1 K ! hp journal; New J&era, . Jane 11, J0.f 10DGB DIMCTORT. CRAVWf LODQI HO. 1 KNIGHTS ' Of HARMONY. JWeetl' tad wid Ath Wednesday nights la each month in Bonntres Hall, IHfflock atwet, at l.W 'clock, tismnel R. Ball, Frwldentj' J. ' H. Bmlth, BtCy; B.B. Hi'l, Jlnnnclal Hurry 8aUupMckn. ' JO Baxter Eye Doctor. , - Simmon & Hojlowell Co Notion flpeclat V ; :'; J'" ' ' Baslnest Locals. 4 HAERT BULTAN irla begin ths sale nf phir.keni air&in text to Hlxon's res taurant. He will hare some flue Spring and Grown Chickens. Try Wm. vi'': rrv rh rtoyioe. No 87 Pol- loca eireeu Recently improved and painted. All modern conveniences. Ap ply to William Bultan, net door to xea ldence. BXTB A quality Siloed Ham 17 cents per pound at Oaks Meat Market. FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar ket. FOR BALE One handsome oak side board. Call at Mrs M M Marks, 19 Johnson St. V- R SLB-On and after Thursday w.ti i ten 10 hd qunnilty diSirn rrt rs " lh J "V" Jiewrt receive prompi 'mttnUon. J2 B i T Mfg Co. FOR SALE Porcelain Lined Refriger ator. F R Hyman. FINE RESIDENCE Location io 1 7 large rooms, besides large bath room, and large kitchen, Cor DS Front and King Sta. Sale for partition June 27th 1904. H. C. Whitehurst, Commr. THE PRESSING CLUB Is still in progress. Gentlemen's suits and ladles Bklrts neatly pressed. Goods left at Mr Stewart Callaway's barber shop will re ceive prompt attenllsc. J, R. Simpson, New Bern Military Academy, National Avenue. FOR RENT South side of the Sllmson residence on East Front St. Contains ten rooms with all modern conveniences E. E. Harper THE RAILROAD Meat Market can fill your order today, with fine Spring Lamb, Prime Steaks, Roast Chops, Sau sage, or anything usually found In a good market FOR RENT A residence with all mod ern conveniences. Apply to Mrs E H Powell. 100 Broad street. FOR RENT Af let June 1st, the East end of Harvey House on South Front street. Fifteen rooms and all modern improvements. J W Stewart. CRAVEN, CARTERET STEAMBOAT LINE. Steamer Sarah Louise will make regular trips to points on Clubfoot Creek, Beaufort, Morehead City, Straits Marshalburg, Davis Shore, Wit and Atlantic. Leaving New Bern 10 a m, Mondays for all polals. Thursdays for Clubfoot Creek, Beaufort and More head. Leaving time may be changed to 'suit the tide. Freight iecelved at Ellis' coal yard. 8 MILLER, Ha for sale the Uygenlc Pine Mattress. Natural vegetable curled hair, possessing the healtbglviog pro perties of the pine tree, which is so bene ficial In catarrhal pulmonary and other diseases, being also a protection against vermin. ICE CREAM at James B Dawson's, 103 Middle street. Phone 200. See base ball scores nightly at Dawson's. FOR RENT LoweT floor of Miss Small wood's home. Apply to her 116 Cravsn St., any hour after 11am. None with children need apply. J. 8. LAND is conducting a hay and rraln business la connection with his wood yard whloh la In the rear of the O. K. Laundry on Middle trcet.xCall and see htm. , Eyes Tested Free I - A few rf ibr evils flowing from lncnr . i i e ir,lor Olioes; Inflam mation, drowsiness with an cacomforta. ' bl feeling while and aUer reading, headache following, the abnormal amount of nerve force eipended oa as imperreos eye wmca snoum go 10 om Other part of the body, oPs yoir vltall- 'I ) Hi. dull the btala and If the leak Is not " V4 Jtopped oan oaaei oompleto break down ,f $.of the whole nerlrous system. - i r., Our