1 The Kind Ton Have Always in dm for over 30 years, , ' -1 and has been made cnder Lis t . ; -. sonal supervision since Its Inf.- v v - Allow no ene to deceive Ton Lit' ' r AU Counterfeits, ImiUtlon and" Jast-es-gwd" are t , ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the kesli c 2 Infants and Children Experience against Expert. . y , Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Casts Ofl Tzr f sorle, Props and Soothing Syrups, f It Is Fleasarfc Ik contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other "Karcil"j Bubstanee, Its ace Is Its guarantee.':!? destroys TTerm . aad allays Feverisnnesai It cores Diarrhoea and 7fcLl Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Const!pii!;a and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates t9 ; Stomach and Bowels, giving health and aatoral a rrne unnarars nmacea xne jaotners jraena. ? ; - , t GENUINE CASTORIA aiuavo Sears the The'Kind You Haw Always BoDjit: In Use For Over 30 Years. otttmuuumMM(mimmtir.:'.:'.:::s:::n There's Room in I he ureat bouthwest : Hsvo yon ever coaid red the great advantage of this fea ture of the Southwest plenty of elbow room where three, fire, even ten acres may be had at the price of s single acre in yonr home section f It's worth considering, especially , . when the great productive worth of the land Is taken In count. Irs a wonderfully fertile section, There Is so bet agricultural section la this country, and farms are cheap out there-la Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas simply be es lie there are more farms than farmers- Can you afford t ) overlook an opportunity of this kind ? Our Illustrated booklets will give you the particulars In detail. It not Interested youreelt write for them anyway in behalf of your lees favortd relatives and neighbor. . (Mention this Paper.) y OIVK FAKE PLUS 2 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third Tuesdays of each Month DR. LYON'S French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly hannlesa, sure to accomplish DESIRED nneili ' - - 1 . .. -. fx . . . . T KiuuiJi uiraicn uowd lemue remrayi mco,vx.ovpcr uoiuew ;.; PIIITIAII Beware of counterfeit and Imitation. ThasvnalaalsaaS wm earf In t4M-twAflat VSUIIVR ton with fao-ilmlle IgnMnr on ilde of he boule, thotl j -ft - end for Clrculu to WUOJAJdS HSii. OO, Sol au, UeTUa4,CaMb wHtSSS SOLD BY D R DAVIS. L. G. DANIELS, 8ale Livery And Ex change Stables, ON CRAVEN ST. Oontantly in atables, stock of floe farm and driving Worses, and . draught mules. Cheap for cash or on time with good paper. See me before you Buy. L G DANIELS A. A. Tnnff Manas ii ; ' Ocaiara ( 1 Afiron millns Mry m6 d.Mj1ptlnn xnmy OnloklT juMwrtnin f-nr r pinion fm. whether m. Invmitlnn 1. pnitiablr Ml4)filAMe. Ctmtaanntt: ltoa.MrtotlTCiliiuKnH(nl. Ilandbnokon !' mmi.l fltt. I I't'ir miri'itrr fur Mpurtu MlMU PiUhiu Mien Ihiwnrb Hona A C reentw' Sciwitilfic Jlittericatie p.iniCK. nitn.it nnmro, BKf , im mtmm illtiHttiml wwtly ? fimmtt 1ST Mi ..f n M Mntlflfl pmriiid. ttw. S ' ''Nil & Cc'" N"-' Attorn l Ijsw,y,"J 74 t rMot St . 0(l, llitul Chauawtta NKW Ke.-; i ah, (Iravm ( iint) AttortMt , ;.' -, Olronlt, Cravoti.' on, ihtslnw,' Oar, rat, Pamlico. 'lrw 1 mintr. , aiwl she Rnrxwm and rVrl 'Vnits "r'J V- I ' . v i " BBAUFOUT, ft?