CRAVED LODGS K. 1 KKIGHT8 OF UAIOIOy. ileeis tna and eta Wednesday alghta U aac taenia ia Eountrae's Bail, Pollock straet, at 7.90 o clock. t!mul B. Ball, Fraaldeatj J. H. Emit. bcCy B.B. El naandal Becreury. .. ....-..v-- Iciez t Hew AtTerttemeats. Waited. .".v " Fo? ConUble.: V - ' t " Wanted to Bant. r . J 8 MlUer-Kow. ' . , Ohrlrtlaa Bclenoa lctar. ' Q A Nlcoll Fire Insurance. - - EatonWeddlag Blags. V . - , - "W B Smith Oo Crockery.' ' : j Notice. , Barfoot Bros BpedaL v J L Baiter Attention. Bread Bt Fruit Oo-Ioe Cream. 8 Coploa Washington. . 1 Davis' Pharmacy MaJUardi Candy. Simmons & Hollowell Co Two Spaclals. .-'''" Business Locals. ".' HOW Is the time to prepare for the sum mer, I have a complete stock of freezers refrigerators and coolers, such as the ?i Peerless Iceland freezers and the Labelle refrigerators. Every one knows they v are the best that the market affords, Any one thinking of baying anything along ; this line will save money by seeing me Wnre hnvfnff. YonrB to vleSSS. J S Miller WANTED Skirts and : bind, repair, clean and Front 6t. Clothing, to re press at 147 So. j- WANTED TO RERT-Furnlshed or ' unfurnished house of about 6 or 8 rooms locality must be first class. B. A. Strlck "ney, Hotel Chattawka. ,"WATED-fLady or gentleman of fair education to travel for a firm of $360, , 000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year arid expenses: paid weekly. Address with Stamp M. Percival, New Bern, N. O. 'CHOCOLATE, Vanila and Pineapple ieam today at the Broad Street Fruit Co. FOR RENT After May 1st, a nine street, with all Inquire of Wll- : tX'"- Ham Saltan. ,' .'5 FOR KENT Dwelling at eut uroaa leTCCla f ITU iUUUH Tf Sa Tt aaiva. sewerage. Enquire at 78 Broad St. .. J. 8. LAND Is conducting a hay and "grain business in connection with his wood yard which is in the rear of the O. K. Laundry on Middle street. Call and see him. x SPECIAL Sale on Pineapples today. Broad Street Fruit Co. - HOR8E8 CLIPPED and nicely and quickly done by Power Cllp- ;f ; per. Call at S L Dill's Livery and Bale Stabled. J L Robinson. "8EWINQ nektly done by Mrs Annie KIiiIod, No 183 Pollock St. MOLASSES and Chocolate Taffies. Ba nanas and Oranges, etc., at McSorley's. '"j WOULD like to mention a few nice things LowneaJs Loose Chocolates, . 'A Nunnally's Package Candy, Fine Frulf, - Limeades, Hsavand Tongae Sandwiches ' .Trash Oysters. Try me. I will try to please you. James B Dawson's, 108 , Middle street. Phone-809. ' .i- FOR BALE Awery yaluab.e paroel of property. Apply for paitlcutars to J D BarHeld, Broad street ' RAILROAD MARKET I hare opened ' -a first cleas meat market on Queen street, tear of Q W Pope's storr, and am . ." prepared to furnish all kinds of fresh ' meals and sausage. Prompt dellrery. J . A Swart. OUAUANTEED Sugar Cured Bams at " It OU lb at the Oaks Market 010,000 for $310. Baal Estate Is the Royal road to riches It la ta safest and most profitable In-Testment-for people of moderata meana There U potltlraly no element of risk, whether you have $10 a month or $1,000 a month to Inyast. Bocosss Is as certitn " aa the rising of the Sdb, prorlded yon In vet at the proper time and la the prop " r place. There la ao better aor a mors pruper place to Inteat Uaa la Chicago anbarbaa raal at lata, aad a qnlckly aa Joa ca. The op porta nit y la aow yonrs 'or a short time oaly, a limited Baabsf of good slsed lota aaar Chicago, will bw , eoid for $310 oa the easy saviors plaa ol . IlOemoith. For fall paittoalan aaa yalcable Information apply to JNO. R. OOLLIN3, Agt for W. M. Oatraader. , r rhens 114-CllT. ' k Kew ProfcMlon. TLs government Is at' last coming to the baowladse of bet duty to protect bar