" 'X. O I'- It1, ll?.,, .-.-: - KjjTrtE JOURNAL ' ; " rbllsked Terr day la ttjer.e pt Univ. JopmSPoOdlBg,' U ; f" Ho.. - CHARLES L. STEVENS. -,,1T - .-'vSUBSCRimOIIRlTEK -v. -I One boI U ftdTa&M... N -, . Advertising Bate funnlMd OS appll Cation. - v . ' Kntered at Ua Poit Ofloa, fcr Bera, M.O.U ssooad claa matter.; T ? 0 ffleltl rMr U Nnr Ben ui Cnna.ftouty.' EDUCATION HQ SHORT ; CUT TO EASY LIVING. A writer in ft leading dallr newspa per, In dlscnislng tha merit, -of icbools, and specially tuose of the public achooli took the position Jhat by indirect 1 method the public achoot produces the direct thing called the tiamp, by the fol lowing prcCetB: , "Taking him In bojhood.lt dealea Mm won; and a trade: sets before aim 'study and play" u duty, aud tells hint that . npon quitting school he will be prepared - to wort witn nu nea rawer men a hands and reap fame and fortune, by anoncuia,:.. - - ..--?'j;.. The above process of reasoning Is ex treme, for It assumes that the contrtbn- tary force which la exerted in the pubjlc school is detrimental to the educational training of youth, hence there exists in educational text books teachings, which affect by their method, to lustily aril, in the young mind wblchlater is produc- tlve of evil practices and habits :ln the Uvea of the yonlkfo taught. ,.- No school text book Is perfect, nor has there yet, and probably never will be found a method of teaching the youth which shall be productive of a perfect lire. If each child could be given an In dividual training, baaed upon a careful analysis of each and every peculiar trait and characteristic, there might, ooca alocally be developed the nearly perfect character lo man or woman. That education falls la some loslao ces. and the child whose life has been spent in the school room prove a fail ure and seeks evil waya when grown, does not place the securing of an educa tion through, school as a dangerous method for all children, any more than does one or two failure of church mem bers condemn religion as a practice leading to hypocrisy. Education in school or college when rightly taught, doe not Inculcate the thought la the child mind that learn ing Is the end at talaed, ' which actually sec a res social position and competency to the child when school aad college courses are completed. But education In 1U true and best form doe prove to the child add youth that It Is the mean through which caa be best secured so cial recognition and a possible comforta ble livelihood, by putting into active every day practice when growa the things whloh have been taught la school and college. ' ' When the Impression is created that a education both opens aad aaoura fern aad fortune by a abort eat method ltlecertala to be.' prodncUv of wrO, therefor th careful need that ear aad attention b give n 'teaching, to that the youthful mlad easily Impressed aad susceptible to every fiflaeaoc, I not Im pregnated with false Ideal, bat U taught at to the podtf v tsW of aa edooajloa of what mean hi It tariou ram Ui ca tions, aad ru effeot ,Vp the youth la ; waaterer podttoa fc auy aeek jo gala la lit, wan fee's or aer sehool dkyt are fialhd.K ' '1 4 Dafiiest Ctuot Bl Cmral by local applloetioaa,' ae i they itaaot : reach th diseased porttat of tUear. r-' Tier to oeJyoae way ear deaf aeea, . 'r'';'---,''. aad that I by eoaatltrntlooai: reraedke. Deaiaees U eaueed' by aa taflamedeea- dllloa of th aanoM Ualag bf.tae -toschiaaTaba. Wbea this tubals la flamed yea kev a' 'tttmbllac aokad or :'l Impeot bearlag, aad waea It to llraly " --feloaad, Deafaea I Ik vaaalt, aadea- lea th toflammaUo eaa be taken Ml !-:Y- j : Md (his tub restored to Ha aermsj eoa ; ' dltloa. Wring wiJ.be et(oyd foe f. ever) ala ease oat r tea hrtoanM by . . , ' j Catarrh, Which k aothtag but Wa la ' , !''' flamed eoadltloa ef the maooai aar 'fo." V C : I'-; J,':- We wClglv Oaellaadred Dollar for aayeas of Deafaese-(eeee4 yCa - . tarrhrtkat eanao be cured by UalTs r ' Catarrh Car, 84 tor drculati, fre. Bold by Drfru,75c . Tak L'alT family for (ontlpa ttoa. - ' V , ' ' t ' 114 ta tmm.