a -1. Aegetable Prep aratiorifor As- sLnila ting the Food andBcula- ting theStomacbs amBowela or Lataae! Promotes DigestionJCtieerful neasandRestontains neither Opium.Morphiiie noriinerab Not JJarc otic; .t AmmiM Dwiw liarf- A perfect Remedy forConsttpa Tlon , Sour 5 tomch,Diarrtea Worms .Convulsions .Feveristv ness and Loss or Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW "YORK. G2E Jill. EXACT "COPY OF WRAPPER. A 4144444444iA44A444444Ai 4444444444444444444r rTTTTf TTTTfTftTTm f fffflff f ff If ft tftif ft f l I Theres Room 2ai 'i mih.h.ii.im. i .. i i I, M I, . ..I, , iii i ureal nave you ever considered ho great advantage of this fea ture of the Southw et pltu y of elbow room where three, II v , even ten soies may bo had t the price of a tingle acre in your home section T It's wotVh considering, especially when tho great productive worth of the land It taken In ac count. It's a wonderfully fertile se.tloo. There It no bet agrlc i tural e lion In this couotry, and fsrms are cheap out then-1 1 Arkaneas, Oklahoma and Texas limply be ca i8h thrre are mite fur ma than farmer. Can you afford t overlook Hn opportunity of this klod ? Our Illustrated in 0(l's will give you the particulars In detail. ' It not Interested youiselt wr te for them anyway In bebjklf of your less fsvon d relative and nelhbom. (Mention this Paper ) ONK f auk: PLUS 2 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third Tuesdays of each Month E5PALTE3 L. v- 4f The rreat retDody tor nrrog lAsa orcrn or eltber sex, auch an Nervous Prostration, railing or Lost Manhood. Impoienry, NlKhtli EmlMlons. Youlhtul Errors, Menu) Worry, enewiTsaas of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. Wlth'every IFFTR IIINft 5 ordor we (ruarsntoe to cure 0 twies (or 96.00. 8old in New Bern L. G. DANIELS, Sale Livery And Ex change Stables, ON CRAVKN ST. Cnnlant'y In lablf',1, stock of Bos farm and 'lrlvlng '.horaes, and draught mulri. Cheap for cash or on time with good paper. See me before you Buy. L G DANIELS a Tmui. Man a Dcaaaite) Covaiaarr aVa m lilltIHi a arkMM eMb tnvpifin wtir imiW cnniiiiiis um himw win t nl ll . li i isas far.l li iwi for ii iun fnaai ui I krva MM a ub reasraj SBv4aH m)f, Mh " la tae Sclemiflc JUncricatti crMffA ftaMarMfts J,af,. fsWpOl tftr k HU m r( wmf ayai tasi fm-mmt, T araj.si ftl -a fr-tf tswie)e, $C Md f (fell -k' I D. I,. W4.I1D, Attoreay ot Law, 1 ', K- "rot rH , Opp. Oofs Chattawha rw hrrh, H. a rrm Onnlj Allaraoy. ''re It OtMw. Jossas, Oiaakrw, Cktra r-i. I'amlU'sx Qwwa, Lavwrfr, aawl W ara an1 raderaJ ConrSj NOTICE 1 5 Houses to rent. '1 for $3, 1 $1, 1 60, 1 $8, and 1 for $0.50. All ; la good locution. ;" Beo lD3 South Iront fit. for Information. ; One Mowing Machine and Itako tor $10 in good order, Also 50 head of fine i hogs lOr Bftle at ; BijT WS rortnfaTitsg3CT:r" n. y ThaJKinlYcui'ivaS toys Bc;. J9 For Ovor For Succes ' ! 1 mi i ouuiiiwusi VY.yr, SAUNDERS, D F A Richmond. Ta. JOHN SEBASTIAN, rtiienitr Traffic MftMaer, CHICAGO. ILL. f and vitality proatrstloo and aU dlaeaacs ot the senermtivt or refund tho monev. aou at auto per doi. bj D. K. DAVIS7 Vireing For Electric igh ts Persons wishing their buildings wired will please make application la wrl ting. Any complalsla for defective lights, Inattention of employees, Ac If made I in writing, to the Commlssljn, will re 1 oelve prompt atteaUon. Addrsas all oommualcaUont to the Secretary. WATER 4 LIGHT OOMsllflalOrt, It Griffith St. New Grain STORE. 