: -, .-""-' ';.:'.v" i : ' " ' - '-.:,;-V ,-'....-;. V?'"" NEW BtltR, A. C, THURSDAY M0RHIH8, MAY 26, 1804 vol,. X MI-NO. 48 '- 1 m Til! I: i' i nii . nr -u . t.' 4. ooooooo Ma For 3 Days ! Misses and ladies lace and drop stitch Hose- Misses Black Lace Dose, all size?, good values at 25c this Sale 15c. Mioses White Lace Hose at 25c. Ladies Gauze Lisle Dose tbat usually sell at 35c 3 pair fo $1, this Sale 25c the pair. Indies Lace Lisle Hose, regular price 35o this Sale 25c. Ladies Drop Stitch 20c value for 15o. Ladies Lixe Llose, Good Value 75c. 65c value 48c. Thtitsctay, Friday and Saturday We prepay Express and freight on all purchases amounting to 5 00 or over shipped lo any place within a radius of 1(0 miles of J. I MITCHELL I CO, PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. t....,tttltttlt,tttHtH NEW is the very Best Paint made. It surpasses all other paints as to Quality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils And colors. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Var nish Stains, Bnggy Paints, Roof Paints, and Paint Brushes. Window Screens and Screen Doors. Don't forgef your ads, so bring and four o'clock p m, each package 68 Middle Nt. rTTT!T!I!III!!!mTTTTIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII Sugar Cured Hams Shafer's Breakfast Strips JUST RECEIVED.; Nice Spring and Grown Chickens. Call and look at our line of CrockeTy. td-room Seta; Platei Cups and Baucera within lO Per Cent otCoMt. Come lefore they are all aold The business will be continued an lefore and we hope all our old Customers will stay with us. Youn to pleaae, tatc or K. 4. PA UK Ell, Administratrix. BONK t!9. Cor. II road A Haneoek Six rTTTTTIIIIIIIirmYnillllllHIHHHIIIIIIIIIII We era lbs only people In the eltf tbst we rtoelve freeH lot every week and they voe waat soanetblng !- for breakfast try Not only fUh, v stables, etc, but we carry everyihlea; asnally kepi la ea op tvdath Qroeaary stare. Bend us your orders, give us your business and we guarantee to please you. ' McGEHEE & WILLIS. Phone 137. p. TRENWITH, Blickimlth 4 VbeelrlgbL Maanfaotcrwr t I tt Wagota, , ChrU sd Orsyslw v I4 ! rty (a elok. Bp"-f l'r doM ooooo for $1 00 special this aOOOOOOOOtO JtfO SSOOOOOOOMt them in on June 1st, between two with your name and number of ads, Phone 90. Several beautiful All will be sold keep a supply of tkls well ksowa 1st) are all as Oae as can be Lad, now It tome of these sb. No, 77 'Btoti St. I Delinquents The time to settle with the' elly for the set's UX.Wh pro pen aa4 llosase isathaed, aad tVt wko bsva not paid their eft tsiea are hereby warned that If th tai Is not , paid; at onot, I wiB prteeedtnt hf dlMraat, fat Wi lln esaan he gtvee. . ' t niprlfnt'y, ' " J. J. T' : -rtr,' National League Games. BT4NDIKQ OF CLUBS- Won. Lost Per Cent, Cincinnati, Si 10 887 Chicago, 20 10 60 6 New York, 1 10 Mo St Louie, 19 14 075 PltUbutf, 15 10 600 Brooklyn, 14 10 437 Boston, 10 SO 333 Philadelphia, 5 83 178 PltWbarf , My 25 The game today: f ' ft. H E Pittsburg, TP 0 Boston, 10 2 Batteries Pittloger and Moran;Leever and Phelps. Umpire Moran. Chicago May 85-.The following is the game today: - ' n n Hi 8t Lous 4 8 1 Chicago, 0 18 8 Batterlea McFailand and Grady ;Lun gran and O'Hefl. Umpire Inalle. Brooklyn May 85-Qane today; R H Brooklyn, 8 0 4 New York 5 10 3 Batteries- Rsldy and Bergen; McGIn nlty and Werndr. Umpire O'Day. When the play today; Brooklyn at New York. Cincinnati at Pltubrrg. bt Louis at Ckicago. No other game scheduled today. Taylor Barker. Mr J P Taylor of Chattanooga. Tenn, and Miss Ola Barker were married yes terday by Ret Mr Jenkins at the home of Mrs Mary Barker, in Stella. The bHdal patty came to New Bern on the Wilmington train, and left on the A. A N C for Ooldsboro from where they went to visit at the groom's form er home in Booth Boston, Va, and later will go to their home in Chattanooga, Tenn. Among the wedding