. I j r. .i ...j 1 1 t j r -t u - . a " 1 f.f ;,V '85 ) K . -YENS. ' , 1 RITES1'. - ' a....:;...i.M.M nc....:.... IM :.i the city.... v -M a furnish ob applt ut Offloe,Xfew Bib. or Ne Ban i CoaatyJ and o Oil AMERICAN "LOADS.. ": i.et reports give anitoost : of Bume horrible railroad to e numbers. -of people mire 1 or wounded, 'of miserably I. In the mlnot casualties, where 1 employe, or ..gome passenger 1, thine la a constant 'Hsfta re; o much uothat the average reader . a Hitle attention to such Items. -t " Le Inters! ".to Commerce Commission i ! "led a Blutlatlcal statement of the ' - a '.s ol , this country,, and lnthl tair'rwvt give some Interesting figure ' King the number ot accident .and how iii"o or dangerous It la for employe and parsenger, ' The statement ot aocidenta la divided Into two general classes i accident! re- : 'r$ from movement pi trains and ot i Junta arising from c&naee other than those which result from the "movement ( f ti alna. These olaaaes include all the c uu '!c8 contained In tht' tarrleri In- r ,1 reports, whethet ttrstalned by pat ijjors, employees, trespaera,or other 1 . sauna. The total somber of casual- i, fur tho year ending JTuae 80th, 1903 t, us 80.CD3, of which i 840 frepreaented . o Dii,i,'.t of persons killed, and 78,658 Ilia nuiuler InJnreuV t-" ; ' ne hundred and eventy-sl patten- i s wne killed and - 4,684 Injured be chuso of collisions and aerallmentt.Th t , i.u r of casualties ;'lo persona o' ,n employeea' and. passenger W!-1 v as 0,879, Injured 7.84L; Thoeo P ru i s Include the eaaualtlei to parson ' a: 1 as tru.upsasert,. Of Whpm S.O00 t, -ra tiiHrd and 5,070 injured. 4,584 per ..a v 'u killed from telng itruok by s, . nui1 7,841 were InJnMd.'j? The h ! casualtloa : Indicate thai t tra- ; ; a tn every GG4 u killed, and 1 em r-Vyco In every 2$ Injured, One i .v, n, 'j or wti killed Jor every 1, ,1 (irriud,. and one Injured for every h:,' 4 Carried, With the respect (O the cmiiler of mllea traveled, however, tuef-ji.-aahow that ,9,641,098, paatea' 'r i,,;i were accomplished- for each r v ieiiger tilld 'an '68.B1I.81S psiMn- o-l'ea'for each paaaenger Injured.- Theee figure Indicate how much needV r ! Immurement and 'ear li demanded a t'.c i art of the railroad. This r. t is for L'io year bf June 'fOth, 1906) j u ' . ' g f rorn all .newt Itporte the 'y ; t la nt growing any amalier. ' a i f .h year, there aeemi ' 1 TrrlUle anmber of fatal and n r Iroad wrecka, U .'which and , tkoet wounded '.o losses. altlct tneaa aot merely 1 limb, and the destrodttoa t there It the after set i,l,U comptosatlea Is de ,U" thetouru for tnoaey r ihote killed or Injured lts the railroads and safe traasjt, aad at i j rrsorve property and , nlr t NltlK. . . i. doulit yo ere aotry il.ntb, nolwlthafend ii ii.tr a lot or ox-err. u d. iK.lng a good f)!Ml- . and U be bad tired a r be tnlnlit hive l-ft ,l ni,r. Biiton Traw m fiTi flOOt;, paper. 1 r.rr li st least one ,1 sUdo ha bta 'rs, and that U i i Cnr It tlit : W Vnf.wa to th Talaril h'n)t , rrijiilrKiaeomtitu ' Catarrh Cure t tHtw.tly up r '..res f t - I the Iiiilrnl- ?. "p 1'"- 1 Eicj;e la I - The following are the market quota tions, received by private wire from J Walter Labaree ft Co.. to Burrus & Co. New Bern, N. O. f" Hiw Yon, July 15. Open, High. Low, Close V'-UM 10.9S 10.66 10.69 OoTTOKi- Ang.., oot.:.;;;.v .78 s.st 9.55 -Oeo 9S 965, 9.47. 950 Janr.;..,....-. 