cr. LYl , I c. not. i fcaaii LituvM "Gold ia :;:.E;rnl7 1793 . mm a mmm - n m Ideally located Bear Aaeviil. . K.L1TAK.T, It., -y commcaded by j Oascna and Ait Inspectors, f Refualns PapUa Instead ol iaerawiiic accoBadiu.uiui. I P P u.i.--. , ; COI,. . BINGHAM, eupt, R. F. to. Me. 4. AshcviUt, M.C WORLDT) PAIR. XAY-NOYEKBEB, 1104. ..SOUTHER. RAILWAY... : ' . ... x Account above occasion,, effective April Iff, 1904." Southern Railway .will ptae on sal dally, ticket at extremely low rata, to St . Louis, Mo, and return. Following art rale applying from principal points In Stat of North Carolina; ; Atbboro...,;.,,,u, AthaTllla. CharloUe.... v Darban.. uaaionia......vW'V. ' ' Qoldaboro... , w.-i,.' . ; Oreaaaboroi,.. BenderaoB. . .'. , i BenderaoBTlllc... . . ., yHlokory-.i,..'. Marlon. ...... v MorRaaton. .vw .. ' MUAlry.. Newton... . Raleigh . Bntherfo(dton.....r.,.M tJallsbury.v...,. U Sanford. W. Belma.... .....'. BtsteatlUa (via Knoxvil-e). . . ... Wllkaiboro. - Winatoa-Saleai : ....v Bonthern Railway will, affaotM April 88,1904, lnaoetwata lrowh P""", Sleeping Car belweea QraeMbororN.d, and Bt. Loula, ilo.i la BU.bu7; Aaba villa, Knoi vllle, iiexlngtoa and LoaUvUlej leaving Oreeaaboro dally -at 7.80 P M. i 7 i 1 ' . ' ' For fall information a to ratea from all polnta, Bleeplng-Oar teaervatlona, cbednka, lltnatratcd literature, etc., addreaa ANY. AGENT, or h -r - -B. L. VK SNO, Traellwt Paatenger Agent, Oharlotta. . 0". ; J. B -WOOD, Diitrlot Pawenger Agen. AabevIUe, H. O, S. II. :IIAIlDWICII, TralHelIaiiager, ' ; W" II. TA.YL1OE, Oen'l V ussengef. Age t IThere's : Room ForY Success;:; I In The i Great (Southwest H Have yoa avar eouilderad tba grant advanUga of thU fek-' Ure of tbe Sontaweav-plaoty of elbow room where Una, Ave, evea tea aeraa may be bad at the prion of a jingle aero la yonr tome taction f b'a wortk coaaldertng, tapaoU X wbea tbe treat productive wortk of tbe lead le taken la ae- -ouat Ira a wonderf ally fertlU eectlon. Thar la M bat- - ' egrioultutaleeoUon in this eoaitry, and famu arecbeap oat tbere-ln Arkanaaa, Oklahoma and Texaeilmply be oaaa there era mora farmi thin Tamer. Caa Von afford ; to overlook ae opportunity of thle kind f ) Onr I Unitraled booklets will give yoa the partlonlara -to M ' intereated yooraeU write for them anyway m behalf tf your leu favored relallvee and Mbon. - Hel8vm nmaaay 5 ONE r ABE! l'f.i.t .rl.l.I rU18 IIUiaM S 7 fUJl rireaa4 Third a?mt.t.t:;mu:;:::::::::t::::::::::j A Qodci J Telephones BXRVICXI A BOSUIXBS HKCK88ITT, A' HOMB OONTKinXNOB. A OOM-. - bin co . ' ..,feeaalt74 OieVr t'oni J it OmW V A- - ra?8HQJ hllf1 OOwiWMT el A AfATMAMMftt feflHl 4Va.artmlW 8MB) mmraartim xiF rpiiito freea) mkh-f U . fvmmtVi HllT mtanw. Ilnmai wni-)T -' " HMwIhrw on !'( 4tU fie myarmrT tuf BrmH 1 8mtiK lhrui8i l W Va4ai lt8a (moeji '". IM "s Sclcmillc Jln::r!::x - am U aAou t.1 mnff r4mile lHr4, 1 ewmam. ma c ib. mA. liAaWtaU 1 .aarav f ; piisscll l.louso.: .V ffcV BKAUF0HT, iT.'.O, -s K; "Oeolrally localtd. V AU tha dell- cacies 01 ma aeuoa. nau venu- ' V II . J) j IfHivuui w m vi rj avwiei pivuuti mw ' YenU. , JUUe II. CO rt dav. Br ajial aa4 Lbaral Urn bv week . aT - - - - - 4 0T DWDUl, . , .. Q. A. RUSSELL . a 1 . .- V ' Appllcatloa For FrrJoi. "'. ' i J-iZt .. f 1 rroiiBa, ." C:of y f n, IVettre U krl r t ' i 1 foUk ' r r ru. 55 f wis 1 I . I I I 1 r ,1 'cL'tI sr.: ', ,i,tie t j : J cot saown Lu.eresst...'jr. i . . n a. t6 ipiH, -v,. r"' 1. t f oslr !n C.. MM Cf- E-t' TLam-cr. t - -a - . , IT. ST. LOUIS, .:d. .B35 55 , ' 82 85 Mior - 8410 88 10 ?v , 8710 . " - M10 . . 