jURNALt- i,, y day la. tbayear.ex- ',; JournalBuUdlng, 6- I'goHlKo.l : C I : A r.LTS U 5TBYENS.i; sroaisD raoraiaro, :::scriptiohhitss'.-'. '- a year, not In advanca.... ",t ' - ,1 ibly, by carrier ta thi clty.; eM " jaw Advertising Rate foralaoad ea IPptt cation. - j-'t t . ' .-. - Entered atthaPoK0oa, Haw Bart, N. C, u second olMl atttr., i C "elal Paper at flaw Bera aad . ' Crarea Caaaty. A JUST " APPRECIATION OF THE CONFEDERATE VETERAN iNo -high or better pbierrence of Fourth of July could be thought of - put Into street, thaa was the annual din ner given by the local Chapter of the Daughter! of the s Confederacy, to the Confederate Veteran. It wai ai usual honntlfnl recast, tarred with grace and tender attrition by tn Daughter who .. waited Upon the Veteran at they aat at table, Which gave an added Interest and nii arm o "those who were fortunate ennne-h to be nreieot. The remark li made too often In thew : days, and each year leema to Increase It, that the Confederate Veteran has tarred ' ' fcia day and .generation, and ought to be f satisfied with Mi work, and let othera 'take op the work of today . J; w iner remark wai ever made. Te - t, v:uiiai Indeed aerred hladay and generation, faithfully, patriotically, and todar he ii not forcing himself for ward to Insist thai nu pan service w , - maaa recognition, nam a" " public favor r recognition, he appro- k V ' . . a wa iiAnnM main tm LTlVMt nlYtml slfillCft tO htl exclusion, it Is acoepted with the same 1 olrt'gentleMajof demeanor, as were . accepted tha hardships of war, and the arter straggles w now me iogeiuu, " rrlng up front a devastated home some '-HmblancaofUfeanda living for those whom he loved.'; ' But In thlt annual reunion dinner given to the Veieraai In this city, the PaughUri bare" ahowa the juiteppre , elation of the Confederate Veteran, and ihe esteem in which he is held by thim, . and should be hew y every one, an Ihli ennualreanloa.the Veteran Is given - the flrst Hat, ii' aerred as If he were royalty.-and -h to prince ' lh , thought of th Daughter. His every personal comfort U aalnlstsred to, and thea ha Jolai bis fellow Veterans and talks pver the'eveuU of forty and more vCTytarj ago,' which are o him aa near and ' aad dear, ai are the memories which el "5. .i.---.ia Ik P T iW9UWW Wit mv And the 'Vetera-' is growing older, "Kaoh year Father Time gathers in some and thoM remaining ahow each "jear the effect of age, ad that the time of ' tli1r dunartnra U drawlnc near. Bat Bohaltlniln 'splrtttiaeen at these r unions. - The aame Bdellty to his fellow, to the past traditions, to the woman hood ot his 'let d, la be seen. . The same calm looking forward to the aaal " mutter oat, and U acotptanoe of HU call to coma up higher, to the greater re ward. rVxt V?:': It Is the sight of all this, and the feel. Ibk which the light Inapires that eaao b!es these annual gathering ol the Coa fcJciaUVetetaiL kkea beatrtlf al tt devotion tf the Danghters, who are J i4 la their . appreelaUoa aad loyal la ihelr aSectloa, ''withot . queatloa- and aad w I tboot wavering,, to the VeUraaa who aach year gather aad Taeeivathe 'tokens ot thtlr eataem aad love. ' ioo" VwrdilOO.' . '"( ' ' . '1 The reader 'Ol tMeS paper wM WmI to team that there tsat leaet one !-f?4 Olaeaaa that Meao has Utm to cor la all M tUgea, aad that la . rb. Hall's Caurrh Can Is the i r !Ure ror 0W, kiavwsT te(ba U fraternity, -i Catarrh Ulng a .u.nai c!!mm, et)nlreaooaetlta l triment." DaJTa Oalani Car a li.icm.ilT, acting tflrectlf apoa ' land moooaa aurfaoe ot tbe , r,"tr'y deatroylng thefoaaeV . f t dIaMaa, aad giving 1)4 i i ngtb by balldleg ap theeoav n ai.'l a!tlng tnrt (a doing . 