-VOL. XX1I-K0. IB.; r;:;; i::; ::. c.,' satukday ncniar, apeil so.-isotr msTT-THiBp im -. 1" V"; --a :You can find what you want in kfelleotaar AT T M. MITCHELL & CO. I 2They have Just Received New Crushed JBelts in Black and ' white, also in colors. - " - ' ' ) r"-- '-,, , jewelry; . ' They have all the New Things in "Waist Sets and asb ljus, , : ' - ( RIBBONS. If you want a Beautiful Quality of Bibbons for : a little t money see them. ; What does a lady appreciate more than pretty Ribbon They are headquarters. Their line is' complex ; They Aavw, that handsome Maueseline Taffeta in all Bhades, Si inch wide, only ask you 25o tbe yard. Wevprepay Express and freijjjxt on all purchases ' amounting to $5.03 or over shipped ;o any place within a radius of ICO miles of J. 1 1G1LL k CO., PHONE 288. 42 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office EPSTEIN BROS, One Price Clothiers. is the very Best Faint made: It surpasses all other paints as to Quality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. , Leads, Oils And colors. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Vat nish Stains, Bnggy and Paint Brashes. 08 Middle St. Gaskill Hdw. & vHow wiMimMm have the following articles In Car Load IjoU and Guarantee Prior a Low ai eta U bought in the) Northern inatka at ' ': " ' 7" " ' L . V - 8a ib, Door, Blinds, Etovw, lUkrJ.f Fspcr Hoofing, Parold rump Hps Wood Split rnllere; alo Sorr'''- LOW, QUAIJT1T.3 UV'J.r I " Gaskill llda &' HVRDWARt 71.KUIJ14 8U , rhooe 1(7. it scorn If Tic v r $10 Flannel - spiffs Are "Vyorld Beaters. Strict ly Tailor Made. You should see them be fore you buy. Our motto, setiafaction guaranteed or your money back. EPSTEIN BROS. 72 Middle St. , Paints, Roof Paints, " . Hill Supply Co. JClIaood Ira Feaca, I " Cemerjt, or Fdt Boofiny;, On ' m rninj a FuU I.Inu ofXa artr nd Hi! L.'.'.l Go;, .rruxs 4tf r rhM r 1" it ins'Fiic:.!s, Plione 09. r ; foil;- J Lc: ;r s Caris. Special to Journal. ;..--. Boston, Ha., April J9.-KW Tork alts 8, errors ft. ' ' . Boston I; alts 0, errors S. . . ' .; - : . Batteries Willis tad Morsj, McGla alty and Warner. " . -- J- Vmptrst1Iorag, Zlnimer. ;-v . . -. - - - .ttclnnaU, pUo,'Aprtt 88 -Bt Louis UU 7, errors 6. - Cincinnati i; hits tt, errors 0 ., Bsttsrles Harper and Bchsf; MoFar-lsaddBjnu.V Empire OTay,, Brooklyn ts Phdadelphla, o game, wt (round. s ' i - - v if Pittsburg ts Chicago', no game, wet gronnd, " . i New Bern Mlisionary. A leucines been received from Mr Vass, written April lltii In Londonay- lag that he ezpaeted to .leave on the steamer Oeesalca April 20tn, Xor Amer ica. . He nu been la Africa nearly six years aid returns for a vacation, and to do special work la the Interest of a new steamer, to replace the Lapaley, that was lost last November, f - It will be remembered' .that there was rumor (hat Mr Vats waa amoor the number who were drovnad. on the boat. - ' " - . Later newt comes that Mr Vast has arrived In America anils visiting friend In Bohenecty N V. He wlU visit In this State soon. First Ananal Picnic. The faculty, and students of the New Bern Military Academy and Carolina Business College went on their drst annual picnto yesterday, which proved to be a very successful event every ene who attended having reported a de lightful time. . The crowd went on board tbe steamer 8, J. Phillips, up th Trent river ts Poll ocktv ills landing, where the time was pleasantly passed?, in playing ball and other Interesting games In which all took an active part. Mr Oeroek was present on the occasion and- took pict ures of the plcnio crowd and different sceneries on. the trip. A nice basket dinner was spread and enjiyed by all. Those who were present on the occaiioa ezpreu themselves as Jiavtng spent a very plestant