THE JOURNAL. Published every day ln;tbe year, m- ept Monday. 1 JottnudiBoJldIag,ww J5raven.St. Psora Ho. 9. CHARLES L. 5TEVENS. , , - -jOBsaifnoiATisr.'. One year, In advance......" One year, aot la'advanoe, .... .. 4 ltonthlyt by carrier la ihe city.. . . .0 Advertising lUtet furnished on applf cauon. . a Bnkred t the PoOfflce,Tfeir Bern, N. C, m Moond cleat matter.. Official Papar rKaw Bern aa Craven County RAPID NATIONAL PROGRESS. Statistics are generally tiresome, but It 1b onlv throueh fiiures that definite conclusions can be drawn, and In the statistics of the country's progress since the civil war these figures are worthy of being carefully read and studied. Daring this period of forty .rears, Amnion nerlrnltural exports have 1n f .74 0 OOO'l o $m:8,00(! - . .. ...Oi f41,000,u0 10 $407,000, 000. Daring the period of the war, there were but 2,100;000 -farms in the who'e countrv: now there are 6,000,003. The farms were worth $8,200,000,000 then, and are valued at over $22,009,030,000 now. Then there were, .150,000 factories; now there are 525,000, and in place of the 1,500,000 employee tolling In them there are now 6,000,000. From an an nual wage aggregate Of $100,000,005 paid them, we now seethe stupendous total of $3,000,000,000. The value of the factory products has leaped from $3, 000,003,000 to $14,000,000,000. In forty years the cotton crop has more than doubled, and the manufac tured cotton product Is worth $400,000,- 000 as against $115,000,000 then. The per capita wealth has jumped from $525 to $1,800 and the interest charge on the national debt, which amounted to $4.12 per capita In 18G6, Is now 82 cents per capita, The money la circulation has Increased from $595,000, 000 to $2,367,000,000. These figures are sufficient to show bow rapid has been the country's pro gress and its remarkable prosperity. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years supposed lo be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a -local disease and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional decease and there fore required constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only constitutional cure on the market, It is taken internally in doeeB fron 10 dropi to ateaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars ror any case it lew to ours, tjena for i circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., K Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tions x An Unsatisfactory Contninrr. ityatander That man e.-eniB to b a good customer. Bookseller No, lie isn't I never yet have sold him n book that I wanted; to rll.lilii). lie buys only th Ix.ek beVOis blrusolf. Cincinnati Comtnarda) Tribune. la DlfflltJa. A woman has as bard work keeping her cook from discovering what nbo doesn't know about cooking a a man has to keep his children from learning what brt dooen't kryyf -ntxut cvery ' thing. New York Tress! ' lacoateatabl Proof. Insurance Ag-nt What ar tfce proofs oc yonr niiaitana a (leoui, mna . ' amt The Widow-Well, he ha bm bora for the Inst three night. Sntnrt m-i ,. i Fond Mother Are you not aotnewhti " astontahed atmy c1augbtr" atloclng? Profaaaor I certainly am. . But tbtm i' ah l young yetl-tllutrated Blta. . , , . , - i - Mowell-Do yon think It pays to pit rntichTnow'l Ji)VcV)UjjT 1'jarelU- ' Jrtlf yaHi lvowffa4 gavthraoijli thenv JtxcnaDg. , Vft ahonJd4)a"of faraf vi of ur frordi : Wont of AU Exptrtencei I Can aaythlng ba Wort thai to fl at... M.I.U (I1 w Itnflf ' Ruch wa tbo akpariattM of Mra. B. It Newton, Oeeattif, A1."Fo thrat year she writ, "1 tndnred iiaCfrahl pat from todiKMtlod', ttorotch aal bwr tti ri le. iJeatl'teamad" loevlUbl whti dirtor and all remedlei failed. At l , ;; h I wss lu lancd Iq try ElfCtrio Bit t-- and tha uW wat pritacaloaa, ,1 l rod atOB"ad pow I'm eompletct iy rr .