-w VOL. 111I.R0. 50 KKW BIRR, I. C, SATUiiUAt ilunitUt. M U z8 iai4 i TWENTY-THIRD YEAK . s v ' ' - 1 1 For 3 Days ! Misses and ladies lace and drop stitch Hose- Mistfs Mac k Luce Bo f all nizes, good values at 25c this Sale 15c. Mi'ses White Lace Hose at 25o. I adie Gauze Li tie Hoje that nsuallf Bell at 35c 3 pair fo $ I, this Said '25c the pair. Ladies Lace Lisle Hose, regular price 35c this Sale 25o. Ladies Drop Stitch 20c value for 15o. Ladies Lce Hose, Good Value for $1 00 special this Sale 75c. 65c value 48c. Thursday, Friday and Saturday We prepay Ki press and freight on all purchases amounting to (ft 00 or over shipped .o any place within a rad us of 1(0 miles of J. I MITCHELL & CO, PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St, Opposite Post-office. 3ST3EW is the very Beat Paint made. It surpasses all other paints as to duality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils And colors. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Vat nish Stains, Baggy Paints, Roof Paints, and Paint Brushes, Window Screens and Screen Doors. Don't forgef yonr ads, so bring them in on June 1st, between two and four o'clock p m, each package with your name and number of ads. 8 Middle St. ' mmTIIIIITTimTYTYmTTYTTTTnmiTITTIIIII 200 Lbs Choke Honey j&jt lOa Sugar cured Hams and Shafer'n Breakfast Scrips, Call and look at our line of Crockery. Several beautiful ed-roon 8etj; Plates Cupj and Saucers. All will be sold within lO Per On tot Cost. Come Wore they are all sold. The business will be continued as before and we hope all onr old Customers will stay with us. Youn to please, Entale of J- 3- Jr. K. J. PAHKCB, AdmlnTstratrlx. BOH I 68. Cor. Broad A Hancock Dm. FRESH COE3TB3D Fortsano.o-u.tli. 2v-iallota W r tb oaly popU I tb ettr that we rtMlft fraah lot ry wk aad tkf tei wait toaMtalag ato for brk fast try Mot oaly aa, Tgtabl, eto, bat w earrf Terythlaa; aMallj kept ia aa ap-to-dalD Oroeaar ttora. Bend us your orders,give us your business and we guarantee to please you. iVlcGEHEE & VDLLISw Phone f 37. p. TREmVlfH, : BUckiaitb A WbeelHf at MaaaraeUrvf of BirV Wifoaa, Cans aa4 Ihsrslwaji a good Hp- plf la ttoak, Btydrag Matly Ac j ka qtikk oiUM. rti ', .'-. 'r.ltop on Conth Frowt ft. T.'tr.v I'.Ilfe-tl Phone 00. km? a tnpplr of U's WD kaowm Uk araall as fia at cm be bad, 0ff ft soaM of these lak. No. 77 Brod St. ! The tlau m mo wtik ik ttf for tka yoar Ux,toU property a4 Bonat Is at baad.-aa4 tkooa who kT oot paU IValr city taiot art Wrobf waraoi tkattf ikeuf laaot paid, at, t wlQ pnotad to aoUoet by dlatraat, far- llt Ub eaaaot b t;ta.. - . . . Ropetrany,'' ' f : j. J. Tnijos, C'!'y Tat r " i Delinquents A . N C tECEIYERSHlF. Javier's Goaaaol MakosGuesa. 8tat: Charter. Boooass of Medical 8oclty aaoaUag. Par aoaala. Ralalgb. Hay ITta. W" W Flemailnj, tha Nw York coaaaal of J P Cnylar, ts ban la regard to tka Atlantic C KCK B Reoelvorablp saattor, walca may or may aot ooaaa op bafoto Jadge Porneli omorrow MrFtoaiog said: "If there la aaytblag la charges and provtog tkoas I think wa will gat the rotolTanhlp. Capt W B Day, also of oooasel for Ouy lar. says that the evldeao win be takan brfora Jadge PainalL uoIa all that tak aa by tha laTastigatlng eoaamlttee is furatshtd. It Is ballevad the