THE JOURNAL. Xif lin, : H. Jut 86, im. LODGB MRBCIORT. LODGl NO, 1 KNIGHTS OP HARMONY. MnU nd and 4th Wvliwlit nkrhta in anck noath In Soutiw'iEL FoDook Btwet,nt 7.80 - o'clock, rJamnel B. Ball, President. J. H.Bmlth, Bn B.B. H13, Financial Becretarr. Into ti Hew AftTerthmeato. Taken op. Baifoot Bros Listen. Eaton Engraving. -Whltehorit & Co -Tali week. J M Mitchell & Co. Reduction s. Simmons 4 Hollowell Co Baskets. Business Locals. TAKEN tfP Near the Red Bill farm, 8 miles from New Bern, on the Neuse road, a white sow, aBoni alx months old. Owner csn have same by calling and Identifying property and paying charges. J A Arthur A Bro. ANY BODY wishing to see me on busi ness will please call at the office and it will be promptly attended to by Miss Elizabeth Burrus, who will have charge of tha office dnrlne mv absence. N. C. Hughes. FOR SALE Porch Oolumns.Balusters Brackets. Soroll Work. Qrlils Stair Work, Mantels and Screens, Bash Doors and Frames. All done on short notice, at Registers & Ezell's shop on Church Alley, New Bern N C. HOME Grown Fruit Co, cant slopes. Broad St CALL and Chocolates ley's. examine received oar fresh today at lot of McSor- BANANA Ice Cream at day. McSorley's to- ALL kinds of cream Broad St Fruit Co. and ices today at FOR SALE One Stleff piano In excel lent condition. Apply 90 Craven Street, FOB BALE One sharpie, new I sails and several skiffs will be sold (cheap. Apply to "HH Dowdy, 14 East Front STEAMER Goldsboro to Charter, day or night Just overhauled well fitted for excursion parties. Capt H H Dowdy. WANTED 1,000 Watermelon custom ers. Cuban Sweets. Every one guaran teed. Broad Street Fruit Oo. A JUNE Lot of Nunnally's Fresh Can dles just received by express at Daw aon's. ICE OR BAM, any flavor delivered at 66 eta. a quart at the Broad Street Fruit- Company. . FOR RENT The upper story of the building located at No 22 Craven street. Six rooms with k1 modern conveniences Enquire of E K Bishop. FOR RENT The residence, No 87 Pol lock street. Recently Improved and painted. All modern conveniences. Ap ply to Wflliam Saltan, next door to res idence. EXTRA quality Siloed Ham 17 cents per pound at Oaks steal Market. FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar kel. FINE RESIDENCE Location No 1 7 large rooms, besides large bath room, and large kitchen, Cor E Front and King Sts. Sale for partition June 27th 1904. H. C. Whitehurst, Oommt. THE PEEB8ING CLUB is still In progress. Gentlemen's suits and ladles skirts neatly pre sted. Goods left at Mr Stewart Callaway's barber shop will re ceive prompt attentlsn. J. R, Simpson, New Bern Military Academy, National Avenue. THE RAILROAD Meat Market can fill your order today, with One Spring Lamb, Prime Steaks, Roast Chops, Sau sage or anything usually found In a good market. FOR RENT After June 1st, the East end of Harvey House on Booth Front etreet. Fifteen room and all modern Improvement. J W Stewart. FOR RENT Lower float of Kiss Small wood's home, Apply to ker 116 Craven 8t- any hour after 11 a an. None with children need apply. . In Pabst Beer only the choicest roe terials are a ted, and the brewing U con ducted with abeolate cleanliness. These -j ere Important fact era 4n beef making and the secret of Fsbst's groat success. - 1 1 i la tbt discussion of para food In the T fTli-J ...... m. t Ih u PHWI HiNB V& ;..' UBaoli declares 'Ust an Invnt tlgsllm and aaf elale Of Pabtt Beer bv airterta In that irt an onnee or drop -of preserve- . . . tm a .... . . la La txt aald La tha fcoaor aaA tf Ma inn . i IUIIU UUW MUilUU . ' tmlftfta' yitiv CiyA nra rvald Y. i an i. . J - - - g S . wiu be levied oa nod tviterviM to ) . mmtUt 4li limt l law ' CosUfof n4mti5ijJ,&o2t5,.; . - 1 r SHORT PASSING EVENTS. jChn weather today; partly cioudy. . Mr and Mrs H P Harding are bow re- tiding at Ho 185 Middle street. - -: . ' Rev W H Rich has returned from Au burn and win occupy his pulpit as usual this morning. -All changes of advertisement must be in this office bv 12 o'clock, (noon) or positively no changes will be made. Mrs Marlon Co?k gave a very enjoya ble sail to a number of her friends on Mr