i .ii i i I i ,f' r'Mii'"ii n,m it ..ini.na rf . i i I. TataiTaM back Mitt ir I ' sat ltrr w RHEUMACIDB. I Kt wtaaa IwiJriM' 1 -t -j-'. ' ' muh MBirreMiMicAueo.trMWTO. MB) . i LYons French iJeriotiical Urons Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, wire to accornpiian ucjkcu a RESULTS. .Greatest known fwjjal remedy . Price, SLS0 per buttle. ftfillTlflW Beraof counterfeits and latluAoaA liftli I HI STa with tao-alnila alrMMM on eld Be Vara of ooanterfeltt and latltaOoa: Sold by piw riott's nriiMvnnvAi rem j i nui hi: ti luo rssaagca is ' ff 1 1 11 BeatsCTBB or and banish "pains of menstruation." Ther are "LIFE 8AVEBS" to aivla at womanhood, aldintr derelopment of orimns and body.i Ko i.i . 4 Js'becomesaasnre. Qll.UU ri J 1I mAik iHUO. Sold in New iern oy r.APUDINE will break tp .100. ITIures Room . . jtt ........ fin The ureat Ull l I hit II amin y Qstb you ever comlUred the great advantage of this fea ture of the Southwest plenty of elbow room where three, five, even ten acres may be had at the price of a tingle acre in your home section f , h'a worth considering, especially when tbe great productive worth of the land la taken In ac ttunt. It's a wonderfully fertll section. There is no bet a ilcultural fettlon In this country, and farms are cheap out there-la Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas simply be came there are more farms ihin far men- Can you afford to overlook an opportunity of tills kind r Our Illustrated booklets will give jou me particulars In detail. It not lnierested yoorxelt write for tbem anywaf in behalf cf jour lets favored relatives and nelfrhbors. (Mention Ibis Paper.) ,oni: AllK PLUS 8 DOLLAfiS For tbe Rfiund Trip Wlt nrl Third Tuesdayi of eacli aa v - i Hun' rrc.ApSXOW&co. PMr- WAlHinQTun, tf.w u 5 ' Ocataaaa UoaRaana ft4 ISieBaaaSB asvaMGaaW BTa'B" a" wa - Tirnrffia. ua! alax I -MiirirjiMiitis- , I '" w w,,la. av - -a ' " 1a IWi rfei pi, Ow, lotal Cbattawks HKW BvKMJt, . U, . t Oravea ?wystj7oiiji( .aaliM. Oraaoa UaaoU. SVM OliolL'(Mr2iHaiOalCJ Oari Pa 0nf.rally IrtcaUfl , All thsl dell ' Ccieilr.b; W.aJ,0.;l rfeh-mU. 4 lated joot.il, tJrtod bedAi Tbono con Tfnienora, Tol and ttehtiTe) 8r. VantA ' fate IU0 rTldT. . - , - f a Ppk;11 and liXerel letaU j.tretk bt Diooth., . , . 0: y.AriftUS'f ajajtriii'si s.ej.sxliaia)Jk'l---,)'1 f 1 mm IJOuso mm 1 1 I. re Josses wee. . r "m. i - . a STIPPLE, i' oaaae4 aw alaa. a was kl,,.,! "J! b lawii wean " K, aaa r- - v Tbe cP" ! S "r saaa-uaarsosF Tbe fenoiaa u ipas BWJHUr W sasa-Mr of (ba aotilfc ttui a5fcr FHAEMACY: .1? nil I jD.Efflssft 4 A . lij- uavis' rnarmacy. -j prevents LA GRIPPE Ktii nnrl auihlnff tyiiiDtoni I - - AT a J' TI UOU wie - ksaert.themielvea. a doie every J or 8 hours I any co J"""M 25c. 600. A BOTTLE. For Success.; . -a r : ISouthwest.;: W.JT,8AUNDliRS,:D P A JOHN SEBASTIAN, 55 Kirhnaii I au IOIVAUV, ISiSa, Wirpinri Pnr S WSSSJ MS r .tlectnc ights Persons wlsaiag their bulldlags wlrei will please make appllcatloa Isi wrV tln. I Any complaiats for defective llchti Inatlenlloa of tfepfbysea, Ac U mads l writing, W ti .Oeaiilsslon, jwlUra. oelve prompt attantloa. Address aB oommasleaUoat aathe8oretarf. jf WATER ft LIGHT COMMlSglOrf, J II Griffith Bl. BASTJBlllir CiBOIJSA ' DISPATCH : ; pr -AND - j ' 1 Od Bofainibh Steanshi? Co. rsiisHT tt rismais. j : For AH 3PolnU XriK MersJvs Oct. 1st, IMS. i ; . The Qteaxner; UETJ0E la scheduled to sail ak p. as., aloadst Wedneaday aad f rJday, for KUaabeti -Tlie,Tvl SteamerlOCnACOKi: 14 ScUdoled to sail ail p .Tuesday; Tknradsy and Batmrday for XlbabeU t7re!iht rwilm sotiuUf Uan on hoax previous to el.'n r. TcT fartber laiomaUoa U Ifa Iti SjIo, Osa. LrT. - -: nX3,Kcai,Gsa,rrt.4 PaAAAi, Kh I lMorfoIksTB,' . I . . i I j I - W.