'i Us.fi ' r r M'.. j I IIW BIM, I. C WIDNISDAT afORIIIt, JUKI 1, 1804 ' VOL. XXII NO. 53. TWKNTY-TH1RD TEAR i : I ie 4 .5 ; eoeeoeeo-eaaas They HAVE COME The Chief Attraction This Week At J. "Lv. IvHItcleH Co., Will he I, idles Muslin L'n lerwear Nothing q ure " so grele la 8 )x- hti- iwet offered hern tfir 'Tbe Vluei aimply ftpeak for thems-lves Tic qtia'lt'es are most rtepeodlhle Wii-n )orj waul auy thing tLal Is tbe newest and mml ui l -dte lie H-ire siiil e them They have J m received larir -ti'pinenl of LmIIc. Muslin wear Gwn, f-kiits, Han's, Cornel eoVer la all mill' "f Nainsook f Loag lolh anil Cam Mr. kiru hive I two Ruffel wllb linudaomn Embol ler tnoklnif ni1 hem S'll hlnir. The downs trimmed Id beautiful Kiuhroldnry Vie Holm de ' 'at l- and I tug ',toe Tl est omls aie marie and fiaUhed off by l be beat workmanship and will bear close Inspection and will be sold at oae balf tbelr value No woman can afford to mae up ber Muslin Wear where ibe can h y Die gxrmenis at the to low price. They are special agents for Rikers Perfumes and Toilet Specialties We prepay Express and freight on all purchases amounting to $5 00 or over shipped lo any place within a radius of 1(0 miles of J. I MITCHELL & CO, PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office, is the very Befit Paint made. It surpasses all other paints as to duality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils And colors. Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Var nish Stains, Bnggy Paints, Roof Paints, and Paint Brushes. Window Set eens and Screen Doors Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers. 68 Middle St. 200 Lbs Choice Honey Sugar cured llama and Shaier's Breakfast Strips. Call aud look at our line of Crockery, Several beautifol ed-room Seta; Plates Oupa and Saucers. All will be sold within 1 Per Cent oi Cl. Come before they are all sold. The business- will be continued as before and we hope all onr old Customers will stay with us. Yours to please, Efttatc of J. "E. JLSJSOSSS Jr. K. 1. PARKER, Administratrix. HOD 1 69. Cor. Broad A JJaneoek Bu. We are lb only people la the city that w receive a fresh lot every week aad Uay yew waal eoeastelag alas for breakfast try Hot only flsh, vegetebiee, ate, bat we carry everything asaally kept la aa ap-to-deth Grooesry store. Bend us your orders, give us your business and we guarantee to please you. McGEHEE & WILLIS. Phone (37. p. TREfOTH, Blackisaith 4 Wbeolrigbt ;: .. Mssafeotsiew of Baggies, h Wsgoae, ,,. CartsaadDraysahraytatoo-Mf; . ply la stock, Bepelrtegeetiy 4oee pi qnfrk police." ' i ' . ' ;f. :- ' -n f"i'i XVcnt Phone 09 keep a supply of this wall kaowa Isa are all a Bee as can be had, aow If sobm of these Bah. No. 77 'Broad St. Fire, Accident,!, d t' Plate : CUass In ;vgiirnee;--.v4,' . Boas aa4 forelg eoaaleei " , M1B4 MAW Mil P. BTXtl ' . If you drlns . V DANIELS REFUSE TO PAT Flat Isspascl Br Jaoic furaell. Cbi- todr of Dalied States Marshal WU1 Apply Far laheas Cor paj. Special to Journal Kaleiga May 81st-Judge Parnell after hf arlng ta powatfal aigameat by Rob ert W Wtastoa tor Jossphas Daniels, held the later guilty of contempt, and Imposed a two thonsand dollars fins. Daniels attorneys asked unbare appeal, bat motion was over-ruled, aa waa also motion to be allowed a bond, and Mar shal Djckery took Daniels la personal cuioly. DanlelilahU answer denied any coat latpt. Hit counsel argued that F.deral Oooit and District courts hare no power since act of Congress of 1881 lo puaWb newspapers fcr contempt. Daniels was taken to Yarboro htfase and none. Was later in Federal court room, and Marshall' office where he wrote editorials. He refused to pay