84 10 ' - 88 85 4i -8410 . 8410 ; 84 10 ; , 8700 8410 . 8560 - 85 65 '8410 " , 87 80 jv 8T10 ' 8410 " -40 00 - esse $3000 saw so 10, S8 40 .8010 ' 8140 88 40 -. 88 40 , , 8785' f 88 40 ' 18401 , 88 40 8085 88 40 v 2880 , 88 80 88 40 I 8180 ,. 8140 . 8840 - 8840 - S98S 84 SO 8885 845 . .-88 80 ' , 8488-r ' 8880 ' 88 80 1 , 8185 -18 SO 1880 88 80 3510 8880 8480 i 84 80 1880 r S68S ', 88 85 t - 8880 8510 - '8440 , erwei W jT.SAtTMiKRS.'B F A 3S ' - Blehmaad. Ta. .7.$ ZZ JOHN SEBASTIAN,- -Twmit Tram Ma far, JJ' - o - CBICA0.1Lk , Electric inhts feraoae w taking their balUlag wired will pUeae make applioaUoa la wrV - Aa complalata for defeoUvt Bgata, taaileatkw of amployeea, o' If mad la writing, to the bmmteetea, will ro od re prompt aitaaUoa. Addreaa -aB eommnnfoaUoai to the Beereury. ,?,-J- LWATBB LIGHT OOMhllSBIOlf,- ' - . ?:V:-.': " W Orlffllh Bl.v ClEOUHAt EISP1TCH J HKX fllD:bSt!:nbCQ For Alir.UU rlla. . Oct. lat, l0t. .' , - Tha Ctsamer HZVGH le erhedoted to tan at I p. m., Mada VedMaday aaA frklay, for JQlaabeik Steamer;o CH ACOKr: Is eebadaUd to Saft Mill ,TeMdar, TkarwUy and rnrday lot ,!ib City. H. O. , - I "7" FiVjjM raoo'rad sot Uut than one boor tirevlonl to eaUIsf. Jfor farther fnfonr.a'Ioa spplj to K K. in, Csa. I'.r., H.0.1U. i-f:.i.! ,t.Ara.Ar. ..; . i.'ji r.:;. Vs. - Aa'L t:' T Fft. . 1 I '. if at, !' 1 ,r.i'. a I b t.f.t'.e .UiUvtrslty o( a In t e Uast aeiisatlon in the a; 4 vtoi.d. am tiua is nls first yes r 1 t a c 0 be bids fair to aur pn 3 i 3 a,.M exploits that have ai res 'y won hlin national fame. Ke reopntly st rhtladelphla-broke the world s record In the shot put. latni Bon wrrwet tra hot. aendtog the sixteen pound weight 48 feet 8H inches. He Is also n sprinter, a lumev and 4 pole vsnlter-ot un usual ability, He baa a reputation as a football player, too, and bsa. already been promwea a chance to play gnard on tbe varsity eleven In the fall. - IrwiHK" Dlxaa U PkvrtaaT. George . Ulaon, who to -called ' the "evergnea lighter or some of the BBgllah Bewspapera becanse of his long campaign in tbs ring, has four flKbta on band and is contemplating mom.' Most of Dixon's boots are above sa toanda. . Of course vrhen he can not aecuiw tgbts of longer duration be is aattofled to sign aa long as thero is enoagh money la it for him. Dixon baa signed papers to. meet George Moore of Barking, Bodolph .Vnbols, Cbampio4'eatberwelgbt of South Afrtr ea, and BPlkS Bobson. Dixon ta proud of tbo fact that be baa beeaj abls to secure so many en gagements, while a number of English lighter hsve gone unmatched. "When 1 waa champion." be said in a recent in terview. '"I wsuld , rather tight than oat-t sfeel tbe wuno way now, at tboagh I am Sot 00 top. A fighter who flgbta-at 1e drop of tna bat wui m popular, oven if ha doe not win ail tha tlmv I don't car about doing any talking. -1 leave that all to my man ager. . Thar waar no m paiu ror. Judging from Disoo's plans, be does not intend returning to America, at least for the present Be Is doing very waft ta Bng'HPd and la probably mak ing mosw money than be would pver f- ' . ink SmWU "After having watched both Bt Louis baseball clubs I am afraid to venture a prediction that either aggregation will Sate, better than . third la 1U