HmwowMn:;Hm eeeeeeeeeeet $ ? ? : : tt: ! L 171. LofCEZSLti CD. -In n n , am - . mm X f Toey inentloii a few of the opnlu irmei which they will bat i "on sale at prion that cahoot fall to meet be approval ri the closest buy 68 lack a'l W 1 8trting In black; 790. they only Mkjou60oth :.' men an now Biacs uneviot spwgea ana snruua oqior, gutrw ; , teed the beat B'aeto, real value C8c this week yoi can bay It for 60a. ' . "'" 44 Inch Black Mohair, regular price 65c, thla week they offer it at VC-: lfnvt - " -vNf'i' -;4t Inch Black rictllaa a Suit ehedder, makea a handsome aktrt for i Sp-logand 8ommer for the mountains or the teaahore, Its s good vak a at 75e, special this week only BOe- ' I ' . -They are ntoa showing this week Beautiful Silk Voile Md Eolian r - fa Black ane colon, - ,(--. s- ' They hare Just received and hare on sale thla meek a Beautiful Hue of Black' Mercerised Petticoats and Drop 8klrti mideupwlth ; 4 Ruffles, hemstitched and tucked, the y are beauties, be sure to see ; tUem.The price Is wlibio -each of all 75 1, t y& f U&O $S.CO. y y- ,!- We prepay Express and freLht op all purchases amounting to $6 frl or over' Shipped io airy place within a radius of ICO miles of - 11 PHONE mm 1 j 4l PoVock St., Opposite Post-office EPSTEIN BROS, One Price Want You That they are in town. We handle as good a' line of Mens,' lloy and Childrens and Furnishing Goods as you will find any where. A trial will convince you. OUR MOTTO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back. - ' r,- ' 72 Bryan Block; is the very Beat Paint made; It surpasses all ather paints as to duality,- Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils M colors, ' Varfitshcs, '-'JEnfu', ;-Fbor-T Vat nish Stains, IfrggyiPs, Roof Paints, and Taint Brushes ?: ; 08 Middle fit. e)we)eaiteie4tme)aMw NOTICE OUR LIKE of Table i ; Glassware clcme Chimneys arid 7rencli Buruers. none i I better made. ; A -. mm . ' m 1 ' k-- - . ' Portsmouth l. .diets. W'i can now fnmUh 'the pnbll.j jvUH I lie KifHt lot of L'UIXHT'! rood red here IhU yar. 8m Un your or J. n 1 ' r lliry are fe'l f Also lend jonr order for anything d d j'm 1.- 1 1 1 the line of t , We can aupply your iroii!! l!y ikI r '.' : ry, If not a 1 ' lor your bueincsi, Wo cannot ni"tt:.? 't t hve j- '. , jur.t order wUtyou wantantl y.n 1 :. n. - jmp com ':'"!'!. I' , i- t nr.n ' & ,. - . nsvy and dark gray, good vat- yard. - '-; , 41; I 288. Clothiers. to Know SWldle Street. Phone 09. - J - .m "w sa r: TLa a'.re'.l Coutty Cuarclioi'S shall te Et".:j to t'.-ct to tleir En'.orls'i Juii:.' J asj Cor;re....:oikul C. ayentiona one delegate and one a', ornate for trery C'ty Democritic yotos, and one delegate tor fiactiona of oyer twen-fire Pemocrat ic votes cast at the last preceding guber natorial election In their respective coun ties; and none but dalcjates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to a seat In said conventions: Provided further, that ta all County Convention! In which dele gates shall be elected to attendany State, Congresslonall, Judicial or other conven tion, a vote shall be taken In accordance with the plan of organization aa to the candidates whose names may be present ed to such - County Convention. , The delegates shall be ' selected - from -the friends and supporters of each candidate voted for, In proportion to the numler of votes he shall reoelve in inch County Convention, and. no other Instruction Shall be given: Provided further that when only one candidate is presented and voted for at snch County Conven Hon, it ahfcll be lawful to Instruct for J snon canaiaate. -r .