1 have opoard a Grain and feed Blora at No W Ml&M Street, aod will keep Cora, OaU, Qromatl ltod Bra aad Ut Best Timothy aad North earotla Bay. CALL ad Boa Mt m Si niddle street, I Ernest Al. Qreen, : rAitoratrt Coaateler St Law. . fTsfl aratpd to Maoh Ua kv raaaoa of ray rear aipavi o 1 tho One. aaal aa Rfirter ot Do4a ftetlaelo thoOowru af Cravta,' J owe, Paaaliao, UsswarwV, trsalow, o whttoror sort tot art rsowtroa. . . v - . . 4 CUaa. para whr4aaneaa, taa-aataad to eotaeatneJir saads fmeaa eu.ix wewy sad free frees bwpariUoa. apaeially ta teaviad a4 prtrs4 faf aaaa ooa. rwiiwej . loe ..leered eUHy ( ft sVradart J IMMItav, fHradars (rfl oy1 f a at ta II aoea. yor pnoaa ei " vmi., . ' A' ..-, ''.was: Thirty Jears lilt VIM OBjSltAUa VOVMUMi IHBilfBWBWW-r't'" tit W. 1. A;;aocM t jljl., t . . ii - - 3 - .cie auch as i.rta U-t-ra. During tlie waiter luobiLa it ! Vty ccli boose arer made of bamboo fxsjaa work, plastered within md without with adobe mud. The root la thatched with' rice atraw, which la weather proof. The inki may he made Into cm room by the a&luig back ot ecreeellke partirlott, . jMCwhy these were introduced It ia tmpoeslble to say, for they arc bat rarely used, aa privacy la Mrer Oealred tn Korea. Thia opei apac become the Hrlng room, and : evoa vshea travelera rare passing along and muat .halt for he night they are Invited to ehaxe a com mon eleeplng place oa the floor with the entire-family. -The diaconifort of sack aa experience la extreme during the eammer. In the kitchen, -which la just without the living room, there la located a moat earlotia kind of etova. rota thia clar plpea extend: nnder the ; Boor to the Uvln' om They warm ine nouse summer ana , winter, ajiae, for lthaa&aver entered their minds, that 'some jaeane wcoaht ibe-devlsed whereby the heat con Id he turned off from the other anartete-fHonaokeejer. - ,Wshtoa'a rather. - Mr father, Augusttho, baa been do. scribed a a good plants and a than of energy.. 41 apprehendihat he was of a atwai Tenueucy, iot junwreucv, mjr brother, once gave me to understand toat moat tf ..thai few hooka at Wak fleld ware religioua, but whether thia waa ao or not I do not know. Like aome of the rest of us my father had a high and quick itipwhlcb,; aa b used to aay, ne Jutdi to keep uiuwuea I remember ttetog terrified a$. slna him h a, storm t anger because the tjergymea who was to have baptized my sister MHdred waa too much In liquor to perform the ceremony. From a. Weir Mitchell's ,The Xouth of Washington" 1ft-Century. ; A Great? Sensation. ; .: There wu a big aeBsatlo la Leea tille. lad, whoa W .H . Brows of that place who wai expected to die, had bis lite saved by Dr. King Jfow Discovery for Consumption. Be writes: UI endured laiufferable sgonlea rrm Asthma, but your New Dlicoveiy gave me Immedi ate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." : Similar curea of Con sumption, Pneumoala, Bronchitis and I Grip kre numeroaa. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and luog troubles. Price BOo and tl.OO. Guaranteed byC D Bradham, Druggist. Trial boltlet free. Mo DoaM That. "Do you really believe the average woman's reading of the dally papers la, proaucuve or any prontr' ' "Tee to the merchants who adver tise bargain sales." Philadelphia Press. ! possible. Doctor Tour wife must keep out of excitement Mr. Brlsoue She can't, doctor. Bbe carrlet It around with her, Indlanapo- 11a Journal Thsma-M. Thought la the tuost wonderful thing In the world. No-man ever kicked a bulldog alter stopping to think twice. Chicago Record-Herald. VafartaMte. Constance Tea, I married my ideal, Penelope But you didn't have to. True, but I didn't know It at .the time." Town Topics. THE TIME 1L Ml When This Advice W1U Help C3 You. . . . , - . Tan toty Row Bom poople aro entire ly free from bnekarha. It dot tot taka sioch toderango tha kidneys. A HtliS oold,a tarsia, ttoopiag poslUoat or hard work, OTortaxsa thoaa daUcate organa. aad auay psaoa and palaa proaiplly follow. 