a v. St I e id 1 ....... i al. f h 1 1793 Lltallr located near Aihrrtll. MtLlTAKY. coeiioende fcy Ar-j Offiri and A"- Inipectots, Aafvaln Puplla luteadof inereulng coommodin.u.ii. IHJ par haii u.ia. i: :. COI.. B. itUiaUAU, Sapt, JU P. O. o. li AibeviUe, H. Ci WORLD'S FAIR, HAT-NOYEKBEB, 1804 T.SOUTIIERn : ' Account above occasion, effectivs April 15, 1904. Southern Railway will place on tale dally, tlokeU at extremely low rates, to St. Louis, Ho' and return. Follow fug are rate applying from principal points la Slate.ot Votib Caroline! r-U" '- " .: r - Season . I 80-D.y l 15-Day A.hevllle. ..S.m....-.....-":- --.' V H - nnrh.m ........J v'..!. ' OnM.tn " !..... 'Greenaboro.... ...... f...i .....' Henderson,. ........... j.-v ? Hendersoavills-..,... '..(,.. i , ,' Hickory.,...,.,...,-... , , . Ration s , , Morgmton.,.,... J. Newton....r......., v. ; . i . Raleigh ' Bnthetfordton...,..'.... 8antord...v,..-.4.... fleltta.J..vv.iis'..i.''.... ' fitatewllU fvla Knozvll'ol. . WIlbMhArn . ; Wlnitnpi.fiil:.....i........,..ui.i"':"-'ll Wt. "" SonOum Railway wllCeffectlW April M.1904, inanguratohrongU Pnllman Steeping "Mmi QrWn.boro. N. di and Bt. fconU, Mo, U Ballabary, A.h. TlUe KaoxTlUer Leilngtoa and touUTUl6j toTln-Oreeniboro dally, aV 7.80 ' For fall Information u to rates from TBMmtloni!, ac hednlrt, lllnatrated lllaraturo, etc, addreaa AN X AQJCN S, or , R. L. VBRNOH, Trawllnt; Paaaanger Agent, Cb"lo5'.Sn,."w n Z J. B, WOOD, Piitrlot Fauengec Agen, AneTjHi Ki Q. v tf S. II. HABDWICK, Truffle Manager. T ' W. WTiLYIaOI fieui rasengcr Agent ; 4 Wii5HIN(7rON; DI C STherD s-Roora,; 1 In Tho - Great s H. Ton erer considered the tare of lbs Bjuthweat-planty 3S " - 4b yont noma sccttoB t Irt worth eoatldering, aspaoU 1'. f ' ti mat trodttt1a worth of tha Und to Ukea ia te-f r s connt. , ifa wouiiuj-" agrlcultaral section .in mm ;pnt there-la Arkaneas, uaiaooma aao iaa t7 tauae thare are more larma """"."r-,"- y , t V-2toS aa opportnalt, of this Mad I .Wr Jilns , 5 f-bookleta wltt gltVoo tha partlonlara la detail. 11 wrt - , ; latoreVted 1 yoarselt wrt forjhem aay way .In bahajf tf ;v m . .: !?Ll .alatlves and aelahbora. rt?C : ' ' (Meatlo 1hla 35 VYi.u , r PLCS- ty'DOLUES, 22 1 For tteRodhd Trip 7 AMiJ' V rirrtand Third 2211 1 Taeadays of each ; SWV' Month X Good g J Telephone rV' ' IS A BDBW188 :; Kiozssm, 1, HOMl c .ooKVxmxMCX. ;a com- '!4r V Convenience OiWf Yaari PkM at Oncal r r Lit siuN MKir a"'"" if f . gt ? i I i'Einin:c::i;ir.!ii ... i- - . Tlpt m le In ih n, Vi hurt -,Dt 'all"ni t.r, I to Art aad! Cptl. ( "! I I'l (' -! t'tlll -,t ll (- In b y'i i!iyi. I ln!ln e ldi. da Sunr lv k. f ' uliy of il , ' ante sad lraty.f"tir vi.n.pn, I !: ' Bttl URl tf a full ft-! . v Wake f ft an4 f ' 'ili -i' ..ff Biliary. JUc'' ni:h t' Kir)lial yiln.rl fur f of i.!cl . ' nawMM4tnaj Sclcnuilc j;:;:r;::x CUailiDy, tinl , fjXmlr aamiii Tie Munfoit r.f i lAf Pilirlpal, N ationa aad at lultlca, leal, 1 pfcf tb Its, pif Mwlotij i, t t, Cm: i rn it,. ; i 10 U I tv.a r Ii. t - a! '' t,.l I ' c .:'T, - iiii' iiion or l r ! ! . I It 4 sjSa RAILWAY.:: 111 ,. ' SB 40 W ow 8810 - -,8010 24 68 . ' 87 10" . "8140 . 28 89 ',1 3880 8410 T - 18 40 ..... .kjw , s- . , 40 s" J8 80" J?S- 8410 .4785 ' MB 840 n isao-r S8 40 - 38 80 88 40 88 80 - - "J .80 85 2810. . S J - fJ0. 85 55 r 87 80' Jj V 84 10 i- 88 40 -S3 B9P .'..mm 's 89 60-K 8840 ' -k BiPX)', ;.,V8I40 V' . .-88 40, f"8480J -J ' 84 80 ' 88 80., ;4 86 85 W, " 8625 . 23 80 ' ' "'.2514- ,18440. "40 00 1 tow," 8885 v tor:; bucccss je Southwest great 'adTantaga. of tbll fea- of elbow room Where three, . - r .i-Tr,;-. Paper.) i.f,'8ilDHWEi!ii'rl:2 "';Blehmoad. Ta.