s I .... 1 1 j. s. f i i ' ' ' ' SUBSCRIPTICS RATES' - .One yew, U advance $4M .One year, not U edvaaoe.'........ " Monthly, by carrier la tfc'cftv... . .M Advertising Retea toraliAtd on tppll 1F Intend tttlii Fort Oflot, Kw Btm, N.OassecoaeelaaaaMttet. , . ; - .-r' Cravam Craaty.; 1 1 - WHATJWORt tONGilESS WD. s The extra session of rFtftV-elghth J; Congress, nu jut eloted iu work. Iu ' "callli g wu to kgttlate In the matter of j "the reciprocity ' treaty with Cube, ; but the Peoaaui bill, oo, the Canal came op, these two occnpylng the greaUr atten tion of CoiigreM doring Ite teuton. To make politlrel ; capital at far at poulble the last Congress has eat do w n ' appropriation bills,, yet the record thowa tome large amount granted. . Disappointment hu been felt tn many sections beosatt certain btllt, jrirer and harbor Improvements, and public build ing j. were not allowed, the extent of what bills and reaoluttoni were Intro duced and the number patted thawing a remarkable disparity. In the Home nearly 16 003 bills and resolutions were introduced, abont one urenth pass ing..., ,. ', : The session did not put without some legislation. Provttloi waa made for - the extension of the coaatwlse shipping ' laws of Ure United Statu to the Philip pines. Cltlzsns of Newfoundland enter leg the United Btatea were exempted from the SI head tax levied on aliens under the Immigration laws. Hawaii was granted tho right to hare a superin tendent of public instruction, and pro vision wu made for the periodical com pilation of itatUtica of the Islands. The publto land lawt were amended to at to facilitate their administration, and pro vision wu made for the allotment In severalty of lands owned collectively In various parts of the country. A loan of 4,000, 000 wu made to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company;, and legislation was patted to protect for eign exhibitors through the oopyright laws and to permit the withdrawal free of duty of articles from the exposition donated to religious, educational and scientific societies. Provision wat alto , , made for participation in tho exposition to be held at Portland, Ore, next year in commemoration of the Lewis and Olark expedition. "Crimping" teamen of the United Statu wu made a crime . The Senate ratified ; (the commercial treaty with China providing for two open porta in Manchuria. The two house adopted a Joint resolution au , thorlclng the , President , to negotiate a treaty with Great IBrltaln, to which the , assent of Japan and Russia it to be ob tained if possible, to: protect the f o seals of the north Pacific ocean end-Bering sea. AJ1 of this offers not to much oppor tunity for advene criticism, (he critics giving chief attention In their remarks . to. what Congress hat : not done in the irayof legttlattont relker than to actual legislative result. ' ' Dcfnew Cannot, Be Cored by local ap plica ti one, u they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There It only one way to ear deafnut, and that la by, constitutional remedies. Deafness It cantod by an Inflamed eon- dltlon ot the, mnoout fining , of the loatachtaa Tube." (. Whet) thtt . tube It Inflamed yon nave a ' rumbling sound or . Impeot hearing, and,' when It U entirely -closed. Deafness la the result, and on-.-' leu the Inflammation can be taken put and this tube restored to iu normal 00a ' -. dltlon, fearing, win be destroyed for ' evert nine ease oat of ten are canted by " ;, .Catarrh,' which It' nothing bat u In . V Itemed condition 'of the' mucous tur- . faoee. .. ' ' ' ! : We will give One Headred Dollars for A ay ease -of Deafneu (caused by fit- t : Urrh) that eataot be eared by Ball - V . Catarrh Cere.1 " Bend for elreulats, free. - . . r. j. coisit 00, j ;: W "Toledo, d- s Sold by jWegtUU.-TBc.' - . 