'.1 ft Ht 4-'-- ." J. m . THE JOURNAL; New Ben, X.1 Ch Ky 16, 1194. J.CBGB ETAECTC&T. ; CRAVEN LODQI KO. 1 ESIQHT8 09 HARMONY. KmU and and 4U Wedneadav nlrhta lx eeck month la Bonntree'eHalL Pollock street, et TJQ o'clock. tiamoel'B. BalL Preeldent; H. Smith, Bocr, B.B. Hi'l, financial Bocreiair. ' index t Kew 'MTertsemeits. JttarchanU Aaociatlon ' '.. Dr Hyatt Coming. !" ; J 8 Miller Mai treeaes- - ' - Coplon Candidate. . . JP Taylor Beer. - " Wat THill-I have Eaton Cult Button ' Barf oot Broa Real Bargains. J Simmon Jfc Hollowall Co Special .Sale. - f t Bnslaeu Ltcals. 1 8 MILLER. Has for aala tha Hyrento Pine MattreevHnturlvetble ended hair, pouewiBf th kaalthglTiDg - pro perties of tha pine tree, which is ao bene ficial In catarrhal pulmonary ana otner diseases, being alao a protection : against vermin. - FRESH lot of Tomatoes, Hew Irish Potatoes, Garden Peas, Bananas and Oranges Saturday morning at Barfielda, on Broad St. Phone 206. HOME GROWN Cucumbers at Broad Bt Fruit Co. j. - FINS Spring Lamb, Prime Steaks and Sausage at the Railroad Market this morning. ' , WOOD TURNING Panel Work Mould Inga, Brackets,' Mantel, and other houae furnishings manufactured at J M Regl ters shop In Church Alley. ICE CREAM at James B Dawson's, 108 Middle street. Phone 809. See base ball scores nightly at Dawson's. STOCK FOR SALE in Black Mt Inn Co. A limited number of shares. For particulars inquire of R A Nunn, Seoty, New Bern N 0. FOR RENT Lower floor of Miss Small wood's home. Apply to her 118 Craven St.. any honr after 11 a m. None with children need apply. J. S. MILLER wishes to eatl your at tentlon to his complete line of Ham mocks that cannot be beat on low prices and good quality. Also has a line line of pore rockers and settees. Jardi nieres at price that will win. THUNDER And Llghtnlng-Go to S B Parker for all kinds of lightning rods ank rod fixtures, this is the time of the year I have them put up. Cor Craven and So Front Sts. WANTED Skirts and bind, repair, clean and Front Bt Clothing, to re press at 147 So. FOR RENT After May 1st, a nine room house, 89 Pollock street, with all modern conveniences. Inquire of Wil liam Sultan. J. 8. LAND la conducting a hay and grain business in connection with his wood yard which Is In the rear of the 0, K. Laundry on Middle street. Call and see him. MOLASSES and Chocolate Tames. Ba nanas and Oranges, etc, at MoSorley's. GUARANTEED Sugar Cured Hama at ISctsIb at the Oaks Market Home Mlssioi Note Doing nothing for others is the undo ing of ourselves. Wa most be purposely kind and generous, of we miss the best partpf existence. .The heart .that goes onto! Itaeir gets large and fall This is the great secret of the Inner life, J We do ourselves the saoat good doing something for others. . Daring the last twenty five year, there has been decided Increase in the tide of immigration.' These foreigners have plaatai their homaa la our midst, and we must with God's help bring theta p .16 our Chris ten civQlsatloaw Here is .the richest Held ever opened to the Borne Mlsaloa Society. Let u enter It with tickle la head, and reap golden thaavta, CON Don't Risk. Tot Eje ! y; The eye the most dsUceteef ah the or gsaa should not be Jeopardised by those people displaying only a few Spectacles for yon to choose front,' until a magnify !ng glass Is selected' by yomraalt which yon can aee beat through, It lakes spec lei training not acq aired It medical col leges, a tha profession of optometry Is n separate one from that of Urn practice of medicine as well ae aa expensive set of ecleaUOe Instruments te