&BCMMXaCLt, j it Tn. tad rasa, A(aa tfsw , Beta, . U. Erncct J.I. Qrc:n, ittaraj',S (0Bflor at Iw, ri"tp. ' r-rt:??, ?r. , a . i p ' ' L p: USE Oi if " vV H Inter Htlng eetrej locrci ft flns arrlTinf oa tlieae Iwra Ir. yeri because of op- tbe nuqiber' 6f Thm1' Immljranti to Amer)c f leM tham 8,000. 1899, whea ttie cw tmoed the taut 4cree aepnTWf u peopi oi . c wwoa w tbeU eonrtJtutioMl llberty, tbetniii. 000 VM-J VWtaVnceLisya nor ttea 160.000 JTlnna bTe come to over 20Q,0ra I'lnm undei ; (the American 2,UUU,VMK, tft Wt w per e c n lend't Inbabttoti in the yev preTtoas U thsrr dw teeitatlM tJilte4H . 1 : 1 .- 1 . J, I tl.1.1 l aonghf eom la other coontrlea. . . of theip aoal They iave found em- DattTment km In (ffcrfpft laduKtrlea. A tfir are, joMsmba andD'aUTerBml miny,-iirebrld8emen,lfli ateel ooni teucftoA okJn MlcJUfan, fhlcir m ta4Jiirt tsiraff thm,uiel work (a (he Iron and copper Mines. minera in AHlssa. tsome are iarmer Brooklift Rfl Newark there are fully IfcOOfcFlnj iff 1Htee mearly all the WOmld M peaUntTuais, of course are a wtle.Nr?lM, - while tbe awjerltitv t the earfcaeBteej iWanjwwW4 anil ' m ina ' ami" iHMiae. fenlldfrs,, feiLTEt fcCTHE?S. Ml MotbsrtihouldklWsTskee. fJ opdf bodily htalth. "They aVWa 11 to Wirt cmiawa sis w aw bw aiKua.iv ms motksf Jt1Q jrabeUifQth; Ing violently aad exhibiting aU the symp tonU of at oohsaiaptlvs wndandy.1 -Aid why should this dangerous condition ex ist, dsagtrout illke to mother and child wbea Dr.' Boscbee's German Syrup would put a stop to It at oncef Mo moth er ahouH M , ItUput this o'.4 ,and ,ired remeuy ia ine aouac inrns simeiy use wUl prointly euie any long, throat or &e4irtff9ito(4HTqHi ml speedly cured by German Syrup; so can hoanakasaal aad eoneeiilon of the bron chial liabsi Eli inaiei ettsctotitl. asf. iudglf.i.aoirehaf iad refrsai lag rest to the eobgh-racked consumptive New trial hottlea, 5rt large sjerj5r. ,A 4 all drnggliU. tf Bi WilTJ. H, ( ttt's Waewra. Bollo Ogden, tn hla biography of WU- Uarn H. Prescott, the hUtorUn, dtea manv na suras from the diary abowlng Preeorta of feogglug ajtmlaK to M-wer?ajy $4ltigiUtriin W secretaries that be wouia-rompiete a given task by certala dayl the odds alwayi btftUT against himself. "Prescon Wwkjs tookjhla betting on tua own inaostry wiu panfci aenous- Mm . HotnatlanJai ha avdhLoa radlarStlv aWswtbircwbave lottt xoa owe ma a fnuar;- Ana no wouia exact iTiBafc' Oryastonslly be would, with weeWgana cotmtsnanee, produce aid fSf-T t fJ tary-tha f29 wi-1'"blmawtfv-had oat" Out eJaborateiy made memoran dum witnesses that a bet of $1 to tS0 bad bean smade "between B. B. Otis n4 V4l.p lPrescoftJlhfUt. ter bettW W that he wiU wrltelOO pagea of bis 'History of Pern' in 100 daya." The documents .signed Wll 11am ft Preapott and Edmond B. Qtla, but tkf lattaw nlfjolns the following! "I promise on lay jLoadf sf.fetjtJe' man not to tleas!aXPeecott fro any rorlwtwe that JOULtiwX aiiJptJ la ach caase as are provided (or tn the caaraeVtbt contract being made at hla daelaa faf bis own accommoda- s 11 illi'jsrI'T'lTii s i.wi v linn UaDv n Hew Bern To 0 Ure, lbs, pls