0 -. I Take Hell's Fatally PU1 for eonsta- tloss. -. ,V , , 4 4 I J J itMi "! the Owl aa4 ,' ;, In aonie pert! of Kurope an omelet . msde (rqin the tire of the long tr4 r oT U bolleved to be an effective cure forarunkenMa. : j ' la Germany the raven la eupposea to ' be able to promre a tpagle atone that -' glvee Inrlill.lllly to the weerer, 1 U apperently not a simple matter to ob tain, .fur la the flmt place, efter die covering the titer, yoo must satisfy younioir tbst the old bird ere at bt a century kL Thea yoa climb to the prat BJid must eltlier take out pfg, Ixill It bun! and rniliire It, 01 tlu-re alioiild ! youn rvu intuit kill a male ini llutf It tamt i a mnlp-Mnd tvplaM It also. After thivtli pot muni be moat rarrfuily nikrk, for tit parnit bird, If he U old enongh, twill rHdro with tb migie stone, whirh will n-ndrr tli tint InvlnlM. and It I ' niipsrctitljr frcjin tl pot hr you ' Jmlge the iMut glit t t that Joti riimt )lil'k the prlz.-'pjtralnntor t;n CAf"'"' ' The following ar the market voli tions, received by privet wire 10 1. Walter Labaree ftCo.. Mew Bora. N. C Oorroiti C- - Open, High. Low. Close July n8 68 18.60 1851 13"bJ Ang, : 18 82 13 83 13 83 13.24 "Oct 1188 11.89 11.81 U83 Deo- ... 11.81 US 11.18 1180 Chicago, May 8 Chicago Grain. July Wheat ;., July Com 1 ' July OaU July Elbe July Pork V Joly Lard .. ? Open. : i'Wl 00 Oloae 43,, 471 38i' v - 048 sr"08 Tork Ma S. Cloae - .li m - ; 10 Bwcntj Open, Amr.Bugar. .....li Lnt. Copper..., 48) -Atchison..;....- lit Southern Ry... Southern My pf..83l U. 8. BteeL....... 10 U.S. Steel pf... 56 Penn.BR .117 Brie... ........ 84 LoutsvlIle&Nash 106 8U Paul........ 1481 N.T Central..... 115 N. & W. Va.0 Chemical. 28 : .117 . 84 .1061 - :i4S : 851 An Open tetter From the Chapln, 8 C. , News: Ferly In the epriag my wife and I were taken with diarrhoea and to tevere were the paint that we called a physician who prescribed for us, but bit medicines failed to give any relief. A. friend who had a bottle of Chamberlain' : Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of u a do and we at once felt the effect. I procured n bottle and before using ths entire content we were entirely cared. It It t wonderful remedy and thoald be fonnd In every household. HO Bailey, Editor. This remedy Is for sale by all draggittsv Odd Name la Delaware. Delaware has a curious collection of odd surnames. There is a family of Colts In Kent county. The Pepper and Mustards have long lived neigh bors in Sussex, and there are Peachee in Newcastle county, luausplclously net tled north of tbe peach belt. One pian named his three sons for tbe several counties -of tbe state, and Delaware is an occasional Christian name. A' girl whose name was Leonora Missouri Cannon provoked from a stranger the prompt declaration that tbe name Wat sentimental, patriotic and explosive. ' Whooplnr Couch "In the spring of 1901 my children had whooping cough," uyt Hra D W, Oappa, of Capps, Ala. "I need Chamber lain's Cough Remedy with the moat nt- isfttctory resalts I think thlt it the beat remedy I have ever teen for whoop ing cough." This ' remedy keep ; the cough loose, lessens the; uverlty and frequency of the coughing tpelli and ooonteraota any tendency toward pneu monia For sale by all druggists. Finger Italia and Dlaeeae. It Ls Inieix'stliii; to watch tbe history of a case of dlxease aa recorded upon tbe (lnser nnlls. When we look at the patient's nulls, we see on each of them a distinct ridge. Rbowtng that tbe por tion of tbe nail which has grown since tbe ncute attack Is much thinned out If a person baa broken hla arm within eighteen months, tbe ridge on ,th nails of the band of the affected arm may be Been, while they will be absent on the other hand. The more acnte the illness tbe sharper wlH bo ,the'tid M danferoat taet. Qoe depremlon have tbe . tame effe5t ' on the nail 11 phyitcal dlteate. ' 1 ' Mi Joseph Pomlnvllle, of Stillwater, Ulonn after bavlag tpeat over tSOOO with the beet doctors for ttanaeti tron bU, without relief, wu ndvtoed by kit droggttt, Hr Her Richard, to try bos of