day. Fei the return trip. The afternoon wai typical or btuny . sptlug, nature clothed in her verdant beauty together with songs of birds on the river banks the fragrant aroma of lowers which was wafted along the waters by the gen tle Drees added msplratloa to the al ready delightful occasion. A great por tion of ths time was spent In college yells, and tongs of praise of the New Bern Military Academy. Among these Msgs was " WlU Honor NBM A,"whlch breathes la every llae the tree college spirit and love for the tepidly growing Institution and was Joined la, by all of the students aid teachers wllk -'gerateet rolice Court Hew. The following eases' were disposed of la the Mayors court yesterday. O Marks, disorderly eoadnot, costs Clamea Iadiilaorderiy conduct, dte- aaarged,.- -.j , .v , CASTOR I A '. ' Tor Ttfrwtt and CLildrtn. leerftko Pgaatarf of If rot want a Straw Eat, Fancy Test' a New Betrt or asytklsg else la the far alahlag Use. w can supply . yoo with IM goods. - . . r X. W. ABM8TONO. TBD K-0-RA WEATKEKT. rkaa-ramlag Feed hi lahlet Pom i I Thai lacrtatu nsa-raaras J-v; teed lyl.f. iaffy. TU discovery of MKe-aa, the remark able Beta-formlsg I004 that builds sp good, ktUvby, soUl tm tad makes knlsw bm and ecrewalseM a talag of the put has rcvolaitoalMd medical practice le crtla l!ae. Its po ver to do aH that ts clatae 1 for H wt ee cWariy prewa to F. B. Daffy, that he have sold KUo-ae with h darsUadtsi taat U tt fUs tie percbttt price vn to be r funded. F. t. Dvff, ewtalcly sillUl!! eour se la Uttng op tbii aiKo4cf aM- i Mto-aa. ta it r.taUi kit. fo"r -Ve hit 3 !;rrct rh Et-o-t l-t-mt fi'l ivwsaffc Irottlj', '.'(in; tral !. a4 ria J.w a cil! (tia l Ue oil .T. !.g ar,l CO'. CH'.i! l tL.t V 4 It ti; - ; ' la - rf e' ' ' I a !' , X', T1 '.' I Tf t .."'' t: i lT 1 f'n" ' a ' "i t' r- . I t ( '.-I tr f. it a tf f o'i f All tl,t ruj a w r i 1 1 I f 'i r t ft l j U a 1' 1 ! - U T: iff v t- -f t' I (' ' v.: , P t -, J r ' n- " t 1 t ' I 1 ' 1 ' t m a ti wl "Pc-ru-ria is an Excellent Spring Catarrh v Remedy I am as BOX. DAN. A. GEOSTINOE, OP r - v 1 , ,. .V.V1 ; r Hon. Dan, A. Groevenor, Deputy Auditor forJhe War Department,ln a letter erritten train-Washington. D.C.. says: Allow me to express toy gratitude to yoa tor the benefit derived from one bottle otPerutuu One week has brought wonderful changes and I am bow as well as ever. Besides being one of tbe very best spring tonics it is an excellent catarrh remedy. In a recent letter he says : 1 consider Peruna really more yoa last, I receive numerous letters country asking me u my certuicate yea." Dan. A. Qrosvenor. A County CommlMloner'a Letter. Hon. John Williams, County Commis sioner, of S17 West Seoond s treet,Dulnth , Minn- says the following In regard to Peruna! " As a remedy for catarrh I ean cheer fully recommend Peruna. I know what It is to suffer from that terrible disease and I feel that it is my duty to speak a good word for the tonlo that brought me Immediate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad ease of catarrhnd 1 know It will cure any other sufferer tram that dls- ,-jolmWUUains. White Goodr Our line of,Whtte Goods Is better than ever before, prices 5o up. B. W. ARMSTK0NG. Lawns. We have a lot of pretty patterns la lto .Batistes .and our 18o lsoe stripe liwns are as good as can be had for the money. B. W. ARM8TONG. At The DoBy Drog Co., . Cor. Broai and Fleef Sts. J R. Betts, Ph. G win be glad to see you. But, if yoa can't tome, jost phone No. 107 ead wo wllfsend to youi heme for prescrip tions sad after they have been carefully aad accurately filled, we wfll promptly deliver the medicine with ao estre charge. . We are yours to serve aad yeirs to )eas Vot aaythlng le the drug llae please notify us. : Wo