glasses are froperly flttcd by the 1 jj t aid of Mlentlfl' lnstrunenis, at asont '(i : half the price yoa pay, others Who have -''.ot these aeoasaary tnstraments, ws " ) gaartnlee , eat lf actios ? yoa to be the "; '.iiJadg,o why iay other' more than ') ( double oer price, ipedally to those who 4 (travel f .' We lr located perma&sitly ' and la case of error yoa do Hot lose ji Wl--v f V-J J t) BAXTER, 1 4i : Graduate ia Optometry,. . " TA t ' jumi x our a axes ,ior t. 4 ) .i-'- ' ,,Jj ' , The list Ukers are io reedy to e - calve the list givtnlji for the Ith town ahip, tnd ' wW be at"the tJourt tioas , i do Mug the month of Jon. Please don't i . wait Until the laaltnomtnt.- ;' V'vr, IPL -. ft. fy SHORT PASSING -EYEXTS. The weather today; shower, v- The new opera house will . be oi Sept, J5th by AlG Field jramoo ;nu All'chaoge of advertisement u$ be in thl effice by tl o'clock, . (aoon) or positively no changes will be made, : s Mr Mark Plsoswsy Uft on th Rente yesterday for Philadelphia to recuperate his health. Mr Dlsosway' Meade kept to eee him speedily ;jrMtore4;tSii-j Catfish teemed to be more plentiful on the market yesterday than any other kind, and were In good dsaaand Thrifty housekeepers of color were (lad to buy large tlzsd bunches tor flvaesnU the bunch. .;." " "i CMf, The AM E Sunday School of Bet if ort came to New Bern yesterday a an excursion. There were three ear of the plcknlckera and they seemed to en joy themselves during the day. 4f - At the meeting of the First . Ward Committee last night, Mayor X1H WU elected a member of the City Democratic Executive Committee. It would be an accommodation Jo the travelling public If the A ft N 0 people would have the trains stop fo a moment at South Front street in passing throagh Nearly everybody who oomee to town from down the road ha bntlnei dowa down town and one must risk jumping off a moving train or walk nearly a mil to git to the business part of the city It looks as though people would learn not to go off and leave their children shut np in a house with fire or lamp burning. Last night a boy nearly eight years old because of the carelea habit and another child Is eald to bare-been badly burned. A few year ago another case of the same kind happened up on Stanly street. A small child wa left alone and the house catching a fire the poor little vicUm was burned to coalciodtr. Inquiries have been made concerning the delay in completing the rook wa'l around Cedar Grove Cemetery. The contract was let mere than a year ago, but not a stone has been placed la post tlon yet. The contract waa awarded to Mr Henry Brown, Jr., and a lot of rock was quarried and brought to the city, and there the woik (topped. It that Mr Brown has business Intonate at Wilmington which ha not permitted him to complete the cemetery wall. The time of contract ha been extended twice, the last extension being nntll September. It looks a though another extension will be needed, and if o the work will not be finished until , next year as It cannot be done during the winter months, and It may be year be fore the wall Is finished. It look o now. Potatoes Still Coming. the High watermark on the move ment of truck was reached yeeterday. The steamer Neuse was loaded to her at- taost capacity with barrel of potato, baskets of beans, crates of cucumber, etc., and In spite of . all that there wa considerable track left on the dock. There were 2,000 barrel of potato, 