4 man w0 kaowa ta low Bora taUa yo how every kldaey Hi oaa ho rt nsred aad aarod. Road shoot 1L- - 3 B Ooctoth fame aad featberaaa of Deppa,ICaayi Itoffarad tor faftrt wttk my back. It wu to bad Uat I aooU not walk aay dlstaaoa tor ffaa rfala la aa easy baggy. I do.aot lottwaa I ek! hao rsiaodtaa poaadt of traixV frasa Uo groaad.' tho psia waa aa tovara. Tak waaay ooadi- Uoa whoa 1 asgaa ll Doaa'a Kldaey Pflla. ' Taaf alckly rslkvsd "mo aad aow lata aovor ttoaUoi oa I waa. Mj Waok, it atroag aad 1 oaa walk -ot rldo a Voag dlttaaca aad foal jatt at atroag at I 414 twtaty lft yoart' tgo. 4 thlak ao mack of Doaa XUaty PIlsj last I kavo gtroa a to pply ol Uo tossed to aooaa of tay athaota aad Uoy karo also foosd goes roaalu. Ifyoa eta tlft aaytklnf froaa UU raathlltg ao Ike win V- of aay tofrko to yoojot t aoyoao .aaffsr tag from kldatf tioahlo yoa are at Ubot ik 4 aa.-? jl .-v'.; Fot tW I3 4slar, PrtotUaoaU A hot. rotuHQrbara Co.JkfaIo,2L T, ask agaau t tho C B . , -. Ktaistibtt U4 aatas" poaal aad IslaMotaof. . . trvr . . I tv.:t wiuuat M rvk " bolt) r.T 1. xi ccicli:c!r.tl ut tu ' "; a ii tJ LiU Cons U.8 water from live acres. Ks wui,ea to J know whether be should use a tiia or open drain, and tftile how much fall will be needed, what also of tile should bo. need and how he should fix .the bead end of the tile, having to go bnt 150 feet to Hud urn outlet. : This corre spondent has Always lived on rolling land and does sot Uko. the -Idea ec a modhole In hla field. J- i-' Wo would by all means tile. ; An open ditch la a nuisance and ahould bo avoided wherever, possible. As to fallow would get all we ctmld-a foot per 100 feet If possible but would not give up tne project Ji wo haa onry an Tho also of' the tUoNleponda oa the J amount of wah Jtoat drains tntO'tua po&dand ateo upon thee amount of fall. A three Inch Jflo would probably do provided there was a-fall of six inches per 100 feet , We tp ould,' how ever,. Bot 4a kp an chances, as it la pwbable that the water from a good deal more than the Ave acres gets Jpto that mudhole. We wouia tlx ue na or the tut) ty making a catch basin In the center, ot the pond about a foot or wo deeper than the tile, awtoH brick Jhla up and coyer it over, run the main tile into It, and If wo-were oblige to use any laterals we would also run then) through tho brick, taking care that as little sediment aa possible gets in. If we did not have brick, we would use a barrel,' boring holes .Into it to admit the tile, leaving the head ao we could take It out when necessary to clean out tho' sediment which will settle In be low tho tile-Wallace's Fanner. Cenntrr and City. Waarea. Wages 6f ?3 25 per working day would, look pretty big to a good many young men in the country. Yet a Chi cago bank has Just Issued an order to the. effect that no employee who gets less than $1,000 per annum shaft marry Without permission of his employers. A great deal of sport has been made of this rule, but the fact Is that It la good business sense. The bank takes the position that a married man with an Income of less than $1,000 a year in a great city can too easily live beyond his