mm J1;NAL snoaT passing eye.tts. . All changes of advertisement must be EITTEK3T RiTT LB i- ..I..-vT .wjLL STu.i.l. , Jely 8, 1804.' "CTCRT. ' ' 10. 1 KNIGHTS 2nd and 4th la each month in . lck street, at 7.80 i I:, i -,1k President; v. J. . ; Ht!l, rinaacial 1 ;,t AlTtrtJjcaieat. , 0. Dunn Now litis time, , 'attrs & SoM-AMot ?$ukk "i of Purchase jjd etc ' r s & Dollowell Co Specials. icss Locals. t F ALE A ' fine old Mahogany h Lcdbtead. - Can and ate at Mr. a Edict's Furniture Btore. . ' " I A gold medal, aomewhere In v Kern with N B M A on face. Lib I reward offered for Its return to this e, J K Simpson,'- I r2RIENB&D BOOKKEEPER de- two or three hours work every ut. Apply tp a, care of Journal of- rOH KENT-No "188 Foil ock street, ice Modern Residence In good location Apply to OB Hill, 85 Middle St. L03T-A itold heart stick plu on New or 0 raven St. I Rew ard for its return to Dr Clark80 Craven 8t. HOME Prowi " cantalopes. Broad St a rjxjs Aio oi JHunnauys wean uan- uioo j utn icuoi you uy express ai inw- son's. l.m$J&zsT-, . FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar STELLA ' ';' Rev W A .'Jenkins assisted bv Rev Webster f Wilmington held their pro tracted meeting at this place last week. They preached .some very able ser- irons, ''i'f'w''-''-":'. Miss Penelope Haywood and Mr John Barker of Trenton were . the 'guests of Mr Geo Koouce last week. SLMlss Macy Weeks of Pelletier who hu been visiting relatives and friends umm rommeii noma ounusy. Mr Graham Eoonce of ltay boro Is at home for a few days, , Miss Enla Dennis of Cedar Point vis. Ited Miss Pauline Mattocks last week. Miss Myitis Everett- of this place ii spending a few , days - with Hiss Pearl Harrison of Long Point. Misses Margaret and Elizabeth En nett and Meairs CO Dennis, L P Tay lor, B F Taylor and JL D Ennett of Ce dar Point spent Sunday here. : Mr Carl Weeks of this place Is in New Mis H W Barker who hu been spend Ingsome'ilrfis wlth hef daughter at Blades retnrneoT home Sunday, accom panied by - her Utile grand-daughter, Elizabeta Hortoq. -fi , , iMri M 8 QHlett Is spending some time at Maysvilie with her daughter. Mrs' Andrew Collins. ': , . . (, ' ' ,"' -Brown Eyes. ; la the discussion of pure food In the United Btates Senate, Senator Mason of Illinois declares that an Investigating and anyalsls of PabstBeerby aipstti In tie Agricnltoral Department proved ' at not an ounos or drop ofpreierva '. ive was found la Pabat Beer, and that h to be said to the honor and credit of a'! Brief lY? Brict "! ' Q;u',!ty aiid price guaraatsed In any :.'.:!, wholesale or e tall Orders left at J W 'Stewart's office at A M .l;ADk:tulldlng wQl receive : ro . pt attention, t. y , :i crprise BrJck.Tlle antli:ir?p.Co. JW; STEVrMRT, Dcc'y. &Treas. : 7ork. n knows bow acfl ' t to do It with. t labor tod tn- f t, and SlwatS i - -r -v.--.-ft v5 ' rr-ry d"Cflp i, and we are : 4-i!c k work. . -i i .f old or r -m tiro lhm, !,r ta .iijiils. - MnitUnf !n this office by IS o'clock, (noon) or positively no changes will be made. . The Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety of Centenary Church will meet this afternoon at 4.80" o'clock. In the Church parlors, .-v . ;. The gale Wednesday noon did consid erable damage on the nortl. aide of the river. There was raln hall and wind, which broke down young trees and in jured tobacco and cotton crops to some extent ;-:; iThe remains of Mrs Alex Hall were taken to Beech Grove Church, yesterday Lnorniog and given lender buriaLf The cause of her death wai duo to appenai cjtts and complications. I'r-j r' : Parties In the vicinity of the cemetery who should miss their cows some of these mornings will perhaps find them lathe court yard surrounded by the city buildings. On account of a portion of the cemetery fence being torn down persons stationed at the cemetery