i. K . - .l&A' t :x' A THE JOURNAL. i.v is- vf.-." , -.- '- i--'. Pabllabed every day In the year, ex- -v-." ept Monday. JonrnallBundlng, ,pW V"l,v CHARLES UiTEVENS. ' , , . nDiron a nonmoi. i- jmjitiuriua iv w,. i One year, inndvanca., v, .. One year, sot In edTancn,... ... V 4 M MnnthlT.bTCaTTiariAthA.CltT..... : 0 44verUaiAf fUtaftualaaed oa'appll eaUoa; iit - V, ' Entered at the Foet Ofioo, Hew Bern, N. aa aeoond elan natter.; Offlelal Tvfvt ef New Ben Ciim Ceenty. ml THE COTTON OUTLOOK. ' The aeuon U now far enongh adran ced to make ' approxtmate forecnts of the world'! cotton teW tor this year, nd udIsm -U oreaent alsntialL the crop 1b going to be a record-breaker. It is probable that tho American crop will be aomewhere between 11,000,000 and 13,000,000 bales, for the acreage is fthont 10 ner cent creator than that of laat year, with a gala la condition of 0, points over the go? ernment reports at a corresponding date last year. The comparative table of acreage in crease in the cotton states for the pres ent and put yean la aa follows: 1904 1903 over 1902 7.2 5.3 4.4 over 1903 13 5 9 7.7 10,9 9 10.5 13.5 7.1 9.3 11.5 23 29.8 28. 19. 9.8 North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Tennessee Missouri Oklahoma Indian Territory Virginia Totals 2 2.3 4.5 28 15 6i8 0 11 5.9 10 3 7 8.7 The condition of tho crop in the sev- al states, on June 1, for the past years, follows: 1904 1908 1901 1901 North . Carolina 84 74 91 87 Jhth - . Carolina 81 78 97 80 Georgia 78 75 84 80 Floilda 88 81 100 88 Alabama - )- 78 98 76 Mississippi 85 J78- 94 83 Louisiana 88 . 76 96 80 Texas 84 79 80 84 "Arkansas :84 78 100 81 Tennessee 85 88 100 79 Missouri 82 88 Oklft -" 98. ' 78 Ind.T. 90' 76 Vlrglnja 82 71 . Totals. 88.0 7U 95.1 81:6 flve 1900 88 86 88 88 84 89 88 71 91 88 82.6 condition was the lowest em recorded and h i. not now likely that conditions will derelop to appre ciably cat under the official estimates for the present season. True, the boll weern is again getting busy In Texas, and ia the eastern half of the belt the squares are falling from Insect attack' but the Increased average and Improrid June condition will offset a great deal of this kind cf damage In forecastinglhe harvest. The acreage ia cotton Is glvea by the agricultural department aa 81,780, 871. Atlanta Constitution, ,i . r ; - There la more Catarrh la this section of the eouhtry than all other diseases put together, and nntll . the last few jeers Kppoeed to be iaonrable, For a .great i many years, docton proaonaaed .ft a , local disease j4, treacribefl local 'tew wllea, and by cppitaatly f alling enre with local treatment, prononnoed It ' Incurable -Bdeaee had nrova ,c4Uirrh r o be a constitutional oateese and there: fork required constitutional treatment ' Haifa Catarrh Cure, tUnutactired by. I J Cheney Co- Toledo, '. Ohio, l the ,-oaly eonatBoiloaal tore on the" tnkrket; - It U taken tnUraaUr l&v dqaes froa 10 "L drone to atoaipooaful. It acta directly i" . av-e m ' on the blood and aaAeoOs Surfaces of (h erstea. Tey bffer one hundred dollars fnvaaecaaals fans leeUra. Band lor rdrcalersaad tetUtaonl&la. V ?.? I -'BoW bv Prtgriatai 7 I i.U t: ',7'' aaaa . arv mm ta - tttn. . 1 1. ;tlons f.