- r,r HIW ilBM, ;X C, TUESDAY M0BKI5Q, JUNE 28, 1904 VOL. XX1I-R0. 76. TWINTY THIRD YEAR ' : a ; STf- Y. ' : : - ,4 - -V r . ' t - . iiiitiiiiltliliiitlilMlltltttllll I 1 1 Itm"""" REDUCTION IN There is only 30 days left to dispose of them they miiBt Come and get our prices, the profit is yours. All Colored Lawns at Cost. go Zephyr Suitings, worth 18c to close ontat 10c, French Ginghams, 36 inches wide, 30? value for 20c, Hemstitched Crape Silk, the popular faerie for summer costumes, 30 inches wide, 60c quality, Reduced to 40c. Mercerized Silk, 30 inches wide, good value at 5oc to close out a' 30c. J. M. MITCHELL & CO. PHONE 288. 43 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. NEW ERA. PAINT is the very Bet Paint made. It surpasses all other paints as to duality, Durability and Cov ering Capacity. Leads, Oils Varnishes, Enamels, Floor-Taint, Var nish Stains, Bnggy Paints, Roof Paints, and Paint Brushes. Window Screens and Screen Doors Ice Cream tajs and Water Cooler;. OS Middle St. FRESH We r the only people In the city . w reoelra fresh lot erery week and they are all aa fine as can be Ld, now If y00 WM( something nice for breakfast try some of these fisb. ; - Not only fitb, vegetables, etc, bnt we carry everything usually kept In an up- . to-dath Orooesry store. Send us your orders,give us your business and we guarantee to please you. McGEHEE & WILLIS. Phone 137. No. 77 "Broad St ' Screen Doors And Windows ! All Sizes, New shipment just to hand Heath & Milllgan Paint, none better, covers most, looks best. Car load Fence Wire j ust re . -ceived. Builders Material. Nash Doors, and V Blinds. Poultry Wire, Mill and Machine sup plies Gaskill Hdw. & Mill SuddIv Co., BiBDWl-RI 71 Mlddk(St PhoM 147. ew rv n 11 u J TAB COAST LINK MARKET U rejuly to terve the popl with tkt Ycrj BEST metU, both Fresh and Salt that can be procueeJ. ! Caonad Qooda, Poultry, Axs. 1 v IjbUc Patronaga la Solicited, , fi J. Hi flrKSfCEIl, Mbnagtr 1f-nu4 Stfaa Parker Bnlldlnr. ' , -r . Ml Jritt!i ,Brltl!i!6 " Qisllty mi prtoa iaraaeA la any qteaUty, wkolaeeJa of latall . ; ' ; Or dere left at J W UwartV afflca at f M Faak balUllDf &1 woslye , roptattsl(oa. ; ' -. ,. Enterprise Erfctc.THo . imyxuvq.co. !. V, STEVAUX , 1 And colors. th'. keep s sDpply of Ibis well known fish m m m MILLISUI'PUES 44 CraTen'.St Phone 818, Meat 'July Smart . Set and, I 'Ain stee's : ; : cfthgazines ;ifi..-.;-:',v,-. f I , lit) 1 ( Lt '1 TJioiie 99. i PROHIBITION IN KANSAS. How U SDled Moral, Social and Ednca tlonal Temperance Work. (IDT.) Mr. S. K. Shepherd, Ez-Secretar of the State of Kansai, and many yean Editor of the old Topeka Tribune, sends the following communication to The Omaha Bee: "For twenty jears prior to prohibition in Kansas I was an active Good Templar and worker In the temperance cause In Topeka Valley Falls, and Troy In this Sia'e. When the prohibition craze struck Kansas ten years ago there was about four hundred lodges and organiza tion) of various kinds in the Bute de voted to temperance work. In six months they were all dead. Prohibition killed them. Moral, social and educa t'onaj tamperanoe work was wholly abandoned, and compulsion, litigation and hell raising inaugurated In its stead. The Infamous spy, spotter and Informer system was adopted, and secret star chamber, Inquisitorial "law' and or Jer leagues" hatched conspiracies waged bitter and vindictive prosecutions, piled costs mountain-high upon the tai-pay erj and converted society Into a seething caldron of warring element). The golden era cf sobriety was just beginning to dawn in Kansas when the pernicious contagion cf prohibition broke out like a raging pestilence and