( if" AVtgefallePrepata'.lo!iLfx -5lmHaLi g B;eFocdari2c-' -ling ttteStcirs ardl.r...s 1; Promotes DigesflQitCheerfU ness andnesontains neither CtoiumIorpliine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. t . , -, - r, J jeuk-simxiatsa JUSmML ' Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sow.tomach,Diarrhoea Worms .CorwulsionsJevcrish ness and Loss or SLEEP. , Facsimile Signature of - . 6Zf4tf&Z& $ : NEW "YOWrf." ' - " n l Ml i " b EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. " il I J " my 5 The gre&teme4y for lemwi proatrattoo nd U dlaeara at tta (eneratin 1 organaol either hi, iim as Nervous Prostratioa, Falling or Lost Manhood, J Impotenoy, Nightly Satlsstons, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, exoenaiM aat of Tobacco or UDium. whloh lamA to CoiuurnDtloa nd Inunit. With ara AFTER USINB. $g&'jESg?Tty?l ntu. thB rf "."f". 8old in New Bern ly Davis Pharmacy. ; - There's Room i In 1 he ureat Have yoa ever ooolrd ibe (?r adrantage ofthiafn tare of the Sonloweaiplm'y pf elbow room where three, flra, eyeu ten aorrt may bo bad at the price of a tingle acre in your home eeotlon T - U'a worth considering, eapeclallr when the great prodactlr worth 'ofibe land It taken fa ac count. It s a wonderfully fertih ae lion. There U no bet agrle taral f tlon in this cnimiry. and farms are cheap ont ibere-li Akana, Ok tioa" id. Jexaa-almply lie ca me ihrie are more firm tha f-.nnera- 'Can tow-afford to ototlook an piMriuily of i'U lnd 1 nr illotfated boo I a w 111 give you t he pa- tfc nlars In detail. It not la enwied yuorelt write for them anyway In behalf of your less favored relatives and neighbors; - ; (Mention thtl Papet.) - ; , FLIPS S ! DOLLARS For the Ronnd Trip First jtnd. Third -.: Tuesdays of each v vonta tetetttiev L G. DANIELS, Sale Livery And JBx change fltahles, ' : OK CRAVEN ST. j Cnntaatl la itablos," atock of floe farm and driving jhoraea, and' drMght mules. Cheap for ewh or on tlma with good paper. ' i'r 8ee :me .before, you Buy. I G DANIELS ? aTa'aksri'aMsa I '' rVnaMTMaAMTal at 4 ' ' Atal nwmrrlnff ft tkf ttifc nd fflrirrtAr Mr klf HWIil) our cplntrm rtlhfchly tta! arnt Jthlf. f'oaiilTivlHM SiiMMrtaUynnaiMnilal. liMiiixnkua I'uaa dM Mamtr lor nmr) t tmtmtlm UMW, vtthawa biria . . Scientific Jlr.:ricc: - laHMniMrMr4rMr. ' khUM l nr rtnllo firnO. Twwu. t ' . nt tow Mint a,k. auMMkd WMVlfl , Attoraa t Law.' ' T4 rvont 8t, Op tlotol Chatmwka . 1 I . . 1 " F 5-1 f. r( t re K w-.RgRK, w. a : ; - ! : J 1 i V'Ormvaw Oonrt Attoraev. : ." . W v ), k t (jhwll, CraTvn, Zoom, Onslow, CarV - atai, Pamlioo, (iraana, Lanolr, aa4 M 4 Btarmaan ana ansni vwrai - Riissdll llo:: "-lit .1 BKAUFORTi N. C- ' t ijf itboxirtilf lWaUd All Ue tltl'l- :. " " oarrlfta ftf lha pit.4nn. Well Vpnti- w' V"' rooina, (looj tc!s, rimno - wnlencea, I'ol'le and Rtlotitito Ecr- '. i " . 1 . 11,1.. II to - -.. ,1 , j. vanva. . -iiiot,. a j , filial and li!eral frrm I y we vr iuufc. 1 I.J tii a hi ' ' Always r:::U Bears tho Signattut) i of For Ovor 't AJD UITAUTV For Sudcoss 3 ISouthvostH va r . . v:: w irjT. SAUNDERS, D P A ' ' Richmond. Tn. 1 . JOUM SEBASTIAN. , fasseagerrfsae Maaaerer,;' . J CHICAGO, 1LU Uircinn For ; Icwncjglit s Peraoai wishing their batldlagt wlrad wPl plaaM.make ppllcailoa.ti:wn ; Any eomplalata for defeeUva llghta, Inatteatlon of amployeea, Ac ; If mads la writing, to the Commlaetja, in ja olT'prompt attention. Addraaa all commnalcatloaf to the Secretary. . .WATER A LIQHT COMMI8alOM4 ;.;- MQrimtkiu, -'33A0i;jauw I. . CEOLIIi EEFiTCHIlJn AND - 4 Od Dcnid:a Steanstip CS DAIIiY f TBIIGHT &?ASSiK8ta Vor All IclnU ITcrlb, Kffaritve Oct. )tt, IflO.'J; '' '"" a." v," 4, ' " Tho Ctcdjacr lIEUOa Is srliadulita to tan at a p. ss., Monu."y Wednttwlay and rlday, for EltxabaU City N. 0. - . . - ' The v. Dtc-mcr: ocnAcoro: (sarbrduledfi tail at I p si.f aeedav. Tbarvlny and Baturday for .Elisabeth Cy. W. C. - j. ' r lln cs i ' -r r -stIobi to I'or I -rL .:rraat.loa j ;,' C .1 -.r CJj A ti i It, ZL X. -, ' i. f . -. ' n.anci' ."it4rrlAri , Va IntC'-itr.-t.' -1 rs:i. Agist, Hit Tf fa, : ... u. " . .' 1. Ore rtl -PS am aw-, - a a a , mm - I hipffti Vnnv Mill IV I U U Cu lt 'y . kea Samir li. ''Uovr imich money does it take to make cbti! for a quarter?" queried the man wlioae fad Is' freak mathe matics. "Twenty-live en!Veh? You're away out. To clnnge a quarter lu the various way it can be do: requlrc-a a capital of 70 ceots. . If a fellow wanted plenty of coin for his quarter he'd tax you for -twenty -Bye penulea.. On the other hnnd.Ttbe man who. wanted the least loose ibanga; for ; big "quarter would woe at yoa for two dimes and a nickel : The rhap who wanted 8 di versity of cola la bia cluinge would get into you for-two Ave cent pieces, one ; dime and flue ' penuies.' which would allow blm to Jingle copper, sil ver and, nlcKenn 'hls 'Jenns.'.; Others mlgbtrask you to produce four. nickels and Bve pennies." three nickels one! tvn pennies, two nickels aud firteen' pen nies or on' nickel ana twenty: pennies If , Jon wpnped. these demands, you mlgbt be requeslfd to; come; up, With five talckehV three- ' nickeH f and 5 one dime,'"on tlckel,'6ne dime and ten pen nies, one dime and fifteea pennlesor two dimes and flvrpenntea.' There at just tittirrwajfe of "breaking a qnarx ter In current? United states CQin,. anl to bo there with the good for any demand you would require twenty-five pennies, two dimes and five mcseis IA in,ilfi cetH,-PblldeIphJa Press. Concerning Jbe. fundamental natur? of electricity itself there . Is still no certainty ,v but there are 'several liy potbesea; says Electrical World., There are several orIea for explaining doid electritltynd biagnetlsm in terms of the ether. None of these theories seems capable of being submitted to' expert- mental demonstration. . It is, certain, however: that, since the Interconnection oetweett' electricity and-magnetism ta known, demonstration." ot the, nature of the on must, by XotplJary, toclude disclosure of ;tbe nature of tbe otner. Moreover. .It would '.not seem, uxeiy that,' the complete unraveling of the nature of electricity would necessarily Include a -revelation of tbejmture of both matter and of gravitation. j . ' ' - irn" i--f r- - A SureTJilnr -. It Is sMd that aotbtnc la aare except death and taxe. bur thit Uaotalto- getherrne. D King's Sew Wacov ery for Coinrampilo( 41 1 sore cafe for all long ahAthroat 4ronblea Tbonsaads aa teatlfito that. . IfraO B VaaHetre f Shepaerdtow W.Vaey.