Charles Cook'e napths launch Friday night. When brick bats are used to repair the streets why not crush them with the roller. It's pretty rough for horses to travel over. Dowu on Broad street Is a good example of the roughness. The Coca Cola Company are makiog good progress In establishing themselves in their plant and are ready to fill all orders. They have opened a very large trade already and are in a position to command an enormous business. MrM D Lane of Ft Barnwell reports that 100 acres of cotton standing seven feet high, which had blossoms June 20. ThU season lves promise of an excel lant cotton crop from the Ft -Barnwell section perhaps the best that the farm ers have yet had. Woe awaits the loier of peanuts for It Is stated that there will be a famine. Pickers and cleaners say that the sup ply now on hand will not be enough to last until the new crop iarcady for nrar kct and that the famine will commence In July and last until October. Rev R C Beaman, D. D., of Durham, N C will speak this afternoon at the Court House at 5 o'clock and at Cen tenary Methodist Church at 8:15 p m. All are cordially invited to come out and hear the great Temperance advo cate. The different congregations are Invited to unite In the evening eervice at Centenary M E Church. If the citizens of New Bern want any thing they have got to do like other folks get up and go after It. And they will never get it If they don't. It is not too early to agitate having the firemen's tournament here In 1905. There Is no reason we should not have it. The proper huS'.lo and push will get It. What are vou eoiac to do about that matter ? It Is noticed that as the days grow warmer the number of leisure ones be come greater around tha loafing places. There are today five hundred idle peo ple, that have no visible means of sup port, and -who don't want to Work and won't work in this city. The farmers say that it Is about Impossible to get help on their farms, and still the olty Is rnnnlni? over with idlers, vagrants at that. Does the polico do their duty In enforcing the vagrant law ? If not.why not? The teachers who passed a successful examination for the graded schools were Miss Nina Basnlght.a graduate of Balem Academy and Miss Minnie Lue Kelly, of KinBton who was the valedictorian of her clats at Peace Institute this year. Arrangements for ibe Knights of Py thias band are about completed and it 111 be readv for business as a musical organization as soon as the instruments arrive which will be la a low days All the women who are Interested in u-mnerance are requested to mesi in the court house, tomorrow Monday, af ternoon at five o'clock. Mr J C Whltty and the city pastors will meet them The books of the tsx listers will be closed Thursday June 30ih. Persons who neglect listing tbelr taies are 11 ble to criminal proceedings IN MEM0RIAM. New Bern Chapter United Dsughtert qf the Confederacy has again felt theaf flletlng hand of Providence, and anoth er ntaloBs and fslthlal member has been called from Ita labors aud couniels to her eternal reward. The death of Mrs John Dunn temovts from it number one whose devotion to the glorious memories which we seek to perpetuate, wss narked, and whose generous Impulse end kind benefactions will be long remembered. i In reconlilon of His worth of our de paited member, soil ss a memorial to be preserved la oar Clnpter Records, It Ii HESOLYKI). Thai (lis death of Mrs John Dunn Is sincerely mourned and the Chapter extends to the family and friends this expression of Its deep sym pathy. JIESOLVED. That a copy of tbeee res olutloni be tent to the family of out de ceued member, and a copy be furnished the New Bern Journal for publica tion. EMM1 IL POWELL, MOLLIC RBATQ. MARY T. OLIVER, Committee. A Pleasant Reception. ' Beaufort, J one 8 J. Kisses Margaret and Charlotte Caff rey gav grB r efteplion last ; night al their borne on Turner . street, la honor of their guests Misses EUlnot Taylor nod Lean Benfot 4 of Hew Bern. Those who were prent treret ' '-.' Missel Basis Fsllon, Cherlotts Geffrey Margaret Caff ray, Mlanle Lewlt,EllIoor Taylor, of New Bern, Lnn Baaford, of New Bern, Helen .Russell, ' Lottie Haghes, of Orstniboro Lollls Doieaa, Grace Danoaa, Sid Adair WooUa, of Ktaston, Nettle Plsree, Msry (Caffey, Nsllle Williams, Msry W hi if or d, Carrie P.wtll end Mattte Duncan. , I Meiirs Moses Gold, Cecil Whluborst, Chas Maaion. lt Smllh,' of HH Bera Llsid Wheatly, tu DJrklnson, Chss r-ii,jr, J at TvT.t', Lonls fsrrow,' A K00KLIGHT SAIL. A Delightful. Summer Pastime to be .