aad aches oi at beck itAptads to ba aaUraly freefroa aaaoylffs daafajroaa urinary dlsorderf b Crmta'Sfo iiVtttf1 f rsuTbanSe tS b)roiubotp wnl prove coatfortls word to kaa44 of.Hew Bera readers. ObataV Uartts, s cat earpeaatr at tbe A, L O, lit ft Phops IMkUUhg. M 7 Ben. ttraet MTS:"I have foaad great WJ H.i aal.a flua'a fit... JPn. hi wi ipi kvm a.wa iw, laty cloady. )c aslaf Doaas Kidney Pills Vas, teor;QB kave legalaed Uelf aatart eojor Bed I do not suffer frost ike ptR to. sii kick alalL' 1 caa' advjse aU wbQ art 0 ;)!ir1y troubWl to wlat I aa to 9 to Prtdkaat's Pharssacy pro ears f)oa't Jffldwf PUla aad )a tbeai asrwf 'taty wuiiot BtaHisa,r.pcia FotWlabt all Jer'.' Pffie 3r'i box. Fp:;t'::ari t'o.iBualu, t T, sole t?r,$ frilkeU. & - ... . Bat-"-' ti tv aaaae Doaas- aad take aootbtr. ' . I... j SALTING BABIES ' &.Crael.Catoi'rsl BttU livl 1st - - - - v t Nn. efaloeakues lil Europe aaof Aflla tu people "atUfidhere to the ex ceedingly: curious custom 'of ; salting newborn .batitea, - notwithstanding tti olty'.and idjtoger. The method, pa ries with the differing MttonalltlM of the people using ir The Armenians of Russia cotef) the utice akin of Aha Infant with A itery j entJce tkln of fflMk.it uUn one smUUn great care that the salt raarlM-4 til the'sDiftes between the fin- geriina toea antf'tbe depreesJonAin Sbody, such as the armp&and we Iowa under the knees, foruot a spot of the urface. of, the child rnst lremams nntoucbed.ljlthajftlt,; The aal 1 left on the baby for three hours of snore llelintteClhttArme- niantThey eep their newborn ba Wef covered with salt for twenty-four hours.rhe modern Greeks sprinkle their babies with salt,"eDd even in some parts of GeranyaAlt (a atUl own apDot birth, bat; hi a much mure uf tsuw fuiaipaEr,- vj ppiuymm m lttle lehind thl eaiAor ter pWclng a plnctt'of salfoh the tongue or by filling a Mttte paperwjiu aJt and plajdag: it toflrf tte.fcttifeitt'iai. mothora to- that waa'Iir give i their children 1th n strength and keep the evil rfway from them. J t This custom, when carried to prcess. ia cruel, the salt Inflaming the - skin and sometimes causing such intolera ble tortures that the child, dies in con- "f6H" P'CSprant:,r4'atiper- StlUoua mother, believing that the aalt- without it the bab uj not grow up into k healthynts p wptask iiardeaa t is not known definitely, bow this Sdd jWst(mC)r1gnated, bu probably ancftii$v8ior, observibg the preservative power of salt Id keeping rneat sojind, fPfaoned that It fl(ould be a good thing to salt down young jbables for a few hours and thus impart; some- thlng. of the strengthening;, aha, pre- pervpuc qnannes 01 tne bbi toiue py pffsprlng of man. . irf ; Tb(9t f rm A Wajfon Jfr GeorsaK Bataeock was: thrown ueappiiea unamoeriam s rain num tree ly snd says It Is the best Mnlmfot he ever aieaj sir Babfficavw a wen known cm m4 NorJi ?P.)n. TW is no thing equal lo Pain Balm for 4 sprains and bruliel. It will effect a cure In one- tbrjjjbe Jlme required by s ; other treatment. For saie Dy an uruggni. ' ' " Time to Smoke l Auutralla. Builders anil contiactois In'AuHtra lla have hit upon a sun esHfnl, plau to oblige their employees, .y .allowing tbeif rioj-Btopflfliii woi kmaj 'Lours ana-nave a suroiiP." - At 10:30 In the morning the -whistle blows or the hell rings, iiiid be fore man calls out. "SiiKjlcpr' Inslautly all work fs stopped, mid the tneu1 take put their pipesSadil ktnoke fof nbout