9 66 9.68 9.60 D.53 . Chloago, July 18. ; Open, x v'Cloee Chicago Grain" Bept Wheat BeptCorn SeptQata Sept Elbe ' ' 4e " 48 "l S3 v ' fit -767vi'-W Sept Pork , 1276 c m,' aim' UK BeptLatd. ;.. :.'90 , A ,T J ;iewTork,iplyl51 BtooMi ". Open. - 'Clo4 Amr.Bugar., 189 " imr.Copper. 68f" -AtchUon. .781 , ' Boathern Ky,,. Hi Southern By pf., 88J r V. aflteel.,... . U " -r4i Hi U.8.Bteel pf-.eOt- r !' 60i -" 118 Penn.BR....... 118i Efle!T!.,.'.... 95 . '85 418 IiOulavlQe&Naah U6 St. Paul.., .,,.147 -i1 N.T Centra..... 118 N.& W"..r.V.69J Va. O Chemical, aft ' U8t , 80 , "5i Bnrrns & Co's Cotton letter. , ' V'tiew "Bern Jnly 15th. Thr cotton 'market op wed. allghtly higher thta morning,- but Immediately aold off on the heavy realizing by yester dava bnvera. and afereaalve beat oner- I allona. realltlng was mostly In the near by optlona, and - while oRerlngs were well taken by the market, yet prloea reached iome whaU under last nlght'a closing. . The trading ."was ot a general charaoter end wholly profea alonal. Traderi who nasally, operate for Phlla," ipot t ousel j were moderate buyer pi Deo and January, The weather map waa regarded as more 'favorable than that of yesterday and this had some Influence In tbe late positions. Sent!. ment around the room was Tftrlsh cn the theory that .- decline would be natural .after the recent , gains.". The good demand Jo. Spot whloh waa re ported to . have . Misted' a day or two prevloni, seemed to have fallen oft com pletely today,' Xkli very evident that spinners have entirely -withdrawn from the market aa buyers at the present high prices, and will not re-enter the market until prloes have, had' a good -reaction, In bur opUi Ion the pt ice of cotton Is high when the new -crop deliveries get In the neighborhood ot 10 oeataandaa lung as conditions remain 'as 'they are, cotton can lately he told oa all rallies A CONTINUAL STRADL' ( Many tnea and Women are constantly subjected to What they commonlyteim "a continual strain' because of . tome hnanclal or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physi cally, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver aad kidney ailments, with the attendant evils of constipation, lots of appetite, aleepleuuest, low villai ny and deepondeacv.'They taenot.ae a rule, get ltd of this , "continual strain,' but they can remedy I'M health-destroy Ing effect by taking frequent doaet of Green's August . flower. ' It tones np the liver, atlmalates the kidneys, latures hralthy bodily f unctions, gives visa "and spirit to one's whole belrf, and event ual! dlapela the physical or mental die- trtss caused By Mat "eoounuai euaia.- Trial oeuie of Aorust flower, xact ro- ular tlta, 760. At all druggists..?. 8. Iut ..Working jyifM and Day r The bnsleat and mightiest llttji thing that evet wet made It Dr. King's New Life Pill. These plltt change weaVrf nest Into strangtb, llstleasnett into ener gy, braia-fag Into mental powar, They're wonderful la building up the heeltb Only 9o per box. Sold by O D Brrdbam .y rt nimal tales. 3k thre pound bufifro't was recently caught at Ouat lake, 1'ltfjifleld, V A. cow owned br Cbarlr Cnrrtitli of Bhaftatjury', ft,- Bof stuck In a inars fwntly nd bd tuni tit-arly out of alt-lit when fll(K"orerl. Hurwe wt-re bw-d to draw tut animal from its dao- front position. ' lour bundreil end twenty licru (, rurt In su , i laying comprtltlnn Fjdwy, uti-n.llng rir-.T twele rmmtli Ja 11 r.r,72 -g;:s w-r Lid. n.t tl rri? wim 17 a j'-n of Wy U..it-, wlih an sirti.i'i.f an per b'-n. A il b twi'iitjr In. tin lung ratiL-'.t -.T - Nnntu. li t r-nl!r, nn t rc -ttn an tn.tla ru'.lM-r l-ninl b1.. I i . 