guests were Mr J H Weddoll and Miss Rnby Daniels of this city. Local Baseball. There is surely good chsnces of this lly having some very fine amatenr base ball ibis summer. All they need U en coaracing support from the citizens and ladles of the city, The boys need abont $40 mora. They are finding It quite sxpenslvs hauling day from the Oaks, and of coarse they mnst hate covered seats for the spectators. Those Who have not donated to this good cause will please hand their sub- icrtpttoni to Dock HowelL who Is on the rtreets daily collecting. The ladles God bleat 'em, are always Interested In tfcf efforts of the boya to have a sueoesaful ball team and will do all tn their Mwtr to onoouag tham It Is su retted that they arrange an lee ereaaWtflirat tta benefit of this cease1. It wHl rarely have a liberal patrotaga. TBUrman. May 81ih, The days are lae for work ead farm era are buy getting their ootton to a Uad. Tk algku ara a lluia too oool yet for ootton kflMi good start. Borne art yet piutug fotiom U land UU was in pailMflsilMIs, TMpwenp Was not profitable la this teeilen. Th oold oat lrst Uooms. TneiO WM fneTmons yield la qnaatl ty.btttnotmnckla twoalpta. QalUa anatbei of Ml hrwMrt aold peas la Nor folk ai4 rtdafpht atloe toOOeper basket, tliWt 4M aot pay picking and talfWil irveMea. WIU IM toM weatkw oar roU havf lotf ot4 woodecfony, When we kare tool ee'lker we have the best dirt reidla U Stata, and It U a pttas are i Uufa Wh sore to drtf a, to travel oathfn. The ttMkodtm Bandar aehool at Rlvtf dale wlifl MtafWtr plaala oTharadsy Jaaetadoi(hehri'groadt The eommllief )f arraagiaaaatt raqaeet at to elUa4 M ttTtUUM to aO ear friends la Mam) Beta M Mrroaadlag - aonatry to eoate Qf la wltk a. Tkeyauo rt)ee( ai W further aateal th UvHa ttoaitoowf irfaada wha Oeeaa tobs tan to print A Vaahet veil fttod with goethlartto M. Andyoa Mr Editor aad fott att kavo a eordlal laVTUltoi Sttealed tl foa to mU 'ft aW not hrlaf basket Vat wa tea Uat yoa ara well ltd aad oastd far. If yoa will eafl tor U '-tw4 old atda 1 1 MilekalPinlUoa f .Vlrgtala paylpg and attaadad ?Ieft his pareaU Mr and Mrt Am Cardltoa at Ub Hit VHW Oardlfoa ieft last Betar esy lot Mt 'jh ta attead Ike eomasi meal trSs at lha A V KCoUtaa, the f4 troi4 thara H Qraeasboco te be prtMot at tke oommeaoansMl of the lata ffanaab '"'--'''.; , ' Tfhe Two Old Maids." RALEIGH. A & M College Commencement. Medical Society In Settloo. Application For A & N C Receivership To Be Heard Sat-' urday. Raleigh, May 85: The commence meat ezerclsee at the Agrlooltaral A Mechanical College were held today.and were very largely attended. Though there weie two other college commence ment In progress at the same timo.thoae of 8t Mary's School and Peace Institute while that at Waka Forest also attract ed many people from here. The speakers at the A. AM College and their subjects were: R P Reese, "Society's Dependence on the Engineer; J B Harding, "Our Ttxdle Growth;" O H Hodges, "Power Transmission;" Wil liam Kerr, "Our Agricultural Opportu nlty" E P Bailey, "Democracy and Edu cation." There were 80 seniors, and the honor men, who made over 80 for the four years coarse are J B Harding, R P Reese, William Kerr, and J 0 Tem ple. More members of the Slate Medical Society arrived today to swell the large number already In attendance. One of the features of today was the address, illustrating, by Professor Bsskervllle of the State University on Radium. He has won much honor in connection with the discovery of two new elements and his lecture was heard with great In terest. Today the annual convention of the Kings1 Daughters began at Rockingham Mrs. W. H. 8. Burgwyn of Weldon pre- idlng, and Mrs. F. A. Olds being pres ent ss recording secretary. Mr. W. B. Streeter who Is interested so deeply In the movement for the reform of chlldien Is ottending the meeting. The State Board of Agriculture was In session today as the board of trustees