flveviiihiute; At 3330 In tbe hfteruoon 4pM'A allowk?d -iVamoke agokt The time auUinl Is made up by the extra energy with which tbe men work, after thej have, had a suioke. An Alarm Clock For 25i If jou want to getop carlyand (eal good dll day Uke a Little , larly jRlsar of Two afted time? These ramous little pills relax tbe nerves, gtre qalef rest and refreshing sleep with g "gentle move ent of tt bqweft about fateakfas time B BoweB Hansloa Texi says arly ijsmtebei pills ntids for oon- llMtlol. lick "Hche. Iblllloutneii. ste.-' Sold by rSThjffy. SENTENCE SERMONS, TruuFaa Io Va athnpt oat trt M short cat to baprjfas.; -3 -" a yirraAIaf not a matter of vocabAlarv f ' 7 l Tt, . ' "I Nothing succeeds, where he aoulfaUs, "A httie aflenco may save A lot of por- With God life and love'lre syhony moua. ... . . ' waya cna his : own 1 anot tear an the foots thesta but byttbo stepe of trial. The man who takes Ufa .Vmtterooa. A man makes no panic by patting haatill on tbe progress ck. , .Vlrttie may. be its own reward, bbt It u not its vwa aararnaing f iBotma mnMxpett to acq' aU-their gooa bbwib tn weir aw.uuu pbgofTrtaaVl Assay, , Se,BalTa.rton Army bad tub towa of Whltrry, In tbe origin la rougbroal fulfltrtljdlsti, General Booth, at t TOfkatlra, where. that tlni' Bar. VU- tlam Booth, was dotog ban , ile mission work, England was then It armai ex- pecUng to lump Into the Bu to-Turkish war.. It occurred to Boo a that ba might attract a citd IT 1 mg a ueo- U ration of war tuuaelf. t s prepared f a orf, 4 Sf-".1I4 it t'lentlfttlly v n! -lu' .hs t d posta ; .'jgocopua tf i nU 'oWt. Thf uc -e tlckJed U Bi1Ui.ii nee of humor, tbere was "red hot, fusing meetine ".to qoote General Booth, "tbe penltei tell down In heapa," and the Balvs on Aimy prang into life full grown. -, 1 asln ea A atsrp mAhd ho nan reaches gaw tnnnrpo A a doie al- mar agent. te iiiimiiijtoIMlolai i 1 f i ' 1 T 1 .- . ;i ;r fill v " U L s ' : -J , 't T r ir , a n'r fcoweTrr Ij it-" rta KLsptrt Fneod lef orobaby otnea a4 this r-ut linlmeat V Ja f fsjrtJ'tbiyYol fno strata pppn jti and 4WmtM7tt tiyWfoMJf.ffleiidoVrc lanzerof ciOlLL. J, tj'rilaattt&ftWtla . tLia critical period thfU : t paiau It u Voman' featt bleasUg. 1 TkwOMsvda rateJTlly tH yfU- UMnt Ikd "relief, dqrited Iroa the twaadT. .6oldy svlt diaffiata t (tJbo pat 1oUta.Oa,Uttl ilok.toIlinraaboc. t thia illnimaaL vwial am4 W-aputbeirniteonaalhe witer of many rtviw and most -of It he! creak. sink eW jtbe Hatbe bouad during spring and arly sumnfer, an, peartdg again when the rains beetifu July and Aususb ! lThe dlisODaVriinea tr tne streema would M fatarU many 01 me insect tribes abounding In that country but fot tn1 fact that &e Jar sects, ia tbe form of ami.' Malw tha mototuro unaergtonnd1- arid ".merge agabv together. Wltb the.crwki tatr- to the aeaBon. 1 m "'a (sajfc 10 ie'ej ' Iiatv . f ,a.. -U.il 11 Tbe Summer Normal and ' InatlruU work for colored , teacharay ln,tM oMal ties of Uraven, Jones, uarterainmlloo Hyde,Uaslow and Pit,, begins jne IA, 1004, at the Eastern N O industrial Academy, In tha city of New Bera N and will continue for four weeks; Ail should avail themselves ofihs special advantages that will be glveq during these four weeks. Teacbeit shoujld oon r tlnue to improve, . . . ( " Speclsl Instruction wl(l be, glkan to those seeking a knowledge . ofi j atoeaj l Pbllowphy, Agrlculiare, Algebra, Rha- torlo, Pegagoglot, CrUinal ProMama