(DL,?i't '0,$MttMfiK&i)$Aii the deli. ! ; acie- of the Bcasoa.. Well VentJ- ' ..Iate4 rooms Good bedn, Tbone con tenlenoef, Pol'te and attentive 8er- i TantX ( Bates $1X0 perl dat. '' flpeoial and liberal terms by week . or month,' "' : .-a '., G. A; RUSSELL t '':' N01ICG.." ' .? N"tloM Is h 'by plvea ' Ibnt havipg I lost t ertHcie No 7 of, series li for tiro barn of s ock of ibe Now hVrn Mulld . imf anil Loiin A.ulll'i. ppl.i'l.ia U Snsds fur a dnpitct ti rri llllrttn kr. onl log I'l lb. roWs t I In' Aixii'luiliiit. CZ'). liKNUKU-OM, Iti. -'-. EoeM, and tLL!. L; s t . Las borne tie a?:t.j 5 f Signature cf AV VTWCCT, IIIVfBlMMIk For Success . ..- ' v W.JT, SAUNDERS, D p a" Richmond. Vs. n IJJ? JOHN SEBASTIAN, j TuNifn TraAe Vaaaftr, ; J J ; ; VUIUAUU, lUli. Wlreing For Electric ights Persons wishing their btUldiagt'Vlred will please make application In wri ting ' w !1---. Any complaints, for defective lights, inattention of employees, Ac If mads In writing, to the CommlMlea,: will re ceive prompt , atUnUoaAddrset all oommqnloatloBs te the' Secretary. ; ' WATER 4 LIGHT C0MM18SI0ltV K. .; --.-."'- : 1 ; 1 Grlffltk St. t . cisoijHiDmraiiip rinin4lrisiumff For All Polnti yortli. vtlre Bteamer. NCTJOtl Is aoberlnlad to sail at p.rM Konday Wednesday and Krldayfor lUabfti City N. C. :U::y r. Steamer, OCRCOKI5 Is scheduled to sail at I pm Tuesday, Thurs-iay and Saturday for XlUabsth City, N. a r..,r;r... ; . f r.. ' ' t3TT Freight reoelved not latef than one hour previous to tailing. For farther lnfoi-matlon spplj to : ; GEO. HENDEHSOtf, Agttf K, K, Xnro, Geo. Mgr., ; -4 L H.O. H?i)aDrs,Ges,Fii.a Pass. Agt" Norfolk, Vs. '. 1 ' .;'.' , ' W.fc 6U HM2UELL, : Ass't Gent Frt. and- T ass. Agent, Nsir ' v Bera.N.O. 1 V Clean, purs vv be ctmiutfRi 'T r aad free frnm l , tendod till trr ' ime, - " -1 to . . .1 from ii ' 1 ' ? a l-urliina. i -..'y la aroil for ktania fin. SUmplinn. Ir diUvoreJ d!!y (eso ft Kun a m to p m. htinditys (rttl on'y) 7im t) 13 Mioa. l. i. ! - , ' - r t r x r' . ' ua- u m I 'tt. " April. i To Bai '-ri . tojj To J MEarget r 81 1; 14 To J J Tolsoa, tax collector 1545 67 80 Dot l ? i 80 Do,?. SOTelCfianeS 3 61 UM V.4B 10 ; '. tSnricmsata, 1904 WABrooli GasktllHdwDo v :, JO 00 FUlrfea - . i 1 Do- f.- n an ' GasWilfldwGi New Hera tceCo 1185" DlItM 18 C7 JMBalirt WailUUs ALBryta jJLnptoa LP Montague -JOOolHni JTUwli . W B Parker 4 .WHflffii-f?'' I HelrtlAntlefioae1 Wagoa, LHfcankl AJQsjklni OLnptoa B P Hoftt&gie - J 0 Seal . W B Parker W H Orjffla ALBryaa MBOowdy J H Barget J1 Toltof; r go 00 ' 6000 :i . 85 00 , ,8500 8000 -"8000 J 5 00 5-00 8 J 00 8000 ' 5 00 -j, 5 00 88tf00' 3000 10000 .. . 18 00 ' 00 ! if. ,MW,J .. - ,t. 8 00 ' ! 80 6i , OO lordaa i t W D ft! elver JSMWerj,; -. .. BBKQlf " ETaylotV St i '''! XBHaektmra do ' ; X vTBaeilwoed . New Bern Telephoae Co; :-" HollIsterAOox Hymaa Supply Co GasklllfidwCo do P Treawlta BAfrtoea Metal Stamping Go ThoaVMdCanhT McInUkA Wllllaas wt: do ' Hymaa Supply Co A L WUllS -New Bern Qss Co 0 L fetetekf WS Phillips Jackbura Wniet By Bat ; k : M' 8,54545 HuDdredtOf New Bern Beaders Find v aw. "tf.