'r -;at f..rw;inl c.f t!r !!na, I ,i,:,n"r tn i tar...! ili"r l t - f ii Mjn F-i t It i'l rut f, e il. -ti. nit!,. ,,ti It i:.l imt e;'i- ( i tr..iii,l tl f; .Ii. I'm:' 'yTor!: ! ' t V I f r, Cotton, Grain, 3 : ilr Y Z Newberry ts epea'twa; i . 5 tin e n't k relatives In I i' , 1 Baltimore. : ilrandilra Willie Oglotby and inn ent to "W lid wood SalurJey nihtto apead Sunday with relatives, Mr C T ltogers apent Saturday and Bundayhere. Mrs Joaasa Morton of Wlleoa is vis iting relatlvos here, - ; . . llrsCT Wlndley spent Tuesday and Wednesday In New Bern with her hus band Pr C li Wlndley of Wlolbrop who met her In New Bern. - . -, .: - Mrs P P Garner of . Newport apeat several dayt la NewBern last week wl h relatives. J - , - Misses Blce, Boblnaon and Ramsey Of Beaufort spent Sunday here visiting rel atives and friends. Hiss Blch returned to her home on the mornlnt; train, Elsies Robinson and Bamsey remaining over for t few days..:'? r ' . ? - Mrs L W Bateman and eon WUber are visiting friends and relatives here. - Messrs Leon Mann and Manly Mann spent a short 'while In Jlorehead Itst week.-- wj .. Miss LahTi)laoa "Of Morohead eame np this morning to visit friends and rel atives. -"J-.--: - i. Quite a number of; our. people went down to Morehead last Monday night, It being the 4tb of July,', all reported very pleasant time. , - - Mr Stephen Garnet hat moved in bit new residence n Sin street ' . A. very ' pretty "home mariisge was witnessed by a number of friends and relatives last Wednesday night, the con traotltuc parties were Miss Bertie Dough ty and Mr Boh Bell of tbii plaoa. The home of tbe bride waa beautifully deco rated tor the occasion, the notes of Mendlesohns Wedding March tendered by Mrs O 8 Rogers announced the com- Ing.of the bridal parry. . The ceremony was performed by Rev J H M Giles, af ter, receiving the congratulations- and good wishes of Hhelf many friends Mr sod Mrs Bell left for their home on Elm street, where a anmber of friends await ed them. Quite a number of presents were received, may long life and happi ness be their lot, it the wish of their many friends, - U 18 FOR tADICS, TOa, Ther Can t Tkal Hair TPalUaty Om WlthBartiMda.; "Ladle who have thtK hair and whose Hair la railing out, ca prevent the bate falling- out, and tMckan. tbe growth, with NewbrCi BerDtelde." . Bealdea. Bent. tde ie one ot the moef atTeeabl hah Jreaalng there la. v Berplotde kW tb dandrutt a-erro that eats tbe hair oS d the root-After the arena la deetrarad. the root will ehoot op, and the hair grow loncaa ever. ;- Even a eampte -will con vince any lady that Kewbro'a Herpldda w an. inoupenaaoiet touet raqutaUa. - It oootalna no oil or (reaua, It win toot atala or dre. Sold by laadlna dnuraitte. Band 10c. in etampt (or ammpl to Tbe Serpt ftda Co, Detroit attch, f :.; .tsy C. D, Bradham, bpedal Agent. "SERYANTVlN RU88IA." The Law BaeladM Theaa ma Wlteeaaa Miitlul Thel Kxylarar. J Tbe Bnaalan eervtnt I hired for on year end le told exactly what "hi p tlcular duty la to tie..: lie then (ticks to that one duty." A long a each serv ant faithfully perform the. special duties ot bla poaltloa all ia well, but the neglectful butler v cook or coach- tuan la tent by the employer' with written note to tbe police lodge, who after carefully InrtaUgaUng tbe com plaint hat a right to order bodily pun Isliment or to write a bad mark la theJ book kept tor thie purpoe. 