lal Higher Arlthmetlo aad Uramatari The County Sapt Hoa' S M BHsson will kctars from time to tlB)"eeil sjlw 01 h r enoouragemeat to ua, and If nddl tlon thereto, competent aad eiperjenced teachers bsve been, secured, heave the work will be of the highest order rroressors a. w wetnenngtoa, j t Barber and B P Coward, ttachera The term will ran up to July 141b, ex amination day. Don't lall to prepare for the work. Tuition 25c per week. BEV. WM. SUTTON, 0. D , Pretldebt; W. W. LAWRENCE. Secistary. Confederate Veterans' Reunion, Nashville, Tcnn, Jnne 1411- 16tB,l904. For above occasion the Souther Rail ..II .I.WaAa in ta.aK.ni' P. WJ wist wit . .u . wm t ui mmmii aad return at rates named " nskiwi Goldaboro 9JU. Belma 118.18, Palelgh $19.60, Durham $11.05,' Bndereoa $13.00; Greensboro $iaM, Salisbury $B.5, JVInstonalem $10.55,' Hickory $8.S0, Charlotte $10.10, Gestosis IMS, Bbelby$9.ia ' ' i... ApproxlmaUly low rates tromothti point. Tickets sold Jbbs 10th to 15UJ 1904 Iselusive with flaalKinlt to leavs Naahvlll Juae 18lk 1M4; provided tlok- eu are officially stamped by Joseph Hick ardsoa, Sped at Agent. ' Tickets caa be extended-antRi Jaly 10th, 1904, U deposited by Orlgtasl par- chaser with Joseph KlchaYrdaCV'fl eclal Ag eat at Nash U1 between boart of 8 a aadtpsB, Juae 10th -to 18th bsoIb- sit, aad apo yymeat Of a fee 0lM osaei per Ueket.' '' " j General J 8 Cart kai Mleeted the Boothera Ball war vi AAheHliA'Kaoa. v11' aad : ChatUaooga "ki la cdlejai ronU for bis annual MOoafsdBrt4 jVeb ran: Bpeolal," walda-win' eoasI4V. o( first class, day ccexmea'aad'Stiaadaad Paltmaa cars to be haadled rwaik U NashiUle. Tmbm wltbawt cbaate. Tkls special train win leas Balii K Ojp tn p m, Buaday Jaas lata, 1904. 'Bertfe rat f romalalgb $15(1 Harkaaa tUS, Qreeasboro $8.60, Salisbury $159, AsbsVirareafi villdtWW. rt " ' ' ' Two pecsnna can occupy s bank tub on aauiuoaai was r- vt f a A . T . . I Xxeelleat servtcs oa tegular UalktU A.k yoar agavt for rates' ftbeV olf staUoa.1 yt Hi 'V'S -.ntr.i-' . ; fot farther ufonaatlo tad SasebUlf carreserTstlonfc.wi.tt (ri -.l i t fM ....LVaUJV tlotftlCP. ieoTicL iwla'trafkl a iDMISISTEiT0R3'K0TlC Bavtag oeattfled a' admmlstratl Of the astate of Henaaa Baeir; aaeithis la to aotiny all parses ladebte to) tne atate. toBiake Immediate payment M the nndenfguf -X" Aod ail persoas hold- thennnentgufuJ. ao sat persoas now-1 , -lag rUlnn sgaiatt the estate aie b:by 1 bhh iued te pretest tue aaiser dn?y ten t Btdtoth Bcl"'"d w,Mn f (12) m f.i ... of tbalrvfcxvvi. 1904. H iJ ' I 4 2,H-. r ft A A disc Hrma I ' tt, Pe'd. coACuriCr.::::JCrOAnf ETEBT 1UE3DAT AND TBURa DAT IS JL'NS'. VIA1 O.'.' O. ' HOUTR,1 at ereclal licnrsha' ' . Rales. ' . OochTiif1.-ja tlimor,'lh of t -.; h r - !"t t i : I ' p- 1 r-' . i . ' 1 f r i . mora! J ... ' '. I -. I I r '.l ! J . " v' C & ri Every wocnaa covets f shapely. DrottT Cmrs). aad w-i W thani depkM tfaa . icoitiair gtrliih oraasr '"ui " inarriage..;,l bearing "f a,yja Ja - adod; ' Balfor-Partition. 