1 ,500 bsskets of beans, more than 100 rntes of cabbage and cucumber. Freight cars on the railroad also carried away very Urge consignment to north ern markets. Merchants testify to the prosperity of tho truck season. They say that there has been more money in circulation thia week than for several week before. The truck business at Oriental I re ported larger than for many years; It re quiring an extra eteamer to take care of the shipments from that place. The ruling prices were potatoes $8 to 3 50; beans 11.00 to $1.15. T : Odd Fellows Memorial. Members of Eureka Lodge Wo T L O O. F. aro requested to meet at the Lodge room promptly at 4-p m Sunday Jane 12ih to attend Memorial serf Ice at Court Hooss all Brother are requested to bring flowers. By oider of Noble Grand. Bold Day Robbery. Klnston Free Press, 10th. ' An exceedingly bold robbery was committed yesterday afternooa between 3 and 8 o'clock when the A ARO tick et office In this city we brokea lato ahd robbed of $7.10, the amount of change In the cash box that had aot beea' pat Into tbetafe. . No effort, was made to break open the safe. .- ; f- The robber gained entrance throagh the ticket wicket for the colored wait-: leg room, breaking the ipeeel wtta a strike hammer whloh had beea left tear i by iU touUu-t , , ; j No of faptaeoe": I known, farther tbea two yonng colored menritrtniers, were seen loafiag about the ' waiting .room betweea 1 aad -4 o'clock had they have sot beea ' eesa rtaoe the robbery wu eommltled.' "1 ' ' AcceDts Call ti i Alabama. 1 Monlgomsry, Ala Journal, JuaeTih. i The Rev Jobs . Stanley Thomas, i re cently of Texas, bat a native of North Carolina, ha accepted the call to the rrasbylerlan VchutcV ar''Digalead i-The Rev Ml Thotsai preached Sunday at the chdtCB, morning and evening sad tb meaubsfl were greatly . pleased, a4 Sunday night a meatlag wa called tsd the Rev Mr Thomal waa tendered td aorepted the pastorate of the church. br. iitatt cc.r::;i . - ' DrttOltyattof Kto ton wmtsla New Pern atdotol Osattawka Js- J 1" II haftd irlb,Mondiky Tun l.-y t H i Of The Batkft Fire Last TL , V .-.' -The Eoy is Dead. Wlnfleld Hatlett, thVtoy w" as frightfully barned la tislx the exploalorof a lamp Thirty died at 89 yesterday atornUg, It it laid thai there" wae ecarotly a place on the boy1 body that wo not blistered and la sosa place the: flesh was almost separated from the bona. Aaolher child wan (a thehoescUt he escaped with oaly a few araiaea and barn. HatUtt and hi -wife hi' fhehouo for tM evening af.;r i had gone to. bed. V A tuiala lnc toft burning oa the - table near the bed. It i not know whether ' tl laama Sloded from natural or whether i wa kneakad a2 tha toble by the hoy. pteylat and crT;7X-r Mleaea Margaret aad toabe ohi who haye been fbrWni Wat Kaad Man ger fot eereral day rataraed to their name at wilmiagtoa ; yesterday &mtH Dr Charle B Woodley of XUaioa,1 peat yesterday ta Mew Bern.- ; Mr and Mr LB Bryaa and oa weat to JTarboro teaterdax, tO i ttoil aaV Uver ., . , . !.