will take up any cow wandering In that part of the city, to prevent pasturing in that place. - , The participants in the affray in front of the hotel Hazelton Wednesday morn ing were on trial before Mayor Ellis yes tf rday. The developments 1n the affray Showed that the mlinp was as compile ted an affair as has occurred here for some time. The defendants.M LJacobs, Sol Cohen and John Suter, Jr., were dis missed, evidence not being sufflclentlto prove their , guilt; Leslie Jacobs, N Angell and Fred Bcott were taxed the costs. There Is much complaint hrardabout the water furnished by the City Water Works. At one time everybody , was boasting about how palatable and good the water was, but It Is anything but pal atable now, in fact It Is sometimes nau seating. One or two days this week it has looked more like milk than water and had quite a peculiar taste. An in spection should be made to see what's the matter. It will put the clly in pret ty bad shape to let the water furnished by It poison Its citizens Bo much for quality. In quantity the supply is not sufficient for the needs of the people, and the ordinary pressure is hardly worth speaking about. The service of the water and light plant could be great ly Improved. What's the matter? Are the officials to blame, or is it tecauce the help don't da their duty f OLIVERS. July 7ih. Mr Earl Pollock and sister Miss Fan nie and Miss Dot Ward and brother, Quy, went to Morehead last SUur day. Messrs M H Parker and Lum Bm'th and Basil Pollock went to Morehead Sunday. Mr J T Heath and daughtsr Mlaa Ber tie spent Monday In New Bern. Mr Ed McDaniel went to Morehead atonday. Messrs D W and J P Harper J r, of New Bern visited their father, Mr J P Harper Monday. Mr George Duvall want to New Bern Monday. Miss Eugenia Oldfleld and little Mits Mary Howard of White Oak visited at Mra 0 I Wards Sunday. Mr J 0 Parker and son Hermon re turned from New Bern Sunday. Little Mias Laura Heath returned to ber home at Rhems Monday: Don't forget the picnic at Oak Grove Joly 14th. Everybody come. UNCLE JOSH. Notice! There will be a grand picnic at Rock Landing Saturday July 16th. Every body cordially Invited to come with well filled baskets. Mualo will be furnished by the Neaie Read Sulcg baad and a general good time anticipat ed, Come. WALTER KENNEDY, HERBERT HILL, Maaagera. THB GUAKANTEB PROIECTS YOU. II Ml-o aa Does Rot Cere Djipeptla, F S Dnrfy Will Return Tear Honey, When you buy a box of Ml-o-ns, nature's cure for dvsoeDSls. have htm sign the following giiraatea. This pro Ucta yoi absolutely against loss, should the treatment fall to core you.. 0UA1AJITTIS r I hereby : rgree to reread the tnoaey paidfotMl-o-aaon retort 6f the e Bpty box, II the purchaser -lelli me that It has faDed tieure dyspepsia or etomach ttoabUe. Tbls , guaraatak covers two 60s . ' bsiee, or month's treatmsnL " (Blgeed); ; F 8 Duffy. k ' Asy one who has dyspepsia, .!ndlget Uoa, haadachae, dUsleass or specks be. fore the eyes, Or eey form of lira and stomach troubles, sboukl take advantage Of Uils chance to be eared without rlsv Ing a pa ay. The guarantee Is plain etdebsolute. If Mi-out does not disll that Is claimed for It, If U does not give prrfect aatlfactloa,l( It does aot cure dypopala (a asy form aad give f aifeet and natural dlfeitloa, joar mopy Ir, rv lomtd upoa demand. T. 8. Dufly glv a poalllre guarantee with every bo, ahowlng moil oBrlml tely bts faith In lht turn if. A Colored Woman Graytown Liltea on' tne Band by t Serpent ; Ada, the wife of J ante Whit), colored of , Graytown', was brought to this city yesterday morning sufferiog from' the bite of a rattle snake. She was working In the garden dl her bouse when, the reptile attacked her and bit her on the hand. - She was qukkly put Into a boggy and brought to Dr. Letnster Duffy's of fice, "f&i s? fe:" . V, '. $ The snake was killed by auoih'r wom an'.. It sneuii red ' about three and one half ftet long, bad ; three rattles aad a button, which Indicate a .'that (t fas Jive years old. Aftorthe necesiary medical treatment the woman rallied and though Buffering a great deal from the rain did not ap pear to be In a lertous condition. r THEY COME AND GO. Miss Anna Pesrce, llliS AonaHanff and Mlaa Llsette Banff left yesterday morning for Jefferson N 0, for the sum mer. ;.