properly ad just spectaclen,-;.47 : Our country Is fast ft wakening and coming to the knowledge of Kadalyto her subjects by appointing State boards of examiner! before which all people selling spectacle must pees a rigid ex amination. : ' ',.;, . That the profession ef optometry should b separated from medietas most doctor wCl admit tt aot Influenced by pelf, the poealWHilo of It can never be fatly mil red until nb'.!4 from orerLarfhned shoulder of it doctor, btco as denUitry tad te be separate in order develop It froia Jat bring elle to pull a tooth, to tha mam's bow done la t! denial parlor, so wi3 r-ftomelry 1 its to be a sr;rte fro? --!on to do li.e mot good. . , j.o.r.AxrEa. I a ' I 1 r f IV SHORT PASSING " EYEXTS., -The weather today: " fair and eool Mr B H Tooker Is enlarging hU house on-East Front St., - -; There will be services et Christ huieh today as stated In the notices, but the beUwUl not ting. The steamer Flora Temple will be aold at Meadows Dock.near Union Point by the United States Martial, Monday noon . f . V ' There vh only one joandldate for the Civil Service Clerk-Carrier examloa- tlott nt he Federal building1 jester- day.'," . - ,;". At Evangelist MA Jenklna wUl preach at the Court Honse 5 pm. .; 8 ibjeok "Should the bar rooms be remove! from Mew Bern ?" . . ' - Theetty has uniformed her police corps with neat and natty white duck aults and caps ior the. eummer, , The immaculate toga are quite becoming to the officer. '." 'i:,:f: "Prince' ' Gt one 'the " prophet, at last aocounu was favoring tha city Of Kin- ston wlin bis'presenoa terrifying a part of Ita colored population with U dire ful prophecies. L;i The green giocers wire will stocked Saturday with florlda vegetables, ;lt they sold high Beans were 19 cents a quart, potatoes' 10 m i f;r the same amount aud other things were 4j pre- portion. Rev G T Adams, pastor of pantenary Methodist church will preach tonight at Newport VHe goea la reaponaeT to special Invitation to aid In the temper ance campaign that Is now telog waged in that place . The election n lit be held next week. In the absence of the putor, Rev J W Jenklnr, superintendent of the Metho dist Orphanage, will preach at the Uen tanary Methodist church both morning and evening. Readers of the Journal will take no tice that Military Academy! com mencement sermons will be preached by Rev G T Adams at the Baptist church this mornlntc and by Rev WH Rich at the Presbyterian church tonight. An appeal has been put In circulation by the colored race requesting the Na tional Republican. Convention to favor the movement or establishing an Afro American colony in Africa where such negroes aa det Ire to return matdoab It Is estimated that a half million color ed people of the U S have expressed a desire for this move. The pea picker was much la evidence here yesterday It being the first pay day for him of the season. These workers are a happy-go-lucky people.They work all the week In the truck Held more in the way of frolic than nal work and Sat nrday they spend .the earnings la the same eaay manner. Whoever built the watering troughs In the city, bade a great mistake ll not emptying the overflow Into a drain pipe There odd have been no alop then. But there are a great many more nnl aancea endangering health around town than tha little slush at these waterlag plaoes. - : How would a real dent of the elty like to be abroad In the country with a tired thirsty horse, hot and dry himself, aad apply to a farmer for a drlak from his wall for himself and beast, and the sal flth old oountryman would run out and fasten up the well ? - Cutting off the water from the fountain on Johnson Bt means about the same thing. If the disagreeable brawl on the Acad amy Green Friday la to be repeated at any time by the pupils of the school, It would be better for tha trustees to pro hibit people paeslag across the green. 