04W.Saottinordefbr tbe BaDerlor Conn of Craven county made the 38th day f May 1904, Jl-wUl Joffer-or sale at -N8 BerarNorth 'psrollpa, forcuhat pabHc out efy ' orf Monday June 27th MUaviaa louowinf city rfeal ' Batate; A lot of land with Improvements situated lathe city of New Bern NO, 'at the Soath Western corner of Kant Front end King streets begienlntt on the East ern side of East , Front street. North- tgrdfMm' the Korih Eastern corner of W p h Belletler lot, ; formerly tha Ha- sen lor, atBlalsck's line and runs North ward with tbe Esatern side of East front street CT" feet 8 Inches to the Boatbwettera corner of Bast Front and aUng street, tbea Westward with King sreet4 feat t Willis Una, then with his line Southward 67 feet taebesto blalook line, then But ward wltL his Ba to tbe beginning Bale at 18 o'clock M, June 87th, 1904. H. O. WHITEHUR8T. Commissioner. Mortgage Sale. By rlrtuef a power conferred on me iy one oertaJa morUrace deed executed to me by H W Jewell, 1 will sell at pub Ihfaactfon sttbe Court house door In theOtty of New Bern, N O, on the S.nd day. of Jnae 18M, .at 18 at, toe foUow log piece or parcel of land. Beginning at I stake 1 the' canal at the mouibpf the upper ditch that was cat by T H As- aia asaiun witn sua canal o, w 11$ boles, then W 5, E to the line of the Hall oaUnt. then with said Hall natent Ua W 87, K where It lntersecu a line of a deed from T H Asktns and wife to r r Latham dated aoth of August 1885, the with line of eald deedS 71, E to s stake oa ald Una, the 8 it W to the be ginning except 11 acres, sold to Alonzo Serendell containing 60 acres more or lee. - Terms of fiala, CASH. ISAAC H. SMITH, t . Morlgsgee. May 81, 1901. Notice XXortgage Sale ! , , $f virtue, of 4ower of sale la a Deed of Trust or Mortgage xeoated by 8hade L Wooten aad wife Henrietta L. Woot e on July 84th, 1800, wherein theun darsiBed tsdsaoaatnated party of the second part and Laura 8. biyroa party of the third part, said Mortgage being of record m ook so, page soi, soa sad bus ta-office of RerhtsT of Deeds of Lenoir Onaoty, the aadetaigaed wllloa Mondsy June xuta, iU4 at tbe boar oi ll-rclock a. m.. at the Coart House In Ktaston sell at public outcry to the hfc best bidder for easn inriana aeaerioea ana conveyea in said Used of Trust fist Situate la La- Graaga, LaaaU Conatv, North Caiallna, and known la the survey of said town as IjOt Ov 1 JMgtaatat at ue street ot) ft. from the ceatar otthe A. at N C. tu it, aMtBr with''ib raRroad line a t8, B., JO yards to stak thence S. 88 WSOyanUtoastake; thaws N.3 W., 7 yards to tbe street between C. Wooleu and Joan i uarvsyi uence wit . said street N. 8tt E. 80 tarda far tbe besie niag, oonuintna: s0wsaaro yatds more or isss ana Detogane sm ... ssnas wnicn wascoBveyed to. said Bbad k WooUn by OeuBdl Wootan and wtfs by peed oAledMewhaotarlSoa. ' Bee said Deed af Trsst : of record in Rmrtstet't offloe of Leaetr County. This 18th day of May, 1904. ,6 5 . il IVJlVOurLEK .uiai.-.. 4 . . .Tmaste. tublicaUbn of Sum- a ttU moxis. frORTH CAROLINA, i ' U the graven uoaary. - j Bapsrior uourt a J ...la tj LavKjj. Of iMcaaiar va Laacaster. BUMCf aeaa ) MiHu muw mm ut, liitM MniBUaniwl L la" the 'flaharlAv lxmJkeOrvaOeoty bo obtataadi- tbst boevaotaaSlrieseB4 aad the said defeadaat wtlLfnitbe iaki ao tica that ike la required to aopaar at tha Owofterleoa atbupertor' Court for said tOooatyse i held'o eVeBrddiy of UotaJMrciiKH.M.UoartJ moss hb mow BerwN. Cad awe Wileawi 4 ia. tesipUlat la laid action or tb plalptiE will apply to the Court for relief oetaand: dtSBl4dBspJal ' 'V ' J ' .frWATBOjr,'' 4JWiaS Oerk ( ta Buperier Ceurt KOSSF. m-- aaBBBrBS Tjwlephone..,. XRYICE'U-aV BCBUtESB " .. ItXGZSBITf 10M1 0U4AU ittjMiitl le,4 -IXctcrdly.' r f a .SB?a,S3" it The t Insst Liquors and Wmea, i- r l ( "HI ! rnrack Etreeta, y. ,, ... i -nr. i ft - UUII !, I I II .III.II.TTi.l, ' j j 1 w f V. a , ...b- a t t T . J Irltir una iiiAi ah ,. iiii t-i w I rvi i., umruiuaiii, KJUjIABILII I The) V' winning poiuts. -" x .4 u i pjtfST afc CO., Proprietor, S RICHMOND, VA, " v,,,.. .c.Fi ui we win sena r r v n-,u ouujctM office. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS, MO SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST RniTTR v..hki x.i....i. r ..v.. Trains with Pullman Sleeper and Dining Cars. Through tickets from Carolina with direct connections. SPECIAL RATES FOR SRABON, SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS. nrieen day tickets from New Bern , N Sleeping car nccommodatlons engaged SPECIAL COACH on authorized dates, tickets good for ten days at rate of $22.70. Correspondingly low rstos from other statlons.1 Special accommodations arranged for parties, atop overs peimliud without limit at C.& O. celebrated Mountain resorts una innusu kuu i'K and purchase your tickets accordingly. For coach excursion dm, reservations and other information, address "W. O. WARTHEN, Dpa, Richmond, Va. F. W.OURD, Fan. Agl G. A O. Ry., Norfolk, Va., itidketrs; Publication of S urn- Dions. NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County. I In the I Superior Court. State on Relation of L 1 Moore, Hoi , on Behalf of,W H Oliver, Trustee of theGrlffln Estate va T YV Dewey and wife, F.llza M Dewey.R 8 Primrose, Helen S Prim rose. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by affidavit that T W Dewey Is a non-resident of tbe State of North Car olina, you are hereby notified, that a summon and petition to foreclose a mortgage upon a certain piece or parcel of land, situated in tbe cliy of Hew Bern and known as the Griffin Estate has been duly filed In the clerk's office of Craven county, N C, In the above entitled action by L l Moore, aollcllor on behalf of W H Oliver, Trustee of the Griffin Fund. You are hereby notified to appear before tbe Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Cra ven at the Court House In New Bern, N C, on the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday In September, 1901, and answer or demur to said petition as you msy deem best, otherwise the prayer of tne petitioner win ne granieu. It I ordered that this notice be pub llahed once a week for six weeks In the New Bern Journal. , This 5th day of May 1904. W. M. WATSON, C. H. C UNIVjEIWITY LAW SCHOOL. The Summer Term begins June 8tb, to continue three months. Thorough Instruction In courses admitting to the bar. Special lectures by eminent Iswyers. For Catalogue, address . . . Jau. C. McRae, Dean, Chapel Hill.N. C. P. M. Slrameas, A. D. Wsrd SIMJIONS ft WARD, ATTOBNtt aal COUNSELORS a LAW. SIW sUSUIB, ST. V. Office Removed across Street to bee t Btory of No. 89 (above Telegrspj l noe) South Front Street, nei . to Hotel Chattawks, IntlA In thaj MinntlMai nf Clravan. inpua, JOnoa, vniiow, uinani, rauiu- 00 aad Wake, In the Supreme and Fed- w .. r . ii. II Oral Oonrts, ana wnerever servioes srr desired. T. AJJOreeu, Prest. I. H. Meadows, Vlce-Prest. T. A. Utrell, Cashier. Citizens' Bank, r, nr. o. Do anrI Banking Business . Surplus aad UadivV V dsd Profit, $33,000.00. j We will give prompt and careful attest tie so aU Msineea entrusiea to us. W Isvite yoar aocoBBk i ry ua. farOaaad Oias J. A-Maaulews, laaaalW.lpeast. Skaa.al.t'owier, . W. rlnr, B. W.Saiiw4, . ateadewa, Uba. Df.Sy, if. tfaaaas Badnaeed, JararHaSa, aoaaaaa.tares. ,a.rv. atee.st.ivse. w.r.wsBotiiS Mark Disoswa. Atlmlnlstrfttorai Notice navlsa doatlfltd U admlnlstratot Bay lata wife Victoria E. lpock, this Is U oitr sit persons bavins claims asalnst lbs estate of the laid deceased to exhibit tbam to tbe endA'Slgnee, or' bis Attork aey U. U V " ' t before the 87th uet May 1'irt,. h'4 notice, wilt be pUsdedlaM . If recovery. All persons In le.ie t-' fsld aetata Will pltmaketaai'llate pavmenk a. -This 87ib day or May 1104..