--nvercil. "For Liver, Kidney. Ptom ,, r--altronW rintrloWtUira '.;,! ! r v.i-tnn, fr'r r.r, lt gnr . 7 ? ' t " -' dv.ti-z'.tl TESTERDirS EAX2STS. 'Or-;-. - Cotton,? Grain,; mrlstoni and StecM ' ; Range In Pried. EecelptrtM "y Shipment, ; . - : . The following an the market quota tions, received by prtvate.wire from JJ Walter Labaree Co;, to Barrel & Oo. New Bern,TT.O. - ' - - Cottoh.- Open, High. LolT.Clo July 11.58 J1.M IW Aug 11.18 IMS 11.0 ; 11.41 I LOct. . . A 9.74 9.9$ 99 Ml Deo 9.66 9.89 $.$' J4 ' Chicago, Jaaolfil" Chicago Grain. Open. - Cloee July Wheat 8.J " t7 . July Corn 48f . " 4 July Oats 391 ' . sfif July Elba 995 710 July Pork 1810 14,1,, July Lard 660 67 New York, June 10. Stocks; Open. ; S5'01 Amr.8ugar 126 ' Atchleon 49t i Amr. Copper.... 70J I 71 - Southern Ry. . . . 20 Ml Southern Ky pf.. 83J ! f U. S. Steel 9 I H V . -eel pf .'. 54t - . M fv a a U ! .'116 lino 24 . 84 liOulsvllle&Nash 103 109 8t. Paul.... .... 141 148 N.Y Centra-. U6 ': &W N.& W 54f 1 .45. Va. C Chemical. 24J ' 84f A Strong Heart. Is assured by perfect digestion. Indiges tion swells the stomach and pulfe it ag against the heart. This cenaee abort- ness of breath. naloltatlon of tha heart and general weakness. Kodol Dyt)epta Cure cures the indigestion, rellvs the stomach, takes the strain off the heari andrestores It to a full performance of Its function naturally. Kodol increase the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assiml late and appropriate to the blood lad tissues all of the food nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organ. Sold by F. 8. Duffy. ; LOCO. Jane 9th. It ecema that summer U at last w(th us The weather Is warm and Una for grow Ing crops. Miss Lina Hall of Pollcksvill i VIsH- iDg her sister here. , Among our visitors Sunday wer Mr. and Mrs Daniel Meadow and Httla sob Cecil of near Maysvllle, MUse Ola Bant phrey and Lora Henderson of Jonea county, Mr. J. ('. Bell, of Belgrade! ad Mr. Wright Hlgglns, of New York.1 The new bridge across WhltWOak river at "Collins Crossing" waa Com pleted Saturday. We think nr 1. IF. D carrier will sleep more at nlgbt hr Mr E B Morton and brother of New Bern spent Saturday night with John Morton and family. I Ronnie the little son of Mr ami Mrs John Morton met with a potato tlngh not a serious accident Sunday hi U. I H was playing around a mule that ktykad 1. : II m- i. I hi in uu buo iuroueau. , One of onr neighbor aeam to ha hW ing some trouble railing chick. 8ot tbiogwent into her haa fcouae, 'ana night not long since, and when ah 'law her chicks sgsln several of them minus a foot. Msyb 'twa a larg rst. Mr J R Parson spent Baaday t ary leasantly at Rtchlands. ... , Mr. w. Hlgglni ha recently pnrehad something new, just nolle 'hhai wba you see him out driving agala t VIOLM, ,, iueo DJ HIS DOCIM. , i tl "A doctor here ba sued m for flt-Bp which 1 claimed was ex cess! v for a 4aaa of cholera morbus," says R,WhUiU Coacholla, Cal. "At tba trial fc jpraftad his mdlcal skill and medlcln. ' I aal J him If It w not Obambtrlala'a Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha s I had good reason to kallat It nd he would not say nndar oatb UukU was not." No doctor could aaa bajtajr. remedy than this la a ease of eholar morbps, it never fall. Bold-by Druggist. t A VaUaa Caiar ' f , A four dollar gold cola, .probably only one of 1la kind In axJatancC la exhibition at the. Uemanl KtloSaJ bank In Milwaukee. It belongs 'to gr. Cliarlen J. linge and fa valued tT bank official at f 200, ajthrugh inlaila only approximate. Til pleca of koldlia ot the aame diametar a m nvaidolau gohl place, but thinner. J3b It Iacai the well known "llbertf-liead,' with out the cap. however. Around this are thirteen alar Interspersed with tba 144 tera "fl O 8 1 ? C 7 Ortma," Tba tvki meaning of these fetter nona of tb bank officials baa ascertalnad. Ontba fercrM. of tha coin ia a- pottrttd star. Into which is cot tb Inscrlptian ftm teHat canta." Around It ak- word riortbtts1 t'num. Do Est Okirla," and around these, formlag th rim of thla aid of tba coin, ar U words, "United StatiM of America. Font Dot" .' About flfteea yeart ago thla foin wa amt to WaahlAg ton by Aiercnanu' Etcbange bank ef UU Watikea, -according to tb Beutlncl: of ilat city, but tba only tafortuaUo il tailed W that th cola 1 ("coin. 'IrTta T9 be:.;:: a. ..Mvtnr, at n out pf t mota from rif!;i-'l.,i, a fs' y l dilvea to depriion r . f t rrsnitlog In Hum, - l"lir, t'-n. Ley I t a t It !' .rn'- a f ,' . I ' ' m r v " NN ' - ' ' 1 . . ' 7aa a. Tfi r ' vt Ci Ik. waatler, thai it. -t-: -od ,aa ou iu... co&U Ui i... to gether with th fancy price of ' ooteloea baa pat aa extra amU a Uiarr tr i and not only tha famer are iaeeltUsf beneflu of high price foe thaproduia, bujhe labrai..alaa.Unc..paopla-ara now girlag U to lScta per barrel for picking ip poUtoaa. " The L.'at price kaowabefore this aaaaoa was 10-eU. - It 14 reported that . one ra'a Pawaoa'a ek ll'glvtBg i fLi 4ay foi woaiea aAdi ALU for aaettVThia It Ik ease wheW the potato digging esd ottda ehoppiag hare ru together. , Hrla,Hao ate tadnatrtoni eaa easily auk , 1 Cfl a day picking vp potatoae at thg preaeht prices It hai beam aatdla ma paat that there waa bat 10 eta , dUteteao te- tweas the Baa that worked aa4 thro that played, , bat that U( f the plt X&il jtottttiteteMt tst leaf- MetSMlf ir.ftWr W B STOW opaed h tbyfefreahajjiJtop bat .... . :,. ... ... i i. . flaaMadariaetdeTeeavfa o! thH place went to the f am of Mr ggdwdea on the aide of Neaae tlrer wharf Uvea at nraaant. foond a not of tar and ua namss, u uey receiva juiima mv namea will b divulged Utar eM soch a axanner. -There la hut Mfta ei waa BUMiiwiu tur aw to uv inwi m case foa such .mnae II o&i m place. V.-ii t WW. ; . We have prefbhing three lme a month and Sunday School evry$uady Mr L HBJagl,thAJM tot soma tlm 1 Northwest --Va.,tsUed Arapahoe leat Sunday waia week ago and left fotbei. Monday. Hewiitiei atedby fcLbroUrtrMr Charlie Balangl who will work out thr 14 waiay J if " - i t v"MJ . His Mr Knmmarall tha naator Ohriatlaa Ohureh aM'tir tp 1 1. -.ft aaafnt auruinr riiafULCM FTeah teaUmwy la great quanlH aeavcaaiiy manna; iu, wnaa; aaji Kins' New DlaoovarT for ConanmaOei Cough-andJColdtJto U aqtii recent expreMlonrom ;Ti ff, BtntorviU. Va. strru aiixaiaoli rit f I m .BrdachUfc for waaaiaJMUIa w! being bensflud, .TJan . I. Dr. KIbc New DlaooTety. . .. l.Il .aV- - JfA. rftk iiilf' tiie.whouylteamt.:i;4 troublee, ConstuaptloB, , Paeupoi, b?.15Ji vtukkiu. , a nrn uuiMa . na, - -ji As encargota, or anaUa, are bo JnfCIt eaten In . ibis iCovntry, the .diaceajri that,artlflcal anail are madawia -aajt worrV American eoicurea. la FarktA different. Pobitc knowledge- 'ofJ ftdji enterprise cam about tnroagn taa ajpt of a Paris workman avgahMt 'blai ajnV ptoyer tat AijarMaieeatvM la mahpn latlnra macftlHtortaTBUf latM Kit