as mm enj of menstruation." They are "Ui " BAV 1-1-3 to glra at womanhood, aiding development of organ, ud body. . No known remedy far women equals them. Cannot do b arm lie become pleasure. fl.00 FEU BOX BIT MA1L. Sold ( ) Sold l)y PiLVISNPHARlIAPY: IT13 Ti:3 c:: e . Meetly oaten. atins. K.LITAS.T. -. HifWy oaten Anar lenerteti. 7 aWytiMl 11U P rhaBlcna, (IBIM PAIR i ' .. - '. : M1T-N0TIMIES, J04. ...SOUTHERN RAIL17AY... Accouut aboT.oocwlon. effective April W, 1904, Southern .Railway ; wfll place on tela dally, ticket at extremely low rates, to St . Loul. .Mo, end return. A.heboro Athavllle Charlotte, . . Durham Gaitonl Goldaboro Oreeniboro Henderson HeadersonvUlc Hickory Marion...... Morgtnton MtAiry Neil ton Raleigh Rutherford ion Salisbury Senford 8lm Statenlll (via Knoxvile) WUkboro Winston-Salem South.rn Railway HieeDlM Car between ureeutooro, a. u., vllle, Kooivuie, w ... i An .nri i.anisTtiie: leavina ureeosuoro ubiij iv " P.M. For (nil Information at to rate from all P0'". SP' tdnlot, lllnatrated literature, etc., addri A.NY AGBNT, chedalo, B. L VERNON, Traveling PaBger Agent, CtMlotte, N. 0. J. H. WOOD, DUtrlot Patteager Agen', Aiheyllle.N. 0. S. II. HABOWICK, Trflie Manager. W. U. TAYLOE, Oen'l Paasenger Agent WASHINGTON, De C. H There's Room For Succcsssh p , f iiln The Great nVnt " 1 ' I Have yon eter ooiuU.nd the great advantage of tbi fea ture ol ibe Sontkwett plenty of elbow room where three, Ore, even ten acre may b had at the pries of a tingle acre In your bom taction f It' worth con.idering, atpeola lV when the great produotWe worth of the land It taken In ac count, ire a wondertolly .fertile taction. There I no bet agricultural taction In thla country, and farma are cheap out there-la Arkanaaa, Oklahoma and Toxet limply be cante there are mora farm than farmer- Can yon afford to oV.rlook an opportunity of tbl. kind T Onr llutarated booklet wlllglT you the partlcnUr In detail. It not Intamted yonnclt wrlU for them anyway to behalf cf your leat farored rlim and neighbor. (Mention thl Paper.) - H t ONE FABISI 'f Tfcle-awHiriaf PLCS 8 DOLLIES Forth Bound Trip J ?,kHi Firrt and Third 2t Lvr-vJ Tuesday, of ach ittt:tt:n:tt:tt::t:.tto ICE! Delivered in any quanlty at any time desired. BroadSt. Fruit Gompaoy. rXPCRlKNCI Tiaae PJannw' tiM. tram mmim I IIIUHI t6IPMa E2'J If xa aw Ht, r a-wk- D. I. V7A.CD, Attentfj at Law,' 74 Bo, rroal 84., Opp. Hotel ChaMawka . MKW BBB1I, m. a Oe Oaanty AMotMy. ' - ' ' ' Otrealij OweeV , Omitm, Oere eat, PaaiHee, UtMoe, L , a4 the iapwt and fed 1 Ommwj . ' . rrtusscii iiciico. ; ; BtAi7f6ttr;ir. ,c,;?v 'Ototmltj located.! ' All U4H ; bmm tha janaoav WU Tanti UUd roomt, Good Ud Pboo Ma ttuieDoea, Fol'U and attenUr Bar ; TaoU, lUte; $U0 per day. . BpeoUl and liberal kria by week .aruooth 't i ' V Y ' O.-A RUSSELL :. own1 on-. r at ? f ' I They overcome Weak k i I Mas, irregularity and 1 1-.' I omissions, in re riff - or na bee n. pain :.1:Co::oolt 1304-05 reue .""--T Uioaa. COV . tUNQJUJ. 8opW . . P. We, , AAevUls, , ft ST. LOUIS; DO. r . ... . , Season 80-Day 18-Day. ft85 55 $29 60 $24 80 18985 88 90 MM M10 8010 84 65 84 10 88 40 88 80 8610 8010 84 05 87 10 81 40 SO 85 8410 8840 8880 8410 8840 , 28 80 88 85 87 85 ' 8885 8410 8840 1880 8410 8840 - 1880 8410 8840 88 80 8700 8015 8510 8410 88 40 18 80- 85 60 89 00 84 80 , 8565 I860 8480 410 88 40 28 30 ,". 87 60 81 90 86 85 . . 87 10 81 40 86 85 - 84 10 88 40 83 80 40 00 ' 83 40 8510 ! 5 65 89 85 84 4 JJ'ffi rum o. uuu, -...