1 the nee of the grounds wa mt rioted to the youth who attend the schools there aad not allowed to bo used by the ph He a thoroughfare aad cow paatarejt would be a great big Improve stent any- There are several evils existing fat New Bera, which seem to escape the no tice Of the good moral legislators of the community. One, aad not the least by any meant, Is the oorrupt,pernlcloas lit erature that Is placed la reach of the boy, mora than one javeaOe mob dem onstration haa been Indirectly. Incited by the reading to the shea of the parents and disgrace to the City, n The fallowing allpptag from the Free Pre refer to tha murderer who I sen tenced t hang in Elnstoa Mar lHa "Frank Davit I vary tick with fever la the Jail at Qoldaboro end having a doc tor attending him every day, I the ad vto Sheriff Wootea haa from Sheriff Steven, of Wajnv in a .private letter. Be further itatee that DartiTs very lata prasnmablf from worry aad !llaeea.The phytlolaa attending Davie I giving htm every atleaUoa. " If he Should continue m he would be reprieved by the govraor fori time. . Arapahoe Telephone Line. V The following are the pay stations oa the Arapahoe Telephone Line which eonaeeu with the New Bera Exctngrf (Bridgetown, Lewis' residence. " ReeUboro, Bawls R R aad Tlaber Camp. Balrds Creek, Arapehoe.Batlaa'a farm Boyd resldeaoa, J W lUwli reifcuca, A D Rawls ratldnce, J If ron(lstoa r, Ideooa. A B Broaghtoa store, L W Htr fllsoa sVre,Wm Lovkk store, L Harris tor. Kertbaw, Oriental, Csatral, A 1 Cam- pea offlce and storr AlManra, H F SloCotter retl.lears,!". it rwl A I'rrx li itor. KurWo C).trl. Cil l.'ew I '--a C' c'.rtl It r ' stc J.".T ..Svrtt;rCczrt Txw.i'.Lz. ' The case of the C , ratio Cv -.:- aloa wts eoaclu.I.J for tils term of Court by tba vlthdrtwal clone joror andamtaiiltl dcuueX '5U for the plaltttC were. KaJttt EU&iny&t and Ward,' M DaW Btsvensoa and Thomaa, of ' Norfolk tha attorneri representing the defeaaa were Maars O H Galon; George Roantree ' and D L Ward. .j--'- T- The eats of Hancock vs the " Wesurn Union Telegraph Compter was - tonflr- 4.:.-Wr .:.'- -. jf ;BL, Savlll. va F J French; t -Jodgtoeut rendered for, dafuda f ,t 8 00. 3- .. 3aak v Arnold; . appeal nnd - die-J nlaeoV-,-, 1 2tV ..-.iJ'...l.1 V, ana oouis n hi coniinao n xv weea Dr MxAn'a Addfrae. Dr B F Dlion,' Aadltor Bttte, will addreealhe atudeaUof rtha NewBnrn Millury Academy land )aroni BuU- neaa College et Stanley hall, We1ileday morning ht it o'clock. His subject ha eloqanti)-ttofrle ilje Stata. Oe le a gentleman- well ve 4 , In any nhbject that he seea lit totalk upon and there fore I able te gat the bed molts of the subject esIbltX::;;;: ' The pnbllo are 'aordlallr Invited to hear him and undoubtedly WW be plesa ' .4ita4btlar . Monday, May "16th at 8 p m, at the Graded School -oa Wett , street wO) be the graduatlnf feratses of Ih ola of 1804, when fifteen1 pnplU will reoelve merited certlncates, havli g ncea.afnlly and satisfactorily complete! the eoarse preeerlbed by the Superintendent Prof, H P Hnrdlng. -'';r'. . These pupils have ech a'gamaral av erage of M per cent and upward. : Tale closes the most eueeesafal school year siace thaorgaalzatloa of the Gra dytteuVI;MJfc-- ' . - .paOXlRAII.s .- " Opentog Oboru. Prayer by Rev W H Monokoo. Mosto-Goldtl Link Bead. Esssys.' Silos, aad 'Declamatlooa by Presentation of certlfl'Wtas by DrGeo. . SlovJV, Preeldcat of BoiW of Tnuteefc Music Golden Link Band. Addrea by the Principal. The publlo la eordially Invited. - Messrs Cannon arfd Frank Prettymaa are la the city for a few day vitU with their parente, v .; ; . , .. Mr Wm Mace of Beaufort raa a visi tor In ths city yesterday. v . - ' - Mr Mark Dlaoawty returned yesterday from Goldsboro. . Mr George Rountree who hu beesr at- tendlng' oourt her thlT week, returned to hi home la Wilmington laat night, r n Mr S Coploa left yesurday1 for Baltl- saore la leeponae to a telegram aaaoua eing the orlov Olnesi of a relative. Mlaee Sarah Coagdoa and Mia Mar garet Yonge went to Red Spriag to at tend the commeaoemsat of tha female seminary at that place. -Dr, BJATT: COffUIG. D ad Hyatt of Klastoa I . will be (a New Bera atOotal CaatUwka Jnad 18th H h aad 15th,Meaday Tuesday aad Wed asaday for the purpose of treating die eases of the eye, ear; yaoee ' and, throat aad fltttai glnMe' ? v"-;- y Lo Aagiee, CaL May la-A aunsUoa of importaaee which haa come promi nently to the for la the ,. MethodUf gea eral mfnmce proceeding during the last twelve hoar is that . iavolvmg 4 change U dlaelpUns to the axteat of en alrely reaaovlng the eharch . haa 0a the pleeearee of dancing, card playing aad "MWgolag. ...z , ' 'w v It reams not unlikely that, the coafer- aaoe WlU vote to remove tha freeeat ri gid reaulotloa regardiag the ladulgeooe of then raoreatioaa.,.The nbeommlJe of the aommlttee oa State of the church of which Judge U. 8. Sibley at chairmat, nad reported this me raUgt the ma's body tie reeommeadaUoa apon Ul mit ter la which It a rr.ee tut radical change la the rale, oa Ue jubject, making li alaply an advisory isalrictioa, . latead of mandatory a at present. : Vade? the pfevalUsg' rule theaaemUt of the church wba attend a dance or theetet la guilty of a direct Infract lot tf the rules of tha church, anil msy be fv Ubed by eipuUlon, but if the rtw.i- ateadttjon now proposed it adopted V..' paaaltywlllbe randred optional a:. the avlnoritlee. A ;ut . of - . - Ul :. -.V. 7 I 7 , . t-. i:. 'co. Closing Jtxerclses of the Siate' Excel- lt.tI-::::nUoncfLc'inUg. ' ; 'InvttaUofit hare been reowlved to the eonnneacement of the North Carolina College of Agriculture an! .Mechanic Arts at Raleigh, N C, May 3nd to ttih. The program la aa follows: . ' -" Sunday May 81-11 a m.1 Baccalau reate aermoa in college auditorium. Rev 3 B HaffhanC 8:80 p aa.. sermon before Tonng pen's Chrlstiaa Auoclation In college auditorium.. Rev Plato Dur- Mon'lay, Hay 88-10 1 m, jneetlng of the AlOinnl Asaoclalloa in ooliege audi' loiium. ho pjB, -Alumni address In oiliera auditorium: 'fl E BdhIii. class 2Toetdy,May St-8 80 p m, ariaual adcreaa In e jllega auditorium, ' Hon W W. Kitchen. 9.80 pja, reoepttoa -. la col- legs library.: -. - - . r t Wcdaeaday.May S5-11 ; a m. gradua ting aterclaM la College audltorlum;ora- lloq by numbers ot the ; senior 'Class, m m aAMhailna aT ' ...THB SECOND PRIZE. A Very Creditable Song. Pcca Writ Y ;f lea For Xmoinal. Iay By ? '' Misa .lUrguetr'Bryaa.'' ' We publlah herewith the poem which obtained the eeoond prize la the contest (or the Memorial Day aong. The flnt prire poem woa by Mr R P WUllama Wa pabliahed yesterday. The following 1 song was written by Mist Margartt Shepard Bryaa and la ung aa wa that of Mr William, to the tune of'Sewanee RIVeV.or Old Folk At Home." ' Lctn ting of all our gallant oldtera la Dixieland, ' - ' ' How bravely dld they fight In bal ; tie . Ia one united band,"' For tc only what we owe them Now tha War ia o'er, . Tu remember all oar faithful veteran. And those that are ao more, '-." - w Chorus. All the South today te giving - Them the prams thay won We bow bnrheadaunto the living They're leaving one by one.. AH up aad dowa the broad Potomac The fought with Leo, 1 Until at Appomattox Court-House -' He (uiMdered graoefully. Tea, we Will keep the record left us Stalnles and clear . The children too will hear the story OT those who kaew ho fear. . i rr '. ' Chora. Bat bow we've furled the oaqueredfban oWa'aietitreai, With Ul tha bravo aad noble heroes, . n Aad try to think h beet, Althe oa oaua I lost forever, lhd the men ta gray. Who fought beneath it brilliant col '-or V -,;" Host have passed away. ,. -..L v. ,-Choru Yet IhaSotk today la gtvlag ' ' Them the praise they won, We bow our heads unto the living - -, Thy'r leaving Oae by one; MtaoiUT BaaraiD Bar ra. Mualdpal Coirt Rew. V The Mayor had a little largar court yetthr&y af tern'ooa aad tha city etrong box Wa ooasiderably tetmbuned with etui m ana';' -ei.:. W K; Dannie Council. ditXMrderiy IcojadacU Judgmeat euspeaded on payment of bati, 1,71 Ai;t5K,l K.n Leonard Pari, mad a dlstnrbaace aad naeddisagreesiaewordeat' tbe eloalng sitrdaee ef the eolored graded school Friday, evaaiog for which he was caused to appear ! eourt. Judgment vti sus- paadeit aa payment of eoata, A thrash- lag by tha father wa alto uggeeted by tha Mayorva. -..? Siery few day there a eomplalat from the residents fas the vicinity of Academy ffe lev, beea annoyed Ty the boy tiareby tbelr impudence, row- iyum nnd profanity. Several jilmee U ', ' Ire been cbrighdv tolcomplala to tL I . j or. v IZ:S;. v': ,Fr!.!y afleraooa,a lot of .whit boy nia couple of small colored ' boy off ffoiiv.,e grten aad conducted them. sl i u in disorderly m aa aer, by throwln g tionei nd sticks Into the neighboring liouts, The boy la court yrdtrday WM LM Bowdaa, Ilenry Wade, R. Ed "niifi snl Lr-'!a Jacoba. The complain lr v B8fs were Waller Sanders and J- 1 Toy, two D( .-roe who wr work trgf rUrsE. R. Jonea. Thy stated ." 1 1 y were L!t y stone aad brick t lytUb-T, ';1 that thebojs ' ' " "n r tC.' i V n rifTot.'" - rt "in fi'l..tti wllnwse l fur tie t";eand oa , ! V.-. . v "1 1 mre t.-!!s. .nv.e pan ff ' ) o i l - .' i Fresh Insect Pazirfrtl :TnVotriM I w- lflyPpeJ, and. : MothBaUs! Davis i t i. Paint your house vith 6 1 Jlliffan We have taken the ted paint and have a carload just trom the tdd toryvi Prices right. Call and see xis before vmta4eMa aa i - : --v -..-.- . : .- - . - uHsjuii nuw. & HARDWAR2 78JMIddle St : Phonrl47. i IN BEAUTIFUL WHITR CHltfA SILK WAISTS . Ihese Waists are made of r V. i 1 x-l Oaic uettuuiuiijr tucacu uiiu iruunuui wrtu wot nuu uiuug muc A 11 11 -i. An l.'.j mt - 1 nuu iihuuiij oca nil uuia y& ua Speelfil Dnrgaln all size at s :50 SPECIAL WfiAiNS INT These are Very high grade gooui, made of fine lace and Q 1 ioed throughout with white silk, sizes 32, 34 aud 918, atxtr Special Bargaina at ' & $550 Jnne Fashions now ready. OOt . Plone 9l. 4. Piillotk mi , r, - . MaoaaaMaaneva i wmmmi j' I Place'on I J ,Wcdnzday.Mothin& ' Z- Z " 1000 yards' 01jde;Waistingi wwth., 10o.k at,..th, ,fYw J J 8pecial prioe of 71o th yard.' . ' : o( -- t ' 1 ' ! Thw nrn tit dAMtrMliIsl i? i' BhlrtwaUtSnlU CUldreos ) ; X " Z "All fait isolori. ' JotUMl'Ylue.'A-:.:-.' .J-.; l ! I v Tlm6 to.-wcar. thin tiacoVJtripr cd J Hcc3, 7o aro prepared -to meat X - For 23o the pair we offer aoma beautiful lylj,7Uj Z X thin and raazy, with open X A few more of those Fin. C3(j Iac Dile IIoiIft. .J' X X . Tlieee IckjIc bj pood aa tha inore cxWnfllte oncC'Ih' X uci vera never rnaae t A f rtrr's i and ia Vac trs of j i l t -r . Vox. V i laalrt . i ..,.a.1 w ws- . -. r m. ww a L- I 4 i ae - encv ior this celebra i.iiu supply uo., 1M1LL SCPPUES 44 Craven St Phone Stfi.; 1' o k1 Fine quality China Silk, lift I T j ;iA. 1 j ..1 1 ui e ov enoii. Each. Each. 1 H (Hniir ifircmii t Qurcli X Arm v , rt Pharmacy; FaiDl! ! aJ ; liuiuni,: luij Hf 1 -li u t taie foattertia o Shirt WalsttJ .ft; work down to lb toe. v aeu o pwrn Jorn uouar.: t you get the bcDcCt of tu ,. J X pjin n r-"?.h money for Un-; , I umer. Boy a fdwj X . e are s-Oil.n- at 1 1,00 l!;e lot, or' Un 0;:..".i7 Vct t I fit I's mm , V J."' er 4 "C . 1 I ix hit.-.. -'- ,7 -We have the suits in piimsf Regulars and Stout? I 5 ..--A' and can fit all sizes. 2 ? MOW IS to make your selections, as you will get -4 " the choicest patterns. t j. G. Tkmn& Co., ligee Wn KrobowlT)K Ibis wrck a line of .Hunipln underwear f ir m in nm Uil . g at greatly reJuctd prices, some f.Ura slzei ami our r-g ilur i(.o U a' pii.iii'if prli-es. Oxfords ! Oxfords ! Don'l fall t' our "t u k f oflpr s Tor I.i.IIim hi.iI M n in l ata a il I mit Rl(bt up to now H nOYH illLIrEtLVS MI II1N. We bsve t ie tirtrvtit stock of ''.iy m (1 c hi il n Coihlnft lie in 'lie City in stno't. we bnht t,..) ininy si I ili hi i-t .e 1 1, .t.in't luv till yon e the Line and prices JTm Baxter. TKe N C Mutual and Provident Association Bone (filce, Durfaam, N. ). New Bern Brenva office at Motaal Aid Bank, Broad streeL O C Itoach, bupt. Life Insnrance and Hick Ucnrdla 10,0O0.0O beatdls aid duilns pas' year. , i Tba Bopeilniendi nt la a rll known business men of New Bern and It so tkprlaed lo pay all bencll'.a Imrredlately oadennnil.' ' BotS offloa doa not ba-e to audit elahas teoretbfj me paid. We want onrJiarss MirDoiy Dim Co., xwr, urcaa am m sis. J ll'. II, Mow Will te' flad to mm ron. Hot) if foe eaa'l (ome. Jut pbnne No. 107 aad WC Will send t-i yoar I oma lor preserlp lloas and after fcav Mn eartfully aad arcorwHr id, we will promptly deliver1, lae nellcfne tth no um Cbari(': We, are )ira in aerte and yoaHtAweaM I'or anfililn In tb .... We are. y6urs. - to please., : . . if I I ri -. it JZ7 Middle Bt, ;; rull lino of Drugattled lclnc3, Toilot Ar ticles and Eoap. - Fr::h Supply of 1" v::r LIGHT V WEIGHT 5U1T5. In all B'zes for Men and " Youths: Q A line of nohby patterns and all in the newest cuts. - A large variety a n al1 A. X $6.50, $7.50 J $8.60, $10,00, 2 & 12,50 & $15. o 0 f 1 THE TIME Bai-ains In Undeiweai AND DonN Ijet Your ('arriage Run Down for want of a I'll "a repair Taken In llnic, ihec.l may he JiiQIi . "i noid lo Ibe wine Is hi (11 -rati ' We do oarrlae nl wi;on r. ptlrlsjj; In all Ita brsarbea, at loeet pnerv mi. I warraal .'I work 10 be etrtctlr Hiw-m lias. We ill make ynar veblcle r)ual in eew le appearaooe, dorabllltf aad motion. Job bing promptly eioeated. We put Rubber Tires on your old or iMw wlieela. We shrink your looae tlrea m a machine wilhmit cuttlnv tbaas, orwitliout Uklnc; lira 'nHa-wbael oa bom while you alt. Kvervbody la la t Hml to sm Uie marbinent work pnttlnf new bolts In old place, ' G. H. Water eft Meam, Hiicoeaaora to O. M.'.WsUra ft Bob, Pbone 185, W Broad BM Maw Bean. H. O JUt flatal CbatUwka, 1 GENERALnS " HARDWARE 1 'Screen Wire Doora and Windows ' r The Ice Davinr Qla zler Rofrigorators. inl for la Farmer QUI aad Boy Cok Etove. '.'.' . I ' . r 4 . ' ' Farrnm vt'lbf-ar fa rr.tnd that we arry a y f-mjlHs Hue of Atrr-U aa : I .