laagae,' says John Wray, the Bt Louis aoortlng sutaority. ' ' V- - "Tbe Americans will get uie nrsi dlTlatoa by the supplanting of Ander- soa hi ioas at first by the marked tm rovoSMot m both hitting and field ing of Wallace na tun ana possiDiy by tbt oasomi of Hulssman to to out- Bekt . - .r .. - ,' . v rTb Keflonels, under . Nichols, of 1804 have improved sverywbet. . - . "In tb case of tbe Americana, now ever, tbe improvement ta tb in new and bltimg abtlity of tb club Will be off eel Dy tbo weakness la to pitdtrng department ; ' ' - r v ,t- w ' . ... raa ta SCtalS Aa4 Baa,. Tb sutoaoblle brvssloa of Bt Louis this eooitng samm, when a nsttonai ran will be held from vsrioos parts of tb country to tbe world' fait, glvt erery indication of being b moat re- msrkabl' automobile pilgrimage erer undeftake.' Tb work of orgsnislng tb big TAattonal tour is betng carried oa along ttae. similar to tb orgsniaa- rkm e sn army Into corps, t Tb rn. sral ommitt of the American Auto mobile aseorlstton has been and la or ganising subcommittee throogbont tb oeaatry with members In each city or town wbea partldpaUoa la tb toot Is expected. K npenee ts to be spared In peKecttng. arrsagsmenni for -tbe Jodflng (rm eocoonta of tb sbnual mertlng of the Toronto Lacroase rlnb the arattprofi-Hloniil spirit swtns ts hare takta aftntt root to Canada. An ItM -t aver fur "te(lnonl! sppoered la tbe trratorwr'a r'rt, and Shoot U eulv explanation funhmm tng that the HKiwy raa fam. and ttii4 o4 fce raovatvd. Ttila "trail blpni to te "i'rl" that in I to teava i( tb J mi. tit" I Sojst- r bawfhaU ti :, I I v '" & ' w 0 j : t z' X Vi r;r Terror. "I would t ;tb : s'ls', !,t losg," rl!l lts CUe A r ' f t Altt- ' ', 1 ',''' 1 1 I - ' f' tny I ' II if 1 I 1 tbtl '' I la' 1 1 t ! ront'i ' '' '.wn,' t It is prul-ul'iy safe to pay not only that Uule Frauz von-Vecsey ia the most wonderful little boy in the world, but that he offers to science as difficult a problem as suy It knows.. Here s s child Just turning eleven wtio is nor merely master of all the technic of the violin, but plays the most prorouna music, even that of Bach, like a genius of mature years. One's conclusions as to -musical genius" were simply con firmed on bearing from hlB motner that this child practices only two hours a day and often less. Yet be is abso lutely master of tbe most difficult music written by the greatest virtuosi of the past In order to show off their own technic Explain it -bow. we may, it Is the fact that musical genius is tbe ear liest to manifest itself, and In no other spneres of bnrunnactlvity can a child of eleven be an acknowledged master. Pall Mall Gasette. . - ' ' HE sLTHY MOTHERS,- : Mothers should aiwsys keep In good bodily fcmtth." They owe It to their children. Yet It is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe In arms, cough ing violently and exhibiting all the symp toms of n consumptive; tendency. .., And Why should this dangerous csnditlon ex ist, dangerous alike to mother and child when Dr. ' Bo tehee's 'German Syrup would put ft stop to It at once? Ho moth er should be Without this old and tried remedy In the house-rfor Its timely use will promtly cure snji lung, throat -or bronchial" trouble In herself or her chil din, ; Tb worst cough- or cold ban be speedly cured by German- Syrup; so can hoarseness and congeition of th bron chial tubes. ? It makes Cxpeotorstlon easy, and