ia sm rA a ehj ' - t'aob I. a. B. CHARLES La 5TCVEN3. - kditob urn noniiToi SUBSCRIPTION RITES': ' One year, U adveno.. .....$. One year, aot la edTanoe.. ....... atoathly, by carrier ta the dty. .. JO : Advertising Rates foralshed oa appll catloa. " -' - iEatered at the Pott OlRoe, Haw Ben, - N. (X, m saooad class KAtttr Ollclal Piper af . Saw Bars ui ? i T s Crataa Ceeaty. . - EDITOR, BOB FURMAN. . The aews of the sudden death of Rob ert M Farmea at Beaufort on last Than day, will call forth ezprewloiii of ayav 'palhy and sorrow throughout the 8tate, and none will -so sadly nibWthe em smllta; face and genial, kindly manner of Bob Fawns, than those of his owned loved profession, tbe newspaper men. .The oldest, with perhaps en exception or two, among theJItate's :.' editors, lit Farman has ever been the sincere and devoted friend of the younger men in journsltam, one whose experience count el, and whose good word of encourage ment was ever leady to be given, as It was always appreciated by the recipient or It. The simplicity and geniality of the man's nature made him "Bib" For man to all who were favored with his friendship, and there was no limit to this number. Els wis the experience in newip&petdoilP which took in men and things, and association with actual ities' snd study of books. No sturdier or more sble disputant in the edltoii si column, and still no tinge of bitterness to bresk the fraternal feel ing whioh was his ta every one, whelt er'ln agreement or in opposition to bis views. Mr Furmsn's devotion to fi tends wis a contplcuous characteristic of the man. It was ever the same, to those who weie friends, and his services were ever at tbe command of these within the lints of his love and friendship. And his end was of his own choosing for his work had not passed from Jhls hand, his thoughts were In the familiar office, where he had worked, and en Joyed his work, however much It re quired the toll of brain and errooa en ergy. With the thought of his work, and the hope of a speedy return to It, with the sea breeze which he po enjoyed coming' to him, the summons came qulckly.the brave and kindly spirit took its flight, and earth knew him no'more. But his good deeds, his ever kindly help ta those seeking it, these are memoriei, Imperishable of Bob Farmse, and will er jt remain to warm the heart into a glow, when it thinks of the departed friend and journalist. Deafness Cannot Be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tubals inflamed you have a rumbliag sound or Impact hearing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and un less the Inflammation caa be taken oat and this tube restored to Its aormal con dition, hearing win be destroyed for ever; nine cases oat ot tea are caused by Catarrh, which ia nothing but an In flamed condition of the muooua sur faces. , .. We wiU give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deefneat (oettstd by Ca tarrh) that cannot he eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. 8ead for circular, free. T. J.CMJUT AOO Toledo,0. Sold by Druggists, 75c' , , Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tions. ' a ipacb Praia. A man attended a dinner given by a witty woman and " ate : ravenously. "Tbe greatiat praise I can bestow on 'your dinner," be said, "Is to eat heart ily." "But your praise amounts to flattery," tbe woman replied. Atchison Q lobe. ; ' '. -. . i .,, Tra aeaiaa. roet You : remember that little A tuwaegua, ft awara, w nw f , tv aju, UlaliW 15 on that Crittica-Iadeedl Itou'n ituMtU 1 a... W.ti V a.. 4i 4 tjmta a. jinanaer, .11 awl every aoay I j"fDO CD mk money a Wbtt he bop lOwfcr-rblUdelphla Ledgetf. ' . v ahonldbefollowedbyadaseofth i - n . ", ! r - i I J u - i m -1 The following are the market quota tions, received by private wire to J. Walter Labaree ft Co., New Bern, N. 0 .- Naw Tons, Uty 13. Open. Blgh." Low. Close OoTtoas- Jul.. V.. Aug" 13 M 13.41 13 W 13.40 18 09 13.15 1318 13.11 11.iB 11.84 HJW JlllJ . U.80 11.23 im UJ80 Oct.. Deo. Chicago, Uay 12. Chicago Graia.. ' July Wheat ' July Corn ' JuIyOaU v July Bibs July Pork July Lstd - - Open. Close 84 47 ' .181 CSS Jill . IMS -" flW ' lias; M5 cat, ' New Fork. la 18 Srooas; Open. ; Wlosa Amr.8ugar.... lff Hi Amr. Copper...; 49t 60 AtchUon........ W)f v m Southern By. . . . SOi iOi Bouthera Ry pf., 88 :- . 8Si rj; a steel (T. 8. Steel pf... 61 01 Penn.RR....... HSi 118 Erie.. ...83 82 LouIsvllleftNasb 107 107 St. Paul.... . . 141 , 140 N.Y Central. ., ..H4 1141 N. & It. ....... Mi 5'i Va. C Chemical. 87 27' Dr. JkMB'a VnIik Dr. Samuel Johnson married a Mrs. Porter of Birmingham. Tuat lady's daughter thus described tbe. doctora wooing: "His appearance Was very forbidding. He was ! then, lean and lank, so that bis Immense' structure of bones was hideously striking to the eye, and the scars of the scrofula were deeply' visible. He also wore bis hair, which was straight and stiff, and sepa rated behind, and he often bad, seem ingly, convulsive starts and odd ges ticulations, which tended to excite at once surprise and ridicule. Mrs. Por ter was so much engaged by bis con versation that she overlooked all these external disadvantages and said to her daughter, This is tbe most sensible man that I ever saw In my life.'" Mrs. Porter, who was twice Johnson's age, was not easily won. Urgfed by her learned lover to say why she still refused him, she said an nncle of hers bad been bung and she did not wish to bring disgrace on him. "Is that alir said Johnson. '.'Why, though I have never bad an nncle hung, I have two or three nnclea who deserve it So let'a get married and say no more about Jha t" Cam Daeka BnUf It has been often asked whether or not ducks can smell. Some hunters cite from their experiences iwtajnees that seem to show ducks can smell; others say that ducka cannot Now the naturalist would say that ducks, owing to their habit, have no need to smell and hence cannot This rule is not Infallible, but generally bolda .good. Any wild thing with such r-ea aa ducks have does not' need to smell. Na ture seems to have given bird a dis cerning eye and anlmala a discerning nose. A. fox. will look straight at a man and not see him, even when only a few feet away, provided he does not smell him or the man doea not move. A duck will not only aee a maa stand ing perfectly still at a long distance, regardless ot tbe wind, but wiU notice any change in tbe landmarka of its haunts or feeding grounda-Ovtmg. A Cu ! Mltek I4atJr. ' ' Resident of a certain part of Spruce street have often seen two charming old ladles, twin sisters who look so much alike that no one ever bothers te distinguish between them, coming out front one of tbe houses. , The fact that they, both' dress almost alike makes It Still harder to tell them apart-. Some on who knows the old ladles very well relates that Ann, while making a bur. tied departure for one of the big de partment stores last .week, pnt oa 8a aan'a bonnet by jnlstaka. In walking through to store she came suddenly la front of .a full length mirror and stepped back in astonishment, saying. "Why; Sue, I didn't know you . were coming down' towtl this toornlagr Philadelphia Telegraph. - ' . . - yfi - i ' . : P S DDPFT c Do aot aasitass to. reoommead Kadol Dyspepsia para to Us friends and cus tomers. Indigestion causes asoro 01 health thaa anything else. It. deranges the stomach, aad brings oa all manner of disease. . Xodol Dyspepsia Care digests net yoa eat, curat Indigestion, dyspep. ta and all stomach disorders. Kodot Is not only a perfect dljresUnt twitTisra building tonic aa well Renewed health, perfect strength and. Increased vitality r.f. . i juaan a uaraaa. '' - ? y Profeeeor Trevor Kincald of the TJni terelty of Washington, aa alert Vest era scientist, hss been msklng a rady of the vslleys snd.moonUla slopes of tbe Aleutian Islands. lie first became Interested In Ataaks st the time ot tbe flsrrlmsn expedition. , Aa a result of this voysgs of scientific discover he amssed the entomological world by the bewildering collection of Insects be brought out of AUkks, thousands ef them being species tbst depend for ex istence on tbe nectar ef bl'HMoms. It Was a revelation not only of the pr Snce of unnumbered flower hunting bymctioptera, coleoptera and !; " li ters In AlsKka, but tnclilentnlly It rU ed the Attention of ! Iflc mra t the fsct ttmt Alsnlia, n. u. ling a wllilernene of fortwt ii I Ice, in a Vait Wild ftinlen. l:itpmtlnii In tfttlKBtlon In SUhejiiptit trlii t., !, Aleutian chnln, I'n.finwir K ln- n 1 I t made the dlwovery tlmt In t'i t ml alnpa i( 1iom hlnn ' t r tf klnila Of H(Tlili :.t f.. !;; j grow In liauii.uia n! ' ... "I am i In. .!." t )."