of the A A M College and attended the commencement exercises, at which Gov ernor Aycock, secretary of State Grimes, Treasurer Lacy, Auditor Dixon and oth- Btate officers were present. This evening the board met and restelved re ports from Secretary Brenerand other officials, also one from Commissioner General Herbert Brimley on the North Carolina exhibit at the St. Louis exposi tion. State superintendent Jojner made an address at Klnston today at the com mencement exercises of the college there. At his offloe news was received that Moravian Falls, In Wilkes county had voted loo I tax for public schools. Though Baturday Is the day Bet by Judge Purnell for tha hearing of the SDDlicatlon of Cuyler for a receiver for the Atlantic & North Carolina railway It Is expected tbat the case will go oVer, oerhtDS for week until Judge Purnell gets through with the docket of the Fed eral court, the session of which begins on the 30th Inst. The State board of examiners of train ed nurses has been in session here since Monday and today completed Its work. Tomorrow the North Carolina Aasocii- tlon of nurses will meet here. Six young woman were applicants for license. Mrs. Mary lrdell hat been elected president of the alumnae association cf St. Marys College. Mrs. Bessie B. Leak, Mrs. Gaston Mearea, Mrs. Florence Tuck or and Mrt. I. McK Plttenger, . vloe pre tdents, Mhts Kate McKlmmoo, secretary The association will enlarge the chapel at the ichool during the summer. New Rural Route. A new Jural route will be established from the New Bern post office Jane 1st which will include the pott office of AtV ins and other offices adjacent. This will ba kaowa as "route no 8." Mr Rufus J. Fulcher will be the oar rler oa this route, ha having attained the highest mark of five competitor's In th examination hold hare May 7th. CASTORIA for Iilaats and CMldra. Tbi M Yoi Han Always Boa&M JBears the SlyintaVa of Lockets! A new line of the latest ryls of ae eret lockets and chains are now shown la oar up-to-date atock of Jewelry. Wtteolaot with aew goads free of tost rrtry article that does sot wear and sire tnUrt satisfaction. J. O. BAXTER, Loader la Low Prices. DT. ETATT' COHWC Dr HO Hyatt of Etaitoa will to ta Haw Bora atflotol Caetuwka Jtfld 13th 14 1 ead iBtk,Moadaj TataJsy aad Wed eaday for tha purpose of treating dl eases f tho oyo, oar, oto aad throat aad Btttoi glaeotf -"; ' r If yoa waat 011100,110,0801 phono 17, -ycOeboa oad Wllllt, : ; , ;; - !.k Jotf.Ontf, i ;v Tho tdjostabla hatfay tttett with wtlch yoa ttn eoavtrt year aroooa la M I hat pla. -."..., ?.. ; Ask lo tea thorn. ' ! ' J . ". i ,. J.O.BAXTEIt LaHef la Low lVoi ! i li f t f CAT- ..... . . , nj-omei sieaicates air io urtawc ana Kills All Catarrhal Germs Costs Wotting Unless It Cores. Do not take medicines into the ttom ach to kill catarrhal germs la the head and throat. Air alone can reach fee germt. Med lea' ed with Hyomei and breathed through the neat Inhaler tbat comet with every outfit, the air goes to the moit remote air cells of the head, throat and lungs, and oompletely de stroys the disease germs. Hyomei la the only sensible, yet scientific way to cure catarrh. Other remedies may fail, Hyomei will cure It helps at once, and you get one vita lising und Invigorating effect from the fl.-st lew breaths of Hyomei. UJtahoold happen that Hyomei did not give you the tame good effects that it his In many other cases right here at home, F. 8. Duf fy, will refund your money without question or argument Ton will he the sole judge as to whether Hyomei cost you a penny or not The complete outfit, consisting of a medicine dropper, and inhaler that can he canted in the puree or vest pocket, and a bottle of Hyomei sells for only one dollar. The Inhaler w Hast a lifetime aud extra bottles of Hyomei Can be ob tained, if needed, for fifty centa. When you get a Hyomei outfit P. S Duffy, will give you a aigned receipt, agreeing