-k rt ''' 1 ln tuu vtiaa m mHi -' I- -V Qnlka. Ilea at, Cewty Cat4v f hm , . Dean Hwlft wrote part of his 'fJulIl- '-'et'a'Travla"-bae been eoid at this triah Mad Judee'a roarrt, torthe with - -XSM dmnaene.. Owing to the aeeoditiofl " . fwlth Jaa Swlrt the twoae unl land ' were eold oa the-baaia cf a mrtal of 7 C111, ihaordlnary rental betniiajati . tnalod at fBTz-LonaoWMall. . f r fffi . 'I l ira be a troubled for lonnf time i - - ... w!',!j 1 " .witJoa an 1 lre ttotnacli.'syl TESTLiDlT'S ULTJ Cotton, firiln. rml:.ittj au steci Kanfc Ia Trtcu. Ucclpti a4 : Snimnenta. f r . - - :; : - v - s- i r w. ,, MniA. I Iihiwviwini 1" tiMLHMM b orfvatawir front 1 - ". - i Walter Labane 4c Co..' to fiami ft Co. i i Gowom,- Opts, Ua. ww, worn ulyV .U 11.10 11.18 Mi UM 1 A.og. TVUa 10.70 10.87 10.60 Oct:.-.. B.M 0.86 9.80 I.W Peo aM '9.01 tvss i.co Chicago, Jane 1. Chicago Brain. July Wheat . . Jnly Corn July Oats Open. 86 48, . 881 780 iass 88 loee r 8 I , ,Q1 1 ' t 1 Jnly Ribs -Jnly Pork. ' I W7 .080 Jnly Lard ew Tork,?es)eil tJiocaai ;.. Open, Amr.Sugar,v..i 1881 Amr. Copper. ... 49 tflose i!0 Atchison. 71 Southern By.;.. 81 8U I Southern By pf.. . 0. a fiteel...... 9t U. 8. Steallpf... Mt Mi ttoi Penh. PR....... 116 KrleT. M Louitvffle&Nash 1091 .88 108 ' 148 St. Paul.... .... 14 N.T Centra,... il5 Ml S 1 N. A W. Ta. O Chemical. BANK HTAtkUfNT . New YorktJaa18 Resents, increase V- ,JJ7,475 Loans.lncrease 478800 Specie, Increase 4,788,8001 Legal Tender.lacrease " 1479.001 14,781,800 Deposits, Increase r Circulation, Increase C94JB0Q Burros k Co'8 Cotton Letter. New Beim JnnalBth. The principal tnflaenoeat Work la the 1 cotton market this week was ths ooatia- uance of the magnificent weather noted the later part of last week, aadthaitter Ind Jterence of aplnnera . leganuag par I chases of spot cotton., Wkatjlttle de mand there was noted, came piiadpaBf from the shoru and while there Was moderate baying by spot ;taterBSt, Vii did not offset the numeroos Marian a uiu not ousot mi uuawiuua miiia w- K... ,MntH nM ia mntnln fa th bear operators. There Is nothing in the situation to Induce operators t tako, the long side of the market ,fot a&areaotf and ererythlug to Indnoe aaorjMUlat With the fine weather eoedlUoM exist Ing at the pteeeat Um aa tndfcstloea for a continuance Of toch, thgrejs notkv Ing in the altoatioa Vft Induce short to coTer unless conditions suddenly took is torn for the worse and ; there ar no ta- dlcatlons for a crop scare at preaent, L( ouc vj ms iieuur, , f i .i "A doctor here has sued ase tor 1M0 which I claimed waa tsoeestre for a ease of cholera morbna," eaya B. White, of I Coachella, CaU "At the trial he pMsed his medical skill and ahtdolnev J aakei him If ll ul mamluMafB,it' ITViHa Cbolert Mdbtolln as i naa gooa reason ao oeuer ft wan, and he would not ear andst eaA that It wis not" No doetoroouM bee abetter . t remedy thaa this la a ease of caolera biorbut, it, never: TaDa. Bold 1 by All Druggists. ? tnaOreadan. Oarmanv'. an automatic safety signal at atseet eat croaslngei that baa recently been put into bpera Ucn consists of a box about wa feet long snspended above the oastat pf tho croMtng and funuabed wrtn efectrw connections whateby aa approachlivg ear on arriving within a cantata dla Unce causes the word rfceir t afpear. In consplcuoua red lettara on the oppo site sides of the box, thus warain of their danger'' all care and nedeatrianj coming toward 'the croaatng at. tight '. 