- . JOHN SEBASTIAN, rMMtpt Traflte Kuiwcr.'2 v CHICAGO, ILU ; ' - V :ng '' -(. -' Partona wlahln their baUdlng wired wlU pWaaa saake application, is -wrl tlag. i w- Any eomplalaU for JafaolWe Ughta, laattantloa of eajplojeea, Ac If mads la writing, to the CommlMbn, will aire oromot attention. Address all eoaaaiaaleatlona to the Beeretary. WA.TKB A LIGHT COMUlBaiOli, ". - ' 18 Griffin Su llorigage Sale. Paraaant to the esrtata power of sale COB U! Bed ! that oerUla nortrage d exaoated oa tba 4ik day of 'jooe 1903, tram Uia Carolina Oannlnf Coapaay to laa hallonul Hank of Naw Herat. reord d la the ollloe of I ha KrrliUr of LU of Oraraa cnaatr. la book Hfl, pass 818, The BBdartirned vlll oner lor ! anil atlltothe hifthwl blihlrr for cb, at ita Coort Bohm Moor rf trttco oun tr. oa Wedandar the TOih day of An mat. at Iba hoar of II o'clock, M, all lbs following dracrlbed real and purine al amoartr lo wit: A eaiuln plane Of tract of Und, It'" aad btlns la (Jria coon it. huia afoi aald. la ho 8 Toaahlp, and d(-rHi4 ad t'd(ln1 as folium to wit; Nnaf the ehf of New Ili ro, tni lru:it In tb olaaofatowo l'a fur rYlUUm 1'unn anon a t erulo plot or pUn, riulr t'-'w ad la U V'Mrt of lb .. 'iwr ol l,)-fl of Cran coni, in wla, h r frr aaaile for the fill a..-t timm.Uof aid Uml, aa hrrrla llrril.l n will JiPf.'r-rr fct f.olnt on tb Nor' iU(.f( . h "t, ' I f- b-iit 'frn In lfrl! ti fif t : h ' r' t ii -I "A lltri I, I poll. I Iv I if (Pi nilwir f II 115, ! 1 I luni - u n n ti ' " ml if In' i": '" at'll l"nfir f'M M ' ' ' ' i h r' hi. a .f I t a . 11 ! . i i . to mm a -a ugius 1 a Tan Mir. i- - .. Wash the tiiOe in warm va-.r, re move nil flashy uiuin.r from the iua-t surface ami loose Uitt from Uie lmlr Bltle. NowvasU in strong, rather warm Boapau Js. The olJ time soft soap made riui -xrnftl ashpa la. best. Either rob by band or gently on a washboard. As soon os thoroughly cleaned and rinsed press as much of the water out as possible. Add the following mix ture to the flesh side: Common salt and ground alum, one-fourth ounce each, and one-half ounce of borax dlBsolved In one quart of hot water.. .When euf; ficleptly. coor -to work with the hand add enough rye meal to mafee a thick paste. ' Spread the mtsture On the flesh aide, fold and let it remain in a ahady, airy place for two weeks and remove the paste and wash. When nearly .dry, scrape the flesh side thoroughly with a dull knife,. Eub "With the hands until the skin la soft and pliable, w"- " A small pinch of lard placed on the heads of chickens will knock Ilea stiff, and: it wilt not hurt the hlck. r lace bra the bane of fanciers Who raise pure bred fowls, and a great many Ills can be traced to-them, , 'Bowel trouble, weaknesses of .all kinds, going light, cholera, leg weakness In young cock erels, KeneraJ debility and numerous others can alt-be credited to them. Xlce- Tevel In filth and there multiply, and take the flock dotfn in a .hurry. The comba tarn black, and their bodies get Bo ;lighf in. weight that thewners think ftey are really "going light," which U'.but another name for con sumption, kIhe only way to success fully, combat lice Is to flght them all the time. Farm and Ranch. , ' v ......'.v'Carliisf ClOTer Hy..s'..A..:". Last year I-went into a Jive -acre field pf clover just .abont the time it was in full bloom and cut ft flown, says West Virginia farmer, in National Stockman,. After noon the rake was started, and what bad been cut before noon was raked up and put In shock. The evening's cutting wag put up the next day..