- " Merchsnt-I tbotig! t y 1 told rr-s b WS Insa of Vrj f" ' irrtf r. (julljlifl-Toa rn'itt. lm i 'j ' r SIkx1 tiif. I mil l. v it T'iod f ppuf tlon. I'l "- ' ',' ' I i TESTUDArS KAHIITS. - Cettoa Grala, frevuloni aal Slocks Range la frlces, Receipts aa " - I, Skip meats. ' . The following are the market quota tions, received by private wire to i. Walter Labaree atOo.. New Bern, N. 0 I New Toan, May 14. . Vpea. Hlghi tiow. Close "5l8 84 lixt 18.81 18 8 Oormw - July..,'. r Aug Oct. 18 03 18.51 18 011808 1U8 lttl 11.29 1180 Deo,,-. i. t 1UU80 11.16 11.47 Chicago a'ay 1W Open. ,i'Clo Chicago Gralnr July Wheat July Cora ' July Oat ' July,EIbs July Pork July Lard 85 , j657 c hit '087 r" KW York, ta Open, , " SX00Xi- Close Amr.Bugar , I27i Ami. Copper.... 50 J Atchiioa. ....... I8 Southern Ry.... 1J Southern By pf., 8i D.a SteeLi-... 8 C.B.Bteel pf... 51 Pnn.RR.......llft Brie.:;...:... 88 LouIsvlUeANash 107 St. Paul..... 188 1 N.T Central.... 114 N.4 W.... 56 VarC Chemical:' . 117 49 8 8 81 08 -88 UIJ BANK STATEMENT,, , ? New Y rk, liar 14 Reserves, decrease -fifiUfNt Loans. Inerease i i f.888. Sped, decree 218.474,100 Legal Tender, I2creae : : : $,095,100 Deposit, :ojreas7 1,097,400 Clblroulatlon, laorease : 09,100 E Si DDfFY , Do not hesitate to jreoommead Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to his fxiends afed cus tomers. Indlsesllon causes more 111 health than anything else. It arranges the stomach, and bring on all manner of disease. .. KodoL Dyspepsia Cure digests what yoi eat, ear Indigestion, dyspep sia aad all stomach disorder. - Kodol to not only a perfect digestant but a tissue building tonic as well Renewed health, r WW HV. H.IMHW J TI1MI'. (ouow iti nse. Qrau Hawaea. The finest house ever designed by a redakln ia the grass bouse of the Wich ita, u tribe that at present 'live in southern Oklahoma. They are toe on ly tribe that ever accomplished uc cessfully the erection of a graas atrUCr rare. . Soon they are to-abaodUai tbse hut and take p tbeir humdrum ree ervatlon life la two room frame aback which are being built for them; by the government The gras bouse, it i claimed, 1 far from being tealthfuVi but it la certainly comfortable, aay the Sdentlae Americas. . ' There are only about fifty; old mea ef the tribe alive today wboi under stand the art of bonding one of tbee bouees so that It will stand, and the refuse to' work, even for geaerotis wage. The government bat offered these grass bouse "builder lucrative employment. to- construct aome' houeee that may be preserved a raodel of aa ancient art - But tbey refoke, and the grass buts that caed to, dot the prairie of th WlcblW reaervfOoa are sow being ton dowav c The WlcUKea are determined that thett bum baB not eurrlv thenu. vt Cured Eli HotnersfMiesmiUgnu "Hymotier hubeaa a nffarw lot many years wtta theumatlaaa,n tar W H Howard, bfflusbaaa, Pa. A ilaaa he was aaabl to mora at ell, fall all time walklag' wa pelafuL f X pre anted bar with a bottle of Chaaiberlala's Pala Balm aad after a few appllcatloas be decided I was the kaoet wonderful pale raueter she bad em tried, la fact, aae U arret without It aow aad Is at all Ume able to walk. " Ae occeelcaal ap pUeatfoaof Pala Balm keep away the pala that aae '.wa formerly troubled Wlta.1" For ale by all druggist; . W t t.- -1 ') ! ' . 'iti - Atmmt the Taiasb , . l I andersuntf , yon "were-? carried away, by bar singing.? jf ) ' ': nvsll. not Quite that X Vas'drlrea away by ft, tbougb."-Mw; Orieaa jAaee-Deajocrat y ' krv a ike Jaaaia. (onky-Whea ft cme t a f ' the eln-bant for tnlnel Kw treeing Journal, r ; . "l Ui spring rf l: l r y t' lad Wiofflng en:-;1-.." -! Cr; ; , of (; ; , Ala. 