means, in which case he may suc cumb to temptation, as many have done. All this Illustrates the truth that the cost of living in cities Is, as we have often said, getting .to a point where good salaries are necessary to comfort The limit may vary, we do not say that It should be fixed at $1,000, bnt tho fact remains that wages which look big In the country are bare ly Sufficient for a living In the city. This is a matter that ahould be better understood by people who are tempted by city wages to leave comfortable homes in tho country or In villages. Things are not what they seem" to the man who Is ignorant of the cost of living In town. Stockman and Farmer. Saw Them OK. - If I had a peach orchard two years old, of large, healthy trees, recently frozen, 1 would saw them off, provided, Of course, they were not frozen below where they were budded in the nursery,- I see no reason why they ahould not put forth healthy sprouts, which In time would make good trees. A few years ego a corner of one of my or chards was badly damaged by cattle. The trees were yearlings. Tbenext spring wo sawed the trees off a few inches above the bud. With the excep tion of one or two trees, which sprout ed below the bud, they put forth shoots which mado profitable trees. From my experience with these trees I would be willing to treat frown trees in tho same manher. A. E. Butberford in Rural New Yorker. Prtadplea aat Prclc. The question of soil fertility is the moat Important one befpre the agricul tural producer -today.. Fertile soil la tho foundation-of ibis business. When fertility falls production falls, and a nonproductive farm la about the poor eat property there la. But the mainte nance or the restoration of soil fertil ity is gorerned by certain principle which are not yet euffldently under stood or applied by farmers. If they were we ahould havo no fertility prob lonv Methoda may differ; aome may bo bottsc than others. Taeae each iodlrld- oal must determine for himself ; ho one also can do It for hint. Bat if he keeps the principlea alwaya in View be will work out the problem. - r The Fare Pawt. The postal service "waa more than a nojidred years old before the rural de livery idea prevailed and became an' established fact Tbcra.wero some ta obotract bnt tho pablle. eerrtos was finally pot ahead of . private lntorosta. Tho parcels post wUlaooA bo a reality. This WW permit tho firmer to receive at all floor parcels a thonga shipped by smraeav Tho rates will ao'ls taaa the ratoa now fMkftoa tocfa par oil between towna.Otiiy tho txpreoa compaataa nowvjrgaiuod and tho aop porting nOroadorrharatloof stand bo twota the people and the parcels post ayittn.-rrtn and Raftc. ' . M Kluhea 0fem. It U aboul hopekoo 4a urge that ftnaers pay mora a fieri ton to a kilcV aa tardea If tbo garden mutt bo raJU vtud with a hoa. But tate la not a. weary. - Moat gardaa crape rta bo planted In rows and a boroo tmpiemont used for aarrlng tho on AT and kpUig oowa tho weeds. Btranga aa It may aetri, taan farms do wot Mrs A food variety Of small fnrits or tvoa vofeta Ibka.' Thaos ran bo bad orttbont mock trotfhte If tho planning ta done before tho bnay swaara opoDO. Arvead Ar Uraltnrist ' - - Trcd.ct'j ' Cclchldnc SalJcyLte ? Ccpsulcj. ' A euadard tad Inf.llihle sort for Kit TVK TITM tni GOUT adore d hf rha t cirM micst SH'hofii.et tl turro tnj Awrk. f ?' i only U ;hrkl r.r,"!,,, h !' tolt la Hquidt tt the ttom.ch wimai tu.r. br(uili er nr'iK, rrtr rmia. fi' II bot.a. h4. tf tn$ 't '. gi-nu.ne. ., mtiiie. weiio. r 1. i irrr :. - ' UilminrUon TTarblo and ZLUZ AH2 iUXT sickly womea-bo-. twoea the ageaot 45 and ii, bqt there are very few Invalids oyer 65 and .60 jean Of age,. Tha diango,ef .life oomlng to A woman-neat her fortj fourth Tear, eilher makes her aa iaraM or gret her anew loaso oa life. tThooa who meet this chango Ja lU aeaJtli aoU 'dom Mvo tea 700x1 aftexwaxfl, whUo a woman who' lays add tho active duties of womanhood id health ael dom fails J6 lira on. In bapplnear, years after aheiiaj passed 60. s Thia k tanr a critical time. -5 MrsVLanra S. Webb, of - Toledo, Ohio, recognize the change of Bfe as a dangerous period , and she also has faith in. Wine of Cardnl. She writes: ' . "As I had alwa beta ttoubled mort or kta at, tiis manst aal prrindi I &tti6t& re.tla. we. ; 'I S I ! I 1 WINEofCAHDVI The AeMllenw. A lecturer, being unable to fulfill 110 engagement at a certain town, wired: "Impossible to come tonight. Oive the audience back their money." He re ceived the following reply: "We have given the audience back his money, and he has gone home perfectly satis fled." .. Prcnclilutf and Practice. The Rev. Mr. Saintly Are you young people coming to church with met I'm going to preach on "Love One An other." His Daughter No, father; we Will stay at home and practice what you preach. Life. One Done, 4h Other Not B;aai. Prlmiiri (looking up from Darwin' celebrated work) You're an evolution of a monkey, Secondus You haven't Started yet. Yale Record. Nothing Equal to Chamberlains, ' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Com plaints in Children. "Wehaveuted Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In our family for years," tays Mrs J B Cooke, of Nederlands, Texas. "We have given It to aH the jjhjldren. We have used other medicines for the same purpose,- but never found anything to equal Cham berlain's. K you will use It aa directed It will always cure." For ?aale by all Druggists. Public Hplrltvd. Little James (who Iuih an inquiring mind) Father, wliut lo they mean when they call a man public spirited? Professor Broiulloy Why. It utmally means that he Is very liberal In en- dyrorlng to persuade other people to spend their money bountifully ror tne public good. Women Are Sharp ICyed Gtr.li. Will aiiy truthful woman pretend that she ever stayed In the house of a friend for u couple of days without being keenly conscious of gross mis management on the part of her hostess? Liverpool Post. Borrowing Is not much better than begging. Lessing. mm feel tho exquisite thrill ol raothorhood with Indescribable dread aad fear. Every woman aboald kaowthit the) danger, pain and horror of child-birth aa be ontiraly aroidod W tho aaa at AUthor'a Friend, 4 scientific liniment for external ate only, which toaghcra and rssviart .11. Vt. .11 L. .-J . ... - " asatata Batore la Ita eabliaao vrork.' By Ite aid thojsanda of woman, have pasted thia -great crisis la perfect safety, E aad -frfthoot bain. Sold at (ixo ptr bottle by nggiate. Our booh U pkLea valoa. Co all wotnoa aant free. Address EAHxmtn ciioiiii iispitch;ui Ain - . , OjlofflionSM , V.rsTa - Mawsawawaasaaa.awaaaaBv'- " For All relnU Ifrth. i 4. , MrUvtCxjt. Ist,ia04.' ,T , r ssaaa.ao- ' ' ' ' ' T" The Dteamcr NETJ0E Is aehodskd so sail at 4 p. Moada; Wedaoaday aad Xrhtay, tot JOiaebtte Ottylta . ..;. -. , .fV.The-v;!' fltoamor. OCTtACOIO: ta tAU4alad 10 sal) a I at TWlay, Tkaradaf aad Aatahiay fof XlUabaU City, .a- '. t , Freight reossvori ' tot - later tha a ar, hoar provloei to aaUlBg, . For farther infrr.msiloa arT'7 k) , ,cr:g;nESD-r;o, a IT.'K, tllfi, flea. Vg f., r t ' , n.a iiui?tPt1c;.i.r)i 4 Tm.t , - .'