1 1t rrnprtaenbavaadaaek , i k r tiilTt power that thef of. "'i-'lfi Dollar for aayetee ' to rare. Bead (of Utt of OWIKU, ,75c ' '- , -n,fy mi forcoaitlpa- t'liatsdUvef Tab ' I aflef !': ' it la you There are aOoat lZal aea Ttolng ateam vessels of over ICO tons. . - - The navy of Korea consists of twen ty-five admirals and one Iron built coal barge. ' - , j . ' Germany poBese thVpnly .known workable deposit of potash minerals to the world. ' -a-'I- . Commercial- failures to the number ot 11,951 were reported in .Germany In-1905. The average amount f eacli faUure waa $10,854 . . . ;'7 t , In fortt-nine countries the Salvation Army npw ha foOQ separate societies, 14,000 paid officers, 451,730 unpaid of ficer and 1T.1T0 bandmea,:0 .,, Though the Dutch have been in the Island of Sumatra, in. the East. Indies,; over 800 years they nave not yet sub dued the native of that email patch of territory.,,', t " . - There to' a wild flower in Turkey which to the ejact floral Imago of a humming bird. The breast la green, the throat yellow, the head and beak al most black, v , " N " The population of Brazil la 16,000,000, ef which 1,000,000 are Italians, 1,000,- 000 Portuguese, 250,000 Germana, 4,000 English, 400 Americana and about Z.UuU of vailpuBpther natlunulities. - .? a-. A recent United States labor bureau bulletin state that trade- unionism Id-1 England la twenty-five years In ad vance of that of this country in its methods, and that sympathetic strikes are becoming unknown in England. The largest of the burial- mound built by the aborigines in America to the Catrokla, situated eight miles west of the Mississippi river, between the mouth of the Missouri and St Louis, Which Is 100 feet high, 1,080 feet long and Tip feet wide. A test case in New. York ha" estab itohed the constitutionality of the state child labor law. It was held that an employer was liable to fine when be employed a. child under twelve years old even tnougb the parents made am davit that be was of proper age. There Is a movement on foot to ap ply the curfew law to the national cap ital About 4,000 dues and towns in the United States, mostly in the west, now have curfew laws to keep children who are unattended off the streets aft er a stated hour In the evening. The loss of life from accidents and disasters In the United States last year was: Fires, 1,702; drowning, 2,471; ex plosions, 730; falling buildings, etc., 474; steam .railways, 4,090; electric railways, 673; electricity, 150; mines, 788; cyclones and storms, 487-, light ning, 139. The German emperor has drawn an ornamental sketch which Is described as a "memorial sheet," to be presented with the official announcement of death, to the relatives of those soldiers of the southwest African colony who have fallen, or will fall, in battle against the Herreros. Dr. George McClellan, demonstrator of anatomy at the 1'blladelphla Acad emy of Fine Arts, declares that the perfect form of man is more beautiful than that of woman. As an artist be abhors the abnormally developed man and says grace and symmetry of mus cles are preferable to the development of the athlete. Tho British regiments .are to have their old historic numbers restored to them Instead of tb county names by which it was once hoped that a terri torial esprit de corps would be built up. But it is found that there Is more magic lu the memories of Salamanca and Waterloo than in the associations of Sussex or West Yorkshire. It is said that of all colors violet is the one most stimulating to the eye coats and that the electric light, and more especially that given out by the large Jamps nsed in many public places, 1 rich in violet rays. It is claimed Violet dresses and draperies are re sponsible for many eye "cases" and for not a few of the kln troubles about which the dermatologist to frequently consulted. The United States Statistician say two-third of a school year would be saved to American boy and girls by putting -the metric system in place of the other twelve or thirteen ay stem a Carry the enormous saving of time In to the counting house of the country, Into all kinds of calculation from the farm to the factory, and a fairly good idea la obtained of what the metric yatcm would aava. Whether tb people ot Kentucky aha 11 return to the system of viva voce veGna la to be decided by them at tb tat alectloa la 1900. During the Cl ruMton of tb matter In tb bona of representative on toembr ld that the open ballot would prevent rotor from Bailing under fa to color, and another member retorted that it would result In the corporation getting con trol of th ateotJooa. .C .