3 . la greet Rnaalan houeehold often from twenty to fifty eervanu are keyt, and ' even, the. middle cut . families have two to lour. : lb pay of these aerTant .Varies -accordlug to the 11 11 Of work While tbe "cblcs" in the kitcbeus ot wealthy Tamlllee often ccive 300 a year, a cook in an ordinary citizen' employ cut n more than 412 a year, and a meld of all work nctor get more than 6 a year. At Saut.T every" mnt got a present, generally a ault or drvea. - "-. , Every other Sunday the servaut In A ItiiMlnn bouaehold are entirely (roe. Their work atop Saturday uight afte uiper,"whcn the -rvant leav tb houHC not to return until the next Mon day morning. Tb employer never ask win-re or how tb frt lime la !Mlt. . KukiIrb ai'rvant will pilfer. Bine liirwiun ladle leav averytblng to tli care of the servant the latt r do tliey pli-aite. The manaerrnnt sinoka elRors be longing to their uiaii.ni end j.sy f qu. nt vlH to tlie vrlr.e o'llura of t !ionm, but a ninli'iinin would roni,; It "il. i-.i'iiln(" lilii,t-if lo pr-i-ii!'.' servant for this. The ltnu!an ei rvn!a v 111 tu!k at.'-nt f.-i!, '- , w a. t nnt ,,jit. li . Imt n-v . r -u w l.'-ll t ' ,1 ; t'-.-i t.- f-,i t 1 r ; ; s ...,.(, a I .-. . t S'-..l i... a, j,-.' , i-s, peulll. : i tud r u,nU,ut Ca. Com no', bo good, d -, u.yt-1 by t!i woru,t so much.- Mr J A f.irt. l ;.s KOilard 5 weeks old meae ui' ..jf t, h..e i.ary and Lola Pelleller of Beaufoitwho have been visiting their grand parents returned to their homes last week. . . . .. . 'J , lir Jerry Watson ot New Bera has bean a welcome visitor la our mldV,. Aa alligator caught one of Mr J Wat- s-jn's beat hogs last week. . - ' . r Some sickness In our vicinity, Mr D O Morse has ha been quite sick, but we are glad to note that be Is improving, Also Mr J A. Norrta hat bean quite feeble'. - , , V " - Mrs Barah Week It vlalling'her daugb ter Mrt V 8 Buae'J of Bcgueu Mr and Mrs John Taylor made a visit to relatl vet arJaaper latt wtkr . - . Mr J F Bhue ot Norfolk Va, is home visiting his parents Mr and MrsBM Messrs DA GUIy and K Morris of Vanceboro were here Sunday visiting relative. s ju -j. , - Il Is announced that Mr Early Week! and Miss Lina Weeks are to be married soon. They will probably make their home In Florida., x -fV.- - ' There it tome talk of a taw mill being built here shortly, . one i needed very badly,' ,It: v ,Xrt v Bears are plentiful In this section, It It true hut w havn'tr heard of their lug fine off vet. . -1 r. i Thrown Prom A Wsfoa , r Mt George K Babcock waa 'thrown from hit wagon and severely " bruised Be applied Chamberlain's Pala Balm free. lv and says it It the best llntmentheever nsed. - Mr Baboook is a well known oitU ren of North Plain, Conn. .There Is no thing equal to Pala Balm tor Sprains and bruises. It will effect a core la one third the time required by any 'other treatment- Por tale by all Druggist,.;" v 1 laaaii r f Hartowe and W. Hariowev Rev : Mr Webster -i of 2 W Umlngton, preached at our church Sunday morning for Pastor Gljes syha wat alto pre. cnt - v, " f SMany of our people 'are attending svlce - at -Oak Grove MJhnrcii mis week. O " ' V i Dr O M Mason went to Beaafort Mon day bringing home with him hla daugh terMUs Lottie who ha been ytslUog relat I vea In, Morehead. J 8 Morton, Esq., went to Hew Bern Monday td attend a meeting of the hoard of education, t-v-, - 1 - Mis Rosalind Dee Mason left Tuesday to make a visit to friend la Chatham county. l 't' " . 