, TWIfiTI-THIBD TEAR . Good values ' For a FeTto Days. 36 inch Black Taffetta Silk with the guarantee) stamped on every yard, the price is only $1.00 . &0 inch Black Taffetia Brilliant U makes a beautiful shirt waist or a skirt and gives entire satif-f action; tbe ' price is only 68 c the yard. 44 inch Brown Mohair Silk Finish good value at $1.50, the price of this is only $1 00, We prepay Kxpress and fret lit mi all purchases amomiting to $5 0 or over shipped .6 any place within a rail us ( 1(0 miles of J. It MITCHELL s'COL PHONE 288. 41 Pol'ock St., Opposite Post-office. EPSTEMBRGSo One Price Clot lilcrs. Want You to Know That they are in town. We handle as good a line of Mens,' Boy and Childrens and Furnishing Goods as you will where. A trial will convince you. OUR. MOTTO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Tour Money Back. UF0 raw 72 "Bryan Block, B3EW.ERA is the very Best Faint made. It surpasses all other paints as to duality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils And colors. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Vat nish Stains, Bnggy Paints, Roof Paints, and Paint Brushes; : ' 08 Middle UL NOTICE OUR' I Glassware. cHcme Chimneys and; Trench better made. n c T "Pollock Street, deHrered M once" ii what yon want. Our aim h to p'ease the tniato ner, ao a-ire v a bare of your Oar stock it Frch for the ttmon tlit we lura it or. r m f.at, ' Wt hate Kew lot ot rott-mornth Mt:V. -, 'y lem cornet few Jyi and thpy are ftic an 1 f..t Shafcrt Email rig Ham ftn I l r nd any -mmo. Sffittdk Street. rjiftne 00." LINE of Table i Burners, none f r ' n : L Opp. P. 0. trade ana yvt trmib;oe will ecu n. A! ) a i ' ft t ( f lurrjian r tf . t !'.: U Jm CUYIX?S CCI?LiINT FOX RE- Respect Exhibited For Editor Fannin Engineer Bjers Death. Judge ; ' Peebles Case at Fayette " . t l- i iiiie.' v Raleigh N Q Hit 13th. Though it was aid last night that the -Stale would tv day Ills iti answer ut the Cnyler com. plaint and appllra ton for a vcelrer rot the Atlantic ft North Carolina railwi J was said this morning that it would not be file! unlit Inter a dmtJU not pn bably be officially filed nntll May Slat, the data net by Judge Purnell for the hearing of the matter. The answer it short, only 700 p&gasjrTk said, and con tains nothing aosatlonsy In the way if new matter. ItSdlJJiuehowever fiom tbe answer made' to ih "complaint 4 f Finch. 'The State has summoned wit, news, but will nie sffldavl, it Is under stood. unylers aide has eammoDed a number of wltnttses.' ,..' ' V Tbe sute aad . national . flags on the Capital were at half staff ' today, as a mark of respect io the memory of t x State Aadttor Robert M. Farmaa, whoss sndden death yesteiday ; so allocked th peop e of Ka'aigh and Indeed of tbe whole Hate, ' In ftoat o the headquart ers of I O. B, Branch camp, Contedeiats Veteran, his flag diaped In mourning ws displayed today, with a notice that the faneiai of ei Irt. Lty f nrman, com pear E. 7lt tetmat, A, 0, troops would lv hH tomorrow morning. ? A great many I mutes nave been pall Mr. Fnrman who for St years ' had been to a ell known and sj greatly esteemed by the feople of Raleigh. . , : -, , Engineer Byr of the Atlantlo Coast Line who was killed in an accident near Feyettetllle yesterday came to North Carolina in 1800 and became an tnglnetr n the Peetmrd Air Uoe, Hying at Rat e'gb where fci family now 'a. Bo left Lore only S months ago and went on the Atlantic Coast Una. It la learned from one of the officials of the Raketk Km Hilway that It will extend Its Art In th National Cemetery and the Coafadwate soldiers Borne. which arete the extreme eastern part of the city ahd vtry tear together. The large party of Robeson coaniy lawyers and their attorneys, who hare been her a couple of day preparing their answer to the charge of contempt of Judge Pt ! Wt this afternoon for Faietteille. where Ihli mack talked of matter comes tim tomorrow. - The msjor tty of the people think the lawyer will wla out, but some take the other view. Hatitmal Leafne Games. HTAN&iNO OF CLUBS' . We Lost. Per Gent. NawYork, t 5 750 Cincinnati, 17 8 880 Chicago, 11 9 660 Brooklyn, 10 550 8t Louis, W 11 478 Plttabkig, r 8 14 180 Boston, 80 SU Philadelphia, B i 15 MO PitUburg, May 18 The game today: a. h ... e Brooklyn, , 8 10 ;8 PtUbnrg . 