- V KorfoUr.-.Va. t ' ,V; .,- t W,H TLX Jl HUtt, - At nl.Tr e4 law. AreaW fs.fs, Jf. 0. . P? '! I.Mvwyii t i r.r.AurnT, n. a, . v.a C-j. c the chasg of UU which wu fast aprroachmg. Tkll via ttlng whh a iricod I aotkad that tha was taki&f ywar This ofCrrJiL and ta was to enthusiastic about kt that V OtdikdlotryakittU. lei poksaxd some srfitf the firal " mooth, so 1 kept oa taking it fat thras mootfcs and aow I samatruats wrftk np putn and IahaJltaksMoflandMOow anul I hart pasted the cUiruuu 1 do not; drtai it aow. as I am soic thit your Tms of Csrdut will fcs oi 'great aaneflt It WlaT tilrtt " : ' ; .Wine ot Cardnl k the remedy to rs-inlorco a woman against tha shock that comes with the change of life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years oi suffering. In doing this it baa saved thousands of suf ferers Just In time. Do not wait Until suffering k upon you. Thor ough preparations should be mads la advance. Begin the Wine of Cardnl treatment today. A million suffering women have found relief in WJnefj&jrduL COMING AND GOING. Lord Fucssh had with ease obtained Mlaa Oatorblll a consent, Ar so net day. although It rained, To see her pa he went. " r The peer, with reveries of "dough" And the Impending bliss He'd have In spending It, you know, this. like steps the " up Went Her pa received hla lordshlp'd news With manner sternly grim; American men thus ran his vlew3 Were good ertoukh for him. Lord Fucaah ventured on a sneer. Papa, with ne'er a miss. His brogans planted, and the peer Came the - like Pittsburg Post Robbed The Grave. A startling Incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyet sunken, tongue coated, paia continually In back and tides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitten; to my great Joy, the first bottle made a decided- impiovement. I con tinued their ute for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know they rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should fall to try them. Only ftO cents, gutranteed, at C D Bradham't drug store. I'ut to III Teal. A great crowd hn axsemhU'd to cheer the boy prince Alexander on hla artlvel at Kclgrade by steamer. "Why do these people make so much noise when they see mo?" cried little Alex ander. "Iteoiiuse they love you. my lit tle son." Immediately he nlmost Sprang out of the minister's arms, rail ing out: "They Bay you lovo me. Show me your love by throwing all your hats into the water."' The bats were thrownrFroin '"Belgrade, the White City of Death." la the Joy of tbo household, for without it no happinoas aaa bd complete. How sweet tha picture ef mother and babe, angek smik at and comroond tho thoaghte aad aspirations of too mother bending ever the) cradle. The ordeal through which tho expectant mother must pass, how ever, (s so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hoar whan aha ahatl T. 4. Ureas, Praat. 1,11. Meadowi, V'lcs-rreeL T. 4. Until, Cashier. Citizens' Bank, C Jararw atarausr, aw. O. Do Oeoeral Banking Baaloaat fttrphaf and XJadM-' dad ItoJbi, laCTAOa ' We will ttre aroaapt aad oarsfsl aiteai ska to all aatlssse aatraatod to aa. , WelaTlteyoataoaoaaL Try as. S4 fW.aaS fwria) . A. M , Smaeeel W. Iaah Cltee.N.rewiat, I. W.lrr, B. V. BteaAtoa, 1 sue, sen, aUrl Uteotway. Notice of Entry. ' State W HOItTfJ CAROLINA I , f Oooaty ofOrarta. To 0 B Water, tatry Takot for Ct e tea Cotityi ' The aoAarttgaed K. If. Uaoastat of Crttta toaaty.Votth Car Oloa, as