gives Instant relief and refresh ing rest to the cough-rscked consumtlvss New trial bottles, 85c; large size, 75c At all druggists, T. Duffy, .v- r v Sai In t!ip U.'T'r lie W1H DJa In. Si "Dutch" KiNl c-r. ifc comlnuned wur- derev from Toledo, sentenced" to dm July 7. vras tiie 8uilje't of mock exe cution in the'peniteiitlaiT at Colum bus the"other ddy."At Ills own request Fisher -was taken to the death-euntr.: The: clamps were adjusted, the straps tightened and the bluck cap, slipped over bis face.. He taugbed ssi the. cap was taken off. Vl'm not afraid of It," he said. lust - wanted to. see hoW it felt One Is certainly locked in tight- ty." He walked back to tbe death cell as if hi had forgotten how fatally bii next "sitting" would result Cincinnati Enquirer. - .' 7 . F. S. DUFFY asks the readers of this paper who are suffering with Indigestion or dyspepsia to call on them at onse and get bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia bure. If yen knew the value of this remedy as we know It, yon would net suffer another day, . Ko dol Dyspepsia ."Cure Is a thorough di gestible snd lltsue building tonic u well, '' Ills, ssdorsted personally oy hundreds of people - whom ' H hu cured of Indigestion, dyspeptla,"palplta tlon of the heart and, stomach trouble generally. : Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what yon 1 aatw.1t Is pleasant, pals- tabl end strengthening. ' ; TELL8 COLOR BY TOUCH. The BUaaukaMe Olrt Tmnt4 by Tmi breach waaaa a. At a recent meeting -of tb Biological society in FaIs a woman of twenty two year demonstrated to tbe scien tists present t hat-she was possessed of a remarkably developed sense of touch by means of Which she could tell differ ent colors blindfolded. Tbe subject of tbe experiments was a healthy individ ual, wltbout any of tbe nervous symp toms that so often go with remarkable gifts of this character. During tb x pertinents her eye were closed by a buck cloth, and a pbysidsn .kept his finger on her pulss to detect If there were any variations from tba.Bormal, Tb first tests were msd With pa per on which different color bad been paifited, . Bed, blue and yellow' wr easily recognised, Green wa describ ed a bin and orange a red.. Whit space on th paper were easily recog nised.". Bed, bio and yellow Wsr also recognised when painted piece of pa per wer Inclosed In (lass tubs, so that tb finger did not com into lm jnedlt cot tact with thorn.. As a final test tb abjct read words painted on paper .in colon,- tracing tbo- outline of tb letter .wttb, bar fingers. .. ' ' Tb young woman doe not begin th rtpertment directly she I blindfolded. Sb Wstts a few minute until a gas eous film forma before her sje, st lb expresses rt Then sh know she can reel tb colors. TbCn a so rob th end of be) finger llgbuy over th object tb color passes bsfor her eyes and stays thsro as long as she tnaln- tstna contact. During tb experiments tb breathing and tb circulation of tb young woman remained perfectly nor mal. Tb only ckansv noticed jver light muscular contraction in w forearm and, st the end of tb seenc. bast snd moiatur in tb haodv-Nw TorkTlme,- ' ,' , : : Wood's Seeds. Crimson GlOYer Fown t l! c lar.t workinj f the Corn t r Cotton Crop, fn I -a p!.il in. !