'Ji,' " Mr Madia A Bell came bp uom More head Ofty to make, a few day , visit to htr parenta, ,---'f; -!.:- vSt" " Mr tad Mr Tom i-eoaara an rueuoa- ting here tot a short time" with Mr N H Tsvlor. the father ot Mrt LeonnrO. MrandMrtuan Jones of .New uere came In Monday night ct the aUame Barah Louise to spend a short time with their many friends and rehulvee, ; - Mr Clyde Kby of New Bera came down Monday aight bringing . with him Mm Buy who remained Over . till Taeeday evtning where her brother. Mr Dobbu Banks who haalieea 0a the tick list tor a few dtyt retaroed ; with her that he might be with hit loved one at home till he Is bettery , 5 : - , Hi Percy . Aahford Of HW Bern it lib us far a short tlme'aad la taking the place of . Mr Beaks while b llck.l .-. :"-!".- S . Tbe many f ilends of Mrs M E Bell Hill be glad t know that ah I now eonval- eiolng. v .- . s . ' Mrs Hsanah Bell sod little Marts Long who have beta visiting relative n Morehead City returned horns) -Moa- Flies vpon Top 01 me - Piles upon top of pile of people have the Piles and DeWltt't Witch lis 1 Fair cure them. Tbre- r many different kind of. pll, bot if yon ge the geuuineand original Witch Basel Balv4 mads by E O Ha Witt ft On, ot Chleago, a our Is certain. U All-da! Of Sammerlna N C."l had pile SO years aoi DeWUt's Salve cored me after tv "ylllng else failed." Bold by t Aa OI4 JoL. rnl ( I.lu. 1 lie r.rondway M. 10. cliureh of ly ynnxrt. linl., n ImUt fifty yirs l i, and a tin bull a.,,ru, il tlir t'.p of the ridre. The building Vina torn dow 1. t, iy to make room f.ir mor rlnlio- r'ine. hi tli tin bull. Willi tin; re (. '4 of the cliun-li, ni-ri found a ih r.f i i and a liulf ilnt l,-,:il" of v I t v. I.,,.:;, y II. Ctm four t in.,- J.i, i f t'.,. I'.'.l rlirult iiiurt, la the (,i,l ' i i L i- y I, 1 w of tl, . ,,U 1 i and t;.r -in li.f.i t I I' death and give STEARNS ,iuun ;r Vjnly 12th We are having plenty ' of nig now, It rains every day, it It making the crops 00k fine and the grat.rit growing too. . " , , - Out . people are glvlg t rightaway cross their lands for tbe railroad. ' . The Sunday school ha( began to pre pare for a big entertainment! , -, Onr peoplo are finishing up their crops but they art having a bad time for the Mr Alex Price Is baching a llnging school for us. - . Mr. 8, A. Xrerington hat Increased his stock cf goodt in his store. " " Several of our people went to tbe fariw ertftast at Asklas Isst- Friday, they re port a ting time. There are lots of potatoes in Galilee that ar aot aold yet. GOOD LUCE , J No Fity Shown (For year fate waa after me contin uously'' writ 7 Aflnlledge, Verbena. Ala. "I had a terrible cat of Piles causing 94 tumor. When all failed Book len's Arnica Balve. cored me, Equally good tor Burnt and all ache and pain. Only S6o at C D" Bradham' drug store; ( -r RUSSELL'S CREEK. f - July 19 We are sorry to say that Mr ICQ Hprln gle is In very poor health. : r- Mrs Kmma Freneh laJmprovlngi Mrt French ha been tick for quite a While, aad w hopt the will toon be well. There teem to be more Bounders ibis year than usual. Mi end Mrt Q w Gabriel of Norfolk, Va., are visiting friend and relative at thlt place. , - We think torn of oar Ruseelr Creek boyt would hty h