5 fc'A . Oamld. Wee WoeM. Bof erring io the alnettatb blrtMay Of the Baroneea BnidettCoatta It ta recalled .that et one time It waa cur rently Reported that the great Duke of WstUogtoaiwabted, IX for a- wire. When the wort reached the Water loo" bete , he mad this , conunnU M aald Mlae Angela Bur0attCoura o erred to be a ducbaaav not that I I ereuld .'make her otw.". O heHg I what the famous settlor id MUa 1 r dett-Cootta rnrked qoiatly, "l tu:..k I lv""""k . I , w" . L1 C ? ttead of would." K Steal to tura and nuublue a't-l at O rat Op to 400 fae $ ti.iiiuta a-1 a la to drill caat iron ht twenty Ct Inches brr tilnute. . Tbre are lud4 rnark- able aprde wbo it la nmr br4 that only a comparatively abwt t' back wirn the ordinary rrud!4 at!a a 4uttlr.it tyend cf tur. rt ta ffty feit VH Uitnute waa mot Uke te Keo- ltrJ'S Magis:iA ' ' . i . ' Wortt cfAU Cal anylltnf b thatewTy mlacte Pnuh was H e iy nFn, 7t . 1 a tr:: t. 'l V from !a! , ,!.-a, trc ' 1", I t &r iM f I 3 lerM U;;r:.-::8. a Wrv V 13 f? la yoir I 1 nr ft V -. i,cxni crives -is t.iu nmux f I!irrartim bwita intolera&ie l&uanz,, inneiBr,.;, -j , Ana puraia jtwemi w.Kunm, ?j: . ... rr mK a tiU-ikft Cesb U fiir tni the kin . rjKin Annlied externally !kL for tli dseasa U internal ; iflm with cid poiaon; that are yrty thrc '"hthetlarii and porea of the skin, ceasing; If to fedaea Utand break at in aplotche, pustulea"anJ;pimpleii from ,wea .Which ,v Clear, yelloTrirwatery matte? : easardehand dri,nd Lt.. t. : 7 fine barticlea like bran. ". Eczema kindles a 6r that water wiUolT quench, wa tnat jouona, aaives, powoera oa caiaot eraotheri Aa warm feather Comei otfand the aystem;is reaitbg and the btaxmakirig xtrr effort! to Ihrow off ttojwcomn. Uted , poisons. Ecxema .,t- '-"'s-. 1 i4 L2h J ' . ' mt ''"; .hir ;tf-Vj: todlhd aunerer u u.,, lir.t d butps appMno, kt eoo; anoat distracted by the fear vhiu, hnaar mm, and wh tx wiu tOwiWw'iWisskurr .he found h iaqoMible la tn most nncomiorxaDio ln. ai,i ...jir. wttiiiiritf all akin" bamp,ndit kpt -ttinc;worM and wqtm. Our fernptionl and .terror. in" ,ribd outmente ud powden; but. it kp wimwelthfi!tlll I UixKtl remedies give tem owm namrv ease: bnt as Eczema 't wm" u prfBc,M" ut-UT and lue bran tor yeara. . C is not due to outside causes, n.ra., w n ; ..- , w. a. TroaKT tion ofthe system and an vrid r irmar be nmmtionai. or lnieniw. jruriiy w juiwu ouu iu aaax 4ieaiei will disappear.? N9 better Si Ss"5t TOjldi OP toe sour ana acta Diooa, nas icoi :nu unBsnues 5 . -, " . t. ' and. foidon atimulatealthe "sluggish or-.-- - i ' i?ins. AndinviETorates an drones 00 the 4 r4 f 44 entire tystemi and'M U skin eruptione t Isfilw 'jVl like Ecsema are only symptoms or signs of kVl bad blood, the natnrall disaooear whetl tailed? itUnoVonly 4bkS94puri6erbut a splendid tonic andappetizer, fere Bl ibATerget permanently rid Of it Write for pur book on A Skin and tt Diseases, which ia jpnailed free j. Medical advice furnished Without cost to you. fxtzff i?CCmO CO., AUAXTA, CJU - ' HORStS ANQ HORSEMEN. 3 .'