- Thchaetle a torrv of uslaeas ua, The aarl work am atooplag of work The woman's leiaaoM eares. -'! , Are too . great e ItraJa 6a thekld seye. i 0 BactrAA tue>aiidMa, UdasytreabH triaery AroWe o IOW. . v , ''' "'' ANsw Beitlsiatelis yoa how to ears taea aSL I -;J -S V'j----" V v I H Osrts;f fjaabey "et 71'Crtvea tt, residing at Uj m el Meat Bridge says MI abated wldk a wetback which start ed from 4 wreaeh I rave teck ;wheb aeventeaa yean eh aad It Vis troubled mover slooe, lemailmee ao badly I col4 sot workv . I seemed to' lose all ate of my batS; It tPM aad was hardly abUtoitMd.au etmldaot atralcktea toiaveny lffi, especially wha I took fold. I avveftikotgfct about It coming from my kid as vs. , I used, plaeter after platter sad llalmeata without number batwlthoet perraaamt rallsL Isaw aoUess about Doaa's Kidney Pills aid was Induced to ge to Bradhtm's Phsr maeyfore bo. They ere UeUc&e pills bsyofd donba. 4 I aaad them and have not bad my tsraaer paloa and my beck las become wall aad atronir, Ton eaa'ase my akast eg oas ha rses the elslmi for Doaa' 1 ' Jdnsy Pills and 1 aa g.4 W UtS y on &o ao." For sal by all deaWre, Price SO eenta foster-MUbum Co, Buffalo, N Y, sole agents for the Ualusd etataa. -,; V Remember ' the 1 aams Dcn's aad take to su'jstute.! V.'f' ' ., !.., T I I im 1 rv.jjf 'f f-r vr -.-.-,a a 1 -.. ' . ; "fir- -i' i ,i If 85 58 50 . 150 719 " 875 ' 15 80 lies 18 VI f1 . 111a yi j T-,tgt- J 5 00 tt 8 85 ; ' 588 ' : , . 1000 , -?010 i 4000 ,79879 4-1 75 3.53 73 . DUliDrseiaenU. 1001. . -Ey Paid. " " ' -FIIByer - V ,1 J C ToUon Jr 0 J I BUToflee'' j ! A Fred Thomas ' O O Gatlla MMcDanlel r "AMcDanlel ' " STHawilM'XVr JJTolioa; J"; WIllIaniHttrtt'- , . -. J J Tolaon ,' ' i AANOKROo B WBmallwood" too 00 QQ 00 60 00 18 10 .4000 4000 , 4000' -80 00 85 00 8000. 10180 17848 1" 1 ' 1870' 88 80 9 48 : " do -'do B B Davenport H?Bcaleair,t7. XmDsna- ? H . Al 5 00 - do- -s - 8500 I, iat-X H '' 95 09 x Thos F McCarthy & t ;"-Boil4 . ,rr ' 510 1 JjTolson . ' 7184 '; Pine Lumber po ' 189 85 "New Bern Telephone' ' i JtOo 750 General Blectrie 0o-t - - 68 00 Cnicagti fJoal 'and ''i I Coke Co 1-"8ir9 North ' Oarollne Board of Health 15 90 - GaskUl Bardwara : - CO &4j8 Btmssi' Holllater ft Coz " PUlrlch I Foy $Blmmons . ;" Berger Brothers Com pany J M Spencer 68 41 87 00 ,1800 t'l 25 185 5 70 ir ... 183 0Q 41 60 1340 9,044 57 I By Bel ' : CEDAR GROVE CBUKTBRT. .' Receipts. ... Apl lsVl To Bai' " K " 'f 459 71 Apl88tb, totL 8 Wood, . - Chairman, ;.; 198 45 $8,668 16 Disbursement 1904 j April By Paid. v - BFDelamar, . . LSWood 'f ' 150 00 800 9,60910 $3,65818 V.y I:: GREENWOOD CEMETERY. '4 . Hecelpts. M 1904V April 1, to Bal . ' $848 19 89, To L B Wood Chair- a y wui v V. - ' .084 iSV r "i 4. - r- 868 48 Disbursements. By Pal J. -By Bal. 863 48 HS 8H0W VYA OVEft " . - '.i .A. - -4 4rae Way, Brtta sek a , -4iwt-p.:, '3,- . An Fagilahwoman of decidedly fnolv blsh Inatlnctav' bnt socially Intrenched behind great end new riches, once en gaged the late Corney Gralatoiglve en entertainment at her country house. She' left Instructions that the ante telnet "when he arrived was todlne Wifa he,aervants.:.