--.j. ' .ft toinu, 8leepiog-Oar reierMtpn or (Southwest: 'ft ! ' ; ; ;e W4T, 8AUNDKE8,:D Pi$ Blchmead. Ta. tt JOHN SEBASTIAN, J. CHICAGO, lLu IVireing For Electric ights Paraon wlahtng their building wired will pie make application In wrl ting. . Any eomplalaU for defectlr light, Inattention of amplayeea, Ae. If mad In writing, to the Conunlarian, wlUr o1t ftrompt attantlon. Addreit all eoaunnnloatlona to the Secretary. .. - WATER LIGHT COMMISSION, ItOrlfflthSk- C1E0UH1 BMTCI M -AND Oil Doomoo FRlIflHT k-ri&StHfilV Far AU Palnti If arilie BffantiTtOot. laky lSOoV ' : Thd Oteamer HETJ02 la aefcedulad to'taR at tp. a.; Monday Wednesday and friday, for. Ellubetk BterJjpcnACOKli: I aohednled to tall at 0 ;Tly, Tkanday and Saturday for . XlUabev CUy, M.0L ':ii:f j r'T rj Fraicnt raoolrad not Utet than ova hour vrariooi ta ttilint. Jot Xarthw inionnallon apply to If, K. Knro, Can. Hp., v - B.0, UcDai,0a.rii.4 rue &t .j'v'riV'Varfolk; Va,' -." A - K.V V .' V W. 8. BOMMiaBLL, - A n't. Gent frt. a4 fata. Agt, Rtw Bern, K. 0. Erncct H. Green, " Al?sra; Cc"'Ior t I w, raoAoE?.. i :; .v rr :;:?, it. o V 'Lnn'T tJ lot" 'l I ' 1 T fr" (t r li t 1 - ) 1- f t t SteartshipQo A RESTAURANT PRODLEM. Tke Km Wk Cu 1t- It mar Jfe Ol. Own Selavr. "Who is the greatest reeUuratenr In New Tori?- I aaked a botat manager who eomnea goes to his neighbors place tor sot dots on up to datenats , 1 replyr "It isn't necessary, to men tion name.- In feet, it isn't poeaiDie to do so " The greatest restaurateur la New -York or In the whole world la the maii'wbo can tell today, how many people he hare to reed tomorrow.? There is on noose oownrown wnexe an average oC 400 mouths are fad OAlly. But one day" there may be C00 and an other 150; "Where la the barometer put to tell beforehand. In una (or orders to butcher.' baker and canUestlck mak er, pretty nearly the number that tnust bTWmde ror on tnrtnorrowT - there ara BOO today shall enough food for' 609 be ordered for tomorrow! It so, and nly 150 come, what be dons "with; tb surplusage of meats. veffetables. ItraadatetAaaV-- If 100 come today And food for ISO la ordered for tomorrow, what la to become of tn rnanjurement when H . come on the morrowltnd tn taraer ismpryi ans matt who can estimate on Monday the probable business of Tuesday la worth 825.000 a year to any big restaurant. But there la no such manv-Naw Jon Stertllnv PTidMPi. freta testimony la great quanlty It oonttaiUjr coming . In, declaring -Dr. Klng'i New JDltoovsry (or Consumption GwgU andtPolda to- b anequaled. A recent expretilon from T. t. MpFarhud BentorriU; V. asrvoj as axample.' fle wtltA'I. nad Bronchma for three rear and doctoed all tht tbaa without betnK benefited. Tnan l began taxing Dr. Kins4 New "Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me.'?Xqnaliy effeet lve In earing all tang and Throat troubles. ConiumptloB, Pnsnmonla and OrlD.y' Guaranteed by O D Bradham, uruggut. ' Trial oouie ires, regular Izet oOCt $r. I 1 i THE BAMBOO PLANT. it BomtliMa Grow, at the Bat of SYr.r ! Vt a Dejr. The word 'bamboo tuggeat to most AnJaMctn a' faithful fishing rod or a dainty fan. To the Japanese and Chi nese, who are tha most practical agri culturist fa the world, it is as indhv pensaWtf a the white pine to tha American farmer. They are not only depeddfent'npon It for much of their building material: but make their rope, mats," kitchen -utensils and lav naraerablevther article out of if. These are many varieties of tht bamr boo plant, from the species which Is woven' into 'mats to the tall bamboo tree which the Chinaman uses for the mast of his largo boat On variety Is cultivated" as a vegetable and the yeung-nhooW eaten Ilka asparagus, or they may t salted, picklM or pre served. Thfr rapidity of growth of tha bam boo Is perhaps its most wonderful