walixlfMI,i,t7amiw J'k)iightatoUrnallr Aefi from tt oust - men -ana nragpwxersr uwg eleaaed ut . tb hella,hth itHmOm and hi people filled them with "nioa -that 1 to aay, llt ttwat Thla soft, epongy atuff before tMng cramned into the aheUa waa Mt&te Hqd fat o laWW4itinrVf fbto ft; and tb trick waa done. JThe fabricated naiiaara-MM MwWa 80 mttaiW Mar Headacie. DrTla aaaaLakaVCaaaa'aLakakaaBaBaaaaaaaa'a4Aata ur. Kiari Mew Ul rule. ThMseat of Hf ree pllthej paleM OMIJPlAAilATc They make para blood and build up yovr.beaax.Oali waeadtfl( ihoi r v,dtift .tain I ' adanUho del 6 "blush," We have aa aeffu and yaioiAl alM tbd rr' ion. aaf ajrf ayua4nd i - Igtoca of the pbyalogaomy; -a ' C; peebajptlvaoaaa: of whea la a predlcammf ,-iosrir anger or other caaear4""' Ing In a paraal of the vaeooku. mislther,r.'--a,whe '-g, bebf f dit, tl of .t t al ttdty.1 t aren(hi llltb Ir, "'or affen tr tag ttma annmtUuldaW praeoorC. ttoutheva Medlda. . - , : (Jt i JLaUtuf laosl ) j aCafgiattu probeil the-moat CsrV crada of all the monarchical t-' -r. The king (fffTtitm twfff not wear crown, but haa siot . j gof crown to.wtarU Jfo eorooaf" erVbM U MutrWtf W U cooatltut . , the eovarelgu tnanguratlnsr. ) ' r simply bv t,'r''" t ph arn j cording 'j't ji .1 i r. blrthe as O. . . ;:..i t must W raglstartxl In -I ' ' y ame"ptiraK'. TT b-T. UTii j of tooka aa tb Lini.s ('"il sal 'ta. " ' , , 1 1 , " M F ' .t r Ca..l t-1 L a r . .' Umsi rmt'y, It i ' f r T, 0 I C:.ff" ' - ' .-. t' i . tl''. "T ' ' ' ' 1. I m Me eM4naov Tie aliejttd adjhiav .Tiinuitiuu tAattarlti l.j I rrom an ana comical I ealoriae eVn I the aatMteMat "v J-' i r- ' n ' m I .. Y. my '1U hatt s n if r- i ix .:iau i i r f 'tea to Jt la slave time. farmers area little behlad la r work, bat are la hopes to catch bp daring tlU pretty weather f i ; Kit (Wi BeaUi aadliltle daughter, Myrtle apeat laet week -whir pareattlt ttUplace.;,- - - KrBea Tayldf'-aad mothar vUlted f rieads and relet Ire at Klaatoa laal Mr K W Horae and famUy ' of Mdh maa,'s Park, Oa, visited hi slater, Mrs (4cxle Btmpsoa lat week; , M.f A w Simpson made a trip to Tuok ahoe: Saturday. : . K Mf John Canady ataJa a bualuOM trip do New Bern Thursday. ' - a Mr Jack Harrlcoa and Mtsiaata Awry of thla plaoe taBed da Trenton relative and friends Sunday. J , '.; We hre gladto aay' wf ' aaTe a asore ooatanleat way of getting onr malL .TM JTfta Dellrery Bonte t a great help ta oar country. Golden Tears. DltCRlMlNATlNO iADIM. IpMlf. iUta,r aUnMeMa at,, Aeaaut ' a 1 ladlse who have used Nawbrola aiet4 "paii oi it in the ttsfkeH.' tarma ror it auicK enact In deanaing the aoalp 6f aanaruS and atao for U ax- eallance as a aeaanil hair-drsatns. It iaaaa ta aeaip fact fresh and1 itf allays ,thA, Itehlnf - iwalfih 4andru will! caaaa, Kawbro'a Herplclde effectively eurea aaairaff. as it destroy th aerm that eaoaea It The aams aerm cauaes hair to tsli out, anoV later baldness; to UlUaaT It,- Harplctda atop talHna hair and prevant haHnwa it la alaa an Maal halridras ln, fr It land an arlstocratlo charm to th hair that Is quit 4lstlnoOva. t aoM by Madlnc drufaiiu. Sand 10c. In (tamps tor sampt to Tha Herplclde Co;. Da- u. u. oraanam, opeciai Agent.: . BAYBORO. af V a-a II . a 1 a . L We are away front Small this wetk the Teacher Institute of Pain ThIniilut w think Udo- Inf xcellent work. - The , attendance U o very large, but the leachen team to a very much in earnest In their wcri, aad1 taking advantage of the opportunity prasinted to them. Waft tva avletil Ia nrtta llsot ikaM eaM several young Jeachers present, try in to paepara tneauetrei tor useiuneia in future. , we are bavins Dr. Bnrkett this week Of ta A. a M. College, ad we. think tie) InatitUte of this county, la vert fo tuaaieMiu Mouiing hi services, His lepfurea ,ar not only instructlteond uaotlml to leacbera, but would be very importast to farmers could they have We have a fw teachers from Beaufort Pt.rbo ate Uklng the. adranUge of 151 ustituta on account of coaveutenoe ... , Take New Commands. 