'I r Iva'l H '.nr,t. 'y V;i !' iry rV, I !' ' 'j s' I lr 'rl! '"'" if i - i ,." : . . fjci! Cor -spo- :ence.) B ret it v Ccito! .ii L i lately been Coin wimetlnus? Iti tb BHnin-al-Eaa- chid Unbilled. Lue evt r vtntly about 10 o'clock he called up Comml sioner Getteral Sargent of the bureau of immigration by telephone and asked felrn 4o get ready at once for a trip te KewYork end J at the Pennsylvania railroad atatlon in time for the mld tUgbt train.. That waa the first notice any one bad of the secretary'; inten tion to visit CHI Island.' He appeared at the immigration, station the next morning bright 'and early, and when he returned tbree day later It was with . lot" of first band lnformatton 4 wblci be thinks will prove Very useful in handling the waanington end or tb serrieek - -!,.r. A r 1 ' f TtefmUMt '- 'ttaaaaakr l President Booeevelt baa succumbed otterly to tie handahaklog "necessity. JVheuhe nndernok" be( dutle of to presidency be had an idea that much valuable time bad been wasted by hi predecessors lu--: nnnecesaary aaluta tfona of this kind,' and for many week ie did little ttromlscfteue ahaklnr. But j the prrasurarom the pump handle bri 1 gado bus beu severe, aud he baa felt It cesftity jleld frenf Ume to time iDtJt he; is. qow oneittthe most expert grHper orth palui IcnownS to the trade. Every day just before luncheon be koulnsaa . Informal receptfcm ft which, from twenty to: fifty persons, mostly women, ,. are . presented' and greeted In the stereotyped manner. The other morning he received a!vllting delegaUon Of on of the fraternal or ganlaationar and Report 'credita htm with Bhaking baiida 'wli lOO men In ettttmlnnte,A Da; that day he;i said to have-cat oat hi Japanese wrel- tll''iratice,-A-4 t;.T;r ailat atowwtaw, m , At a recent dinner Aaaoclat justice Barlan and ' Brewer-: ef r the United States supreme court were among the guests. Both-made brief fpeeche, la f hlcft b,Ura9rou alluionawre made to each other. Justice Brewer Mid It wa a popular error to anpposa thai any law; polirt were decided la the Northern Securitie caaev , V-?rt ; ' Shtrojlatok'it tbe tttnir aatl Jae tic Brewer, with a merry twinkle m hi eye, Srai denvered by my brother JJariafcrK' Later on la the aam peach Justk Brewer' aald: TUy brother Harlan 1 a niost iovabl man; whom I her been Instructing' m the law for foarteea yeera- Now, If Justice Barlaa 'only knew a little mora law he would make a odJudg,7i:.j; WXZ Hfv; -.- None enjoyed the humorous drive more than Justice Harlan. ' -' nietfa; man goea teiaif in the mat ter'of a claim f or.' datoagei be la In clined to pat the figure high, though he may be fairly well satisfied if he get a Hth of hi demand. tatee aeea to be eomethiag like men larthl matter of going W court with big btlla. New Hampshire, through fta repreeentatlv, Senator Oalltnger, asked congreea - to give It 830,000 tor some land ceded by the state to the general government la 1791. In Senator OalUftgcr'f bin "for th relief 6f the state of New Hamp hirv it-was uter that the earn named.waa "a resJoaabie amounts co -riitfee took hold Of the matter and cut ti.a $30,000 to 13,000. and Mr. Oal llnger awpted th amendment with a mile f t w aiacerety grateful. 'There la a larg took.'oataldo the door of t' e c:.r f ot the be re a f navi gatloa la t'ue Daryflepertment la which all naval officer ho report at the department are expected te writ their tftUit ,wne "they arrived and th probable da te ef their departure, v ) The other day 'ef nun br of 'young worned whtf were, atteuJlng th coe grea of th. Daughters ,ot the Amerl caa 'Kevrotiotf, explored 'the depart. ment:" They found the" register and filled a page wltkv eatzlea ilk tbU be fore AdaU4 'Taylert horrified mee eenger roofcd t wt we Imppenlng: Nanre.'kfary 7ooea, Debkoahrdat of arrival April 17; date of probable departure, fmrJ-V ''.When Beaato Fatoeaaka Jret cam to Waabrngtoa he wa wnacqualnted Wtth tbSUtent to wbcl the game of poker waa played by government efa- eUha-H eree-aaked-to esssmmsad a maa for prwlntment la the tmanry dp1met- C'""'-'-'j- - Buf he plaipoVr,rlcW4 the eMta,'!.'