chr- acterlatleittfbere are actual records nf ".tiatnhot nowlnff three feet In .Ingle Bay; pr at the' rate of on and a naif ucnes an nour. - Varletie of bamboo are found ev- erywbere'n Japan, even where there nr henry falls of snow in winter. It is a popular misconception that ham boos grosHonly In the tropica. Japan is a land of .bamboo,, and. yet .where these plants grow it Is not so warm in winter a. It I. In California. National Geographic Magaslne. Throws Pram A Waxes Mr George K Babcoek was thrown from bis wagoa and severely braised Be applied Cfcamberlla'i Paia Balat bee ly and It 1 tha best Bn leant he aver used.; Mr Baboock I a waQ knawa eltl ran el tjortn Plata, Ooaa,: There Is no thing equal to Esla Balm tot tpralat sadhrdltM. It wUl affect a eare la one third the -Urn reqalrtd Vy any other trtalmsDt: 'for ml by all Druggist In the tfm of Louis' XV. ther was so J actress engaged at the Theatre FraucMsMUe. Gauthler who 'could break a voia between tbe fingers of one hand And oll a stiver plate; into the form of a eup of conical anape. - No one -could Dear tn pressure of nor hand, snd amy Mamie d Bane, one of the strongest ma of hie dm, waa able toopem her closed hand. - IA -tb same century there lived ta England a woman, Mise BetttO Tbomp soo, wbo could break chatsa with bef Vtss Karra, a young mulatto woman, wboappeared In mot of the eapttala la Baropvw, w believe, tha aret e perform ta feat, waQ banging Wtth the bend of ar knees in a trapmo, of boidlng. a mea at hla ftatt with her testa ant turning him rapidly round With fcsrhlnaa.--, w - ' -: i "'' ,.-tva : , ' : , . Wortl af 1 U Experkace. , Can "anjthJ'nf ba wersi than to reel that every1 mlaate wOl be yoar lastf Bach wai the 4xperlnce at Mrs. 8, , B. Mewsoa, Decatur, Ua."For three years the wtltevI tadarad lasnffataole pala from lttdlgostloa, stomaoh and bowel trouble. Deal eeemed laevluble whea dcotbrt and all remsdlee failed. At teaglh I wai Idduotd to try Xketrle Bit ter and the mull was miraculous. I Improved at Ono and bow I'm complete ly reootartd. "For Liver, Kidaey. Stoav sob sad Bow.t troubUa Cboble BitUrt I lb only mtdlclae. Only 60c, lis ga ar BUrdtyO D Brtdkam'e diUfglat, ". - ' n . t Many form of the name TiBbt sprang from the Chinese Tu'bar (fifth century) throe - a the variations of, Tuebet, To- boet, Tblbet (1160), ;Tebet1288), to Ti bet (1730) The origin bt the nam has been- Variously accounted for, but the weight of historical evidence Indicates that the word la derived from Tubat, a famoua family nam proper to several ancient Tartar dynasties, extensively used in the sensoor "cnJer.". i : Hodasoa assert-that before tbe ar- rrval of Indian teacher the people had no name for themselves or-their Umd, and, though the present name s set, an some aay, unknown to to country elf, the modern Tibetans call them- selvea IMd-pa ana . tneir una, tfoa-yut. BodJngXJBuddhlat jannellatlv sug- geated by thrBanskrlt b'ot; or pV so worklni back to the -Tartart name - London 8nctfcH,f??i l aaveoeen troubled for lome time Witt tndtgestlon and tore ttomach pay ra Sarah W Curtis, of Lee, Bast. and kavs been taking Chamberlain! Stomach and4vr Tableto which have" helped me very much so that now I can eat. many thing that hfor l oftttld not ; job have any trouble wlth your- stomach why aottaks these Tablets and get well For sale by all Drngglse. f ; J - 7".' - ' ;V- ' ''' - y Pis wife must be the worst bouse- keeper In th world," . Whyeor. Why. her husband stated publicly ttiat thera was' -flay in the year whssLha wasn't perfectly comfortable at home," New Orleans TJmes-Pemo-Cbambslaln'i Stomach andtJverTab lets are luttwbat