- FortiI$liEd by Iks DaujrhWs of TV0 Cofe4sj,y$. ' The Daughters of the Confederacy will have a- moonlight tall On the. teaser Goldsboro, Tuesday night, Jane 28tb. Tha boat will leave the dock at the foot of Middle street promptly at 8 o'clock The Daughters are making arrange ments to have this occasion enjoyable la every particular. As they nave on!y a limited number of tickets for tale they advise the early purchase of the tame. Music and refreshments will be a fea ture of the sail,' while the cooling breezes and agreeable company will ran der sufficient compensation. Tickets may be procured at F B Daf fy's and D R Davis' Pharmacies: Tom Water' news stand and O J McSorley's. The pi ice of the tickets are only 26 cents. Mattocks Nobles . At 8 o'clock p m, June 22nd, Miss Lot tie Nobles was happily united in mar riage to Mr A F Mattocks at the Bap tlHChnrch In Maysvllle. Rev W A Jenkins, officiating. The church was beautifully decorated In evergreens. The bride and brides maids carried beautiful boquets and car nations. The wedding march was played by Miss Ad lie Rollins of Pollocksvllle.MIss Dunnte Koonco acted as maid of honor and Mr B S Mattocks as best man. The other attendants being Mr Clar ence Mattocks and Miss Pearl Nobles, Mr it D Dixon and Ml is Minnie Maides, Mr R S Weeks and Miss Ellea Jen sins, Mr G H Jenkins and Miss Tinie Tyson. Mr It L Jenkins and Mr S S Henderson acted as ushers. The bride was given away at the altar by her father, Mr D N Nobles, she wss attired In white silk and made a beauti ful trppearance. mo uriae ana groom are both very popular young people of Waysvllle and count their friends by the number of their acquaintances. May they find sunshine and happiness In their journey through life. X, Savage Cox The BeiJcely Avenue Baptist church Norfolk was the scene of a wedding; last Thursdsy night in which New Bern peo pie sre Interested. The contrasting par ties were Mr Eaten Clyde Savage, man sger for the MetropolItanLlfe Insurance Company In New Bern and Miss Mamie Elizabeth Cox, the popular acd charm' iog daughter of Mr and Mrs E L Cox Tha church was beautifully decorated with festoons of daisies ana lerns. The sllar was banked with pal mi and white flowers; the prevailing colors being green and white. The bride was-handsomely attired In white emb-o'.dercd crepe de chine built ontiffets. Her veil was caught with pearl sun burst, the gift of the groom. She carried a shower bouquet of bride rosea and maiden hair ferns. The bridal couple were attended by full complement of groomsmen snd bridesmaids- Among the guests was Mrs Hughes Holland of t h Is city. Air ana Airs savage went on an ex tended northern trip after which they will return to their home la this city. Attention Nobles The Nobles of the A. D, K. sre re quested to make a pilgrimage to their Castle Wednesday night the SOtb at 8 o'clock and Fall not. By order of the I O P, J. H. SMITH, 1.8. Complimentary Card Part Miss Katharine Moors of Washington NO, thegueitof Mrs At Dill wasde- lijhtmuy entertained at a card party given In her honor last Friday evening by Miss May Moore. The rooms were tastefully arranged with palms, ferns, and out Dowers. Whist was tha game of the evening. There were abotrt thirty guests who en Joyed the gracious hospitality of Mlsa Moore. Dellr-loot refreshments wert served later In the evening. Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola it poetesses wonderful tonlo propertlrt made from the famous Coca riant and Kola nat. The Engravers Chisel commemorate on aoy gift tbe time otbonritx a droomiUnceo: may ' double giftIt .rive the artiolo tf, It la a zentiDder for yoara, Many jetelery article can bo engram in mooograma, oinglo Uttcra, QnoUUoas and otherwiao. Artioleo pur cbaaed boio till be engraved to yoor IU bo perfect hand tngraTing work tbatU a r-leuurt to yo and aatisfrcUonto tnyaclf, TUoge,' BUrerraro, Epooni, Wata,' ok, art BuiUblo article for artittio engravlnt;, V "; v i.;: . IMS c Our Oldest Stock Pattern ' , J PltlNCIi wrilbeoIoMj out atgrsa'Jr rdur-l Toor ImI erPort!)B,lT to plK not Also lever al other patiorrs on An-:r;' r Ptoth l:nsme'' 1 V. r n - - Pi' ;:i t Tv" ' fr" ' ;i ; TEET C0K2 AXD GO. Miss Vend Manger left yeatardny for a few weeks visit at Tarboie and from there will go to Hew York for Ike re- alnder of the enmrner. t a iPA Mist Olive MorrM of BnowHUl who has been the guest of Kb; 'Any Guion retarned home yetterdny.,;.'" ; .. Mr J N Foacue of PoUocksville wm In the olty yesterday after tialt to the World's fair at St Loni.i,..--. : - The following ilekgatea nnd.tlaltors to the Greensboro convention returned ytsterday. Mesnrt I B Daweon, Thomas Danlela, O H Galon, James A Bryan, R A Nunn, 8 H Lane, HB Jtarka, D W Bailey, W W Clark, FF Matthews, W S Bummetell and H H Roberaon. Mrs W T Bishop hat" gone to Wsldon on a few weeks visit. Mr Wm PowelLhss retcraed to Ashe- vllle where he resumes his former posi tion. Mr and Mrs W H Green and little daughter Pauline of Columbia 8 Care the guasta of Mr J H Green. Mrs Julia F Ames of (Cherry Point af ter visiting here left yesterday for Seven Springs and from there will go to the mountains for the remainder of the summer. Mr Thomas A Green returned yester- dsy from Oxford whsre he went to at tend a meeting of the directors of that Asylum. Mr J W Stewart and daughter. Mines Janle and Sarah returned yesterday morning for St Louis where they visit ed the exposition, while away thiy also attended the Confedeiate reunion at Nashville. 4 Mr Tom Daniels went to Morehead last night. Mr 0 E Hancock went to Ualelgh last night. Misi Minette Chapman of KnoxvlUe Tear., Is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Burrus. Mr T O By man went to Morehead last night. Mist Lucy Odell of Morehead tpent the day here yesterday. Mr eed Mrs A Oettinget and daugh ter Mlaa Edith of ' Klnston, and Mr and Mrs Frank Ellington of Raleigh tpent the day with Mr and Mrs M M Marks yesterday. Misi Lena Sanford returned from Beaufort last night where she hat been visiting friends. Mr and Mrs Rodolph Duffy returned to Catherine Lake yesterday. Mr Duffy has been conducting: criminal court In Ri if ton during the put week. Caot Joe Gasklll want to Morehead last night. A Home Mission Note. How grateful we should all be that we are blessed with the opportunity of help In to make the world better. When the roll Is called up yonder will some one look Into your face and tay "Through your Influence end godly life on earth l wu led to seek the Savior." Let ut bear our part la the redemp tion of the world f orChriet. Perhaps tome battles have been lost because we have not followed the Cap tain of our Salvation, but It Is a com fort to know that whatever may have been the oast. God II fee today. The present aud the future are tnhla eoa trol. No matter how dark or difficult things may seem around us, a kind and gtaolonsand Almighty Father rnleth over all, and we will thank hits for the opportunities that eosae to on one by one. May we with Hit help do what our nendi find to do aad win the cross that awalU the faithful, Wednesday's Tray Shoot. Below we give the score made -at the Old Fort Gun Club Shoot Wednesday evtntng. Shot at. Broke. P.O. CO Jordan 00 46 M Geo A Hlroll 86 " N 80 JLRartsneld 85 18 7 WB Blades tS 18 81 AH Rawlins 85 16 80 Fred Whltty 78 44 58 WTHU1 88 18 68 J I Latham 60 85 80 Was Bear 50 88 48 DrSDnVJonet 58 88 48 H 0 Lnmadea 50 80 40 DtRl Primrose 80 JO 88 oceaaion and nanu ol fiver -of reqnlro, :- An "0TaTe4 gift Ii t nor -Tcrooal . taloo aod dlfni- DOraodai order frto of chaifA ' 1 Ik WEEK IIIDI A PLOW BLUE t tUtt. ynsr T or Ii:Br f t. , irr''a '!1 Is . . - a. r ' -ft --"II 'ft let, 0' '- :?"' t." 