-. The bay din not look as if it -was more than half cured, but aa soon aa I could I put it all .in the mow. The hay heated considerably jn the now, and I felt a Uttlo uncertain as ttf how 11 -would look -when opened np, but .when 1 fed it out during the. win ter 1 found that only, where it got air was there any, damage done. Nearly all of the hnjr was lu good condition. 'Veep tke Cwws Cla. The- cows shdald be . kept lost as clean aa possible. There Is hardly any necessity of keeping cows with filthy flanks, , belly, uddar and teata, says a correspondent of Hoard's Dairymaik It Miatib linrelv nothlnff eicent a - few boarda, .Jittw time and energy.yto nx tfie atolls or stanchions in any.pld cow stable so that the cows cannot Sat soil. ed. vOt course1 some "cows' wlll. soil themselves If they are obliged to ah most break 'their necks to -dp ltr ;ln snch a case it might be better to give the butcher chance to do ."break ing," provided be iswUllng td pay fair price for the ptjvllega; y;r ; Uot9 Aak and Prafeiaw'-'-s? If has been demonstrateoL that In thA fattening of young bogs a ration con taining more protein and ash than does corn gives better .results tpan does a sole torn ration, This' Is something new to moat bog raisers.- it has been quite generally recognised that In grow ing the frame of bogs-much, protein waa needed, but most people have as sumed that when once tb frame had reached a remarkable sise a whole corn ration could be- fed to advantage, m Ex periments mads st the Iowa -Station apparently show the opposite. 1 "arm and Hois-'-..!?:' ,.. The greatest Joa of lambs Is due to -tape, stoniach and lung worms, and as these. parasites are always most nu merous in old paatures the proper plan Is to frequently change, pastorea, says Wool Markets and Hbeop.-When at tacked there 'art nnmerous remedies," but onoof the simplest and best is two teaspoooful of gasoltne In four ounces of swent tnllfc-umeU as a drench twice abont ten days apart oro' must be taken to avoid strangling,, and a good way la to use In a bottle with a lamb nippl - :'."; - " .J ; - ' ' Ltilla Prom fa OakWw Tti The utility In -cooking feed for anl- moia, and eapclaliy for piga, waa giv en moat -attention In the days previous to lrrveatlgatioDS by experiment sis (limn, aava American Cultivator, Cook' Ing feed Is no loiiger regarded aa an eeoooinlml practice for fattening ani mal. However for breeding stock and ahk animal and for animal whlcb'it Is donlred to not Into the very ulghmt rondltiun oeoklng may be prat tlced with good reult If ip'u I dlarognrdid. I'lK ao fd show marked thrlftlues end health.' ' , flnti Tanttrr. ' ' Vhn proi'irly cnnM for fow!4 Will fo aa wll aa If nnt In yards than wben allowed the fri-lom of ! prm ttwH, an) a N"V V"ik farmer In Amor- lean yVurieiiltnriiiL The cnr lurlml plenty of pn-eii fiv rvery dny. Law -Hlpl!lK llo Very lilet'ly, CloTrr, h'ttiiifi nml wei-H. I Imra Med Ihcin all nnd f niml (Imt Kurt rnpe g t! lmt nllilml by tl.o fnH'la nml I fnnlly rnia.il a tiny o'tier pre-n f-xx! Tb li ') Jlnilliln olil;rli- iM-liK ait.l I i." . a r.,K d In M ill" 'L"l n 1 y ' : IVIim '. r.i i to I n S p.)oii0; lUi wn-lh, -I .1 l -,.!!.-! ; tl'ir Inn i - - fit i I : . - .r lvt il...a 1 i . in ti.t; 1- : .riu of his career this season. I-n.-t ur he ranked with the top noteliern. ml he is now ei'!!iing the most bnl uut of his exploits. . ItCilfern's latest fet was to pilot the X),000 "picture horse" Uermtf to vtc- ;- - - -rfear. 