spread over the lsnd, destroying temper ance work, and leaving morals desolate In It) path. The consumption of liquor baa been increased rather than diminish ed, and men have b:en made worse in stead of batter. Prohibition has de bauched our State. The attempted en rol cement has brought out the worse elements of human chsractsr on both sides or l Me question. Hen who once bad itspect for the law have grown to bate and despise lt, and their sons are following in their footsteps. In place of honest, old-fashioned saloons, We have drug-b' ores, joints, club-rooms and secret hell holes, where vicious stuff Is sold to all who want lt, old or young, dines the witheting blight of prohibition casts Its dark shadow upon Kansas and owa,.anl converted those States Into moial plague spots, the former has lost 72,000 of its population and the latter 185,000, whi'e all surrounding States lilve gained from 200,000 to 600,000 each And as many more people wonld flee from the blue-lawlsm of those two States if they could sell out and get away, or if they did n t bops for a change In af fain. Kor one I am not a law-worshiper. 1 Lever did believe in padlock virtue, legal riglreousiieis, sheriff honor, execution liineity comstock purity, or constable temperance. I do not believe that Slate guardianship of men's appetite) and morals and the removal of all temptation frjm them Is conducive to the beat re sults In developing human character. 1 io not believe In putting a b.b on a man and shutting him up in thenursery with old granoies, church and State for his wet and dry nurses. 1 do not believe, In trailing him up to the legislative porch Ilka a morning glory, cult I fating no pt wer within himself tj stand slone, and sure to bj cut down -by he firtt cblll wind or autumn frost. Temptation W as necessary a factor is the building up of chsrscter aa exercise ii the growth of a strong, healthy body. Without temptation it Is Imposslb'e to develop a vigorous manhojd, capable of relating evil as the sturdy oak with atands the fury of storm and tempest Without temptation man wonld be a frail hot-house eiotlo a thing of Jelly, without bon, sinew, muscle or vertebral Dio moment temptation Is removed moral degeneration begins. Free moral agency Is euentlal to manhood. No good can pots!bly come from the des truction of himan liberty. In principle prohibition Is false, Irra t!onal anl unjust; In splilt it Is Si gr se al t, (noclous and vindictive. It Is the aiaaailn of liberty, the foe of free moral agency, and the destroyer of temperance tt it rorameretal famine, and flnanclsl ralo. II It degrading, enslavlcg and demoralising to a free and Intelligent people. It tegeU disrespect for all Uw; It offers a premJam apba vice tad crime and tarns mea 1st sasaka, Iplee, spot ters and pnrjarers. Its anactsaeat aad attempted taforoeneni la the ht Blstte ofsTaaiasnea Iowa haVe baeaaafav famous oat rigs' apoa the aataral tad olHri;httof the people. It Is the pro genitor of discord, hatred sal hi turn see the Instigator of conteitlaa, enmity tad rancor, and the propagator. of strife, dUseeeloos tad Tloleaoa," ; .r. V The Kansas Farmers' Adroott sayr "Time wai la Katftai wbea It-wis proper Is be a prohibition!!. The poll tte'aai were ell maklsg proklbltloa speecbtav Tarahaok lh records and yo will ha sorprlstd to fled the former position of politician pa prohibition end 1 14 enforoemeat, wbea yoa consider the preseat aeatlaient. While It U net y popular t be a "reeabmlestoalst" brraasa M tbst Ursa there U a common odor Of Istrtgus and toodllsg with oat slde brewers. It U no losgsr Jnat the prop rthlng la politics to be a al a core adro4teof law