-?! had a tevera ease Of Bronchitis fend for a year tried everytblmr I heard of, bat got bo relief rOoe bottle otpf lBga New visoovary hum . oarau bbs - BiMuiuieiy. Itl lafalllhW for Croup, Whooplog Congh, OtlpvTnanmonlaaad Comump- Uoa. Try R. Its guaranteed by C D BradtuuxtiragsUt Trial bottles free. Regular alsea 60c, $t. ' .: IK -tim atar-'4r tb a . i There la a -cnrioiwlrodltloii i-oncerm lag tbft'almoaf ailrnculous preservation of tbrltfr bf itaV Brst Eurl of Klldare. which explpina the origin or tbe crest used b tharrjffihT fJeraldlnea. , While aa lafaptV'W the record irnns, W Vas In thf castle M WooOstock when an alarm: of fee was raised. ' In the, con fusion that ensued the' child waa tor- YotteaV u t aervdnt ranntng to aearco, ror nrmane room in w wen ne lay was found in ruins. Soon after p Strang votes Vat heard la one of the toweiaf nd oHootar tP they aaw ha ape, whJcn waa nauallyjcept cfialn- ed, crrefQUyv holding the chUd, In his arma. The -earl afterward, in gratl tuda tor W Mieaei aHon. adopted a monkey 'for ' ' i cmt L( UJ u News.; ' ' "'" ii -' ' ' I, 1 5bM"iiiuiiiEi I "7? ::-.ccr" :k 4 U. MVW ' v v You; nbw,.-.'.r Rabblag the back won't earn back- A. liafaaaat sftay'raUara, .baPaaat ears, 'hp"- Backache eoaaft front the laslde-f eom the kidneys. ' -,V,' Dona's KIdaey PUU get lastde-- ' That ears sick kidneys,' . BentktlVw Un proof that thills i tin lii Leptoa, on4 of the best kaowa po- Uoamea of Naw Para of 133 Eart Front street iyi'bts (hlak Doaa' Kldaey rU r all r'M." ; I hf a tried them aaje- ii -4 t n highly. ; I y lacVt' 11 ' X me f rtr e awhile. ThatraUis was rtgU acron the swU of fry back which fpeenii to ba the wlAe4 -parj about "ma, I 'triud alaatei k sad otter tesssdks but hobs cf them acted' l'-lis ' Doao's Kklney IT'i which obtained at the Bradham Pli4r mary. "tie are i good bill ami I will Ot h?lla't ftoto any ci..H To i ' by s'l dss'ira, Price f O cants foaier-r::iur Co, f ' T:o, HY, sole Sf eats for the V!.-4 f. :';. , . - KeBie'ijer tie asffii-rosn's-aad take no other. , ' ' .: .. . ' rotable Inntaaea t Preacaea - of -- Mind la the Palplt. . Frederick tbe Great being Informed of tbe death of oue of bis chaplains, a man of considerable learning and pi ety, determined 3o select a successor wlthlbe ksme qualifications and took the following method of ascertaining the merit of -oue of tbe numerous can didates for the appointment: He told the-, applicant .that be - would- furnish him -with- test ibe following 8un-dny.whon- he was to preach at the royal chapel "Tb morning came, and the chapel was crowded to excess. -.x.:-. The king arrived, at the end of the prayers, and on the candidate ascend ing the pnlplt be was presented with a sealed paper by" one of his majesty's alds-de-ca mp? The r'preacher apened It and found nothing -written.? .H6 did not i however. - loser lila presence of mind, but,; turning f bV paper on both aides, e amaf - , i $ !. kt"My brethren, here Is nothing; and there is notblng.f fOut of nothing Ood created all things.! And ha proceeded to deliver a' most eloqueut discourse on the wonders Of the creation. . " - "t Mill .iyHt- j'CHEiLTHT MOTHERS. Mothers chodld always keep j In good bodily health. They owe1 it: to their ehtldrciyaHtlg Bo upasual tight to at e a mother wlTh, babe la - anna, cough Ing violently and exhibiting all the symp tom of a consornptlvrv. teadenoy. y And why shonld thl ,dMemi candiilou e- 1st; dangerous alike to motLer and child When Or,& Bojcbea's, ..German - Syrup wool! put a stop to It at once? Ho moth er shouLt be without this old and 1rled lemerly Injhe ho is fir Us timely use will prrmtfy cu'e any iQnjr, throat -or bro'n nlat lrouble ta herself or! her ehll dieaTTbr worst oongh or cold can be sperdly cnie I by German jSyrup; soeaa hoarseness 'and ponf e ii ion'r of the bron chial : tabis. It makesexpectoration easy, aiid gives Instant re iuHtnd refresh Ing rett to lh ooush-racka Iconsumptlve New it la bottles, 3 V large else, 75c, At all diuggls's. F ri. Diinj.'' ; ru ssi an c iftr.