!(!-l.M-f f ! H V, su 1:' . IMa 1 .'. lie 1 U a it t : . i U , goue lor a womaa If t'ue Uiu-,t Kr.j about with her a heavy hag, no Let ter bow stylish and couvenleut it me j be. Well, all this difficulty can be voi ! ed If you will take the trouble to ' for youself one of the new "St Lfc bandbaga." Tbey are very Inexpen sive end not At all bard to make. Tbey weigh but a few ounces and are (!. ttnctly smart and individual in effect. Get striped linen, tan . with -wide brown or black stripes, cut astrlp two feet wjde by four long, Hue with stout crash and bind the edges with brown pr black cotton braid. Before binding machine stitch dark brown velvet or satin ribbon or braid over tbestrlpes of linen so as to make a trimming of two clusters of three bands each.- ; i Where the binding is put on feather, stitch the outside with yellow wash silk. 'Tbe handle is stout rope, cover ed wlthllnen or braid; and. fastened on after tbe bag is lined for extra se curity!' V f A. ' ' -;Of course where anything very heavy Is carried It Is a good idea to; use a shawl strap. ' These bags make charm ing gifts to women who are going ta St Louis thus summer or in fact for women who Intend to do any traveling at all this season. , " They are also made of brown taffeta; trimmed with brown velvet bands, of gray linen trimmed with scarlet and buck and of all linen color with braid the same shade. ' 1 ' , They are. so light . that a child can carry one, and yet .they are new enough and pretty euough toadd an appear ance of smartness to a traveling outfit . . ... . n-: . - : J-' ' Drawer Wltaaat Dart. ? Many a housewife and museum Cu rator has had good reason to regret that drawers aa a rule are neither dust nor vermin proof. To have your ; trees urea, whether they consist of i linens, books or unreplaceable specimens, ru ined when they were apparently secure from anything but. a Are Is disheart ening, to say the least;:. Two Sewedlsh inventors of Providence, B. L, realising the Held that exists for a dust and in-; sect proof drawer, pnt their ingenuity to work and have evolved a very sim ple but effective construction. The ee- vn raoor taawaaa. aentlal feature of the construction la a wooden or metallic cover for each in dividual drawer. : Three adgea of this cover, the sides and the rear, are pro vided -with a downwardly; extending 1 flange adapted to.cloae la the aides and back end of .the drawer. Thet front edge termlnatea. under a. flange form-1 lng an integral part of the eupporting framework Jbls cover. Is pivoted at some nearly central point and as a drawer is withdrawn beyond Ihja piv otal point the cover drops down at the back; and raises correapendlngty la th front allowing .the, drawer, t be aa' tirely ylrhtlxa wa. y lthouj displacing the . covers The drawers,, and covers pay. be., made of .wood metal or any janbleterlaL g f. ; -' A? i, tiaiimiimfimM. " 7 A busy woman. Aeena a "stitch ta .JUmrbag angiiig from,., the ana af her lavorite low sewing recker.t la It are pocketa for butteoa of vartona kinds, spools of silk and cottoa, a nae dlebook provided with aeedlea ef dif ferent . stsea," a glove mending , outfit and two pairs of sdseors, A pair of especially powerful spectaclea..lAcloaed in a stout leather case, are slipped into a long, sarrow pocket at one aide, which- la buttoned dowa te preveat their roaming looee among the other things and suffering fracture. Thus at a moment's .notice Abe la ready to tske aa a dropped stitch la her young tea's mittens or put a missing button upon the Shirt of he lord aad.aaaater, .V. .j Ctore at rawta Jnaata. , J A growing plast, sUosld .be kept U the room with a piano, says a plana toner. Aa long as the plant tbrlref the plane wlllj .The reason that ,plauo is Injured ty a -dry, overheated, room la thatal the ntolstnte 1 tnkea out of the sounding board. ' The. board la forced Into, tbe. esse so. tightly that it bulges up la the center, anC though the. Wood la supposed to be aa dry aa possible wbea this If