottr liver must be' In. llae condition if y on would feel buoysnr, happyranq hOperul brlKht of eve, light of step, jsigorous and surxeMful In your puriuTu.. UTou can put your liver in fine condition by Oilng Green'sAugust Flower-jlhe greatest of all medicines for the . nter A ana stomach and s certain eura for dyspepsia pi Indi gestion. " It has been a favorite house hold remedy forjoverthlrtflti Jears, August rjower win mase: j out liver healthy and active and thus Insure you a liberal subplr of gobd sn!riuk? Trial else, 880 jegulsf bottles 76o..f 'At all ... ' BalarsiD til. CbCBt. - 'Ass one can Inc-ease' the size of bis chest 4we"6r three Inches In as many months without the use of nay appa ratus or'niecbanlcaj coutirivau(-e what ever. .When he' rises In the ujoniing let "him go out Into the .purest air .he can 8ndralsebls aiiua to 4Ue height of "shoulders"tlie palms downward, then, .while.-Inhaling a, deep breath, gradunlly -extend 'tbemupwird until the backs of the bands touch above bis bead.'' XK':thls a. dozen' times j every morning; and the result will be a chest development that will surprise any one who has not made the experiment. A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble. When the stomach falls to perform its functions the bowels be come deranged,, the liver and kidneys congested, causing -numerous . disease, the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded The Important thing is to testore the stom aoh and liver (.0 a healthy conditton,and for this purpose no .better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. An Idol'. IiOhir Slec In Pocti may be seen an English sen try keeping guord .over a Burmese ldoL The Burmewe believe tlio Idol is asleep and- that when he awakes the end of the world will come. The sen try 'is there t prevent-any one from entering the pagoda, which Is bis place of repose, and awakening him. . His slumbers have lasted 0,000 years. A Vrleadly Call; TJttie Tommy Mamma, may 1 g(M over and piny with Mrs. Nexdoor's chil dren r Mother You hsve never cared to pley with them. Little Tommy -But my ball went over Into their yard, and they threw It back to me, and It was all sticky. I guess they've gdt some candy." TIME HILL COME When This Advice Will Help '" Tory few Saw Bart people are entire ly free fross beckerhev It dees not take maeh to derange lh kWneys. AlltUa eoQ. a strala siocplsg peaUioai or hard woik, eemxMthsae daBcate org las, sad aasy ecsee sad palas preaptly follow. A Baa wall knows la Htw Beri UlU fnt how every kidney ill ena be re- Beved asd eared. Bead about Itj , - r . 3 B Ccrtos, farmer aid hmbtrmea of Depps, M O. savvc' i ' ? -w .fclolIred for years with my back. It was so bad that i eould not walk uy distuce nor svea rise la sa easy baggy, I do hot U Us re I a!d hare raised lea pounds ef weight front the grousd, the pais vu te setere, Tktt was my eoadi. tioa when I begaa uitsg Doaa's Iklssy PUls. "Thry qsktly reUsved asoaad aowIaaitetertrouhUd aelwaa.. My haokts tuong asd I tan Walk or tide Lt diaueee sad fel it as stroeg aef OUtasety Bre year r- Itklaa so ach ef Dosa's I idasy PCls that X have gtvea a sappty.of the naMdy to oae ef teyatlgBSorsead Uey have lUofeaad grx4res!te., If yea ras sift asyUlsl from thbtswhlltg acta thai will be of set tervke roe er to. anyone CXir Isf frmsi kMae UosUlee ere st libel 1 te 49 K.M . - for sale by ail Aaalara. fpaa M ceats hex. Foetee-stnbara Co. Y, SU sfnts 1' ; tUeebet , Ue te aexhtr 1 Doas'l Sad T I If k. 1 X Ui r t ' ' t, i. -1 IDE i f ! - r I.. :. i-ec jminf , r i ..; li n t s tt yy to -all, but tLe steering and : .... f i .. " -t ta tie cri,-. J makes its anticipation oner of tniseTj. I... . . s's 1 1 is tie os.! ti oaev! which relieves women cf.thn fteat 'faU asl d.