- Mr Rof u Ami who ha beea vtait fng her slater Mre Joteph Melaoa, 9t, for several month, left oa the iJXnm, hut evening foe Norfolk and Bahbaot tOTlanrelatlva;; ;";'.s: Mr E M Hooaee of Jacksoavllle U to the city today. ; Mr Walter Thompeon.Supt of echooH of Ooelow county wa ta the ettjr jrft-1 Mr 8 A Nona weat to Raleigh y- wraay sBocniag m pae a rew oay. , Mrs H A Carroll who he beea vialthMt Mr had Mr WT Ronntree Wft for Weak ingtoD O yesterday aoraiBg. L MrFnnie WUllanu al danghtet treat to Klnrton yeeterday. , Mr J H Hackbara retnrned from Berg en Bprlogeyeatorday. Mia Nellie HU1 went to Beta IprUgt yeeterday;', : .4- MlM Hilda DaTeaDoit baa front Greensbore where the weat to at- toad the Fiaher and MM weddlng.Mlt Davenport being maid of aoaorr Dcatt of Wss Mary Dowdec The new of the death of Mite Mary s Dowde at the home of her nade fas Brr. on City reachadf tm lattdgbi- Mtat Dowdee wa well known ia thi dty aid wu beloved by a largo circle bf friend. Mite Dowdee lived fat Hew Ban aany years, aad leaned telegraphy nader Mhw Maty Bryan. - - ' l She became very propcient la the call- lag bat faOlag health coating apoa ket she wu compelled to k adlffsreat climate. ' Her remaias will reach Hew Ban Bit; day, the noUoa of the fonerrlwUl b aft aoaaced later. MasoBie ElectioRs. At a ecgnhtf emmnJciloa of li Joha's Lodge Mo I. A F R i l held Wednesday evening. June t. the fob lowing ef&cer wire re-slected tot east ing year. T. A. Oreea, W. M. F.uirioh,a ir. ' X. W. Rosenthal, J. W. . JtenetRedhMndTreee. . WmT.Hm, Booty. ' ADlspacef&lSceBe, X There wa sosae little eictteaxeat at ft eertaia Hebrew tor oaMlddie strM A aegn whAwat one af the exeai- sioa party from Beauort waa peesl&l and was todooed to g tot the store te bay sonuthlat;. Hew aot disposed to dicker and toft the More when a genet ery was raised that he had stolaa a watch;;:'' 'V5: v i: M.-i ; toasepersoM ' selisd thsat''aad ike inaji declared ha had aot takeiaay thing. They began, to aairah Jtlaiadt ha woald allow aooae toBsake a MaMh bat aa oBcer." -Ij;?-- iV A lawyer kappeaed by aa4the astro eoaeeatod to have the lawyer : snake ft etrah of hi pooketo. " If othtag of thl stotea watch wae foaad and the seal Waa altaahiallbartf , ?:.ri i. t f he aegro" wae, perfeetiy i aaiat 'had" orderly tareagh the ordeal bat ,' the iactdeat ieHsoted la ae agrees bis maa- net" oa the tmpeenalou liadeo pee . for Bprtog4 aad breaa! ChleUas" gc to the Oak Market.;'t it-t ";' " '..vr: -HO to the Oaks ' Raeli Martet tot the bestCaaned Meet.' '-f -;.",.V -f i. I. ii ii .J- J .... price, iul today tiher lu ar t Varrs. w . ' ; . it' r ' .' ' ' 1 ' . ; C . , . 4 C C ; fc -lit, Ul.v- rt I: h ' "if i ;1; At LI u I: 'I. . - - 1 WtL ICmnaa SfilahelL BOO tMlalaa trVndlanapnlIa,Tnd,writej Voir the past five years I have rarely beea frithont pain, but. Pemna haa diangad all this, and la aTrr abort lnae. t I think I had taken only two hot- am vewte . began so recuperate very jnlatoytand seven bottleemadema well, f do ot have headache or backache any mora, and have some Jnterest in Ufa. EmuiaJfitchelli 8 'iX v-;' i:i coming of What is known as toe roman. ln oar country s sot gre by everyoiia as It she were a groat blessings But there to another ttew woman whom everybody to glad to see; ' Every day some invalid woman to ixoialxnlng, I hay been made a new Woman by Dr. Hartman's home treat ment." It la -only neooaaary to send aama, address, symptoms, duration of aiskaee aud treatment already received to fie. Hartman, Colnmbus, Ohio, and ilreetlon for one month's treatment Will be promptly forwarded. " tt oit do not derive prompt and satis faotorjr results from the use of Peruna, writ ht once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fuUstatsment of your case and he wo! baaleaeed to'giv yon hie walnable ad- ftoecrati. 