done. It cootaibs some moisture sod gathers more damp. Waea this moisture Is dried out tbe board Bet ten a and finally cracks. t ,;, 4 4 ' - ' ' ' ' - 1 - -; : - . - Wat tlalla Ar BaohaSf. - -Piste. rslls bare become o bscksey ed thst tbe ordinary kind tbat ni Straight sround a room Is do longer la high favor with artlatlo deratorS or Jiouwwirea.' , Any ( trtHtiiiMit 'lit I out of the oiUiuary, shilvs acruu t. tope or doors or windows, i still alrable. ' ' . ACcreFcrr.lcs: r Carttr, of Atlanta, Ca.,'acJ. . J:usi a pbyilclaa Who advlfl!l r t try a I ot of DeWltt's Wlt-h 1-1 fs!ve, 1 s -r- eliM i a box a 1 ( r !; '-t VI I rj" , ' ' , t. f t . ', ' ' 5 It n ly.ani 1 1 tt.'r v.- 5 it t auT rr." I . , , i ll enr'i'u!:, 1 f,,f 1 I En.cn.a an4 ,-,? -r i a Cn't, t.irrt Bt, 1 f " 4-f 0t f f.ll 'f a-s ;nl. V't f' ' 1 t r f. f. 1 I lf ! . C i ' h A 1 it SUIT 1 4 , d'gesta what yon aatfX 'aleaDsss, pirlflaZ smnguiana ana IVMt- ens the stomach. cures lnd!;atloo, iy ! F-piia. ana au lusmjn i i and bevel tiaublea. J""" accelerates lha action of . the gastric glands snd ("vet tons lo the-dtgestiv organs. v F"" " ZL rsllsves an. overwprked nomiw ai .au aervoua . straliv fives to Ins heart a full, fra and untranuneled action, nourishes -. ths nervous svatem snd feed the brain. ' " r ' v'. : r ? r ? L to ,he ,ndrrul rem4y mai maxing ao many ' sick people well and weak peopla . Jtrongby giving to their bodies all ef . the nourishment that is contained to -the food they eat. ' i "C . irteadaLCaSah'Ta.' JbtHMBlr II.eoSlrakoldlmM tkUai alia, which Mil for SOe, vaaMasaeaur s .X CVSfWtTT A CO., CMICAQO . -J Fa S. DITPFY. ..".'.i?.vj.Jfla..Pnre af PaWten . J Pewter played an Important domestic part inj the days of our distant ancea tors.' -.A peea at some of the bonsehold books of the Stuart dayals quite a revelation oft this point In 1664, for instance, Sir Miles Stapleton, a Tork shtre baronet, took it into bis head to replenish his stock of pewter, and here are a few of bis many purchases aa re corded In his own handwriting: - "It, paid for six lardge puter platters or dishes at Is. 7d. a pound, and; tbey Weighed 57 pound and a half. Which; comes to 04.01.05; paid for two dozen of jouter plates at is. Cd. a pound And they -weighed 87 pound, f 02.J5.60i paid theamore for two puter .atanda for the table, 00.08.00; .on gallon pater can and six porringers 00.19.06; paid to WW)m .Hutchinson of lorke, for IT new puter dishes for the table weigh ing 74 pound at 12d. a jtonnd . 03.14. 00." And among other purchases at tbe.ssme time are two dosen new pew ter plates for 82 shillings, another two dosen at 15 abUllnga a. dosen, and a large quantity of spoouv basins and candlesticks. Westminister Oaxette. J , Ttte eg Levis XtT. One need not overlook the enormous shortcomings of Louis XIV. as a aaaa ana as a king to admit that la some Important respects he "tried to do his duty." He was a hardworking sover eign botk la the sphere of administra tion and In, that social sphere which, was, to bis mind, no. less important So courteous that he .never passed tbe poorest woman about the palace with out lifting his hat be carried polite consideration to the level of a fine art In the vrajr of courteous speech there are, few .things nobler, than hie remark to the great Conde as the old hero waa slowly, ascending,, the great marble Staircase st .Versailles. Conde apolo gised for.. being to long la mounting tbe steps, at tbe top of which the king stood waiting. "Ah, cousin," Louis re plied,; "one moves slowly when ana la ladea with laurels!" Longman's hfag axloe. f- 'i .. ' ,r laai Mraa. .. ' Among birds tbe females do aot elng. and although many species have ma-" steal call notes and agreeabla tone la conversation which are. ahared la by both sexes still tbe true gong is only readered by the mala bird.. I am am eer in aaylng that the lady bird talks met then her mate about the bouse, bat I wiU admit that wbea away from home she Js -very discreet la this re-spct- la attending to- ber dlitles of incubation aba Is very quiet aad It ia seldom tbat a note la heard from her while oa' tbe nest - It has even, peea aaid that all birds are silent wbea in tubating, ao aa to avoid observation. However, although most species are quiet wbea sitting, : there are a few whkh chirp loudly wbea ao engaged, and soma even burst into exuberant fcWfBdenca. ;::;:-; --'tj-c k ' ' . ; ... ' r. .' -i " .!,' ,t 1 1 " . , 'AM h Barvala Wr Baa la American of hitherto nndonbted .veracity telle this story of a restaurant ia Berlin to which he and a friend went one evening; Tbe fare and tbe mask; were so good snd tbe people : about the: ao smulng that they lingered oa and on. When at fast they rose to go the .. American's hat was not , to be found.