0 ; 4 0 Battede-Poot nadlBergea; Miller and Caxalsh. Umpire 2mmr. No other gtmasweie achedalad yea- terday, . , . Where they (iky today: Brooklya at PftUbnrg . 'v Boston at StSLoala. , ' 1 New York at ClaeluatL ' , ' t PhnadelpkU at Chloago. C ASTOR I A . Jer UZxU tal CMIdrea. TliK:iT;it!:ntesE::i t?gaurtot THE ta-0-l TREATKEHf. - r Flesh Ferminf Feel la Tablet Form - Tail tacrtatea netk-Caaraa-, , UtlhyP.t, fcsfry.. . , The dtaoatery ef Ml-a-aa, tbe remark able flesh-forming food that builds ap gtod, healthy, soil! flesh and makes thln- ness aad eorawataeis a thing of th past has molulioolMd medical practk Is cettiUUa. It power to do all that Is clslmel for It was so dearly prorea to F. B. Duffy! that h hat sold ktl-o-aa wllk than dsrstaadlegthatKltfalUth parchas price was to b nfaaded, F. 8, Duffy, certainly exhibited C0B eg la taking op this auetbod of selllci Ml-o-Da, t :t tbt fsultt hare fully pro- tea lit JuJjmeat ta tt Kl-o-na treat meat for stomach troaUec, emactalloa general wainfi ao4 ran dswacocdi- lion Is tfc ouly "rdus 1 rslltM cur ISI-O-bs posses' h qqalliloa t: t r ' U la C'-J'S cf f ' r - ! r; ' 'a. T " r i - -i ,,:, 1 !.!?, C:f Is e- -froT It a t :it' tt r-' 7t t r f i 1 1 ,Ur t f t 1 f PrtO::ii3EiT; .' - One of Indiana's Useful Educators tSays: MI Feel Llko a New Man,? 1 Mr. John "W. Meng.M JefterBon Are- f Indianapolis Business College, writea j firmly oeev rAr I owe my tin ek)Mttg of food ana water wrought havoc with my ttomach, mod tor mootht J Buttered with Indigestion and catarrh ol tbe ttomach. Itett that the only thing to do wan to give up my occupation which I telt very reluctant to do. Seeing an ad. ot Peruna as a specific tor catarrh I decided to give It a trial, and need it talthfuttr toralx week, when I found that my troubles had all dlsaoneared and I seemed like a new man. I hare time, ana occasionally tasea tew doses jwut w, meng. frtfnS most common phases of summer X, catarrh are catarrh of tbe itomach and bowels. Peruna la a speciflo for summer catarrh. , Boa. Willis Brewer, Representative la Congress from Alabama, writes the following letter to Dr. Hartmant , House of Bepresentatlvee, - ' Washington, D. O. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. : Gentlemen I have tised one bottle of Peru for lassitude, and I take pleas ure in reeommenaing is to una wno ASKINS May 11. We are having some very cool weath er for May. The fain Monday-made the laborers look for the nearest shelters. Miss Lola Gasklns who has been vis iting relative near Elntton has returned home, . ' Mr Albert Fulcher and Mr John Bow made a trip to New Bern Wednei- Borne of oar people attended church at Macedonia Sunday. Mr John Arthur an sister, Miss An nie (pent the afternoon Sunday with Mr and Mrs Tom Cheney. Rev J W Alford filled his regular ap pointment at Antloch Saturday night and Sunday, April 80. and May 1. Rev John , B Bespas will preach at Kltt Bwaaip Sunday May 15th, tt being his regular appointment. ' Mr O Z Y Fulcher of TruUs wss a vis itir at Mi W J Potters Sunday even ing. m- - Mlse Mollle Gaaklns near hete has te csntly bought an organ. I 'jo . Violet in. iratuy aivuurapkr. In lior fnlluiy to wt wtwtdy work the girl who come to Netf York is apt to become a lonely, bomeiws tning ox -no Continuing elty," known - and disre spected bytuslnvM men under tbe ti tle of "a floater." A "floater" Is a girl tramp stenographer wbe .live rrom band to mouth and town to town, who note storied rolling round and does not (-went" any mosa,wlll not ttay In'nay Dosltion Ion & simply making enougn in each nlsc to net on to tbe next- It Is an nalr form of wanderlust . Tbe float ers are held unreliable, and firms have become weary of engaging thenv- The number ol coster is saaiy on me in crease. Last month tbe agency of a New York company in Los Angeles re- norted alxtv In that cltv. and through out tbe south came word of continued Increase in the nbmber of these rest less, nestlees bird nstbettcally follow' lug th snmifier.