'f."f-s t--i CSend your Order for tetter Tile Ink, Peng, and Blanl; i ooka to OwenXl. Dunii Leading Printer is Stationer; Cot. Pollock A Craves Sts. S 11 Dtsinf f CHlorideof Lime, Crude Carbolic Acid, Sulphur Candles, etc, for disintectlng on sale at . Davis' 'Pharmacy, PHONE SO.' To a little sensible, straigbt forward talk abont our claims on your consid eration, This store is run on business prin ciples; we run it to make money out of it. We are not satisfied with your pur chase, because we want you for a reg ular customer and a business iriend. Here are some offerings which can not be duplicated elsewhere. Fiae Sheer Clinging Silk Mull for evening dresses, 20c, 38 inch All Wool Voile, Fine quality, black and colori.BOo Special Bargains in White Lawns, 5c, 8c, 10c, 12jc up, We have a Great lot of Fans, 5c to 1 50 each, Miles of Embroideries at 5c Sic and 10c yd, all special, 40 inch White Lawns, see it at 10c and 12Jc jd, Summer Coisets, open work and batiste, 25c and 60c, One lot lOo Dresss Gingham 3 at 8c, Special Bargains in Ladies Pattern Hats 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, White Dock Hats for Ladies. New Shapes 50c and 75c, Bargains in Window Shades, 23c, 33c and 48c. The most interesting month in the Dry Goods business, Special Bargains throughout the house; Barfdot Brothers, Phone HI. 59 lollock St., ductile Iphcopal Church oooooooooooooooooooooooooo New -r-1 ,V?f f r t'f-f T Dai oty .!"'.( '; - , j , . . . ! t" - 1 v ' ' J rKii.p'' i Jir i nr I .1 llllia r AJ EISEPTIC - ; llarrIioe Cordial IJovefcaV Pelieveav and Cores. In fancy or rld age, Aboolutely ;- - Safe. Contains no opiates. For Sale at "' " HARGETS, West Broad St. ectants I eeeeeeeeeoeeeoepooi Lot of U.f "t ! . ft O't. JUC5CLUU U1UJJL- ' ' u o o o o o o 2 Of White and I Beginning TUESDAY nioriiiiig. 3,000 yds India, Linen to be sold at 5c, 10c 12 1-2, 15c, 20C, T We will also ofier our entire Mtock of X Colored Lawns at prices that will aton- O Beautiful line of Ladies Gauze Vets X it irom 10c to 50 Q Ladies Lace Howe 25c kind for 20c, 3 M pair for 50c. q All Ribbons 25 per ct lower than reg n ular price. g Big line of Ladies iHeckwear, Silk O Fans, etc, onoooaononoQoac5QDoaoQono When tired and worn oca Most Popular Drink of the Day. All orders, either loeal or shipping promptly filled, Private families supplied at short no tice. Coca-Cola Bottling Works, C A SEIFERT. MANAGER. 3 JU n CAROLINA BRICK CO., The LARGEST SlZF, and BEST QUALITY BRICK offered on this market. For prices see M. M Marks, F. R. iiyman, it. A. Nicoll, T. G. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. I lants at GlarkH, Hynmn'ri Sitlinc, Kiii.-.(on n 1 i;nln rsons il r. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. ep The New Summer Drink Is Now on the Met. Soothing, Delicious, Snappy. Drink hikI le CIieerel. Q On Irrnulil it t F S. Duffy's Pharmacy. Lit , Your Taxes lor 1904. The lint takers are now rrmly in re ceive the list given la for iLb hi:. Town ship, and will beat trie Cnnrt 11 dime durlog Ibe rti'iDth of Judo. I'leane ilna't Wilt until tha lsst moment. WKHOUN1RKK. J L HARTHFIKU), Mot Tpki r-. of nil wsartfif aprars! -Is vial avvf Sir-rpctlD sosn dMlrts, waISr admits U or not. To hara a vannaal or tntlra sH ail of honel clolh. eat snd faihlonsd la taa IstMl rnndu, is tb duty t1 rrf Bins, and Is lllld lihn In btilloMi M Wall at tf, W rnarant aaatrrlal sod fit nf svarjrthlng o o o, o o o o o Colored Lawns 25c out, try a bottle of - woia CSS Tono. At Hie IMv Oroir Co. Cor. Broad anolFleet Sis. I Ii- Belts, Hi. (i, Udt will bo glad to ion you. Hut, if yon ftan't romo, Just phone No. 10T and we will cdI to jrour I omc for ptfirrlp llons and after they liv- n ran fully and accurately Qlled, we will prumrttlf dcltvet the roedlilne will, no iiira charge. We are jours to ir and yours to pleaae; 1'or anything In tha drag Una please notify ui. We nre yours please.' to Ann Prnnm IUO UI com Now Erery' Day, Def Hvcred For V ' ' ' v35c. a Auart ,, at f.youp - homo. Ice' vwm nivviwr; t Jr pnEt'di )iBd aU.bther cool;.4and refreshing- drlnlrg at "nni-EY's. TheOsVi I'r tliS ll if tT'-J'.' r,rsrviilsa. on!y v'tt Tylof, Pim Tb"ma sr.! F : - s r.i. : I-V r r

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