7 -'-Y NT ' OCX St BBDVEBIT, WHO V?0!f TPS SXTStTB- Bkg WITH HXBKIB. tory In the' classic' Suburban handicap at Bheep ahead Bay." He won a stake of 817,000 and 875,000 in bets in. that race for his owner, Bs B.; Thomas, the millionaire sportsman,: Kedfern. is the leading Jockey of the Thomas stable and is well Worth his salary of 820,000 a year. ' ..-".T'" '.lr-..V , r-i- Fita Has the Ftaht Pever, "The Grand Old Mau" of tha -prise ring has got the fighting1 fever again good and hard-, Down at Bath ueacn. N. T., Bob Fltsslmmontf Is Siting the bit" so to apeak, and tugging hard at the chains that bind him to a life of ln activity, because all the heavyweight, light heavyweight j and mldUJeweight championship . asplrauts who- .loudly clamor for some one tor flght, all crawl into their respective holes and pull the holes in after, them when Fltz looms I flare -you to ome oni and ugntr inadry . yells tbefreckled treak," but as they all know of the pile driver pow er behind the old man's wonderful walr lop sUenc jrelgns .supreme. , No x one takes his dare. -' " ,- Bob Fitzslmmons Is tired of 'talking flcht" and yearns for "real action." Though McCoy, Buhlln, Hart and oth er aspirants for his honors have shown a desire ta meet ITitzsimmonav- none of them has as yet clinched a - bhttle, Ruby-Rob has -declared, again, tbat-fce is willing to meet Inside of three weeks and in a six round bout In Philadel phia' ony. of the' men wb declare, tbey are anxlons to get at him. The Cornish: man la sincere, an. dlsgnstS' hlra that tha fighters contiuuBlty dodge, (ils game after making such a holler for a match with mi-r':fi'.:. tu Among the-, new jtacing yachts seen In eastern' waters this year are 'W, Gould Brokaw'a Sybarite, trarchased abroad and reported to.be the fastest yawl- ever built In Great Britain, . Bbe la one of the, .'prettiest of Designer Wstsoa'S many beautiful vessels, and- under new name she will enter the Astor 'cup race, the! long ocean, race and other New Yotkr Yacht dub events. Among' the well Known yacht .that have gone 1nto. commission "are. the eighteen ' knot- Norma; which' raced Kanawha oft Newport 'last summer) Mr. tTlnt's Arrow, the big three mast ed Atlantis, back from her long cruise la the Caribbean; tb kllndora, Celt, Kismet, tba famous old Viking, now an anxlllaryr- the Lasss, Endymion, Wanderer, Aloha; Narada,- Wacouta. Among - tba r American yacht, racing abroad .'.this season', are Commodore Morton F. Plant" schooner Ingomar. She made the passage from Bristol, B. L; to the Needles In IS days 9 hours 2S minutes and-, bebayea well the n- Ure.trlp. Kali', Irlah Caaaisloa I. Thomas F. KIcly,- the champion all round athlete of Great Britain and In land and" the preaeut boldee- of several Kngllsh and Irish records,- arrived In New york recently .'He came to Amer ica to take part in the all round chain plonshlp gninee at Bt LoUla. Klely has a long record. ', He captuf- ed the Irish champlouBhlp title every year the event Was held, and It was finally abolished When no competitor were forthcoming to oppose tha Car rick man. He IS tho holder of eighty champVonshlpa and the creator of forty records and Is the poaaexaor of 1.600 prlw.i Ilia Ix-Ht record with the bam mer I 151 feet it Inches from the nine foot circle, and be baa slung the fifty- six pound weight 38 feet 11 Inches with one hand, which 1 the world's record. Kieljr's native placti la Ilnllyncal, Ueii Carrkk on fculr, I'oonty Tlpiwrnry. JI la thirty years of ago, stntKls alx fwt one Inch end tips the acale at liK) pound and lin a chnit mcaaureuK'tit of forty two liiehes, Tkt Troll lB mt Imui, . Kecreturle of pmnd circuit true nr commencing to announce t rlieiii B f,,r tho pur rn'-a, aa ln'l! ti"U Hint the