paopla from Us robbery and Isjary done thr-m by those incompetent ne well as those not quipped to fit .lasses Correct If. Bills era being rapidly paasad It thereperata Btetoa, oaelsaowpeariltf in oar eWtf tHate Virginia it establish andmstetela state board of eiemloers la order to deetda who Is proflciaal aad loticinds those who are not troastka nw frofeaslM of ptoaaeiry,. before hlcfe ever out wlahlag to aaU speeta iit wl'l hat to pae aa aiemlae Mon, It Is a saatter of a short tt waea tnrh tews will pwism enlvtraal r 7 be praotloa of (rptoatatry ( a aaparsta nd dittiMea from last of martlctae, l Ten as datitry nwilrts specl train irr aad roli to f II an 4 mateiMiti . . dm t aa rf tome Hit to fit speotecba. . . ' .,40 BiXlttt. :i ' "1 . 4 ... - -j Packed and " -red 35c qf. lit e.Li.r t- .i l-t aJ ar. The meotbers of the teeth grade went oa a picnic to Thuroan yesterdays The amateqr Xsbing season Is la fall force- Soma vary good catches hate bean Bta4a.i -.' r, ' ' . Oa aecouit of her machinery being oat of order the itesmer Nssse will not anifa today, - -.ii' .' V, .;. : Ths metcantlle goods of L f Taylor, of Core Creek who recently failed were old at auction by Mr B K Street y eater. ,The straw ride Is again popular. ',"AU most eyery day one : can see a gladsome troop of children ensconced la a wagon makinc she welkin ling with shouts of Jay., i ? -'.y- (Hon Chsrles R Thomas hu introdnood a bill In the house to allow one copy each of all newspapers and publications rated as second class to go free to actusl subscribers. Considerable trouble Is being exper ienced with fareet fires neir Tascarora. Farm fences aie telng destroyed and In one case a farmer's house was set on fire but timely wnrk saved it. Sam Wlker. whose name has often appeared In the police annuals was up be before the mayor yesterday. The charge drunk and disorderly. He was given the limit of $10 and costs or 80 days la bor on the street. By special request, Paitor William H Rich of the First Baptist Ohurch will preach a sermon at, 8 p m, to Thi Car penters and Joiners Union. His sub ject! "Jesus Tho Nszarene Carpentsr." Publlo cordially invited. A new wholesale store Is soon to be- Instituted. Messrs Mark Diaosway, J J Baxter and Alpheas Dlsosway will en gage In wholesale dry goods, shoes and notions.' The location of the store is yet to be selected, The capital Is $25,000. The last six days la which to pay your poll tax, and thus have the light to vote in State snl Nations elections this year. Failure to pay this week does not forfeit the Sheriff's right to collect this poll tax. It must be paid this week those failing cannot vote this year. The members of local union No 140 1 of O J B of M A are requested to assem ble at their hall this evening at 7 p m for the purpose of attending sermon to be delivered by W H Rich, Middle Street Baptist Church at 8 p m, W F Pagh, Pres. 0 P Arnold, R S. The United States Supreme Couithas declined t interfere In the esse of Al fred Daniels, sentenced to hsng for the murder ot Senator Simmons' father. An attempt was made to get a stay for exe cution. The date set for the hanging May 19. will not be changed. The United States court begins here tomorrow. The docket is much smaller than usual and It is probsble all the bus iness of the court will be disposed of by Wednesday, Judge Purnell and the other officers of the cotlrt are expected to arrive today. The report from the country dlt tricts is to the effect thst the frost bss killed all the truck. Potatoes which are the hardleat aie rulnnd and of course the smaller and more tender vines hsve been likewise affected. Borne farmers came to the city Friday to order new