'i ' Address Pf. Hartman, Resident of tk Hartman Baaitariom, Colnmbus, O. no: AH UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE, Hr. d. B. bawioa DrsgfedBy the Mall irala, From the Pollock Street Crossing to Above Broad Street. Mr. I. B. Dawson had a very narrow etcape yesterday from a serious and possibly a fatal aostdsnt. In the future ho will either take so ether aaode, of transportation oi wDl saesaare the speed of a moving; train With better eye. fotagdecSroas of going U the depot to mall oaa letter he foaad he wu too kite for a transfer aad therefore weal to the Pollock stseet crossing aad eadeav er4 to get on the , train there. It wu saevW faster than be thought too fast iniM, to attempt to beard. He grab bed othrraU but hi handa slipped dew.a hiving him no opportunity to get onotEe ear tn nor to c hang his ' ' MVt.i . . . peaiHoa. r uq grsai prejeaea or auaa he a!4 oa to the reus wit h a vise Uk grip aad kept hi feet from ooaiaot with the wheel, ;: , Ilk conductor aad a passeager got hold of bit arnu and did all "la their power tehsrjhlaseelaaT It wu ImooMibl to get iMa on the train.. He was dragged lor f euatanoe of tea or aftoea feet above BBaiatrt.. - a Qjt aoooaat of some track earsbciai ea th train the air whistle was discon nected, eonsiqueatly the eagiaeer coald net he dgaalled to stop the traia. HJpUy Mr- Deweo , did aoi awff r ahy bralaee or Uaeaeat oa aeeount of htl experlano aad he . did ao think he f t i an extm . haaardooa poeltloa u a?ax as oe aept nia leat ant tide of the . yfheathetrsla stopped he boarded the traja-a lively, u . if aothieg of Ue utd had hafpened. , ihywsy we- are glad ' that "w doaH bara to write aa obUusry fee the geatal "viij-f- ':.iVrt -: t..r 'ft . . TOICB OP THB PEOPLE m versa eaaaa. . , 1 i" - .... " f v, y Fl IaiimWT I? T - - .. . 1 la (he general rasa of the patriots to ssrva the people there ja a aotleeable rettoehoe amosg theet to procere these efSoai without pay. ? - There Is the poeltloa of eeanty tosv satasloaer. Men decline jhe honor ha. fori U is proffered.. It la-Importaat to have food maa aa the board end for oae of than I respectrnlb euggsetW eV Kclatoeh wt among many other good ouaUtlee posessee the lWHtlo eugs his awa bnstneaa saeosaafaik ." " :. cniatM. " -n ' ' ' ' .I ;.- Tnr-.1 MlnM V.iW Awmf - is ' .. i : a . v. Aft ' 1 1 f I - !,.a ! ;jtc"i filer. !.!y iTano!r, ia i3 Isr cc:.t more thnu twsj.jr-..r i ii 1' ( r ; f i'lv. r ' - -. -. ' aavaseai L r, - t I t: rresn oupp I Davis vnomi ost Popular Drink of the Day Addrega all communications to G H. GREAT R EDUCTIONS J BEAD Y-TO-WEAR IIATN. Hero to Handtome Line of Hato and --Turbans, for Travel and Shirt Waist Costumes, been selling at from 12 80 to $3 00 each. A Great Variety so you are Sure to get Butted, Reduced to $1.50 Each. SALE EXTRAORDINARY, Lawns 5c yard. Spioiai pnrohaie juat received by us in Beautiful iijbt gTcuads, dainty figures and neat stripes, 80 would be a fair "price for thia grade, Price Sale until sol d5c yd. 20 New Pieoes Lawno just received at 10c, 15c and 20o the yard. Tiartoot Brothers, Pkoie ?J11. 68 f Hoe 1 - MM j340 ;doK Plnewr Buttons 6v iv-ruest Qnauty J.vXustex CrOttdh'.dOe y- t;trinQ Quality Bhell Back pomtlp TV '. s J t j ti f v 'i xrr4 Hi 'mdkerchlefct So. 1 t iv 1 ' : sU'X'!''-,li.' f ... ...'1 1 -. k..- , 1 'v:-.w (vst K-cevoca J3S I- 1 '4 1 ". 1 . CO. 4 - "'I a l 1 M a HUtAFF, niiw:bbrn, NVC. 1 ft., Opposite Ibheojil Charch aft Mi , ... ... ... 