JRNAU , NATION'S BIRTEBAT. CLD CCSITLS. C, July 6, 1904. 1.3 no; i,khights i'. I'tsotr Snd and 4th - 's la each month, la i ..,.1, rollock street, at 7.80 ; 1 R. Ball, President; , J. i ;y, B.B. Hl'l, Financial i to Kew A4fertJemiU.. t. , ; v- , 1 V turd. - " v ijr Kent, - i - J B Watson Water Melons. ' mmons A Hollowell Co Specials. - Buslnes Locals. 3. WATSOK'WitoMMlaaXlni' ' I'd first native water-melons of v a Monday vfcW?,3f " ' 2 lot Adam's Creek Cfcbbage at J B :ion, Market pocltf " , c a rent-no jss joUock street. a Modern Residence 'In good location ' pply to C B H1U, 85 Middle St. LOST Altai heart etlok pin on New or Graven Et Reward leaf Its return to Dr-Clark, ,88 Craven Bt. W .. BALE There will be a sale of house hold furniture, Kitchen utensils, china, and glassware at 87 .Broad street, Wed neaday tnomfag, ; July 6th, from Dam to I paw ; '"- ANIOI lot of N. C. Country hams. Oaka Meat Market. HOME Grown centalopes. Broad St Fruit Co, ' FOB BALE Several fine plgi, .two month old, well grown. Apply toW roittrt-.v'.r-- FOR BALE One sharpie, -new.' sails and several skiffs will be aold cheap. Apply to H H Dowdy, 14 East Front A FINE totof Nunnally's Freak Can dles Joat received by express at Daw son's.: ;' . ' FOB EENT-iTke residence, No 87 Pol lock street' Recently Improved and painted. AH modern conveniences. Ap ply to William Saltan, next door to res idence. " ,: EXTRA quality Siloed Ham 17 cents per pound at Oaki sleat M arket FINE Counjry Hams at Oaks Meat Mar Now- Firm Avery : and Dakes. We have opened a shop at No 61 South Front street and are prepared to do any kind of tin work and plumbing . ContraoU SoUolted. Averv 3 Dukes ' ei fiontk .Front St. yheyCome, Ju , i ney ee, ? IThey Buy. The Riverside Store Has opened op for busfnees with a full line of Fancy aad Staple crocerles snd General Merchandise, No 20 Ores rent Bl., Dana's Bald.' " The well known eelesman of Jao liana, ' : "' :' J. O, LAND, . Manager. AppUcaUoi Hr Par4oa. v , BUU of Korea Carolina, , i ' County of Craven. Notice it hereby gtvea to the public i ' -.1 appllostloa will be made to the i .oremor of Dortk Oarolla lor the par us of the f ollowlm twrsoM convicted t the Spring term of the Superior Ooart f f oTn coaaty, for the crlote of as t .It and battery and riot eat soateaood ' Howr ' ' . ' ,i.l!m Moaralij't years on the .!, Janob Lon I years on the roads, r Jobm I years o tae-roads. An y rri 19 moaths.oa the toads, r v hlie II month oa the roads, t 1 1 ISnioaths OS the roads, h ,iloe 18 months oa the roada ,.(n V ara 11 months oa the roads r MMgett 12unlhl oa tb roWl ti.e lad day oiJaly, 1904. , W B BLADM, y O W MVNQXB, ' .. uMU.sof para foot In the ,'Bnate, fteaaiar Maaoa of ( trta'that SO tavettl(atls cf 1'tbvt Beer by eipirte la Depamneat proyod i ounce or drop of preierva 1 la rabet Beer, sad thai I ii the hoe of aad erodft of i f n qaalliy olbatlef . Com! lie Mar- !n perftrt eon i r ft fall ! 'J 11 " : . The Fasilnc Of the 128 ih, Anniversary , of American ladepepdeaoe. Its J Observsnce la Hew Bern. . The Glorious Fourth , was ushered In by perfeet weather, the. morning being especially bright and pleasant During the day the. temperature rose nnltl the lemonade vrnders became all smiles and business. -In the late afternoon briik breeze sprang np which was delightfully refreshing, and the day passed away leaving : pleasant" memories v with the hundreds of vlsltura, who came to New Bern to celebrate it i -r ' While the moat ol the vitltors were colored people, there were a great many white people f rom;the surrounding conn try. The dashing braa, the blooming lass and the more staid married couples, scores of them were sees happy lathe enjoyment Of celebrating the Nations Birthday. .'