(T llm f,41oin( A;.r.l or ! ir In t ir to plnnt corn ( !..vw jrvrnia ainti-r 1 n .f tha U a.M il In fT- r- . .: is 1. a i: h I di j-)!. fiin,n ilp' 1 f iifjurp j. I . , . . ! r ! . v In , . ti, 1 ,. ' I a. I j': 'I- ! ! t ,1 r. r m .r ' - r r . . i... h ? .. ,1, it a' i., ..;. !ij ' '' t ' ... tiua iy fr, t i , 1, ,,, f J ,-v 1 " t. I ;l ((.a rr.-i- . i , 1, f - L ' - i however, by tha as f tlother' Friend before baby come, s this, great lininimt alway prepare tha body for the strain upon it, nd Msorve the symmetry l hex form. Mother' Friend overcomei all tho danger of child-birth, and earries th xpectant moth safely throngh ; this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blenine. Thoosands gratefnUy tell of th benefit and rejiof derived from th sjm of thi wondorful ' ' - ' r " '..J rDdT. Soldi,, aU ' iT l,amgiiaBoni - ; thi llnlmeai, wlU.fto set ire. Ta trJlli LzZzt C, izz, 1 1" "Did you attend your grandmother's funeral?" . "Er no. : They postponed It .- But I gotter rain check." New Tork Even ing Journal, ' - Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued u for $12.60 which I claimed was excessive tor n case of cholera morbus," says R. White, of Coachella, CaU" "At Ihe trial lie praised his medical skill and medicine. Iask hlmif it was not Chambsrlsln's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy be need es t had good, reason to bellev It was, snd he would not say under oath that It was not." No Hoctor could use s bsttar remedy than thijjn-. a. esse of cholera morbus, it never falls. , Bold by All Druggists. '., - Ha nana Up tha Tip. Here is tbe prize bard luck story, as spybody will admit who remembers bow Infrequently the tipping habit, bt Indulged in pn Btfeet cars. It was a Broadway conductor who made tb confession; having been led to do so by tbe casual remark of one of tbe psssen gers that "we are all creature of hab it" - . - "Tes." he said, "that's so. I was on the down trip the other morning when a nice man got on board and handed me a ten cent piece for fare. I start ed to band him back a nickel change when, with a wave of hi hand, he ssid: Ob, just keep that for lack. Buy yourself a cigar.' Geel- What crea ture of bablt we arel Before I re allied what I was doing I bad rung up tV4 fares Instead of one." And something very like a salt tear trickled down tb conductor' none. New Tork Times. . - , When 5ell - Knoj New JSern r People --Tell It Sd Pln- ijr.:v Whan pabller sudors sssnt I mad by a reprsstaratlv rllissa of New Bern tk proof Is potltlv- To mast bellsv K. Read this tUmoaya Ivery bsck- ach sufferer, every man; woman or ehtld with ssy kidney , troubl will and profit in tb reading. V -'. - ,. ' - A It Bryan,- officer in ta polio d. psrtment residing st; 188 sssf Front street ssyt: "My back was so bad ikst whsalgot down oa the bed loould tcarosly get up. vTbr was no strength la my back and R sohsd .all over. , ( thoegbt I had rosoaallsm, Th kldasy sacretlnoa weis dark oolotM and full of ledlasatT I sW Bosa's Kldsy Pills adrerilsed aad procured hot at Brad ham's rbarmaey sad ased U.' .Tb very first doea helped m and stier finishing tbs first bos I bought a ssooad. Tbs psla la my back dlssppearsd and I wu strosgsr and bsttor In svsry way, I an grassfal for whsl this remedy did for m and yot r weloom to, as my am a ta endorser of Its olsims." ,. v rot ssi by til dealer. Frloe tO osots tboav roster-atUbara Oo-BBfisdo, K. T.solssrasufrthaD.S, r . " - Keaaaaber to asm Doaal ssd tsks no other. , t - - : - lnti(irl foi Youtia Courses Si(ktHaai4 Ctilnaii W omrft Git, f . an M.r.ic. Til ' Atr,IQH h.t, PUcaV ' H, c for Yotar JtaPlal!na beuxhter JZ7 rulUin.) cf l)rv f f f " m Every woman covets a i shapely, pretty figure, and - many of them deplore th , . lost of their girlish forms , after marriage.