enforcement. It lot vous, Aa honest and fboronib. enforce meat of the prnblbitory law all over the State wonld brief Its rspeal qnlcket (ban svythlng elts, bnt thare Is no poll tkal p arty In Kama I 'g florrjh to nn '1tae So t!.!r,- "l fi f.n IV! something bettor will be substituted a) the law of the State,? - General Attorney DaWes of Kansas in his biennial report says: "The Kansas prohibitory law has net been enforced nnder my administration, nor nnder that of any of my ptedeces ton." ' CK0ATAN. Jane 25. The crops are looking fine, the farm en are through shipping Irish potatoes and beast Mr B 8 Hardlson and Elmer Hawk went fishing yesterday and caught some nice croakers. Hiss Nannie Hardlson. went to New Bern yesterday to ylslt her sister Mrs N F Ballard. Mr Tom Eborn returned home from Cove Sunday. Mr R Ii Banks and family who have bsen with na for several months moved back to New Bern yesterday. Mr William Eborn and wife are visit Ing relatives at Tburman. DEW DROPS. Perhaps you are in need of a beer which is healthful and pure just the k'nd you will feel proud to serve as a table beverage. Get Pabst. Try a bottle of Carbonated Occa Cola lt possesses wonderful tonic proportiea made from the famous Coca plant and K )la nut. Go to the Oaks Meat Market for tho best Canned Meats. For Spring and Grown Chlokens go to the Oaks Market. Notice to Pensioners ! As the first Monday in July will com' oalhe4 hday and that being a legal holiday, the county board of pensioners will not meet until Tuesday" the 5th ly of July. 8. R. SHEET, Chairman Board Pensions. P. S. This only applies to those who desire a new pension or an Increase. Wood Turning Porch Columns, Balusters, Brack ets, Scroll Work, Orlils Stair Work, Mantels and Screens, Hash Doors and Frames. All done on short notice, at Hezisters & Ezell's bIiop on Church Alley, New Bern N C. BARLEY is one of the eldest cereals known in history. But tho lar-. ley grown today is the product of cen-' turles nf cultivation. Although it is a hardy cenal, and can Ye grown in any temperate climate, lt is best cultivated in oar Northern States, where tho soil is peculiarly adapted to produce the most nutritions species. Milwaukee, the home of the 1'abiit Brewing Company, Is located on the edge of a vast barley district, whe re the best barley in America is grown. Pabst has his own buyers, who have had years eipeilenre In selecting barley, and whose exclusive employment Is to purchase the two million buahels of this grain needed ery year. Every bushel of barley used by tbr Pabst Brewing Company is the best i lie laud affords, and this Insures the neat est post ible nutrition In the malt from which Pabst beer is made. The hops. likewise are obtained by npeclal cm ployes whose ofllce lt li to Inspect the crops of this flower each year, and their purchase Is governed by their practice knowledge of the best localities of growth, and also the quality which pea teases the correc", amount of aroma and hop principle" necessary to product good beer. Fabat Beer Is always pure because It Is btewed from only the choicest materlala. Before any tat, brew-kettle, keg vx bottle la used a tvjeond time, vast corps of men and women wash, cleanse and soonr these reotiptaoles nntll they are sweet and clean aad free from all con tamination. System, the rst labor . and the latest scientific machinery are used throughout the great Pabet plant. Cleanliness and quality are above all else obierved to thr extreme. The doors of the Pabst nlant are al ways opea to visitors, who may Iraspec I for themselves the superior methods em ployed ia the ma nni actors of pabst Ucm which could not . be made better If dooblt Its prion were offered. . , Yoor Ejei Tested Free! , , Why go to "others and pay aicttUve prices to bat roar eyes tested whew w Ust Uem free, and gneraatea tall sfao- We have the latest aclentlfle Ins tru' msnU to factlllste oor mmlnatfion, whfle others here do aot, and still cbi irge yoa a large no for what we do fr of r If yoa need tnedlceJ treatment we i fill refer yoa lo om -aapsble of trvaidng ;'r rj.o. BAXTxn,;; ' J." - GradnaU la Optometry' ' CillttUt DcmpnstratloD. 