-': The Old Confederate Veteran was s Mir also, gray and scarred, to be sure, bnt with beaming comenknoe, and with the scars of battle, proudly wearing th badge that distinguished him as one of his country's brave defenders. They too enjoyed the passing of another milestone In the pathway of American events. The railroads were taxed to accommo date the pleasure seekers coming here and going elsewhere, to spend the day, and It was remarked that there were a greater number of river crafts at the docks than has been seen here for many a day. . An excursion train was run by the A ft NO road, from Qoldsboro to More- head, and when It reached New Bern there were eight .coaches packed with living freight, and seats had been placed In two baggage oars to accommodste passengers and they also csrried their harden. The Shoo Fly on the save road csrried down a good crowd. There was no special demonstration throughout the day, even the brass band failed to announce Us presence until late In the afternoon, and it dealt kind ly with the citizens by Its brevity of noise.' The small boy was abroad of course'wlth his pop crackers, but aside from the howl of the "kid" the annoy ance was not especially Irrltatlrg, Very little drunkenness was seen, and those seen were mostly chronic booze de stroyers of the white race. One or two fisticuffs were reported, but they didn't amount to anything. In the late afternoon the crowds be gan to leave for home and soon after dark the streets with the exception of a few fire works became tolerably quiet and this was the' Fourth In New Bern. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. All changes of advertisement must be In this office by 13 o'clock (noon) or positively no changes will be made. A coat left on Atlantic fire wagon last night awaits an owner at this ofllce. There was disappointment over the faDnre of Mt Olive ball team to come yesterday, as a large crowd eipected to see the game. A acrub game was ar ranged, the Regulars winning by a score of 11 to S. There will be no gsme today. The office hours of the custom house mentioned in the (mndsy Journal re ferred only to Saturdays during the months of July, August and September. Other daya the office hours are as usual, City clerk, J J Tolson has been be sieged by so many people who want to know at this late stageof life whyhe has taken to wearing gloves that he wants to stsle that he has not become prond at all but he has a bad case of tetter Which hss fearfully disfigured his hands hence the gloves, The first North Caroline grown water melons of the season, arrived here yes terday sad sold lor So to 40 cents. The members of the Kb Ifhl of Py thias are reqeeeted to be present at the rojge meeting tonight The Installation of officers aad other Important bntlaosi will be transected. Refreshments will be served. The members ol the N ew Bern Firs Company are requested to meet la their room tonight at o'clock as Important business Is to bo transacted. The meet lag last Bight was lolerrapted bjUhe Ire. By order of the foremaa. J A Naaa,Beety. A BIG SMUDGE T. J. Tamer's Mattress Factsry Catches Oa Fire.''" ,- ,-. - - . - - The suitress faelory bsJoaglof to Mr T J Turner, aid located back Of the tore baOdlap oa the east tide of. Mid dle street near the dock, aeaght on Ire bat algbt i The alarm was sounded about nlae o'clock and the Ire had made some headway before It wee discov ered, t.f ; r ' ' ' '" At I rat It was feared that the blete would oust considerable damage as It was located la a place where It was lard to fight aad the smoke arising from the haralag hay and oottoa made It almost I as possible to work to aay ad vsatage. The ssxadge was almost att fllsg. r A sooth east wind was also a meases to the other balldlegs. ' Herd ward by the Bremen kept the lames eosBsed to the oae building. - TnebnOdlsg ecnlelned eaoasUty of lay and iolto drlllinf 'used la the saaaofaotsre of mMtreMee whlrh Wis ennsBsied aad the machlar was hat!y lajered. The tiUmlM )na of the bolliilag and cnaunti It (VO, Tlx orifla of the Cre Is not knnwn. Awhile COMfT)a WbewMljInj- la S dn!titi i'.wp Is of r.tf !!. I 'iro nj hnlMIng wt suark tif imnil rur an4 drnr1;i. lis wit tkf n t n llMV'H ron!!:l"S r I ' !. Ks