- The bearing ' of children is often destructive to 4he mother' shapeliness." All of this caa bo avoided. Li : , ,!rt- -.. f u u uu p ; For, boys snd girls. Faculty rep- ? . ressnttng Wake Forest College, - Th University of Noith Ctro- - ::llns, Catawba College, Southern " ' Female Colrge,Lltt!eton.Female College and Peac Inttltnte. Pre pares thoroughly for college snd for the sctlve duties of life. Non sectstlsn. Bnecial advantiges In Huslo and Elocution. Usgcifi . cent scenery. ' . Mineral water. No Malaria. Splendid comtunni ty. Not S bar room In the coun ly. Board at actual cost. Ust year the average coat of board was 4.8? per month. Tuition $1.00 tb $8.00. Room rent 35c per month. 'Session open July 18th and close April 4tb. For lllottrated catalogue, write to W. D. BURNS, A. B, LU B Principal. Lswndale, N. C. INBUSTRIA1. EDUCATION. !i A A M COjLMGE, RALEIGH, N1. C. Agriculture, BnglneerlngfUvU, Electrical, Mechanical, and Mln- X lng), lndustrlsl Cbemlatry, Tex- A tile Industry, 520 Sludenti, 35 la- X ttructors. Tuition $20 s year, X Board $8 a month, 130 Scholar- 'n'Ps. Address mm winston, I . . iUUUUlUll, JM. C. Horaer Militari ModI, OXFORD, N. C. Th fifty-fourth yesr beglcs September 7th, 1804. Classical, Scientific, and Xogllih Courtes, Th best Moral, Mental, Boclsl, and Physical Training. Every member of the faculty sn sxper leneed teacher. Apply for calalogu to , J.O.HORNER. UNIVERSITY OB NORTH CAROLINA. Aodamlc Department, Law, rUdlcln, Pharmacy Fr taltloa lo teacher and to mis later t aont. Scholarship and loan t-Ait!-;: . for tb needy.-,;, 8J0 WUDMit,:'; .. . -181 IXSTftBCTOn. BW Dormltorl, OymaHlatt, Wsler ; , , Work, CsntrsJ Besting BytUm i '. '; Tall Urm begins... ;,,'-'' Bept a, l0i. Addrts , , Fniaonj P VsnvssL, Pasiroajr, ': -. OhspsI Hlll.K.0. L;B.;Habicht; Tb F has( Uqnor and Wlnoi.1 f Rablobt'i Key West, Habiobt's Tn Ont f srfaoto U0AR8,' . Cornet S Fronl and Baneook Streata, ; -,.;.' Rw Barn, M a Notice of lintry, : t , fllauof RORTB CAROLINA, - -r Crsvea Oouaiy. To Ooorcs B Wstsrs, Eolry Taker for Craves Coualyi , TTiSBadatilgoad J W Buwsrt ssd O R Wflhiineion of Crsvss oossty. Rorib Ctroliaa, entra and lays elalm lo 11. a following deirrl! ed place Or par. r lbflsndla snn.Vr nine lowsslilp, ( 9Ta co 'i n.y, flat of Worth Caroline t, -r bli-g tarsnlsnd Snr pruprlsl k! ln.1, t4 ril 't to tnlry, vis: oa Hn'i -r!hWs t IhsAANU It, t i .!) t T , ly O II Wetbsr- Ii se.,1 raW I'.rl I.nn.Wf Com- ! , It W Aiiniitne ' :('' -r oa , ( 1;'i I T I' i: ri ( U1, I1! - - n rmmi r Laae Deet '!.- '"! , i v, i:-:m Wau. -iii t Chesapeake and Ohio RaiIv; I WORLD'S FAIR SCEWIO ROUTE " , r ; i saint louis, rioc; i.-; ; : Trains with Pullman rllesper and Wnug jlbrougb tickets from Carolina- with direct connections SPECIAL RATI FOR SRAhON, SIXTY or FIFTEEN DAT TICKETS, r, " ,uhjoo aaicsen irom nswxern,n u, Sl,10. - t f Sleeping car accommodsllon engaged upon application. . ' . Y C SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS "s," anthnrtxad ilalea tlf.kit nnA tar tan ihn tf u l a'u m on e T low rstes .from iber sit!on. Bpectal ysiuiF,v a iiu.'u. limn ai j.m vow V u, v, m uu jiunuwss yonruonis accordingly, ,:- ,'V For coach excursion dstes, reservations and other Information, addresr : - .'