are ydurs ; to please. -4 J- ' - HIM Portsmouth . " ; Wa can now f nrnUh tlo publlo with .Ihe fluent lot of MULLETS received here tbU year, fiend in yont orders "befor they art all gone, Also send your order for anything else yoa need in the Hal of ee table. We can eupply yonr war.U promptly and aaUsfaolory,' if not wt do not uk for yonr bnaineai, We cannot mention what w have Justin, at) jost order what you want and yoa will receive it at' on vAraIt!ng your command." iCeepeotfvlly, ' ' . ? ; Y- ITZcGEHEE & VILLIS. Phone 137. X ixnxxxxxixxxxxxxxiTn JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF Frcclily Corned ", ' Cll anl l'Kk atonr I'jie eJ-roiin 'tlr, I'Ulri ('n;is tO :-rVtitrHisf. Ti . 1, r: l Ctj ' f f f t ) I OA'FO. Well as Ever." THE FAMOUS OHIO FAMILY. meritorious than I did when I wrote from acquaintances all over the is genuine. 1 mvanaoiy answer, A Cob ire ""'' letter. Hon. H. W. Ogden, Congregsmanfrom Louisiana, In a letter written at; Wash ington, D. O- says the following or re- rnna, the national catarrh remedy : " caa coaacientkmly recommend your Peruna as a Has tonlo and all around good medkdaa to those who are la need of a catarrh remedy. - tt has beta commended to me by people who have used it, as a reme medypar' tlctiltrly effective In the cure of cm- tatrb. For those who. need a rood catarrh medicine I knew of nothing better.' We are now prepaied to do yonf Job Printing promptly. Send na your work and get it done right Owen Q. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONER, Cor. Pelleck Craven Sta. I bsve about 13 Second head Wheels, all recently sad thoroughly overhauled and put la good order, which I will sell at prices rmatleg from $J to 2fl, also have some flss bargains la lew bici alea. ;: No W Middle Bt- No.-77 'Brotd St. l a- M rrintii m m Mullets PortSmctitli YihMdiZe fc of Cnx Vrry, ari l Biirf4, Eevt-ral Irf'AUlifiil au;wiu r 1 " r.!,l.ntK.l as lC.r t' webcrflal. 1 in. Wi E. Griffith, Coneaa Texas, writes) "I suffered with chronie catarrh foe . many year. I took Peruna and tt com pletely eured me, Bthlnk Peruna Is the best medicine In the world for catarrh. My general healtft Is mock Improved by : Its use, as I am much stronger than X have been f yean.-W. E. Griffith. ,y I Y A riiaim'a latter,' ' Congremmaa H.Bowen, Buskin, Tase '. well eounty,Y a-writes t ; " caa chrtuSy recammead vour valuable remedy, Parana, to aay one wbo Is suffering with catarrh, and who Is la need of a permanent and effective cure." A. Bowen. . : .. . .... Mr. Fred. D, Soott, Larue, Ohio. Rlitht Guard of Hiraral'oot Ball Team, Writes : "As a specino for lung trouble I place Peruna at the head. I have used it my self for eolda and catarrh of the bowels and H Is splendid remedy. It restores vitality," increases bodily strength and makes a sick person well In a short time I give l'eruna my hearty indorsement." Fwd. P. Soott, . Gen. Ira C. Abbott, 906 M street, N. W- Washlngton,D.C-writes. . . M J am fully convlnoed that your rem edy is isa excellent tenia, Many of my friends have used it with the moet ben eficial results for coughs, colds and ca tarrhal trouble." Ira O. Abbott. Mrs, Elmer Fleming, orator of fieeer volr Counoll Ho. 168, Northwestern Xo gkin of Honor, of Minneapolis, Minn- writes from 2SS5 Folk street, KE; .: "I have been troubled all my life with catarrh in my head. I took Peruna for about three months, and now think I am permanently cured. I believe that for catarrh in all its forms Perana Is the medicine of the Mrs. Elmer Fleming,, MinneapoUiiMinn. , age. It cures when all other remedies fail. I can heartily recommend Peruna as a catarrh remedy." Mrs. Elmer Fleming Treat Catarrh la Spring. The spring is the time to treat catarrh. Cold, wet winter