1 oVtaanstratloa of ths Nation. ITi-jmani f0T Bookkeeper! snd Stenographers 'ireatef Wian we. can aupp). . m U KUna .orl Voflhona tui to those Uklng combined course. , ; Railroad fare CffTI Co's finaesk store oa Tuesday Jon 28 th frnnt tl ana till I pan. Every lady la town Is earnestly r qnesled lo eome aad try a frea tmpt of th f nds. . " " . I The demonatrstloa will be In rhwtv. ot a rrTwTii!We of th WirRl Pi eull Co whri will ti (t"Rt j Vs.iir" ir : ftpla'n'rf V. r: f ' ' i' " Vvm Salter Path School Closes -' " June 26th. I with a number of friends from A 111 wood accepted an invitation to be piet- ent at the closing exerclsts of Mi W C Murdock's school at :h t-'altei Path t n Friday 24th Inst. The sun rosi bright and cloar and 1 y nine o'clock a in we were a'l aboard a nice sharpie under the captalntlilp if Mr liumley Willis who attjr a delight ful sail delivered us sfe and sound lit obr destination. We wer j met by the committee of ar langements and a In h' of friends who bid us welcome. In about an hour the church in which the exercises were con ducted was- crowded and the progam commencad. I cinaot praise the pupils too highly In ih) way that they wdnt through their various (studies so nicely, reading, spell ing, grammar, geography, composiiicn, blachboar j exercises etc., showed the majter hfind of their teacher In tho wi he bad traineil lh(m. The oiuuii'.tee us well as the patrons ppoku of high leniH of Mr M unlock as a teacher nn 1 cx pressed tho wish tint they could secure hl scivlces agair. At Ii lf past, twelve dloner was an nounced ud(1 wo ritlred t) a 1 ng table under a beautiful shaile and ihore Mr Editor, wus spread all the deli :aelea ol both land and tea. Alt.T dinner ws over the follow iog resoluti in whs read sud adop.to I: KESOLVKD, That we, the visitors from Wlldwood, denhe lo 'rjtura our thanks forlbe kimlneB shown us by i lie kind eople of the 8al'er Path, and aasu ic i liem lliat wc highly appreciate their labor to iiimUc our visit pleaaam and txlrud to them an Invitation 10 pav Wlblwc 1 o visit, so that we may return their kin Incs?. We t It 1 1 took a stroll 6lng the beach gatlu rli shells and at three o'clock we bhl alien to ih'j in my t fractions of the day, got alionr i our bout and with a Lift brre.e Mowing, wo soon arrived home with the vaceful recollection tha' win hid f pent a day of unalloyed plRHSiire. VISITOH. Bflarii tLe Sigfatcro if Kind Y.:-i llavn Always Bought WM. WHITJVIOKE, Cnrpcutvr V ToFlcr, All kir.drt (f carpenter work done Furniture IJepnired, hereon work i sjiecirlty, All orders given jironitit attention Shop all 4:! Middle Street, Cor, Bro:id, New Hern, N (.', Stenography & Typewriting School Opened at the Collegiate and In dustrial Institute, Corner West and Cypress Sired?, this city. Stenography taught Tuesday and Friday at I p in. Typewriting Monday and Wed nesday at -1 p in. Night classes will be arranged upon application in person or by letter. At 14 Pastenr street, T h McCOY, Toacher, New Bern Military Academy, NEW BERN, N. C. The largest imtl Best Equipped Boarding School in H astern Caro lina. Specialists at the head ot every Department. Vacuity of 15) mem bers (including l:ture faculty, representing University of North Caro lina; University of Virginia; A & M of Mississippi; Texas Normal Col lege; Belhavcn Hospital Medical College, New York, College Physicians and Surgeons, New York; 'eabody Normal College:, New York Conner, rntory cf Music; American Institute of Normal Methods, Boston; Con semtory of Magic of rarifl, Franoe; Leipsio Conservatory of Music, ae'rmanj; Harvard Uuiversitv: Trinity College and other prominent in stitutions. 