Chamberlain' Btomack and liver Tableta. He did to, tad la a Well man today. If troubltd wItkUdtgtUoa,bad last In th month, lack ot appetite or eonttlpatloa, girt the Tablet- a trial, and yoa are cnrtala ; to bo. tinte tian pleated with the reealt. For. tale at 85 oenU per box by all druggUl. "f Coaaahlal Dllaa. .:' :" Brother I trust that yon' are- happy with your husband. MaodT aland Ob, "yes. as happy aa one can expect to be with a man who la talking of umaeir jiair the time nod of bto first 1 wife the other half. ' ,r :i ..j J . ' nu lawiwaaUaL ': .' T'. ' f "Of coarse yoa believe that polyga my It Wrong," tald th man who was discussing th Mormon question. . "M dear llr," amswered Mr. Meek- to'n. 1t I not ouly wrong. It' fook bardy." Wasblngton Btsr. ' . -' - ti" urn U czj it out ' 1 i-.j-i-y - I I i t J ' I 1 I r i 'To U a retela&s of fcer t lave czl cr!;ii!wj it she would jbe ell tbet tts nay, she mast gusrd well tzzzt the. 8tenc! m health f,Vrs.Crbw tetis'fcer starv f or tie tcrHt of afl wives and mothers, ,j '- ' Dnui Ma Pctxham t Lydla Pinkham't Vegetable Compound will make every jnother. well strong, healthy and happy. 1 drafred through Bine years of miserable ezibtenee, worn out with pain and wearineaa; . I ithea noticed a statement ' of, .woman troubled aa I waa; and the wonderful result aba had had .from 'your Yoga table Compound, and decided to try what It woold do for me, and used H for" three montha, : At the, end of .that time, I waa different womaaj the nelghbora remarked lt,! and my ihea-. band tell in love Wlll, in all 'over, again. It teemed like a newexiatenee.' I had been Buffering with inflamnuv tlon and tailing of the womb, bat your . medicine cured that, and built up my , entire aystem, till I wan indeed ukeaV new woman. -- Sincerely your, lima. CiueIT. Bnowff, SI Cedar Terrace; Hot Springs, Ark. , Vloe President Mother StfCM" firfrit iffrittmt .(' Dteeln Owilt lit Mhcrla.t f'1'' The brown skint of the .native In, Liberia are often daubed with red ad . white clay, the effect of the latter be-"1 tog rather startUng. Thin la called dressing. ; Sometime a vertical' bloe mark la teen acrou the forehead, Thin la a sign of freedom. The Kroomen have It mere than others. They.?-, largely employed ns-eltra hands OA . the steamers. When n man If nt pected of murder, theft, etc, Jin -M: made to drink aasce wood. ThUbeiflg deadly, poiaon hla Innocence sj dP' c lured by the draft not proving 'tat&f It ls said, however, that thlt la only'" form. . When the fatal moment arrive tome expedient la generally adopted, or else it la conatdered that only tn Innocent man would be , willing to ap proaeh the deadly draft . , . .A Care For Piles: f MI had abadcaae'ofofplltC'uy & V Carter, of A flanta, Ga ,nnd eonnlted a physician who advised me to try a, box of DeWItt't Witch Htzel Palve, I pur chased a box and wail entirely eared. It It tpleadk) for PHfi lnUnt ly, and I heartily reoommepd It to ail uffertr,'! - DeWUt'i Witch Eazel falv la nnequalled for Itt beating, qualittet. Eczema and other ' kln dleasci, n'lo cuts, burnt and wound of eyery .( kind re quickly cared by It. 8old by 4 F. J3. Dolly. ';, lata oa the 'jfa ! Aalatala. ' Although we are told that the leopard cannot change his spots, it' Is certain that the" markings ou the fat of tome animal do change. Especially U ihl true where the animal noa a distinctly , winter coat Thlt change baa 'been studied by Barrett Hamilton, a Brttlah naturalist, who la-of opinion that whitening of the 'fur- generally ; ac companies development Of fattjt Ussne, which it manifestation "of insuffldent oxidation and hence of atrophy; which ahowt itself in a whitening of the hair. In tome anlmala man for Instance thlt atrophy In manifested by baldnea. That fat toen are eftert bald to that something more than a coincidence. Succesa. ' .' wlteaTae Sap Uses. Weak longs ahonld be carefol, Cought Kiante Coogk Cure caret coaght and ooldt and givet