-si. In jlusttljiii jii' toiit'ii -IN.) pt: rent, of fbe" Woikuieii JiiKiw biw.to rend aud write. ti towi.e 'C.-i pa rent of tbe peasuHls un etluiiitml. ;-3., '' Tho" pM-mliims of S'-TiO and $r00 of fered duriiiK tbe lust three jears to Russian olflcers to learn to speak, read andwHteTthi Chinese language will be discontinued at the end of tbe pres ent yeari- -( jt-. -f - - ,Jth 8fi Petersburg Academy of Sci ences baa offered $3,750 tf or -informs tlon In regard to the party of Baron Toll, the arctic explorer," from whom nothing baft keen' beard Since be left the yacht Ziirln In 1002 and started for BenLCtt Island,-. v -fill pieph Pomlnvllle, "of Stillwater, with the best doctors for st?mach trou bte, without relief, was advised by his druggist, Mr Ater Richard to try box ofOhamberlala's Btomaev and Liver Tabletsv ! He dlft so,- and Jl aireU man today. v If troubled with lndIgeUon,bad taste la the month, lack of appetite or eonMlpatloa, give these Tablets a trial, aai yoa are ctfrtalA'tobe mre than pleased with the resnlt. For lalaatSS eeata.pyP W audrugglita. ,v',r -,- ' aw i i j l - stehheUaaM as ekollMsteiF. It U said that Matthew Afno)d In the character of school Inspector never as sumed the -stereotyped manner - and coiai 'critical air nanallyt assod&ted with such an official.! Mi. Q, "W. E. r.i?"iull sys of him tbht bf waa "sym- paUietJc without being condescending, and he reconciled the humblest drudge In a London school to his or her drudg ery for tbe next twelv months." , Bee the tall figure, at once graceful and atately; the benign afr, as of an ""able archangel; the critical brow and 1, airing eyeglass beat ori some very 1 inatura performance In penmanship ur needlework, and the frightened chil dren and the anxious teacher, gradual ly lapsing Into smiles and peace, aa the great man tested the proficiency In some such humble - trt aa spelling. "Well, my little man, and how do yon spell dogr tTleaae, air, d-o-g.f',,CapI-tall vVery good, Indeed! -1 conldnt da It'bettar myself. Andtiotriet, uaS t little further and see if we can spell catr, Chorus (exdtedly-3-a-t 'Now, this la really excellent P ' To the teach art ".'Ton have brought them on won derfully In spelling ainca .1 waa here last' Tott shall hare a capital report Umw Fava44 Bard Ora4, The extreme tips of a delicate root are protected' by a" shea U set with minutd scales, which, salt la -worn away by frlctla against tL soil. Is aa t r . n t!y f j. biced, so that It' acts as a wt.t,ii sim the root tbrenj is carried down unlajurnO. Jknother sld to pene tration lies In the provision Whereby tbe root ss It prmbe downward In search of liouriibmeut, ercl8es si:,-b Jy sp!r:,l, scrgwllke motion, which worms lis tip Into tbe ground.. An tU. r in i port n ut sgnt Is the SclJ cell sop, w hich etudes on to and dlMwlves, ta some eii'-nt, the i'r k or hftrd soil DM uiMT be tested by pla. :. z a small piece Of poliiilietl mar' 'o I i a p't 1 t wL'.' h a plant Is set nd covering It with C"rth. r After marblo will l. fui.nd t riy' 1 I j ti.a (i.!it!iuin- r!l. line wevks tliO j b cur ar'.ou of Ibis ' f") . . ." ' . 1 . . - , - jtra. TLa critical ordeal tLrouch, which tha expectant mother mm ' - j :4, however, is to frarpht with dread, pain, suffering and danger,1 t' Rt Ci Terr tieebt of it fills her with apprehension and horror. ' There is no necesslt for tLa reproduction' of life to be either painful, er da? urona, , The nee ef Hz".'