- jar tt; tin hour which is dreaded as woman's -severest trial is cot only made painless, but all the danger is avoided . 1 its use. Those who cse this remedy-are no longer -Respondent or ' gloom ; nervousness, nausea-and other. distressing-conditions ara.t orercoc-e, the sstem is made read for the coming event, sad the . serions accents so common to the Loar erst obrlated br tho cse of ft -a of BloUter P 1 sight la gold," 1,1 it. $i-oo per it A ok containing;' j I'rtJSJ. : "It U worth 1U we . - . tars man who have used it.. Swfl a Armm itnrM T4aa1 Mmtltninir".' Taluahle Information of .interest to all women, will - ? b seat to an address free" upon' application to, .1 , 1 I " . - Ilcarleetce Her Fer Fanaw''.vT A Beautiful Ernestine' was sobbing as though bee heart would breakCi '-"What Is it, dearr asked her girl sJwhy,'? ehe sobbed, i t-tbld lack, after be, had proposedV to go up and aeo pnps?:2X,-.' 'JtuH- Vt rWhat;ot ' SWhy.they I. started playing . cards, and now he goes up fo see papa every highf-'V - V;. ;- and you are already half educated'. A strong desire to be or to do any partic ular thing, accompanied by effort, mul Uplies your power- and throws wide the door of opportunity that leads to the accomplishment of your purpose. Success. .. ' :?" '" '.' Best CooU Medicine For Cbll- . ... , :. flreiLO ;. 1 When you buy a -cosgh : medicine for small children you want . one in which you can place Implicit confideaoe, You want one that , not only relieves but cures, Ton want one that Is unQue tlonsbly harmless You want one that ts pleasant to take, ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of. these con ditions There Is nothing so good for the coup hs and oolds incident to child hood. It Is slso a certain preventive and cure for croup, and there Is no dan ger whatever from whooping cough when it is given. It has been Used In many epidemics of that disease with per feet success. ' For sale by all Drug gists. Caatoma or Japaa. Japanese ladles are like the ench In their love of social Intercourse snd conversation. They pay fewer Visits, but stay infinitely longer, always two or three hours and sometimes a whole day. They are received by the maid, who places a large silk cushion for them to rest upon, and much time Is spent In detailed Inquiries concerning each other's family. There Is no spe cial calling day in Japan;' They visit when their fancy takes them, end they never go empty handed to a friend's house. The gifts are usually fruit or flowers or perhaps a fresh flshv and whatever they take Is always dainti ly wrapped in a little box of paper or wood. Notulnf EQualto Oumberlaliis, Colic, Cholera aad Diarrntea Remedy for Bowel Com plaiats ia CblldreB. "We havsussd Chaavberlalaa Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for yssrs," ssys Mrs JB Cooke, of Mederlaads, Texas. We hare given It to all the .children. we hare used other medicines for the lime purpose, but never found any thug to equal Cham berlaln'h If you will nsa It as directed It will always care." For teste by all Droggista. , Hart II Haaaaad. Hawkins-Yon took out of sorts, old wan. What's the trolinJeT Parker 'Just tost ray new silk umbrella. Haw kins-flow did It happen T rarkee Fellow that owned It happened to come la the .office and recognised It Stockings were first used In the Slav enth centuiT. .Previous