you ned ;wlen yon have no appetite, reel dull , after : eating and wake an with a bad taste In your month. They will Improve your appe tite, deanss and Invigorate your stom ach and give yon a relish for your food. For tale by all Drnggisti. Roumi'a Aeettfea. Boutseau lived long on hi? .fifth floor Jn Paris, forgotteii by the world which be affected to despise and from affec tatton reafly shunned, . whet, an acci dent happened to him In one of his solitary walks. was met in a nar mar nnrt- at- the street feM. de Far aeau, driving very fast in his carriage, and in bis attempt to get iout;of the wsy waa pushed down by a large Dan ish dog running before tbe horses. M. da Fareeau Immediately stopped bis coach and hastened to assist -.the per son whom hla dog bad thus' knocked down, but when he saw it was the author of "Kmillus" he renewed his apologies snd attentions. The next day he sent to ask. after Bousseau. -O "Tell your master tp cbalft ,up his dog," was the 6nly answer. J - ' A aukon'a Comiie.t. Bishop W. A, Capdler waff'.once ad vocatlng a. more liberal loosing of the nurse strings ana torn nur euaience that several years before he-sent an article to a paper. In which ha-said, "We pray too loud and work, too llt- ! " The' comnoaltor. consdeusly or oncbasciously, perpetrated a little joke, for when tbe article appeared it read, "We bray too loud and work, too .lit tle." . "I lt,lt,o at thatrlffesld the bishop. . "The .fact- la, I believe the printer was right, and 1 never ventured to correct him." Bta Rvr.a. French and German bad proved too hard, but Algernon took up the study Of Italian with nlgn nope. - "How.are'you and your Italian teach er getting on J" asked one of Algernon's friends when tlva study bad proceeded itw.- I'm lust "about where wan," said. Algernon ambiguously, rbnt my teacher, d'you know, he speaking English much better than be was when we began." "Taking my Ufa In my hands, I sd Tsnced Into ths very midst Of the can- Bon until both my srms were shot off!" 'Andthenr . "fllr. I took my life In my teeth snd pressed onf exclaimed the old yeteran or Invalid, with glowing eya.-Pack, It WnrU4 Utmm. "That land," aaJdJth city aephaw, "B valued et 300 a front fost"! Tlmnderatlonr' xclarmed the old farmer; nastily moving back oa to tb sidewalk, "An 1 itoo4 on tt most flvt mine test Do you reckon they'll cbargt me rentr Chicago Post -. - - -r v Trlampli tf Boderi Shxtcry. ... WOBdtrfsl thing are dona .tof the aamaa.tody by aurgsry. Organs ar tatea eat bad toraped and polUfced aad pat back, or they may .b rmovda- ttralyboaet at iplleeds pipe take the pbtee of flts lj seotloatrOf, V.lss, aatlseatle drmIor are Applied woanda, traie. burnt 4nd like sjathi before lafftmmailoo set In, which, eaaaw them to teal without c alaraUoa aad In oaottJrd the time winded by tkeold traaUaenk ' Chsmbsdala' - Paia , Balm acta oa this seme principle, ' It lean aaUatptie aad wka applied ln such la- jaiiea, east them to Mat vvy qutokty. It alto allay tb tala'aad oroe. Kp a botll of Pals Balm la your aota snd It will save- yoa tUne od voar act to BB.atloa th Inoonventeac and tsff.riag which ssrh I.Jnrtt en tali, for taltbyU druegWU. j . i ( Lie- All bowevef , by the use of Jrlathera Friend before'baby comes, as this ' A 1 A. . At.. UJ. tnm m In If m n A prerve tbe tymmetry of her form danger of child-birth, and carries f. l .f J , lt. ! Uua anneal. perMMa wiuwuv pmnim ?tmuu vmmoiug. Tkooeanda gratefully tall of the benefit and relief derived from the ejaa eg true wonoeriui -r -. dy.. Sold, by all irojjista at $x per : SattIa,. :Oat UtttT! fccok.tolltot'aUaboot., tale llnlmaat, will ba. tent free. RESURRECTlbN PLANTS. Af. .