n'4ir ' r t e r ' l I ' And Their Sons Guests at Aaaual Ban ' - quet Furnished by The Daogh t . ters ol the Confederacy. ! i The old Confederate Veterans and their sons were again made the recip ients of the bounty and hospitality of the Daughters ol Confederacy yester day. The regular annual Fourth of July dinner was served by them la Stanley Hall and nothing was left un done to make the occasion a most mem orable one. , Two hundred guests sat down to the long ubles laden with the good thing which culinary skill carproduoe. And then as at many another similar oooa aloe It was demonstrated beyond the cavil of a doubt that the way to a man's heart Is by the stomach. They served a magnificent dinner jud every person who partook arose from the tables With all the sensations of g setltfied soul The ladles realised the cravings of a man's nature on a hot July day and pre pared a large quantity ol line lemonade and delicious ioeeream which was greatly appreciated. The generous do nation of the Ooca-Cols Companj In the shape of a bountiful supply of their cooling and7 refreshing-beveraga was also appreciated. ' ;'.''!t-'.":-ifl-.' After the dinner several, speeches were made by the Veterans but on ac count of the confusion which was la evltable they ware only heard by few who gathered in the immediate jiciilty of the speakers. T -v The following gentlemen mad short addresses: Messrs W H Oliver, M DeW Stevenson. W B Lane, J H Hunter of Havelock, James a Bryan and WR Barrlngton. " VV - ' Confederate Dinner, July 4, 1904 ex tracts from a letter from Miss M L Hen dren: . . ' Just a word about our Commander, If there was any conceivable thing left un done wbloh could hare added to oar comfoit.pleasure of happiness wo know nothing about It ' Most generous thqoght fulness characterized the entlie trip,whlca only could hare been thought of, plsnned and executed by the possess or of an unselfish, noble heart. Resolutions of Mr WUMam B Oli vers WHEREAS, by the kindness ol ou Commander. Ms) JJWolfendea rooms handsomely furnished have bean pre sented to our Csmp for their oae And WHEREAS, through the liberality of our said Commander the ' oxpaaaea of our Lady Sponsor, and two Lady Maids of Honor who attended the Confederate Reunion at Nashville and alio extend ed to the World's Fair at St Louis were defrayed by him. Therefore RESOLVED,' That oaf unbounded thanks are duo and are hereby tendered to our commander, Majir J J Wolf ea den. , ,m THEY COMB AND GO. 1 Mr and Mrs M DeW Btevensoa aad daughter, Miss Annie, went to Beaufort lut evening where they will peas the aummer. Mist Rita Dennlson, of Elisabeth Cljy, was the guest of Mlsa JaaU Btaw art yesterday. Mr and Mrs N Tlsdale wat to Beau fort yesterday. Miss Rebecca Street returned yester day from a visit to Mlsa Clara Wootta, of Klnston. " Among the passengers oa the evealag train to More head yesterday ware Messm Albert Willis, George Cradle, Waller Watson and George Beadersoa, Jr. Mr W B Bummsrell weal to ElltabaU City last night - Mr aad Mrs B W Rel brick, of Waak lsgtoa, N C, are guests of setatlvas bare. Mr Ralbrich Is inanagar of the Sim City Lumber Company's late rests la Washington. , , , - -v,. . ' Mrs Capt Hsrbe Hickman, of Oamdea NJU the guest of Mr aad Mrs OF Bartllog. - . , , Mr John Bowdea retaraed Ust'alcht from a pleasant visit with, frteade aad Klatlrea 1st Darhsm. . - , . ' . JV Great lidc '.v The moonlight sail to be given lot tha the braeflt of the New Bora Fir Com psay tontsht promisee to be oae ef the most enjoyable affairs of ike araeom. . . There will be plen'y ef mast aad re freebmeate, so doa't mUs tha ehaaeo to get a ticket from JBDsweoa, TWWs ters, C D Bradhasa, L A Bryaa, O J Me Borleyt aad the Broad Street Frail Oa, for you eaa rett aatnred Uat there will bt bettor seats than there has beea dar Ingthppaat N .. The boat leaves the foot of Orafoa Street promptly at 8.KX . ' v .The Oskt Meat Market Haadlt oaly the beet of everything, -. , 1 4 a . - f t. - 1 i. . .r c::r.: 1 .i ' ' :- ' 1 i The K.ofP. Musical Organization it J, ;:;JomMAj for Bus!