ssre aad kyt aUlaiM the follow. n dssotlbad pkot of parotl of kadla H eat tewsailp, Oivoa onaaty, Bunt of IfovtrTJW'ft m earns kwttg vaeaal er1 eappr"t rtaJ 1 Und 14 gahkclto r.i'rriostu U Bryaa Baker, i f '-ij ' au H Cresea foaaty u4ci rr. C. eaiiti tUe'efrsW lVda-aeats1 Msg Ua kadi ef 0 R Vl'tlMM, Wis Uls, 1 Y Dlaklee ! rnkott rtt('t'ag try - e-illwalloo vt'y I'l arrse anwe f oe:F:k it.; W fy frf 4 r''t i - . - ; H hi LABCAaTXli,' - pieyer atu, iViaaaa.: -LARGEST AND I ha Ever offered for sale in New Bern, A car load of eph just in. Also a complete line of Puggiee, Wagon8,rHart?H.' obes, W'-irs Cart Wheels. Etc J. A. JONEH oad Hi AuefLMencfem itidketrs Bdlto.Md. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, Chavkn Codntv ) In the J Superior C ourl J 8 Miller - V8 Mamie B Schenck and HuBband, Wil Ham Bchenck and Thomas C. Howard. To the defendants Mamie li Bchenck and husband, William Bchenck: You will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Craven County, for the recovery of the following personal property,- towlt:two mattrcBHos, one rocker, six chairs, one safe, two bed springs, live rugs, two toilet seta, o:ic side board, two lamps, two easels, one hat rack, one parlor suit, two bedroom suits, of live pieces each, two iloor mats two pictures, one glaB,one tablu.twenty four yards of niHttiDg, sixteen yards of carpeting, Ave yards of linoleum, being the tame sold to William Schenck by plalnttrr about September 17, 1902, And you will further notice that you are re quired to appoar at a term of the Super ior Court of said County to be held on the ninth Monday after the First Mon day In March l'JOl, it being tho Oth day of May, 11)04, at the Court House In New Bern Ciavcn County, said State, and answer or demur to the complaint in tald action or the plaintiff will apply to the court Inr the roller de manded In, said complaint. This 4ll. day of April. 1004. W- M. WATSON, 0. B. C. THE WINTER HESORTS SOUTH HRACII8D nv Southern Railway. The Southern Hallway 'announces the aale of round-trip Winter Excursion trckels to all tho principal retort of the South, beginning October 15, l0.f. The winter resortB of North and Booth Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially la v It loi to those In soarch of health or pleasure lu these Statei ire auch noted roBorit aa l'lnehurat, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Bummervllle, B. C, Charles ton, B. C , Augusta, Savannah, Druns wlck, Jckyl Inland and Tbomaavlllo, Ga. Jacksonville, Ht Auguttlne, Ormond, Day ton a. Palm Ik'acb, Hockledge, Miami and Tampa, Kla., aUolbe resort nf Nas sau and Cuba, licat rear hoi via Southern Railway. TlctcU on talo np to and Including April 30, 1901, limited lo return until May SI. mil. Southern Hallway aflorda elegant train servlce.wllh the latest I'ullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cart, operated through between principal cllloa and roanrla, ele- gsat Dlslng Car service, and everything for lb comfort and plessurs of Ihr traveler. Aak noareat Ticket A rent for farthe laforsaatloa sad deecrfpTive HUraUre. The Calf Coait actortt, Mobile, Mew Orlcsst, Mexico and California via Southern Railway. 'Winter Tourist ticket aow on aale to the noted rseorU of the Oolf Coast aad at axloo aad California. TVcktts oa aale via Boo there Railway up to aad laolodtag Aptll SO, 1004, limited to May II, 1904, for retain pssttgr. RUg tat tfels aetrtoe The roots o , the "WeefttNglon sad Hnalbssstsra Urn tvtd tod "Betas LlsaHed." Aak aearest Tick ' rent for detailed laformatloB aad 1 nfi" malts. Tacl4Bdo( lbs SI; ' ad "Siprnnc.Couolry. E IDEAl WlHIWI m?oim. - BTrJOsrUora RaUosy raheo tho deal winter reeoru of tho "Uadoftho yt'-rrpa!rtUooalry,"lBJw3l AtBWlli4,N.a, Rot fprfsra, K, O iUtaranavllUa, 1. 