1 - . 1 V it--.-. . ' ft v ....1.'i'ii''w:''V I) I La Kind Too Cava AI.v..; 3 I , " '., r I : , ia use for over SO years, Las" Lome tat 5 and Las Z5-iZj eomJguperrLIoa tl. :a I jl " AU Counterfeits, Imitation! and jQst-as-3Kl": 3 5 Experiments that trifle wiiS and endanger 11 e L. t .' Infants and Children Experience against Xlr-e:L t :What JoCASTGllIA - Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Caster C2, Itr goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. ; , It Is Pleasaxi. IS .. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other EsrcrtLj - substance.. Its age Is. Its guarantee.' It destroys T7cm ' . and allays Feverlshness. ; It cures Dlarrhosa and 171x3 Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Const!;,t!k and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates tL9 - ; Stomach tend Bowels, giving healthy and natural .fep..,. - The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. -. ccrjuiNE CASTORIA Aimvo si Bean the The Kind You Haye Always BouijM In Use For Over 30 Years.- CV tm onmsa oamurr. Vv hdmi tcct. new otittHHNMNNNNHiHmK:::::t::::;::io s Room In The oreat Southwest II Have you rver c n-l i rid m gret advantage of tht fea tme of the Snuinw t pt n y of rlbnw room where three, tivj. vea i'n n -.rta ton it imil at the price of s single acre n your home section r 1 i worth consldcting, espedlljM wl.ea the great productive worth of the land Is taken is ae count. It s a wonderfully fertile se.tloa. There la no bet-. agrlo tural e tlon In this couotry, and farms aretbeap ont there In kaDta), Oklihom and Texas limply te- ca iae there are more firms than' formers- Can yon afford -to overlook an 'opportunity of this kind t Our Illustrated booklets will give you the particnltrs In detail. It not Interested yourelt write for them anyway in behalf of your less favorrd relatives and nelhborit. "r (Mention this Paper.) fONE A11E PLCS 2 DOLLARS For the Round Trip First and Third Tuesdays of each Month DR. LYON'S Strictly RESULI French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmleaa.anre to accomplish DBSIREO LTi. Greatest known female rillTIDH Beware of eonnterfelU nt Miltatlou. VHWIIUH urn with fao-almlle ignaui on tide lor uicsj&r tu vrn .i ,i a m a jn u. vm, mus Assnu, mTiMiii tMfc SOLD BY D R DAVIS. ' L. 6. DANIELS, Sale Livery And Ex change Stables, ON CKAVEN ST. Cnntsntly la stables, stock of floe farm and driving horses, sod draught mules. Cheap for cash or on time ttb good paper. y. See me before you Buy. I G DANIELS Taaiy Mmmi f -a oeaieitaj. . C- Aaron Mnalnf siktlrti nJ dcMnrtpUonri iio.17 aMarutn our opinion frw (Mtint r.ntwxi l. urobablv natmitbl. CotiavM r.nluxi l probablf pitiitbl. Coaianaw. ttoaMrteU,n)wil(aL lludbnnkaa PiUUI Mit ties. U'rtmt anno, foe aenurttif muou in Si Cm aaaatai mfriatwitiu, wltlmetokim, lut .- faiants uaim tDrouirn 'Maim scientific Jicerica S fton IsofMkl Htnalia'A4 wlAtlv. t"vsa SS ' v).Uoh of an, artanllSa tuarmal, Twnl. SI ( nnr siontw. su aoM ut all n M a",-;,. 21 XCQMiirm rl MIHe I T D. I. U 4 It IV v; ; f --i :'-' Attorney at Law, i 'JXa '1 Hi . i tpti lintel Chattawka an i.,4iiiitj Atuirney. "'reuii, Craen. Joimml' UnsMiw, ''"'OarV iam.' Iamlimi, ilrww, 1 eooir, a4 the Miime atift Karfoml I'nerta .;-. " Russell Hous If, ' -, BiLrUFORT;N. d, : ! : Centrally loo .Cd, . AH the dell caoiei of ths season.;,: Well Venti lated rooms, Good beja, Phone con vculeoce, Tol'te and aitentivo Ecr Tants.' ' .v Rates r tlO jier daj. facial arid liberal terms b vetk or month. !, ".. ' , . ' ' . . . ; ' G. A. RUSSELL ' ; . - proprietor, , Noiicp. J'.i!irl t nby flven thai harlr i; ' i nt lesie No 7 of li 1 J rr l o i ' s'o. k of t he K e f. i n i " t I ,. 