..''-:.: . - WaWABTaK; Dps, Richmond. V i,vuiiu,4Htagi vt. , u. ny., CI r AuaMcnckcit & ETf V NOTICEJ By virtue of the power contained tnla morigage deed from Mar Taylor to T. uurke . recorded in tne omce or ine Heifltftf r of Deeds of Craven county in book 184, page 89 and assigned by T. Uurke to Mrs Caroline mil ana by Mrs Caroline Hill assigned to James B. Duffy with full power of sale, I will sell at tbe Court House door in New Bern, North Carolina on the 15th day of July at 18- o'ciock H, for caah all the following de scribed Real Estate in Craven county North Carolina more particularly de scribed ss follows: Ail mat certain tract or f arcel of land on both sides of Neuse river, luu seres on tbe soutn side. 525 seres more or less on the North side being the old borne place of Bplcer and, Ada Lane, for more particular descrip tion of winch reference is made to tne deed of W. D. Mclver commissioner to Mary L. Taylor dated June IBtb, 1889, and the deeds therein referred to record ed in the office of ssid Register of deeds In following book, Book opae40, Book 65 page 103, Book 95 page 420, Book 112 page 3. This June ltb, l'J04 J. B. DUFFY, Asalgnee. R. B.NIXON, Attorney. T. A.Oreen, Prest. E. II; Mesdows, Vlce-Prest T. A. Ozzell, Cashier. Citizens' iBank, or nw Bnnnr, w. a. Do a Oeneral Banking Bualoeu Surplus and Undivi ded ProfiU, $88,000.00. We will give prompt and careful at ten tioa to all business entrusted to us. We Invite your account Try us. Boar st Dlraeton. rardlBsnd TJuieb C. H. Maadows, J. A. Meadows, Ohae. DcOr. Jr. Hamaai w.ipoes James Badmond, unas. n . rowiar. HayarHabn, J. W. Oralnnar, t nomas is.u rraaa. K. W.lmallwoad. 0. .FOV uso. . Ives, w. r. OrookeM.; Mark Disosv UXITEllSITY LAW SCHOOL. The Bummer Term begins June 8ib, to continue three months. Thorough Instruction In courses admitting loth bar. Special ' lectures by eminent lawyers. For Catalogue, sddress . . , Jars. O. McRae, Dean, Chapel BIll.N.C Ordinnnc and RosolutJon. Bv tha Board ofAldemen of tbe Oitv of New Bern, Be li ordtlned and resolv ed. That whereat, there hss bee filed before this Board a petltloa of more than one-third of tb registered vol t of lb city who war registered for the last preceding maalolpsl election re do Mil or ns to order ea election so b held sftsr thirty dsy nolle to del ar mies whether bar room or ssioons thaU bsttUbllsbad In said city. "Now there fore be It rolvd sad ordained that aa lection be called for tb City of Maw Bern to deurmin whether bar room or saloons shall be established is said City to ba held st th nasal asd last aiahllshad mlllae- nit fa la Mrs arard na !tus AU dsy of July, 1904. . -. . , i That for U porpoee Of hold lag Said elect ton tha following parson be sp polniea registrar la their teveral ward town.-' 1st, Ward-J. B. Bill . rod, Wsrd W. a Flssnsr - v lrd,Wsrd-Id S.Btreet ' ' ., 4th, Ward-D. 8. Jo -- Slh, Ward B. D. Bamlllo ' . h, Ward UH. Baaks : f . . Thai that farther parsoss b tpnolst d poll boldsrs or Judges of SlacUo tor thalr MnaritlT wards iowiti Its,-Waid W, B. vXllls, . feral Os Kill. . 7 :,v . ' it . . Sad, Wsrd W, K. Bailr,MrrlU Bry. aa. - . . t -r- . . ; tmi, Ward-J.'t B. - Holland, J. IF, Small wood. , - - ... . - ;-..',- . 4a, Ward-Wm FarrU, Josepbat Brlaaoa. -;:-'---,.' v-. Bib, Wsrd-C. T.. Ilaacock, " Tiank Backnsy, '.'"