..;- m"1 V 1 tW 800 lioraea are now" at the Qle 1 tlUeteadr; ClerIand.OV - I ti.4u'ecore w grano cucwi. eawwuitisa are stepping zaac wampniav - -" 1 CSreaceus' v official : record rtmalos 8 KJ24 owing to the recent Wlahlta o :Tb:Feet Michigan ' state ' fair and raM meeting at Qran4 fiapuu WiH e tMU Sept im or-, r .v The mjSWclni etalllon Yaafar, J wlU not go ta Idaho, aa' repotted, 1 bat wrui atay in Maine. -J. wJ Welkr.'Fort Wayne, Ind," tat Bold the bay geUlng Bluy W, by Bet BeU, 8:11. to WUllant Sharp, OMndBanMa; Wcte?Z'SMJS; 'AUBUdlfc Bldney, O. naa aww a r. . : . A I 'wiVT37 ZT "TZ. "1 T. . . naKlng, iojOoa Hunter,' Mnncle, lad. Ooat Paul, 27:th gray rotting treldinf by Akryon, baa bed! 8eM brieaOeAtlgaaAsoaZeLeao, to frauWJ. Thompeoa of the aame city. J : D4t' Baybeal4 -baa driven Burrnut, brBurrnut?J2 nM, AndM.candl- te a mile la ?:io at Bantu Ana, ' and a quarter right kt a two jtf. to taltv " J,;;Tr" II III II , THI KOPLI ALU Oil Mr, Var MwMV Ms word el late baa beea.la saTa stoma, and tuaay. af wuniarme I b. -i wb w thai swBBxya HKRPicro oea the won. wn, to tne mrormK" r tiMwaenaa of I awojta, a daatregrar rr iour otBarH." I Mew "E xvee t taaaUy naaae ( a aatt At abnUar .autarobe eai atrv.f. Itsblaf eoaJa. end faXKn hair; hi Is ma xitletona that KiffBR(ra BERPt. CISS praaaptiy aaatraje; arte Whtafc the a. oid tr iMAtaw amegtRtu sn ataaBpe.Car aaaasla to TM Berphttdo CO, VftrtttL KOofe. : T ftt J). t?riukaia,?podalaUwj: ''-talartMatana'' L nrAad.asv' Peter, -jo :otoMf with-an aT" aatd tbe.teacMej -eor-teetlng exercise., TJeneo, tlt.was the mlr. W tana told (uamma outy jeetardey that f;fwjlplM - .r. j . 'in' i' in, t- - Hat Uaah. lew tor their crimes Un for tbrtr- mhnaaaee and vunlty-li Brayere. . .'. . ; ' r. 1 . a f ' " ' ""aaaaB"" Z t' t . - ,''0VUa.eioiaae)iad Um Tab win are jum wbi yon aaea waaa J"" hare ao -rf.', feel dull after . e& aad wake op ;h aUl. t ', la yu'ut mou'h. Taey wHI iTprove your 4;re- tlte.e!-iae and lBTifrrv,e your ttouv- tJ 4 .Ire j a e t ..kforyoaf fuo fat !a fcyaU ImZ, s. 'HV . . Itarryt- ay, 1 ame you t"..S yixa're n.a I ' gert man la Use woi lluui JLs yua Lave mm me t ef count tl.rrs'a no Baa to C ny I , I ttia- 'lt.t,H?, y:i !', 1 tne to r aro-t bo" f of say Tils at tl. ftawuth Ume I hate r f j4 you, Mr. f kiuiti.tna." "Tsa." ' -: , " f ! ft trme you tisink I dont it.i aa ttwala. '. .7 " ' ' ' ' "l-ar-t r - i i yuu 4 t . u ' .-..-(,-,, -,, c - : vf acrtrrni i torp, and aoes muca tne ciooa ja foremg their inilMA KIFT 8milJlTWaL :v 'O-. .At timea a yeuow a.tM ran stoaaaa told m to try a. a. ., waioa ah did, aad. sd-Impare ,blo,-4hi treatment blood remedy an be found than k2J that vital fluid ia again restored to health. S. f4. R.Ua onaranteed atrictlv TeeiB 'ft - atrletlr skIsMwat.' deeper Now, - then, we don't; ullow fishing en UieeAgrounda. t. f flmall Bot-I ain't fishing to- the irounda. ..rncBahlng b the water. An'AJirni dock Fur 2ic If you want' to get up earlyaad feel good all dlf take" a Little Jarly Slew or two at bed time. -These famous little plus relax the. nerres, give qaleijwst and refreshing sleep with 4 gentle; tnore stent of the bo eels about breakfaat Utae W H Howell Houston TetT, says fJSarly Biters are the beat pills nude- for ooa- sttpatloa, sick headache, bQIIounees, ate. Bold by rt Duffy. , . , ."atekanere MataVa VUlaa.. . . The TMlt Pariaien'i St' Petersburg correeponaent senoa a aaa aiary iw gardlna the etater of Admiral ,Maka toff, wboee' hair, hlrboogb nbo Ja" only fifty yeare old' baa turned absolutely Whiter 8hKtolfl a ; reprceenUtire of tbo areee that-abe had -two rlalone on the night ef the admiral's death, when be appeared and told b ef the explo aton. IIr name ia Mme. TabounoC Bbe la the widow of an officer and re cetvee only a amall penalon.' which Ad- mlrai MakarofT need to supplements fceodoftJUIt-V'-X-VV'v-...