- ' - .. . . , "What sort of hat was It, mein ltrir lnqulrel.tbe stolid person la charge.-; - '. " ' "it was a new top hat" said the American briskly, . - ,' "Ach but mein berr, sll 1be new tH have been gone for half aa hour!" 3J4 tbe ticrmaa placidly. . . Jaaaa Caaiab Tr. The camphor tree of China and Ja pan I a large evergreen, not Unlike a 'ta, with s white flower sod red b rry. The gum la taken from chips cut of the root or baae, which yield G r r rf nt or more of It. The Jnranea 4. iiuii'nt oh in I furia of cani Uit treHi, able to ke-p up tbe avrg Si';:'y of tlie gum for twenty Eve y pt.'X tl; ung plsntati'-iis era f i up. 1 1. i k are ond. r V.i Jp a i; va foretry d i'(irln)frit !!i ( oviTi'tl on t':) alif.r ( f i I: i I 1 V I t r ' t c ! ! . v I. I. !i ' (fat: i r t r ' ' ' 1 !' . i 1 ro ( v . t 1 . .f . t I l Ij . I ..wi i Hi, J rfuj.oo. i - t .e LuituiiS It la a case of "under which king, I'.i-iouianT" Too weak to be ludtietideut and with subjugation to a foreign nation inevitable, tbe out look Is not cheering. - , ' ; ' - Still, the future under either Japa nese or. Itusgian domination can. hard ly be .worse than the present The guvernnieot hicks the moral fiber need ed st such a critical run a, and official corruption ia well nigh absolute. The people, are : taxed; beyond all .reason. Any man euapected of having-property ia In danger of being thrown Into a filthy prison on some trumped ap charge and held or perhaps i tortured until be disgorges. Offices are sold to tbe highest bidder or given to dissi pated favor (tea, who divide the pro ceeds. . The courts give no redress, tor the plunderer himself Is ususlly both Judge and Jury.' So rotten is the en tire System tbat one marvels that the nation has not fallen to placer before this.. Only tbe stolid apathy ,f. ths Asiatic and the,- rival claims of for eign powers bsve held it together at alt - - - - - -fte'-ftS. Tha financial problem Is aa .bad aa the political. Oppression sod, robbery datroy. all . incentive to :; aceumulate property A man baa noymetlve to toil when he knows thst sn:addltional ox or a .better bouse would probably simply result In a M8queese" frjnieome lynx eyed potentate, i So he, raises on ly a little rice and devotes tbe re mainder of his time to resting. From Kev. Arthur Judsoa Browna -f Unhap py Korea", in Century. !T, ' f GOT. HI MAIR BACK. - iTrtf-.- -, i-:'- . . .. . Waa Peatoetir ietal Wheai va Btarte t Vse Wawhra'a Hsnlatae . Frederick . MaaueU,- Maryland v bteek, Butte, Kontana. bought a botu of New bro'a Herpldae. AprU s, aad began to use it for nUr baldness. The hair fol licles la his scalp were aot dead and ta days he had hair all ovea hla head. On July I he writ, "and today say hair Is; as thick and luxuriant aa any ens could wlah.M Newbro's Herplelde works oa aa aid prlnolple aad with a new dis covery deatroy the eausa : and you re move the effect Herptcld destroys the enn that causes dandruff, caning- hair, and flnalir Baldness, so that with the cause tone the effect eaaaot remain. Btops falling hair at enea- aad a new growth tart. Bold hr, . laadtn; dranlste. Smd Me, in aUmp for sample to The Herplelde Co... Detroit. Such. . 