-. The new instruments for the Knights ol Pythias bead have arrived, .They are made by the celebrated O G Conn, Co., of Elkhart, Indnthe largest makers of- band -instruments la the - world. There are two beautifully silver plated 1 Hat comets, one X flat and one B flat clarionet aad a snare drum.'- r, The band consists Of nineteen pieces which are as follows: .. Ui . : 0 comets, I alios, 9 tenors, baritone, tuba, B slide trombones, 9 drums, I clar ionets,! piccolo..' t(; f m .The members of the bamf are already organized snd are now awaiting the ar rival Of a competent Instructor. We Will soon hear tome fine music. " . Tobacco Markcl Prospects i The tobaoeo market will open la New Bora August let. .Buyers for both the American and Imoerfal Companies will ba hero, and the prices paid will ba the highest the market affords. .? . It Is confidently eipected the prices will ranis higher than lut -year and dealers are making preparation! for htrga sales. . - While It Is true the acreage is not si lerreaa It has been ia former years there need ba no fesr , among farmers that they will lose on their crop as It is predicted that the prices wljl be double those paid last year. Wo are assured by local tobaoeo mei that the f armera Interests la the matter of prices will bo thorougniytespectea. The Droeneots for a good crop qual ttyeonaMered an fine. The weather baa been favorable and planta are all looking healthy. The leaf is bright snd eleaa. Farmers ean nor do better than to bring their . tobacco to the New Bern market for we are bound to keep at the need of the procession in the matter of prices. Compare them with other towns ana jadge for yourselves. Son$of,Veterans. The John 0 Coart Camp of Bona of Veterans wet reorganized June SSod, 1904 with the following officers and members; J J Baxter Commander. Arthur T Land 1st Lieut Cpmmsn dor. L 8 Grant lad Lieut Com- 8 M Brlnson-Adjt. Goo B Watert-Qr. Mast. Harold Whltehurtt Trees. T Doe Btreet Ensign Bearer. aw MEMBERS. A T Land, Kenneth fl Jonee, J A Jones, B D V Jones, J J BaxMrdward 8 Stioot, Edward S Street, Jr, John A Street, Samuel B Street, Samuel B Street, Jr, T Dot Street. OH Gulon, lleej 8 Gulon, W B Rodman Gulon, T J Bobarta, H M Roberta, i I Wolfeadeu, JSBCarrawsy.TD Oaryaway, E W Armstrpng, F F Armstrong, B-A Nunu. Harold Whltehurst, B B Whltehuist, T Bayard Whltehurst FraacU 8 Duffy, aaltor Duffy, B L Duly, D wight M Styron, 2 B Dawson, J B ArendalL S M Brlnaon, G T Brooks, A M Bountree, J K OoUlas. L 8 Great, Deal W Whltford, John H Whltford, G A NleoU, 8 F Hurt W T White, J A Rlag old, W P M Bry an, James W Watars,Tbomas W Waters Goo B Waters, K Jones Nixon, Robert I Whltehurst, Joha X Wilcox, Go B Whlteharst -T ' : The regular Suaday services aad com aeualon will he .observed la the Frtsby torlaacharchtoatorrow. Perhaps yoa art ia meed of a bear which Is healthful aad pure-jott the kind yoa will feel prond to serve as s table beverage. Get Patet . ' - For Spring and Qrowa 'Chlokant go to tha Oaks Market ., .v-r ; J Xcdil Fhyors. l; - Croid St. Frnit Company.;. LADIES! do you suffer m w VltK Monthly IIadacHsT j Tsn CAPUDINE for thorn Thb prompt relief Is maileal lOa. 9;a. 80O. A E3ITLE AT ALL C; UGGISIS. , 0 - 1 I) in n it w wiies; II ' . II I - J, - ... Send your Order for Letter files, Ink, ew and Blank "iJoka to ' Owen Q. Dunn Leading Printer ft Stationer. ' Cot. Pallnrk A Imu. a. ' aMfawiisJWBBs Disinfectants I Chloride of Lime, Sulphur Candles, I on Bale at Davts mharmacy; I aietta1iae FINE UMBRELLAS. We put on sale this week the fol lowing Special Bargains in Indies ahd Mens X7mbrellas.44 One case Ladies and Gentlemens Fine Twill Silk, Paragon Frame- Um brellas; assorted natural wood and metal-handles, fast black, and values up to $1.60 each, Special Sale Price $1.00. August Fashions now ready. 'Barfoot Brothers, fboneEHl. 