-' "'s, aaaaf -tri tkkf come fromButoaer's Brat a Mother need aot fear to ' When with "TCETHIHA" fW aup ' Ko mi whk baby need abide.- i i tlETHIN A" ' Teain'i ewdrt) Cbdnteraclt and Overcome and Effects of the Bomroer.s Heat.' A'J Dlgaatloa, n ulatea the Boarata of chDdrsn of aay l aad makes tottblng aesy fee. Aataaaaadla CaaattMB Ct. liotof car exercliie- will "cur con ettmytkm, eeys Dr..Blancbt of Lyona, IT apaks from praonal airWuca, having rcovred fcta' own health' by fPiHiiafly 'coverlurf about a bundrad n.'.i.-a a dsy In an wen tuotor car. lie av.ra tbat by tbla reuiady the conch tr tubarctiloas ptttnte la (radoaUy t !UUh or greatly dlmlulnLnKl aud t Jtby alesp and appetite producd. !t la moat amuDtlal tbat tbja body M be duly rrotted from cold. U'inrrita of tb cure are tb lr.f f la tie opn air ami the ntrv o! :rphTlo trit(iur dun to t? a ri I .,hm, -wlili li i.n.l arid strenfl. k,.i t'Aie lun.. lx,ii.1i AI a II. 1 tT.tr; r 'r at drttse for V : a a i t t It, t I ; , or 1 dn l J ' ' r U ' f ' r . , It at ' : I f . f -I Fia tf?;"-5.' ,'fa?J 1 1 1 J. We i t PhUiU ..bla 1 f niplet n .1 1. the faja e! aie Conatltuaon. T - - -e.tV;. i J, P. Morgan U en of the great amokers of tb country.. Hi big black elgara are mad especially for him In Earaaa. wis-S;: C!rCharle; Hardlnge, fbe new Brit ish ambaaeador to. t.-FtTburg, ia a young man, ae ambassadors gey being barely rorty-nre. ZZj,J$$&i$Z? : ' Emperor Menelek of Abyaatnia the fifth husband, of bis,. wife Talru, who waa once a treat beantt. Three of her apousea met : -violent 'eTea'di.j; .Cola Earrey has begun the publica tion ef a paper In Moat M. Benton county! Arlt, a pUee wnleh be founded anunined'lc'reiivaca , TTbAt beat' nrW lllnneri apebkerjl vet heard'; says Seoator DepeW, tm Qladston at eighty and next n order, In my opinkuy was SlnMfpaniKTon. at ntJ- ' : Oeorge Washington, once a eannlbal Ung In jCfdca, but now' conVeTted to ChrUtlanlt,Ii trateltnlr in the eaat, temng of bit cxperleuoea in the- dark continent. "J"!r k a Ledyard BUtr to iUTenhtlof hla haadaxmso?tat';t Tar' Eifla, If. J, and ta stocking tho place wtt i vari ety of. rase tree and ebxubbery urhicb Will coat about IIAWWQ,. Mr. aaoauavi nernnara iannann are the prlta .jaatrimonlat. couple of Wisconsin., Celebrating) their diamond wedding anniversary recently they walked to the church,3 V here the cere mony was! repeated.' Four gje'ratloni attended them. 4-'-C,'!i Josephx BnpemaW of Lodlow. Masa on a wager ntas. aixteengood alied na vel oranges. Supenuw bad, eaton four oranges when the wager waa mad and disposed of the Other twelve in exactly twenty mioutea, : Hia previous record in eating fruit baa been twenty-eight bananaa. ' ' s 'r - " ""Congreaaman "Henry -S. Boater!-f Chicago has p. paaswu for dliglng into old record and hunting w-'ntarary conceits. He baa a moat curious collec tion of d enttai avhicb he thinks of publishing; Mr. BuutoH te a ator neuae ex uuormarmu teganuag nhu ties of American and English blatory. . $tartuilc fitlieice. rsk-ieatisaeaj Tla great qualty la -Knatantly oomtaf , In, declerlaf Dr. Clag'a Hew Dtsoovtry for Consumption Coughs d Cold to be uaequaled. A eeeut axpressioa from T. J, McFarlaad Beat orv Ills, Ye. servN m ax ample. - Be rite i ri had Brooobltie for; tkrea rears and doctoisd alt the time without being beaeflled, Then I begaaAaklng Or. Klng New t Diaoovery, an a few b Wee wholly eared Bafc"Equally efTeot- ve la curiae , aU Lanr :, aad Throat troublat, Coasuaiptloa, fneumiatt tAd j Irrp. , Ouaranteed .by 0 D BrldbaJi, Oragglst Trial bojtle fret, regumr dzsa00a,fl. .