to that doth beads gee were warn on the feet A Cur For Headache. Aay uas, woman or ehOd, shffsrtaf faoea. heedaebt, bfJloasness er a OH, irony feallai skotld take one 01 two of Da Will's LIUte tarty Blseta aigkl eadmoratag. Tkesefasaou lilltepUto are f asaoma aecause they are 0 socio as well as pUL , While tUy .eaaae Ue systsn they stmgthen and reUQd It by thatr toala sfisot spo the nvsr sad how eU, Bold by F I Daffy. NowlGraiii-i:-:' : :S:ST0RE, ' ' - I hare euened.t Oral aad Fted Btere at lte tt Mlddte Ureal, sad CI keep Cora, Dais, OroeadFeed Bra aad ike Beet ThooUy and Itevtk CartitsaOsy. ClLL aad rVee ate, ' 5a .nid'dlc; street, A Good r Telcnlionc A tr.-"'.--"! A 1 t 'i. A toa. :rr. r. a t l9t J critic al there p 1 f .... .1 r .-ir-il'i'J)': per 114 V T. A. Green, Press. - . "; yj . -"1LH. Veadoara, Vloe-Preat. T. A TaralL Caahlar tt ar- - ' ' . e---i Do deooral Banking Business ' ' Surplus and Cndrvi- -y 4ed Proflta, $22,000.00. We will rive oromDt and careful atten tioa to all business entrusted to us. We lnrlte your account Try us. L aVaarS at Mraetan. . : fStuuaae Outefe J. A. Meadows. -aaaanel W.Ipoek OhaS.B.IWwiM. S. B. Meadows, Ohaa. DiiSir. Jr. James Eadmond, Mayer Habn. - w vnunnr. 1'noaiaa aeA.arraan w.amauwooa. u. a. for. . H.Ivaa. - W.r.Qroekatt. Mark Disot st- XUBTJUSIT Carolina dispatch link '. AND ID 10 DAILY liUaTE. rSIIBHT fc PASSINGIE, For All Point North. Effective Oct. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NETJSE is scheduled to sail at S p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday, for Elizabeth City N. O. The . Steamer OCttACOKE is scheduled to sail at 8 p m Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday for Elizabeth LCity. . a . ST Freight rooelved not later than ont hoar previous to sailing. For farther information apply to GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. K, K. Kno, Gen, Mgr., H.O. HtnijrBOen,Frt.& Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va, W. & BUMMEKKLL, Aas't Oen'L Krt. and Pus. Agent, New Bern, N. O. Publication of Sum mons. HORTH CAROLINA, ) In the uraven uoonty. ) tsaperior uourt. Before W. M. Wat son, 0. B. 0. 0. J. McCarthy, Administrator of Jihn y A. If artla, deceased Wniiam Martin aad Lassie Martin, his wife, Hannah Ward and William W ard, her husband, hf X Teatee aad John Teatee, her hus band, Martha Diionand WDllsa IMxoa, her has band, Btrvey Martin and Psaltrsla Mar tin. To Harvey Mania. It aoDeartac to the satisfaction of the Court by affldavll that Uarvev MarUa Is noaweeldent of the BUU of North Car eitna, yon are hereby notified that a sum mow una pouiton tor eew or res estate foreecoto has been duly filed la the desk's efftoe of Craven eoeaty, N O, la the ahwve entaied action by O J atoOar tb. Adsalalstrator of John A Martla. I on era aereoy aounsa 10 appear oe r ore said Clark at the Court Boasela New Bern, 0, est Monday the tad day at May 1804, at U e'eloek ss., and ans wer er dssaar to seia petinon as yoa may oeeea beat, otaerwiae tne prayer oi tte petitioner wui ae graatea. It le ordered thai tab notlos he pub lished oawe a week for ala weeks In ue Hew Beta JoaraaL . This lsth day of Xareh ltot - W. M. WATSON, " Clerk of the Baperloi Court 'j Notice of Entry. ' Bute of' HOBTB CAROLINA) : - &'J Craven, f Te O B Waters, Entry Taker for Cra sn Ooeetyi" The undersigned If. M tea Pastor of Cram eoeaty, North Car ollaa, e ten aad lay s elslmio the follow.' tag described pleee er pared of lead la He. oae township, Ostso oouaty, Bute el North Carallas the same belsf recent and eaeppToprtaie! land aal subject so soiry.vlw ksowias the Bryan Baker, tract of Wad ettuale la Craven eoeaty Btase of N. C ea the eeatk side of Pst sseUo 6 waasp aad edoUtaf the feeds ef 0 B WHlUms, Wat Lewis, B F tHaklas ssd Others enoUtalog tr eetlaMtton ality (W) tem asore or lasa. SsteieJ Uts 4tk sy ef Aprfl 190C- ' ... . . M UNCAVTXtt, fins rural i hlism: Dr. Wi::'sak IkJUsi rile Otntmeet i'.l iir t'.'n f !. tpg. TJVarakad and ti?.!