right good tlme.were Il not for competition. Look out boyt. doat tay too late,-to girl . will got aleepy. '.,.' J . - 1 i Nobody' Darling ; ;VADE r,lECUn SPRING, ' Tber1 IDEAL RESORT FOR HEALTH OR PLEAURB WnUia niuin Jan iKlh: ' lflOTSiBulfV tttuasgMSMt of Mr t A Cabell, or ihuk V111S, vs. '3 mt . viwu n intwaiaar htvig a perfect knowledge ot the coar- " telle most plesslog to gueele. - A pro- "' prletor 01 the Virginia Uale fit na t-. . tabliehed a wide repeutlon aa caterer,. to the best lasts.' Be his secured the ' service of a Chef -without a rqaa'. ', la Virginia or lh Oarolioas. -: and with th ample reeourcea of the -Vade Mcum Spring Company' eatab-'. -liahment to draw from. It 1 proposed to -delight ell comers . with ( th cbaracttr and tyl of our oulalne. ' -. - . Aa orchestra, aireotea try rroi -a , Schull, one handred - well furnlsbed -room, baths and toilets on lach bowl raallshls. tlx hundred , feet of well ibaded varanda, looking now on Uia- mond Lk and out upon ahetattleaUd telgbt of u Bauree saouBttlus, Will v aaaiai aia vuort to mwiiaia - ... t .;.. , 7 .- . V : :(,' Two Hotels and'TWt3nty -1 ? -"Appointments.;: -' Water Wotka, Bewersv Syltini, Cot and Cold Hatha, Cold btorSga, Livery Htahlet, Dally Mall. Loot- Distance I'Lone. l'l,vi,lan, fitore. Mill, bod Fouaulo, 1'rtvaM Sobnol, eto, ,. Amusements, ' Ball Rooma, Orchestrt, ISaao, Boal Inar. (iolt Links, Ten l'loa, rUhlnj, Swimming, Swing! Toboygaa Plunge Pool Table, Tennis Court, Banc Psr t ei, nnatiag, tte . ' V ITcdlcal. .T E T Strickland, M D, graduate of tb UnWeiV.ty of f'ew York, also gradnat of the Post (hailuate fnhnnl of klcll tint nd Hurgfry of New York Cliy, !'.h t!'fn yurs at pprlcniyj, will ba lo ii' ! ft lie i' -'nti for ll.e sraaoe, glv I. i ii ' f r 1! a 11 1 of our SRrill ( '. .' ', ,i (."crlog bis Sivlr- (; :nil pr' '''',-1. f r t'i - -, . .... 1 ',0 to 2 .",1 .... 7 "'l to !?'.' .. V. ). -'i l-i i :,1 !:l or Col- r. a. i i A L.J la J I L-aJ that we have Offered (1001 reward to anyone who uses it' and doe not find it successful in killing off rata, mice, cock- roaches, ' water hugs, - etc. ' Steartu' Clectrlc Rat and Roach Pasta la cure universal satlafacJionY .The peculiar chemical izt this article it of such f a nature that- it drives rats and mice out of the bouse gasping for air and water, when fhev die outside and are immediately con- I su mod. "lit is aa absolato exterminator of these dangerous pest, . - ' "" email Size, Cents ; 8 oral lb (eight time tier; quantity), 91M, '--:-.!-T All dealers efl ft ot sent eapresi. ,.;'t.: i ! - ."prepaid on receipt d price, r IXEOTRIO PAST! CO., nynnma, uaaavjamv, ajua m BARLEY i. one-of' the oldeat cereala known in; hlatoxy.; Bat the bar ley grown today 1 the product of esq turica of cultivation. Although )t l hardy oertal, and can fce grown in any temperate climate. It la beat cultivated le.our JNorthorn State, where the toll It peculiarly adapted to ' produce the most nutrlt'oua speclea, s 'Milwaukee; the home of the Pabst Brewing Company, is located on the edge of a Vast barley district, where the bist barley in America it. grown '.Pabst has hit own buyere, who have 1 ad years experienre la atlectiagbarey,apd whose exclusive employment la to parch the two million buehels of this grain needed -ery year. - Every bushel ot barley used by tbe Pabst Brewing Company Is tbe best the land affords, and thl Insure the great- rat poaible