0. DBrsdhuBIBpetnlteat . ... jtma W-aaaaiss. ' Tha ' 8nake aptmg whlcli, la abont 170 feet above r-. Deep Jiork, i twanty miles aoatheaat of Stroud, waa rightly; named. - Hundreds of pohtonoua moc casins and other water enakee make tha large pool ,doee to. the coploaa flow ing spring their resort from April vav til 'eTember,' : 8uperstltlou jladlaaa are mortally' afraid of the pmca, as .their beatUn; religion doesn't permit them to. decraaaa . the. anaka faaaily. Wolves vrand; -wlldcata Taka lhatr homes la the ere vicas ef tbe rocks and canyons adjacent to 4he eprtng, ,Tha wildly romantie locaUty was tha bead quarters ot tbe Biosbla and other oat law daring the seventies. ; The geo graphical features ot tbe elevated aad rugged bills sround the spring are dif ferent from, other localities la tbe Creek Nation. The rocks are a sort of flint a fcard conglomerate nature. Tha brownish colored mineral water that , runs out of tbe. bank, of peep fork Is said to poesesa great medicinal properties. Kansaa City Journal. Cared Bit Hsiber at Kbenmatlsm. 1 If y mother haa beea a . sufferer , lot bub j yean with racajaallani,M ;saya TT BHdward.of Baabaad, Pa. r "At tlases aha wag aaabla to move at all, valla at all times walking was paiafaL I pre seated her with a bottle of ChaaUrlahr's Paia Balm aad after a few applicatloaa aba decided ft was tha asoat wpaarfal pata reliever aba bad ever triad, Ja (aot, aha li aerer without it bow aad la at all tlmea able to walk. Al occuoaal ap. pllcatloaof Paia Balm, kcepa away tha pata tbat aha waa formerly troubled wlta." For sale by all druggists. ; ' ;v ADAPTED APHORISMS. ; - . . X No clrcaa la as big as If a painted. ' - it's an wind that escapee from the ' Wbea aa old msld frolics It I ao child's plsy.. - :- Tbh . most . careful ben can't dad things where aba lays them. ; - Too must wslk a Jong time behind a gander before' you And a paacoch; feathj ar. '.", . .v. -. v .' '' Despise not a small wound, an. la ' algnlflcant enemy or a plnhola, ann Better a Alaaar at herbs aad taateair,, f,, t0 Korea oa ment tbaa a "stalled" auto, la a. fa country. y J. A rolling atone gathers no looes, but tt loees rough corners and win ia time become a perfect sphere. Agnea Cam eron in Everybody's M agasloa, . ;-v-"!' '; v : ..WipCjtef. CtCtH Zt: Ia the spring of 1901 my ohlldrea had whooping eouvh, n;i atrt D W Car-p. of Capps, Alk. "I used Chamber lala'a Cough Beatedy with tha most sat (factory resells, I think this. Is the best remedy I bavs ever seea for whoop ing eooh." This remedy keepe the eooRk loose, Ipikdi the' levertty sad frequency of tbe cimhlDg spell t aad coonteroris say Unil-nry toward pses monta For sals by all driif-Uls. . - an aitc "Do yoa think that dollars jshould dominat our polltlclaoa? "Not st sll," answered 8nstnr Sor ghum, "Quit tbe contrary, t believe that every politiciaa should make It bla btiiiliieat to dominat as many dol lars ss punnlM." WeMnj;t '.ar, T.'lra yoa wsmt S f'--""ict rfcj'.'o try t!.- '--'.'a's f biLI' 'T,V 1 '5. 1 j t-i J lo t 1 l 1 X ' " t lnt" t. Fur i ' I j 'l . , , S I t I r i. i !' r I 1 1 -t r:i TIMID HERBERT. a Fall I Tell Aalta af HU Lav -. i a?., U -'r .rrt .-- Herbert stopped rowlu, ostensibly torst;.;'frv-f J tiJ.V , "AiMr-ji.t. b said with a u elaborate Stfwij, uuconcern to tbe young woman Mi.intf lu tbe stem of tb4 boatf "therv'n u frieod of mine that' bead aver biwU bead over ears, 1 meao In love with a beautiful girl and aa good aa ah is beautiful: He has known ber ever to many years, and be has been go ing to aee her a long time, but he's too big a cowsrd that's what be says to ask her, yoa knew, if" ' " '.' Hera his voice trembled a' little, snd he paused to wipe his perspirtngiprow. fBeantiful girl. Is sheT queried the young woman, Idly dipping her- Angers the water, st the side of tbe beet A :iovenesi in toe wonu xuai a, woai he aays, 1 meatt." ' - . cWhat'a hernamer ; - 1 J S '."He'd he'd rather not bare bennama kmttBmiAis t rFrlend of yours," you sayt Tho la - Aas. i JrX.ia. a a. a-ii i. i. ..- vu, l bvu wiO lv leu f uu Vr lav uV ls. v He mlgb not like It" . "Very much In love with her, Is bef "Clean gone. He says It mekeS him fairly ache." V . . "And he's afraid to tell her sor - "See. i,. He be says be can't gwss from the way she treats blui whether She er likes him or not. . He's a cow-ard-rthat'S what be Is." . . " "What are you telling me about him forr "Well. - he he asked" me what 1 thought he'd better do, and 1 couldn't advise him. I suppose I I'd be Just as big a coward as he Is. That's why I'm asking yon. Wb-wbst do you think ha aught to do? Tell her and run the riskr . ,"I am sure 1 don't know." Herbert gasped, swallowed ' and changed the subject ; "Isn't this water clear?" he said. "Ton