- It Is not' ioUy- iUaUwhat an expensive thing1 It ta for an Important hatlon to support its loyal f amfly. Eng land, for examples pay out altaOat 3, 09,000 a year for tho tnatotattance of Ht kind, quwn.'prinea, princcsOee and other roral dhtnttarlea. Tb klb and queen alone receive 1X850,000 aatmal' It. the Prince of Wale recetvee 000 and the Prince of Wale 00,000 (wha the United Htatee payk It preal dent). The PrteeftrtatM "Louis ant Beatrice and tbe Docbe;o Al banr recerrf 830100 the puctieM of MecUeBta4ltiwat8. recelvee-115,000, the Duko ed Coaaeught, 8125,000, aad the DukU ef Cambridge fflOwo.'. Out of tbe Income allotted to tbe klhf bad nueem wwsfc be )eid tb -coat C be royal botieebeld :-.Thi indndee the salarlea and taaildental xpoee of al most 1,000 ocacers and funrtkmaria. Tbe km en fhr Prine ef Watoa ra eeive,' ta actioa to their laicooaee, ttrge revenue great averat aearcea. Earpefa weekly., Jt-,X;,.- 4 -' :: '; S'i CCXIEfUAl, STtiHtV Mtnr mea aad women are couataatry subjected to what thee . tmmoaAf Wm "aeoatlaual strain-: beeaaao off inaacial or family troabU. It. wemaad dUtreseaa them both meatally and bkyaV cally, affectlBi their aeme badly bad briagiag oa liver and kUaei aflmeata. with the attoadaat evils of ooaatlpattoa, lota of appatito, tleplasaett, low vitUU tty and denpondancy, Thy raaaot,u a ml, gat rid f tbU "oorUanai ItraJa,' but they can remedy It hcaUh-deatroy' rrg tttacU by tails g ' freVjecnt- dose of Greta's Aegut flower.. II toaeatp the Urer.r'molktestko kidatya, laeuies healthy bodily (a actio, lvd visa and spirit to one's ultvl balat, aad i evaati tal!y drr' &a ptirs'xal or mGial db trtu oanasd by that "eonunatt auaia.' Trial b6U!e Of August Hower, ISo; reg siar tls,75o; At aUdrnsslabb F.O, Pat fy. ..;. .." -a r t. t W.MjJ. ta kuj raib - Mtaa ' t;iil ltTyuiute, "tit ' young AmerVta art..,' tcul tu' f-:'owLg atory of ft llmxf Irvlxif, la. who tafport ah a; "red 'wbr. b'pre- duc4 th i tan "l et ti Creat. It s: : r tV at a ryf cf tbe i y ta ,ft I yri5ta ?a tr, LKad'.n. ; ' '4 t" . ' 11 beu r'!.. t ; . ''i ail t.) b 1 ' t. 1 ty t; a l t r 1 1 ;. t .. i. 4 r. i WW t. 'I, 1 i if ' i t t. ' ' it 1 " t ; ' 3 in it i . cf t' a ii t. w-.- a i it' ill t it t 1 t a 1 t 1 THE PUZZLr t .a hi'W Aaf I .J t. anaV .'-. mi- J- 1 doat eek your conQaence eaoucUt Matilda,- aald Mr. Mudley. who vwaa experiencing one of .bli fcrjodlcal spasms or reform, -"dereafier 1 'want you to consult me about ill ybnr Uttle tronbtea and affairs. -I wiafi tb tike an IhleimiTBOveJytaiblrtM - . v ww fWVMHI'illA ariAnvMa.it. ZJiL&ZAmZZ ... T " "ObBenry. bow aWeet of yoot. ex claimed Mrs, Mudleyv' "I hat always wished t&at we wer ifearer tokether. that I could consult yOM gna letnnpon- youvaa it trele.;- Well, liereafter alwly1 edm tame." benignly enjoined Mr. MudieJ s be opened the evening pajier, i J A fewmomenta later Mrt' Mudle' ventured, Kenry, deahV ' "Tee, my love." . " : "May I safyour opinion about aome- Why, certainly, my dear,'1! laid Mr. Mudley, alttlnft npjrtratgbt ind aaaum lng a judicial .cast of countenance. "What brtt, my lover X Would you make this waist of mala peau de cygne, wifb, tbe bertha of -point d'esprit. trimmed Wltli tUches ef taffeta, or would yofi alti the." yoke cut gulea on the bias, W .loffa of cream Venetian over WWW feousse- "I believe Td have It ijti Mi way. Matilda," gasped Mr. Mudie as he looked abonrfor bU hit. '-Gaeii Fll go down to the club for awbite."