'II A ..HI llll'id, '!'! j I i t i i'i I ': ll' - t I (IT' , II I, tecnr.a'3t .?" Signature civ W.JT, SAUNDEES.'D P 1 5 Blebmeid. Tat : 5 -JOHN SEBASTIAN, : Fanengar TrmfloBtuasTcr,': '. CHICAGO, ILL. uttttt::t:::::::::t) remedy. Prioe, fl.oO per bottle. T gnlii Is wS W tmlf ' rSls Xrt 0M of tha bottls, Ihuu , jf - Electric ights Persons wishing their buildings wired will please make application- In wrl ting: v, :-. -.:i:. . Auy complaints for defective lights, Inattention of employees,' &. -, If mads In writing, to the Commission,!; -wuT oelve prompt atteittos. - Address all communications to the BecreUry. WATKB & LIGHT COMMISSION, "-. : : - -: 'WGrlffltliSut CiEOlMlBMTCH ;,,JIAICT.XIIefE;;: ?' I rgllGHT t 'FASSilMii' For All l?olnti ITcrl! 'r-jKIUritii Oct, Jst, JM8.f ;i a Tbe Dteamcr.NElT3n a achats led to Sail at p. m., Monday p. m day, for weunesoay. mm rnaay, rof .lUiDla City N. 0.. Steamer: OCBACOiau la scheduled to sail at S p m Toeaday, Thursilay and Beturday for EllabsU City. .C. J" Freight received net iatci then on hoar preYloni to i:.!I'r;. For farther Information Ut geo. siz:;dz::zzh, lit K. Eixo, Geo. I'zT., n.0.nuiaiK3lC.a.riL4rt:i.A;t Koxlo'.k, Va, ; W.&E5X2a LL, Ass't Cen'L Frt. and I a s. Ag-t, Kw Eern. IX. C. C "-I ! t i wireino Qd Dommibn Steansm? Co ti.il. r f ' ,'t ! t.: l . ' :::.t (...' it ' 1 l.t i t..e , J over. TLe eT cant to,k it ia L. btttUng '..-a. Eut hay y i , hel the joys cf t s f ; began grb ... y to that email (ace. i-and" vi.i a for a mnrnpTit i, tla t... e - . . . r fru.u Her nether l!p dropped down, and suddenly a be went off Into a gathering wail. i- ... "But-but now I want It back! I I Want It back!" O --- ... i .' "But. don't you e, dearIav7ouean't get it oaca now h i toft late. -No, It alnLlielUierr He alnt et It jret.w , , "No, no, now. you-jnst jfOjih Hjpng witn me." J , "I won't" I wob't eome along. " I want my orange back." : .v-. i Her cries of woe became louder and wilder. ;: It ma a. bopeleea erabarrasn ment, "Bat that i"pooe old elephant'' released then) front it .himself. He reached forward tnd, with 4ignlty, dropped tbe orasge, the railing agalal In one futully jnt least ?thre Is belief la pachyderm aaderstaadlng and self sacrifice which no evidence in uie cvuvnirj van er Buuiek; J j Of the 4mup of keepera, however, who told the story one added an illn mlnatlng explanatory; notai With el (5 phants, It acema. oranges have never rbeen any gWat divaraloo" anyhow. But, almost no matter what as ele phant Is offered, be wil generally Jake and hold It f or time before Anally making np bis mind to reject it-Sa t ardir Kynlng Post - , s v ASUrtUOf lest - f , To tvs ajir Dr T G UeriUt, of No Urhoopaey. P, msd,e s itsrtljog twt refalUof la a wonderf at fxure. THt writes, pailent was atlackerf wllb violent Hemorrhage, caused by ulcera tion of Me stomachy I had often, fonnd Klecirlit Rltteraetcelltdf for sonU jtOOB acrj aid liver tionblee so I prescribed thenar . The, patient gained from tha; first as! has ho bad. 0 attack Is 14 months. Electric filiters' art positively guiiran tesdfor Pyiptp . Indigestion, Con stipation t sad , Sidney troubles. ,ttj them. ' Oitlfi 60 0 p " Sndham's drag storaj slV ,-M?tT.. t SaamaikUar Aatrat B1WU. - Birds Ut very' short lives, but they enjoy them more than we do. They live faster, so t speak, and know' tnore of exubersnce the pars joy of living, thsa ireOai JjaifJ .y;..M.:-; " - Sid yoaevst