69, -Pollock St,, Opposite Ipiieopt! Chnrcb .. i mmm .,: j wS,"- For this . Week J f Special Values In Bath Towels.-;. - ;' A Ftna Eeary Tarklih Bath Towel 2Cx6i boW, '25o . i 3 - A Hear; linen uucK Towel, si it laonei Slo, vlae -; f j A Hearj Linen' Hock Towel, 16x14 inoftea Sak prWsJ ' If too will mod to loj " tag of thli odarinflr. , A:;:oui:cEr.E,!T V On next Caturday Horning at-8 o'clcclr, will commence onr Glsranlie 2 Eanncr Harked Down f.'alo,- I ' Tliii sale will l-a the Ilflimer Eitle in our Store History ' tolttlc Kvsrjtliing markNl down. All ow t'.a atore , jo'J will find Pi"! to t e rir f i t liep.ii - AN nir:rTic - Diarrhoea Cordial Prevents, Relieves, and Curei. I In fancy or old age. Absolutely Safe. v Contains no opiates."'" For Sale at ; t , . ! r HARGETS, "1. ' West Brpad Bt: A J f CJrude Carboliccidy etc, for disintectlne -' Tewel we.; offer Three "J Towelt erer aKain.'Uka adua .... ' S Lftu s' 1 . -. O I 'l. 2 oucuicm oaic ui oiioesi u ' . . x? oj pairs or Shoes, regular sizes, worth from from $1 60 to $5 oo, spec lai Prices ; " , :Batrf reduced tS 50c, . 4 '' " . $i oo, 61 " 44 J? 1.6m - "-. ,f:' 200' J I J f iPrfces STRICTLTjCASH. All other 2 Summer Goods at Oreatly Reduced T Prices. 57 Pollock Hiwi o 8oaoQOBoaaoaoDODODooodnoDi I mens Kjtomtng I Ebent ! Suits Hint were $r, and IO, O ARB NOW 5 Suits that represent absolute perfection in Kinnmer w ear J Elegant Crashes, Homespuna and Worsteds. X TrouserH made with turn-up bottoim. No man lushd l.e without n new suit wliea such values are possihie. Jiut think e O of getting such suits as these al gi.c'i ;i ii(lirulouly low M prices. 2 Suits that were $10, $11. and $12, are tinw ja'y j tr " mt ! In this lot we ou.t a line of suits winch positively the Q C Itest values we have ever given to the pub lc; m:ul- frmn the O finest fahiica in a large vaiiety of tie- ino.t checks, plaids and O 8" Stripes. In Style, in ike, lit and triniming, Hi -y are n'ial to Q liigh class custom work. Its au anmin ;clmnce, doii t inifS it. O 1. J. BAXTER-1 o o ooDOBonoQOBoaonoDaoDOBoooo Screen Doors And Windows ! All Sizes, New shipment just to hand' Heath &Milligan Paint, non better, covers most, looks bent. Car load Fence Wire just re ceived. Builders Material. Sash Doors and Illinds. Poultry Wire, Mill and Machine supplies. Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWARE 73 Middle St. l'lione 147. The New Summer Drink Pep Soothing, Delicious, Snappy. Drink amlJUfl ChfCrrd. Q On lrnnli( nl :, F S. Duffy's Pharmacy. .Extolnatlon For A. t M. Colleie. Youns; atea desiring to enter aba A & M CoU'ge at Kelelgb, may be t santined at tbt eoanty eonrt house on Thursday Jaly J, at 10a m, ay- the county sop. erlatendent of schools. AH whoena. teas oleta attaadlaa Ibis collere the eoaa- ?ea of thls'opportuDlty. For those ao fall io past It may sae thelrapeasa p( a trip to Ralelih.1 . Papers will be etsm. laed aas applicants' notlOed as praeltca- bla after the eiemlnetloa, .. ; Uaill-Hjfti.fla. aniiwon, :ti ' Conaty Bapt J fEMISlNK Ari'I.iVAt. r , . ' . , ! ,T ,i " ' - III VVM ' "7',: 'VQv) i h ! '7 mi - - - T 44 1 fin t O iyrt Mill Supply Co., Mil l SI I'i LIES 44 raven St I' Hone -HI. Tono. is Now on 'Ik I li qi q j ( Drug Co., Cor. Broai anaTFlEBt Sis. li Belt, 11(1, will be (led toee- jon. But, It JOB cia't rone, Just phone NO. 107 aad we al l seed to your borne for preeerlp lloas sad after tbej bare beta cerrfnlly and aocarately lUed, we will promptly ellTet the ntedlnlae with ao eitra chsrge. We are yours to sr?e aad yos rs to plea) 'or aarihln( to the' drag Dae plaaae aotlfy ua. , . r. We are yours to please. P. In nntei 'f itiM : a'l :i-uiii'.tii 11 11111 ". ' s luviii a essiaj nnt .t .l.'plil.t-. I. uiiitnal iBMjttii, Corner Weal and Cyrrai Btrrmiil city. Stenon aphy h'fonograpfijr langH Tuesday n A 1 li.laat ipti, , TrwrUliiMotvla and Wed -layat4pnv. lit ehmvi Will 1 arr.u 1 1 j j-T'r-.-i! ; )ti iii cpx.i, rr 1 J -.MM I'. ' ' r 1 ' T I. :'.;V, T. r,

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