seed by telegraph. Their supply was lost. Still more honorVEive come to our athletic frier. d Devlin, Yesterday's Journal mentioned his good work with the New' York club In Thursday's game. In Friday's game he made a home run with three men on bues. If Dev keep's this up throughout the season he will have a splendid halo. The score ot the of the game waa New York 18; Phila delphia 9. Devlin's hit turning the tide of success. Blcknell Young, O S B who will lec ture on Thursday night on Christian Science Is a gialuate of the Metaphysi cal College of which sirs Eddy tho rev ered leader of the great movement- Is president, also a member of the Board of Lectureship of the First Chur'sh of Christ Scientist la Boston. This board Is composed of Christian Scientists wall qualified to oorrcot mtsappiehenalon concerning the subject and Isettsb liabed for the sola purpose of glf log the press and publlo aa opportunity to gala correct Information concerning this re ligion and fta meease of peace to all the world. Mr Young Is a gifted bril liant young maa', Lit roios being si says remarked upon aa saost beautiful for putllo speaking. , A rare treat Is la store for the oommually. OAOTOTAlA. sWftss ) l 1st Jraitwrn Bonpt Blgaatus ef Tbe A t K ClfiTeatlntloa . The work of the In vastlgattag commit tcaapoa tha affairs 'of the A ARC road, has practically conpleud Its work here. Ths accoaataata are still at woi k apoa the booki aad wtU -likely be fdf a week or (wo longer. ' ', ' Tha cosuslttaa has take atl the Ue tlaoey ksra, aad Is going over It, gltlf f It inch aomctlosi pr retUlon as Is sisfi ad to toake It eoaspleU la the flaaTT- port. '- .'".' ;'vV f " " 1 . Attention ItizM p Pyitlu I ' ; tea art raqaaetad to laasl a i O Bex ten to tea la ae Ilea of Charaa, Capo flea aad Bauoas, at cnoa. - AiienuuB G41FtllQw anl Kaootl ' Too are rtqqeetad to mas t at J O Bat I titaiN bis aw tin, of cbsrsa Isptl pins aad baltoas, at oaoa, ' ., - ... Saw Hits, etc. . : if j oa aat a lu.w U ', Faey Vast, a Nsa Rhirttr a-y tblag ela la ke fa alilfni Use, we eai sapty yea with tks goods. ' , ., K.W. ARMiTOSO. L- i .. : I .... '. Year. . - ' The base ball nutlets hsve been aroused by the advent ot warm weather. Wa are gcing to have soma good games Ifthoro who care for the sport will "come serosa' and ahew their Interest. We have an excellent amateur club and also we have" the refusal of some good grouriUs,int frs e, for three yean or mora The principal difficult now Ilea In putting the grounds la proper condi tion for pleylnK." J ' J: ..; - The amateur season., will begin In about three weeks.. TEere win bate to be some Hvfiy Sork -donr to get the grounds In gooi order by ; tastdma. If this la done the publlo can bo assured of some very Interesting not to- eay excit ing games at reasonable periods during the mwmt,i5xff j-. Tberejrlll be a meetlniqf thoM tnte ested ia base ball affaire -at the Naval Reserve Armory tomorrow ' (Monday) alght at 8 o'clock to ' disease this queH tlon. Grading the grounds; making the grand stand and a. few other necessary repairs will require the outlay of a It ti expense. If all Who have the Internet of the game at heart will heed the ap peal abi contribute something t tho ei pense It will not be hard on any one. Turnout tomonow night and dla cuss the matter with the boys. : JiBt tts have Borne rousing gamcrthla sum mer. THEY COME AND GO. Mr Bates Warren of Washington, D C Is visiting friends In the city. ' Miss Mary Bn an goes to Go'daboro this morning to spend the day. . ' Miss Rebecca Attnore hu gone to Fay etteville to visit Mrs B R Huske. -Mi Kate Carraway who hu bo m tha guest ot Mrs M D Nelson for several weeks, has