-Era Magsslne. ' A. as H. O. RA.ILKUA.U W. Supplement No 1, ' To take effect 'Saturday, Msy 14th . at , ,, 11JD3. m, 1904. , Ztit Bound. " ' ' -' ,: West Bound. '. Ko.fm--;. V ' NnJl?. , DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND . . SUNDAYS. , Lv p m. 4 00..,. 4 20 ITATIOH. ..Ooldiboro.. Ar p. m- 8 00 9 US 1 14 1 SJ 4 S3 LaOnnre.. 4 40, ,,,...., Falling Crtck .. 4 3 Klmton.. I J'' 13 r:'- I IS.,... ,l)over ....... 13 6 C!).......'-Core Crsck a. mull ' I 49.,..(.o'M..Tuacarora 11 t ",.,. ......CUrki. .;.....' 11!! C 13,.,... kt. I'nm I m, lr.. 11 f . f.'ti ?, 1,019 t A a.:, a, 1 !) ('. fin G3LL1I2 Mi ' .--. , , IndianapollB, Ind., State Representatlrs health to Peroaa. ConstMat trmvel aad a bottle ot Pemmt In my grip all tbe wmcn Keeps me in excellent health. need a good remedy. A a tonio It is e cellent, ' In the short time I have used it It has done me a great deal of good." Willis Brewer. If yon do not derive prompt and satis, factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and ha wilt be pleased to give you bis valuable ad vice gratis. , y Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, UJUO. . Publication of Sum mons. KOKTH CAROLINA. 1 In the Craven County. (Superior Court David. 8. Lancaster vs. Pearl Lancaster The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as -above has been commenced In the Buoerlor Court of Craven Connty to obtain a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony and the ssld defendant will farther take no tice that aha Is required to appear at tie October term of Superior Court for said County to be held on tue8rdday6l October 1904,, at Court House in Mew Bern, N, 0., aed snawtr or demur to tbe complaint in laid aoth n or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demand ed In said complaint Wm WATSON, Clerk of the Superior 0 uit. To The Democratic Voters, oi Jones County." I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of Register of Deads of Jones connty aad will appreciate very much hiving your sopporMad in fluence; promising If . nominated and lectsd to discharge the dalle of th of. Acs fsllhf ally. ; v ? - Very Respectfully, t. K. PIXOJU. Paint your houso vith -' We havo taken the agency lor this celebra ted paint and have a car load luat trom tne4ar tory. Prices right. buyintr. : -" . v Gasliill lldiv. & HARDWARE TCJMIddle 8U ' 'Phone H7. rmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTmiTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Svrci ' Cticsi s As . ' . . JUST HECZZIVQ). - :1 A few pound of Choice Cull and look at our line id-room Sett; I'latrj Cup 1 10I?CV::tciCcN(, ,, (Vmi6 l'if r? t!.ry tren'1 F .M, . ''! I . - -" a i!U-! c.'.'-.nu nn Irfore Jnnd we lioj all ( r ! 1 Cv '"i . M vs .'1 f ' 'T ;:' ' Y. a t M ' . f ! Office Suppl les. ;VGeV my jr'ce M.r-,,l"Ow-your rtiea 8tsMoory. 1 can save ou mouty. . Owen Q. Dunn, ..ad'nif P;lntrr & Ptall per " 4 r Pellock i fratee Sin. Hbvlng pu'cuasid tbe Paimers and Metcbants Bank tullrtlrg, wy friends and pa'rons will flud me from i o on locattd tbereln. J. W. STEWAKT. run easier ihan any other wheel, costs It bi than any good wheel , more sold than ary "ther high grad wheel and ilves better satisfaction ih.n any oiher wheel. . THE RACYCLE hanger Is positively dust proof and will run from th ee to 10 thousand miles without oil. Tbey are made from tbe very best material and fitted with the very best tltei, sad dles, pedals, etc, and guaranteed for tbe entire season from Jan. 1st until De cember 81st. For sale by L.M' Edgerton, Phone 381. 