- t rf-.i ' At every County Convention before delegates tt State, Congressional, Judi cial, Senatorial or Other conventions, are chosen) there shall be a vote, - taken for the different candidates for office whose names may be presented,' and ' thejdtle gates shall vote for their respective coontlrs In agoordanoa with this votej that ia to ray, each candidate shall r Ceive totbe Biat?, Congressional, jJadl cI18ecaKrW or other convention the proportion of the vote. to which t be county may. be entlt td which he recei -ed in , the County, Convention. , The Chairman and secret try of the Cdunty Conveatioa shall certify ts each conven tion the vote received by each candidate given: Provided, that where ' only one candidate is presented It shall be lawful to Instruct for him.- At all . Stale Dis trict Conventions the delegates Irom the different counties may diarvgard the vote their respective counties ai teany J oandldatei Provl wl that a two-thirds ijorltf of all his votes from the county consent. -'"' "it - The chairman, or la his' absence any member of the Conner, SmatorlalJudi eial andOoagiesalonUOonveationiball call to order their respective convention and hold chairmanship thereof until the eonventlOB shall elect Its ohalrman, The Executive Committees of the Sen atorial, Congressional and Judicial Dis tricts, respectively, shall, aV the call of their respective obatrmenV meet at some time and place IA their respective dis tricts, and th chairmen of said respect ive committees Shall Immediately notify the chairmen of , the different County Ezneutivo 1 Committees of the said ap potntment, Sad the said County Execu tive Committee shall forthwith call coa veatlons of their respective counties In conformity to said notice to send dele gates to said respective District Conven tions. 1 ., , , .r , .m stat cdnvisnoHS. ,, , The State Convention shall be compos ed of delegates appelated by the several County Contentions. lack oonnty shall be entitled toolset 000 delegate am) one alternate for; every one hundred and fifty pemooraue votts and one. delegate for fi action over seven ty-flve JDemo- erstle votes oast therein at the last pro osdlng gnDornalorlal election; and none but dekgsteo or alternates nan elected shall be entitled to tests In said Convea tioa; - Provided, that every couhty shall have at beat one vote In - said Conven tion. - " ' ,l ' utju. ; f ; -( ;-4 1. 'At all 'lonventlona' the delegatta shall 10 stketed ss near as may be from the friend and supportets of the candW dates voted UtoWt?-Jtei S. Such delegalee - or alternates of absent delegate at may be present at f any Demooratle Convention 'shall be el towed to east the whole , vote ; to which their precinct 01 eounty maybe entitled. 1. In all ooaveatloas provided for ty this system, sfier a vote la . cast, tbsie shall he no changi in such .vote, until the Anal result of taO ballot - ahaU be an nounced by the chalrmaa of said con vention. . :. 1 ' ' , 4. All Democratic Erecutlve Commit tees shall have the power to All any ya- oaactea ocjurrtag , In their, respective bodlM. ; .' -' f: o. The chairmen of Ue different Conn ty ConvsBtloas shall certify the Hat of delegates sad alternates of the different District and State Conventions, and a eertiaed list of laid eeleirates and alter- aatss to the secretary of the State Ceni. tral Committee. ( , ' -, . It shall be the dnty of the Conn ty Committee and its ebalraun to fofnUh such Information and make sack reports to the chalrmse of the State CommHie as he my dmlrs. . . - - ". At a mac'.'s g of Executive Com mltuehr'.loa i:... h 17, IKi.lU toU low!!-g mlii wis s" ;f 1: "la all cfiBT- ' '-s a tr' initlon msy be n. ' 1 s-y tr ;' 7, ttra though it te a f . ' if' t . ; ; r, - y fj; 1 f. I 3 rx".-',iL!S At. J. i. Of A & R C Road. , Committee Will Boon - . Submit Report. . , IUlelgh, May 10. The Investigating committee of the Atlantio & North Cat ollna railway today completed Its work of examining witnesses, It had pre-, vlously examined al the directors except Chsrles lyiuibee and : it examined him today, as it Aid also private secretary, P If Pearsall, who requested' auchau ex amination. In order to show that be Is the local consel of the railway and rep resents K In ths courts.