-. . v ; t.'V.f, W.B.IPOCK, -;-;': i Tc t (! k, ; - . " ' - - Administrator. ran i fiusii piListn Dr. VTiniims' IndUn Tile Ointment ,"! r;r V'.'ot, E!fllpS, Ulcerated and " !"" i. It s'rr t!ie tumors, aoa x uruiiAi. rnlVJk sTOOcU m , r-.-wnAn vi 1 1 1 ii m v r w -: -w w . , a large sample by express chargea , piainiy ana give nearest express - -s C, $28.15. upon application. EXCURSIONS Bdlto.lMd A. & N. C. R. R. TIMB TAB LB NO. 33 To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 1904 at 12:01;a. M., E. B. T. Going East Bohkdulb: Going Wcs No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 OB 8 69 LaGrange 10,88 4 28 Kins ton 1018 5 40 Ar. New Born, Lv 0 00 6 50 Lv. " Ar 8 27, 7 15 Ar. Morehead City Lv. 6 66 No. 5, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. STATIOHS: DAILY. Lv. A. kf, Ar ,P. at 8 00 8 18...., 8 26 8 87 8 48 9 02 9 18. -. 9 30 9 60 9 51 Goldsboro , Best's LaGrange ....Falling Oreek.... KlUBtOQ Oaa well ,, Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Olarks ..Ar. New Bern, Lv., . 880 . 80S 7 57 . 7 47 . 781 . 780 . 717 . 700 . 660 . 648 . 6 80 P. n. 10 10.. a. at. No. 7. Passenger No. -Ar. 8. p. m 614 , 5 47 1 5 4 585 r.ai 6 15 440 Lv. a. m. Sundays Only 10 20.... Lv. NewIBern Ar. 10 40 Riverdale 10 48 Croatan 10 68 Havelock 11 15 Newport 11 20 Wildwood .... 11 40. . . .Ar. Morehead Oitv L No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT Na s. 2d Cum. SUNDAY 2d Class Lv. a nt Ax. n m 5 11 Goldsboro 8 50 6 45 Best's 2 18 6 12 LaGrange 2 08 617 Falling oreek 188 7 82 , Kins ton a. 18 18 7 40 oaswell 1,01 9 00 Dover 1101 9 40 oore Oreek 10 40 1010 .Tuscarora 1010 10 88 Clark's 9 54 11 00 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 80 18 80......LV. New Bern Ar 800 1 18 Riverdale 7 80 1 80.., OToatan.' 718 1 40 Havelock 7 08 8 09........ Newport, Lv 6N 8 80 Wildwood 6 07 8 88 Atlantio 6 68 8 65 .. Ar. Morehead Olty.Lv 6 88 8 00 ...Ar. M. City Depot, Lv 460 A. . ' Supplement No 1, To take effect Saturday, May 14th at 11,05, a m, 1904. East Bound. West Bound. No. 211. No 918. DAILY, EXCEPT FRIDAYS AND BUNDAYS. Lv p. m. stations. Ar p. m. 4 00 Goldsboro 800 120 Best's JSC 4 89 'LaGrange. fl 14 4 40 -Felling Creek 1 61 4 63 Klnston. 1 88 ussweu 18 88 618 ..Dover 1888 6 SO -Core Creek a. null 68 S 40 Tuscarora il tm 666 .Claris uh ain a w itmmw Ham r . a a w aw... W T. h a. , ag yai tW No 81$ will pass No 8, whenever MwaHiiH ' i a auaau - su UOMIS' boro alese otaerswls otherwise bp. dared., .... , ' -'"(,' . . . fj Ttrr.r- AXHlWLANIJv . - taiBipf,' aatamtaar TrabBiai ll4alttnsaj w . ' o n y- Chlal Dispatcher. . e0K B0MI fJSZ Clean, para wbolesom, raa-nteed to be ebemlcally rnade from d U.lt wata r aad fre trora InpurlUee. tpenially la trodo-i and prrj e4 for tvamaa eon Sumpllfm. lo dnlivered dally (exoept Eundsy-; tmtoapm. Pnndars (r- U'l r 'y) 7 a r to H v ' 1 :,t fwc'S 15 I r ' : : i J ' ' rlr-', M a t - I " 'lire'