-r .. f h Cartoa. Roe of Jericho aad tb. . Mexlcmn Fera Ball. The rose of Jericho is perhaps one of the most familiar, of the curiosities of plant life known as resurrection plants. It is said to be imported from the val ley of the river Jordan and is the resur rection plant -mentioned in the Bible. The. plant when received from its na tive home is simply a bunch of leafless and seemingly lifeless sticks or branches clustered tightly together. When placed lu a glass of water, hovf - ever, the branches expand, seea ouqs unfold, and soon the green foliage starts out, and tbe plant grows. ' The , Mexican resurrection plant Is the fluffy, fernlike variety often no ticed In saucers of water In the florist's window. When It Is dormant It Is a shrunken, rounded ball of tightly fold ed leaflets, dry. and dead. It Is dropped in a bowl of tepid wa ter, and soon one frpndlike tip curls slowly outward, then another and an other, and in a short time there is float: lng in tbe dish a beautiful metallic green plant a great, loose, expanded rosette of fine fernlike leaves, odd and beautiful. This experiment can be repeated many times, the plant curling together tightly when dry and expanding Into new life when soaked In water. Young People's Weekly. J Which is Better-Try an Experiment of Profit by a New Hern Citizen's Experience. Something new Is an experiment. Mutt be proved to be at represent ed. The statement of a manufacturer ii not convincing proof of merit But the endorsement of frlendt It. Now tuppotlng you had a bad back, A Lame, Weak or Achlog one i Would you experiment on It ? Ton wilt read of many to-called care. Indorsed by ttrsngert from far-away place. It' different when the endorsement comet from home. Easy to provclocal tottimony. Horn endorsement It the proof th it back every box of Doau't Sidney Pill. Bad thtt case: W F Abtrly, Superlntondtnt and part owner pf the Pine Lumber Co., on Grif fith street residing at 9 Grave street esys: "J have used Dotn't Olntmen lo my family and found It to ba all right I do not ear to allow my name to be published at rccommtndlng any propria Ury medicine tad telling about my ail ment, but Dotn't Ointment It tueh t valuabl and fflolent rmedy that I will hot objoet 10 laying so 'to any on. 1 obtained It at Bradbam'i Pharmtcy." For tI by all dealera. Pries 60 cent FotUr-MHbura Cos, Buffalo, N Y., sols agent for the United Bute. Bsmember the Bam Dot tad take no eiaea, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Dapaxtmcat, Law, nadkloa, Pbarroacy Free taldoa to teacher and to mla later loae, .Scholarship and loaaa . r. rfor theaeedy. r- ?. 630 STcDaar. :? 'VI Mwaucroaa tfw Dofmltnrles,; Gymntslam, Water , .vWaiks,OeaUal Heating System ;..' '"'' Fell term begin . '-. '. im "-Sept. B, 1904. Address -L . ' i;Fakac PrVaaiata, PaaainaaT, Chapel HUI,N. O. Forays snd girls. Faculty rep.' -j , HseDtlng Wake Forest College, , The University of NotthCaKj . ' Una, Catawba College, Southern FeniE'ro-'-s.LIU'etoB Female ; - t'olle ,."J l'er Institute. Pr".s pil llioroi.gtily for colltgttnd " fvr the aclli duties of life, No :.- sectarian, Ppeclal dvtBUgM U ' . MnIe ttl ElocsUoa. kUgslfl- , ' eent i nery.' Mineral water. . Ke M'r'. P'endM mbbiisI ' t. Not a lr ro m In tb. coun ty, I',oril at artnal cost. , yef lb Yrjf cost of board " ''"! ft rn'h, Tu'tloasX l.00 to $ ) I-. . lliom f.nt B-'o ' r ft r, n open Jul 'i ' i i A , i 1 i-i. " T ' ' . ; 1 tt':.'.