. er' Trlesd se prepares the) system for -J the coLls j event tl. at it ia safely passed without any danger ...jrhia rreat ana wondartui- baa canted tfeoaaada af , wooien tires r the trria? etl't wioct screrina;. Stanf jfwt v.a amywwmtawMaamara... ?- The InZZJJ Re-Ojr U, Areata, ta. - ' , SPANISH NAMES. t 8w ThesTCMa- Ba-'fe FsWdy .-Seattered Ores' CeUfawatiau . -- ' 1 was the custom of the old Spanish explorers to . name.-places after the saint for Whom- waa named-the day on wnicl) they -camped there In this manner a great number of metodloue and" sonorous f Spanish' names.-have been scattered over, California so that the names of a great number of places begin; either -with '"San". orf fSanta," In some- cases a -subtltlej s4 It were, nas been amxed. . or instance, - we have San' tula Bey and Baft Luis Obis po (SaJntiLoula the King and Saint Louis the1 Bishop), also San Juan Ca plstrono."ln tbe caae of Loe Angeles, it Was named "Nuestra Senora de loa Angeles'!.- (Our Lady, of the Angela). This name Is altogether too bulky for frequent use, so the early officer short- row u. u , Aucin, 7; -. t One- curious name among, the. saints is Ibat applied to a picturesque tittle settlement on the divide between the San Qabrlel and Pomona valleysSan Dlmas. 8an Dlmas; be It known, waa one of the two men who were crucified at either -sld of Jesus the one who asked to be remembered by the Lord when he should ; enter Into paradise. He ia the putron saint of robbers. 5 The way1 thin, name came to be .given to the - Sani Gabriel valley village wai thos; in early days a'' gang" of Mexican horse 'thlews ' had their "lair" in a canyon there, which -was subsequently referred to as the Robbers' canyon or the canyon of San Dlmas. When the Santa Fe railroad came along and laid out the station there the' name of the canyon was adopted;, hence San pimaa.-r-Loa Angeles Times. ' ; Hade TouRf Afalii One of Dr King's Aev Life Pills each nfghtfor two weeks ha put me In my teens' again" again writes D jtt rarner of Oempsytowh Pa ' They're tje best la the world for Ltver.Sionftch and Bowels Purely vegetables - Never gripe.- Only f So at 0 D Bradhama Drag Store. ' . EflSTles iM.Waataataiatat Afcar. It was formerly the custom at the funeral of a great man te dress up an effigy representing him while In life and then to carry it before hla hearse 1o the grave.- "After the burial It was set up in the church, sometimes under a temporary... monument to .which- a laudatory poem or an epitaph; waa al flxed. -The royal efflgiea In the abbey can be traced hack to, the .fourteenth century, but the oldest original one ia that of Charles II. George V. Parker In Century.' ' - ' rn f BlaaseU. , . "Hamm bia got a Job ht last with a good stack company a near.- i,"Tev and be, thinks he'a fhe only thing.", x t v - "That aor:- . - "WelL I should aay.- Why, whenever he hears anybody talking about 'a dra matic situation', he thinka they mega him.''-FhlladelDMa Preea. i a Weak lungs sliooJd baeartfaL Oouehs sad colds areHaaagejQM tbea. One MJuta Cough Cureeares caoghi and colds and gives strength to. the loags, Kirn, G X. Fenner, of Virion, lad, says, "I sufftredwlih a eougk aata I- ran down la weight fioeli8 ta tt.RM. I tried a aumbsr of remedleate), p aralj Mill l area, out Minute- conga Four bottles of this wonderful remedy eared me esti sly of USMMgh,; streDgt aeaedmymanaadtestoredtme to ay normal weight, health and strength.' Mam tm;.iL ntw : "-...if-. - T- ---ri.At.vmi, I t fit -y rr zi : I 'i1 w - - -" - r t -' it LAW; SCHOOL A- Ths Bummer Tsrm beglae lone" ' L - 8th, tq coatl8ae three moaths. ' Thorough latrooi!oa In rx Urses ,1 1 - ; ilmlitlfiir In tba bar. Pnectat - r lootures by ' rn.lnent IswystSi- ' For Cataltfgue, adilreaa . . !'' F. JS. A. D. Tfarl VA 3.' :1 w c . t t i fce v ' rf.;u .f. t, ne; to - J I . . , rf ('-' :, ah; c"cr i - r-) t a 0 To The I Democratic i, Voters I of Craven County; I hereby announon myielf a candidate for the-nomlnatioa ef Ree; later of Deeds of Craven county, ill desire to express my eppreciatioa for the support which theOemooratle voters of the Connty have given nut In the past and to state that If nominated and elected I win give my beat efforts to discharge the duties o( the office acceptably . a. , ,CIXORQX B WATERS . .:' .Announcement I hereby announce to the Democratto totet of Craven ootraty, that t lhall be bef-xrn the ajext Connty convention, a candidate for the rfflce ot Bhqrlff. Since I have been your sheriff, I hive endeavered to discharge my dot en fa'th- fully and Imparl ially, and so la as 1 know, astlrfactorlly. 1 feel very giate- Ifulf-vT pa't favors snd most earnestly solicit four support at said convention, j,,- -J W. RID OLE, Announcement. I wish to.aaaonn.ee my candidacy for tbejoffloe of Register of Deeds of Crveo county subject to the wlllof theDemo- i erauo county oonreauon. i 'represent a oonsntaency on tne north slda of the river which has been loyally ' pemooratte' at all times and Lhave sought political preferment out lit tle. I believe It Is dne the -townships in tbatseetloa to be represented In the county admlnlsttutlon and I therefore solicit the consideration of the Demo eratlo electors. , DAVIDT, WHI1FORD. Announcement. To the Democratic "voters of Craven Connty: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for County Treaurer, and If elected I will always serve yon to the best ot my ability. " - ' Respectfully, . - J.J. BAXTER! Announcement. t Ihereby anaounce thatlam a canal date for the ofice of Treasurer of Cra ven connty and will appreciate the sup. port of Ay friends. If elected to said of fice will serve you as faithfully lathe fttntef at In the pest N " '' DL ROBERTS. Announcement. fotae DemooraU of Cravea Co. i,I wlahto anaonnoe that I- am a can dldaM for the . afaoa ef Treasurer of Cravea county and . raapectfally soliolt you support. , If elected , I promisee faithful performanee at the duties of the offloa. -it Respeotfally; - '.: ' K. H. STREET. I take tils :memai of . notifying the DeaoCraUc Toters of 'Craven oountv. that I will be a candidate' before the atst eouaty eonveatloa for the office ef CoaetrTrMaarar.-'-c ? - ; " It aomlasUd, I than faithfully and dnigeatly dlsoharie'tht lutlcs .of the offloa, la the treat of my nomluUlon, when elected, 1 shaU aetabltsl my ofaof la tat City of New Ben conveniently located for ths payment of all vouch. "Wi- r "- : .,- ...... -i-. r My sect loa of Cravea eouaty ,has for years bora ths same of roUIag ap heavy aurjorttlet for Democracy, I -hare ever oawn lonna, siooe mj seajuruy in , , keatef 4ftr7 tlacloa 'M 1."1; '. AlltheOoaaty offlcet ere hoar fllfed by faatieasca from 1 Raw Beta . aad trust the Demooratlfl voters la the text eonrentloa, will eoaceda this office the Couaty and to the ' teotloa .1 rapre- ssak.' .' Respectfully," - 1 --', ' nHE2IAN 8 XRNHi; . -':--Tcr Ccn3tablo.;ur -I tore! y tnnonnce myself 1 csndt dtts for Coni'.aUe of the 8lh township. and If electeil, I will try to do my duty In the future U I bar la the past. - .... , '" ' D. It BTYB0N. LvB. Habiclit 1 1 V.. It's Tea c. ' T JVo vvomau's pappi ' utas can be complete ' C s without children; it ' " . U her nature to lovsT ' .... and wan them . 