.; - llft.i ,.-;, -v; That nuke M dUferewr," aaJd Sen ator Petto. If aO tbe poker players la Weehlngtoa were te lo1 their job O that account .there 'woukrat- be enoegk ef na left to organise a debat ing aoclety.-, Z' .V: . kvaafc Waaa Tfcai Via Cart aa a a.' Repreaealatlv Cuahanaa relate that Wbeq President Booeevett wa In the tat ef Waablngton last year be bnd ka ntbualsstlc rareptioB.' At oo tt th.f1liarliiratn.'0ld f rentiers?- -n Cflt!-- d fo Mr(V UiuaB V st Bv ' felt w at the grratnf maa he ever tuw and tbe greataat ana who ever vta!ud thCkOfUiwtf Pa being asked for the rrnrnJot bis Jnflgmnit tbe r-T r!'lliMi: " " " IfWvi "Pt'l W the euiynt 1 ever Hi wbo luuki worse tkaa i I cartoona" 1. : C)ar4aa T TanMoa. - T Miff rt too pitlve," rtmart'-l Bapraamtatlve Gerdnpt of Maaaac' - a-f, - rf 8 1 t-" - r ... ; ItJisi; niatUr. " Iiuiing ny ' i... 4 rsmpalgns ltn aome on If a crrtal nmo Is ui-.i i!i.f u,a I i'l rr'y t)it I hire Try r'a I t!t tl.jit ! 1, t ut 1 won"i't r " ' SB Bt;rjn!.;,. ,J MM-rt:utl." It la 1 try ei'.t -v Cut J"ii ! t i a miii n ' ' 'y i wfcat be i.l ! ' i i I to la i t i r t . f" V. rf I- t n r t-4 - 1 w -Lar-lly conncious of gent! ru' lug uijiHe'DeHr nie, and ttieu sonie thl wet iid i)ld oiiiie ilnli in ly fe. i aat uii with a Jerk, aini there but a uiennaidl Uood gracious! You can imagine bow startled I felt ' , 8 lie sat on tbe sand quite close to me, resting on one hand, and With her tall, an ludlsputable tail,' with beautifully gllrtenliif -Btlrary-brown acales, coiled round in a" graceful curve. She waa fascinatingly pretty, with Sweet face, laughing bewr kt my air of bewilder meat and )tli tong'treese of brown hair blowing about her. s- - Jippose; my dropped jaw and jtar tng eyeemust have atruck her ,aa very com lea K.i for khe laughed euch a mur leal, soothing laugh, strangely like the ripple of, wave' among the ' groyne higher up tbe beach.' z j "Excuse ne, she sal , "but you look m funny." -r j f , ; "Funuyf T "exclaimed indignantly, rWhat have you been up tol :.Totf've been throwing water over me,"- r -"1 didn't threw water over you. ; I suppose It waa rather forward, but I put the- end of my tall on your face. Yon looked so tempting, yon know, Iy Ing: there. 1 1 .really , could, not, resist yo. - 'i . 'i "Well, yo shouldn't, then,? I. said. "Now you've wok me up, end aome of the water ha gone down my neck." l! -' I bad, wandered -off that afternoon among the bowlder that lay plied up on tbe'ahlnlng beach at the foot of the ellff to the ef of the little town. It waa very;, hot, so hot that after skim ming through tbe columns of the paper I bad brought with me I lay back and noosed; hi' blissful disregard of the glaring sun and the white rock and thl' low ripple of -the retreating tide. And jben happened all have; describ- f4?il fa - Wk 1 - t'Do you know 'you inorel" she said suddenly. N v r. I - .Said-IP "Von -must be a very mis chlevona girl mermaid, I mean.'.' -. ('X)h, np I'm not not nearly so bad aome.lt'(i hwky for you my cousin wasn't1 with" me when 1 came up and found Jfou here." if" I': ';' ''A geutleoiaBw- Bierman?" 1 yen tored.' .jf.. -v .