returned to her home at Washington, N C. . , , Mr J Mack Hudson of Jacksonville was In the city yesterda y. Mr and Mrs David Holland and Mr Ed Holland of Swansboro were vlslton la New Bern Saturday. Misses Agnes and Annie Foy went to KInston yesterday. Sheriff Biddle went to Dover yester day. Ex-Sheriff W B Lane who hubeen visiting here for several days has re turned to his home at Perfection. Mr Cbu A Floweraand daughtw,Mlss Clara spent the day here yesterday. Col R T Gray and B O Beckwlth who have been hen for aeveral weeks la con nection with the A&NC Investigation left last night for their homos In Ral eigh. , Mr Will Lane of Perfection wu In the city yesterday. Messrs W H Mills, J F Cox, Joseph Fulcher of Onslow county, arrived lut night, to serve u United States jurors this week. Miss Lula Kate Mewborn who hu been the guest of friends here returned to her home Jn Elusion yesterday mora. It. Attention Elks I Yoa are requested to meet at J O Bax ten to see his new line of lapel buttoas and fobs, at once. Cook-BelL At the nsidenoe of Capt Q W MoLane In Putts Gorda Fie, at S o'clock P. M Monday April 18th 1904. Mr P. A. Cock of the above named town and Mlas Bo ben a Ber, formerly of N. C, wan happi ly married by Rev. R F Hoalksr, rutot of the Methodlat church of Pusta Qorda FU. Tha groom 1 1 a prominent ba nsss maa ot Punta Gorda, and tha bride dsugbler of the late Cornelius BsD, anl w lfe, ot Carteret county If. O. lav mediately after tha oenmoay, Mr' aad Mrs Cook, teft on tke North touad train for Bt, Louis Me, when they to to visit the great Ei position, sir Cook, be lag pne who hu a car load ot Florida Exhibits for said E ipWtiloo, they wlU remala stoat tbns months tnd ntuta lag sake Pnnti Gorda thstr futon home Tho writer wtakes tbata saooaas through Ufa, bsvlng a aow a the be lie well ia her If. V, homo. - -April lOta. O. W. W. For Bible Stolents.- Ercbaoge. What chsractar U thsrs fa tha Bible who possesses ao nana, wao'suffrrad death ia dlffereal torn fnsa eaylafllcs ad before at aiaeo that time, aportloa of whose' abroad la la every household, and the cacti of whose 4 alb hu baaa asade f amoas by , modara aa thoif .. . i i .. Cotton rrotpecti anl Acrcar e ' ' .. . , . . . i ... r. reports from the f trams ef Uls iaa tloa all show very favonble ootbsk for as tt seaaoa'i ooltco atop. The work at gttisg ground law shape Is anahttg good progress, aad tha eeUasate la for a bolt iftaea par cant iaort Sse la aera- age or r last year, .' -" -lj r - ' ' ' - O BawssW . .ef v UsM 1m Itra t'm fmfr Kfn't Oifotd. ' AU tks asw stytas la Tat La aad Tsa Uxfor6s have arrivtd, U.s elbrst4 'Ilobb Bhrt." ' - - Z. W. ARKBTIION'J. trr-itvrx Him U9 -:-.. tuc......r Aui.....y of tlirlit CLurth fc.oJkj Tee proceeds wen tor lha Thomas- villa Orphass at Charlotte.-v , ; . . -- -. to visinna acisn . Another esjoyable eveat comp'Imtn tary to tha visiting ladies of Raleigh wu the party given by Ml Mary Oliver, Monday algnt Apt 11 19 A. Her home wu beautifully arranged la "arUitlO dis play of all tha spring ftowen and the dining table f aa exquisite fa Ui deco ration of American beauty' rosea. ',8ixhsnJ Euchre waa trie game of tha evening after whiah prizes were gtven, Mn Jno Dunnjocaivlng the first prize and Mrs F. 8.