ttrenglk to the laagt. Mr. 6. X. Fnner,of Marlon, Iadtayt, "Iroffered wtth a cough taUl.t ran down In freight from 148 to IS lot. I tried a'nnmbn et remedU to no avail uatQlared On Minute Cough Car Foar bottle of tbl wonderful remedy ear4d as enllety ol tM eoogh, itrBi hentd mj loagt and tatorad. ' ma to my nomtnt weight, health ' tad etreagth." Bold tf!Itl .DuffjTK" ''v - .' , .j,,, v . i 1 -' ,n 5 i "What artf yow lUlilng , nboirt?" aaked the-luyvr. t'l:. w won the -ae." retllrd tbe client, "but I can't por what I get out of ;.;;: ',-.: ' - v; "Vou grt enough to pay your tawyera fee., don't yog T Wbafyuore do yoa wtntr-Chlrego Post, NL- "' "-j v"r ; kalklaa: Llh tb "Old MhI," T! wish I cotild ik1 my boy ,4o th old 'school," Ua!t tl'awklna. "T1im gentlemen ef tin' old School alwayt seem to knovv ererytblug." I consider tluie a treasnre, de creasing every nigbt, and that which erery day diminish eooa perisbee forevr. Sir TVUIum Joom. : --" Trttthrrtui 0J t..,j lUf trt I afl. or vcun crzTr-1 rsc . '. t, -an Las orui-rei no".'.r Aii. bu.lt cruiser, but he cat. nut 1 p tiie Aaiericau wsy of Bglitlng It Milwaukee Beutluel.- , . . - iDvesiigatlng botanists report that X rays art emitted from onion. Knew tt. vii tuutetbing, but 1 never classified it. be&we. Kew orkj Tele , "am. X' -fi;. ,, i. X' :; Professor Langley aayt be doesn't want any more government aid any how. - This dispose of the lden-that the airship, theorist doesn't know bow to Jet JUmeelf down eaay.-rDenver Be publlcan. . . if " " ( v . . uen.wui i aytiem 10c neaiing ine borae races are always present at each meeting, but they change from, year to year.. Tbe same old face are to be recognised etmong the bookmaker. .Washington 8tar.,'.. ,w- . , - 'MODES.OF THE MOMENT, " 1 , - i Ko color s more, fashionable at the moment thanleaf green.:4"; '-, ',' WUk cltrhlrt 1 iwljlC tutu" are prettily trimmed t with ' .oriental - embroidery' band; Which, are now. very eaally par chaed.. .1; - - "v .. The coat tuit will be much worn thlt spring, and blonter of allk matching the uit in color 111 be Just aa nec essary as tbey Were last fall. i The mobaira are increasingly popu lar.. Just now there Is a fad for rather. jbeavr ;nuaUty tot mohair in atripea, end, in green ,aud blue1 plaid. These, mak; haDdaome thlrt waist aulta. v tns ., v ,.-' ' . j i White: gown, . tt U said, will not be wront.;tacanj;; greet extent tbe blue, green, taauV and, pink linen premis ing te ' oversbadow, laat - - summer" a wwte. ; ;-;:.' ' 5 .gome -of tbe linen and crashee are eotopen meshed as, to be practically transparent These are effectively combined -with heavy lace, dyed to mftchtor :wlth linen braida and jfr4aget.-Kew. York Poet Quick Arrest J K Golladgn' of : .Verbena, Ala, wu twice In tho hospital from a tevere case of pile causing t4tamoT.T" After doc tors knd all .remedies failed. Bucklea's fnjo 4tn,.nuJckly -nrmted farther lnilanmttionnnd"arel Mm. It con- thea ud. Mil para, 29e at O D PagjUtrN. .VTM.MeipaWs) of Teeth. " Tw9 boy a brougbt : op together tome tlraee remaln.fast frlendt for life, but not to commonly' aa one might nnp poee. T thought yon bad a little friend With, you, today, Tommy," aald a lady to n,'i child who waa k walking about Sne and disconsolate. i".!I have a tittle end, ntl hate hlmr,:wa tb reply. And th wordaL contain whole easay ful of comment upon the value of friendship founded solely upon pro pinquity. London Spectator. P.S. DUFFY Do not hesitate to - rtcomncend Kodol Dyspepsia Core to hint frit not and icnt tomen. -Indlgettton ."'cnuieii taor til neattk than onytbing tlatu , It dwanget the ttomach, and brtort on ail manner of dleeaa. i Kodol Dyrpepala Core, digeett what yoi eat, caret, tadtgeton, dapep alaandallitonucli' disorder. Kodol 6 not only a perfMt dlgettant bat t (sin building tonic as well. Renewed health, ercttrngtb and Increased vitality fbllnwttilW.,.