- - ;A ; tuOh, no. She usually cornea up here with me of aa afternoon, but ah' up at the other end of the bay today. . Her name' Genevieve, Cod mine Maud." . "Where do yoa get your, nameaf 1 asked. ; tl - ' r Ottt .of book, w pick upWe got mine and my cousin Imogen s oat or a supplement that - dropped .overboard from a steamer. Pretty name,' Imogen, tontltr ii;:-fw ' "Not half so pretty a Hand.w . '"Well, I don't know.. We're; glad to get anything to read. I that today' paper?" pointing to the Chronicle that lay on the beach. ' ' ! , " "Tea," I said. "Would you Mk it to readr ' ': '-U a -! "Thank, awfully. No, not now, but ill take It with me If yon don't mind. Smoke your pipe, will yoer I' '"With great pleaaure. Sure yon. don't mlndT:' -' - - 1 "Not a bit Besides, I want you te J in Ugh ngs.i.;.. . f. 2 Bo I polled eutmy pipe and filled it, and! kland, with 4 sinewy loop of her talt glided up to sav She seemed high ly deUgbted at being allowed to etrik thrmatch for me to get a light by. ' -:- 'Isn'rthls Jollyr she saldv looking up at m With wonderful eyea: 1 i: -BaUaer,' aald, looking down Into themt'yt' yoh often go In for thle eortbf thlngr M- -snK. W;; TH jteH yoa." ebe r pMed. 5,rto)'re th first mar' I aver poke to-like; thto,: I ; meaa-but old Nep eeat me here for trying to.; You're in my book, yoa know. I of tea tome here, and "yeaterday it Waa ao hot that dropped asleep, sod when yea eanm long I'only Jut had time to get be hind that rock,":' .... j. "Se yetrva eea me before, ihenT, a iOK ftt, '.'imverat tUnee..' I eaw yew along the beach en Sunday evening.- ' 13U deuce-jow dijWI bf your par-:.r- -f -x. ':. , ) "Aad I eaw yea ktoa that fieber girl. On, yea, yoa did. -ttfi-: 'fWll.7.I aald, turning very" red, "I Idmftj-. pat It wm eoiy.ene.l'-., There ain't "ay mermen here," she feplied. "T;;. ''Aren't there? , 1 suppose if rather lornfly." ' ;- u-;.-. y.-'- "t need ie be apooa a little with one e- Brighton,- bet we1 aevet ' One her. ' That;; old Nop' doing. 1 bTn't ba kieeed for vr ad long. . -faeaily V I aald, edging ever1, toward hef-..' .-.yv.'tr trr"-liTx ' "Realty." she sighed, looking Jowtk" Ttr ahallTwould yoa eball we-r that la" ' "S I- -"'v ri - l leaned over her aa she- raised her face, smilingly, mischievously, to wine, wL.n Just as'our llpa touchadj with k luJaa twlat ot he toll she casght Ota a f-vb la tbe face with bar wet fin.. ' I fll ever backward, and by (be time t kid got the aaad end wet out of my rj the mermaid had disappeared. ' - trace, of hr wa left, but my .f-pt ws i , and aa l weat iy luui t 'fancied I could catch t ef bar, lying out by tbe big black c that Just slewed 1'f atwve the ii I stood still and aiti to bar anl 'irt'y sw hr white srmsi wared i i . 1 ! . 1 tlia r', , ' g of hr ,U' aud ,too, bi-r Vi.g browa ' toliig n tbe ware. k-ti'h. ', - . Ik, Sf i Tbe iiii'Mh, w ar fMt-r, a fiih of V .-rrvw ,rit f 7, ..iilld 1.1 tlTrS o.'.O i' and r t!l, baa r- h ef Its rya divided in!. 1 ; ; r a.. I s lower ri'' n ly ti c ' borl- ' i r . i ! sItm it in . t i l.i em l on iii ' 'it'ii'fl' '.er f , v - - " 1 r h l 1 , . : . j t .. ' ? i i .. i ,,, -t twe f r ' ta! t '"i '. I, . 1 a IT It rOR tADIES, TOO. f'Tfta 'i9 Thala F V." i Katf ' rai: t f "un urt nun jiair ut hair is failing aut. aaa preiriit i ealr aiiing out, aad thlckaa the s-owi . with Nawbro Berpleida.M Baakiaa. iierpi eid s one of th mart agreeaMe hair dressings ther te. Harolcida kina th. aadniS gam that at tha hair -aft at 4 ma root -rter the germ 1 destroyed, tb root will abeot up. amd the hair grow n a even Even a aampla wiu eon Hnc any lady that NewWa Harptetoe I an India penaabla toilet requtelta. It contain no oil or (reaaa, it wiq wot stata aye. Bow y lasdint rugtist.. Bead no. to lUmpt for aample to The Eerpl- cD." Bradhs BBpaebT A geafc, ; . PITH ANO Qln V,,; - It tojeo aoon te' worry? ixvt?atii Daat until tun litfvatlut fun ,-M.ul Those, wl o don't have to lake care of a'babytiltould be" awfully good' to those who da.