- .':.! ' : ;; ' The last witness examined wuWP Whltaker. business manager of Halelgh Post, ' The committee, hopes Jo, soon submit, lti report to .Governor. I' pert book; keeper was' expected to make his reports in a day or two, -vt HENRI IT STARLET DEAD The qrcat EagUsh Explorer and T aveler - "Pse$ Away. ; '.v i 1 1 ' London, May .--Hon Henry M Stan ley, the famous African! explorer,' died tnA iv hf heart dlsaaae' aUDerlnduced bv an attack of pleurisy, fle had been in poor health for several months but no serious Illness developed until a fow days ago. ; He was 64 - years of age , Henry M Stanley wa one of the moat Celebrated nd successful explorers that this sge has produced. Ue sn torn in Wa'ea and,,me to America, eany in life bavins' taken passare on a boat aa a cabin bov. He landed atKew Orleana and was adopted bv a man names Stan ley, taking nis name, nis own oaiuv liv ing Rowlands. J' - , . He served In the Oonfedeiate army, was taken pt iioner and ! then gained the federal trmj. nd rose' to ' the position "pt enslgion the Ironclad Ticonderogs. After the Civil wet ho was engaged as a correspondent for tbe ew York Herald In the explorations Into Abys slnia and Ashantee at Which time he de veloped his griat abUlty aa an explorer. Uls next' commission: -"was ;tr flsd the missionary . Livingstone in which, he w inmiMrnl -and - on which trio he made many important discoveries. He discovered Lakes Albert nyenza, view rla and Taniranvika In central Africa'. HU last Journey to Africa was In 1897 wneanewent 10 me rescuv. ui jmuw Pasha, s Ho returned in 168. i'r ile wrote many books and stories of bis Uavala, the moat widely known In Darkest Africa, . He came to this opun try InJ880 and made an extensive trip giving lectures: He has lived in Eng land since his return from Africa having married a welsh lady with a large land ed estate- ; , vi. . " No Rlnss Cnrrlircl Paint Made. , f U wear as loig as Devon's. J(o olhers mu Imvt lvutlMl. heesnaa Devoe's weigh 8 to 8 ounces -more ' to the pint . Bold by KIT Smsllwood, 1 ' "." ' , h t v t o Condition : of Crops. . ',e , , .Tbe following extract laken from the North Carolina weekly crop bulletin for weekending May th, gives 0 synopsis ofithe reports of eonespondentt through out the Buu as to the condition of gen eral crops.; r H "-.,!. ? Cotton hu all been planted Inmsny counties, In others planting is still In progress; comparatively little, cotton Is up jet, and that which Is upls not mak ing rapid growth-- on account', of low temperatures and lack of sufficient mole tarev'cottoh Je mostly too small for chopping. ; Corn planting is spproach Ing jjompTetlfih, - e,xoept on lowlands ind in extreme Northern1 and western eouatUstthe dryl eool weather Is also hsvlnga4affect'on eorn; good stands are not general but ths crop is looking very well lo, the. counties where tie rainfall was moat abqndant . In the ex treme south portion, Ho be son and Brunswick counties, eat ly corn is being plowed the first time. A few complain s of damage by eat worms have been ie oatved. Tobacco plants are growing slowly, and some damage by the fly Is reported; farmers took advantage of the showers os the 0th to set out many plants though they are small.1 Bums peanuts have been planted.' Wheat,cate and rye continue backward In growth and need rata badly; a number of corre. spondents rsport that 'these crops ap pear to be heading low. Orais and clover are poor in the drier sections of the Bute. Irish potatoes are generally ta good condition; track crops, especial ly beans, peas and cabbages arc doing f!r!y well EWpjnents of strawberries and vcs:tab1 eontlnoe, A large crop of Bilons is t i'r-i platltil. It sppcars that more fruit en fcf-n.1 Injury I y f ror t than ai.tldrU'd, md It Is soiling woM. grants c: r:.::. Jtr Cis'-y t';isti n r.f f':i'!a m a v!.!t'-r liro f'Lini'y. V(tV (' nf r a ln.,',u-1 tr',.1,: it T. ! 