opi'iili it nf the harm aenieiu on big Hue 1 renr at Inn Bume fetv of the homea Hint v ill I Pe'll in aelw-t o'lely pit'T nil rt'n'ly I- li. "e tr-. lo !. . ! , t: ': I i .il t ' e I t .. y t -1 I., on t; .' I .'1 ll. 1 '. I t i-l t! 1 1'1.4 exnibito thrill of moiltcrhood Every woman should knowthtt tha danger, paia and horror r of child-birth can be entirely avoided B scienUSc liniment Jfor external nse pliable all the parts, and asalsU nature in ita sublima f . work. BylUaidthousanda 1 fwomen have paaMd this 1 bottlabr --nirffists. " Our book of tmcefeu r. I ' I! ! I lu walua to all woman sent free. .Add tSAanaa tmmArem oo ah, MARKS ON MEXICAN MONEY. Chines BankT Affll Thnlr Saala lo V". Qvavaatee It aaIaaa. ;. As everybody knows, Mexican dollars circulate in large quantities m the for east, where bankers send large quanti ties Of - Mexican silver dollars every year.' ." r,v ' A' year 8go- reporter, saw one of the ilexlcaii pesos that had been in Circulation In China for some time and was surprised to find it covered with small Chinese characters like so many seals, r. This dollar was shown to Liang Hsun, Chinese minister, "who explained tha presence of the marka as follows: Tha bankers, of wora there are hun dreds in China' who receive Mexican dollars, affix to them their seals to guar antee their legitimacy, and as pesos circulate and go from one bank to an other they are being marked by all the bank who receive them. In case the peso proves to. be illegal the .banker who sealed It fast has to change it tor good money'and withdraw it from clp- enlatlon.: -1 . . . . ."When the pesos are completely cov ered with seals they are-sent back to Mexico to be recolned, the expense be ing paid by all the bankers whose seals are seen on the coin. It is In accordance f-with a recent agreement -that it often happens that dollars? although marked all over their two faces,". continue in circulation and are highly-esteemed, as the seals are so many guarantees that they are genuine,' The decision to seal pesos was taken because illegal' corns began to circulate In China." Mexican Herald., - . . Farmers should not waste sq much as a postage stamp on "ginseng or the fakirs Who try to sell them the roots. Ginseng is a root much desired by the heathen Chinese, who imagine that has curative powers.;- Its habitat Is un der the forest cover m humid climates. It can be cultivated with sufflclent care and; expense under proper condition, but it la doubtful whether it can he got to grow in California Bt all.It : re- quires about five years to raise a crop, .at .which , time In . this state it would probably be stotea, as It la quite val uable when finally-raised: .The best ginseng -is said to be raised In Korea for the .Chinese market Those going into the trade must therefore b pre pared to compete with Mongolian labor la Mongolian markets,' which we assure them will be found. Impossible except to those ready to conform to the Mon golian standard of life. Ginseng roots sell. at high prices because it easts. so abominably to produce them, even In the- most favorable locations,- and no one can even guess the coat or the stuff when grown in the dry climate of Cal- lfornla-lf It can -be grown here.- Let ginseng akjneBan Francisco. Chroni cle. ,- -. i. '.. ' . v.; - ; .;2 The Mo'stPatlent Nqw Bern Citizen Ilust i . 'Show Annoyance : At Tiines. i ; Nothing spoil t food dlipOSltlOB, Nothing Uie a nan' patlaaoa. ' Like say itching of the kle. , Itching Piles- almost drive .yoa crftzy. . 7: - j '' v T' -All day ft makai yos mlserabls. All sight It kwp you wka. 