-f." ! - - j. s- jt; It I evy- man's experience that when be bit a a rainy day rued he and hi wife can't agree on, what constt tatee a shower. . Up- to a "certain period men com plain because they bare to work. Aft.' er that period they pray thaf I they msv atwava be abla to. . , : vi - J- .When; yob abake bands With aome people It Is -about like potting; your head down Into the grass, expecting to find a flower and encounterlne; a snake, Atchison Globe. J " ' . , ' ii i h . l Ai;0p:a Letter; , - From the Chapia.S C., Kar : lady la the apriag my wife aad 1 were. take Wlih diarrhoea and severe t war the pala that we .called a phy Jolaar who preacro mr na, not hi anadiciBes failed to five aa rHf f A . friend wee had a bottle of Chambtdabve Colic, Cholera aad. Diarrhoea Keatedy oa hand gaveacaflf dcadoee and w at oac felt th effect. I procured a bottle aad before using the entire .ooateats' we were entirely cured, . It la a wonderful remedy aad skould be ' f ouadi la every aoaaehold. B O Ballsy, Kdltor. This remedy l for sale by all drugglata. ' a " I " " .'.-'.,. f . ' Cfclla aa Har Ultra t. , It Is a queer state of thing that the national existence of a country auould depend on one of that country' prod nets, but thl. la the eaa (la Chile, where nitrate of soda constitutes three-fourth of the. export tfade, Aa expert. In auniming up the adtaation, says that at the. present mtfe of con- gumption the aupply of nitrate will be exhausted In twenty, year and hat then Chile' r life aa a aatjou must cease unless something that 1 now un expected ibould occur. . ' When yon want a pleeeaat physio try Chamberlain' Stomach aa4 titer Tab. fcta. They an aay to take aaq pleasant nl etecl. For aal by all draggtrta." kiw ia Calun,d. ' Aa a "rubber prodncliiK" tMte Colo rado tasntaklng a bid for the attention et tbe world. - Within ' the Wt few mentba experiments with . k t-ertaln pecle of sagebrush that ftrbw wild over aa .Immense tnoeutaln'ons ares of the Rovky mouutalii couitupn wealth have proved that rubber of Hue imjill ty can be produced from Ihe alnub. Several companlee hflTe.beesi orjfanl ed for the purpose ef deretoiiltnt itae new Industry, and the hitherto despis ed weed will now be turned' to prac tkal use. Special inatiiiaery in need Invented Tor he wainif4cture,of the rubber, the couei ruction of which wll) form atlll another' industry for Colo rado.1: J A tfdledge' l Trbaaa, ilia, irs twice la the hospital froai tr eass f pOe eaaalng ti taatorai 4 'Ateedoe. tors' and all rssasdls faad, Buokln's AtaJca Salve Quickly arraetoe) farther afiaauaaUoa aad dared hfjs.' j It eo quart aehe aad kill aln ; 5e at C D Bradhaat'h' Jhmf. I f ' ''" atoHear wheat- TtreeV Brery one should know that to eat wbea: tired ia to place upon tbe fllgW tiv orgtna a bdnjea- which they are wholly unable to bear. ; When She body M In a atatof ratlgu the fllgeariv orgflne-are nwible to , perform "tbalr natural fuBctloot Tbe glanda of the stomach will not rfonaxgaatric Juice, tbe saliva la deficient ra quantity and the whole digestif apperu U l eabauated one should reet before eat- tog. ,tf a fsint or inklng sTuaatioa le! xperlencad relief may le obtained by drinking a glaee ef hoi water dV- lutsd fruit Juice ef aome klodJ ; ' v Atsolutsly Curt nd IJarmlasa Will Cr forever f 'a k-. ai4 0 9 'Ui VI ml- C"HIN-3 v!3 Rotw ny Drunlvd to Ifiaheod 'aad ll-i. '' f A Simple Home Trcatmeal; Caa. bs Cirt Secratty if Dlntd. C-T3 r:.:ctcd j crT'cncy Rtfua'dccl.1;?.' Aikyird- t mi-m 7rwl1tl1MnitofORRINEj k m IndorM ' .I la trtrj i,. x. UOKRI.iiEt.iUtoeBrawaiifad i f i it aacl.. .'u. ? ti n.,k It. . . ..s , 6mt it i you t ! ! . , 1 f irn, y tf y t I ; - i t i I i I ? t : 'i t C 1 i la - LIFE OF THE-WORLD. '! That It 111 Laat bb Ui . . .