tUaa4too, how. warmly they are elotbedl. FeatbetS are Warm er than for. . Whea .w hunua beings want to protect urave from the cold of winter w aBd hunter up hito jthe frozen feortn to bring down td us the breasU of the eider udt TWnk of that downf. One side Of it has lain sgaiiwt .the rtm breast and ths ether against ths ice floes, and when we have It mads aft UVfo 4ttl)ts fit aTsroentS ire And that it keeps as warpoer than, sny thiatelsstvlrcboldr,,'ii; J, - It is also wonderful to think how light in .Weight tbeael feathers are Which gira inch , warmth. Toa See, they have to, btv bird could no f ry mncb weight as it cleaves the sir any tnore thad.yoa could wh6n swim ming. ; How exactly the need of 'the little creature w met .whea It was tlotbed to feathers! ::X :" There are flTaiby -llcre ; ; ;':;; in ITex7 Bern - OraUtads avikeii thousands' of wullng witnesses. - There . art rnaay; grateful people Is New Bera. -Ths tettlmony of friends and neighbors of - people yon sow is seideaa beyond dlspate.' Read this stsUmsat mad by s New Sen oltt- : 0 P Barttlpg, proprietor if tie Baiel toa bar bat shop, place of address 108 Middle itraet, ssyst - --. ul used Doas's Kidney Pinihloh 1 procured at Erhia's" Pharmacy for my back and U Ja- i aed I fouad theac to be all that l cl&lmsd for them. I had trouble with try hack, for some time, ths secrstloal from the hldaeys were Ten dark and fall of sediment and my back gave me any amount of trouble. Il pained and c' -1 to badly at times thai J could aot attend to,bulnesa, ilioan's Kldaey Pills want to the rlht spot so qalckly that I oould ' hardly believs It the list soi did me so much good tkal f boughLS second and od fourpllhs day. My back b aot hurt me since and I eaa aimd on try feet all day and du not get tliad like 1 oiJ tv. Toa sy eaa bis name and lcrtue Tor 1 kaow tbegisat value f Doaa's Kldaoy Pii'is.' . . ; ' for sale by all Ja!rs. Pnre 50 cats ahos. Potar-LL'aura Co., Buffalo, N. Taoleacau rv f U. B., ' -, :, , ' Rritw tae t Dnan'S and aka not ft "" c . t f c t:.cr i J t.-.-r if h m v, to give t ..t r I of t .1. Ti e , i once ar,i a.. . . . .-, t...i f bl.est rai-jre v 1 ? '., -i fir' a- s I tMr a i IliiUw ii irr I '. t ) f-' .i ; . . f t-e n.:. i i.o cf ' t'.e i a a of v Lit J Cowt-rs ai Bet un tLe briui. TLe feature cf t-:a ! " f I.-"".' ' i i i " " ' riV i v - - .; ths irsw a&t vbotnem. hat is the lace flounce, "which la sewed around the back part of the bat This flounce -which is Just "deep enough to tcoverith nect,ls 'Jlghtly i worked in spots with "white silk, i The way to shirr such I flounce Is to gather it upon a shirr htbg.i)Thf whole is then fas tened tl the iack-of the hat in such s manner a to5 torni a veil around' its three sides. The technical name ia the bati flounce. vThis same idea is carried out la. white, lace upon a swhite bat. And it is seen In tnn lace upon a bat of, burned straws AH the different dyed laces are used upon hats of the same color.r-New York . Commercial A'drer- mstt )m Iilasrerl Hata. The fashionable maid will have one or two of . those fascinating lingerie bats in her summer trousseau, and the batiste, mull, fine swlss embroideries and Valenciennes iace creations are lovelier than ever this, season, jis uv numerable changes are rang upon com binations "of f lace and flowers. Nets, plala1 or dotjed, with large chenille wafers, arft alUrred and plaited into shy rimmed shapes and trimmed with flowers and soft silken scarfs. - Quaint Sffects sre; obtalnedVhy using embroid ered and painted monsSeUnp over broad trimmed, low 