- PblUdelphia Bulletin. i ' r u J-.j. ' " ii ii 1 i' ,nf ul i in . ; ' .',' - ' " " . Tk It Caltelr. i One Sunday recently a lady went In to a church in a town i whjch abe was a stranger and asked to bi shown to a aoat The sidesman conducted her to a back seat tit the gallery, tbe only other occupant at th tirjte being an old gentleman, who rose to let bee pa. It was souiewbkt dart, (nd tbe tody as" she shook her fikirtl nd' set tled, down had a hirtlbl IksDicion that she was sitting eft iometnW bew aloee tb cuahlon. ah fibt but hej. hand and drew forth the aad remains of a silk bat "On," she aald to tbe eld keBtlemau. "I beg your pardon.' I'm ao sorry." Tbe -eld gentleman looked at tbe melancholy ruin and replied tbat it could not be helped. - "Oh, if a truly generous of you to say so," said the lady, "but I'm afraid you're angry." "Not in the least," said the ou gen tleman, trralghtenlag oat 'the bat and placing It under tbe tent" TOu see, if a not my bat It belong to Mr, , Who ahowed you in!" TH-BH, Imnortaat t6 PiioD j.; eny wners. Materlaliikat subitfiute Pure tead-and-tlne rave pafht makers fMtot70to90pertbb. Whyln-1 crease thefr .proflts it your ex- r Davis Paintiis duarartteed ; Tret ef Coat If otherwise.-4 W rite fot Qearaatoe and Bokti oa paint talkA K V, tMALLWOOD, distributor Wo ktveToptned a btrbecue oonnter and iWsUarut Ia4ae Ortoy flora, Ho ; :;50 Broad Street - rar Mt Bopewellhat loag aiper leawed ta the eooklaf of PdrbeOue ajid wa are tnre last w eaapi yon. Manuracturef ef Bflfirs,- viagoas, ; Oerts aad DrayaIwaya a good sp 0 ply la stocky Bplrls hiaUyaloae --oa qnlokaotlie. . ;'"-.' " t CIV ftcsrXUlroad.i r-i 'it -f ii.5.'w J rj k iiy,V &? M , w X v.,,. f i V..'. i V 1 :r:'j C :BIE :; n ' i I t , . . a "A M r , - i i: . v i r 1 ; l j " ; " r y , , i ..i.bl ( '' f -toftl ' ' T , ", f i wl !.!'. I la r. ! fir t ' c'tr. vvewere jgrtatly l.lr?' ?. 5 . f.tr It" MASTER FEOOR In Writing; of 4ho ailments so common to trowing children, It 13 natural that "lossi-of appetite" should play a con aplcuona part, Even lit the smallest In fanta derangement of digestion Is the starting point of almost all their Ills, and at any acre of lite, whm nnuriuh- .ment does not keep pace with tho de- manaa upon vitaury, there is sure to be trouble, - The problem of health Is not sn rtlffl- iultf6f solution when we begin, as the aocior aoes in nis own health, with the kind and quantity of nourishment needed to sustain vitality. And when a growing child, for example. Is unable to derive attfflclent nourishment from ordi nary -food, how In the world can the parent expect a vigorous growth? If the child does not relish food and begins to lose flesh and color, It la time Indeed to adopt the following suggestion ( Jefferson Terrace, Louisville, Ky., ' December Z, 1903. ' Dear 8lrs I desire to speak with heartfelt praise of the merits of Ozo mulslon. My boy, Fedor, whose photo graph I enclose, has been wonderfully Unproved by Its use. He was In very poor health, had no appetite and wo were greatly worried about him. After having taken Oaomulslon, however, he Is greatly improved In health In every way, and I take this opportunity to thank you for such a meritorious prep aration for growing children. tVery respectfully, (Signed) Mrs,, T. Mlchaelsen. F. S. DUFFY, Wholesale & Retail Druggist. 