-Tka -mati Ver, if ; . JTliere is a f uer; ! sr I wldi-preUTT ..un. which the c urio l ljivt ,,igtor ntll find, scattered 'throughout ; both mediaeval and modern literature,' that the world will last 9.0(0 yeitr from the date of Its creation. A a' inscrlp- tioa Ja one of Martin Lotlier'a boofca reads asjollbwsjpijahlhe prophet aid that the, world had existed 2.000 yeara before the. Jaw waa givBifrom Adam - to Moses); would ex let 2,000 year iihdey , tbeni Uosulc hit (from lloeer to Christ) and g.000 years under tbe Christian dispensation,' npd then ln the" Btrtfrtan acooant Of- &e crea tioa by .8uidhs)-.I-find a sinrtlar tra- dltion: ;The Creator spent $,0$) years in creation, and 6,000 more arealotted totbe'earth. " J la the black tetter, edition of Foxe'a "Act ;and Monument" the is a whole sermon glveru with the 6,000 year limit of tbe earth' duration aa a (eat (See above work, edition of - Some- writers 'contend that the "six dayiTreferred toln Boly' Wrt really mean 8,000 years,'-kad that the "ev enth day" la atypeof.the coining lull jenntunv or. "Sabbath , of a thousand yearsj'; The; psalntUt jsays, &'For, a thousand years are la thy eight as yes- ieraar. " iraaim xc. t. m ii Peter Ui,1 8.1-St. L6ula Republic. HUGE' DUCK" FARM?. Tkei; Are, to Be ae mm All the Wa- Enormous flocks of tame decks, num bering many thousands, are to 1e seen oa all the waterways of China. These are- carefully " herded ' by th duck farmer ami bis sons "and guided by them to suitable feeding grounds. A recent writer speaks of seeing tbem oa tiie.Yangtse In midstream, fionting down lb compact maasea with the rac ing current and aurronnded by their guardians in tubs, who; nrmed with long bamboos, smartly whacked any bird that happened to stray. These duck always appear to be of the same age, a curious fact that Is ex plained by the Chinese uae of incuba tors on a large scale. They! are very ehary about revealing detnlla. but it would appear that these incubator; arc either aaade of manure and Ume In tbe .onen air or in room heated bv char coal fires, the egg in this case being placed In baskets covered with fctraw or eotton. wooL ' To lllustrnte the magnitude of these operation It . may be mentioned that a boat on a .rtYer will sometimes encoun ter g floating' niasa of eggshells nura berrni f 'r. of thousands and coming frbm'wnrlncnbator where ducks have juat been hatched OAB'POntA. aigaatai tl Wlikrs He Coal Da It. A merchant- who bad a ajore In mall country town feil (u With comic actor on n train aud aatQ ttfbliu do not .see how It Is-ilia t yen ore nble to think of Much funny tbinga fit any on the stage., and all of ti tiudeu too. I juai wiau i couhi uo ii. it wouiu ue in valuable foJmerlh luy litiatuess.n-8uc- T " M Olalaaiat. . . . "At What age do ymi coimliler women the moat clutrmlng?" asked the tminlsi live female of ure of ieaa uncertain Kge.-ii-w-, .- - .U"AMbe age ff. hJ -woman who asks th question," answered tbe mau, who eM a diplomat ! ;g.ni.- i i,i ., i To aave a lifr, Dt T 0 lUrritt, of No. lUhopahy.-JV aaad -d startling tost ranhlag la a woaderfaleure.v-.De write, ".a . MUeak waa attacked with vtoleat Bemorrhaaea: caused b aleera. tioa of th atoatooh. 1 had oftrajtoand Sleetrle Blttar sxoelledt for acata stosv aca aad I'm troublea 'ao I preseribed tneia. . lis patient gained from the first aa f not aaa aa attack ia 14 meetbe. suectnc cinrrs are oeeittvel naran t4 f ot Dyspepsia, ; Indlgestlori- Coa supatioa aaa JLMar tvoatlto. Trv them. . On)p t0a,OjD Bxt dbajat drur tore.' ,l-x ."-' . cw A 4 ? - - - 1 4." -"-",--'' : ' It m ' v.i'-. T- HaaifacUrsr of - Baggie. - Wg one, Carts sad Orav.erwave a rood son-' " vP'l a Berr.ag iealbv done 01 rr. f-' VJm?l COpOn UOnth FrOIlt 'ft T-tl-.' I wa. 1 : I '- tbe Craving for '- - " -'- a y ; il .a - tl f!:h CI .-.,1 t "' - I I . lr " "I O.lt moat h tr t r (it jronr ronr , ht f ..' M ' 1 - .. - ft to ba f t b j 'hi . V nny I I fc J . C, tt t ( V-wr 1 , ; . - ' l Did Not Thrive in Growth" Li -And: nothing" we did y her i" 'in i tfc. j? M 11011 AC WWif it MARY ELIZABETH DONNELLY. "Did not seem to thrive In erowili. We think that sentence covers a great part of our subject. Why is It that children do not thrive in growth? We notice every day the children of the richest parents, provided with every care and intention money can- provide, lose appetite, flesh and color,, and languish In health the same as the undep-fed, under-elothcd, pourly uourished ehild of poverty all.