- Duffy, ; tha conscdatlon. After tho game delicious' refretbmehts wan etvodv' 'f ;-?V".V,';''! ; rO"'"- :'v irJMirn'MDV WT-FABTTV-.i.' ' .V? Lut Tuesday a picnic wu given to the charming gueiU of Mrs Dunn, who hava been Visiting, U , tho : city f r leveral weeks. Thii plaaiant affair, wu given by Mrs. G. A. Nlools, In her captha launch. . ' The party loft aari In the mornltiK and want I J Balrds Oretkfor the day. The guests ef honor won exceedingly pleu ra with uo scenery along the banks of the old Neaaa. The day wu perfect and all retained late in the avenue In high spirits aft't the much enjojable outing. HBS NELBDN, BRTEBJAINB. Jita. M D Nelson, wu tho gracious hosten lut Wednesday night at a de llghtful card party given at her home on But Front Street, " The enjoyable event wu complimen tary to visiting ladles. - Tha rooms were attractively adorned In spring ftowen. Cards wen played dartog the evening and after the game delightful nfreshmenta were serve!. TO UBS IIOOBK, MreJamss Biddle, entertained with delightful hospitality a number of her friends lut Thursday afternoon at a card party. The enjoyable occasion was In honor of her guest Mn B Helen Moore, of Dur ham, V. C, Six band Euchre wu played and Mrs, M. D.Nelson, nor I red the first prize which was a book, Lavender and Old Lane, and Miss Moon, won the consola tion which wu a huge bunch ot beauti ful Parma violets tied with ribbon of the same shade. After the game a delightful buffet sapper wu served. F BID AT IIQHTS, EATEBTAIHMBI1T. The performance at the Opera house Friday night wu one of the moat enjoy able event ot tho week. Editha's Burglar recalled much com ment for lbs good acting la which the pathetic little story wu portrayed. The soenle effects wer very pretty and ar ranged with skiufulneas and tare. The Cinderella Pantomime by the children took wall-with everybody, the lovely costumes, artistic Mean and tab leaax greatly pleased the patrons and tha acting of the little ones caased much menlawBt. - The specialities wen good and added to the enjoyment of the evening. Letter to Blades Umbo- Co. Nsw Bern N O. Dear Birr Tha ataal way to buy paint Is to take the lowest price by the ga'lon Mlstekri the buyer loses by It; how near Depends oa the palai; It la so saueh a gallon, Or ao mach a year. How ichagallqa or year, do yoa think? As much psrhaps, ss the total prion of tha paint. It may take twfae the Bomber Of gallons. N Avery, DelhC N T, owns two hous es, both exactly alike. Be pslatad oas with Davos and one with aa other pilaL Drvoe I gallons; the other It - Go by ths namai Devoe. ' There's hrth Isf obiipar. Go by the pilot tbere's nothing dearsrTexoept not palallagat alL" ' - Poor palal Is beUar ihsa aoaa. -What does It eoat aot to 'palat at all f Oast flfuteh out eiaotly aay ateath of Ike bulldtsgfc year, be ildas looks.' Wha IS Mr palat worth, IbeaTDoat kaow aad aon't carat you doat waat Ik Ga by the aaasa.'. IToanWy" ; . W. W. Devoe Oa . MM-! ! lew York. P. 8. B. W. Baasllwood sells oar palai ; 1it . . .lUBct u Uiivtnltj Alunnl. - . 4 Taabsaquat gives by the two sielc tUe to their aromal bm sabers, wtU be oa Monday alght of ookmsaaasaeat week thie yar Tha Ink at these baaqatts wugtvas last year aad wis Ihotoughly eajoyadby both alassal Bad itadaata, sad It la hoped thst ausy alsmal wSQ to praaiBt this year. It la ahaclauly aae fstarffattbetnaagasisil aoeaastttee loh(Wba snaay wlUbe slJssil wbesipecttosUeaderenoeaV sdtsad thslr asaari (a tha aadsr.lga' ed u early as possible. Nsaaas must be seat la sot l Ur tUa May lSia. ' ' ' " Fasts KcLaan, Chapel Oil), . & . jLawBi. 