-g I'i!. It SSrl'S tlve tesaorS, ; js t' s lul.irg at oaj, Haul poal t a. tfS U.i'r.t.r,.i. eld ky t 'linlnl-tratora irotlco f ! - 1 !;.." "t f.l i I ! t' .17 tr--'" ' -I f ! ! ' ' hi n - m 1 n U0U0U01MD (k '-ar- -. .... - - - .: . .1 '.ivery, Feed, . Sate tr.d Exchange - ; LAEQEST AND FINEST STOCKIOP- HOIwSZS anad. UTCJ 'Ever offtred for sale in New Bern, A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Fuggiee, WagoiiBHamsfl.", Robes, Whips Cart Wheels, Etc. J. A. JONES Broad HU AusMencketi & Bro rndkera, Bdlto.Md. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, In the Craven Couktt ) Superior Uo urt J S MIl!er vs Mamie B Schenck and Husband, Wil liam Schenck and Thomas C. Howard. To the defendants Mamie B Schenck . and husband, William Schenck: You will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County, for the recovery of the following personal property, to wit: two mattresses, one rocker, six chairs, one safe, two bed springs, five rugs, two toilet sets, oae side board, two lamps, two easels, one bat rack, one parlor Suit, two bedroom snlts, of five pieces each, two door mats two pictures, one glass, one table.twenty four yards of matt ine, sixteen yards of carpeting, five yards of linoleum, being the same sold to William Schenck by Dlalntlff about September 17, 1902. And you will farther notice that you are re quired to appear at a term of the Super ior uourt oi said uonnty to oe neia on the ninth Monday after the First Mon day in March 1901, it being the 9th day of May, 1904, at the Court House In New Bern Ciaven Count?, said State, and answer or demur to tbe complaint In (aid action or the plaintiff will apply to tne court ror me renei ae mended In, said complaint. This 4th day of April. 1904. W- M. WATSON, C. 8. C. THE WINTER REPORTS SOUTH BX4CTMD BT Southern Railway. The Southern Railway announces the sale of ronnd-trlp Winter Excursion tlckts to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October 10, 1903. The winter resorts of North and Sooth Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting totboae In search of health or pleasure. In these States re such noted resorts ss Plneharst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Summervllle, 8. C, Charles ton, 8. C , Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick, JekyI Island and Thomaavtlla, Oa. Jacksonville, Bt Augustine, Ormoad, Daytona, Palm Beach, Rockledge, Miami and Tampa, Fie., also the resorts of Nas saa aad Cobs, best reached via Southern Rail way. Tickets oe sale np to and Including April 80. 1901. limited to return nnlll May II. 1901. Bouthera Railway affords elegsnt train servloe.wlih ths latest Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cera, operated through batweea principal cities sad resorts, ele gant Dialog Car service, and sverythlng for the comfort snd pleasure of the Ira velar. Ash Bearcat Ticket Agent for farther lafonnetloa asd descriptive ltlcretars. The Calf CMsf Retorts, Mobile, Htw Orlcau, Mexico aad Call ton la Southern Hallway. Winter Tourist tickets now oasale to the noted resorta of the Oalf Coast aad Mstlco