'crowned, shapes covered With plain taffeta. vOne model in palest lDafi-taffetai' has its. brim lined .with tiny rUJM?, Jtlenciennes. : The out side of the hat Is entirely eovered in white mbussellne over broad trimmed, low crowned shapes covered with plain taffeta. : One model in palest lilac taf feta h it urlai Uned with tiny frAH of Valenciennes. The outside of the" hat is entirely covered in white tnous aellne, painted in floral designs and io set ' With lace, : and a broad scarf of lilac taffeta folds round the cowh and falls in loops and ends under the brim at the baek. 5 Skirt of the Season. VTJie- European modistes tell us that there, la no shadow of doubt about the advent of full 'skirts for -the -coming season, iTherotnay be variations in detail' la trimming, In length, but .the snmmer. iskhtj wil .be full, and the sheer materials, the' soft supple sum mersUkp ndrooIs, , will lend them seiyes 'charmingly to the mode. For the ivalklng skirt Lud tha'aklrt which, for- want of a better term, one' must call 'dressy the summer laws are ap proximately fixed. . The nwrnlng street costumes will not break into billowing fplds, but wUI keep a tailored severity and,u whether, plaited or plain, will fit snugly around the hips and ripple dis creetly at the ankles., , , Jfe t'j.'' iallswjree!.;. c .. . :?. Tucked blouse of cloth or silk with plain ypse of new anape bordered with band of 'embroidery.. Bands of en af jiti Si 4-' $.X A MAT BLOTJRB. ,.' f broidery trim the blouse and cross on the deop tucked cuffs. The full sleeves Sre plaited at the top. The collar Is of guipure or embrrldory. i v ' ' I " ' " Coaablaallona Parpl. , v '. " Itoral purple Is one of the most ap propriate shades for combined day and svening wear, it b not a color thai can be worn by all, but with those who can wear It it la worthy of considera tion. A glorious mixture Is composed of purple and a peculiar Shade of bright pink. Htranfre ns It may sound, tlila la roally a becoming combination when aoftppwl by luce and can bo worn I y ninny who cannot wear purple alone. and .'- 1 '8 . : ' t ... I rl Lfl I'I. a... 17 t . ' E j l j . . a i: .'- .'.'Jy tl cf the ta cf tils v. nJ f.l reme. . Z.ll ty all irr a at f i.v rr drr -t atx.corr '. bottle. Our little .4-. bock, telling all about n this Unime&t. will be sent free. rt-j tallica. :: Tle Carbaittil WSItr, -' :-;',' - Here is a curloui trick.? V'. K , .Take a dinner plate sud pour Water in it pretty close up to the prim: Then take a small empty bottle and say to your friends: :"Look at this bottle and note that it has a perfectly solid bob torn. Now, will you believe that I am wizard enough to pour water through this solid bottom?' " ' ' 1 "Of oonrae," everybody will saicas' tlcally.anf(wer.-'-,Mph, yes; of coursd." But you will soon make thenf bellevS It IA dead earnest or else be Quite mys tified -. ,-):u-V..:4.f,l?s M -Ht., This 'is "the -war for you to do1 the tricks eon V Kk , Take a long stick and put .oneend into the bottle and by means of it bold the bottle close to flame nntil it is very hot" Then seize it wUVs doth and stick It at once, mouth downwnrd into the dinner plate that is fun of wai ter. v H'"' 1 , ,t , Now; a teaspoonf ul at a time, not toe rapidly pour, water over the bottom of the bottle,-,,; j.