-. -' 9hm Hoockonc Dally ' Pre 'aav Tbe European aeeker after curio but her la a source ot menu to many an unscrupulous natlr vender. A method whereby the appear ot century old chin la almulated I to kill a dog aad plae tb smw, comparatively Tahntea porcciaia u it lnald. afterward bury log it tn the earth. .At the end ot year tb war la transformed Into cade apocunen "of - rerttabt - a- The Baltk la Mutpped with an elec trical devkw for preventing cotilnloM with other Tl. The mom wit an other ablp enrersVJh "maqnic field' at th TialtlO tb oeedl of tb indicat ing lrurtronwrct point la tb direction ef tb raeart approaching or being overtaken, -aad th stacrimaa knows at once what tour to take. Ere th rhythmic btiof an atreeen steam wrrm art rflilrred by mean of till delkate apparatus. A Dot her safe guard la 0 electric! contrivance to anew tt th slip's tight r burnlo pTQparlA. . " ' Th tn that win. win nil thi bin, - ' Without grip. . To Clean th llrer, Wllh-nit ' ' .qalrer, . Taa on at abt. DWltt'a U'.'a I f'r I ' n i sma'l, easy 19 11 , J 1 -- '' f't, yet I! ' T - i i I tint no rn 5 -i i t i U Ar due t IndlgeaBon. Nlnety-oln of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remambsr when It waa simple Indigestion, it I a Glen tlflo tact that all case o heart dis ease, net organlo, are not only traoa 'abl to, but are th direct result ot 4neaceauon. - All food taksn tnto the stomach whtoh tall of perfect digs, lion ferments and swell th stomach, Suiting it up against th heart Thi iterf ere with th action of the heart, . and in the course ot dm that delicat hut vital organ become dtoeueoV' Elodol V ' Diests What Yea Eat - : Hri. Lerhc Nlcboia f Pan Ta, N. t wrttaat Aftw nttnt. mr food would Hmm Mbvaaaktaiitkaartalptta an I would baoonw rarr waak. Flullr I tot a bonis at Koool Hi It ra m Immadlala MM. AtM uaint a mw wan 1 1 . Kodol euras Indlgestten, dyspepsia and all ttoanacTi disorder, and give the heart a lull, free and antram meled action, , Bottlal ealr. ll .OO SK keUh VA ttnm tks Mai ali, waiokaaila far 16a . , F. IS DUFFY. PITH AND POINT. Many people who are-old enough to know better don't Many a man who get the reputation Of being a good husband 1 almpiy, nn- oecked. - i SVhen bride' mother coea to vlatt bee fai folk say that be most hav tnarried the whole family. i Not one man In ten walks witn woman on the streets aa If he were not trying to get away from bar. i It take age to develop grautoae. loung people complain when they can't dance, but old folk are grateful If tbey can keep walking. i Here is a kin problem: A -man sick and homeless and poor. Which should inherit the care of him. his mar ried son or hla married daughter - Atchison Globe. NIP IT IN THE BUD. Tint Aihvuh ( DaatraaT a Varw- rnmer Wmtmrm aallaa That Such - tha (ui ) ciuaiveiy nrovan bt aelmtlflA Prof. TJnna, the noted Knmnau aktn apeciallat, daolare that dandruff t th burrowed-nn eutlpla of tka tr parasite destroying 'th VltaUtr In iaw nur Duia -in ttur Decern nfato. and. In time, fall out Thi can m. ventad. Nawbro's Rerplelda km this dan dm aoftnaaa and abundafMrr. m narsfeld ! now nui, u (h.M.l. paopta-all aatlfld that tt I th meat wonaerrui nair prapanoon en th mar- itamp for sample to Tb Barpleld Co. awuvafc giva , C, D. Bradham,t)poclal AgeaL awrswat. Se Ibrpent date back to the day of Aristotle, who wrote: "The aarpmt of Libya are of enormou six. Naviga tor along the coast report having teen a great quantity of bone of oxen. which they believe