--'.' i'r ' - Warat Torpedoea for tbe destruction of Tee Mi Were nrat need in, the spring of 1801 by tbe Confederate in the Jamee river,' In 1805 the secretary of; tbe navy reported that .more ship had been lot by torpedoing than front U other, caue.- General Baint, chief vf tb .Confederate torpedo ervlce, ipnt tbe ; number at : fifty -eight .' greater nnmher than baa been dettroytd, In nn u wart new:' On of Dr Ktnet f(w Lir Pills ac night for two- weeks hat - pat m In, my teent' aftin again writ D H Toner ot Dempsytown Pa. They're the beet in the world lor Uver.StoaMca and Bowelt Partly vegetable. , Never grip, 'V .Only fSo at 0 D Bradhanu Drug 8tore." ' P - ':' f OREIQN FACT8. f v. - Trance and Englaml each ewai tn At ricn an area an large aa the United State. " . 1,. -v 1 t, ' The' minister of igrlcuttnre in rrua tla rf porta, the practical extinction of tb foot aad mouth- disease In that country.. :;. r' Th northwestern district of Cape Colony bat bad no rain for two yearn. Tens of thousand of cattle, bar d'ed for lack of water. ' - ' ' Within the last three-quarter ota century tbe wage paid te tbe laboring class have rlafo tu Bpala ooly 15 per cent They now avMge 43 te D2 cent a day. . X ' - i ' 'Tbe productton of. sherry win In Hi bIu baa falU'ii from COOO.000 galloM Iu 1M0 to HMHH gallons last year. Tb great Industry of tb Jere district teens uoouuad, , . i Tb ererage Dublin family consists ef four persons. Yet It waa found In J3 H tUal 21,7u2 of tl'se fuillles orm- tlwl ouly a single room, will 13,020 eti'T faiullUs owiiiltd only two rooms. '- The Itialsn gorernmPBt ratlmates tbtit t- total rerenu Iu 104 fruui tn llijiioT trails In the sareral prorltces of th f mi'lr WbPre th buslnra I UlO Bo. , I tjr ib slat will rwacli nvar " 1 I I'd t' n't ail r- ft- n K tn ty. 1 t.r!r t 'f) snr la lh l'er '! I 'I li.s Ci a ; 1 1 In i-r mt- In lli J ; : if .i.'.l ti.. r riw s t ! .,.,. , !... ! .., : . r, r i ! . .,H S . ,-! r. i i n I ? ; : r . : t 'if - : . ; : : , i. t , - -' '. t" i ' ; . s, i . i , . ., Iservow.. -. , t a. co... . , ... jo. tl idi, t.Hifcl e.....y, sour ris Irft, tiJ catarrh of the ttomsh are all . te iQiiisstlon. Kodal ours tod.';stioa. His new discovery rpr sntt the .na! oral Juice of ! j'Ua aa they tz'.A to a tti'.:)y f v.eh,' , combtned wl'.h Be greatest It nova tonle and reconstructive prepertlea. , (Codol . DysTTs Cure doea not only cur ln ' di-ii Jon and dyspepsia, but thla ranuunt ' remedy curt all etomach troubles by cleansing, purl Mr. g. awMtenlng and strengthening the muoout tnembraaM nning vm nomaca. , DIGESTS WHAT T0U EAT, -' ---- ';- - v kt'l XX (atvM Health to tbe McH nsMI ' ' - Straagth te tax WumM, m..., r W --.f -s. :XX:- IliM Sh. Ul 9IS a. - - . . . ii- ays. 0. AsWttt tJ ., ..FeSeITyjBXel :-- : j , r. . .Ills fiicsar, y "How dara you, sir!" exclaimed the Indlgiinnt girl. 'I couldn't help It, Maod," pleaded the now penitent yoong man. - 'You were to maddeningly kissabler I Still, it waa fully ten seconds before she quite forgave hlm.-Chlcago Trib une. y ' , ..,:-' " OABTC HIA. .., Basntk - yTbn KM Vm Haw Alwnj Boagnt Tarrtmr aail Fcatberlan. The pr.. titf of tarring and feather ing, which we regard at essentially American, belongs to Great Brltala To us tbe honor of inventing or adopt ing that very disagreeable mode. of punishment belong. 'Among the lawt for the 'preservation ot order when King Richard aailed on bjt crusade was one that any soldier convicted, of theft should have hla bead sbaved, be stripped of his clotbea, hve , melted pitch poured all over him, after thla be covered with feathers and to set ashore at the first land that .was touched. London Queen. A Sore Thine It If tild that nothing la nr except death nod taxes, bat that Is aot alto gether tfae. Dr King's Kaw Dltoovary for Consumpttoa la a ur care for all knnnd throat troobler. Thouaanda eta tettlfy to that. Mrt C B YaaVetra of Sbepberdtowa, W Yai tays: ,"I had tevere case of Bronchltlt and for a year tried