'WskiS alolbf ptsvty fill una .l Ea'I.irs sal our Ha Wt strlpa lssi art m frxvl aatts tklf rtka oaof. , , Tf. AT'-" "TOJtO i V: Fresh 'Supply 1 I -'"W""a'"wwwfaiiawwwiaBeiS have the-following articles In Car Load Lots and Guarantee Prices as iSasKDAiraj Htnfls, Stoves, Kllfood ir Pence, Iiime, Cement, Plaster, Tar PaTifio6fing, paroid or Felt Roofing, Gould'a Iron Pnmi Pump Pipe, Wood Split Pulleys; also a Full Linepf Hardware and Mill applies. JPEIOES LOW, QUALITIES HIGH. H&RDWASX TSlUiddle St. -, pja.i.' Special To The , We take this means of informing our regular customers and the trade generally that Mr. W. E. Thomison the voniiA son f o tf wa nt herrick Fine Shoes for ladies will have (Monday) from 10 a. in. to 4 p. in. sam- pies of their tall and winter styles. We Invite all the ladies who want J Comfort and Fashion, in Foot-w at to see these samples. Tou can select from 4 these samples what you want and we t will have them made expressly lor you e at no extra charge. About 50 samples to select irom in all leathers, weights and lasts. 1 $3.00, $3.50. barfoot OL... oil eo n. iduuc I'll, luuuta I I ; i 0 n r.lqnday . ' We ofler 160 kiA isswsw car : IT W O : 1 1 Special I Mtlmeiy Only J Fancy Embroidered Dot Elbbon No. au, in ail the loading shades at c X iiie yard. o Bomo XJpoclai prices on Fhipps & Atchinson Ready-to-wear .'Hat i. Ask to co them". : ,- -.v"," r H Dry Goods Dept l , For 17c:lnc::!ay Only i i 7o c.Tor a lot or rino f:oft. Finished S : ''ctc C3. inches I 'k,, col I orr r-J 1 "I '. fn jnrl. - r.rn tlnplaycJ In' r- ' ' : ' ' " r-lto roUl until 11 last Received I' Supply Co., 3I1LL SUPPLIES 44 Craven M Phon131F.; IMotice on display tomorrow & $4.00 Pair. X Brothers, i o n....n . v.i 1 l l ci., uuiivsiic ariBcupsi luurcu eeeeeefaaaea. aiid nieces of AU Bllli Ladies Debt Tuesday ; j SpriD rYeather ; :at ; Last Waim Weather Is Here Now To Stay! We are prepared to skow l nil fflA V n I Y Spring Cloth: ug ever shown in the city, Sole Agfiils for Ilart, Seiner ami Marx and Sch iV loss Brca faiuoua Ready-to-J Wear Clothing. Prices J Tight and Styles up to the second. X No i rouble to show you the new O styles. 8 c. G. Vunn& Coj 0 X 57 Pollock SrM t New Goods At Low OUR STOCK OF cio ing. Dty Shoes Notions. Gents Furnishings etc. were bought before big advance in prices and it will be prett y ts your advantage to see U3 for any goods ou may ecd before b")infr, n advsiiic on former price. Our 40 inch White Lawns at lx'jc is better than you can get elsewhere at l.rc. Our Line of Silks & Ribbons is larger thuu ever and at prices never lieforj heard of. No. 40 All Silk Kibbon at 10c, ml shadef, 00 at 121c, 80 at l.rc. .Aguicy foa Clupprnheimer und Kissi hb im Clnthing. Douglas, Crosectj and and Kalstcn for ra.r.. Queen (Jn ility und K. . Reeds for wonun. J. J. Baxter. Now Is The Good SE R VICE and covering capacity are what show the pconomy of paint not the price per gallon. THE SHERWIK-WlUJiMS ritUT j wears longest and covers I most, it is uic oesi paini economy. Made to paint buildings with, i 8e balld ac la a Bara aovar ait W Pi D m B II sHv, nis'daaca. 4 W ftsart' OW u$tr, o c ro. OHRollMr. ' D f arfc. XraiOD.ff. W O Wlllsis, . W R 0a, 11 S DaTal Joas - lrRt Pi Issrosa , JBIaa., II A rixalaf. R A Kfcasrssoa, W Bartas, L A altb. Joaraa) Ufl)a. praabttarlsa Caarca. . Wai la, sl aoaaas. I ' at L B llsbkst, sit aoas'S, f ft I tarsi Ja Kt M B w.r. HAVE YOU HF-ARD OP IT? OU Painting Time. dyniuir Suppp;, OlSlCNtOS MAKEPS af FINE CLOTHn-0 Old Prices ! Goods, Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Mlslft!- HI. Full lino of Drills. Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. PIlJ Hlrllil.N Ir i HV-ii. oiin A HfieoinHy. A Full Line of BASE M L fioods iu stock, r. ncl in Transit. WM. T. HILL. ilft'M ll BlCTOUa, t, ViVtm. ( ran sis, I c . psd p nai is, ' n aM, Uionanr, a rrii isa tit Sr tto (IbODa. JnS "StirTIB Aaa I l tu Briar sUCrAoivm, Pkue ll 1 UCi:r H, E; W, SmallwoQd, rVnit tieta! CktUwta. GENERAL" liinnnunr - nrtnuvMnt. Screen. "WiroDeort AND LAWN 111IS and Windows. ' Tho lem Cavlog Qla rler Dcfrlgcrators. tm it t trrMt ui c-r urn fai.t

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