without doubt to have been devoured by tb earpcats. These serpents pursue tbm (tb a men) when they left th ahor aaa na- aet on of their trireme." . Olaua hfagnua -wrot tn th mlddl age of a aea serpent 200 feet long and 70 ft thick which haunted rock aad cavea &r tb Macoaat, th old wrht adding, "And b puta up hi baaft a high ilk a pillar and- catchath way men, and be derour tna." ' " S laritaMv Amlasala. Som anlmala hav wonderful pw rs of Imitation, .Dog brought ap la th company ot cats bar ba kaowa to acauire th- tridt. of licking tb paw and then Washing tb tac Wbea a cat ba lm taught to att up for bar food im kitten bar bs know) Imitate bar action. Darwin tail of cat that waa In tb habit ot patttag bar paw into th aaotrtb of a aarrow milk pitcher erary time ah got tb chance and then licking th eraasa og bar paw. ITr kitteoraoOB Warn tb untrickvr C;rp- ''I ; ?UeDpoi T 9tm PIlMDpo top of pOe of popl aav th Pile mmi DaWlU'i Vilcb Uaa el Salve cur tteca. Ther tr assay dlfftraatkladsof Pllra, batUyoag th gatls In aad ortgtaal Witch Basel Salr audtby 10 DeWItt A Co, of Chicago, k car Is eertala. HATUdal of 8amertoa It 0,I bad ptlea M yaar aad XxWUl'l 8 aire mr4 at tur verythlog ela fatld. Boil, by t Dfl - ' ' r.-- Ejes lateJ Free Wlttrat Tie Vtt By th aid of oar ooaipUl t ef aclrntlfle optical latraat lb of bllnlonca or y other dreg la U ry It ant rry and by th releat a- lko:ltUs Ii diacnonUnaaoil, aaavf Inf tli it U f.f tliura la greatly t.ud I ll ot'Iloafy piartlo of Oft"ir. ry. Ho !y ''' ;ct jf.tsr y to th d-.i- f r tlil lr-'- '-' ,..rf i)r-- la ' " I j : i 1 - r - t I - ! i t f I & : - 1 : I I , - j -l a i ' 9 ' , THE MODERN BABY. rky aar that I must aot ba rooked " . : Bacausa my brain might -addlal ---- It I could apeak ttwr would b shocked! t I'd oall that addl-(addla. - i C And yet, of courae, tbar eu(hf to know Bull nnt help but wonder ; -t It aom on rocked them year a-o, wnaa oia weraapv n uunaar. -o-v- Thar stand around ma. look In wl, . . Ana aar taer must not wet me; ' A centl eat to aooth my cries Ti',--'. They claim would further fret me 7 . afy ralaln must conform to- law 1" tfjjsj inn lo aacn jot ana utti.-J -THA naopl hold them o with aw , i Whan thr wr hatd and BUlat ' Tbejr amy that booncln ma tr sure To main very narveua;- That ehudrao' tramea, cannot andur oucn aaaiy mougnuaaa sernoa. -f ' . . Tet thoa phlwcmatla aolentlst,'' . " "Era thay ocean la toddle, - - Wr bouneed nntil thK chubby fiats Vlay tattoo oa th noddle, Wh I stretch out my wUlmt arms, : Inviting tham to troUe, They claa In wondering alarm -.--And talk of oroun and colie. . . - tt's hard to b a baby now; Thay wut not pat nor Jums ua. And whan I sleep my peaceful brow . Must u straight wu& tn oompaa. When I grow up, of court I'll b A triumph scientific: But really It anama t mm My hard luok 4a terrlfle. If I could only apeak my mtnd nut then they would not thank me, On aabanncd custom thay would And They suit tunk they may apank mel .Chicago Tribune. PORE , BLOOD SOUND HBALTH Plan Krasons Why Hancock's Liquid . - Salphur I so Effective. . Many prevalan t disorder show an add condition ot the blood. yjHancock Liquid Bulphur being antl acid, corrects such ailments and is of special value In the cure of acne, itch, herpes, ring-worm, pimples, prickly heat, catarrh, canker and sores in scalp, eyelids, aose, mouth and throat. So effectlv a akia (onto is Hancock's liquid Bulphur Nature's greatest ger micide that, used in bathtag, it gives vigor to the action of th akia and at fords a sense ot healthfully toned exhtl aratloa. Leading druggists sell it. Bend for de lorlptire booklet' to Hancock Liquid Bulphur Co, Baltimore, Md. Plmnr,' I'luna. Mr. Housekuep Are you the man from Mr. Bpdder's to fix the water pipes! The Plumber Yes, sir. An' he ses lt'U cost you $50. Mr. Housekeep WhatI Why, he hasn't seen the job. Be doesn't know bow much I wnt done. The Plumber Mebbe not. But be told