lattar will ba prlated. A charter la granted the Chtrryvtila bank, of Oastoa coahty, capital stock $1,000 to do a comma rclal , loan and tavtags bualpaai. The last of the hoadrads of doctora who attended the notablo great meeting oftheHtate Madleal Society left for home today. All lay It was the most looceaatal eeesioa. Among todays arrivals were James A Bryan and 8 L Dill of tka Atlantic A N 0 B B, A O Brealzer of OlarloiU; W W Clark, New Bern. Senator Simmons and family will spend the rammer at Beaufort, where he has tiken aoottage. The Mf ratenitttes', won their fight at both, the A M ColUge and at Wake fotett College by tbetr peralstenca, Dr Gnihrto who passed his examiner don before the State Board of Medical examiners With each brilliancy, bai gone to S iathport, his homo. One of the best speeches ever made at ib A A M College hare wa by a ma lor tbU waek, la which he showed bow many things ate Imported Into thlt State which ought to be made at home Snrpremc Court Opinion. Sptcal to Journal. RaleLjh May 7. Supreme court ol d the following OftUlona. K X JMwwl Cole fi om Cherokee New trial. Westfoldt rf Adamk from Haywood new trial. HarriM ta fttllroad, from Butberford, affirmed. Hood vs Tel. Co- from Mecklenburg, new trial, Osborne n Maeh, from Uuiiiora new trial. . Currte vs Railroad, from Moore, no er ror. Grttokff vs Potter Co. from Martin, new trial. Rang Co. vs Cempan, from Pamlico, reversed. Beotett vsDnan, from Lenoir, per euriam, tOrmed, Johaaoa vs Dflvsl from Swain re versed. NaUoaaI tearae; Games. 8T AN WifG.or CLUBS- Won. Lost. Per Cent Chicago, 81 10 077 New York, It 10 T7 Oladaaatl, M II 676 StLoQls, IP It MM Pittsburg, U 16 ooo Brook), li so vn Boston, 10 , '834 PhUadolpUa, 6 U 175 Plltabsttf, Way a -The gaate today: RJH B PlttaUxf, 6 1 Claoaaaatl, 0 4 1 Batterlaw Toflamaad Pelts: PalUtpt aad Pbatfa. Umptre Ma aad ziatsaer. ChkHfMay7-.TafoUowlag lathe BtLMlt 114 Chioiti a i BatiaftWIMot aatTttrady: Brbm aad OVattt. Uajssj-aai New YorkMsf if Oaaaa todayi B HI Braoklrtu 16 1 NewTofi' a 1 Batterter Swt) m4 RUton Mat taeweots pti tftft. Upir--cny. Pbllsieloku, MarJ7-Tae foUowlac Boat. w;J -sv. X rkiiadiaiphta :u ;.:.iui-.t BcMor1es--WUUB aad Mbraa rmrier llfo4tyavll.ir3rk. ' l s ... Olatjvlrt ,abri:A ;. SU rlttl tk'tX '.-mm . ' ' jn. t . , ,t , . . . . . ...... a:t , Tar Xi-'asU All CUl: :x . Til C:JY:ir::::n C.-:'! If y t r -1 t SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Professor Powell, of Wash Prof. W. B. Powell, of Washington, D. In the oonntry. For fifteen yearn he has been Superintendent of the Public Schools of Washington, which la considered the best school system In the United States. Professor Powell is the author of a number of school books which are osed throughout the United States. This well known gentleman does not countless friends and acquaintances all from 1410 street, N. W., Washington, D. Persuaded by a Mend I have pleasure in recommending your medicine and should be in every Japs Completely Inve Port Arthur Toklo, May 87. Port Arthur is entire ly Mvelopeft Admiral Togo has estab lished a complete blockade around the toothcra end of the Llao Tang peninsula while the Japanese land forces have swept tka Russians ftom their defrmei west of Delay ia the