-The butler, wbo knev tetter, apologised, - bnt . Corney waa aman not easily alaonnosrted,' wrote. Jerome K. Jerome. Be dined well and after dinner ' rose , and ad greased the assembled company. . ' -"Well, now, my good MeDda,M,aald be, "U we have ell finished and' If yoa ere all agreeable I shall be pleased to present to you my little shew.1.: J . The servants ,cheered. The nUno wee dispensed with, and Corney; con trived to amuse bis audience fary well for half an boei wlthont tt f ; . . At 10 o'clock came down a message. Would Mr. Corney Grain kindly come up Into the drawing rooml Corney went The company, in the drawing room ware waiting, seated., i - . "We In quite ready, Mr. Grain, re marked the hoateaa. : i , i .' "Beady for whatf demanded For ney courteoualy. , ' . . i , , . "For your entertainment," inswered tte bostwia'v '4 ' ..' - 'hut I've siren st-already," explained Corney, "and my engagement wae for one prfornisnce.only." : f t , "Given ltl ,WhTal When 1" -i 6 ! "An bonr sc downstalra ' "i at tills 1 nonaenseP axctAbned tbe boetena.- . ' ; "It seemed to me somewbst extraor dinary," Cornpy replied, "but It hat al ways, boen my privilege to dine with tbe company I am asked to entertain. I took It you hod arrangpd a lUtle trpnr fnr tfio .rV(inf "5 ' ? ' Z' y oTcrcon n . siU , i. Irrf -ill; ity nnj - i ' OIHl ' Ml!!!t, ill' :i' vif- -r r- ) I 1 "r-;ii.a ry -i !.!; f. ' : t. gii at i .- ef oi;-".s au 1 t.- -y. I-a ',,., 4 :.nn..t ' I mi Kr'e 1K V- " l), do fltLe ex .it fitr. Every .a 1' cf cLILl-birtL .a bo e:. . S scientific LImeat for e au me parts, t .1 nature in its sullen work. By its aid thousand cf women Lave passed t'.is great crisis In perfect saty and without pain. Soli at gi.oo per bottle by -Tigs --la, , Our book of pticelei! alae to all wf ri -t free f Af ' tzksnsta k. . c. s - . .' 1 SaarlUh Axes at BastlBVAi At the battle of Hastings the cotb d'ellte of the English1' army were a contered with Sword and shiddand In' addition - to hls- they , bad bong "great hatchets on their necks Wrth which, they could strike doughty 1IoWB,f I Whenever A special deed of valor M tredlted ta an Englishman in that battle, with one exception, It Is due to the ex he bears. And now what were these axes that dealt such deadly : destruction or the Norman knlght?i-i As to thla we are left la no doubt ' Time after tune does Waco cell' them' .'great axes.". The bead alone In one Instance was a foot In length. And tho Bayenx tapestry out! of about twenty exes represents all except some three as having long baa dies. 1 -Hardly ever do we find In the tapestry the short ax for one band. Contemporary Review.- ? A Cure For files.' "I had a bad case of of pllss,"says G. P, Carter, of .Atlanta, Gs , Vsadsonsnlted a physician who advised me to - try ; a box of DsWltfs Witch Hstel Salve, I pur chased a box and. wu entirely cored. It Is splendid for piles, giving relief Instant ly, and I heartily recommend tt to all euffertn." DeWitt's Witch Hssel'Ealve la unequalled for its . healing . qualitlea. Eczema and other .skin diseases,! also outs, burns nnd wounds of every kind are quickly cured by it. Sold by F. 8. Duffy. t. . . Orairlnii Two TIiIiikb at Oae. At 11 u evening party tt Was, remarked vbat noljody could' draw two things at once Sir Edward Landseer, who was present, replied that be thought he could, and, taking a pencil in each hand, he drew simultaneously and Without hesitation-with the right hand the profile of a stag's head and all Its antlers complete and with the