me how much to do. Catholic Standard and Times. Wo Pity Snown "For year fat wa attar me eontln BOusly" writes F A Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case at Pile canting M tumor. When all falltd Bock 1m Arnica Balve cured me. Equally good for Barns and all ache and paint. Only We it O D Bralham' drag store. DlaagrcMbla appwndagc. "Haan't he got bis coot of arms yet) Why, h told me he was going to look up bis ancestry the first chance be gor- "Well, 1 believe be got a chance to look up hi family tree and be saw some thing banging to the branch that dhteouraged farther research." Philadelphia Press. Worklae RigM ana Day Th bosUrt tad aalghtiest Hull thing that vr was ntd U Dr. King's New LlfePiUs. The pill change weak aea Into strength, listlaasa into aar gy, brala-fag Into aaantal power. Tby'r woadarfalla boildiag ap tba aeella. Oaly 5c pr boa. Sold by O.D Bndham Jnm Asothwr Varlatlam. ' ." "Did you hear about Ncwmanl" "NO." - HloKl right leg.- : "Grclouat - I thought b bad vry- tbing in bU wlf' aam."-Chlcgo Becwrd-Herakt, Ta ataay Br. . BllUngv-Ob, beg pardon. I didn't racoffnU yoa wbn I Brat aaw yon. . . Bocdo Iou mean yoa didn't aeo tn rbw yoa first recognised aa. t MtJcad ttv-Boatoa Tranacript " - Tlrawa Preai A. Wac ' Mr 0o rg X fcbeook wa tbrowa fra bla wagow aad vrly bralaad B applied Chaaabarlala'i Ptla Bala fn tr aad aaya II I tb bad Nahawat b vr d. Mr Babooak M I wall kaowa frfU a of KorU Plata, Coeal That I Bo th log eqaal U Pal .Bala' for Iprala and bral. It will fot a ar I -third lb traaa required by ay tbar trataaai Per aakt by all DraggiaL j i ' , . . .. n- 'r i ...ISeneau ! Wtdut --v. ! Th bt, lmplewt, nnlwaraaj nerda U that ot walking. ' t taa walk with njoymwwt for bour along a flat cooa try and vea la tb parka and embank BMota of Loadoa. but I attrtbat lay bwllh and activity hi pry erwury -third ytar to the ateauy pursuit of dlablog bill, raonntala. glactara lad r a prartlc which I ban In my twmlb year l-tb blgblsod of Scot land. Klnr rbea t bar ronatantly warded all rmind tb Alp, from Mc Vo tb Tyn4. dtilng nearly ILth well known p""11. r" and glarlr-h Orlrol In a vcrglaa Wing th wwwt I bar walked In lb Tyewneoa, th j.. nnin" and 0 tftniinUIn of Blrtly ,il (,nr, th Welah, fb-utrh d liia fcMi. th nifKir of IrfcMr, Jjii-- ,l..v l'FPi-lilr, Cornwall, Fur. yr 1 f-i t. I..-I I'l l . i t I I r. r, ' ii t I- ' !, r- " .: if P Ml! 1 j !: - -l crtrkot hi ei f ,n iMini, a txiwl.-r, rcl t.-,!n'!i. r?rHa, .i u I -! i ii. r -.t ! t a . ..- ,t r.-.ne I t ' 1 rt f i -.' .', r , TO HB?BIOOD Some of the most itubborn disease Ivstem throuirh the pore of the skin. Potsoa Oak and Ivy and ether noxious wild plant, when taken into tie circulation, break out afresh each and linger ou for yeara unless antidoted ot the avatem. . - , Oy PoUoaing from wear Incr colored - under-dothintr and hoaiery to of trquent oc-. Ktrrencei : -. J '.' Whan Una- aoiw , ... . mm . . : - ' J wry --werKors ni uts, nnot, eommandadsLa. a., which ni nnnuui and other metal are often andlharaacannoaignaof tbruptlon2brw poiscedibythetchmicaJ eriaaon. -' MBO. A.' K. BBNWBsrr. and acids used in poliahlno;. ' -- T g, and the dust and filing- settling upon the skin. The disease that enter the system by absorption or through the pore are aa deep-seated aad dangerous aa any, and cannot be reached by washes, aalvea, soaps or other external anrivaled blood purifier. With all impurities removed from the blood, the Bores and eruptions disappear from the akin. Write us should yon desire medical advice or any information about your case ; this will cost you noth-tog- THC 9WIFT SPCCmC CO., A 71AMTA, GA iwODES OF THE MOMENT.' Tortoise la tho newest shade of brown. Chantllly net is coming into favor for veils. . Among straw bats the chip dlrec toire leads. Rouleaux of Batln form one of the fashionable methods of trimming. Taffeta gowns, both plain and checked, are to' reign supreme this