weather often retards a cure of catarrh. If a course of Peruna Is taken during the early spring months the cure will be prompt and permanent. There can be no failures if Peruna is taken intelligently during the favorable weather of spring. As a systemlo catarrh remedy Peruna eradicates catarrh from the system wherever it may be located. It cures catarrh of the stomach or- bowels with the same certainty as catarrh of the head. If yoa do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. mm i Having purchased tbe Farmers sod Metchsnts Bank building, my friends and patrons will find me from cow on located therein. J. W. STEWART. Hay 10th, HAnnocK DAY OPENING. I WSWl 001 ST0B1 ! B - S Stove Vopii, Corned Hams, ;; . and Smoked N. C-HAWS. - ' 'AT r'' ' ' BIG HILL'S. The Shingle Zlaru r4 1 I v v , z Zicxi tt Time y 1 ; -A r.ri'f 7 rris1 in tt an s n t;-tr r 1 ( nt tt In or !'f I -sin. W '1 1 i.i k'r ', -l !: la :! e Ur !. i, , I f.ri.t.'f 1 t .t C I I' r ot , r.. Ar t II w n I r .1 stb-r( ; . i s i or a w r. i h t. V . t ''rl -'iri '- el. I tt t : -. . : ; r p 1 Strawberries From Whitehurst Farm to day at J. L JcDANIEL'S, A Choice lot Harvey small Sugar Cured Pig Hama. Also a few nice N C Hams English Cured Shoulders and' Picnic Hams. . J Fresh Grite, Big Homiay.iOat Flakes and Carolina Rice. 1 make a specialty of strictly fresh quality Butter I receive it fresh from the dairy every week and I guarantee it to ba ag fine as it is possible to get, Your to Please J. L. MAIL, g rnone iwj. Absolutely P THE BEST BEER IN TnE WORLD. Lee J. NOW18 THE TIME to itlr up the earth with Trowel, Spade or Flow. We've rondo quite a illr In thli locality with our itock of I1ARDWARE, GARDEN TOOL9 and Lawn Implements, aod tbe prices we are selling thlogt for. Make your se lections here. Foy & Simmons, 19 8. Front BU NEW B1RW, W. O. A SPniNO DUTY it is (or every maa to order his Zattst suit In time for the warm asd balmy "mmgdays that are tboot doe now we are showlne a soperb line of dowse tie are imported P print tab Has m Chev iots sad t'lsy Ssrges, that when we pt our style, cut. fit aad finish oa a sslt tor yoa It will make a eomblnaUoa of eleaece that the aseit eiqutsite teste wmtrve n. i, 31. Chadnlck. too trZiBtTrm fi. 1wM. a f't of h Ifcl.f ta k it l '-'U lUl U tlBn..it4 ts ef.'Ul TM. f lint tb onlf r.- I'm k1M', lint nr, n lBlt1fU', i -.-1 Ht m.','.l f 'Jr (.-i,!ri k f I " l ! - i f ht li i ' - ' T r-'i w .y tM r i : : - r fvm;' .1 71 Broae.1 Hi. Wliolettale ft Retail Grocer, 71Br6ad Bt' g TlOBrftad St' Taylor Washington Knew how to seize tin; oppor tunity, So did Lee and Jackson, So do the Japanese today. Why Bhould not the people of New Bern and the people round about New Bern take the advan tage of tho opportunities mention ed in this oolumiu Its not war we are digcusainir twoeu nations but war on prices. BARGAIN No 1. 3,600 yards of heavy domestic 6c at this aalo 41c. ho, 2. 2,700 yardfl of Calico at this salo 4lo, No. :i. 1,300 jds Apron Checks at this sale U-2c. No. t. Remember our remnant counter li still her. No. f. yds Hamburg, from 4c tor 33c. No. 0. Just received '25 suite of Blsek Qravit nd French Clay wested 115 sulU at this sale tll.&O. 43 suits of latt style and color regular prioe $1) 60 at this (8. W.. v suits saeorted colors, prioea ' from 1198 to f 6.04. No. :. The Barry Sho u .u ; i going oat and not oo trial, Jir. have lxn tried, S. COPLON, a O. MOIITON, Saliwrt an. n xiddli rmtxT, jtett oa ,uaMwa4 Oo, tf.w tWa. Firo, Accident, mJ t Plate iistim In .-.;.- ; ton i it Bovesair r' laeesafseJen J MIAff 1 P. rnttr. ( TNI STAK0AR3 OtaaanMH'si -t n. w. w. P. a, a in fiSUiOinMw ! r y)faenpepn fas ta W Mrvl M a mmtm - la m t m. I a vnrA ltt.tr lm n n l t - i ".- t , t!LWISTE'Tn t4 ' sm f t.-