- . . : . . : ; . . Master Willie Clarke left yesterday morning for a visit to relatives In Aahe county. 1 Mrs John Walker went to Sa'u ls yes terday to p9s several weeks.- MrOW Hunger and, family left yea teiday morning for Bhck Mountain to spin ! i lie summer. Mrs H M Grovei and family left for ttelma, Va, yesterday to raw the sum mer. Arapahoe. June 7th, We arj having extremely dry weathtr In out community. Notwithstanding tl many lefreshlng showers that have come near our place, they sm to chun Arap ahce. So far the crops are looking fine and In good order but without rain soon, the crops will be dsmsged, our people are not out of hope as they do not dread the dry summers so much as they do the wet, as the best crops sre made in dry years. Our people are making, preparation to Improve their fail business. Mr. H. A. Reel Is having lumber sawed to Improve his building in Arapahoe, he will put up a new gin house and also, expect to Improve his store bu'ldlng ta Arapahoe. -Mr. Elbert Phillips baibjughtout Ml. J. L. Pauls store that he was preparing for a c jol drink establishment and also Mr. G. A. Banks barber shop, he will use the baiber shop for the same business as it was before. Rev. 8. W. Bummerel the pastor of the Christ i in church of Arapahoe attend td his appointment here last Sunday and preached a good sermon on why w should be Ch-Ut'ans. His sermon was very instructive to those who seek the truth ai the Bible declares It. Willie Powell the son of Mr and Mrs. A'fred Powers of Arapahoe died Monday night. He had been suffering some lime on account of a nervous troub'e which caused his death, A. B. Picnic, The Oak Orove Sunday School will have their Anneal Ploalo on Thursday July 14th, So come along and have good time.', You and your staff ate Includ ed In this happy throng. J. W. SHKPARD, Bupt. Return of Purchases, Etc. Office of Clerk Board County Commis sioners, Craven Co. New Bern,N. 0. Jose SO 1904. Sin If you an the owner of Public Ferry, Bridge or Toll-Gata, or If yoa ars a liveryman keeping horses and sanies to hire, or If you an a dealer la sprit, nous, vinous or malt llquors.or manager of a dispensary, yoa sre nqelred to de liver or return to me, within ten days after lbs first day of January and July of each year, a sworn slatsneat of your grots leoelpts aa owner of a public ferry, bridge, Ac., the number of horses or mules kept for hlr-M a liveryman, and the total amount of iplrltuoui.vtaoui and malt liquors purahaeed by you. Is or out of the Slats, for preoeedlag sli months. V'-'.W-f '.'. ,'- Prompt 'compliance with the law Is earseilly requested, aad for the fallen to do so, yoa will be required to show cause way the penalty of .the lew shall ot be Imposed. .' Respectfully," - - ,-.':.' GEO & WATERS, tf' Register of Deeds -We are selling a fine quality of bofUr la poead packages. ' Coast Ltae Mar keL ' .; , .. . 'V y .time to r. .-fa Y I j . cai A ami avo r t.r ; : t v t 5 .;, S I 4 a . w . i i 0 i in r Tivl J Display of Lightning Yesterday. .. One of The Eeavleat Storms cfThe Beason.. One of the severest thunder storms that has vlsttel this place tor many months occurred yesterday afternoon It was the culmination of a very hot period and broke about A o'clock eon tlnulng with more or less severity un til six,;, - . - ' , The lightning was most vivid and the quick report of the thunder Indicated the electric fluid was playing too close to be really comfortable. Many a timid person was terrified by the display While others enjoyed it for the grandeur It produced. .