0 tug to the reoeht prmpjions iaT the Nttal Reserves the division commend ltyeilid tientecaat Me8ple& by CajBradham, and John Hargett waa taveated with the rank of Junior Qrade. ; the HoUshlrtsi rapid Bra gun a death bn instrument of war was shot Wtetal tlmee. thla gun ba recently 0'9fk pelaatsloa'. of ;xha .Be-, fejrtps and la a woaderf ul place of ord nsjaali.It wBl ahoot atoa yard or awwy twbmn,:;ThgtB l what is eaUadoM poeader" ahootlag abhell of eonilderably more thaa one pouAdla ftfght. It I one of the beet gun! ea fttgl ta the United State aerrloe. "' " Sakauriu Walla. 4marln.welU are round la laaay Soee. The supply of drinking Water w.trroBtry:ttetjUtion of fiak- aelsy ea the aborea of the PeraUa gult, fMWp spiMtr KWcn-naj ttuflr away and which riae In the halt wa' m the fulf.' f. - 1, artakta laa aoatakta ban xvuod.bU left arm and grasping SiMJhhaUUleia1bBMMAkea toltbe I M - L . . J rwira l, av.V WaX. 1. . Lau .J Veg ,ow,,tlfttahiaf. jt ed aak . ' aied ft agabealc kprtnga ap "la, the aacendlag ; egfndAq atbna 1a tbea hauled op. and afUr a. a constant' supply of mall .au a . at A . a a ua-.' i a - nr Maaapstnga aaaV whare aa aain LJaLoadoa taadard. ... - A, it- B "IPaaaj ( 'aaai w 1 Theju-wli,t-r taari tory hp- p-rMi rxr.aWi .ham's "l tocbukla and K- Ooaaack U-a atlef drunkaauL-J had abot a Chinaman, and It ,aa aaceaaarr to hrlnc aaveral. ad f I ipxwtva few'i S ihe dying J,;-. i jrpoaa. IdaaUSeaUon.' of tba culprit The Chinaman, howrrar, idbtt,tfl3 .o riia:l out tha J AWM, VM.Ua, aM W IMIIM I. t'nc I must die in any rseaf fti,lj-Jll -toJLiiW tU0 the would only ba severely punished. '?ie Cbf. -mail r touaed that ' rgave th cu' .Tit tbera waa bf 1 - about tufter,- Then of tl punUliiuent Wa d- V-A-a- r;smnt 4ba C ?ueaa k ba punished It t rcpt t i Mil''' Of that It " a " ! - . - or do it forg'.r a- r : dL" F. S. f - ;X7 r rr ta tt i' HUB HILL." Eirl9W f?rfH rH a i i . " v . ! 3 ' ' V... V a Mtvr v si: acoomr -ed t oi tnlnl,. r (II -f.. 11- H ... giul r Ben were called' to Moreheed City Saturday to U OMth bed of hat TnntKar WwT1 Vn t . -----4 , Mr , WavWawa of rsMewport caaw brat1 Sunday brlaglng with him one of Doughty who apwt the. day iwttb her 1 auatMraWPBectbafL - ''t Maura Joha B Mo'rtou and Joshua Adams two of oar bjUtratea laad ttuckera weat to Met ;.lapadaf Ap theasoetugof themagythttekp -.v Ontemanrtywtf aateaaii Mondiw whea aAwsaMihaMMlhBll;wU loraa:thrlettfuttJI ! teceatly waauneaeaa thetewtt daIW yejav ago aheaeat w Mbribead Cltfll aaMhMaOa; ffMbAi paaaadrver fha rteet of deeaAaadad goaetd: bg th4 atetaal oreseaoa aBta whomyta loved ie atuch to praise whaa h;w4; with tti HeV-remalaa weie hrtHltht '4mma bv auk relaUvea and fnd drthan' Ctty-1 the baautttut team' ImiM Oeorge from whWhtaiy er4takea' aawa u maar sarrainni -"mcnaj aaa relatlveeto the her-tmvch XMnatertf waere ner paatOM rna i-e4aaaa taa Crlrt Rev R W Wllliaaud I tt MBaf coadocted the fuaerals aewloa Wd he wall MA to rest by tbealde Of 4r hus- tftad Gldeoa U Ball who preoeeded' bet to Beavea by aearly thirty .yearhr " -Jj k Masoa aad Doanlej ffank1 weaVtoMorehead CUy SManJay even lag to apaad