aad Callforala Ticket oa sale vie Southern Railway ap to asd melodist Aptfl 10, 1904, limited to May 1, ltOi fot return pasesge. Elwi at traia servtee. The routs e the Waablagton ead flouthwestern Urn liad" aa4"8osa MtiltsO." Ask nearest Tk. t gent for detailed b formal loa and 04 nr wMlar, noTtticutu's.' ' ; . , aa4 "Sippbir Coaitrf. U 1 v I v f " " - -- . " - . " "s ' ' ' " tn tEFU WDTItA htSOIlfl. i ths fot them lUUwsy reaches the kiael winter reerru ef tbe "Lesd ef the 1st" M "Psrt blreCoestrv," laclwllag llaaVrwevt'.,.ket ft, G. Brevard aad lks Totsvsr. TeeeHwstaftf tklse tioa I asparaiteM, sslisble forts valid S'.htatS "t lfoTUwe, S4 offers ery thrm (A SS Wal Wln'ar Hanrt. E)e ftat t-nttit aoU. Tkmegh llseplsg t't r ttw.ip .1 rUf, TnuiM Tkkfiii t Mlekl very U rsi't. Ak iHjt Tlrkat Afet fn !' 1 lfn-,!!-e sad SaatrlollTS ' 1 At! iu J ni :! x NoUco, '-' r.!!rlr! ef !. Ir Is Is V T A. & N. C. R. R. TIKI TABU NO. 33 To Take Effeot Sunday, Apl. 10, 19C4 at 12;0i;A. M., E. S. T. QoingEast Sobedtjlk: Going Wet t No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 00 8 69 LaQrange 10,88 4 22 Kinston 1019 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 00 6 60 Lv. " Ar 8 27 7 16 Ar. Morehead city Lv 6 GS No. 6, Passenger Train No. 8, Passenger Train. Ar,p. m stations: DAILY. Lv. a. m. 8 00 8 18 8 28 8 87 8 48 , 9 02 9 18. 9 80 9 60 9 54 ..Goldsboro 8 80 ....Beet's 8 08 ..LaOrange 7 67 ..Falling Greek 7 47 Klnston 7 87 Use well 7 26 Dover 7 17 Core Creek 7 00 . . .Tusoarora 0 60 Clarke 8 4k Ar. New Bern, Lv 6 80 P. M. Passenger No. 8. Sundays Only Ar. p. m Lv. New;Bern Ar 614 ....KiYerdale 6 47 Croatan 5 48 1010 a. m. No. 7. Lv. a. m.- 10 20. . . . 10 40 10 48 10 68 11 16 11 SO U40....Ar . ..Havelock , . . .Newport ...Wildwood Morehead City Lv S 86 591 5 15 4 40 FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 2d Clasi. Lv. a m No. 9. M Class Ar, p m ... 260 ... 2 18 ... 208 ... 1 88 .. .12 18 ... 12 01 ...11 01 ....1040 ,...10 10 ... 964 .... 920 ... 8 08 .... 780 .... 7 18 .... 700 .... 624 .... 07 .... 6 68 611 Goldsboro 6 46 Best's 9 19 LaOrange 6 27 Failing creek 7 82 , Klnston 7 40 caswell 100 Dover 9 40 core creek 10 10 Tttsoarors 10 89 dark 'a 1100 Ar. New Brn,Lv.... 11 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 1 12 Rlverdale 1 SO croatan 1 40 Havelock 00 Newport, Lv 0 Wildwood hS Atlantio 9 86 .. Ar. Morehead city, Lv... 8 00 ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv... r. . . 120 . 460 A. . B.L. DILL, & A. N1WLAND, Oeul Bupt. Master TransportsUon. A. P. Hr LLEMAN, Chief Dispatcher. L.B. Habicht, FINE Lager Beer The Finest liquors god Wtnaa. Hebioht'a Key Wast, Hahicht s Teo Cent rerteetos CIQARfl, Oomer B front and Banooek Streeea, New Bern, N a F. X. Ilmaene, A. D. Ward 5IMT10NS dt WARD, ATT0SXI1 nafl CODIIIL0U at LAW. sTW samara, . . Ofloe Bemoved across Street te bee X : . ttory ef Ho. ft (above Tslagrspa Uf i lee) Bosth fmat Street, ncx, H - ..; BotelChaUawls,. , . rraeUcw bt tie eoestUe of On tea. eo aad wake, la the gipi e aad ret eruuotna,en4 whaswm desired.,. ; ; , Admlolt tratora Notlco Notire ts hereby ftrau that havelhle day (asl!8a4 si AdaUslsiratot of the oe late of Bollaad Knee, aafiese.a. AH peraeM tedabtad to said estate art reqeaated to make lwavllsas pay. .s4tewss InMIsg Sftlatt fatnat M Mtsla are ot!34 te praawnl U.a iirs n U.e Sr'.fi'fsa't daly Tr1 t4 aa nr rfi.fe ar-a I'.th, Jv 5 r his : a'..; be j 4 le bo tt re- k;IVirh:ih, p't. r. t.r.'rx, A''n!t.tttralne. 9 '' a p '-- t

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