1 I Jl oCrVvS ,rocncis UMcnicme salicylate umsuies. W-Mf A A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and COIIT (COLCHICINE 1 endorsed by the tAllfYIATT I ArleriCa- Dispensed only in spnencal capsules, which dis LMLIblLAILI solve in liquids of the stomach without causinz irritation or William a aru. Sold by D AVIS' PHARMACY. Carolina Business College, New Kfrn, IV. '., e are powetrolIJai ilmlenia rapldljr for tbe Sanuaaf Ssetoa. tvojtsxiiEarim aco; dgin.i. f,d.r eoatplete one ol oorooanea dnrlnf ibe8?ElNO and BCMMIH. TCUEIX UETIiODflf BcokW.f aa4 8aletns ofSbort aandSTtt derelopeil arenMd tn UU OolUf a4 ibe la tract toa la Blatpte aad hlfnr"nXllr. UaoetraaWrtaAn w wmWaU ta Mpply front. 00 r (red a ales. .;-. - . TAKE OUR-COUHaK;Dd WtiAmp jom toa Btt ad MoteXtsratln Potltlon.S ;:St . . ,FoitnU I'aHknlari, A ddreas i J J 4 1 J JS;;j: holXaday, . f Pay and Night Sessions; " ! fuueat'rf Uea soy otbtr wb), eottt laattbsaaoy Oud betl .mot told ihka aay olber lta. traJ wbl tad tT betttr ttUafacttoa tbtaanyoibar wbeaU -: - 1 V . . T"S HACTCLE bangr U'p"MHT1y inn proof and Wl!l rnn from lhr to J01v'.'i"i( ni!' wtififiufrrS!. Tliy 11 fr'-'n Ibe fry -t t. (.tar'nl 1 ( . f "V I It' ' i ,1 , 1 1 ..'.; I : r ti-t - 1 1; a Ja. w 1 Ie- Health ; worried; atouC him MICHAELSEN. Let the deader beajy. in mtnl)thit chronic coughing, wasng of flesh and strength, anaemia, consumption and host of ailments sprtn from one aourca malnutrition. And there has never yet been discovered a remedial agent so ef fectual as cod-liver oil. In Ozomulslon you have the best emulsion of cod-liver oil ever yet devised. It Is an emulsion which excels not only In Its palatabillty and perfection of Its manufacture, but In the ease with which It la absorbed Into the blood. It requires almost no digestive effort, and, In fact, has a fa vorable effect upon appetite and digestion. - In the anaemic conditions usually at tending or following serious Illness, Ozo mulslon is most effectual In enriching the blood with the substances most es sential to vitality and strength. Con valescence la made rapid and the dan ger of relapse averted. We do not believe you can correctly measure the power of cod liver oil to, do good In the human system until you have given Ozomulslon a fair trial, lta record and its superiority entitles It ta. your consideration. . Druggists sell Ozomulslon at 60 oenta. and $1. If your druggist does not keep Ozomulslon In stock he can easily order It for you, or If you desire a small sam ple, to see what It Is like, you can ot tain the same by mentioning the nam of this paper In which you read this ad vertisement and sending ra- " ; to THE OZO MUI.9ION CO., 98 Pine St., New York City. I e fill - af r highest medical authorities of Europe and disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle, Sold by druggists. Bo sure and get the genuine. c-o., (i.r.vr.ix- araio. aaa tn prcBldcnl. Full lino of Dtv Tilled icinci, Tcil-t A. ticlca r.r. I f :vV. 'oft Iliv'fPii'acv. Mrsf vl eii:) t' f ' i W Cur'.U, fif I.'N V ad, nd , l-.ltrg C; ' ..: a'sC't-mach r 'i i.' ! 'I " i I - I'i'.-i! t i f 1 t',"'.t r f I .5' 1 y ' ! ' ' ." V - 11: : 1