Bunder. :!. Mr,0 WJbompsoa apeat Snaday la Beaufort. .... . . ' "f MiaaeaBpaale Meson left ysterdy for HfwraanwmTrfri Norfolk where she goes to ake vtslt !to talativas. IK Maaoa ajd Ml, Madle Bell went to New Bern yesterday on buai- Mraad Kn o w Thompson and little son Mania enjoyed xlde through tha country, to Beaufort and back Tues day. Mr Percy Ashford, of New Bern, Is at Ebya mill tepdlng to tha loading of flats with lumber for Maw Bern, Mr Q W Thonip0e wa la New Barn jesterday having work done for the mill Mr Preeoott who has been dowa la the Interest Of the Blm City Lumber Co haa returned to Net Bern. . " ' - Mr Bam Long went to Morabead Ctty Tuesday night to meat with the Maionic Lodge.,, -t Miss Ola Long is spending few days visiting relatives and frlenda at ' More- head Ctty. Jae B Bell Ksq la ia Mew Bern On bus: today. Triampba f Xoien Surgery. Wonderful things Tarei done forth human .body by surgery . Organ tr ttkea oat and, sorapeiand pollahtd aad put back, or they may ., bo removed en tirely; boaai aiaapBoeds pipee take tba place of dleaaatd; eectlone of velna, sntlsepile , dreasiaga, are applied to wounds, brnieee. burnt eol ilka tojuiitt befonUftammaluwtsts in, which pause UHNrn, to baal without maturatloa aad In oaethird the time, reqaired by the eM treatment. .7 Ohambatjala'a Pala : Bah acUoa thla jama principle. It lean aatieeptle and whea applied toaach la loriee, eaute taam'td heal very quickly. Italso llaya 4ha' iala aad aoreaetsvi Keep a bottle f Pala Balm la yoar hecae aad It wlUaava' yoa time, aad atoaey, aot to maaUoB the InooaveaMaee arid affrig which each laJaitaaantalL " Fwaale by AUdrugglBta. caavaiauti ' lCrtCaajpia; U aw. that fan aaa1! yoetUg "tapaW la UuTO(Uy ? ABctet mlmX datable aaaaaar at , tifatera.,fJarrig Faelorn their skill la rtMwtr-l all brokea pfcrta. palattat aad' varaUUag taUo araQ kaowa to Bead apeelar aawatloB, -waila etinSai their chargwaara iaaisrkNy aaadarala lag .'Mi Clrpuvaa j tbalr all work. New Rig a specialty. We pal Rabbat Tire oa yoot eld of aW whaalat" W sbrktk your looa (tree to a taet&Baawitaeiit sUb. dhaaa, orwithoot taklog ire front ,wsa oa borTT whll yoa wait, JSrerybody U la vtLad to aaa tae asachtna at work patting mw bolta IwoU -pisxwa. . , jt. '- 8aoeeesort ie Q. B. Wtbtrt U fok f Kf l-" "Jn9MVss, 1 i ' Eroa4M :Wn ia-CX0. - - - -- - - ' ' ; n r 1 i 'i ; i,'. For boy and giiia.raoaIty lap !' 1 ; rattsttrg TTi- i rarest College, 1 1 The Laivere'.ty of Ifortb Caro-! llB,Ca,'-lt'.'r'a, foothaa ! 'raialC( '"-.a.TjU'.wtya Feel Co:ie;i.Jl'arIastltatt.rr 1 - k- rat th-rsr-' .'vf.ireoVoeaad !-.i frtts ".Si? eav... '.i. f .of r no: ti sin ;--el' .. t: .; -1 1 m ., - 1 r- -r.-iul ' 1 t t e -aa-. :. 1 l4t 1 i t p.' . -rr.,a3!4 I - a 1: 1't a are loot g) U iV .J.P --farmrs aro.d LahtaaUmbi. . V V . W T through shipping Irish pot at oat . -- . MrJB WmiaaMtwMiHa o.uJw atok.hat rajovered ao ha ca be out eomr. we are giaa to mi m u toprov- ln maw ..--,. ago, w no sesub i t i aav4htaei, MfO W- Iwp.'Jf thU SlMft aaklMtiaaae itrdj"fter. "IMfmiafIwi cfldrpn lOMSnua wiMivea, at troaiaa ana .llayalpcl. , -Hlltlrt Jo her lone HHayafoAkJtondai, after loend- inga week wtt'a'Wap.,jLaw-- Nar,RVIa,Watl!to .Hdwt Bef Ul busidsas waa to at at the Barller o: Deeda,- "'Tt 'WW arka-; W.atlA MawRaral ... ' ! I- If Mr BM,WlUJamswut to Hartleck, S-urdav'., - - T I " Misses Walter William an. 4heh f laNeir Bra,hv rtninm oate . Mr Haywood of Rocky Muat via Ml Berlla Willlama and Mtaa Mamie HafdfioB went to Ne w $era to attend the graduating exeicUet of thj Graded .La. 4 naai-.l .a.vtf J 'i ' ' Bonooi iui weaneiday. Mr Tom Mot of North Hirer haa re. turned to his home after months among ns. Mr Will Haywood spent 8undsy In Qoldeboro. HeV Mf Bewell, pastor of the Beprtat rikn.i. ... r . iti.i ki. .1 viumu utaii sia appoiui - amnt Saturday niBht aod Sahday. The aanual Sunday School plcpic of Croatan wee held May W It fit at tended by a large , cruWd from far and near aad all reported a ihe' time. Tbt-ie Was k plenty of something good o t and drink. Dew Drope "I have bean troubled for some i with indigestion and sots Uotnacb' says- Mr Berth W Qurtla, of Lea, Um t have been taking Obambarlain't 81 uc ana vr Tablet which have aelj m ii.b vary much so that now I etasal thgt that before 1 could not.'' If atvaaay uooue with vaar sttu-i4 why not lake these Tablets and ge . ri For tale by ' all Druggine ai lX A Correct Fof CPtiM- 1 A Widower aged eighty-four' had aairled a- young watoaa of ntnetevi 'A local paper commented at follow: f"JL 'year ago. wben hi wife died. liU ramavea xpecter tnar he would go ftsaayj ovex the aad btttayement. Thh tlon Jwa coma true.' Ham ;ep, Nachrichton. Obamberlaln'e rJtoraach aad liver T.i. tetaTJdst What yoa need wlea on have bo eppttlU1, feel daB alter eating aad Wake ap wttbabad test t your Btoofh. Tbey will Improve yo : appe ttte; draae aad Invigorate your istom acb aad gtv yoa a telltb for year food. For tale by all Draggiat UNIVERSITY ' OP NORTH CAROLINA. . Academic Depart meat, Law, Hadkbte, i.j. ' , j . . FiraUtitloa to taacha're a4 10 talalateri lots, fkholarshlpfeaiteaatr foflheyT, New Doradtbrtea, Oytdaeafttia, Water i Works, Oaaaral BeaUag Pjtut: 4 Tallumpafrtaa- , FiLaacaPVmaifaajiirfiT, CaapeJUVt,q. ... Iv the Board of Aldf", af Ue Vf. of new Sera, Be tl or d,y j sad reeplf" a4 .- X f . J-5ji" - j That wkereea, tbdff 4 iar' ttwe ttyl before thJaaaatttl a foUUta of aiole thaa oaaHairde.tae .mlataved of tha elty who wate fgUtare forpba last preaedlnf-aiaDfclpaf e'eotloesa ejaeetlaf artte Mder ee 'tcOoa tea hakl Bftar LkLrty 4ay aotioa to dTfJ atlaa vrhetbav bat rootat or talooa abaJl b rsUblUhed fa aid ctty. Mow ibwre fu b R fwaolvad aad erdalead thwfad elacttoabecaUed fo Cltyofiew Bemwdtaaitae 'Whu-baf rfrom ar ealoeaa aaalt ba , e-Uti'sked , laaald City to aa feaid at Jk ntnai aag la' aauUithei poiilag place ta each wafdoa law w nay w wwiyi - " . . .Tkn foa aaa Mfpaesy el aaUtar laid aUatlM.Ue followtag peilooa, ie p- polat4 regtatrare ta ibaic mx nrdt "-'. : , .1 ... r-lea vrf aw fJIW lai, WardW. aJriaaaari i A 4th; VteMr-lV SVoa-.: ;. ''lOiT'Waii-llllC-lf 4)t., 'ard-tW II. r ,l4 " as That tha f arUar p f b;pelal d roll "'! ! or J-1 tbvir r ta r 1 1 1st. Y.a;4-W. U. i. Vtioaior fs'le bar , 1, d Ward-. JE. r.,r?n kUralll Bt r 1. , am 4, . d. , 1 ''!, vf. . i. . ar . ja-WaV" Irrle, ' wWphaw "'-. , a I vl ' f It . . ra-o.,Tv, Ioriaak . .,lrj-i. K. T S, 'Joke ".'if' -k rf tla.)e I s Villas i I t - 1 W rt'.. 1 ts' I I ' i f !' ' t Ifff. ' i ' ' u r i - t I r r f July "! ia D ( Ipwewetiea WW fTTT a . i'J'- alL S .-mm .Utieittosv ono-hnW ppaco .Tt takes Ave of the ordtoarr " quarts M ta TU aimrvaa haneat euut-of B feunees. Tout aottle lor whiskey that oannot possibly be ut better than HAYNBK, U aa Sod. orM.B a taUon. If you buy HAYNBB WHISKEY you save at least tt oe on every taUon. Wa sell two gallons tor about the same as you pay for one raUon of probably poorer i'"!T-Ju think that over aadranember that HAYttEH WHISKEY .oeadkect from 0il?UrLio..?2H'. errte TJHTpBDLSTATSa REaiSraRKD DISTILLER'S GUAR AMTKSol PURITY and AGE aad save you thetdealarr