90 Middle St United filiates Mar plialVSale. Eastern District of North Carolina. By virtue of an Order of Sale Utued out of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Csro Una, on the 8rd day of May, 1904 notice I hereby given that I will sell by public auotion, for cash, on Monday, the 18th day of Msy 1904 at 13 o'clock M., at Meadow Dock near Union Point In the city of New Bern the steamer Flora Tern pie, her engine, boilers, machinery boats tackle, apparel, appurtenances, and fur nlture, as she now lies at Meadows Dock near Union Point In the c'.ty of New Bern. H. O. Dockbkt, United States Marshal ByRWWABD.Dep'ty" - " WDATe AJMAN WITHOUT HIS BREECHES,?" the poet ask. An Apollo Belvldere may look very artlatio la marblr.but the man that wears a intt of clothing mad by an artiatlo tailor present a more attractive appearance to hi Mends. Th fit, styl eut aad "hang" of our clothing Is swell aad artistle, ana the man wno wouu o elegant In dress cannot afford to be tail ored by any one pa XV Bl. Chadwlck. Call and see us herore ' ' ' -. I.lill Supply Co., " . , ptlLL StmJIS.tt CrareaCBI 1 Pnonellfl.: : . Hams : ; . llonry In 1 lb rackujcs of Crockery, n(i Cancer Sercral beautiful All will be aold The Racycle harvey 's igar Piq Aho vow l) iivl Fultni, Market Corned Peef, 'J in l , y Kltiin i utter, Fic.-li si, :i ) Iht i-s i v?ry i.-!i I ! V- ish.' sow d' .i i i. ';i i jn;, ; j,. . )c in, Ud.- tUM.k Kr y.h Canned Goods, We uill ih,.k)o frr a share of you: trade. Satisfaction GmtiHi t. c ! . r jour maiiey refunded. Try us fm- !0o,l Cotfee and Pine Teas, ou id to pieaaf, J. L McSMIEL, Vouid 1. Absolutely Pwe THE BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. Lee J. Hay 10th, HAnnOCK DAY OPENING. IHNETT'S BCOK 5TDBE J ) AIV WSEPTIC Diarrhoea Cordial Prevents, Relieves,' and Cure3. DIARRHOEA. In fancy or old age. Absolutely Safe. Contains no opiates. For Sale at HARGETS, West Broad St. NOTICE! Four nice large rooms on second fieor, with water furnished for Bent. i House on Graven St. No 101. 'House on Eden St.Wo 11. for $4 per month. Good Iiocation. Band made and aawed shingles and post to build your feaose with. BIG HILL S '. The Shingle Man. YOU lEELBSriE "after ImWoIng a glass of bw things Irx.k ilifTorMii. Rut 1U Immediate bn- tllcUl rfTirn are not th only onrt the (rood remits lust long, an InvlKorallon, I " ') ,i t . ;'a1fl f ttOllcrd, roDtlOOM f ri (' '(lUn Oth. I,'t wjr to i , t ' It f) r"M Tl'i ')f liter la a i I ' I V'l I"? ps Small Cured lams JL Received day. x Drif and Admiral Fbur. to pleaaf, Whof3iRJe BetAil Qrooer, 71 Rr..sal fc Taylor TO THE Gentleman I who never visits our store Wo have pawed tbe eartli, etampeil Ihe lloor, and tagged at onr careless locks, and lr th columns of the New Bern Journal, and you come not, one trial and 09 nt of every 100 come back. To Our Ousiomers And Friends who have made our success possible, we beg for the lame patronage as of old, we pledge you the same earnest efforts to please. iSlipperu. Just received 125 pair Ladies' 811rDors at 76o and $1, goes this week 49c. 67 pair of latest stylish slippers 11.60 goes this week $1.39, Men's Hats. 409 lists for the farmers S5o and Z3o this week 19o. Ladies' Hats. 150 Ladies' Hsti $4, this week $2.29. U0 Ladles' Hats $2,50. $2. 11.30. this week $1.89, $1.29 and 99c. Misses and Children's hats rrom .19 to $1.29. Lit Je girls look at onr windows for Parasols a low a S3o. Oar clothing department la oom .1.1. Remnants, Mondsy and Wednesday 510, S. COPLON, C. U MOBTOtf, SsJeaman. ; 78 MIDDLE STRUT, text to QaakCl Hardware On, X ew Bern. , t '''.'.;- . lTire Accident, nnd iPlato Glass in. : ' : ;t Barance - ' Borne and ftrofga oompaalesr . ' ItWittKRns P, 8 Til EXT. pan arWk """"inn StSJ ff fll ' i ' it, L. - na..ir. w.'rw' wn, 11, . n.t. I "in Siiilfi ( tri.llnw ' ( tain 'if urn.! j-loiim In r-w,tn. tiit.n.linf lr, Wnrltw ivm (,b',!r 4 til.rt li f HMI"lrwfc A f "1- tt, n f I t. .'it VH in hi. .t i. r .l,.n. I !mm nh, .- ! f. r I , frt f THE STAKDAn Of SoHinlPlTt-- Cf) l0 r,T" ' III I. v.. I , Slra1rrlr, Ornnn i, T- , f 1 ; 1 I la eS-fclc. E..!;c.:::r- a ' ' ' ve $.r", V

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