( gne, WlltO - .; ' , , y, i !, r., -R::t lli't' Meol Every; woman, covets a "ahapely, pretty figure, and - . i , . i ; rnany or men oepiore ine to oi weir girusn lorma foiter marriage, ' The bearing of children is often destructive "to tbe mother's ahapelineaa. All of this can be avoided. . Mother's Friend overcomei all the tbo expectant mother safely through ; T Hnmm'a wmnm.m Vvl.alvm UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL The Hummer Teim begins .Time 8tb to continue three mmlliH. Thorough Innlruciion in o.iirtu s admitting to the lr. Fptrln' lectured ly cmldcnt lawyers. For Catalogue, aildrces . . . Jas. G. MeRae, Dean, Chapel Ilill.N. C. vooe INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. AefcM COLiMSGK, KALKIUH, N. O. Agrloiilture, Engineering Electi leal, Mechanical, and Inp), ind-.islrlal CliomUtry, tile Industry, 520 StudeiiU, : structors, Tuition 20 a Ivl1, In j ear. Board $8 a chips. Addreps month, 120 Sclmlar- RALEIGH, N. V. Homer Military School, OXFORD, N. C. The fifty-fourth year hegir.s September 7ili, 1004. Classlcul, Scientific, and English Course?, The best Moral, Mental, Social, and Physical Training. Kvery member of the faculty an exper ienced teacher. Apply for catalogue to J. O. HORNER, ICE IOC D1SC0UVI Containing coupors for 800 lbs. of Ice in 10 lb. coupons, value $4.00. 'will be told to customers at a dlscoiiLt of 10 per cent. $3.60 will buy $4.00 worlh of ICE If book It procured, either from the driver of wagon or from street. tbe office 19 (Irlfllth New Bern Company. Ice ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified at admlnlitratar of ths estate of Herman Bhoir, dc'd, this It to notlfly all persant Indebted to I tie estate, to make immediate payment to tht undersigned. And all persons hold ing claim, against tbe estate are hereby sotlQed to present the same, duly veri lied to the nndertlgnid within twelve (19) months from the dtta hereof, othr.r wtte thl. notice will be pleaded In bar of their rccovury. This May the 2Mh. 1901. , H. COI'LON, Admr. Herman Sherr, Dec'd. Sale for Partition. to tn order of the Huperlor Court of Craves county made lb '!ttih day of May 1904, 1 will .offer for sale at the Court House door, la the City of Naw Bern, North Carolina for cash at fnbllo out ory oa Monday June 37th 904, th following blty Real Kit ate; A lot of Una with-Improvement itinsted la th elty of New , Bern N C, at th South Wtstern cors.r of East Front tad King treU beginning on th Eatt raddaof East Croat - street, North ward Trora lb North Eastern corner of tbe P U Psllotlet lot, formerly tb II va lot, atBItlock't lla and run North ward with. Ike Eatrn ld of . Baal Froal ttreet- 67 .feet 9 Inch, to tbe Southw.tern corner of Bast Front and Klag ttreet, the - Westward with Kits ttreet 94 feat. to Willi U.. th.n wlifi ; hla Use Soethward t? feet B . Inches to Hiaiocaiiae, men x.asvwaru whi. ai tlntotbbfglBlBf'v.. ' Sale at 19 o'clock at, June S7th, 1004 . .-v : rii.a wHiTEnrjR8T. T.'A.,0ra, Prw'i"r r - j Mssdows. VlcfrPrert. V; V --, t-T. A. Cnfor4Mef. Citizens': iBank, . ; ova srvr auur, ar . o. Da a Oeneral Danklaf Builaeii ' ' '; ' durplo aad CBdlvp.. . W will give prompt sod cartful tltea Uon to all IjuiiooM enlrnnted to B. Walnvlleyonraccnanl. Try B. t1or t IMllt. r i . I fi.i.B ft. H. V.1 , t 4 h.. o ti jr, Jr. f -.' t.; .- : Chesapeake and Ohio Railway WORLD'S "PAIE SCENIC EOTJTE TO SAINT LOUIS, MO' snouTMT.QUICEEPTMdBIbTBOUTR. Vattfbuled, Electrlc-Llghte Train wiih Pullonn Hleeper and Dining Cava. Throoch tickets from Carolina with direct oonnoctioat. 