any fine, saying the question was one of principle In which every newspaper la the country is vitally Interested. He says offers over hnndrtd thonsand dollars bad been made: him to pay the One but he declined. He i peeled and wanted to go to Jail, bit Marshal Docks ry took Mat with htm to Yar bore for niht, R T Urar one of Us att rneyi goes to Washington tonight, with application to Chief Jnsth Falter for writ of ha beas corpus. Daniels friends say he wll1 be free by tomorrow evening After a long conference of atterneja taaaiels c je, It waa decided ttat R T Gray should leave tonight for Washington, with application for writ of habeas cor pus to Chief Justice Fuller The latter may ask mil beach to sit with him. THE PEEBLES CASE. Judge Cobnor Issuss Writ of Habeas Corpus. Special ti Journal Raleigh May 81st. Judge Connor li- suf s writ ef habeas Corpus for S W Kerr C. F. Carroll aad B. C. Boutherland, re tunable fortkfk, hearing to bshad tomorrow, bjftf ,aU bench So pi em court. Judge Ooaaor telegraphed Judge Peebles sad solicitor O. C. Xyona of the district la Vhlob Kerr, Carrol and Soatherlaad life of his action in the matter, RECOID Of WAR TO DEATH Ltadlng Eveata That Have Marked The KasUra Conflict. February 6 Japan broke off diplomatic relations. February 7 Japanese seined Ohemul- poKoreaaa4 leaded troopa. February I, aTorpedo attack on Port Arthur; two battle ships aad eight other mea-of WMnsaagedj Russia cruls era Varlag aad worths sank at Chemul po. Ftbraerj 10War Formally declar ed. Fehraary lftfttselaa Uaasport Yen isei sun by Raejfaa mlaes at Port Ar thur. February U Torpede boat attack on Port Arthur. Fabruary jJl ITrgkS granted Japaa to maneuvff p Iprk sotL February1 ttrfetftlga aaws eeasor- sklpalylHtaata. FeoruarflVibsaeral Karopstkta af- potatedtaaoikl of army .la Far Cast. February 14 Uaf otual attempt to block Porf tAat karaor by staking transport. latmsayifrort Arthar nombard- d. March -fla4oatok bombarded. March 10 Ft Arthur agaia bom bardei. March M-Port AitAat shelled for gftyaftl ttmf Pf Iff" MarchfTJapf last falls m at tempt to timfart Arthaf eaaaaeL at area Basaenaa neea aeieaiea br JepeaeltoeleatCh.o Js, Ko April HPWm adraaos gaarg reaaaealhftalv Aprfl If-Yto-itolrel Maktroff dnnraed aa4 the heAUeaata retrevavV ersk awatrotisi W HlTj straeaaleua i Japaaaeet battleahlp PoUeda AasurH kf aWW Ci? April 14- Miraj Bkrydlof ealeeteg at aaweaaafarof.,.;... . A May l-lr,l,Bxmy dafeUed IA kat Oe of KlaU t;f,Taa gapaaees thus foretagtheerprcf o the Tale, rv May t-r4'XW attempt ta hVk ron evnaay ivipaea. - f , , ; . Maf -Jfsrrt amy laaAi at Patas wa tajaytst fcrt Arthar. v .; ; May lv-Vrf SHf hatUeaklp Batsuse aaderaJserVofblieraak at Port It- Uur, the Half sty If striking Bassiaa ariMttofosVielf eofilatoa wttk Iks Kasaga. '' , . MayU,Ht7-RaatM AsfeeUd la ike battle ofJtl kow, the Japaaese thus forclf i il t r?te la Port Arthur by UaX . ' ORDER CHIEF LER. JUStlce FUL State Takes Its 0 a a Property. Legis lature WlHBe called Before A A N G Goes To Receiver. Text Supreme Court Order. Special to Journal. Raleigh, May 81 Governor Aycock was seen regarding the atatus of Atlan- lantlc and North Carolina Railroad. He said he had received an order from Chief Justice FuUer of United States 8upreme Court suspending the order of Judge Purnell In appointing a receiver, and leaving the road In the hands of the State. He said a $26,000 bond will be given tomorrow morning signed by James A Bryan, W M Smith, J W Grain ger, L Harvey, R W Taylor and others, these will arrive here tonight. The Governor was asked If he expect ed this road to ever again pass from State's custody, and repll d, "If It does the Legislature will be Immediately called together for a thorough investi gation for the people, and the motives back of them. If this order of Chief Jus tlce Fuller had not come, the Legisla ture would have been called together with a view to laying bare every fact connected with thli receivership mat ter." Great satisfaction Is expressed at the news of the abrupt termination of the receivership. BCBeckwlth, Chairman of Board of Internal Improvements said: "Referring to Msares, McBee, Cuy ler, Finch and others, they never will get control of road." Following Is text of order of Judge Pnller, telegraphed to Gov. Aycock, "It Is ordered that operation of the order of Circuit Court of United States for Eas tern District of North Carotins of Hay 28th, appointing a receiver besUjed and suspended, and that the properties of A 4 N C Railway Co. be left in hands of Its officers, until firthsr order of U S Circuit Court of Appeals at its nest term, the appellants giving bond In pen. al sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, continued according to law. add with good and sufficient security, to be ap-1 proved as to form and sufficiency of sureties by District Judge of U S for Eastern District of N C Signed Mel ville WFuller, Chief Justice of US, slloted to Fourth Circuit." No. Gloss Carriage Paint Hade. will wear as long as Devoe's. No others areas heavy bodied, because Devoe weigh 8 to 8 ounces more to the pint Sold by E W Smallwood. National Leagnej Games. 8TANDINGJ0F CLUBS- ON Won. Lost Per Cent, Chicago, 26 11 708 New York, IS 13 M Cincinnati, 17 MS Ml Pltmburg, 17 18 486 St Louis, 16 18 470 Brooklyn, 15 88 833 Boston, i 1 SI 801 Philadelphia, 17 189 Brooklyn May 81 Game today; R H I Brooklyn 8 B Boston 1 6 1 1 Wflham aad Ned baa Crontn aad Bit- ter. Umpire Johastoae. Philadelphia, May 81-The following game waa played today: RUB Sew York 1 6 8 Philadelphia " 0 1 0 QUalterlee-McGlaalty end Bowermaa Mitchell aad Doola. Vaplre-O'Day. ttfilafajl v.t 't V. '3 Vi va AH ' 1 - A Hew sen Wiati viski "kars you a toot pelat that wfU tut two weeks PVYea-we have DevoVa) it has a beautiful floes aad wftl tasl tw years tf propetiy ppBes.I W Small wood. -,.emunmenumamenwaBmMmunm -ra ' 1. 1 biUdtaheH muAeft .'CrepepwX lake Df.TaasWs Liver aad Mood wyrap For Sal ire A ..i A go4 Stroag eeeoad-haad bnr ry. r" h irsVe, recaly ov:' 1 MAN UP A TREE. Gksei rations From An Attitude 0a Dif ferent Topes of Pablic la tcrest There Is soma similarity between pol itics and sticky fly paper. Flies are lured to their fate by the sweet compo sition spread upon the paper. Men are no less foolUb who rush la where Mty will surely get stuck. A bachelor la Iowa recently received a proposal to marriage from thirteen beautiful women all at once, tie was superstitious therefore he was lock v. V There Is no substitute for the Sweet Girl Graduate. All Imli atlons are con- summste frauds. In view of the published Interview with the "late" Mr K B Flack, it la re - tlnent to state that whom the gods would destroy they first made mad. It Is curious fact that nobody believes the war news that comes by way of bt Petersburg unless it favors the Japaneee cause. If iheRuselsns most Us about the war they should do so In a way that they wouldn't be so easily found out. v- The flying machine Is going to be a suoeesuend within twenty- five years the air will be filled with flying ma chine routes Syndicates will control the air and we will have to buy It by the cubic Inch for breathing pur poses. One of tbe aspirants for the nomina tion for the presidency on the prohibi tion ticket Is a minister named Swallow That name would be a hodoo to the cause. MAN UP A TREE. Death of airs Simons. Mrs Sidney Simon, died at.her hitne near Olympla, April 80th 1004 at tbe ad vanced age of 78 years. Mr Slmoni was the relict of EbeneSr Simons, who pre ceeded her to the grave two yers or so go- 4 the leaves three sous knd fo ir daugh ters and a host of friends to mourn the loss of a good woman. She was a member of the Free W ill Bsptiit church and was a consistent, devout christian, ever ready to lend a helping hand or speak a kind and cheer lng word. Her place In her beloved community will be hard to fill. We feel that our loss Is Irreparable, but she has gained an eternal happiness in the realms of Heavenly bliss. The funeral services were conducted by Rev Mr Alfoid of the Free Will Bap tist ohuroh, and the Interment was made in the cemetery at Olympla. The sor rowing relatives have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the entire com munity In their bereavement. List of Letter Remaining in the Post Office at New Bel a, Craven county N. O. May80 1004: mix's ubt. A American Lumber aad M'fg. Co. B-Joha Belaegla. QO Rhone Oaatataa. D M R Dill, Agt Eastern Dispatch Co, 8 8 Line. F-Joo L Foy, 15 Changs St, David Fulton. O-W L Grtffla, Thomas D Grif fin. H Silas Hargett, Will Hatch, Charlie Uesktns, Thos Hart. A H H01 86 New St. Charlie Hoover, K B Hubert, John Hoat M-Jullce Mitchell, Jack Marshal P-Eaoch Pollock. R Reaseas Roberaoa. 8-Harry J Sploet, Bohr Uvia J Mar veL J W Smith 88 MUM la St, Edward Shats, 88 Oak St. T-J R Tsylor. W-JohatWaaly, W B Waters, 108 Bark Bt; H Walker 110 W Breed St George Wooden, Jasper N O, Oapt J D Wade, Sharpie Weldoa, -"pedal Dellv ery.) Y-hTaloom Young. WOMBUfS lift. B- Aaale Bryaat, Mrs James M Bryaa. (d I) Ocla Bertoa, Etta Black well, Geo St, Mies MaUasa Bow D-MumF Daffy. Miss Ultte B Dmr- aad. -F-Bias FaakM Foavtlla, M Us Ye real rot. ,3-MtesMaryL Joaea, SI Clamor Bt, Mrs Missis Joaee, 14 Good It. M-tarak Aaa Maaley, Miss tffle Mit chell. 88 Road St.. Miss Delia Ma- Cels. . S-Mrt Peaele ReescO, 14 Jarklas Al ley.- ' . " , gw-Mlas Mary ftaale,4V Bira Bt,Vn LUlleTl Sheraro. T-MrtiaaTaUy.. , .. .. Y'MrsNaaayYlaieaa,'...-. Psnoas eaUlag for the above letters win 1 please say advertised aad give late af UTke regalaUoaa aow reqairo taal (1 oae Heat eheil Uaolleeteg oa the leU very U each adrerthHMl Utter. r. , 4 ' s. w.niooct,r.Kt : rab?t Kcir -ls tho y ... T" T ' The Bacycle runs easier than any other wheel, ceels less than any good aheel . mce fold than apy other high gra I- wheel ai d ' gives better satisfaction than any other wheel. I IBE RACY CI E hanger Is positively dust proof aad will run from 'bus to 10 thousand miles without oil. Tl ly are made from the very best material aud fitted with the vry best tires, sad. die', pedals, etc, and guaranteed for tbe entire season f'om Ian. 1st until De cember 81st. For sale by L. M' Edgerton, Phone 181. 90 Middle St , e-o-eaeeeeeoooooooeaaee-oa Wei Deliver Magazines and Newspapers ' SNNETT'S EOOK STORE aaaaaaaaaae)aa?ee) Fire Insurance ! And Brick For Sale ! Jit .., w'.i"'JWsW4i' BANISH Y'OUR DOUBTS. Are you going to quibble about the ad vlsabUlty the necessity of fire insur ance when the majority of long sighted business men so protect themselves? You fear fire you have no reason to fear the companies whose accounts we handle. It's to our Interest to guard your Interests. Geo. A. Ni Phone 200. HUNT'S PENS. Hunt's Round Pointed Pans do not scratch or spurt the Ink, the polat being rounded by e secret process. Sample seat on application. Owen G. Dunn Leading PrUter Stationer.' Car. Pelleck A Cravea Sta. A CENTlfRY cAGO the dida't have the style of carriages wa have today, with comfort end style eosebtecd. They dldat have repair shops with rack splendid equipment ss oar shops hava. We are read for any kind of repair work yoa can bring. We will do n thoroughly aad promptly. Tou woat find ear ehergse too hlgk. Tb aalr place la towa to get eay sad evwrythlag to repair buggies. Bee as before beytag aad save money, " We putSubbef Tires oaTOUf old or saw wbeela. We shrink your loose tires aa saaoniae wiiboea cutting tosm, or without taking aire from wheel oa bum while roa walk, Everybody tela- vlted ee use the machine at work putting G n.Wmir tenons ' BoecsseBte la O. H. Waters A Boa. : -'1 rkaaa 101, A . Pabat Beor , la .abio lately pure ' Tdth ;no blllourncc3 . : .. ... ,!, 3UTn T IN ICC iLOt N. C Hams JUST RECEIVED. Also a Bhl Fancy New Orleans Molassea. Also i.ew lurrel Fultou Murkrt Corned Beef, Try rurFanry Elgin liutter, Kivsli Stiawlicnirts t jry day. . Fivsh lot Voigbi's Snow Drif and. Admiral Hour, (lood Carolina liice 10c t. oinplcLe stook Frenl i Canned Goodti, Wo will th.i kyou for a share of your trade. Salisfaetu n Omiianti c-l or your iiianey refunded. Try ua for (lood CoflVe and Fine Teas, Yours to please, J.L. 'Phone 91. McDAHIBL Absolutely Pare, FOR SALE BY A M Edwards, Wm, Sultan, J S Garrett, J p Rodman, C C Roach, Noah Powell, M Disosway & Co., T C Howard. Lee J.Taylor Wholesale Agent. ONE BOUSE 7 rooms, painted inside and out. New With water for $6, 1 house 1 rooms 4, both locations good. ;See 153 So Front St. Hand made and saw ed shingles and stove wood. Lime to retail. For one good boiler and engine in running order, see. BIG I1ILL, 127 Middle Ht Full line of Drugs,Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. Pliynlcluuw I'r?Mrii oriw A Nperinlty. ' rZstlltlMC A1VK0VAL of'tfk Wearlog smsKl IS what every self.fwtoectlac man desires! whether be admits it or not To have a garment ot entire suTt made or aonest oiotn, eat sed feshloaed la Us Isteat mode, is the duty of every aaaa, and Is likely to aid htm In bullosas ss Well si society. Wi guarantee malarial lad fit ot everything we make. . ... .', . v : . t RI. Chadwlclf. Henry s Pharmacy, a i? iletasl 71 Broad HV Bui there's a difference in milk, it is not the color of tlie cow n .r the olisouc or size of her horns, its wliat tho pves in the milk pail. The above will apply to our stock of clothing Its not the color nor tho shape of tli Button but it is what you have In yi.ur pocket after you pay for a suit. Tim cloths we offer you are in tin- latest styles make and color and they must (jn, this ii no 10 day sale but fi day wi.-ek week after week. The f I) Barry shoe is ;,l ill H'"" ""t. ils up to date in every pa. i . i ai Just Look ! 800 pair of mens pants fc rm . .'tfi t4. 50 will Ro this week from !.; t,, 10 cU. Just Look ! 255 pair Itoyn pants fl .00 lo ,'iic , s week from 00 to 18ds. A large lot of sitigh- e..tn 'i0iu t'.(K) to fl.00 this week will r.i 'ion, :)..',0 lu 4cts. (WK) yanls whlU-lawn 7. .mhI.o t!ns weok 4J. IKK) yards whito !. , o-"li t week Ut 800 yanls while 1 . 'ts goods this week 1U 1000 yards floworn la win (icts thlswnik for4rta. Iwillclosea store full of Just mh lrgaiii as above mentlonod. S. COPLON, C. 0. MORrONaalaman. 78 MIDOLl 8THXIT, Rart to Oaak Hardware Oon Kew Bern. THt STANDARD MBstkaraOas'SI.'ll non, f. w. Ran. i a. Sauator rmas RMtta Oarollaaf DLWORTHIXSTOK? piaaai SMW4I br, Worla. lrVM-t(ateraaa4 tHarrkna Moeietae. DrtWerwUnctnawas a or aailB eat skill ra hat pre. artnj I kava s. sainy (Mrs enaves el kla laeiiitoa, f mm CUIUS! q. a var trM vase -. ' - wS ta Tsara ; 1 fhaJeKarth,) 7 H"r cr.ci "1 'If yon vsnt kShlee N 0 Dam phoas : -. V ' f and Willis. - t Ikll 1 1 hu prM4 -( aimn.tlatallltil' r- - r.- rr:c3SiT.