to refund the money in case it does not core catarrh and other dlaeases of the respiratory organs. This it the Strongest evidence tbat he can offer as to his faith in Hyomei '.o pay for It himself In case It does not ours, KNOWS MI-0-NA WILL CUBE. F. S. Duffy Has Such Faith In This Great Dyspepsia Remedy That He Guarantee It. It Is an unusual thing foradroggitt to sell a medicine under a guar an 'es tore fund the money If It does not cue Tet this Is the way F. 8. Duffy, the popular druggist, Is selling Ml-o-na, the stan dard dyspepsia remedy. Never before had he bad so large num ber of customers tell him that a medlcioe hat cured as with Ml-o-na. People who a few months ago looked like walking keletons have put on flesh and today are ruddy and vigorous with perfect dl gestlon snd good health, solely due to the use of this remedy. There Is no longer sny need of anyone ufferlne or making their friends suffer on account of dyspepsia, for Ml-o-na can be relied upon to cure. The percentage of cures Is to nearly one hundred per cent, that there la little risk to F. B. Daf fy in guaranteeing to return the money if the medicine does not cure, and he stands resdy to do so without any quae tlona. Headaches, sll forms of Indigestion, specks before the eyes, dizzy feelings, poor sleep, ringing in the ears and all forms of liver trouble are cured by Ml- o-na, pj'ce 50c A fsw days' treatment hows contiderable gain In health and a cure speedily followa These days ara the brat in the whole year for the enjoyment of good health. And Ml-c-na will pa', yoa In tach per fect condition that you can enjoy every minute of them. Ice Cream Now Every , Day, Do livered For 35c. a quart at your home. Ice cream soda, phos phates and all other cool and refreshing drinks at McSORLEY'S. 0V DonHXet Year ' ' Carriage Bun Down : for wait of a little repair. Taksa lo time: thoooet mar bo Irtfller "A word to tho wieols turnoawL WO do eerrtare aad wagoa repairing la all lit braacfiee, at lowest prloea, aad warrant alt work to bo strictly Irat-cUoa. Ws lit mate vnor vehicle eaaal to aew ta eppearaaor, dereblllty aad taction, Job- Mae; promptly exeeaiea. : :., r- Wo rat Robber Ttree oa roar old aew wWla. Wo shrink roar loose Urea la a machine wiinowt own tnem, or without taking tire from wheel ea bnerr while yon wait jCverybmlylela vlUxi in tn nwhtneet work patting new boils la eld t, is -, i ,r ., , , ci I- v. i r ti. SENSIBLE WAY TO CURE ARRFI. m County Convention At ineHing of ilia Dt mnrr ii ! Ki c utlv Oonuuii'tj brl l m the nun l.oo-- Mm the 16ih of April 104, ii a40ideiL-d ... . p nRnli ... , that the County Convention be called Lo meet in New Bern on Saturday June 11, 1104 at 12 o'clock noon at the court house. This convention will elect delegates to the State, Congressional and Srntt rial Conventions and also nomlna e County offloers, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Treas urer, Coroner, County Surveyor, member of tha Houae of Representatives and five County Commissioners. It Is ordered that the primary Conven tions be held In the City of New Bern on Friday night June 3rd at 8 o'clock at their respective poUtng places. In the precincts outtide of the City of New Bern primaries are to be held on Saturday, June 4th, 1904 at 18 o'clock noon. Each township will nominate a Constable. Township chairmen will please take notice. HENRY R. BRYAN, Ja., Chairman. BRYAN Q. CREDLE, Secretary Teachers'. Institute For Craven county. The Teachers Institute for this Craven county, will begin Monday, May 80th and continue through the week. Col S J Holladay, aad other compe tent instructors, have been secured to assist In the conduct of the Insti tute. Board can be obtained for the five days at reasonable rates. The provision of the Schcol Law, re quiring attendance of teachers will be enforced. Promptness la essential to the best re sults, and all teachers sre urged to be present at opening, ten o'clock oa the morning of May 80th. White teachers will 'assemble at Gra ded School building on Hancock street, and colored teachers at Graded School building on Weat street. ;8. M. BRIN90N, County Superintendent. The Racycic runs easier than any other wheel, cobU less than any good wheel , more sold than any other high grade wheel and gives better satisfaction than any oilier wheel. THE RACYCLE hanger Is positively dust proof and will run from three to 10 thousand miles without oil. They are made from the very best material and fitted with the very best tiro, Bid dies, pedala, etc, and grantee d for the entire season from Jan. 1st until l)e comber 81st. For sale by L. M Edgerton, Phone 881. 90 Middle St. ICE CREAM in any quantity Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate and Pineap ple 35Cts a quart QUALITY THE BEST. .Try a brick with assorted colore. We are also headquarters for ail slanj of Fruit and Strawberries. Broad Street Fruit Co Phone 33. ONE HOUSE 7 rooms, painted Inside and out. New Wltli water for $6, 1 house 4 rooms 4, both locations good. See 163 Mo Front St. Hand made and saw ed shingles and stove wood. IimetoeUil. 4TbkoiioV -good toiler a.mgtno$fn running order, see. BIO HILL, " WT niddle nt Full lino of Drtigs.lied - icinos, Toilet Ar 'Vtlcioa andBoap; Fresh Flow: r Sec harvey 's Small Sugar Cured Pig lams ,w Also rew luirel Fulton Market Coi ned Ileef, Try cur Fancy Elgin Butter, Flesh Straw berries evEry day. Fresh lot Voight'a Snow Drif and Admiral Flour. Good Carolina Rice 10c qt. v omplete stook Fresh Canned Goods, We will thank you for a share of your trade. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your maney refunded. Try us for Good Coffee and Fine Teas, i ours to please, J. L. MAIL Yours to 'Phone 91. IP W i Absolutely Ptite. FOR SALE BY A M Edwards, Wm. Sultan, J S Garrett, J p Rodman, C C Roach, Noah Powell, M Disosway & Co., T C Howard. Lee J. Taylor Wholesale Agent. Printing ! It you want your j printing donej promptly and in! modern style send! your work to Owen G. Dunn Leading Trlnter A Stationer. Cor. Pollock ic Oare n St. ooooooooooooooooeeooooa W' Deliver I Magazines and cHewspapers ENNETT'S ECOK STORE!! Kao FKalHlNE APPROVAL of his wearing apparel ia what every admlu Itor not, To have a gamsat ot eanre suit pvi vl rw") A r..klnwl in Ik. latMt mnAm. la tk 4oty of overy was, aad la likely to aid him IB Mia tn as socHiy. ns gaaraatee m l td III nf everything we F. M ' tmdfflck; Wifl Bsvlai ockaeii tbofaaatTS aad ifotchatts; IUaV;tIMIatV Vf frlooda aad paltoas will ta4 taofrata sow please, tetai. ocer, 71 Broaal HV The Women Dress Better Than The Men ! The writer heard a stranger say on the street that the ladies of New Bern and Pam lico county dress bet ter than the men. Let's change the man's opinion by k oing right to S oplon's and get a $10 suit for $7,50, if that is not satisfactory come on and get one oi the $7.50 for 5.50; if you are not yet satis fled get one at $2.50 and ask no questions. IIh arm. 25 doz ladies vests at 5c each- 25 Doz at 10c each. Lawns. ViO jrar.Ua, i 1 2 liu'ur. I. 2-VI jaxli at !c uhlti:. A ni-.e lot at 12 1 2r white. IIleiK'liiiiN I r m I 7M2t-? .'! t -, ,.r yard. l-l)') yard , Or i'. real In, Rnd 1 2 I 2d i lib wrek for fl 1 .'( . 7"0 yards 10o ar,.l 12 ! jc iM wnek l-2c. HO0 yards 'pf Wliitn idmlly In shirt !nsgth (So Many liarfalns In ! lirr Krda this wek. S. COPLON, O. a MOrrrON, 8leman. 71 MIDOLI ftTRXST, Next to Oaaklll Batdwaro Co, Now Bon. THE ITANDAR0 aiMhamWtwiew 0 . M. V . r, a frnaa Unru QanMHMM DlW0RTRII8T0n 1 sake mi tilai In Mini M Wmh InrVM't OmI an4 Dtorrtaao MaelDlae. br.WnrDMBtana wae a awaowla mi Mill It hie era fMiatiia, I have atM iwtM a ta im f Faww ffcoa MfiojtrM 9 kM IfHchtS II M 1 'XaV aaaainasW . . far to Tsaf ' (Treattkn'ktw) llhMrikMBmrl.A l U :. .t.-v;. nir,v7Ar.T. , lmotl Slallltl 1 mictaaerrt , At M TriCie '