summer. Petticoats of china silk are found both In black and white nnd pongees In natural color and gun metal. A novelty in high priced parasol ban dies Is a straight design of chipped pearl colored to match the tinting of the sunshade. The rage for gold, which has been so marked a feature In Parisian trim mings all the season, baa now given place to one for silver. Sleeves are immense, and mont of them are made In open balloons. Oth ers are balloon shaped, closed nt the band, and fitted with a stiff lace cuff which may be slashed or may be Closed. Inside the stiff lace cuff there la a soft lingerie cuff. Brooklyn Ku gle. Brutally Tortured.5 A oase oame to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps neven been equaled. Joe Ooloblck ot Joints, Calif, writes. "For 15 years 1 endured Insufferable pain from Rheu matism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters aad It's tae great eet medicine on earth for that Ironble. A few bottles of It completely relieved and cured me." Just as good for Liver and Eldney troubles and general debil ity. Only 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by 0 D Brad ham, druggist. Wanted the ReeuK. "Horse racing Is a heroic sport, nnil to this feature alone Is due It h Inti-iiHc fascination," suld Wallace 1. Ili-rndon of Chicago. Mr. ilermlon linrt Just come down from a rucc iiiih-IIiik nt I.n tonln, loaded with his ulnnliigH. "People who condemn the sport serni to forget the heroic feature. "Recently I perpetrated n sorry trick on one of these folks, and it won u clergyman too. Aa an eyewltncKD I de scribed the running of u grout handi cap, and to make It more lutcrctitlng 1 proceeded to color my story a bit to Ml how a certain horse waa challenged re peatedly from the start and bow the race wa in doubt up to the Inst mo ment. "I left the Held a few Jumps from the finish. Then I said: "'I knew a famous horacmau once who said tbat a race borae la of Inter eft to only three pernonB- the. kid that ride him, th lobster tbnt bets on blm and the tblef that owns him.' "'Ye, ye,' cried the clergyman Im patiently, 'but which of thoae horaes won on the day you spok of T "--Lou iivtll Herald. "I have ba troubled for som time with ladlgettloa and tor stomach," sayt Nre Barak WOartU, of Ut, Mat, "end hav been taking Cbamberlala't Stomach aad liver Tableta which have balred me very much aa that bow I caa eat many tktagt tbat before I could aot." If too aray troobl with ydur stomach why aot take these Tables aad gat wall for al by all Dtujglt. , Sliasbtlr IMaaa-swi-atwd. .. Tbat wa a brilliant defense you mad of that criminal. You deserve credit for bla acquittal." "Wen," answered tb young lawyer, 1 worked hard. But It wasn't a much ef a victory I might bav wished for. Since th caa waa tried I have cured inform tioa that leads me to believe tbat b wa actually innocent." Washington Star, rr4 4( f RrinAUTtSht,: Da.. a U H tie"e t 9 - rial aat b arvrifU) tr, ( ,m Mv " ---" - '' l a V 1 enter" Intn ' Thaluic and driven. ut t'Vv Hrv POITOJT OAK TO XlaHT TK ARB alrht wamra ala T wu t hwocV oak, end i would bnb eat on m apnng ror aigntwen yeara. worn on r- w. nan. w. remedies, i at Diooa must dc pun&ea Detore getting permanently ridof the disease. 3. 3- S. act upon the blood, ridding- it ot the original jpoiabh and. re-storing- it to a healthy, normal condition. S. S. S. ia euaranteed entirely veeetable. and an EDITORIAL FLINGS. In the interest of Inquisitive human ity the laws of war should forbid fight ing at places not ou the map l'uck. A Boston clergyman Says bis city is a hotbed of vice. Then the Boston clergy are not scoring a signal otUclal success. Milwaukee Sentinel. Just to satisfy public curiosity will somebody' kindly report bow work is progressing on The Hague palace of peace? Chicago Record-Herald. Boston clubwomeu nave been criticis ing the morals of Paul Revere. It seems certain that Paul bad a