nutrition, in the malt from whioh Vabst beer i made. Tbe.hopa, l.kevtiae are obtained by npeclal em ploye whose office It li to Inspect the crops of this flower each year, and their purchase Is governel by their practice knowledge of. the best localities of growth, and also the quality which prs tease the correoi amount of aroma and hop principle" nacessary to product good beer. Fabst Beer ia alwy par because It I brewed from' only the choicest material. Before any vat, brew-kettle, keg or bottle le uaed a second time, vast corps uf men and women wash, clean and scour these receptacle until tbey are sweet and clean and free from all con tamination. Svetem. the best labftr and tb Uteat clentlflo macbloery are uaed thr JUghoul the great Pabst plant Cleanliness and quality are above au use ooienrea jo tne extreme.-1 - ' . The doors of the Pabst plant art al ways open to visitors, who may inspect for themtelve tb superior method m ployed in the mtnufscture of Pabst Beer wbicn could not : ne ma ' oetter u double It price were-offered. ' A free bottle of Dr. ThacW Liver and Blood Syrup will be sent tb any reader of thia paper who will write to tbe Thacher Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, . - : ! 'J" . '-rri-V'l..W Analysis of Y ado Me etim Water." f - it -.', . t -1? Oralet r-i. n p Magnaalaia Hulphat. Calcium Balphat,. Mji 29.71118 8tronttuH Bulphat reyrf. ., V-'.. 1.17101 Bodlum Hulpbai....,...,.. '. i.04P.1? Sodium II 7 p. n' plate .v.,. , ; .11081 Ntgnealum Carbonate.......... ,-; SftVA Calcium CeboBt...;......i... IVftlM Bttriallum Carbonate..,..,... ';' .1H41S Iron (ferrous) Carbonate.... .19715 Lithium CVorlile...". .0i: Hi itlurn Chlorlile U.B'67 rw.iham Hromlile trace. ; Hn.llum loillil...... . 1 .0013J H,llum Arrnala. . -, ,(KilM tVrlnin Huorlile - .OK'.lll t iliiura l'b"phaie .; - ' . .0IK.8 V ..-ninT Mirala. .1 H"f'13 A initilna. . . Sill, Ic Arid. ' ,7W 0. 1x.a (HuiUle eninllnait Willi tiuno Caibnnatf." ' I.ts:i31 - l'il.V "-Il 1 '.o al.e shnws r'- n' in r alyils 1. f IVpum f 'nprHi r 1. df by n,i 1 "' ' . V I . il a . I t - ' "''it, , 1. a. i . 1 1 - 1. lev '2z::i LJ.dia,t0jfcmy9 BERNrlIrS5 ' The Largest aud Best Equipped Boarding "School in Eastern Caro lina, - Specialists at the head of every Department.' 'aoulty of 19 mem ber (Including Ucture faculty, representing University of North ( aro li'naj University of Virgink; A & M of MiiBslsslpp'j Texas Noraial Col- egerHelhaven Hoppital Medloul College, NiW York-, tJollege Phvaiiiau and Wirgeons.'Kew' JfotV; jeabMlj.forinal College, New Fork Oouser- vati)r'yf Music; American Institute f Normal Methods, rot, ton; ( on samtory of JMuaioof Aii.i-Frttnce;" JjUipsio Coiwervatory of Music, Geriqanv; Harvard Uttirerit):TriDitj, College and other promiatut iu stitntiont. ir- ' SEVERAL THO0SAKD DOLUAES being expended for new building', Barrack", and Dormitories and supplied with city water, as pure, avfthe State affords. Bath room Large and Loyal Studen'-body Iaat session. Apply, at - once fork Catalogue. ' 5 t ! Carolina Business College, " 1 Hew- Iterji,' lS i, A Separate and Distinct" Spelcaltists." . . . ? . .The best and most easily mastered methods of Book Keeping and System of Shorthand ever developed, are used in this College. De mand for-Bookkeepers and Stenographers greater than we can supply. Positions guaranteed to those taking paid for those taking fall Shorth nd Take one of thess courses and lition. Apply at ance for illustrated Catalogue. Address T . S. J. Holladay. A. B. LL. B. - President. m HALT!! AfMBLiT' V i The treat remedy tor Benrous prostration aad all diseases or tin. t..