Immediate rear of the Port. IT COSTS T0U NOTHING' F. a Daffy Will Return Your Moot j If Ni-o-ns Do Not Cure Ton. There are hundreds of people In New Bern who were not the least bit surpris ed when they read In the "Journal" that F. B. Duffy It selling lil-o-ne on a guar antee to refund the numty In cue It did aot .cure. This mansion dyspepsia remedy will cure )ha worst case of Indi Caatloa, headache, dUilatti or the gaa- eral played oat oondjtlon that atfllota everyone saffertagwlth ttonaoh trou ble. " - Mho-na does not simply relieve, It carta. F. 9, Dnny can Mil you of many well kaow a people In lh!a cltf whom this remedy haa, restored to hrelth, often after they hate tiled many other-methods of treatment with little or no bene fit. ' . The beet kind of advertising le the praise of pleased customer. Aad there are baedrrdt tnpewJSera today prals-IMl-OaatecsukeH cored Urm. A' few stomal ago taey could tat nothing wltaoat wondering what the result wpold be.- Mttnanti'ag tflsvibef u.whet they want and when tbey want ' wlik mo ftarfwf seffsrinf, '';. Thlt medldM Is la tbe form of a small tabWt, tery pkeaaat (o lake eat costs only Wo 4 box, . It U a; pi re .medloln that speedily and pertjtnently euros III forme of stomach trouble and Is tka only OM that tta be told undergo potlttte Manatee without aav restriction, to re fend tbe motwy If It owe not euro. )'.' Dfe BTATI tOWN ( .' Tf fi 6 By atl of .'Klattob. wlQ U la New Dera'ataolal CoatUtrka Jsad 19U 14 k aad 19tB,Moadaj Taeeday aad.Wed beaday tot tbe purpot of lieaitag die ooaai ottboeye, loas," boeo aad throat lad ittfaf glaaasw rt i ' Monday tbe lOth tebtlag MtatorUI iy aad VA JWr. the rotlofflce a-UI be doted at -o'olac p ,; . .f j letier earrWrt, will, make, only tbe moratjig collection frpm strtet oxti from 7-o'eiock aja, ta S-oVlock a at. aad two deUvtryi It I Is and U as. . ' Tbe gaera dsjl,rr window will be opeeforkalf boot. tier the artolrg n .'! It t art! red from tat A A R C tm!l rltn!I!jl from HoMtWo Is d!t- Kecommenas Ke-ru-na. C, ia one of the beat known educator. hesitate to recommend Pernna to his over the United Statae. In a recent letter C, to Dr. Hartman, he says : . used Peruna as a tonic, and I take remedy. Peruna Is Indeed a good household." W. B. POWELL. ? I FabFt Beer is the very best spring tonic youcaniret The only place In the city to get fresh Corned Portimouth Mullets MeGehee and Wllllt. A goed tupply of Einghami and 8hu- feat Btmt Brrakfatt, Bacon ttr, alwsyt hand. McOehee and Willis. Montauk Peach Cream Today at Broad Street Fruit Co I i ; 1 33' ACEmmrrGo they dldA'l kavo the stem Of earrUttt wa have today, with eomfort as style eoaxblaed, . Tbey . eldal have repair shops with luck tpleadld equlpweatei our shops hive. We are ready for sey klad of repair work yowoan brtag. Ws will do It tboroetbly sad promptly. Ton woa'l flad our rha? ge too blgV TV. -a1 rpr la lmn 1. ' mmi .mm . mm v.i; yiv. am .vwa a f aad evtrytkler to' repttr bcrt-' Bee ue oetore oeyiag tee eate aaoaey. WWtRubWTIreotl rer old wr ewwaeoia. we anrmayoat loose rtrat ta a machine wlLhrot entttna tham, o without taking tire from wiimI ot bnr While toil trail, jTtrjhod It la Tltwl to mx t mahlneat work putting new bolts In ftld tares,- -. ' . f 1 rj 4 f "" t j r " D. C. 9 SUfJH straightforward evidence can ' Hot be overlCokod. What the com mon people say carries weight, TrattHien mn oi uu.uonu.1 pronuuenco says "l'e rUna should be usetlln every household," it is a sieuiflc&nt fact tn tha 1 ?romlnence and .Bnfldubted efficacy of 'eruna. f Hv,Ul reruna u of national fame as a catarrh r mrtdv Tf la. two- 4m l tmio catarrh remedy known to the med ical profession If inftkea diseased mu cous membranes healthy, whether it ia the mucous membrane lining the nose, throat, longs, stomach, kidneys or pel- no organs. 11 ewes various aiseaees of all theae" organs, becaas two-tigrds of the ills Of inanklnrl M rfrio in catarrh With healttjrl taneoaa membraaas cll- iuhuu aiseases lose ineir terror, tne sys tem la enabled to thtw off contagion, and health follows Inevitably. Mr. JL. T. Wood, lit. Sterling, Ky., writes: " For many years I have been a suf ferer front catarrh, and have spent time aad money with physicians and used many kinds Ot remedies which ware- guaranteed auraeuras', hut In every case It was money thrownaway. "I reaped ho heneftt whatever from them. In my seemingly vain search tor relief I purchased a bottle of Pe runn, having no confidence In It what ever at the time. This was about one year ago, and I began to Improve and was able to attend to my business without being constantly hampered by every kind olpatn known to a human being. My hearing, which was almost entirely gone In one ear, got very much better. The medicine not only seems to cure, but to prevent disease "This winter when every one was suffering from la grippe, I stood like a stout) wall, absolutely proof against It. lam not a believer In 'patent medi cine., ' having found the mafority ot them fakes, but I do not hesitate to recommend Peruna aa the best medi cine for catarrh the world has ever seen. I keep a bottle ot H at home constantly and shall continue to do so, because I believe It to be the best med icine om earth. I never leave home that I don't put a bottle of It In my grip." A. T. WOOIX. i Mr. Evan D. Bowen, Dodge City, Kan., Conductor on the A. T. & S. X1. R. R., writes i "I have had catarrh of the stom ach for seven years, and I began to thiak that I never was going to be cured. At the time I began taking PerunaJ was un able to make more than one or two trips on the road at a time, not being able to keep anything on my atomach. I then weighed 168 pounds. I have been taking Pernna alnce that time and have never lost a trip, and now weigh 200 pounds." Evan D. Bowen. If you do not. derive' prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving a fall statement of yonr case and he will be pleased to give yon hie valuable ad Vloe gratis. ' Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, CoIujuOos, Ohio. Tiie Racycle runt easier than any other wheel, cotli lees than any good wheel , more sold than any other high grade wheel and gives better satisfaction than any other wheel. THE RACYCLE hanger It positively dust proof and will run from three to id thousand miles wlthoot olL They are made from the very beat material and fitted with the very beat tliei, tad fllea, pedals, etc, aad gurastef d for tb entire seeeoa from Jan. lit until De cember 8 lit. for tale by L. M Edgerton, Phone 281. tK Middle St ONE BOUSE 7 rooms, painted inside and;put.. .flew With Water for $6, 1 1 fwuia 4 rooms 4, pottx locations good . "See 153 So Front St Handmae an saw )d shingles and Stove k7opQ.Llme to retail, For one good boiler and engine in running ord.erjBee. .