1 c " c - r j 1 1 ' 'i Fatlcnal Lciue Casts '. , BTANDINQ OP CLUBS' ' " " Won. Lost Per Cent. New York.;, j' ll ;'l 4 4 ,V ' 778 ' Ciucinuail, a 16 Is, : , Chlcago, '.. 10 ni , '-- 668 ', Brooklyn,-- .01' ''.'i 430 ' St Louis, fl - j "i, 1 W 1 81 , Bostrn, , -.- 18 -'- j,W intsnurg, - 7 . -' ia JOB Philadelphia. " ' V- 14.-".' - LW v Pittsburg, Msy 10 The game today- Philadelphia,'.; 0 I - Pittsburg, HpyX) .. "1.4 " - 9 . t Batteries Spires and Doola; ' Miller and Carnlah,, J. j --". - Umpire Ensley. tm i i, "Jlncinnatl May l6-The follpif lng game was played today s ' .. -,' .' '-. . ' t , 5 'H ;. ;XT ! ,V, R 'H I Brooklyn, '7 19" t Cincinnati, '"''" 0 10-5 ' Batteries Poole tnd Bergen; flahn andSchleL " ' ' , 1 Umpire 0 Day. ' Chicago May lC-.Tbe following la the game today : ' . Boston, ' . 7 tl , 4 Ohlcsgo, V i 5 , 8 x Batteries Fisher and MpranjCorrldon and KHne. Umplri 2iminer.' St Louis,'; MaylO-The lollowlngls ihe'garne today. - . " R H E Nw York 1 6 . 9 7 81 'Louis. ,14 It 0 Batteries Maiheweon and Warner; MoFariand and Qradj . J Umplret Johnstone end Moran. Where they play today: Brooklyn at Pittsburg . 'Boston at 8t Louis. : New York al Cincinnati.' Philadelphia: at Chicago'. FOR SALE! ,' Steamer cyrene,; 4ft long, i ft beam, it ft draft. .Compound engine, upright submerged tuba boiler- Coal consumption extremely , light, r Chwd power, and speedy. t Excellent boat for towing, passsagers! or pleasure. Cabins well furnished and boat fully eqnlped. Msy be seen upon spplication to ' . Ltimbef Cb. HORFoisix, va, :.: Grand Excursion S V t . Of The BuUflnoh Committee " '..el'" - ' ' lilminnton,.;; V J:- TBIffiSDiTIIAT- 12dL 'f Will h&ve special care fot al pet sbna who desire to mate the trip, $1.25rRound Trip Train leayea - 7 a in; what 3 a man wrrnouT HI& ; BUEECHE; 't'v V the poet stks.' Aa Apollo Belvtdere may look very artlsilo In marble, bat the man tbat wears a suit of clothing mads by aa artistic tailor prenenis a mora attractive apparnne to bis friends. The fit, slyl eut and "bangH of ocr olotblng Is swell and an I ill o. and ths man who would be elepant la dress cannot afford to be ttIK ored by any one bat , ..,.. .. ' . .' r El. C::alniclr. lit) J.W . 1 7 ...11..- ' rTT!T!!TTITITTTr IPTnilll C.Mi: tl i rl' Ttfr.-'-rj. Srwral l.cauUful lr ,i !' ! ;i: iC;i a' 1 I . '"i. All will l oolJ " V i I Packed 'and Delivered :35c qt.' Broad St. Fruit Company. United States Uar . Blifil'm Sale. Eastern District bl North Carolina. . 'By virtue of an Order of Sale ietued out of the United StaUs District Court for the Eastern District of North Caro Una, on the 3rd day of May, 1904 notice Is hereby given that I will sell by public auction, for cash, on Monday,; the 16th day of May 1904 at 13 o'clock M., at Meadows Dock near Union Point In the city of New Bern the steamer Flora Tern pie, her engines, boilers, machinery boats tackle, apparel," appurtenances, and fur ntture, as she now lies st Meadows Dock near Union Point In the city of New Bern. .. rC.y., i H. 0. Dockbbt, United Ststes Marshal. By R W WARD.Dep'ty " " Notice ! . All that hare , accounts sgaln&t the City of New Bern are requested to hand them In to City Clerk st once. By order of Board. Respectfully J.J.TOtBOF, ' City Clerk. The N C Mutual and Provident Association Authorized Capital $100,000.00 -Home office, Durham, N. 0. New Bern Branch office at Mutual' Aid Bank, Broad street 0 C Roach, Supt. Life Insurance and Sick Benefits. $10,000.00 benefits paid during past yeerv S The Superintendent is a well known business man of New Bern and is au thorized to pay all benrfhs Immediately on demsnd. Borne office does not have to audit claims before they are paid. We want your business. . DotiH Iet Tour t. CTanlase Hun Down i -': for want of a little repair.. Taken In time,, the cost 'may be trifling. "A word to the wise Is sufflcent. v We. do carriage and Wagon , repairing In all Its branches, at lowest prices, and warrant all work to be atrictly nret-cUsa. We will make yonr vehicle equal to new In appearanor, durability and motion. Job bing promptly exeoated. ;, ';;? f ev " We put Rubber Tires on your old Or new wheels. Ws shrink yonr loose tires ten machine without cm Ulnar ahem, or without taking aire from wheel on buggy while you wait , Everybody Is In vited to see ine macnineat work putting new bolts ia old places, r, .J, Q.n. XVaten l Hon, 'Successors to O.H.jWaUra A Son,"; ' J ' Phone ISBJ '"",' ' '''" ! 78 Broad rV",Wuw Bn; N- 0 s ' NOTICE! V.; i H i i t .'i"'"' ' -i ' 'j-'' ; On and after today lbs slesmer Oo;s soke will sail front New Bern tt ft j tt oa Baturdays.' 'l' , , May ih, 1904. ' ' v'f .V.. '. ' . . Qto, herder3onu :. .-i- .-"i r Agent nmiiiiiimiiinn V I "i ' i 1 I 4 1 v 1 i s 1 1 : l wo liopo al. I 4 (iVcVicVkV From Whitehurst Farm to H day at cDANIEL'S, A Choice lot Harvey small Sugar Cured Pig Hamd. Also a few nice NO Hams English Cured Shoulders and Picnic Hams, Fresh Grit?, Big Hominy, Oat Flakes and Carolina Rice. 1 make a specialty of strictly fresh quality Butter I receive it fresh from the dairy every week and I guarantee it to be as fine as it is possible to pet, Your to Please J. L ME. I 'JPhone jOl. PKT MS Absolutely Pme. THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. T;ee J. Hay 10th, HAHnOCK DAY OPENING. I JKHffl'S BOOK STORK. I e Diarrhoea Cordial Prevents, Relieves, and Cures. DIARRHOEA In fancy or old age. Absolutely . Safe. Contains no opiates. For Sale at HARGETS, West Broad St. PETS For Sale. Some Tame Crows, ; one ! of , tlicm has been Trained, will com to Uls name when called ;.'V : . See BIQ HILL, r i One House for rent " good Loca tion. ''. ':' ' 153 Sonih Front St. ; BIG HILCS Tho Slilngle Ilan. VOU FESLBXTTB i"pf - ',(Pn( k of Iwrir thlngi 1 i-.i? i" rfr.t. lint It rn"i'firte b n r ' -i r T -' a' mt tLs only tiio 1! f -uni rt!!'.s )-t long, an InvtRorattnn, 'i I i .7 eol'i "!, r'.ntinui r ' l'n OW, I ' :( vv t( i ' l !l itf 1 i' Mill rt . . . -- -. ' 1 -y i :p' rt. -g 71 Broad Wholeaale Retail Grosser, 71 Broad St' Taylor TO THE Gentleman ! who never visits our store. We have pawed the earth, stamped tho floor, and tugged at onr cureless locka, and In the columns of the New Bern Journal, and you come not, one tml and 99 out of every 100 come back. To Our Cusiomers And Friends who have made our success possible, we beg for the same patronage as of old, we pieage you the same earnest efforts to please. Slippers. Just received 12fl pair Ladles' BllDners at 7fto and $1, goes this week 49o. 67 pslr of lstest stylish slippers 11.50 goes this week $1.89, Men's Hats. 400 Hats fbr the farmers 35c and iSa this week 19c. Ladies' Hats. 150 Ladles' Hati $4, thia week $3.29. 1E0 Ladles' Hats 12,50. 12. tl J50. th'a week $1.99, $1.30 and 99c. Misses snd Children's hits from SBe to $1.20. , Utile girls look at our windows for Parasols ss low ss 13c. Our clothing depsrtment Is com plete, Remnants, Monday and Wedaeada 51e, , . , - - io. a morton; SaJeenin.' ' 75 MODLX ITBKXT, Rext Io QaskUl Hardware Oo1 New Ben. ' Fire, Accident, anil i Hale Cilass Tn ;f i Bnronce - ) tome sad Foreign oomp anion: - " KJ83 H1K1IIB P. BTEKKT. ' THE BTAKDAR! 'Bm. K. W. Aon. tr. a, KnMni frim North Oarolinw ' t Wry m plmanm In rmtm. irionrlinf Jjr, ' I'' " ( !!' OteofhArmlts'St-'Cl tll.)l Ullilln.lw't TO TBI