- ',- - Olpse as the lightning was It did not cause very much damage, ;.the light ning (truck a wire which communicat ed with others wires coming la contact with the Standard Oil Co's warehouse. The building was destroyed. , It con tained only a few gallons of oil. The damages were about $W0 r-The tanks on noi harmed. The firemen ; had bard work to save a few Coast Line freight cars which were standing on a aiie track near the warehouse, For Spring and Grown Chickens go o the Oaks Market. - ' Oo to the Oaks Meat Market for the best Canned Meats. - Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola it possesses wonderful tonic properties made from the famous Coca Not and Kola nut. Oar canned eoods are made by the moat reliable firms. Coast Line Mar kef. ' The Oaks Meat Market Handle only' the best of everything. - Peraapayou ara in need of a beer which is healthful and pure juat the kind you will feel proud to aerve as a table beverage. Get Pabst. A coat left on Atlantic fire wagon last night awaits an owner at this office. Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cols It possesses wonderful tonlo properties made from the famous Coca plant and tola nut. ' Wood Turning Porch Columns, Balusters, Brack eta, Scroll Work. GrtJs Stair Work, Mantels and Screens, Sssh Doors and Frames. All done on short notice, at Registers & Ezell's shop on Church Alley, New Bern N 0. For Sale ! House moving outfit In perfect con dition, neatly new. Two new set falls and about thirty Jacks. Apply to J. M. REGISTER, New Bern N 0. For Sale! Two 60 saw Brown Cotton Gins snd one Leaver Power Cotton Press, will eell very cheep to get out of my way. Apply to J B REEL, Reelsboro, N C, A Card I take this means to Inform my friends and patrons, that I have aold my Inter acts la the Sale. Exohante and Livery aubles at New Bern, to Mr J M Arnold, who will continue V conduct the busi ness. ' ' " : ' I have arranged to retain my office at the "old stand", for the Mtrnose of meet isgmymasy irtenas, aaa -eoueoung claims and accoents due me. With thanks to all for past paUon. I am Very Respeotrully, --, MEYER HABN. Droad St. Fruit Company: " - r - ynunelll V uz:i:.u ; 3 A I .aii .ir ' , "' 'hi I . us, ' t - a n i- - is me . . - - - y.. ., - t open up a new set of books. ', i . I have ieoelved a big- lot of all kinds of Books! JL " I Owen G. Dunn ; 4. Leading Printer & Stationers" Cor. Pollock ft Craven Sta. 1 Disinfectants I Chloride of Lime, Crude Carbolic Acid, Sulphur Candles, etc, for disinfecting on sale at Davis tPbarmacy, CDS FINE UMBRELLAS. We put on sale this week the fol lowing Special Bargains in Indies and Mens Umbrellas. One case Ladies and Gentlemens Fine Twill Silk, Paragon Frame Um brellas; assorted natural wood and metal handles, fast black, and values up to $1.50 each, Special Sale Price $1.00. August Fashions now ready. Barfoot Brothers, Phone ?ll. 69 Pollock St., Opposite Ifiteoptl Church v, ;;For l this week we offer Three Special Values in Bath Towels. -. A Fine Heavy Turkiah Bath Towel SGxil iacbec, 23e Talueatlfl 2-3a, . v -. . ' v ' "V". - A Meavy Linen Hack Tovel, SUM lncbei JJo, TsJoe -101-Uo, -; - - ;.. ? A Heavy linen Hock Towel, lttU locbat SaU prloe J.lOcentj,;; ; '.'' v 'r ': :, A It joa irill tied to boy Toweli etet ln, take ad van 'tg of thli offericg. ' - '"2 'a h y- -v. 1.:-':- AUtlOUIICEnEfJTfii On noxt . Datufday Ilorning . at 8 'J' o'clock, will commonco our Qlgan(ic Banner Harked Down Hale.: TLii aalo -will 1j tho I'.Rnnrr fnlc in our Btore History t'Klatr. LvcrjUuDg tnarkcJ down. Alt ovrr Ui elofe ".. jo'J will find , ' V ! i ,.' ft ( I Diarrhoea Cordial : Prevents, Relierea, and Cures. : DiAiiitnoEA In fancy or 014 age. Absolutely J Safe..