-i,.i,ni v 1 organs 01 either aei, auch aa Nervous Prostration, Falling or Lost M.uil,,., 11 - of To -bacco'orODium. which AFTER US1N8, Jbofor' &'!ou?U!,0lureor ra(uad moaex' Suld ai -i Sold in New Bern THE NORTH State Normal and -COURSES- Literary Classical Scientific Pedagogical Five courses leading to Diplomas, Well equipped practice and Observation tundry, tuition, and fee for : of tt book, etc., $160 year. For nun real Jenls of the Htale $180. Thlrteenih annual session begin Bep'ember 29ih mn 1 To secure board In the dormitories ell free-tulllon applications shnal.l In. mu Ir before July 15th. Oorreapnndenoe Invited from ihote deilrlmr cumpBieai te, -imi, nd ttenogripbere. For catalogue and other Information a.l lreia CHARLE5 D.HcIVER, President To Let Bouses, f Rooms Each. t Don, 4 room good location, newly palsied In side and out. 'On Mew etotaia Mut atis part of city.. Bte 158 Boalh Front treet for Information. ! : -u We keep for Retailing, Lira,- Rip, Tar, Charcoal, 6uve Wood, ose Engine s BoUer?.'- . :'; 2 "W. W wfip-Wew.fcook Store for old gtovet, so hilog your old Slovet aed gl a new coo ftove la richaoge. - - iiBjeiiiiif Importaat to Prop trtjjOwneps.1-;, " Material. 1 hat' uutllute rare ieed-and-otae va paint maker from $70 to M per tor. Why In oreaaethelr profltt at yor, a. Davis 'Paint Is Guaranteed IOO rep Ct. Pure. Free of Cot ff olberwls. Wilt or Olsraatee and Booklet oa alat lalka. t . W. M tLLWOOD, dUtrlbator Naw Hera, H. C. Return of-Purchases, ? .-rtc. ; ;v- OfBre of Cleik Dnaid Coftply ( omm. aloB'rt, Cravan Co. " ' - '' Na I'.ers.N. C. June BJ luot," Bin -If yon ate tbt nnr uf a I'ublU Farry, l!rli!,;o or T"ll-Uate, or If yra are a Uvarjmaii krfi.iug norms aivl miilis to I1'", or If ymi r a di-a'i-f !i,.,-!t- n,,i!fl, virK, of a i. 1 ' livir ir r, a'', r 1: - r : I l-r 1 r. t i' i 1 r tr lighted throughout by electricity, beautiiully illustrated v Institution with a strong Faculty of - combined course. Bailroad fare and Bookkeeping scholarship. -Jet us help you to a ood paying pn lead to Conaumotion and Insanit.v. wm, ...rU by Davis' Pharmacy. CAROLINA Industrial College. Coramercial Domes' Ic Science rianual Training Music Advsnced course leading tn D.yn-. H Bohool. . Pacalty numbers .ri0. linar.l. . About Quick . W ork . It I ay whan a man knows bow an. I ha aa up-U-date mscblue to do Ii win. We belle we have best labor ami n chine that money cam gi and alw, carry la Mock mtterlal of ovary ie,r 1 1 P Uoa, for oar line ' of vw-rk, and m prepared to do good and qalok work We bnt Rubber Tire po your old i.r new wheel. W shrink yo jr loos 1 1 res fat a soacblna jrlthoot entting them, or without taking tire from wheel on bugiry while you wait X very body la in vltid to ea the aostchlniat work putting new bolt la old place. . G. tUXYmUn A Hn a Puoowaor to O4P. Waterrd Hod. "v -7 Pbotm T8 Broad V . w ttaiia. V. ? M . X KNOW WOAT U0tR- MfANSf lllerally, 11. tv Bear that Worthy . ' nama ),onli hav lain loaf, Hkat a rial for Jtudweta bwr ia that It ba 'c II tn l ell tli.mr.l. 1 .1 bt Is ' . n.il tin's ti.tmliua I. Ml r.-a a. a. ft " to K Ctinsiitttoraj. lUdwal , P. Tr 'o ""I ( . 1 1.11 t f r rv 1 1 1

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