- . aL r Now, the queer thing is that the bot tle, actually will begin te All up with water, andw bo far as your friends can see, you have succeeded in pouring wa ter in through the bottom. , What ia the explanation!.. Why, this: That as the bottlecools oft the air within it contracts and causes the wa ter in the plate to rise. ' A CONTINUAL STRAIN. If any men and women are; ronstantly subjected to what they commonly term "a continual strain" becanse of some financial or family trouble. It wesriand distreises them both mentally and physi cally, affecting their nerves ' badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evils of coDsUpatrbn, loss el appetite, stoeplessnesV, lowtlt ial Ity 'sad despondencv. 'They canBot as a rule, get rid of this "continual strain,' but they tan remedy i's healtt -destroj kg effects by iaklng' frequent, doses of Green's August , flower. It tones up the llverstimulatss.the kidneys Insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim sad piiit tQone't whole befog, and event ually dispels the physical or mental dis tress oaused by that "continual itraln. Tr'al bottle of Angnil Flower, 25c; reg niar size, 75c. At aUdroggistSi F. rTDuf- Announce went To the Democratid roters - of Cravsa , "Connt: rij;...a.'. X:';' " I herbby announce myself as a candl date tot County Treaurtr, sad if elected I will al ways serve you to ft , best of my ability. v ' . " Respsotfully,'"- - j. j. Baxter; . Do you intend that your Ufa shall be wastedr ' Uyspepsia' venders ' yens ex. lstenoa miserable and, predisposes to an diseases. : Invest 85 eents ia a bottle of tOS . ? mm V aa s .vif'if., ... 1 u irVtr':?SVt I ; ' l a&a ODtam au n txau-u lvs cjw msurse. Vis., Instant relief from distras. prfao lUgesUoa. anrV a permaaent ear OS She tnost eluro&lo'eaae of Dyspepsia SumrU' born,'. Oaatritla ;or any forsa of stomsohv disorder.,' MitJ f -4 . it you would be strong and Well try if etop.tjt rf 1 1 v.'' ''"- 3? r--;-j Three BhaWSBOn 80s. and fl.OO,',' x aOROVER OR AM AM CO.,(lrOjNtWSUiaM,M.V. F. & DUFFY, Wholesale lad Betatl DruitKist. ; J'f. n Administratrix ITptlce, Havlar qualified as admin! trttrlx of Daniel O fimaw deceased, lur of Craven County N. 0, this it t i notil all persons hiving claims afmlitt the estate ( of said deceased to exhibit them to- the onilor Slpnidonot before tha ?iht dayofMay 1U"3 or this Notice wilt be plead In tar of their recovery. . ,'.., All persons Indebted lo said estate will ? Viae make iiumeiliu jnymest, This ihdiy of Msyl04. : : U um -EATULUOAS, !.': . . H ; Administratrix. Judication of Bum-' t- A-r a . 1 ' NOHTfl CAHOLINA,! la the Craven County," JBrtnrlorCcurt, Blale on I'i 1st on of L I Mooia, Pol., (in EeUlf nV.V II 0:ivr, Irpstie . of tlo Crt:nn r. t .u . - T W Pcwey ami B l'r!iiiric, r Jl !-.'. t t! fc, r.'.JsMlHwcy.K iin Ml'ilai- ' ' ' 'on of tr.S . 1 ' 'T Is S - ' . I t '- s i. . . . . O t the rr.-.Ler's sl.a;. cllr.ta. All of this can be avoided, .1 r 1 1 : . .11. t r. -. .- tc.ore uny couica, u 11,1s i ; t tLa boJy for the strata opon it, andr j . . t il -. 1" r's Frleai overcomes all the I i 1 1 . ' tie e r j- ictant mother safely through: ' 1 t. 1." .t paijj. It is woman' greatest bleasing.' Lcneflt and rfclicf derived frjm the , .''' ' :'" ' """' "V v-: " rP ) 1 . I ? n u.Ui a ii i To The 5" Dembcratic " - . r A ii fit- 1,1 . Vi if.t: t Voters of - Trav?n i ""I - r-TrK-v' W 4 i flV(f -County; ,;v- .1 hereby announce myself a candidate for th nomination of Bea later of Deeds of Craven county. ,1 desire to express my appreciation forthV eitpport which the Democratic voters of the County have given me fn tbe .' past and to state that If nominated and elected I wl'l give my beat efforts to discharge the duties of the office acceptably. ' - V" . ' J' GEORGE" B WATERS r " . Announcement ,1 hereby announce to, the Democratic