8PECIAL BATXB FOB SHARON SIXTY or FIFTEKN DAT TI0KBT8. Gideon da t tickets from New Bern, N 0, $38.18. Sleeping car ti comuiodatlons agagd upon appllcatloo. SPECIAL OOACB EXOTJBSIONS "" ""ihorlzed dates, tickets good for ten low s from other station. Special ft opr.vers permltied witbrnt limit at 0.4 O. celebrated Mountain retorts USE TIIE C & O ROUTE and purchase vour ticket. aiin... ' For coach excursion dales, reservation! and other Information, address " , , Wfc O. WAJtTHEN, Dps, Richmond, Va. y- W URD, Vas. Agt 0. & O. Ry., Norfolk, Va., AuaMcncken si Bro- niiker Bdlto.Md. NOTICE ! Ry virtue of the power contained ink mo ii gage deed from Mary Taylor to T. liurke recorded in the office of the Iteglstar of Deeds of Craven county in book 134, page 89 and assigned by T. liurke to Mrs Caroline Hill and by Mrs Caroline Hill assigned to James B. Duffy with full power of sale, I will sell at tbe Court House door in New Bern, North Carolina on the 15ii day of July at 12 o'clock M, for cash all the following de scribed Real Estate in Craven county North Carolina more particularly de scribe! as follows: All that certain tract or t a reel of land on both sides of Neuse rlvi r, 100 acres on the south side, 525 acres more or less on the North side being the old home place of Splcer and Ada Lane, for more particular descrip tion of which reference It made to the deed of W. D. Mclver commissioner to Mary L. Taylor dated June 29th, 1889, and tbe deeds therein referred to record ed In the office of said Register of deeds In following book, Hook ovpag4NU, Rook 05 page 162, Book 95 page 420, Rook 112 page 6. This June 13lh, 1904 J. B. DUFFY, Assignee, R. R. NIXON, Attorney. COACH EXCURSIONS TO SAINT LOUIS, MO. EVERY TUESDAY AND THURS DAY IN JUNE, VIA C. &. O. ROUTE, at Special Excursion Rates. On each Tuesday andThurtday during the month of J une,( special ten day ceacli excursion rates will be in effect lo Hi Louts and return vl.C&ORy Heo display ad for rates. East vestlbuled trains with through coaches to St Louis via Cincinnati and Rig Four routes. For further Imformatlan, address, W. O. WARTHEN, Dist. Pass. Agt, C & O Ry. Richmond, Va: L. B. Habicht, FMTE Lager Beer The Finest Liquors and Wines. Habicht's Key West, Habicht' s Tsn Cent Perfectos CIGARS, Corner S Front and Hancock Btreeta, New Fern, N O. Ordinance and Resolution. Bv the Board of Aldemen of the City of New uern, lie it oraaineu ana retoir ed. That whereat, there has btea filed before this Board a petition of more than one-third or tb registered voter of the city who weie registered for th lait preceding municipal .election re questing us to oider an tfoctlon to b held after thirty days notlo to d.t.r mino whether tar rooms or saloons shall be ablished In tald city. Now there fore be It resolved and ordained that an election l o called for the City of New Rem to determine whether bar room or saloons .ball be established la tald City to bo held at tbe usual aad last established polling plies In each wardoa the Olh elsy of July, 1W4. That for the purpose or holding said election tbe following person be tx poinlcd rcButrara In thslr several wards tow it. 1st, Ward J. ii. Hill Jnd, Ward-W. U. Planner 3rd, Ward-Ed 8. 8treet 4th, Ward-1). 8. Jones 5th, Wrd B. D. Hamilton nth. Ward L. H. Beak That these further person be appolal td poll bolder or lodges of lectloa for tbelr respective ware, town: 1st. Weid-W. B. Bills, Fertile Oa kill. Sad, Wsrd-W. K. Better, Merrill Bry an. rd. B. Holland. J. W. Bm.llwood. 4ibWrd-Wm Ptrfls. JoMpaat Biioton. . 6U). Ward-C. T. Has cock. Ft auk Backsey, flis, ward i. m. moms, jeaa . ; - Tbat tht clerk of the Board adrernt tonnd unMl tald thdtyofJely lb rati of tblt t lection by pom lag a eopy btreof l tald City Hall aad pabBahlsg this ordiaanoa asa retoioMoat lata Nw Bra Journal. Tb.t notice of eppofatmeal Of rertrr aad pollboldere be gtra roriBWiiB ot i r hi or roiion. . .. ; ' J.J.TOLSOfV ,1 .,1 M l . .... MWMW a, nan . : .YsW v- S. tt WARD. ATTOBSSl- sat COOKIXLQU r.