434 Brsvsrd aad take Tot wtr. laoelioiste of Ukaso tioe k ttparaWred, taUshle fot la valid athlatoar spovtsmaa, aad eSera rri tsena of aa kkal Wlsiat Botort. Kls sat toailat kola Is. Tkroagh gkaptag Cere Iroea rtiwli a Hllea, TeoHst Tlrkais bw oa ! a( vary low latse. - Aak erl llcket A real foe eVielled lafr-rwiall aal eaaoripUve !trwltri . easaaa3 FINEST STOCB.10F- A. & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 3ll To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 19C4 at 12:01.M., E. B. T. Q-ingKat Bohedtjlk: Going Wtft No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar. a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 05 8 69 LaGrange 10.88 4 22 Kington 1018 5 40 Ar. New Born, Lv 9 CO 5 60 Lv. " Ar 8 27 7 15 Ar. Morehead city Lv 6 85 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. DAILY. Lv. A. 8 00., 8 18.. 8 26. 8 87. 8 48. oa. 9 13. 9 !iC. 9 60. 9 61. 10 10. If. Ar i.r. a , 830 . 808 7 57 . 7 47 . 7 87 . 7 25 . 717 . 700 . 850 . 649 . 680 P. M. Ooldsboro Best's LaGrange ...Falling Greek Klnston Caswell Dover Core Crook . . . .Tuscarora Clarks .Ar. New Beru,Lv... a. a. No. 7. Passenger Lv. a. in. Sundays Only 10 20.... Lv. NowlBern Ar 10 40 Kiverdale .... 10 43 Croatan 10 68 Havelock 11 16 Newpoit . . . 11 SO Wildwo,. 11 40. ...Ar Morehead No. -Ar. 8. p. m 014 r, 47 .ri 4U r. 36 r. 21 FREIGI. 1. No. 1. DAILY KACt:-i 2dClasi. HL'NLAV Lv, a m 5 11 .. Ooldt.juru. . . 5 45 Beefs S 12 LaGrange. . . . 8 J7 Falling cr.iek... 7 82 , Kinston 7 40 oaawell 9 00 Dover .. .. 9 40 cv ro ere V 10 10 Tusca... 10 89 olark V ,o, 2. 2,' '..issa Ar, p nl ..2 50 . . i 18 ... 208 ... 1 88 . . J 18 12 01 '1 01 M0 1010 9 61 Lv 9 SO Ar H 05 780 7 18 7Gi 11 00 Ar. Nea H. 18 80 Lv. New i. 1 12 KiveriUie 1 80 cro 1 40 II 2 0U 1 Lv. 8 80 V 2 88 . 26 . 607 . 568 2 56 ..Ar.Mor- Olty.Lv 5 20 8 00 ...Ar. M. ouy Depot, Lv 450 a. . , 8. L. DILL, a A. NKWLAND, Oen'l Supt. Master Transportation. A. V. II' I.LKMAN, Chief Dispatcher. L. B. Habicht, Lager beer The Finest Liquors and Winoa. Habir.hl'a Key Watt, llahicht't Test Cent Psrfectot LTUAIUi, Comer 8 front and Uanoork Btreeta, New Item, N 0. r. U. aimateaa, A, D, Ward .IM rinMel m uiDn ATTOBRIi aal CODNIILOKt at LAW. aw a aaa a. a. e. Offloe Removed throat rHrewt to Bee Q aco) Booth rmat Street, aerA to Botal CaatUwkt, rVactlftt la tVa nnetaltaa nf fWaM Dapllaoaea, Oaslow, CarWret, rK r eo aaa wtae, ta tae sop reams aad ri raj ifrana, asa waorovor eorvwae ar aottrod. . a jii.tt. r.ii.. navtatftall dar atalUad as Uo IrJaifa Irttov oflao last WU1 aad Tssauaeet af Wat B htorrk, dtotittdll ptrsoat kav-latOr-latins tgalast IkO oauieof Usee" oVosewedteta aevey aotlsedto f U sea gily varl&ad to SsO OS Ot I iiB ey ei apra ix or uia a win at pisaoea ro ear Of laarr fewm All pewsoat ta4btad to eald SUi a kareby roqiMslod to tasks laaaad la I Umst. ' Ikktthdsyef 4r.l7t.' ; , ; -, a, m aptut, , . 1 . 4dmta1elrat'W, rni3i ritts 1 1 riitcu. J. TT,'"nr- J-. V. fi'-S rv.tTvar.1 ' - r --" g, t,tl td ' -' i ' I i - . - i a -I Administratrix Notlco, Tc!c 1. AU f. ""'1 t- - 1 ('..( e.-i!:!Ul as aaxttfitrstHt af R i A F .Bt, ia.1, UU to f t!ii Hc4xU lmy ftm U1 l.'trf i ; r ' 'r 'l r '' t t!f i!!i.i t? '-tt )ot t.rV"! P 1 ef ii f t t a. r' ' ' rf iv ?r,w r - - s ' - 1 t c t f ' ITT'"' ' ' T AT M.