liking for fast horses. Denver Republican Give her the credit due her. The sweet girl graduate says a lot of sen Bible things. The ouly trouble Is that people fall to pay attention to them, Washington Star. Miss Susan B. Anthony testified In a will case that married women know nothing about money. And yet tbey handle most of it that's in circulation. -Kansas City Journal. Weak Hearts are caused by iadtgeetlon, If you eat a little too much, or If yon are eubject to attacks of Indigestion, the stomach ex panda swell, and puffs up against the heart. This crowds the heart and short ens the breath. Rapid heart bra a and heart disease Is the final result Kndnl Dyspepsia Cure digests wbat you eat, takes I lie strain off the Leart, cures In digestion dyspepsia, tour stomach.and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body Sold by F 8 Duffy. Tho L'hlck-jJ'hat's the mutter? The Duekllni; You'd cry, too, II your mo made you wear overnboes when you went swimming.- Leslie's Weekly. Ha Alerare Kaowa tt. "Do you ever feei aa though there was nothing In life for you?" "No. Life is alwaa fnll of work for me, and tbey never let m forget it." Triumphs ef Modera Surrery. Woodarfnl thlaS ar dan fnr tb hums body by argry, Oigtn tre taken oat and acrap 1 tad polUtj d ad put back, or thay may la rtmovad en tirely; boa ar tpllotd; pipt tak lb place of diseased aaolloat ef Ttioi, aallaeptle drasalaf ar applied to woonda, bralaes. burst aad IU la Jo. lit befor laaaaaatdlo Bit Is, watch eaast then to hal wlthoot sutnrattoo aad la oa third the list raqd'ad b;tbold traatateat. CbambMlala't Pala HWta acta oa tola m priaelpl. It is an atlstpUe aad ha aali4 lo each In Jorl, 00 aaa lha to aal rai-f qalchl. It alto Uy taa ala aad aottt. Keep bMlWof Pal Mai la r low aad It will ay yea Us aa4 taoatr, aoi to saaatlna . Ik law uBiaalaooe and lufTtrlif which h karia nllL or wi bj AU draffkrU, What Trwt rnctta" Cata. Cab prlsp are offered by the navy department for tb best record, ami to meet thi etneoa congi-taa ippra prtatr boot 1200000 yearly. Bafland sufiroprtatea tMfXQ tor prta, mm la 1U00 Oeraiaar'a.eMdgrt lorloded an item of MBOOO for tnmenltlo in tar t praetif-World's Wort. . -1 Jvj mvm. a taasjH) aMta af "-eata" - 9 . W h Waai. at. t mm ttmm CM b iW ijtaMi, nlaj ta - 1 , , , eat i. a 4. 1 tmtmm t mmb R. W.IUt,fJ mti PSaM tfl C, h m 41 i rWMM a y mmw, aaa , j I tt Hmm fta aa u IswtjM W I I Ml- 1 f f J. t . It, a M.-i-i'. a-W, J f ' " .4 a Mi rt ,. t , m. amm mmm. ratt m9 Bflin ;VSfajUk;vi& Best Equipped lii;ti3pjlal berg (lnoludiog lie tor faoultj, repregeuting University of Nnh aro IfoaiUtiiWialtr hi 'Vlntiiiar A 'ft' H m. Miasistipp:; Texas Normal Cul- Jege; pelhavea Hospital Medical College, New York, College Pliymcium ana surgeons, nW iqiaj , euuwy ratory f Jfosic; American Institute. aervatory of Music of PanHj Fraincej Germanj; Hatrard University: Trinity College nnd othpr pnnium-iit in stitutions. - 8WRAL TH(USASI: POWERS bring expended fr u,-w buildings Bamckst'nd Pormitories lighted throughout in . i, Un ity, arid supplied with city water, as'purevna the State all'orils. n.ttu rooms Laige aad Xopl tudent-body last session. Apply at once for" beautifully illustrated Catalogue. Carolina Business College, JTew Hern, N. A Separate and Distinct Institution with a strong l-'ai-ulty of Speicaltists. The best and moat easily mastered methods of Hook Kceiing and Systems of Shorthand ever developed, are used in this Coll, -j.-e. De mand for Bookkeepers and Stenographers greater than we can -supply. Positions guaranteed to those taking combined conise. Itaihuiid Uib paid for those tasingfnll Shorthmd and Uookkeeping sehn!ailiii. Take one of thest courses and let ns help jou to a .nod pamg po sitiou. Apply at ance for illustrated Catalogue. Address S. J. Holladay. A. B. LL. B. WIOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS r an. I l,:i,..