can see the sand and tbe stones at tha bottom. How deep It Is, and yet bow transparent!" las,', aha aaid. "So like you, Her bert!" , . ... e . - ,. ' "Dear girl," be whispered fifteen minutes later as be stroked ber pompa dour caressingly, "how did yon know I waa telling yotf my own story?" "Ob, you goose!" Chicago Tribune. Saattlaafta Bara Door. N Harry bad been forbidden by bis grandfather to play with the pump, Which play Invariably ended' In a drenching. The one way to prevent this catastrophe often proved to be tying up tbe pump. Once the old gen tleman beard a great splashing and spluttering In the back,. yard and ran out In haste to tbe rescue. . A half drowned Hry met jjjm, has tening toward the hotjfie as.faft as bis Soaked feet would carry hjm, "Ob, draa'pa,". he called Ip a' voice tbat seemed drowned, too. "tie up , tbe plump; tie up the plump!" cotfs Magaxlne. , Llppln- An 0p:n Letter . Prom IbeChaptn, SC., Newai Early la the sprlsg my wife and I weie taken With dla rhoes and s f evere were t he patau that we. cal ed a physician who prescrihed for ui, but bis medicines failed to give any relief . A friend who had a. bottle of Chamberlala'i Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of as a does aad we at i nee felt tha effects. I rtocsred a bottle snd before using the entire contents we ware entirely cared. ' H te a wonderful raraedy aad should ha found la every aoaeehold. HO Bailey, Editor. Thli rassedy Is for sale by all drugglau. fi" - Aaiarlraa 'Areiveetar. t" Some of tbe private bouses of settled and cultured, people ia BoetoA, .New Tort, Baltimore and Wantnkton are as good aa our best One at the most refined and dignified bt then? great homes ia the White Havaa. Compared with the tawdry oppressive glitter and real vulgarity of aome of our palacea, tha White Bona Is a model at whst a home for the president af a great peo pla should be.-Report of 0. Bohley of the afoaety Commission. -v ' .iJafflTrortl A. .-v.-.. temO .- -; lat m TOIftH MWtJt BUjJj ...Kara tk Palrwar 't yaOaaa. Votblaa- encourage the study of g phr like-wer.s u as U 1871 tbat 4 the tuspt tor ar that roe 4ra Vera at war. sritbuhec --Bat .there ws only eae battle, aad la that battle onjy ooa baa was kllled-oa ottf Side. ; 8o the (eofraphlee wera aoott put back bo tha sbtt Uail8M Korea aislh came Aa the front, but the. Cblnesa tied so' preclpltetely. before tha iapaaeae tba before the feograpblet were, falrlj open tba Ud of var wept.aeross tbe iXala end left Korea Sisla the Land of the Morning Calov, Vbd aow again la this . year , of grace she Is made, though, much against ber, Will, -the chessboard for another game. " ta K2 sbe was swept from aorta it loutlby the Mongols to tbelr effort to grf at the Japanese. Ia 150 the was swept from south to porth by tha Japanese ia their effort to get St, tbe Cblncae. 8be hss beea verily ins pathway; ot nations, trodden of every foot. Ilocaer B. Uulbert la Centurt. ' -! . . .. At2rt::r:Tcit To itre life, DrTO Merrill, of Ho, lvl)oorn- iptd a tsrtllngtflat r"t; t la a wmd rf .1 mre. ' lie wri.-a, ': faUent was atta-krd With v! ' 1 1 . i.rrh' , r'!'-l ! aWra f i f i .i. I ! 1 1-". a fonnd ' -v.ir .iff i i'--m. f ' r t t I j i.l ..15 ! - : ; 1 l ,a first ; . ' - : i 1 1 ' 1 ) 1 v 'itiilia. 1 ' 1 f ; rn- ! ' ' ' , . ... C-.n- '1 rf I . , .1 . (In: J r - tt take Bvj of tfie orttaerr -qoarta to make a rallea, bat a HATWKB QUART is a full qimrt, an honest quart of tt ounoea, four to the faUooT Now tM M. t Jir .l Wt $1 as boitie tor whiskey tbat eunwtl IWf bVaoy bewirK VaTi5 Ji tood. or .26 a U. U ,ou bay HAYNEWmY w Sv?attoi.t sVSevW a.1100. Vre aeU two guJlooa lor about the eame aa rou pay for one rllprotit)l poow uii.kt. J ut think tiua ever aad ma am ber that HAYW7 Rwmsiiir iTLTXZ: ANl'tii of PURITY and AGE aad aave yoa toe dealer- enormous proflUL Thatt whv CIrcbt f rcpkiup diotlllcry to YOU FUr.S CEVETJ FULL 7 I CJWtlTS . ; , . i -. ZSJPVS, ZF1 WAST! BOTTLES of HAYKERfl SEVEN YBABjOLD kja for U.K. and we will pay the express charges. Try it and if you don t find it all right and aa rood aa you ever used or can buy from anybody else at any prioe, then send it back at our expense and your SSM will be returned to you by next maU. Just think that offer over. Howoould It be f airert If you are not perfectly satisfied, you are not out a cent Better tot a send you Strial Older. If you don't want four quarts yourself et a friend to iota you. - We ship in a plain sealed ease, no marks to atow what'S inaide. Orders for Arte, OaL.OoL, Idaho, Mont, Nev., N. Mex.. Ore.. Utah Wash prwyo. must be i on the basis of 4 quart' for MOO by Kxnres Prepaid or 0 quart for B1.0 by Freight Prepaid! Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE IIAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA, 6A. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, NO. ST. PAUL. MINN. ,.'-150 DnmuiTi Tbot, O. Establish ed 1866. Mrs. Fred VivraLtK, No. 228 Territorial Street. Benton Harbor, Mien. "I am pleased to rive my experience with wine of Cardul as I am very grateful for its help. After my first baby was born I could not seem to regain my strength, although the doctor gave me atonic which he considered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My husband came home one evening with tome Wine of Cardui and in sisted that 1 take It tor a week and see what it wxrald do for me. As he seemed to have so much faith ia it I did take the imedicine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusiastic in its praise." M OTHER HOOD is the noblest duty and liiplii'st privilege women "iin sicliii'vfi or aspire to. With out this nrivilcL'c women donot gel all tliere is in lifo-tcxi often they go through the world discontented, wrapped up in their own :lnsu cares and troubles. liferent is the happy mother, watehinf' her children ffrow into manhood and womanhood. A mother lives as many lives as she has children their joys and sorrows are Jlfn. Prtd Unralk. WINEofCARDVI Salt! Salt! Salt ! lO.OOQ Bags Halt and another cargo coming consisting of common fine salt fr general pur poses Vairy Salt For The Table. Ice Cream Salt'. V ock Satt For Cattle. f0Q0 "Bags 180 Salt For Pickling Fish. We make you a contract that is good until Tan. 1st. 1905 and prices Guaranteed. What more do you want; write us quick. Can ship same day order is received. 10;D. L. GORE COMPANY, Wholesale Grocer, and Importers. Wilmington, N. C. "Carolina Business College, '.; . V;v Nrw Hern, BT. ., rv . ... w J: if 19 I 1 S 0 ate : aow earoHII slodaU fapld 7 tot the 8omer Bessloa fe ' JiOWtfH Til 12 TIME TO IIKGI1V i. rder to comrl.' -e of .ur coorse. urleg the SPflmO sad IlSLt Willlf R vjv. , Tiii2Jn:x,ond j,iorf mHii-xWAfl- Ti:eiki tiktiiodh ofBooU'esptV " ;,,B . b.nd.n,dev,HJ"'-tfc,,0'1'Mn1,'i,ll",nU0B .8,"P' "4 . v- -. i - rr '" ' " - -. . ' ; ' Tborouub. - . . - . - - ' ' ' THIS DHHANI) For lookUreieriaiia r i i :s-;rIlt'rH Uno rettrthsa we will ts able" ta sepplf foss our rts luatss. . ' ' ' . , , ' . ' 'VAUIZ OUIt COUItSK .ad UlUs Dstpj'oa toaBsllsr ! ri.ne l.ur.ratlT I'otltloa. f r full IVllrnlar, Addrwa - YEAn - OLO RYE $).20 EXPRESS & PREPAID hers, as are their ambitions, triumphs and defeats. Healthy women di aot suf fer miscarriage nor does a woman who ii healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It is the woman who is ail ing who haa feinaln weak ness who fears tlrfi ordeal of becoming a mioMm. Wine of Cardui builds up the wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains irregularities which axe re sponsible for barrenness ami miscai nage. It maV:es a woman strong and healthy and able to pass through preg nancy and childbirth with little suffer ing. After the ordeal is pasted the Wine prepares a woman for speedy recovery to health and activit) Wine of Cardui, in re-inforeing the organs of generation, has made mothers of women who had given up hope of ever becoming mothers. Wmeof Cardui will cure almost any case of barrenness except cases of organic trouble. How can you refuse to take nuch a remedy that promises such relief from suffering? Wine of Cardui simply make you a strong woman, and strong, healthy women do not suffer. They Wok for ward to motherhood with joy. million suffering women have found relief ia Wine of Cardui. ia , -i 3 1 r J ' v. t 1ir1r avM-linf all uiii' "ilitr t.uisn. II : fi'eiion, c-.'-'-n i' r" i, ( ' ' i 9 . i J ' H i 1 I t . : I , ' r 1 t ! t ! S. J. HOLLADaY; I- r:f.