- Contains no opiates. ' ; ' ForBa'e at,"-,- . ' HARGET8, f West Broad St nlwHMURtnV ptarHBCMfW 1 DflJ Y f. t tn.v on. ; r- 10 v,-oi;KiN'a Dia SALE iSnecialS ale-of Shnfi u ; 'j 225 pairs of Shoes, re&rular worth from from $160 to $5 00, Spec-" lal PrinA.. - : . . v ' 55 rjairn rAdiir.Arl 4 " " 61 " " ft " " w Prices STRICTLY CASH. All other A Summer Goods at Greatly Reduced 5 prices. J I J. G. Dunn & Co., 57 Pollock Slrwi O OOOOQOOODQOOODOaODODOODOQi Mens Uothing Ebent ! Nu Its thnt were $2 $8, J9, and $10, ARB NOW Suits tliat represent abjolute perfection in lummer wear Elegant Crashes, Homespuns and. orateds. Trousers made with tarn-up bottoms. No man neM lie without a new suit whe.i such values are possible. .Just think of getting such suits as these at such a ridiculoiifly 1dv prices. Suits that were $10, $11. and $12, are now $7.75. O O 8 8 2c In tli'13 lot we offer a line of suits which are positively t lie Si beet values we have ever given to the public; made from tl.e finest fabrics in a large variety of the most checkp, pluids and X stripes. In Style, make, lit aud trimming, they are upiitlto O g hfgh class custom work. Jls an amazing chance, don't mits it. O T. I. BAXTER-1 oonoDQQonononononnonononoo Screen Doors And Windows ! All Sizes, New shipment just to hand Houih &Milligan Paint, non better, covers most, looks bet. C1ar load Fence Wire just re ceived. Builders Material. Wash Doors and Illinds. Poultry Wire, Mill and Machine sup plies. , ' Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., 8AHOWARK 73 Middle. St Phone 147. Eiamlnallon For A. & M. College. YourR men cletirlnf? tn enlfr the A & M Cull'ge al Halelxh may lie .xiiplned at til 11 coanly r.oart hniite on Thursday July 14tb, at 10 m, hy the county ap erlntrndent of nclioolo All boc n template aUemlln this rollcKe the com ing aeaaln-i ar uged lo vll ibriuel es of IliU oprorlnnlty. For thrao who fall to pan It m atro tbe xpenoe of a trip to Hlt !h. Pper will he eiam Ined and appllrkut notlflrd an pramlca b'e after the examination. 8 M. IMUN.-ON, County Hupt. -. rmiaiNi -APPROVAL -. . of kit wtarlnf apparel Is bal stary elf-rapacilo aua desires, wbtibaf as admits It or aoi. To hsTs a larmsat or tatlra soil warts Of bonaat clotb. cot aad f atbtoaed Is U liUat mods, is Us duty" ( vtj saaa, sad. Is ilkelyioald jbta la boiloMi aa wall as snob tf. W taaraaira naurlal aad III of attrjihlpf watnaaa. . - T " - . .. T, ". ' .t ... v r, M.XhalfiIcW j Fo? n ! At ot)t, obs W t brerb-Inaltof na, one book caa, bnnltnj boat, It fr!grator, fcka kllrhen af, bri pr arrUf kf!lt!i, ar !rnl, an iirtil,,i, ld 1 r ami a f a' ''-.! ' 1 palnttr'i frdnrr. On ; t Is!, 1' 1, a taliia'-'a I. -!m a:. 1 I I )tl a'o lo H.I. ;'TtT KN V.. P. ( M I I ; t.t K(n 1; " $1 00, e"' ' 1 60. a O tt A aj iriv. , v MH.LSUI'ri.lES 44 ( raven St rhme '21ft llie Hull) Drug Co., Cur. Broad amlFlitl Sis. J II. Belts, H (J, Moir will le glail to tea )on. hut, if you o n'l roma. jnii phone No 10? and we wl I aend V your I ome for ptocrlp . llona and after tbey have been ran fully ' and accurately fi'lod, we will promptly dellrer the medlilne with no extra, charge. We are youra to etrte ami yoara to pleaae Tor anything In I be drag Has pleue notify na We are yours to please. Stenography & Typewriting School Opened at the Collegiate and In dustrial loaUtnf , Corner West and Cypres Street', this city. ' Slenography tanght and Friday at 4 p m, ' TjpewrlOng Monday and Wed nesday at 4 p tn. V I IT K f. aIoABM Wilt YiM MM&1 nnan annllaxtisn In torein nr ti letUr. At 14 Paattat I tree t, ; . .; .:, T t Mo'.OY, Ttichtt, lAAaaAAAAAAaAaAAA4sAAAaAAA l Hammock r - i For that . ' I 4f C ' "TiuaFcztingy - v 1 o I I

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