8EVJ5RAIi TUOUSAND DOLLARS being expended for new building, iWacki, and Dormitorie lighted throughout by electricity, nd wnplied ith city water, u pure as the State affords. Buth rooms Large and Loyal Btudcnt-body last tetwioD. -Apply atuJ)nco Top beautilully illustrated Catalogue- . ' . Carolina Business U Kcir Bcm,;N; C, V , A t5cpara(e nJ Distinct ImUtuUca.- wun a strong : The l)e't and woaC willy mastered ; methods of Book Keeping and - . . . .. j ' -m-wa tioail In i thl4 anllorr. .' Tl. Utt Vrt thnU tailriff fnll fihortbind Take one 6f tbest conrses and lot us help JO to a food psying po sition. ; "v. ' '' . . - Apply at Mice for illustrated Cstalogne.. y.!.? V-v :'.r"; f': ' Aildrct - ' ' ' . - '' . s. SCALP HUMOURS Itching, Scaly and Crusted With Loss of Hair Speedily Cured by Guticura Soap and Ointment When Every Other Remedy and Physicians Fail "Warm shampoos with Cuticttra Soap and light dressings of Cuticirra, the great skin cure, at once stop falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dan druff, soothe irritated, itching surfaces, destroy hair parasites, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the scalp skin, supply the roots with energy and nour ishment, and mako the hair grow upon a sweet, healthy scalp when all elso fails. Millions of tha world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuti cura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stop ping of failing ,hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and eore hands, for baby rashes, itcbings and chaflngs, for annoying irritation and inflammations, or too free or offen sive perspiration, for ulcerative weak nesses, and many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Complete treatment for every hu mour, consisting of Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuticura Kesolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, may now be had for one dollar. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humours, eczemas, rashes and irritations, from infaucy to age, when all else falls. Sold throughout th vorld. Cotieurt RcsoWnt, 60c Sn form or Chocolt CokUd Pilla, 2fic. per vial of 60), Intment, We.. Sotp, 2e. Depot,: London, U Charter houie Hq. t l'trli, 6 Hut fle U Vail I Boston, 137 C'olumbua Ave. Potter Dru Chein. Corp , Sole Proprietors. asf-Scud for " llow to Cure Kvery Uuinour. Wood's Seeds. Crimson Glover Sown at the last working of the Corn or Cotton Crop, can be plowed under the follow ing April or May in time to plant corn or other crops the Bame s(janon. UriniHon Clover prevents winter leaching of the soil, is equal iu f'er tilizin); value to a good application of stable manure and will wonder fully inerea.se the yield and i util ity of corn or other crops which follow it. It also makes splendid winter and spring grazing, fine early green feed, or a good hay crop. Kven if the crop is cut oil, the action of the roots and stubble improve the land to a marked de gree. Write lor price end special cir cular telling about seeding etc. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RIOHMOND, VIRGINIA. Wood ! Descriptive Pall Catalog, ready about Aao-uflt lnt, tells all atmut Farm and Vegetable Seeds fur Kail plant ' lng. Mailed free on request. FUty-elght years of scientific brewing with honest materials and acmpulous attention to details have made possible the perfection reached In I'AIi.ST IJEEH. e, Faculty of and Bookkeeping scholarship. . A. B. LL. B. Collen Fresh lot Small Pig Hams Jtist Received, Als, a P.bl Fancy New Orleans Molasses. Al.-n i ew b.urel Fulton Market Corned Ueef, Try curKaney Elgin Putter, Fivsh lot Voigln's Snow Drif and Admiral Flour. (!yod Carolina Rice 10c t. oniplete stook Fnsh Canned Goods r We will thank you for a share of your IraJe. Satisfaction f4 ii .. l-.i ii I ....1 f , . , , ui yn minify reuiuued. Try us for Good (Avd and Fine Teas, Vours to 'Fkwne 91. Car Load I J. L. MAIL, 11 Car Load I VOIGHT'S FLOUR. (Jar ilin i 1 1. tin:;. Sliafei's HaiiH and Ureal f,ts,t Strips. Hi st Maple Syrup New Orleans Moln-ss Try our Monogram ( till en Tohaeio and 5nufl' Imported and ) uiiej n- Gicr.irs, all good as represent d or money refunded Mason's Fruit .l.ir- I'Sst of" 1 E3 K. .1. IMItKKlC. AdmiiilNirafrix WUOI-KSALI- & IJKTAIL GROCEH M HONE I-!). Cor. Kroad A Hancock Hi. iiixxiiiiixxxxnixxxxxxxxxnniiiiiii V. J' .Hl'lrl ' V I am now ready sni prepared to show you the lightest running, moBt nolseleaa and fastest stitching machine on the market, the world renewed BALL I5KAHINO WHKrXKK k WILSON. I'honn or Rend wrTrd and I will have Mr Singleton, my machine, miin to call on you. Needles, Oil, etc , for sale. Every make of machine repaired. WM. T. HILL, Dealer In Bicycler, Olhh, 1'istoi.h, Car TBinaRS, L: aukd Hiibi.m, riioKOOKriia, IlF(KiHH, V1 A Kl -mMNKiF SlflHTINO Gi)Ot. .Ion Piiinteh amii Hur- BEK 8 T A Ml' MANUrAOTUKEK, Phone 1J 91 Middle St. Undar HoUl ChatUwU, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Qla zier Refrigerators. Aftnt Tor lh F'fmrr Qlrl i nd Dor PCook Stores. farlnnrs ) . t ,.Id4 Ual carry a Ttry c i i .. tan of Anrlca BtMl Wire rnc,-t;;: j TTEV7 ItT.JXTt. Jt, Cl I'iro. Accltlcntanui . Plato Gin's . In . j ;f c; saratice ' - nomstndrori'gacomft.pjMj. , Si siirnT it ,; ' .''.vX EsWakllwooi 1II33 '.KAKRlir'. H1I1T Hartry's please,' Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Broad St1 4 What has Thomas Done ? Give The Poople His District When Asked For Mail at Their Gatea. What Is tho man at 75 Middle street doing ''. Giving the people more goods for their money than any man In New Born. Special bargains this week on all Sum mrr goods. CLOTHING THIS WKKK. MUST (JO ":V 6'J Hulti 115.03, 12 50, 10.00, S 00, 5.00, goes this week $11.00, 00, 3 00,5.50. 3 00 "!-. Youths Suits $9., 7., 5 , 3., goes this ' ' week $7., 5.. 3., 1.B5. i Boys Solti $5, 4, 3, this week $3 50, 2.", 2.00. .,. Mens I'anta from 40c to 4 00 Boys I'anU from 15c to BHc. 1,900 yds 10c pnrcal goes ic. Look out for our 4c lawn, nearly all gone. 500 ydi Apron Gingham, thla week 4o Calico 4. Ladles Uauza from 5c to 15c, keep ml. . The Barry Bhot, sold by no ene else . Intheolty. QuaranUed. Farauort Hati for 10a, 15c 203 end 25a , S. COPLON, v V. O. MORTON, StJevmso. 7 MIDDUC STaBtT, Kexf to Guk Hkrdwre Oo, New Bern. r lHt itanoardI OtSattOrsslaatl.tS;- Hon. M. W. San. mm, O. E. wiaaias rnas NurtbOanrflaaii ' I Msja ywrf STat (4tra la rsmav NimllKf Dr. Wuttaa liigf Osir s4 lurrh Maallatoa, Irr W'rtMntna waa) snlniiia ntasaJaa ai ak.ll I la hi ae fnaaloa. I kar sb aorrH tot lEIttf raar atTsci si Ms mwiMaa. It as fs antjr a aiasa that IS kaa Ma4 aa Irxwllaltlllkla, fmi. , ClWORTKlIGTCrC ,w- -- fs4 Ota 10 Tsar . (Tsa4atMMUaMtstr) rticaecT. At all DnnMi For bIl!oaraa W!tlw tfrrvU lake l.Thhet' Lire end Blood fTl. ."5 i

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