6c. uairrins vaDineb oo nemmed 0tiche4 S: i) (j -i-O- fl v'.w' "-11 t:":.i".r .VN -M.n-n-'S- ;vi - - .al toxc3 ,. rth .1 ' ' -!".'. JS IS d sl.-0 ; -"t ... fi-cood1 : ;,.'V SUMMER lit Both Short and Long Sleeves J All qualities and size for Men; In Balbriggao, Uanisook and Lisle Thread. Pnoea from 25 cte. te $1.00 a garment- Negligee Shirts In a variety of patterns and colors, from 50 els to $1.50, Eizej 12 to 18. A large and handsome line of BeltsSuspenders, Straw Hats, nna and Light Weight Clothing. G. Dunn & Co,, 57 Pollock NlreW h m SPECIAL SILK SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY and S.VTUBDW Summer's Host Beautiful 5ilks Very Low Priced. An unmatchably fiae stock of iagg and effects a display not rivaled the lowest. White llabufui Wash Silk. 36 inches wid, an extra fine wear an.l vary lustriom, cannot be duplicated for less than 85c. Special at 69c. White HabuUi Wash Silk. 27 IN -HKS WIDE. Extra Cne quality with good InBtre, coo! and sf r vices Me for ."u tu rner wa'sta and dresses ,well worth Checked Taffeta Silk An excepti Dally g.d qualTty in blue ami white, and hUck and white regular 85o grade, NOW 69c, STUirPKD TAKI-'KrA SILK. Splendid quality all silk, bright and perfect .()( is the real value. .Price for thia sale 69c. FINE IONUER SILK, 'JT in. lies wide. A fashionable silk for waists and divsses tine (jiiality in the natural color SALE price 69c, GOOD QUALITY POIOEE BILK, : 6 tu. bei wide, prlre wLI e II Usu 4 V Laulesjdrop stitch boss 25o kind at 20o 3 pair for &0c. j OT. J. 3Bstx:ter- AN TIHEPTIC lalnrrliaea Cordial Prevents, Relieves, and Cnres. MAltltllOKV In fancy or old age. Abtolntely Safe. Contains no opiates. For Sale al HARGETS, Went Broad St. At Ihc Daffy Drog Co. Cpt. Brsai acdlFleetSls. J IL Belts Pb. G, Mo will be ' slfcd U s . yoa. - Bat, yoa esa'l rosaa, Jasl tbons Ho. n sad wrwllswadlnfofrtosnj forpasscrlp Uoas aad afist tasy kava been cartfoUj tad aoosiaislf fllsd, l,ws will prassptif dstlrsr iaa;dlo'as wltkao silts chart.: '-Wa ata joars ta strt sad yttar.tiV "saitbtnf la ins drag Has pls'ssa aoafj as , j W yours to ""FElilMlMK Af rilOTAU j lot kts wpattnj rr'l a wb sry ,.'. fr iff i SDn "-, wniiier at t ;.!.!: it of "U To a firmeat or nUr sn! m Of f .'ln, cut .. i -'. rt . n ' : i n fV' yj -x finpka. "MAflrTTTOo v the season veay newest weaves, color- in the city and prices decidedly 65c. NOW 43c. WBKN T6S MKBOUHY 18 WAY 11' tbars Is notblng that will InTlsorate sod Nfrssh roa Ilk a class pt sparkling sod dellcioua Budwsls bser. For the busi seas awa, ta working man, tb bus wM wko asisada to her own work tnd tha nuralDK mother It Us booo that it appreciated, for It gifts straorth and rstrsahsaent as nothing alsa will wlieu lbs bsat is opprfsaiva. J. F. Taylor, nw BIRJI, N. 0. Afsat for Ptosptat Brawtag Co. of Phil adalpala, fraah Cte 1 oad srwrr wack. ' Ua4ar tlatat Cbutttawka, GENERAL : HARDVARE. ;fleen'JWJrcJ)obri zier BefrlgertUor8.i itnt; lor tat Ttrmtt OUI aaa Boy Cook Biovsa. ; ; v', Worn ,. .tfc. .,vH'-i.V ' ' ramsrs' wlUbsar la sslnd'Ua earry a rj oomiUt llos of iasrtcat . Stssl Wlra rsaea, ; r " . ' " - f'tTr i -r '--' T ST ' 4 t J - . J , i! Ill' JLIIARTSF1ELD, "J , , List 7aken m - ft , I f -- 'Ap.1 a ht l'-t r ', It lbs - i ' ' rf r --n, - I It l r in ! nedy for the plirpd.o (ft-' raws if the ry, f, " t- ; ndl-"IS'I'--'"- 1'' a'.'o (o j y' a f - ' f- . r f: no lie (' V' 1 1 l(f t r t Jl',il!.or)7

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