-...-"-."'-, - Sib, Ward-A. L Fraakll,- Job Dnkaa, ' , "i - i -' . Tsat tlis clerk of tbe . Beard" idvertiss ttsnoesnd ntl said SikdsyofJsly the rail of ifaletttctloa by posUsravopt ssraof st said City Hall asd pall!ahla this oidlnano aad resoloUooa ia ibe New Hera Journal. - . - Thttsotlc of their sppolassseat of rf;Utrtrs sad pollhnMsrs be given lorlhwllk by (!bll ol Pollnn. V J. J. TOLSON, -' - Clerk' ; - AU l-y at Iaw, li Ho. front m, llj p. Iloial CliAttawk T : V I f, N. O. ( iar.ll ( ; V y h ' L.may. (3bO.' "' 'f '4Ja- . - jm w vma.iv, vorrespondlni!' accommodation arranged for naniV v. ceieoraieo moaataln resorts i --s xiuiivia, ra., mm A.&N;C;R;R. TIKI TABJjB BO. 33", To Take Effsct Sunday, Apl. 10,1904 at 12:01.M,, B.S.T. , GolngXntt Bomnour Going We No. Passenger Train ; No. i DAILY. Lv, p m tTAtiom: ' Ar, a m 080 ..Goldaboro ..1106 8 69 LaGrange..-..... .1088 498 Klnatocu 1018 540 Ar. New Born, Lv,...., 90( 560 Lv. " Ar.....,827 7 15. . . .Ar. Morehead Crfvy Lv 8 55 No. 5. No. 6, Passenger TraJbV Passenger .sTs.nons: Train DAILY, ' , Ar,IPi Goldaboro 8 80 Best's 8 08 LaOrange 7 67 ...Falling Oreek 747 Elnston 7 87 OaaweU 785 Dover 717 Cor Oreek 7 00 . ...Tusoarora.r S60 Olark 1 48 .Ar. New Bern, Lv.. .... 8 80 rYat, Lv. A. K. 800 8 18 88 8 87 8 48 909 9 18 9 80 9 50 9(4 1010... a. at. No. 7. PaasAnirp.r No. -Ar. p. m Lv. s. m. Sundays Only- 1080.... L. New 'Bern Ar. 814 1040 Riverdal S47 10 48 Croatan 5 H 10 68 Havelock 5 85 1116 Newnnrt E91 U0 Wlldwood J. 510 U 40.... Ar. Morehead Oitv Lv.... 440 FRKIOHT. Na 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. I M Class. HUNDAY IdCsu uv.m Ar, nr 611..,... ..Ooldsboro St 545 Besf 81 8 18 UtOrang 9 Falling oreek. 1 7 88 Kinsto.. ...... .11 7 40 oaswaJl 11 9 00 Dover jl 9 40 rjomamek .1 1010 Tnanarora. l, 10 88 olark' J 11 00 At. New Bem.Lv 18 80 Lv. New Born Ar.....; h Rlverdal... '. oroatan,.....,. 1 140.......... Havelock. 7 Newport, Lv....rt. e 0 WUdw0od......u.v ( J Atlantic..,;. ... i, 185 ..Ar.MonmeedtW.L..... 6 8 00 ...Ar, M. oltv Depot. Lt.' . 4 a. a. Supplement No 1, I ," :- Totajt effect Saturday,-May UUs it 11,00, a m, 1904. . , But Bound. West Bound. No. 911. NOia, DAILY, EXCEPT " FRIDAYS AND " ' V- bubdats. Lv p. m. t virions. ' F.B; o; i 00 Qoldsboro . 480 Beat'- l.ttfa'taal 8 489... 'LaOrsag,. .-111 4 40. r. . .....FaUlag Craafc......,....l a; 58. Klsjtoa.....,..l t -Csswsll,.... ... 18 1 1 18,,.....Dovr..tA..- 13 2 ..... .,.Oor Oreek...,H. m.11 S 1 49....... ....... .Tucarora....n. U 4C I M.ti...M.'.M.-01arks.-M..'M., 118 10......Ar. New Bom, 11 0 a-l,. a ;.:s',t CT NollSwUlpMaVoS.whtrtov leMaaadru Sad adaad to Oolde bor naks otbsrswls atberwls or dmd, , ?..... BA. KsTLAirD, , jraaisupt. susse Tsacapsjrtawoa, v A A. f. ttOLLEB AN, T , i Chief Dlspstobsr. 7. i Btmnliu X'lTS'nnn, ATT0BNKT It Mf. 'Fraotlo a tbo conntie of C" Oartara. pamlioo. Joossv taf Omi sad In the Stat Supremo and rx! Court. - Offlae: Sssth Front SUasL over T, frsph oO Ketr Ban, hi. d riU3l flLtSM PlLtSII. Dr. WUllam' Ii 'n fi!a OInt , will ur Blind, r: ; -. u. ,!. 1 liohlrg rilaa. It if ailsyt tb ftcliii g itr -a, t , a a , Me,glTvs kaatent r- ("'It l PRAI1WACT. F. B, Slatasss, t. i . ' Sl'ir,'. 'J t, - AiTCixu i t : : I !. -. . S, 0. 0"" r ' . : t u r h -r . ,. . , ' . ..I that apt'tlfttiit ; Ooyaraor o' Km-i. t doaaifi.: ' enty fi.r r f koai 1, m I .1- ' .'o-w, r- v I I (til