left hand a lovely horse's head. The acts of draftsmanship were strictly simul taneous and not alternate, and the drawing by the left band was as good as that by the right Ladies and Children. Who can not stand tbe shocking strain of laxative syrnps and catkartle puis sre especially fond of Little Risers. All persons who find it necessary to takes liver medicine should try these saay pills and compare the agreeably pleasant and strengthening effect with the nauseating and weakening conditions following the see of other remedies. Little Barly Ris ers cure biliousness, constipation, sick headache, jaundice, ' malaria end liver troubles. Sold by F. B. Duffy, .. SYHTIIYIS i-".v . ' "" r ? '.;-i - LAKG Wben obstinacy Is the arose of snArlagv Xon are a dyapaptio simply tx .1 oa nave not 1 aave not ussa ua ;.P:nnnnr .. . TKoat hours of ufftrln ean be avoided. Xnrart to a SBcnt bouis and prove oof MCSrtkm. It tnaUntly eomoU aad qulokly wxrnm all disorders mtitijig trom anLmpalred digosUys system.. .Try U at t Tbne Bases; si4 50s. sad $1X0 I loaovcR esAM am ooswj hiwauaoH, sl.v P. B. DPFftj Whoieials and Retail Pub lication of Bum- r SORTB CAROLINAr.'p2 ' is'tha't ' ' Craven County.' Sapsrlor Court :!"-"'' Before W M Watson, O 8 C. Btate on Rilstion of L I IfoorS, Pol., oa ' BehsUofWH Oliver, Trustee .' 4 . of the Grlffla Xitats ''sfV. T W Dee snd wire, Bliss K Dewey ,R V ' ii-B Prlmwse, Bslen UPrbs -.i ' " ; i..iose. r vS f . . ' i 1 It sppeartng to the ssttifactloa of tbs Court bv sfflaavlt that TW Dewey la a non-reshlcnt of the Htsle of North Car olina, you are hereby notified, that a summon and petition for s) of real es tsie for smcts bm btra duly filed In Iks clerk's ollWs of Crsvsa oii,i,ty. N C, la tbs above entitled action by L I Moore. Solicitor. You se hroby not!(lo4 to sp rr ! fore Slil tlk St tbe Court Koine In New Hern, N O, rn t"om!y t:.s 4, a RioniUv after tbs 1st iioi Ujr In fcrptemliT, l',l"4, St 13 0'r1fM"tl M., st) 1 w ' f - ' 1 i 1 J. 1. . . -j i . ) .1 Bif 1, ! put, 1 -ura '-e t).s yr t of tM s ..fitter will ! pr.nU:il. s . otiierf 1 I!, 1, li.li sot! Is p"S V 1 rnc a wer k for six wstks la t;. I : "in Ji'.'r' ':. v ! -ar 1"". ' W. V. VAT' "", ' ' (J. H C. J Ay-,, i 1 r -1 1 f c 1 - 1 0i-rEaJ suHering tl at the hear when she ehaU indescribable dread, and -Langer, pain and Lorror uso ci A.lother's Friend. tKj-t t: iby tL i only, which toughens and readers - sTO The Democratic of Jraven liters . - nC&unty; ; J .jx-V -.-: .- . . 1 ., rX aereby sanoBaee myself s candidate Xdr macmiaktltts-sr itsuter of Deeds of Craven county. ' 1 desire to ' express my sppreclsUow for the irpport which the Democratic voters of tbe County have gives: me in tbs 'past and ..to state that If nominated and elected I will give my best efforts to discharge the duties of hs office acoepUhlyk . . ,2k: GXORGB B WATERS Amtonncement .y I hereby snnonnoe (to the Dcmooratlc voters of Crsyen connty, that I ahall be before tbe next Connty convention, a candidate for the office of Sheriff. , Since I have been your sheriff, I have endeavored to discharge my dutles-falth-fuUy and impartially, and so far as I know, satkfaotorlly. I feel very grate ful for past favors and most earnestly solicit yonr support at said convention. V; J.W.BIDDLE, Announcement. , l wish to announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county subject to tbe will of the Demo cratic bounty convention. I represent a constituency on the north side of (he river which has been loyally Democratic at all times and have sought political preferment but lit tle. I believe ttjs due the townships In that section ''-to be represented in the county sdmlnisttutlon and I therefore solicit ths consideration of the Demo cratic electors. DAVID P. WHITFORD, Announcement. I hereby snnonnoe that l am a candi date for the offloe of Treasurer of Cra ven connty and will appreciate the sup port of my friends, If elected to said of fice will serve you as faithfully in the future as In the past Respectfully, DL ROBERTS. Announcement. To tbe Democrats of Craven Co. I wish to. announce that I am a can didate for the office ' of Treasurer of Craven connty and respectfully' solicit your support If elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office. Respectfully, N. H. STREET. Aononncement. I take .this means of notifying thb Democratic Voters ' of Craven county, tbst I will be ' riandldate before the aexoouaty convention for the office of Couaty Treasurer. Itsomlnated,! shall faithfully and diligently discharge the duties of the office. Ia the event of my nomination, When elected, I sball establish my efflce in the City of New Bern conveniently locat d for the rsyment of a'l voach en. - Irljr section of Craven county has for years torn the name of rolling up heavy auorfiiee for Democracy, I have ever been found, (lacs my majority, in the heat of evert elect loa. - ' All the County efflcea 4re now filled by gentlenten from New Bern and I trust tbe Democratic voters In the next eonvsntloa, Will eonceds this ' office to tbe County snd to the section I repre sent 'HesrjeetfnlJy; " - " " ' r; FBEE1CAN 8 ERNTJI, T, A. Greata, Prest ' y:,' X. 1L Beadows, TloePrest a. a. umii, vasiusr, w " Do a asneral Banking Baslaess -''i Bsnptas and UadM-'; ; " . ded ProBts, n,WM. i ..' C ' - We will five nromnt sad careful at ten Uon to all buslaess entrnated to as..-. Ws pvite your aoponnt. Try ns. -; , Swil at DsraeStw. rvHinaae Vutsi . - t. A.MMdows, . i ' el tamoel W. I pock ChM. B . Vewiar, . , ' a. bt. Mj(,ws; ; Jantss Badmaad,. MararBahn. 1. w . rinrr. . taomaa.(l .tm.i..i. A.I.fM mm. SUlraa. i ' W.F. Craatast,; ;. Bark Dlsosaay. ...-.. il ITotlce of Entry ' " State of NORTH CAROLINA ,i r - I -i t ! ;(! Connty of Oravsn. Te G B Waters, Entry Taker for Cra ves County; The undersigned N. If. Lancaster of Orsrsn oonnty, North Car 1 Ins, enters snd lays claim M the follow ri.Trj or parrel "of land Is o. ,i, -run ouutsty, Btate 1'""' i C una fcolng vacant and neai-j-i"prl 1 Uiid snd i'ubf'ct to c:.ry, vis; known .-"tbe D'yai 'sker, ',- rf 1 -i'l flu. 'a In Crsven anty 1 of I': C. on t tout1! t '1 of Pat ' 1 ' - -...slandsof U It , :...'r:, Wm Lewis, O F Dloklos m l olhms containing .by ettlmstloa ' t n nnor leu Eoteisd il . 1 b day tf r 1 I. , 'li il LAiCASTF-If, CitizsBatilt -LABGEST AND HOESaES and." lCZTXJEB Ever offered for saleTn New Bern, A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of Buggies, WagonsHaraesB. Robes, "Whips Cart Wheels,' Etc J. A. JONES Broad HU 5$ C!GM Aua-iVcnclicn a ttidkers NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA, ) In the Cbavxn Cotjhty J Superior C ourt J S Miller vs Mamie B Schenck and Husband, Wil liam Bcbenck and Thomas C. Howard. To the defendants Mamie B Schenck and husband, William Schenck : You will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Craven County, for the recovery of the following personal property, towlt: two mattresses, one rocker, six chairs, one safe, two bed springs, live rugs, two toilet sets, oae side board, two lamps, two easels, one hat rack, one parlor suit, two bedroom suits, of five pieces each, two door mats two pictures, one glass, one tsble.twenty four yarda of matting, sixteen yards of carpeting, five yards of linoleum being the same sold to William Schenck by plaintiff about September 17, 1902. And you will further notice that you are re quired to appear at a term of tbe Super ior Court of said County to be held on the ninth Monday after tbe First Mon day In March 1904, It being the 9th day of May, 1904, at the Court House In New Bern. Ciaven Connty, said State, and answer or demur to the complaint In eald action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de mandea Inlaid complaint. This 4th day of April. 1904. W M. WATSON, C. 8. C. THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH RKACDBD BY Southern Railway. The Southern Railway announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October IS, 1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina. Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting to those In search of health or pleasure. In these States re such noted resorts aa Flnehurst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Summervllle, S. 0., Charles- ton, 8. C, Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick. Jekvl Island and Thomasvllle, Ga. Jacksonville, St Augustine, Ormond, Daytona, Palm Beach, Rockledge, Miami and Tamos. Fla.. also the resorts of Nas sau and Cuba, best reached via Southern Rallwav; Tickets on sale up to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return until Mav 81. 190t Southern Railway affords elegant train servioe.wfth the Istest Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, ele gant Dining Car service, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of tbe traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for further information and descriptive llteratnra. The Gulf Coast Resorts, Mobile, lew Orleans, Mexico snd California . .. ..... .:- Southern Railway. Winter . Tourist tickets now on sale to the noted resorts of the Gulf Coast aad Mexico and California. , Tickets on salsvla Southern Railway up to and Including April 80, 1904, limited to May 81, 19OtH0r return passage. . Elegant train service , Tbs routs S the " Wssblngton and Southwestern Lisa Red" end "Sunset Limited." I Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed Information aad descriptive matter. ) rteL-Und of lbjfiy ' 1. '1 ':: til d "f r h r: c araatry." IDEAL WlMTlR ' jl. OM8.-si rTrita Boothern Rallvsf reschos tbs t.ieal winter resorts of the "Land of the Bky" and "Hspphlre Country," including Sshevllle.N.CHot Sprlsgw N. C ileadeiaoovtlUe, N. C.s. Urevsrd snd lake Toxoway. Tbe climate of this sec tion Is unparalleled, sultsbls for Invalid athlete or simrumn, snd offars svsry cbsraa of snidest Vi inter Resort. Kle siot tourist hotels. Through Sleeping Crs from principal Ollles. , Tourist Tlckots now on sale at vary low ru-, AU nearest Tlskat Arsnt for dotslled tnfnrmstlonsr.fi jdescrlptlve HMtur. , , 1 Tebnhoiic ''- :'.: FINEST. STOCK, OF Bdlto.lMd. A. & N. G. R. R. TIXZ TABLE HO. 33 To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 19C4 at 12:0i;A. M., E. S. T. doing Eaet Schedule: Going We tt No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 8 30 Qoldsboro 11 00 8 59 LaQrange 10 88 4 22 Kington 1019 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 00 5 60 Lv. " A 8 27 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead city Lv 6 85 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 8, PaBsenger Train. stations: DAILY. Lv. A. !( Ar I. M . 880 . 808 7 67 . 7 47 . 787 . 725 . 717 . 700 . 660 . 648 680 F. M. 800 818 826 ...Goldsboro Beet's ... LaQrange 8 87. 8 48. 9 02. 9 IS. 9 8C. 9 60. 9 64. 10 10. A., v, Falling Greek Klnston 0&8weU - Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Olarks ...Ar. New Bern, Lv.. No. 7. Passenger No. Lv. a. m. Sundays Only Ar. 10 23.... Lv. New;Bern Ar 10 40.... Kiverdale 10 43 Croatan 10 68 Havelock , 11 15 Newport 11 20 Wildwood 11 40. . . .Ar, Morehead City Lv. . . 8. p. m 614 5 47 5 48 585 5 21 615 4 40 FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT 2d Claw. SUNDAY Lv. am No. 2. 2d Class Ax. p m ....250 .... 218 .... 208 .... 188 .. .1218 ... 1201 ....1101 ....10 40 ....1010 .... 964 .... 990 .... 805 .... 780 .... 718 .... 700 .... 626 .... 607 .... 568 . .. 520 .... 460 a. a. 511...... ..Qoldsboro 5 45 Best's 8 12 LaQrange 6 17 Falling Crock 7 82 Kins ton 7 40 osswell 00 Dover 9 40 core creek 10 10 Tuscarora 10 88 Clark's 1100 Ar. New Bern.Lv.. 18 80 Lv. New Bern Ar. . 1 12 Riverdale. 1 90 croatan 1 40 Havelock 8 00 Newport, Lv... 8 80 Wildwood 8 28 Atlantic 9 55 .. Ar. Morehead city, Lv 8 00 ...Ar. M. City Depot, Lv P.M. a L. DILL, B. A. NSWLAND, Qen'l Bupt. Master Transportation. A. F. HrLLEMAN, Chief Dlspatchsr. Le B. Habicht, FDTE Lager Beer The Finest Liquors and Wines. Hablcht's Key Weak, Habieht's Tea Cent Perfectos CIGARS, Comer g Front and Hancock 8 beets, NewBcrn,JtO, , r. M. SlmHsns, ' " A. D. Ward J 5IMnON8 dk WARD,, T ATT01RX1 ast C0CN8IL0R8 st .'..'lAW. Offloe Removed serosa Btreet to bee i Story oi No. C9 (above Telegraph K)l , flee) South Front Street, nex te ' PraMbM In tfa' rtnmrtlird at.nkaa. Duplin Jones,' Oaslow, Carteret, I pams eo and Wake, fa the Supreme, and Fad' aral Gonna, and WKaravar iIiim aia dealred.',' . - . woVi;,.:.'. sasssasssBsaMsasssaassaasMSMa Administrators Notico ITsTlnthls dsy qualified ss ths Admla trttnr of ifaa lail Will aad Tattmrrant nf Wm B Mon-ts, dertessadll persons fcsv Inclslms sg'ntt the estate Of tbs &' 1 . . , a . uouaateu Kra cor" y aouoee M irt t ths Ifcm tlnlv varinari ma An fir '. . thstih dy of April 19i5 or this emlcs win o pion(-1 ia oar or isir rr -vrntj. All persons Indstilad to. said Si''sars bereliy request! to make immsaisis id llsment. This Sth dsy of AprH. 19(1. i , C. JT. MaCARTUT, , Admlnlitiaior. . V, r : n a crniNKiW : . :i y, a r -'3 t . " a f . 'i- 4 4, r at