-,h i,:in,, of menstruation."" They are "LIFH HAVI'iltS.' to i'iil , :,t womanhood, aiding- development of organs ami l..h N known remedy for women equals them annul .1, , I, in m i,,,. becomes n pleasure. $1.H ll-;it JtU.V ISV BIAII,. Sold by Sold by DA. VI 8 THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. COUKSES - Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical Klve ennrpea lending to IHplomns. Ailvanrcil l ourM-f. trailing to Dn-n,, Well eipilpped pr;th-c an t Oluervatlo 1 S::l.o-il Kaeulw numher '.n Hn.-.t. tundrr, tuition, an-l f-i'-s for me of let h ink-, -. t r . . ;i;o year. l-'.,i iimh (IcdIs of Ibe Htalo SII Tb'it-ienib aanual aeaplnn I eina S.iU t mlie r 1 I - ill, I ih To icrnrehranl In ih ilornil'orl- s all frj --luiihin applleitliina hlneil I ln- in , ir b- fore July l",ti C01 i.Mpoinlenr.i. Invite I fr )m ih ilmd In r e..mi -irn 0 , 1.. . and tleno(rapheia. Fc.r ralalogilD 11 ml oih-:r liif.irmatlim mllrmt CHARLR5 D HclVER, President .iti:i: siioko. . . BARBECUE We have onennl a harberne eoanti r and raatauranl In Ibo Ollry Suite, No 59 Broad Street ( or Mr Unpewell bat 1. -r p rper leocad In the roi.klrf of liaitueue and we are tare tbat w j0 pirate jon. Davis SsHopewell BiPTIST UH1VERSIHT Ifor Wo ii 11. Dlplomaa glveo la the Arte, Hniem et and I'Mloaopby; In Mna'n, lu Ait aad In Crpreatlon-C'oDriri of etodf alnil af lo ttoa la bay' oollcget. "rtecllklioa aodVOQ koar earJi. PacaHy f all BMthvtd twMty-fonr woreea. . School et BlbWrftahl by full araluataof "fjak Foitst and Newtoa Tk color Ira I tWmlaary. Tbornugk Bailctit Coarte. Eiotlltnl eqalptutat for Uacblog Caeoilttry, Bihy and 1'hjtio. School ofltiulc ,aaarpatd la Ilia foalo. Taa eeatfort of siadeaU loiked fir by Lady Principal, Lady Pky.loUa, two Ma4roaa aad a aar. Bnard, HUrary Initio, be'., il(tbtl, U bl, fM for pkjatotan, aar and library, $187 BO prevloO) ta lb Club float $41 1 $JU) I,' Sodlaoeaat U; aayi avOTjbody pays 1 1 icily tb rata. lUibmd to th ahaapaH leaaot ot It rad la IhaSoaktj.- rt. Nitkar Ir.furautloa aawiaat I , :i : , PrMal a. T. TeVHS, ; ,', !':';.', ;-.'awnfio. Ilmporiaiii lo Prtip Ott jr 7 n n c r 8. 4" a . t ..- - - - . tKlil I hat- tvLatltal par Id t-ala palot aiakara frtraj 70 to JO pr lo. Why la ereaaaihalr prr.B si yonr 11 pna t , , ,f Davis Paint lc Qunrnnlccd ,f if ftit-frr . V ' '' W t 1 j Academy. "Boarding School in Ii astern (arc Vacuity of 19 mem- ormm v-onoge:, im,-t i i h k t.Diist-i - Normal Metiwdc, : in: lU. Leirio i onsei-vatory nt Mum, , They overci.,,,,. W, il, ness, ii n-i'i-jaril . ;mj.I oiulssion-i, i.j.T, ;ie PHARMACY. Com mercial Domestic Science flanual Trninini; Mu'k. Imi I niil 1 f U t r (llfTi ft ni j ihi hHk f r , mi t'n ititt I'm I- : , . 1 nif-m j ' m i rt Ii ' In ' i 1 1 1 i m : U niTfil Hattlufni it. id I..- m i . , Huil tim t i r nnil m c ). v . , . i 1 Wf H I KMT. KVi ry J 1 Ut-j- I,- , - ttar ao .at Hi-ilw i !s t.- .. ri'Qii mr. J. F. Taylor, NICK I K'iN .'. i Afent fnr l'rofret Htrwln,- ('.. o' I : adelphla To Let. 3 llooeea, 7 Horain Kri 111,!,., i rootut, hixh) lorall -p ni wl i lnt. I Ii. id and on t. One Nrw Mii-In In, neat part of city hte 1'.: r-mitli In t.' atreel for lafnimatlnn Wa keep for HrUIIIng, l.n,.-, It ,, Tar, Charcoal, Store Wi jO I, our Kn,- i.r aad ilollf . W twop Nw Cook Hioiet f,-i : Stove, to bitnj yojr old Hi ft m cook Vt ta icbftt.K' BIG HILL, Tho Shingle Man - lb Racycle raiaalt ibaa aay other wheel, ai lata taaa aa (owd aal . sto old that kay othar high (rada al aad ttvwt httf eaUtfactlo taaa aay olbar w hl " TQXnACiTCIJttMfar lapolllvJy nat proodaad will ra froea Ura lo IK VOC l.liN 1 ( A I. rill .' 1 k ' . ' ' -In , - - .UMe run aitbo ntt. Thar m aad froea lb aery kt atrl n4 at-d wltk th iry beat tl, ad , pexlata, v, a4 aaaraateed far (b mireee,4 from Jaa. tt aaUlt) mher 8 1 at, . . , , t- i Fof tal by . ' ' ' 4 ! L, ,! nc!crtbnr t 1. T f , i j r ' f T- - f I

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