enannoua proflta. Tbaft why It' so good and ao cheap. That's why wa hare orer a quarter of a million aatlsfled out ttmer. That why YOD should try It. Your money back 11 rou're not aaUaped. DIroot fni cizr diotillory to YOU Savis Ottlire' Prtfltii! FnvtnU AdultrtlonI : If JL EEC FUHE CZVErJ-YEAR-OLD RYE iMtii. $pj20 EXPRESS 0 wo win nnia you rviun r uiuL, uuui iKri ITIIAROLD BYE for SB.2Q. and wa will dsv u you uuu't ouu il ui riKui aua aa gooa as you ever usea or oan buy Irom .aaybedyelM at Any price, than send It back at our expense and your tl.SO will be returned to you by next mail . Just think that offer over. How could ft be fairer M( you are. not pertaotly satisfied, youarenotoutacent. Better left US send you a trial oidor. If rou don't want four auartA vountAir. rot a Wend to Joto you. W ship In a plain sealed case, no marks to show what's Inside. i ; Orders for Arts., Cal., Col.. Idaho, Mont, Nov., N. ilex., Ore., Utah, Wash, or Wyo. must be on the basis of 4 Onarts for 84. OO by fixpreaa Prepaid or 10 aaartsj for 010.00 by Crelght Prepaid. i , ? Write our nearest office and do It NOW. v THE IIAYI.n DISTILUNQ COMPANY ATUNTa, OA, OftYTON, OHIO ST, LOUIS, MO. ST. PAUL, MINN, i'- 150 1 DismuBY, TBOT, O. ESTABUSRID 1888. Cardjina Business College, :Lw"Bern," IV. i,iZ i" V M e are now enrolling itUvtnts ia:ll sow ih 1111; rJIU.JM-JaWWq 111 .I,,- , ,.,..,.M,aMT 0 y romp eie ne of onr c mries iliirlnn U.e SPH N 1 bdJ K HI. V U 11 1 Kit TIIK JIKftT ami JllOSi' KANllaV MAS TERED flKTIIODH of IS ok-'.ee, Injr ami Svcinns of Snort hind ever ilevalojifd art u-tiMu ibl-(..Il Tlioroab. Tin: iri:u m For jt?ii ogr h p li r h I- now r Otir gradoaies. TAKE OUR C'OTRfcH and More l ucrative Position. or full raitlrolarn, Aililre t S. J. HOLLADaY, Day and Night Sessions. ONE HOUSE 7 rooms, painted inside and out. New Wltli watrfor $8, m 1 house 4 - rooma f4, bpth locations. good. "SiSe lWwTf'dhf St. &antl'aaltiidd,nd,srfw ectthinglea Aacct-stov wood. Lime to retail. and engine Jn running order, s -- - - BIQ HILL.. raat'easlrr lis a ear other w her I, rois i siaVibaai aly bVd iVarat k) 4oM thaa aay other blglwjfaiejWhfa givee better eatlefactloa thta any othir IU Ili JlbitilC la JwitlrX dast proof aad wtrl faa .frora litre n II Itoaaa' aulas ftMtt en. inf ar nAi frrm hk et "latwitiarfal a4 ett4 Hk v ry trt ttiti, wart dla. pedal. il, aad laataateid for lb raila8 fte-) Jf sa. 4 f Do- MtatMrelst. . ' , . . - if saj eyi i .a inn i , , L.M-Edgerton, Ptihaellt. ' WTMldrllaBt 4 .,1 I For Sale; A g ol ttfonf foni! band btiprry. , , . .. t wrn i ' ' f t " ': s .! ( f m make a cailoa. bat a BATKEB QUART la a to the ration. Tlow. ran rmr m,i- iiaior at PREPAID utiS 01 uaynkitb SEVKN the exDren ahahru. Tr It uil y for the Snnm 1 r rr hI. n. 10 iti;.i ikr fl mi 1 U, luiiiuiihu ir implo and looli-W'-irN and t r 1 li in e will It alile to supuly from hiii 1.1 1 lit Hi lp on l' a Belter 127 Middle H Full line of Druga,Med icines, Toilet Ar ticles and Boapl iFresh Supply I lof - Flower Seeds ihalciaa,at , J?ff HCFlp- a a . . i t . a i B t ohm A Nperlftlfy. BARBECUE ! Wa btve opad a ' barbaco cheater aad restairtat lo ihe Otky Store, No ,59roaacadtreet ;Otr-an Jp.l Uil' li( Hxper. IssMd teba epokiar ot Rarheeae aad V."1T'! v tr y MiiR:: ::itii. ,;. Blac.toiHh & Wheal right, ' ..'a.,-" , ..M.,,)' sfaaafaetarwr af Bnr.Wa, Wtgoat, Carts tad Oravt.alwav a n d snp. ply I slmk. lirpalr.rg .nrai'y duua ... ... I t ....I a 1 ' on rjii!. t rt.t. ' a . L nil lienry s I'liarniacy,

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