-.lsmiddient Full lino of Drues,Ued- , lcincs.Toilot Ax " WcleaJldt3b'aty.t,,3 W Wi,'.eKr..J...-'i, 'Uit ' FloScedih . tin . i .ill, inn i a . . Jr.-zt cn 'ft "ttA-i''0f hie Bbl m arket Corned 'Beefl and a Frosh Iot Harvey's St Hams and breakfast Strips JUST RECEIVED. AImi i r I) n-el FuIUhi Market Coined Heef, Tiy ur I iincy Kiiii Imiter, l'li'sli iStiitn-lifr'i-s evjry day. Kivsh lot Voighi's Snow Drif and Adnjiral 1-lour. iJwxl C'nioiina Hit-e 10c qt. omplete sto.k Fr(t,li Canned Goods, We will th it k you fnr a share of your trade. F.ai.sfrtrtion GimraiiU-cd or jour nianey refunded. Try us for Cood ColV.-e and Fine Teas, Yours to please, r J. L 1BA1L, 'Phone I. MIT i Absolutely Putt. FOR SALE BY A M Edwards, Wm. Sultan, J S Garrett, j p Rodman, CC Roach, Noah Powell, M Disosway & Co., T C Howard. L ee J. Taylor Wholesale Agent. Printing ! 1 1 It you want your printing done! promptly and inj modern style send your work to Owen Q. Dunn Leading Printer & Stationer. Cor. Pollock A Oaten Stu. We Deliver Magazines and Newspapers I ENNSTT'S BOOK STORE I TIktlNINE APPROVAL, of his wearing apparsl Is whst erery Mlt-retpeotlif awa detlret, whether ht sdmlte It or aot. To have a garment ot satire salt made of bonttt cloth, eut aad fatbloaed la the It teat mode, la tbe daty of every maa, and Is likely to aid him lalmalaeat as well as tncttty. Wt ft tree tee mat' Hi nd fit of e? erythtng we Bake. ?Fe,11-' l.njletlek. Pahst Wccr ia absolutely-pure with no bfllpus'nesa. T ; JOtt'OOtl -. ;" Ths 'idjniubls batpta stemiwltk wblck you cm ooBvtrt your Irooek tda'lttbtftV " ?vf,,-. AtkteMUiem.'T: "f-v ' J. 0. BAXTER 1 r r In Iiw rr'Tj Fulton 71 Rrosol HV The Women Dress Better Than The Men ! The writer heard a stranger say on the street that the ladies of New Bern and Pam lico county dress bot ter than the men. Let's change the man's opinion by going right to S Coplon's and get a $10 suit for $7,50, if that is not satisfactory come on and get one ot the $7.60 for $5.50; if you are not yet satis fied get one at $2.50 and ask no questions. IIn M arm. 25 doz ladied vests at 5c each- 25 Doz at 10c each. Lawns. 500 yardi at 4 1-2 flgur.. I. 200 y aid at Ac wlillu. A nioe lot at U l-2c whlU-. IIleacliiiiKN I r im 4 7-So to 7 ? ti or yn rd. lrtOOyardicf l'aroal in. and W l-?c lii week for 0 i ;'o. 7.'jyarda lOoanil 13 l-'.'c'lhl neek 1 1 2c. 800 yards of White l)lmlty In shirt eogtb 0c Many bargains In other goods tblt week. S. COPLON, 0. 0. MOBTOK, Saloanun, 79 MIDDLE gTRXXT, Rati bo Oaak I BaHwMb Of Hew Bom. : iV, " ." 'ft -, ' na. at w. taa. soa. 8. A fwmaiot. rrailhrUOuitaa 1 tak vary tna plMMre la tw. MMlaf Or, Wta Inttaa's Otnlwa aa4 Dtarrkwa Maajstaa, WWnttMaftnewae a SMiOflaiaa Is Mil skin la felt prm iniloai t have aw tkirty ywt tha anits oif i tool lot s t at fnt tnt m kMtm TNt tTANOAKO 1 Ofaararistwlag. mcwoBnissTon urn- ' Vase1 iT' tSatMTewt - V (TitAssfartfettstsrtsj v i ....... t . man 11 m piip. an 1 Urn lltalllkl PRICS 23 CT3. At M rrrt'.e J 1 J 5: