V I TJmmmtun It 6CT JT OUT Of aW a' Will do the work quickly, effectively and without any injury toth digestive organ. , la fact, it will lean you in much better condition every war, for it clean the blood of pouonoi lactic and uric acidi that cau rheumanam, kidawy trouble, in-. and theMthMeaTtoaaaeatjrBtomalaria ' , ana coatagiou oiooa poun. it mm 7 greatest blood purifier, but hundred of relieved auSerera teatify that h doe on thief tfcat no othtf remedy doea CURES RHEUMATISM. . V. "aiT AT THK AT ALL : lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accoatptiah DESIRED -RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. PkllTMM Beware oteonnterfelta an Imitation. The genuine lima) oalr to taste eoinS Oat WHUIIUH ton with fac simile algnalure on aide of the bottle, tbuti JttS if i-j amen Bennrcr C.ioUar to WILLIAMS elf U.CO..eoie A(uu, CleveUmLOWe. 1 Sold by DA. VIS' PHARMACY. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation," They are "LIFE SAVEBS" to girl at womanhood, aiding development" of organa and body!. , Mo known remedy for women eauaia them. Cannot do harnH-life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by -rM in Npw Bftrn Vt TOian will break ;i iiitieb nuum In The Great Have you ever conal lered the great advantage of this fea ture of the Southwest pleu'y of elbow room where three, livo, even ten acres may be had at the price of a elngle'Acre in your home section T Ii's worth considering, especially when the great productive worth of the land Is taken In ac count. It's a wonderfully fertile section. There la no bet- j agricultural te tlon in this coum rv, and farms are cheap j ; oat there-1 1 Arkansas, Oklaho na and Texas limply be- : catrseth te are moie farms thai farmers- Can yoa afford i to overlo iR an opportunity oi ml kind T Our 1 Unit rated : bookl is will give you the pa titular In detail. It not ! InnriH'ei yourselt write 'or them anyway In behalf of' ! voiu less favored relatives ai d neighbor. ! . i - eekenv (Ueouon idu om: faue PLC 2 DOLLARS For the Round Trip Pint and Third Tuesdaya of each Month m eavUilne vrm Invent or tniuruea ribcii Yifine.iiiBK MPVBUlMTar UE: flOTEcVlON. Bend model, aketob, or photo. tor rree aiamtneuon ana aanoa. BOOK ON PATENTS "FC.A.SNOW&CO. Pau- t. WA8HINGTON,D.C. A at mi " MilliNJ f tro tna JrriiT M -vikklf t-'-i'iin i.nrr i:io ff tbathf iOmtl' n t LI p Mpnt-tMe C1 tUnjrtrtt tift.lnlUl IUtt1tMMt lfM4BU Mi.t tiro. wiiirfi J of wvnr.ru MAeiait Scioniii; jfitncricaiu w. liHweaiv ... i.. an. u i m. mwnHi 1 1 - v ' I.IK-. Sk HW1 t.,aH D. L. wah, 7 Attoritey at Law, 74 Bo, rronl Bt.,' Opp. Uotel UhattarwkA MKW BERN, IL a I Oravaw Ooantj Attorney. :k 'it ' Olrewlt, Craves, Juawa, Ooalcrw, Cart eret, raaaMon, llneea, ttwitf, a Atw ScnresM ad Federal Oowrte H BaCATJFOET, N. (Vi ' I - " t A Kl V. yl.1l caciaa oi wit Acewoavi n u .twu- at AarwvV YiAaltaL ThnM Ann 'Ttnientea, I'orte ma atientiTe) dot. ' Tint, V-lRatcl I'60 r1' da7 PfWJiaa SVH aiuctaa ncitoe 'J wr VIVI'HM , , ; . T Q. A. RUSSELL , M. tt Tnarfurtui pd BU Uay YOUR 8YSTKM HOW. Wa" aW f JOINTS MOM TNl'MIIOfc DHUaOIBTe. PILLS They overcome 'Weak ness, irregularity and omlsstona,lncreaM yi or and ba nish "naina "Davi Pharmacy CAPUD1NE prevents LA GRIPPE the ehiliT and echini sympton! assert themselves, a dose, every J or t hours! 'up any cold I Headaches tool 100. 260. 800. A BOTTLE. rui oiibbco. Southwesl raper.j W.JT, SAUNDERS, pi aT Rlebraoad. Ta. I Zt7 JOHN SEBASTIAN, . CHICAGO, ILL.' Wireing For Electric igbts Persona wishing their bulldlagl wired will please make application la wrl ting. -I . Any eonplaiati for defective llghia, InattentloA of emplnyeee, Ac If aaade In writing, to the ConmUsUa, wll) re oelve prompt attention. Addreas all eossmonlcatloBa to the Secretary. - WATER A LIGHT OOatkUSfllOIf, llGrifflUifM. ; jsusm sj jsw ja 'a a mxm 1 CABOUM DISPATCH-. DAILY lamC. fEIWHT 'k PISSIIBIE. ! v---.r r-'- W;p. Pr JLU glnt ITorOu Mertlve Oct. lit, 19oi ; ' ; The bteamcr ITETJCn , la eehedaled to aaa al p. tav, Moaday Wedneaday' and f rtday, foe JOlxabatk Steamer;.OCnACOia!: la schadoUd to tall Ail pat Toaeday, Thursday aad ttatarday lor KUlMbeU Cl M.a. .. .: .. ; v., (;., . Freight rtoelred sot L.U Uia t)na hour prevlooi to tall;er. i Jot lurther infomaUoa tppl to i, GEO, nZNDSCON, AtU M, K Xnro, Geu, L'tr. n.O.ltDsam.Gen.rilA TAakAci ::y ; ITorfolk, V. '.(r- -'j w. a ec:xzniUa,' t Ase'r. OeaT. Frt. eai Ttu. AtA Kt . : a. w. . Oi Dominion Stimlu Col . Allor'-jA Cos s !fr at I sw. A . . i.- , .. - ' . . , Jbac Sod. We art having Ha weather for fara- ert to L .1 fta. --- Thai:. ..( Aad maxketlna- of the Irlak . fouto erope . will : tegla ' Mit week.. Oar fanners are aaaoh ' elated ever the utt that the vrallroad a much talked of to be bollt f roan ' Adnsi Cteek xteaae river to Beaufort tt ao keM pAdeientote. V- The patnteriHesrfl Ramsey and I'Ajj of Beaufort were In our town laai week paUtlag Bethel "Church at Tut- tie's Orove. , -.v-r - "V Mr 0 I Lkasdale and daoa-htar. Miaa Peart went to Horehead Git: Frldav erealng u aaeei hta -diwgkterM tea Bftr- ta wimhsm Me . a aAtng the schol aaUo year at 1 illletoot . FemaTa Col- Mlsi Lula fiardat retaraad home Friday night fromldtileiol Female Col TM Quarterly Jsteatine-, afe TnttlaV OrOVa Which WOM AuailnMaui ti.lVITl awfadeH of QaldabQro Attd Rer 1 fit U OUee of Hewpcrt wae largely attended by pople iroos surrounding coun- ttea. I re Jetale Soarrow of tear Beaufort Who ha. bren vlaliUir Hit Martha Hun- inge jetaraed home Sunday after noon. Amoes the many vUltora who attend ed tlw- Quimrly Meetlng cthe awi umajwere wptftf. RiDjif Bd eWraf James TAyior, Mr Penu Coonoraud Mi ffiWlleeoar Mr and Jin Jack Tayfor ofJUrlowe, Mr ni MraAbner W tutehead aid ' danchtar him Zmrav of Oak Oroya; Mr Vd Taylor' of Beau- tort.. , , .: , Mr Christopher Bell ABst'dAughler Mlsxia ft-itha and Eva, of Bachelor, went the gitofeii 4f Mra M .A BtAatOB 8a u Ma aad Sunday. Mi- Vrra Uar'deaty, f Cote Cret-k, '" iht- artieit of Mtaa Bertha la'ngdale Utt'i. , Z0E. A CONTINUAL STRAIN. M ny n.e.i a d women a-e,. eoastantly subjrc ert tq wkt they mmonly term "Atontluial ttrala-because of some dnancn "or family tronble.' It wears and Ji-tr. Mts tkcai both man tally and physi cally, affee teg' their sterveA badly end bringing on liter Aid kidney Ailments, with the attendant evils of oonatlpatton, lost of Appetite, sleeplesaneets lowjrltial ity and despoadencv. They cannot, a a role, get tld of thl1 "contlaual atraln,' but they aa raaaedy ha aeaUh-destroy tng effect by taking frequent doses of Green's August flower. It tones up the liver, atUaslaiea the kldneya, loauies healthy bodily fanctloaa, gives vint .'and pltlt to one's whole being, aad. erent- sallydUpele the pkyaloal or mental d it tress caused by that "continual attain.' Trial bottle of August Flower, HJk'i reg ular else, 70c At all druggltta. F. 8. Puf- Haui.a v -"- a.B. Lore, of to uxic. cnitlvutitt: und en larged by tlie.tin' rc.!frliur of tlu an tbems- tud bant mt- thf nmh-e oi ,tbe cburxhea- ia a trult of.tb Uunabtn pBa6tr-TnrWtoTTrtlng and bora la some of the amaller bam lets im hd44 TWi-and finished In atylA. iu.to be A eooatant source of wonder to An travelers. Social Serv ICC " . . .UeiaMt AelwtM. "What prompted yoa to rob this man' tllir aaked the judge of tlx priaoner. . "My family physician, air." wai the reply. "He told me It wae Abac4itel necessary the. I ahould bare a little CbAtg.r-Ai.;;r f -f '.v- i '. re . f-i : mm. As' itydjf k it ewv Berit er Aknoim 100 Waa tl IMniyAaTf atctii V HAtato telki M all Aboat Ku , . x ' Ta aiinO tt taUarVe ealeadef..?": It freqaeai or ft iWqaeat Alot !i ' Aa artsary troablA telle f kidney tile Doajs' Kldnei Pmi on re all kidney till He Beta peoeW tetttfy to ttdv 1 'I t L fWntetetUeaf .Jl Orye- tal Ice Co II firUth- realdlng at IB Q Ifflth It jt; "I need DoeVf HlU (at y kldnei ied back. "The eecreUows fro U it.! ni wee all oatpf Aorte, aad too lreeat ta afloat DoeVs Kid aey Pllli .ttrr4 Uta, My little boy waeUoablaJ with akldsey weak nee aad the eer rt tloel a ate klgWy roloredand falof iiZ'yV'i- XgT hint eowa tf lh pllle od t J cleared his leoretloai ep ho iWit u .1 eolor, I eaaaot bat eeweWer rn'i 1 1dney PUk aa reel teat kldaey rmi aad do pot beelute to eyi)i, I otUlu4 theea at Bnahaas's Pharmacy", - ; - ' ' , For sale tj all deelera,- Price 60 cents Foeter-tt ".'.(. :a Cx, T affatofc N T-, sola ageaU for tU I utted filatea., , RememW ltd ame--l)oa' aad taha ae) the. (.Vr.- , i- (' - IIATUBBT . . :. in " SS1LL.7 , r , - C " ' - 'June 2nd. " The farmers ta thla section Are well up with their work end crops are look ing well. ':'.- r ir s . Cotton chopping 1a. la, fall bleat and some win begin digging .IrUh. rtttatoee thti week , -V- -Uj1"' -JJnr farmers Ihlak . the . pouia crop- will yield fairly welt and proeoaots are good for A fairly gtod rlJS4fi The demoorete met In primary at EdwArda on Satorday'iaat' aud appoint ed delegatee to : Attend the ' county con vention which Asembief At WAaiagioa June lai. - The delegaua wM lueUUQt ad to wntai fnrit B Glenn forOovArnbr: 1 1 Joyneri Snpt of . Pub Instruction: I radge Oeorge a Brown Ataooiaw jui doe, tid Hoa fi?;; ttBmall to aacbeed himself ' is Congreselonal nomine, For the remainder of the' State and Ja ilolal deket they, were left nnlaetructed; ; Th CbrUllan church held the regular ialbaat XdWArd SAtardiry and BoadAy laaL. Ta aaloa wa largely attead- Our school it still In progresa with a good Attendance; bat will close June 8rd We ihall then take thr Teacher'e insti tute at. Bayboro Which begins on Jane 6th. - .. . ' - . t. Q. r. Triumphs of Moaero Surfery. Wonderfol ihlnrs are' djne for the hnman ...brdyiby fargeryO'gtnaare takjn. Aut at.H aorarjid and ..nollahi d aad pot back, or they" may te rAmovel en tirely; bones ate tpHoed; pipe take tne nlace of dlteaeed sections of veina, ABtlBtpjltP reaalngeT at Ap;itid to wounds, brole. burn anl ilka lnju l-s beforelnfiamma'loo seta U , which causes them to heal without maturatlo,u and In one-third the time, reqni-ed by tne oia treatment Chamberlain's Tain Balm acts on thla tame prlnclplC-'lt is an artie; tic and when applieJ to such In jurlee, onuses them to bi a' very quickly. It Also allays th ,ala anfr'iaoirt'nwe. fcteep a bottle of f atn Balm In jour horn and it will save you time and money. not to mention the inconvenience ai d suffer! ig which a ch lijurtee entail. For sale by All druggists. A alarm. r. "He'e still employed by thj.t big wholesale bouse. Isnt be?" "No. I think lie's in bualnese for himself now. Be used to take an hour for fcinch, but now be only takea a bare ve minutee." Philadelphia Preaa . That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave yon, If you need Dr. King New Life Pilh Thousands of f nfferera hate provtd ihiif ataicbleee merit for Sick aad Nervous Head trhet. They make, pure blood and build up your health. Only 83c money" back If not cored. Bold, by 0 D Brai ham's Drogglat. . SWANSBORO. June 1. We had a, flae rala Monday and the fareaert are all- -emllee at the rata was very murJi aeded.v-- - .There -was quite a large number of people la Bwaasboro Saturday. Borne attending the meeting at the Methodist chrrch and tome atteadlflg the revival meeting the Baptist church. ', Mrs W T Mldyett, of Orleatai; who has been spending a few dart with her parents, Mr end Jirs I Plltmin, re tained to her home last' Monday, ac companied by her lister Mrs P W Bell -i'H h Work has begun on the; "Life Saying station at Bogoe Inlet and they expect to have It QAlthed by the hut of August Mr 0 B Wallace of Morebsad City Is the) contractor. The building will cost eight ; thousand two hundred . do! lara. ' ' . -J-'tf'' ' ' Mra W N Marine and Mra I B Prorost who have beta atteadlrf aba rt rival taeottng At this place retaraed. to their home Moaday. ; . . r Mrs Mary. Bryant of Jone county. spent Baaday and Moaday la Bwanaboro vtaltlat frienas and relatltea. a ) -" -; Mla Neva McGlaa Is sneadlnf a few yt.M V. T.ril. Va,.. a. at i ' J. XU4 Mamie Franks will feloeV her aeaool here this week ; Wi tegrel! teiy much V bate Mies Mamie leave M-I Bhe w an eicelleat teacher aad has glren pSTtecl anUsfacttoa u a Uacker. The puiiio fachoojk At. this aloes' Wtli AhM cToae ihls week. lhaa.woat tie little fel lows kick hp their besls I m -i -; 4 Miewe Flora lfattocki sad DaleTItt sua took a trip to Norfolk this week. They will ipead several days' .here Tt ttlng relative la Norfolk, Portsmouth sad Berkley: -.fv.-vn. If A 7. , At A . Democratlo Boetlnf 1 held . la Iwaostoro on . the t8ih, J A PlOataa wu called to the chair-aad eipUlsed the obeot of the meeting, then lhe)r pro oeedtd to elect delegates tr the ooatea Uoa to be keld la Jatkeoavllle oa Jaae tih, for the parpcee of luctlef del egates to the BUte.'i Ootigrtasloeal aad 8oatortal Conventloa. They Also eWct ed lb eieeatlve eommluee, ttea! that eommluee elected Mr 0 B f Ulmsaythlr nun of raid eommluee. ,4 - , i 3. ' W -'-Cl'lM 1,.. v " A i I ii .1 "'9fa. K. i ' l i ae I. . V. .: 'f Vovthth ptrriieiistoa aad cnmL tJ-f rrbrd, Vt its iTrfdnr. UlavS TUtttra Heyrrrajm enrl allniinlaaaaet Ti f. e . a - - . - - saneejauuSetap tAa trtrtttt aaielv i4ittl- amfTemiie'. - 1- I' .! AV f a . a - " ij'"ajep aawaat sjaaasar . -j. a VJ rg J JtUtlhizZjgiM. ifrdk containing walsaUa ixdoauikm, wuultd fnc :i,--':'v;.'rwaeeMMy-lve)Te..' t He f doq't ondretand y6or extra va gancel. Before" we w niarrleil xpu had the reputation of being very eco nomicaL She f (sweetly y Bat yon for get, dear, that -before we wer ninrrieil I didn't have the money. Detroit V. x Press. The Haaar ran. She Did your uncle die bnpiiyV 1I Well., to tell yon tire truth. I didn't notice him. but everybody s -mkmI very happy. Boston Transcript. Heaven will permit no man to ecii' happiness by crime. Alfierl. Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor bete ha sued me foi $I2.M) which I claimed was exoesalve fry a case of cholera morbue," says R Wbita, of Coacbella, 01. 'At t he trial h rrd d his m dloal skill and nedlcln-i. 1 - him If It -wae not CbanberlaluV Co le Cholera tnd Diarrhoea- Kemndy be B-ed sslhtdgood raaaon to wtleve ! wan, an . be oul I eut eav t.n l,v oath hit it wa not." No d.9tr could use a ltn r remdy than ihl In a ru-ae of nh I ra morhii", it n ter fvla. Sold by Al: Dngvids , Confederate - Veterans Reunion, Nashville. Tenn , Jane 14tb- 16th, 1904. For above occasion the Soathern Rail way will sell tickets to Nashville, Teas, and return at rate named below: Goldeboro $18.56, Selma $18.15, Raleigh $18.60, Durham $11.05, Henderson $18.00, Greensboro $10.05, Ballstmry $9.95, Wlneton-Salem $10.65, Hickory $8.80, Charlotte $10.10, Gaitonla $9.05, Shelby $9.ia Approilmately low rates from other point. Tickets sold June 10ihtol5th 1904 laclueive with final limit, to leave Nsshvllle June 18th 1904; provided tick ets are officially stamped by Joseph Kick srdsnn, Special Agent. . Tick eta can ho extended, nntll July 10ib, 1904, if depoaited by original pur chaser with Joseph Rlohardaon, Bpeolal Agent at Nuh title between hours of 8 s m and 8 p m, Jane 10th to 18th Inclu sive, and upon payment of a fee of 60 cestf per ticket. . General J S Carr has selected the Southern Railway vis Aaheyllla, Keox vll'S aad Chattanooga as the pfnolal route for ail annual "Confederate Vet eran Special," which will eoasist of first olasi dy coaches, sad Standard Pallmaa ears to be handled throogk to Nashville, Tena., without chAagei This ipeolal train will leave- Raleigh; M C; at MS p m, Bundsy Jane Uth.1904. Berth rate from Raleigh $4.50, Durham '$4.60, Greensboro $8 60, Balisbory $8.50, Ashe Tins $350. Two perseas can occupy a berth with out additional coat, Excellent service oa regular tralas ta both direction. ' Askyohr agent for ralee from yor itAtloa.. . . .;;.. " For further fnfo'matloa aad sleeplsg car reeervatlens, writa " ' R. la. VERNON, CAsrlotta, M.0..! ,1DM1IISTEAT0E3 JOTICI. : Baring qualified aa - admlnbtratar of tHeanucBemaa. Bheir, dee'd.thle 14 ta aotlfly lU feraaas. Indebted to the estate, to make iauaodlate payment to the nadenlgaed. And all persona bold lag tuairee against ue estate are nereoy notified to preeent the same, duly veri fied to the uaderaltaed ' wlihla twerve (18) atoaths from the date hereof, etaer- wieetbisaottcwwiu ) aieaded n bar bf their recovery. Tkl MaytheSOU, 1904. --y ItV ? ruf AOOPIOM, v - ' Admr. Benssa Sherr, Dee'd. . Adir)lnUtraf4ra Notice 1 Bsvtat Qoallfied 4 edmlnUtraior a my late wlie VlctorU E. Ipock, this te te soilff All pereon bavtni claims araloa tkseataUof thesiidtUceaiHi weiblbtt- ;hm to U aoilvi.giiod, Or- I t Attorh ney U. L. Ward, oa or before Ue t7ih day of My.10S or thti aotlos VIS U pleaded In bar of their recovery, AU nersoat Indebted to rstd eatata wlil , . a. a , eV? a'Jm,,?1a!U VTftA J , Vail 87th day of May 1104. '. 'vf - .. r- t Admlnlitraior.' 1 I ' : 1 i j i. :t ft ' L. B. Habicht, - ay-f n - ' F t - 90 W jL.ti.4 Tlie Tl' "t l.l'jnors end'Wrnee, I'-?.!-' re V.--T V,Vt ItaWtt.fO Tea Cfi-ll ' u .', 1 A V . v - trir- t 1 r r : " s U 0. fcve-Tiildr. ana iio't - $J lMMrwitlaOTit tiern yet tltaf v - A pxmt'itvtliejr nwttt pas nnuH lgi inatru&can&t trnd fear mm NOTICE! Notice Is hereby riven to the h I ' I Ma jo LocH'ear demaatd ihn on ih. 14 h day o' August lift) the OLd. rslu ed J. R. M. arren, pari.imst d at i-bei lffS s'cleat l lie Court Ho an iloo In New Bern, N. C, 20 acre f 1 in (I In No, I Tom ship, Ciaven ennmy koo n a the Harr . nl, wii :b waa 1 .l (or taxn tion lu tLe iiuili o' Henry LiayrU In tLe year 1003. Tb tl r o' ie l-ni'--,o will ex i-r b STi b, 'ay o f I 4, anil onl bo nJ-.nid'y il e t urn er.'gnt-d 11 tf I to - li II i W . Bid.l:e lor u e d in he said I mi. Ma) 24 1904. J. II M. WAItUEN Sale for Partition. Pursuant to an order of the Huperlor Court of Craven county made the 2ttib day of May 1904, 1 will offer for sale at the Court Hou.e dour, In ibe Oiu of New Bern, Norill Carolina for cash at , otitic oit cry on Mtily June 27th 104,1116 fiillowni( cuy Keal K.tate; A ioi of land with Improvement situated In the i Ity of New Bern N C, at the South Western rorncr of East Front and King atreotx iwgiunlng on the Eem erjLSldei'f Eat t'Voul street, North ward from the Nmth Knatern corner of the P H Pel edi-r lot, formerly ih Ua ven lor, atBlaiock'a I ne aad runs Norib ward with tbe Eaatein aide of East Front street 67 feet 9 Inches to the Southwestern corner of Kail Front and King street, then Weetward with King street 94 feet to W11I11 line, then with his line Southward 07 feet 9 Inches to Blalock line, then Eaataard will, hie line to the beginning- Sale at 18 oTclock M, June 87tb, 1904 H. 0. WHITEHUR8T. Commissioner. Mortgage Sale. By vlrtne of a power coaferred on me by one certain mortarar deed executed to me by H W Jewell, 1 will sell at pub lic auction at the Ooart house door In tbe City of New Bern, N C, oa the 23nd day of Jaae 1904, at 19 m, the follow ing piece or parcel of land. Beginning at a stake In the canal at tbe mouth of the upper ditch that was out by T H Ae kins aad run with said canal N 85, W 118 poles, then W 5, E to the line of the Half patent, then with said Hall patent Una W 87. B Where It lnterseota a line of a deed from T H Atkins end wife to F P IiAtbara dated 86th of August 1885, then with Use of aald deed 8 71. X to a etaks oa said line, then 8 5. W to the be glueing except 11 acres, sold to AJonxo SerendeU containing 60 acres more or Terms of Bale, CASH. ISAAC H. SMITH, Mortgagee May St, 190L Notice Mortgage Sale! Bt virtue, of power of tale In a Deed of Tract or Mortgage executed by Shade L Wooten aad wife Henrietta L. Wool en oa July 24th, 1900, w herein theun dmicnedl deaoalnated party of I he second part sad Laura F. btyroa party ol U third part, said Mori gage being of reoora in noo: so, pages 001, wa and bos ta offioeof Register of Deeds, of Lenoir Ooaoty, the nadenlgaed will oa Monday June 90th. 1904 at the how of U-erolock A. at-, at the Ooart Honse la Klnstea sell sk public outcry to the highest bidder for oaak the hud described sad conveyed la eaMuaso 01 Trass tw situate la lv Graaga, Lenoir County, North Caiollaa, aad known la the survey of said towa as Lot Ho. U beginning at the street 60 ft, f rasa the center of toe A. AN. 0. R.R, andrunamg wltk the railroad BaeB. S xL 70 yards to stake; thence 8. 28 , Wyaidi to Astske; thence N.i 7 yards to tbe street between CWooUc and JohaI Harveyi theaoa wlin said street K. 9e E.. 80 tarda to the begla alag, eoanlalsg 5800 sqaerc yards' mora or lens and being the aaeaa - Wad which was conveyed i said Shade L Wooten by Council Wootea-aad wife by Deed dated March 80th, 1809.'- , - See aald Deed of Trust of record la Registers office of Lea etr Coaaty. Thli 18ta day of May, 1904.'- , Aiiie,tw' -,--" w Trae. ibUcatibnidfiS KOBTH CAROLINA. 1 v U the - CrsTta Coaaty, f Superior, Coart Tbs oereAdsAt Above aaaaeo. win lata aotlos U at aa actloa entlUed es Above has been erjsameneed la the ttepesloy Ooart of Crevea - 1 i obtain A dt- . wait w viafww ' from the saUi I , . , , Ntntawt v iuiiu ; imoayaad in r takeno i t r r At toe ( ; fof said I idyof " .e in Slew 1 l 1 nt t lin CoUKi to be held ( (w-i.,.(r V.0t,at '"' L... j. li. O.. sad lemur to tbe torr 1 l.Inl la raid acU. or the plalntlll wlil apply to UeOnert for relief demand- edla saiaaoar'VDV . - .i r 'rr- vAtsoN, ' Ux Clark el lb Rnperior Court. Telephone 'V'u C.-.:tVIC2 13 A v, I r" 'ty, a r"3 . . ' ,CO.V-.;i.C3. ' A LOU' . r.XU . t e , , ' a : a. a . , ICO i pronounced by judge to b the BEST POPULAR I lacE goods m the market, QLT LITV, UNIFORMITY, RELIABILITY Ths winning points. KTttAIJ, CJ UN ST e CO., Proprietory RICHMOND, VA, Upon receipt of 16o we will send a large sample ty express charge prepnid. Wri-e nrnne and address plainly and give nearest express Chesapeake and WORLD'S FAIR -TO- NAINT LOUIS, MO- HHOKTKST. QIIICKK8T and BEbT ROUTF. Vestlbuled, Electric Lighted Trains with Ptillmnn Sleeper and Dining Oa, Throuuli tlcltniA from Carolina with filrrct connections. SPECIAL RATES KOR SRA-OIf . SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. Fifteen tla; tloi e's from New Rem, N C, $28.15. Sleeping car v 'cmnmnrlattons engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS on authorized daU, tickets good for ton days at rate of $22.70. CorreBpondingly low rt-P from other atatlons. Special accommodation B arrowed for partle St. pnvMa pe-mlned ith.ntHmlt at C.& O. re'ehrated .Moun' -Psorts U K THR O & O ROUTK and purchase your tickets not !y. For c--'i- h excursion ilates, teservations and other infortr vldresn W. O. WARTHEN, D u, ' F.W ()Uli lfl. Agt C & O. Ry , Norfolk, Va., ' '' Aua-Mcncken & Bro- mdket Publication of 3 urn mons. NOltTd CAROLINA I In the Craven County; J Superior Court. State on Relatiou ot L 1 Moore, Sol , on llebalf ofkW II Oliver, 1 ruatee of the Orlffln Estate v T W Dewey and wife, Eliza M Dewey.R S Primrose, Helen S Prim rose. Il appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by affidavit thai T W Dewey 1 a non-reldent of tbe Slate of North Car olina, you are hereby notlfi!, that a summon and petition to foreclose a mortgage upon a certain piece or parcel of land, situated in tbe city of New Bern and known as the Griffin Estate has been duly filed In the clerk's office of Craven county, N C, In the above entitled action by L I Moore, solicitor on behalf of W H Oliver, Trustee of the Griffin Fund. Tou are hereby notified to appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Cra ven at the Court House In New Bern, N C, on the 4ih Monday after the 1st Monday In September, 1904, and answer or demur to said petition a you may-deem beat, otherwise tbe prayer of the petitioner will be granted. It Is ordered that this notice be pub lished once a week for six weeks In the New Bern Journal. Thl 5lh day of May 1904. W. M. WATSON, C. H. C. UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL. The Summer Term begins June 8th, to continue three month. Thorough Instruction In courses admitting to the bar. Special lecture by eminent lawyer. For Catalogue, ddres . . . Jas. C. McRae, Dean, Chapel Hill, N. C. P. M. Slameas, A. D. Ward 3IMT10NS tt WARD, ATTOlNIi aal COUNSELORS a LAW. aw BBBtaw, a. c. Office Removed across Street to bee r. Story of No. 09 (above Telegraph I floe) South Front Street, nex', to Hotel Chattawka, Practice ta the counties of Graven, Duplln-Jones, Oiulow, Carteret, Parsil eo aad Wake, In the Supreme aad Fsd erl OoarU, and wherever eervioe art desired. T. AJOreea, Presi. K.U. Meadow, Yloe-PreeU T. A. tltteU, Cashier. Citizens' Batik. to ar.o. ' Do a OeDoraJ Bank! a g Baslaeas x. . fhtrprus aad UaditV . , :..- dsd ProBtt, 88,00(U)a ' W will give prompt sad careful at tea tie so eat baetaeas eBtrastea to as. . We Invite your aooount, Try s. 'v T. ' ;. y Meeea el Oil e.aaea. 'l-t :' tWrdtnaaS bimk . , WesAuWs, " J. auMee4wa, f. . 4 Obae. iHif y,i. K.muat W.lpoek aaae SaJmssSa, tn.e.B.roaria, -'- WarerHaaua,' I. W.Wralneer. ' toe A.fareea, a.w.amaiiweoa, ' 'tl.a.y. .,. .iva..i . w.t.Oreelram t . Mark Disoewt Ml Administratrix Notice. Htvlnr qnallftod a admlnltrtrls ot Danlol O 8m w deceased, late of Craves Couaty N.O, this li to notify alt person saving cia'mi aiaiiaa tse eaiate nr saio tfeorsaed ! hMt thm to tbe nnde alfrnaut t,n f '.ih.tt 1aveila4ae loolonh il lll be bleed lobar ef their im ai ' .., , All pr'.ia I d Mrd to laid SUt wilt pl ae Btske Imti wllte paymBt, - Thl 7th dyoIMy 1904 , ' . J .;. - ; . KATE LCCAS, ., ' t ' - ' .v Admlnlatrairlx. riLfSt PILK3 1 1 Till? tl Tr. Vrnan,!' In !'jn Ti (.:.' : Ohio Railway SCENIC ROUTE CIGAR nj Bdlto.Mtl A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABLE NO. 33 To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 1904 at 12:01.A. M.., E. 8. T. Ooing East Bohkddlb: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: At. a m 8 80 Goldeboro 11 05 8 69 LaGrange 10 89 4 22 Klnston 1018 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 00 5 50 Lv. Ar 8 27 7 15 Ar. Horehoad oily Lv 6 61 No. 6, Passenger Train No. fl, Paxscnger Train. DAILY. Lv. A. at, Ar,p, a .... 880 .... 808 ... 7 67 7 47 .... 7 87 .... 725 .... 7 17 .... 700 860 048 680 r. at. 8 00 Ooldsboro Host's , LaGrange ...Falling Oroek... Klnston Oaewell , Dover , Core Creek . . . .Tuscarora Clarke .Ar. New Bern, Lv. 8 18.. 820.. 8 87.. 8 48.. 9 02.. 9 13. 9 30.. 950.. 9 54.. 10 10.. a. at. No. 7, Lv. a. m 10 20. . . . 10 40. . . . 10 43.... 10 68.... 11 16.... 11 80.... 1140.... , Paamint'cr No. Ar. 8. p. m 6 14 6 47 6 4.. 5 35 6 21 6 16 4 40 . Sundays Only Lv. New Iicrn A r. . Rivenlale Croatan liaveloi k Newport Wildwocxl Ar, Morehead City Lv FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY .. ..Uoldiboro Beef LaGrange ....Falling oroek .......Klnston Oaswell Dover oore creek , Tuscarora Olark' . . Ar. New Bern, Lv. , ..Lv. New Bern Ar. . KiverdaJe. Croatan , Havelock ...... Newpor i ' v . , ...... Wlldwr Atlanta Ar. Morehead city, Lv Ar. M. Otty Depot, Lv No. 1. 2d Ciaat.. Lv. a m No. . 2d Class Ar, p m ...it .... a i .... 208 .... 1 88 .. .1311 ... 12 01 ....11 01 ....1040 ....10 10 .... 964 .... 980 .... 8 05 .... 780 .... 718 .... 700 .... 688 .... 607 .... 168 . -. 68 ... 468 0 18.... 645.... 6 12.... 017.... 7 88.... 740.... 9 00.... 9 40.... 10 10.... 10 88.... 1100.... 19 80.... 118.... 180..,. 140..,. 809..., 9 80.... 888.... 8 58 .. 00 ... r, at. Supplement No I, To lake effect Saturday, May 14th at 1105, a m, 1904, Eut Bound. West Bound. No. 211. No 818. DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS. Ly p i 4 00.. 4 80.. 489... 440.. 4 58... btatiobb, ......Qoldaboro... Ar p. ra. 8 00 J 88 Beil'i LaGrange.- ......Falling Creek. ........ Klnstoa. .914 .161 1 88 19 88 1888 a. m.11 (I .. e. at jet eeeaeewa Caswell B 19...... ......wbDovst,... 80 .Core Creek... S Al.'. .....TttXfOTA ... S 65e ) eft Clark...".'......: aa aw lilt 1 10.i...'.At. New Beva ty..,.' oo taT No'lll win pees Mo S, where ovtr takea and run - mAA ia. horo ulaea othTwlaU)erwte or. L. tm.r. 'fl-a-lBapi, Master Ttanep A.f.HOLLEMAir, ' V; 1 fue rHlAt.a-'' V a FOR Roil CS1 jam nn8J laaSr ftBBBBBal ' ee e e. r fa ortAiloa. Cloan, rure whneome, paranteerl to hen -r-loaJIy mads f ota d rt!!IM wttif S'. 1 f. -e frm In purl-lew, rerHHy la. i I ml r , rl for kamaa eoev. i - - 1 ' ' '1 ("'-t FundnyaJ"! AT F '