voters of Craven, county, that I shall be before the next County convention, a candidate for the office of Sheriff. ' ; ' Since ! have been your sheriff, I have endesvered to discharge my duties faith fully and Impartially, and so far as I know, sthfaCtorily.t t feel, very grate ful for pt favors and most earnestly solicit your support at said convention. ' J. W. BIDDLF, " Announcement. I Wish to anhounce thy candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Craven county subject to the will of the Demo cratic county convention, k, I represent a constituency on the north side of the river which has been loyally Democratic 'at all times and hava sought political preferment hut lit tle1 I believe it Ii due the townships in that seotlon to be represented In the codnty admlnlstiatlon and I therefore solicit the consideration of the Demo cratic electors. DAVID P. WHHFORD. . Announcement. I hereby announce that I am a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Oia rea county and will3 appreciate the sup. port of my friends. It elected to said of fice will serve you as faithfully In the future ss in the past - ' Respectfully, - T DL ROBERTS. Announcement. To the Democrati of Craven Co. I wish to announce that t am a can didate fbt the office of Treasurer of Craved county and' respectfully, solicit your support,' If elected I promise a faithful performance of the duties of the office, ' " Respectfully, 3 "N. H. STREET. Announcement. I lake .thlii4 means'' of notifying tht Democratic voters 'of Craven county, that I will-be a candidate before the next county convention for the office of County Treasurer. " J?If nominated, I shall faithfully and dPIgeatly discharge the duties of the office. In ths event of my nomination, whea elected, I shall establish my offlct la ths City of New Bern: conveniently located for the payment of a'l vouch ers. ; .;;f!' ; ' My seclios of Craves county has for years bar the name of roiling np heavy majorities for Democracy, I have, ever bsea found, since my majority, in ..ths best of sveTy election. . All the County offloea are no w filled by gentlemen from n New Bern and I trust thaDsmocratiQ voter In the next convention, wlUeoneeda thi- olhce to the County and to Jibe section 1 repre seni jrRpctfuUyi t-. i 4 t! ' - , ,i. 11 ' nii'ii'1.1 u ii .1 g Tot ppnajkable. -l ' l hereby ' announce myself at candb dste for Consuhl of the :8th ownshlp, and If elected, I will Jry to' dq my duty In the1 futur as I have lathe past. "? - . - u avi. T. Address, Prest. ' .-',,a-- - B, Hr Meadows, Tlc-PreL 1 . j. i A,' CszeU, Cashier. o inrvr jsatsiw. ar. o. ; Do a Oeneral Banking Bnslasss '' Surplus and tfndiv. xlf ' " ded ProflU, 22,0Ca00.; W will give prompt end careful attea Una to ail nusines eotnisioa to ns. W Invite your account. Try us BhnurS Dltaawra, ".' ut.k l"ril"aA Ilboefe - J. A. ft M. H. afaadewt, (. has. DuifT.Jr. ' . .i.wh-A 4c laiaoe BwInaeaS, i,ii,l.if, - . Mane, t 1. .i r, '. tuocnas A.reaa . . .t,.4,.M . ' w.r.tteekekvj , ; ... Hark Dlsosway. i . , ITcficocf Entry,:' ITQ CAROLINA) County of Craves. ( To 0 B Vi'ator', f ntry Taku for Cra ea Coti! ';; The nnlerilgnel N. M. Lt-u : ... r of Craven county, North Car- r, : p er-! 1 1 ft .: i If. f a i m to th e folio w-t-rf 1 ' 1 1 : scrpsrctl of land la !p, CrTca county, Etat "1 c, V-rant j..t to r k r, n .1 ml l. V 1 II- ai I j Ci '.ira CM! f 1 V I is i rmnCc Jfc f A. ... : ; lVp: ' r.er'pi "f lSilV' iU send a large sample vj express ehirgU''' K?P??-0 :TAtil!ie-?il,,t-:? d'He.i.VsiiV ad give nearest exprtf 8 - i office,', J.,f y' ... $siv0-:ond Ohio Railway f WRLD'S TAJB. SCENIC ROUTE : SAINT LOUIS, MO- 'f ..'v.'. T'. ' i-T M BUOKTE8T, QUICKEST and BEbTROUTF. Ysstlbnled. Trains with Pullman Slop per and Dining Cafs. .' Through tickets wlifa dir. ct ronneotlons. SPECIAL RTE SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAY TICKE TS. Fifteen dm tlokets from Norfolk, Va, J23.00. '" Sleeping car ? ccommodatlorjs engaged upon application ".'' ' . SPECfA li COACH EXCURSIONS on authorized ''atrs', tloketa roo'I for ten days at rate of $17.00, aaavumiiijiim nn-ttiKHi tor pHrUf. USE THE C, ftrf) ROUTRan-l purchase your tickets accordingly. Vr coa h . xcnrlon dates, retervat ions and other information, address e, rtr " W. 0. WARTHEN, Dps, Richmond, Va F. W.nURO, 1 a. Agt 0 O. Ry , Norfolk. Va.. ' SBJJJJJJJJJJJJJS I Aua-Mencken & Bro- HKikers, Bdlto.lMd. NOTICE. NORTll CAROLINA, ) In the -Cbavbh County J Superior C ourt J 8 Miller vs Mamie B Schenck and Husband, Wil liam Schenck and Thomas C Howard. To the defendants Mamie B Schenck and husband, William Schenck: You will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Craven County, for the recovery of the following personal property, towlt: two mattresses, one rocker, six chairs, one safe, two bed springs, five rugs, two toilet sets, oac side board, two lamps, two easels, one hatrsck, one parlor suit, two bedroom suits, of five pieces each, two door mats two pictures, one glass, one table.twenty four yards of matting, sixteen yards of carpeting, five yards of linoleum, being the same sold to William Schenck by plaintiff about September 17, 1902. And you will further notice that you are re quired to appear at a term of tbe Super ior Court of said County to be held on the ninth Monday after the First Mon day In March 1904, it being the 9th day of May, 1904, at the Court House In New Bern., Ctaven County, said State, and answer or demur to tbe complaint in laid action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded In, said complaint. This 4th day of April. 1S04. W- M. WATSON, C. S. C. THE WINTER &ESORTS SOUTH REACHED BV Southern Railway. The Southern Railway announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October 19,1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting to those In search of health or pleasure, in these States 'are such noted resorts as Plnehurst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Summerville, S. C, Charles ton, 8,0 , Augusta; Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and Thomasville, Ga. Jacksonville, Bt Augustine, Ormond, Daytona, Palm. Beach, Rockledge, Miami and Tampa, Fla., also the resorts of Nas sau and Cuba, best reached via Southern .Railway. Ticket on sale up to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return until May 81, 190L Southern Railway affords elegant train servloe.wlth the latest Pullman Drawing Boom Bleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, ele gant Dining Car service, and everything for ths comfort and pleasure of the traveler ':' :'' , ' .' Ask nearest Ticket 'Agent for further Information and descriptive literature. the Gulf Coast Retorts Mobile, llew '! Orleans, Mexico and Callfomls Southern Railway. s 'Winter tourist tickets now en sale to ths noted resorts of the Gujf Coast and Mexico and California. " Tlokets on tale vis Southern Railway 1 up i to and including April 80, 1904, limited to May 81, 1904, for return passage, 1 ;, n v ' Elegant train service Ths route O the " Washington and Southwestern Lim Red" and "Sunset Limited." , i - Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed Information and descriptive matter, The MLanVot lit v ' , - 2 . 