everything I heard of, bat got no relief.., Ooa bottle of Dr Kleeajtew Discovery then cured me thiolulely. It' Infallible foir Croapi Whooplof Cough, Otlp, Pnettmonla and Ooninnipii tlon. Trv tt ' Iu coaranteed by O D Bradhtm. Drogglat ' Trial bottles free. Regular tlEet 60c, $L A ta..rf Wltstaas. ' Lawyer Do you ' awear noaltlvery that yon know more - than . half thla Jury? Witness Yea, tr, and now that I have taken v good look at i'em I'll awear that I know more than all of 'em pat together. . , , 1 ' When yon want a pleaoant physhs try Chamberlaln't 8tonuch and Liver Tab. Into. They are easy to take ud pleasant In ffct For tale by oil drnggtatt. 'V ', :- A A eutftaaaM rent. Itfere novel: la an extract from a recent Husband and wlf at eu to gather la alienee, f Them wat mani festly an ill feeling between them. The husband devoured a plate of aoup, half ash, n piece of rout beet tnd a allce et plum .podding without .ever anew tpenlngltf month.",? .', ",, . f.,-H. , Catarrh begint with t ttnbboni ' - a ;., -.TkiL j lJ aeoa of the mem bran or lining ef tbe noee,. discharge ot. rnucua matter, headaches, neuralgia and difficult breathing, and -even in this early ttagt tt almost intolerable. But when the filthy tecretioni begin to drop back into th throat nnd etomach, and th -Wood 'becomes polluted and the tystem contaminated -. . '' '' . t ty- t..l :. I "4 a aoattaaal baadaek, say sfcask had srroww by tht Catarrhal pOl- Brpla, my mo was always 'auppad. p,y Craatb OQ, then the luUerer had a lck.ajn aa dlaostta oda. sad X araka4 ' Kt. .i!.. lBaaaatly. I baard ot B. B. t. and aonmaaoad to aa DCglni to realize fcrbat a t .4 tak.a. aavaraa batL-a I m .arad aai disgusting and ticken- ati siaoa kad tha litbt.t irmptow of .tb ing di8ttue Catarrh U. "ttvnttiEtiSiUi oiiectt tne Ktdnewt . . , . u ....... .., . . and stomach on well at other partt .of the body. It H a. .pstitutlonal ? disease and at inhaling mixtures, italvca, ointments, etc.Jare never morn Uiaa palliative or beiplul, even la tbe beginning- ot Catarrh,' what tan yon expert from tuch treatment when it becomes thronlc and th whole J lystem. affected f Only tuch a remedy an 8. S. S. can reach thia obntl- euca.ca ana am ' r-nrTi n m ,1 as M.tiNM la dt. k. v-i mnjk m y- i litmus 11 VUIQ 19 HIT I a a S. is Ruarmntfvd f urelr a" . a 1 . 1 1 a 1 vataxra in a.i aiaset wrr.s II in P. IU xJ W U m i'l 1 kt yn 'in Hi r I'' t 1 - t i . 1 ....... tt ; . . . .. , t . s ..i ( .. . t ;....t old 1 . -e io not a'.oep b-. u;e tin y are c.i. but they get old because they sloop. ' " . . .- The st!enlngjof the tissues, which Jt. the sign and accompaniment of age, la -' 1 ot by exerJse, Eolf Indulgence I LJ eaU and ; drinking fa la -imf ay la Ui aureoad to aouility. have often been surprised and grnti fled,"1 "write the doctor, "to fin thai regulated movements of the neck and upper truncal muscle, employed or the purpose of accomplishing' noine tbing else., resulted In consplcueia Improvement 'In , hearing, In vlslonln cerebration and, nt n consequence.ln n betterment Id cerebral circulation, also to'. tom&.$-.-lXfM!ty $ "Pereon who habitually tnalntalnn erect position in, atandlng or sitting Je atronget ' than' those who alouch. 4a person -whoi ttodpa and' allow; fe anouldera to.., nag down and forward and the riba to fall back toward tbe tplne tborten tb nntepoaterloe diam eter of tbe thorax anywhere from, tro to ftva tncbea. Tbe lunge, heart, great veaeelf and other Important ttructufce la tbe. thorac. cannot llv,' niovo and hf ve their proper, being under such cjr camttancet." ' " .. : 'l- ' Wherefore the proper thing 'for! per aonn;h5 arei.not:eo yoang an once tbey were .it, to brace BP, drea young and feel young. Sitting "bunched up" over m flro wont flo;'' " .. iwu it we. ; "K I A well known Kew Tork clergyman wat' telling bin 'Bible class the story of the. prodigal eon, at recent ses tton, and, wishing to emphasize the dis agreeable kmtude