11 .' much-, so- as ' J. KSJ " itutlos5lU t -j- beautiful an ', L x--a . .1. - -t . r,uu....Uv rj jv.v.v.u ,w yjj ,4,- the triark-t. , ' QfJALIT.T, UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY The winning points,""' ftTKAIJ, GCWST & CO., Proprietory RICHMOND, VA, Upon receipt of 15o we will send a large sample oy express charees picjjmu. jne nnie una aaams office. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOtTIg,. MO shortest. QUICKEST and BEbT ROTI TR. ' VHr,M vi, r .i-u.-j Trains with Pullman Sleeper and Dining Through tickets with direct connections. SPECIAL RATES FOR SUA row SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. Fifteen day tickets from Norfolk, Va, Sleeping car accommodations engaged SPECIAL COACH on authorized dates, tickets good for ten days at rate of $17.00. Special accom modations a rr an (red for parties. USE THE O & O ROUTE and purchase your tickets accordingly. For coach excursion dates, reservations and other information, address W. O. WARTHEN, Dpa, Richmond, Va F. W. OURD, Pa. Agt. 0. & O. Ry., Norfolk, Va., 'VMBnaanr ; Aua-Mcncken s makers Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 la the Craven County. Superior Court. Btate on Relation of L 1 Moore, Sol., on Behalf of,WH Oliver, Trustee of the Griffin Estate vs T W Dewey and wife, Eliza M Dewey, R 8Prlmro6e, Helm S Prim rose. It aDoearlne to the satisfaction of the Court by affidavit that T W Dewey Is a non-resident of tbe Stale of North Car olina, you are hereby notified, that a summon and petition to foreclose a mortgage upon a certain piece or parcel of land, situated In tbe city of New Bern and known as the Griffin Estate has been dnly filed, In the clerk's office of Craven county, N C, In the above entitled action by L I Moore, solicitor on oenaii oi vv H Oliver. Trustee of tbe Griffin Fund. You are hereby notified to appear before tha Jndire of our 8uperlor Court, at a ftnnrt to he held for the County of Cra ven at the Court House In New Bern, N O. on the ib Monday after tbe let Monday in September, 1904, and anawer or demur to said petition as you may deem best, otherwise the prayer of the petitioner will be granted. It ia ordered lhat this notice be pub ltshed once a week for six weeks In the llew Bern Journal. This 8th day of May 1004. W.M.WATSON, C. a C. NOTICE ! Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Co Transportation Dept. New Bern, N C, May 5 "04. A special truck train will leave New Barn Batnrdar Morning 7th, for Qolds- boro under following schedule: Leave Hew Bern 10.80 a m Leara Sense Crowing 11.C0 s ro. Leave Clerks 1L10 in, Leave Tuscarora 11.20 a m. Leave Cove 11.85. Leave Dover 18.00 m. Leave Einstoa 1.00 p m. Arrive Qoldtboro 8.00 p m. A special" pick up train will beat Tburman A Vlnioni at 7.00 a m to load all truck for above special. '' ' " B A. NEWLAND, . M. T. 8. L DILL.0.B: T.'A. GreenPrelt. IT. Maadoara. VIoe-PreaL '. T. A. Catell, Cashier. Citizens' Bank t cmt ar maosauar. ..'. Do a OsDeral Banking, Batloeti .X. Bnrplue and UaaMvi ::,.' ,ded PwIAJ$8a,OOa00L; ' We will dre prompt and eartful attaa tlon to all business eaerustease as.;-. Ws Invito yoar aocouaL Try ae. . ' . aWd at Dlnatava. s.' -'y rwdlnaad DtUfe "- . ' . Sta4nr, ' 1. 