-y. Nature la no respecter of persons, at any ran-. - Here is a oase where a child did not thrive, and you can judge it fur your self :- 24 Rose St., New York City, December 7, liiu.1. Dear Sirs Our little daughter lias been greatly' benefited by the use of Ocomulsion. She did not si-em to thrive in growth, and nothing that we did tor her Seemed to do her any good. She did not eat with any relish and was losing flesh. In this condition we com menced to give her Ozomulgitm with moat remarkable results. She gained in flesh and strength from the very outset Of the treattnent. Her appetite became very much - better and now she is as healthy a ehild aa one could find. Wa found Osomulslon very beneficial for coughs and colds, and for children it is especially desirable by reason of its pleasant taste. Our little daughter loves the taste of Ozomulslon, aud this makes It easy to give to In r. Very truly yours. (8igned) Frank Donnelly. If your child is In poor health, why do you not begin cod-liver oil at once In stead of waiting until you have to use it to save the child's life? And why nut use the form of this oil which dues the most good.? F. Si DITFFY, Wholesale & Retail Druggist. Salt! Salt! Salt! .10,000 Bags Salt and another cargo coming consisting of common fine salt fr general pur poses. s f Vatp Salt For The Table. , IceCreamSalt. ck Salt For Cattle. PjBags 180 Salt For Pickling Fish. w WflLfciake you a contract that isgod until Jfn. Jst. 1906 and prices Guaranteed. What more do you want; write us quick. HrCau ship same day order is received. D. La GORE wuoiesaje ttrocorn, una. importers. 1 1 s : : H Wilmington, N, O. Carolina Business College, New Bern, IT. C., it f i-ar :. . i . i .!.. 'J lrsti:ii rail trmis.Tb 'ntiQix to cfltr.p!eie-asif i BreoarsasdiirlDtbe6PRINO8(lKBI,Y BUBalKR TIIK KTVntMl LllOS f, MAS . ktnd ertr derclotJ sre bkaU la tklt 6-ilie( Tj.;tjrrrf ,i no tW j urn u m f npfr 't' -.' x ;-r ;iloa. ., j - ', .jr.' . --' ' . , . i f ;."- 1 l ...r 1 untstlrs I'chiUIob. ' . .;'-,V" for full I's'llrolsri, AdilreS ''.,"..'? '""", S. J. IIOLLADaY, rv for her seemed to do good." ma? r mm Ozomulslon contains remedial agents not found in any other similar prepara tion. It contains no harmful drugs whatever, and la so superior to any other remedy for children that it gives our many friends pleasure to endorse It. W hile Ozomulslon is rapidly growing Into popular favor, we think there is one phase of Its work which Is still ln 8ulliclently understood. This is its ben eliclal effects during teething. Babies have distress while cutting their teeth just In proportion as they are properly nourished. Ozomulslon contains hypo phosphltes of lime and soda, which not only supply the necessary lime for the Iceth. hut are also soothing to the nerves, while the cod liver oil gives that vigor and strength to the system so es sential to baby's comfort. Do you ever pity a fat baby with dimpled cheeks and laughing eyes? No, Indeed I Vuu want to pick It up and hug II -and it Is all because the baby is Wtll. You pity the delicate, sickly baby or child ulm shows by every sign that It Is not "thriving In growth." And Ozo inulsion will just as surely transform tli.it child lo health us right turns Into day. Druggists sell Ozomulslon at DO cents and tl. it j.iur druggist dons not keep Ozomulslon In stock he can easily order It for you, or If you desire a small sam ple, to see what It is like, you can ubtain the same by mentioning the name of this paper in which you read this advertis, ment and sending to TUB O.OMIU.RION CO., 98 I'lne St., Nw Yolk City. COMPANY, erear lo x ml Ue laalraciloB ia rjlatpW aad ; O t

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