1 J J- , -I ?, i.trtlre'.Country.1 : i. IDEAL WWIER hCt01tTSv ' -) 1 i Hie Bontbern Hallway reaehes the Ideal winter resort 'of the "Land of th Bay" snd 'Hspphlre'Country," Including Ashevlllc.N. C, Hot Hprtngs; N. C. Ilenn.'TtonTlllle, N. C. Brevard and Lake Toxowar. Thecllmsto of this seo tlon Is unparaiii-lml, 1 suitable for Invalid aililctenr snortsmin, sntl offers every charm of an Meal Winter ltosort. Kle rnt tourist hotels. Throngh Bleeping t srs f om principal cities. ' Tonrint Tickets now on sals at very lnwrV'1. Ak nearnst Tlckot Agpnl f n! n!; d Inf. rmatton an-lldescrlptlve r. r-- (: 1 1 BEST POPULAR HUOE goods 'in CRMITY, BIUABIUTTTT,- - - w- - M. " ' . TT Klectrlc Lighted FOR SEASOTT, Special accom- A. & N. C. R. R. TIHK TAB LB NO. 33 To Take Effect Sunday, Ap). 10, 1904 at 12:0i:A. M., E. 8. T. Going East Sohedtjiji: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 05 8 59 LaGrange 10 88 4 22 Kinston 10 18 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 00 5 60 Lv. " Ar 8 27 7 15 Ar. Morehead city Lv 6 05 No. 6, Passenger Train Lv. A. li, 8 00 8 18 8 26 8 87 8 48 9 02 913. .... 9 80 9 50 9 54 No. 6, Passenger Train. stations: DAILY. Ar .P. M . 880 . 808 7 67 . 7 47 . 7 87 . 726 . 717 . 700 . 650 . 648 . 6 80 P. M, Goldsboro Beat's , LaGrange , ...Falling Crock... Kinston , Caswell Dover , Core Creek . . . .Tuscarora Clarke -Ar. New Bern, Lv. 1010. a. a. No. 7. Passenger Lv. a. m. Sundays Only- No. 8. -Ar, p. m 10 20. . . . Lv. New IBern Ar 6 14 10 40 Riverdale 5 47 10 43 Croatan 5 48 10 68 Havelock 5 85 11 15 Newport 0 21 11 SO Wlldwood 5 15 11 40. . . . Ar Morehead Oity Lv. . . 4 40 FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY . . . Goldsboro No.l. 2dClast. Lv. am 512 5 45 6 12 6 37 No. 2. 2d Class Ar, p m ... 250 Best's LaGranire . 2 18 . 208 . 188 .12 18 12 01 .1101 .10 40 .1010 .Falling creek 7 82 Kinston. 7 40 ...O&swell 9 00 : .Dover 9 40. 10 10. 10 88. 1100. IS 80. 112. 190. 140. 8 09. 8 20. 8 28. 866 800 p. a. ..Core oreek. . . . . . Tuscarora. . . . .Clark's 964 ..Ar. ..Lv. New Bern, Lv 9 80 New Bern Ar 8 05 Riverdale 7 80 . oroaUn 7 18 Havelock 7 00 . Newport, Lv 6 26 , Wild wood 6 07 1 Atlantic 5 68 ..Ar. Morehead Oity, Lv 6 80 1.. Ar. M. Oity Depot, Lv 460 i a. a. 8. L. DILL, Gen'l Supt. B. A. NEWLAND, Muter Transportation. A. F. nLLEMAN, Chief Dispatcher. L. B. Habicht, FINE Laoer Beer The Finest Liquors snd Wines, . . v Habloht' Key Wart, Habloht's Ten ; -".' Ont Psrfectoa CIGARS,. : 1 . - '' , ..' 1 Comer 8 Front Snd Hancock Streets, ' -, HswBem, HQ.. '' F, I. SlatatoBS, A ' A. IV Wsrl siMnoNS a waw,vVii;';; ATT0KSI1 aa COUNSELORS at LAW.- v .4 .-.:.,; sm aUtatms, a.' t Office Removed arrest B treat to ftC 'r. '" Story of Mo. 69 (above Telegrap a (Jf '" j floe) Bonth Front Street, nex;.tO .', ' .'Hotel Chattawka. J, ,W'.'-. Practice la the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carterst, Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral VonrU, and wherever servioss ar desired. ... . . . . . Administrators Uotico BavW.lutl day qnaltfled at the Arimta trator of tha last VYUI and TesUrrpnt of Wm B Morris, divnaacd.all persons l'v lnfr,ck!tT!i srjnlnst the astats of the '! dm 1 P(1 sra berntiy notified to prr the mm duly verified tnmton Or t th Shh i!y r f April 19i 5 nr this n :; Id piiilf J In tar of ll)"'r r" All r-.iH..ns tn.5-t.tJ to i'ul e hen ! f tfjnrstcl to make I mm': , t t. 1, a i h Ciy of Aj v!l. 1 t. C. J, I - ' " V. ii