- . ;Vt, 5-' a aw anaaa, a, aw-. -r -1 Office Removed acrott Street ta Sec m Htory of tio. 69 (abov T.legrapa JU tci) hotith Fruit Rlreet, B.I', ta , " , Hotel Cbatttwki, . v- rrr'.!' la tV eoiin'.'d of fjmvin, t)op!!n, Jono, tlnli', I'arl.rrt, i'f I- ro n.l Wake, la tn "?rr-t a-t l.i. tI timvU, and t,-,r t"rv..- I ar at rate of $23.70. Correannnrtln.l. accoamodatlont arranged tnr A. & N. C. R. R. TIM1 TABLB KO. S3 To Take Effect Sunday, Apl. 10, 1904 at 12:01u M., E. B. T. Going East Bobedulb: Going We No. 8 Passenger Train No. 4 DAILY. STATIONS: Ooldsboro LaOrange Kinston , . Ar. New Bern, Lv, . Lv. p m Ar. a m ...ll 05 ...10 89 ...10 19 ...9 00 ... 8 27" 880... 8 59... 492... 5 40... 5 60 . .Lv. " Ar,. 7 15. . . .Ar. Morehead Oity Lv 6 56 No. 6, No. 6, Passenger Train. Ar,r. at Passenger stations: Train DAILY. ..Ooldsboro... ....Beet's Lv. A. M, 8 00. 818. 8 98. 880 808 7 57 . LaQrange. 8 87 Failing Greek 7 47 848. Kinston. 7 87 796 9 08.... 918. - 9 80.... 60.... 964.... Caswell Dover Core Creek Tusoarora Clerks ..Ar. New Bern, Lv.. . 717 . 700 . 660 . 64S . 680 1010.... a. M. P. M No. 7. Pssseneer No. 8. ' 4 Lv. a. bi. Sundays Only Ar. n. m 10 90... Lv TTew JBern Ar... 614 5 47 5 43 685 r. 21 6 IS 4 40 10 40. . . . .Uiverdaie ...Croatavn ..Havelock ...Newport ..Wildwood Morehead Oity Lv. 10 48. . . 10 68... 1116... U 20. . U40... Ar. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. sdOlast, No, 9. U Class Ar, p m ..... 2 69 2 18 208 188 ... .12 18 Lv. am 512...... . . Ooldsboro. , . . 5 46 Best's 612 LaQrange.... 6 27 Falling Greek. . . 7 89 Kinston 7 40 oaswell 12 01 1101 10 40 10 10 9 00 Dover. 9 40 oore creek 10 10 Tusoarora 10 88 dark' 9 54 1100 Ar.New Bern.Lv 9 90 19 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 8 06 1 19 Riverdale 7 80 1 90 oroatan 7 18 1 40 Havelock 7 00 8 09 Newport, Ly 6 98 9 90 Wildwood 6 07 9 98 Atlantic 6 68 ' 9 66 . . Ar. Morehead oity, Lv 5 90 8 00 ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 460 r. a. a . v. Supplement No 1, To take effect Saturday, May 14th tt 11,06, a m, 1904. Eatt Bound. West Bound. No. 211. No 212. DAILY, KXCEiT FRIDAYS AND BUNDAYS. Lv p. i 4 00.. 420. 4 89.. 4 40. 459.. 5 18. 6 80.. 5 49.. 5 66.. 6 10.. STATIONS, Ooldsboro . . . Best's ; LaQrange. Falling Creek. Kinston.. . . Caswell . ..DoT.r Core Creek . Tascarora . . Clerks Ar. N.w Bern. Lv.. Ar p. m. . ... 3 00 2 38 1 14 1 51 1 28 ... 1383 .12 28 .. m.ll 58 ' 1140 " 1181 ! 1105 IV No 119 will pa No 9, where ovr uaea aad ran ahead adead to Ookls boro nle otters wise otherwise or dared. S. x DILL, B. A. IUCWLAXD, Qnl BnpU Master Transportation. A. F. ilGLLEsTAN, Chief DUpatehsr. Administrator Notice Baviaa Qttallntd' a admlaltsratot er y late wife Victoria K. Ipock, this I to eotlfy all peveeaa having alalana again th MUt of is said dCt4d to lib tblt taem to ue Badnigd, or 1 1 Atterb aey D. I Ward, oa of before the t7ifc dsy of Msy.1905 or tkls aotloa will be pleaded ta bar f Uali reoovery. AS pvrwoa saoooMil to lata tt W1U pls make Itamedlate ptTmeat, ' That ITta day of May 104, . , " V.ktPOCK, ' ;" . " Admfnfstntor; ' " YifBntna t RTniiV ". V ITTOIHlTAt tAW. - - rraeUos ta th eoaatiee ef Craves, Oartetwa, Fatnlloo, J one aad Owalew, aa4mhSnvt Ufrrm ar4 Federal Uoarta. - . OAom leatk Front Stseok OTtl Ttle lpooxa,r4Tan,ai,u v w tfiev ay piLwrimrsiiimtsii! 'DA wn?s Indian rile Otntmwt WlU ar t'.: f.tnftr!g, UlcraUl ng It-r'- ?r::. i ibtorb th km, ''; i". '.fmtrnm, U .t a p". I "' ' '.""'tt-MlVMl?