of the eWer brother oat that occasion, ho laid eapedal stress oa tbla 4hase of the parable. After deocrlblng the , rejoicing of the house hold over the return of the Wayward ton, be apoke of one who, in the midst of the feativltieo, failed.to bo.re,ln the Jubilant Spirit ot the occaalon. . "Can anybody in the etaa," bn nsk ed, "tell me who this waar ; A amalfboy, who had been listening tympathetlcally to tbe story, put up hla hand. "I know," be said beamingly; 'It was the fatted calf-Harper's Weekly. Herbert Bneaeer Was Bemaa. ' Herbert Spencer In the attitude oC superintending his household affairs was practical and' amusing. At one time the poulterer had not been giving satisfaction, so Mr. Spencer called bis housekeeper and, gave her directions to transfer his custom to another tradesman whose Shop faced' the de-Unqnenfa.- And, Mia Smith," said the author of "Synthetic Philosophy," "be particular that the first poulterer aeea 'yoo giving, your orders to the econd poulterer P' . r- HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT. It la If at Dud; It Orewa .Jbsntnttantlr. Snlr preparation and dandruff cure, a . rals, ar-atloky or-IrrttaUns; -affairs tnal ge no aartaly aoodV OHalr, whin not nlaeated, tTew J naturally iluxnrtantiy. Dandrnff la the ca.ua of nlne-tsntha ot all heir trouble, and dandruff la caused by gtrm. Thr only way to euro dand ruff In to kin the germ; and. so far, the nt hair trennrattov that win positively destroy the germ la Nswbro's Harplolde abeotately naannli fre, from grease, aediment, dye matter or dangaroue drnnn. It allaya ltchtaf Inatantly; make hair trio; and toft an ellk. "Dtroy. the th ffet" Sold by l4n arugsista. aWnd looia stamps for , "; wpane. , vo., , uetroit. O.D BRADQAM, Special Agent Wktauleal CrlaaUala. .laithe New JSealandaledhMi Journal appeara thla atory; On walking, the ocaffold In solemn .procesaku a crlint nal once called, to the giAernot jf the prison, Just oblige W.' gtiv'nor, by telling me the day o tbe week. "Mon day.onawered the "turprlaed'goveTnot-. ondayl" ' ana wered fhe 'prisoner Iu Clegastedtooea. WeU,tlil,'ere'e a One jsray of , beginning. week, .ain't It V And he marched on with dissatisfac tion imprinted on .every line of his '-- rad amaa'naMaaJ 0M.nL, 1 - a'2. f ' fj t a I 217 ... . . "" P ne piaeea tne fT"1 "?'" T?Ir,D5!a' " umrm s nayauns; yon aiuw. se near me i ll be pleased t answer." -K The vkHim era nedjil, neck, tarworU tn4 mid In n, equally low but , Very much more onxkm voice, "Ton might tell m. 1 tt thlt caffohf 'aafer, , : r1 ' '' ' rTACOTiinON. L J. CtiraPCAIN'T. trr lu.r.U iXilHil-i 'l . tt t cold in the head, inflanunotioa or tora- pate, ocp seated disease and purge the blood of tb j, catarrhal poison. a. S. S. punfica and builda np thn disraaed blood, and the'iuSamed tncmbrancn., are t excessive ccreiioit oi mucuf cease f ws 'vuiiiia f t,V u(ot.nv 1. T CSUi L, TraLle ttid trliaWe retner for - . . . . f tte-l ol tned.c&I a!vt ice; V. will cost Jr.- U 1 r 1 1 1 1 Iu JOXlt time t. (mt of I p' on i then I 1 " 1 ' - - ::-X. -X,- '.l t. - : , .:y, :: t- - - - . VrX-X X - ' a ; MASTER FEDOR In writing of the ailments so common to growing children. It is natural th.:t 'loss of appetite" should play a con spicuous part. Even in the smallest in fants derangement of digestion is th.! starting point of almost all their IIIh, and at any age of life, when nourish ment does not keep pace with the d -mands upon vitality, there is suri- to b.) trouble. ( -The problem of health Is not 30 diffi cult of solution when we begin, as tho doctor does In his own health, with the kind and quantity of nourishment needed to sustain vitality. And when a growing child, for example, Is unable to derive sufficient nourishment from ordi nary food, how in the world can the parent expect a vigorous growth? If the child does not relish food and begins to lose flesh and color. It is time indeed to adopt the following suggestion: ( Jefferson Terrace, Louisville, Ky., December 24, 190.1. Dear Sirs I desire to speak with heartfelt praise of the merits of Ozo mulslon. My boy, Fedor, whose photo STaph I enclose, has been wonderfully improved by Its use. He was in very poor health, had no appetite and we were greatly worried about him. After having taken Ozomulslon, however, he is greatly Improved In health In every way, and I take this opportunity to thank you for such a meritorious prep aration for growing children. jVery respectfully, v (Signed) Mrs. T. Mlchaelsen. aJt-. -ati F. S. DUFFY, Wholesale & Retail D ru ggist. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They are." LIFE SAVERS" to ffirla at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm Hf becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PEIt BOX BV NAIL. Sold by Sold in New Bern by I). K. DAVIS. Old RYE 13 pronounced iy juuges 10 lie me is hot fOFUJjAll kick g,oilH in tbe market. QU LITV, UNIFORMITY. KM, I A HI I ITY The winning points. STRAIT, O-UNST & Ctt .roirleiort RICHMOND, VA. Upon receipt of 15u we will Send a liirge pnmple oy uprets charges prepuiil. Write name and Mldreis plainly aud ghe nearest express office. Chesapeake and WORLD'S FAIR NAINT LOUIS, SHORTEST, QU1U K8T snd I'.E-T ROU fF. Train ( wits Pnllann .'-lecper and Dining Tkroogh llAols wlih dircl ecnneclloos. SPKt I I. K ATE-t M)lt S KAM)N, 8IXTVor P.FTEE I AV T1CKETP. Fifteen da; tickets from Norfollt, Ve, J28.00. Sleeping car aicoirtnodatlnni eogsged upon annllcn' l-n SPECIAL (X)AUII KXt t'IHH)8 on authorized r'atet, tickets good tax ten dy. st rile of 1 7 00 el. I sccom- inodatlons srrangtd for parties. USE THE 0 & O ROUTE snl p ircbiae yonr llckH a-onllngl,. For coach excursion date, retervulons and oiber ;n'orm'lon, addres W. O. WARTI1EN, Hps, Richmond, Vs., t. W.OURD, 1 a. Agt 0 O. Ry , Norfolk, Vs., Carolina Business College, Hew'Bernf W. C, 1 1 1 ' 7- ' X - ""1 i- 1!"' T ): . V IJ v el )Ftf4ee -: yhor.IflTJlE TinJa TO IIKIN IL oU. w -,,,'!a,nnrrnnrmlnrtnlbKi'RINOKnil RRLY rUUMKK :' this inwv ana iiior isjvwiii JI1AH- JT! T'rr'QDM of ror.k-keeplBf tail r),,lM Of Btoii. r Unit' 1 la tils Cullers tt the loilrertlna U Hlcnp'e a4 :n a or dV I'. a, ' not (relr 'v.t: ..' V y-. MICHAELSEN. Let the reader bear In mlndthat chronic coughing, wasting of flesh and strength, anaemia, consumption and a host of ailments spring from one source malnutrition. And there has never yet bi.cn discovered a remedial agent so et-fcr-tual as cod-llver oil. In Ozomulslon you h.ive theliest emulsion of cod-liver oil over yrt dovlsed. It is an emulsion which excels not only In Its palatablllty and perfection of Its manufacture, but In the ease with which It ls absorbed Into the blood. It requires almost no digestive effort, and, in fact, has a fa vorable effect upon appetite and digestion. In the anaemic conditions usually at tending or following serious illness, Ozo- . mulslon ls most effectual In enriching the blood with the Bubstances most es sential to vitality and strength. Con valescence ls made rapid and the dan ger of relapse averted. We do not believe you can correctly measure the power of cod-llver oil to ilo good In the human system until you have given Ozomulslon a fair trial. Its record and its superiority entitles it to your consideration. lrrugglsts sell Ozomulslon at GO cents and tl. If your druggist does not keep Ozomulslon in stock he can easily order it for you. or if you desire a small sam ple, to see what it ls like, you can ob tain the same by mentioning the name of this paper In which you read this ad vertisement and sending to THE OZO MULSION CO., t Pine St., New York City. PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig or and banish "pains Ohio Railway SCKNIC ROUTE TO- MO- Vit tiiilril. TC enr c Ll((liitd ; 1 1 Tor rookttrrrn na tbn I is, fiOA ' 1 1 In I's Ilslp y.e tot Cttlsr

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