1. n.,wfc-. - - . Caaa. tty, Jr. ann"l W. Ipoek ': . Jaiaa. S.lmui4, i.ii. rf. r.wiu. i St.r.rHaiia. uratnrtr, - ipuaHA,hraS;j , w.tmaiiraod. ta.B.lvaa. w.r.ureexstt.; MarkDtsosea Administratrix: Hptice, II tt In r oualirud at admlolatrstrlf Of Daniel 0 Bmaw deceaaed, lata of Urtvea Connty N. C, this Is to notify all perioan l.yln clalrtis "- ths estate of Said noaad to ' I t -m to thS Drjdr ii-nrd on oi : t . !- 7 h of Mat 1 - i or ib'a K 4 v n) e plead ro bar ofU'Hr lecii'm .. : ': i . . All pornofii Imt il itlrt laid Mtste will r!innik Imn itai pajmt This 7ih day of JUy 1H.4 .... , . '' . , ;-..stATtCCA8, J . ( ..-.Admlnlitratrla. lUJU PILES U PILr.S!!! I'r. WlVamf Indian I'll OUitiiK-nt ..... . WI - , t . lurubAK 'TXlUifi IfODdB in plainly ana giTe nearest express Cars. $123.00. upon application. EXCURSIONS A.&N. C. R. R. Tim TABLK NO. 33 To Take Effeot Sunday, Apl. 10, 1904 at 12:01.A. M., E. H. T. doing East Schedule: Uoing Wett No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p ra stations: Ar. a m 8 30 Ooldaboro 11 OS 8 69 LaGrango 10,88 4 22 Kinston 1018 5 40 Ar. New Born, Lv 9 00 5 60 Lv. ' Ar 8 87 7 15. . . . Ar. Morehead city Lv 6 65 No. 5, Passenger Train Lv. A. at, 8 00 8 18 886 8 87 88 9 08 , 9 18. 9 80 9 50 No. 6, Passenger Train. Ar,p, at 880 STATION.: DAILY. ...Goldsboro Best's ... LaGrange Falling Greek.. ....Klnston Gas well Dover . . .Core Creek. . . . . .Tuscarora . 808 7 57 . 7 47 , 7 87 , 785 . 7 17 . 700 . 650 . 048 . 680 P. m, 9 54 Olarks 10 10. . . .Ar. New Bern, Lv. a. at. No. 7. Passenger No. 8. Lv. a. m. Sundays Ouly Ar. p. m lQ80..ri Lv. NewIBern Ar 814 10 40 Riverdale 5 47 10 48 Croatan 5 48 10 58 Hayelock 5 85 11 15 Newport G 21 11 SO Wildwood 5 15 U40....Ar Morehead City Lv . ... 4 40 FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT 2d Claet. SUNDAY Lv. am 511..... ..Goldsboro No. 9. 2d Class Ar. p m ...250 . . . 8 18 ... 808 .... 188 ,. .1318 ... 1801 ...1101 ....1040 ,...10 10 .... 954 .... 980 .... 805 .... 780 .... 718 .... 700 .... 688 .... 07 658 .... 530 .... 450 A. M, 6 45 Beet's 5 18 LaGrange , 6 87 Falling oroek 7 83 Klnston 7 40 Caswell 9 00 Dover 9 40 core creek 10 10 Tusoarora 10 88 Olark's 11 00 Ar, New Bern, Lv. . 13 80 Lr. New Bern Ar.. 1 19 Riverdale 1 30 oroatan 1 40 Havelock 3 09 Newport, Lv... 9 SO Wildwood 8 98.., Atlantic 8 60 ..Ar. Morehead clty.Lv. 3 00 , ..Ar, M. city Depot, Lr . Supplement No 1, To take affect Saturday, May 14th at ' 11,05, a m, 1904. Eut Bound. West Bound. No.HU No 313. DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. Lr p. m. 4 00.... 480.,..,. 429..-.., staTions. Arp,nv Goldsboro 800 -...Best's. a 3 8S LaGrange. ....114, 4 40.......... Falling Creek 1 51 4 83...... ...,. Klnston ,..188 .....,0aiwall lg S3 8 18... .........Dover............ 1 80. ..,.,...Cort Creek m.ll 53 8 49. .Tusoarora.. " 11 40 8 8a.rt..,..i...i.ClaTki.....,.... "1 11 &1 . I l0.u..ArNe Bora, Ly.M.,'l 11 OS fir No 113 WOI past No I, whirs I ovat tassnandron ahead" alead to Golds, boro. anleM otherswlse otherwise er dered. . 1 ' .--. . , B. A. NEWLAND, - .GenlBupt. Master Traasporlntloai, ' . ; , A, F. DTLLEJIAN,. ' ..' . " fTilf mrrti.rt aaK .ssah SB aaawcQVtfaBAvan 1 I 1 FOR KCSE I a a Cn, pure who!eome, rnnta 1 CIGAR bs ri.'-tub-kl.'y made from U wte and frte from Impurltlne. frerially tn t-:!'-i snd prepared for human ton J c ... 1 eV!y (exoript C jns;-;j S r Ii ! r. i " f ' -) 7 a t- li 11 1-." to - 'I, -1 '..l.tlw-lbL'ic-.r.ltn.l ; ' -.. It s'.t!-a f t