'T lWh, Itch, lick with no relief. .-.-- J tut tb same wun jcseeia. - . Caa . hardly liep. from acratchlag it. ". - . .' . ' : 1 Ton would do io hot yon know It ajalea It wora. - v - 8ich mlaeiia are dally Mkhu- log. ' ' '.',-. ' " . J'enpla sr learotng tliay ' ea eared. .' . ' ..'.." " Iernlnf tk marit f Doan' Olnt- ment, - - rientr of proof that Doan'Olnt mrntwlll cure 1M, Erifma or an Hi '.'m.r (jt lie t'.'.o. Jintllie Icitlmnny of a Now Her n I" i : (it: !T, J r. ;. !.4ii-U' alms at "i V i r -'. i. I I'., f -n I i, - t i.kL r li .; t' il 1 f !,. 1. nf Onncral : Mole etr t !"" 8' ! n' I to t r i t f I' il ', . j y cf t'.ie household, for wi ittl ' it co Lo; 'nebsc-ii lie completo. ilowr, eet tha picture of mother and habe? angels smile - at and commend the -thoughts and aspire tions of the, mother bending ove. the cradle. - The ordeal thiuugh which the expectant mother must pass, how- -aver, ia so full of danger and uttering that -ahe looks forward to the bcur when sho shall V with indescribable dread and - by the use- cj Mother's Friend only, which toughens and readers . ' ) ' i . , J 1 ' .T' ,' M i I l' fS' , J M ill Nil -T 1 Hi Wa-J i-vi I For boys and girl. Faculty xep-.jf. t resenting Wake Forest College,'. -The Ualvcralty of Noith Caro-r Una, Catawba College, Southern 1 " Female College.liittleton Female v College and Peace Institute. Pre pare tborongbly for college and for the active duties of life. Non sectarian." 8pectsl advanUge In ,rMnslc and Klocation. Msgcifi. cent scenery. ? Mineral water, . - No Malaria, Bplendld commnni ty. Not a bar roomJn the con n v ly. Board at aotnal. coat. Lsst - ear the averago cost of board -: wa 14.87 per monVh. Tuition .' $1.00 to 13.00. ' Room rent 85o ' ; v per moalh. - Session open July 18th and olose April 4th. ':. For tllutlrated cala'ogue, writs . to- W. D. BUR0S, A. B, LU B., .,. f- '"-"' Principal. LawndalerN. O. INEUSTEIAL EDUCATION. 1 1A&M tOLLEGU, RALEIGH, N.C. . A gr (culture, EnglneerlugMvlI, Electrical, Mechanical, and Mut ing), lndattrlal ChemUtry, Tex tile Indnatry, 530 Students, 831a- J structor. Tnltion $20 a year, Z Board 1 8 a. month, 130 Scholar- VAddrsss ...''.' iBESIDIl WIllSfON, i " n i v tnxy-8-rr r .... dm 6xii0BD;H."c. ': - - The flfty-fonrth year oeglcs j.-. cokczi4 uwc iut xvu. uiaaaicmi. BolenUflc, and English Coarse, best Moral, II enuli Boclal, and Phytlcal .Tralalng. Every member of the. facnltr an xper- x Apply for catalogue to ; . :v J. U. UUKJtitK. . . UNIVERSITY T;:op.;north carouna! Academic DepBrtoieat, : . -. ;V---., '' M.f.t ' ', " '. free initios to toachar aad to ministers ".'. loss. . CcaolarsbJp end loan .1 for lb aeedf , Z, H 1 ' 20 stddists. ti isrraocToaa, Rw Doraliorlea, Or mnaalnm,. Water . . Work, CaWal Heating 8yatsfB " - Fall term terln . W Bspt . mi,. Address . FsasciaP, VssaBua,rasiDirT,' : . Chapel Hill, N, Oj r W Intritute for Collexe l Course Younw Women (tk PF.AfF.Vuk-.. Conserva tory of Mnuc. TA CatJ-r" FRAK L.'if. PUca for Yonr Daughter lluifs Flmrnuicy iz7 tit. I r.:i i:::ocrum;:3,l Vf.rt. ::' , TcilctAr t i r.n;l Coap. ly of 4-- . . U s 1 BALtlOM J i w. c. r y til - Oaa. piawtidl -Chesapeake and 7 Ohio f Rail ; v .WORLD'S FAIR CCirjIC E0UTL waint louio; iioV; ' -' BHORTKftT, QUICKEST and BEbT ROUTK. Ysstlbnled..Bletrlc Trains wllh Pullman Sleeper and Dining ' Through tickets from Carolina with direct connections." SPECIAL R FOR 8RASOB", BUCT'S r FIFTEEN DAT TICKETS, t ' jt ' k-rlfwi da; ticket from New Bern, N 0, $28.15. n - rr Bleeping car accommodations engaged upon application, ,s -''-: ."-w :' j;8PKCIAL COACH EXCURSIONS T f, on luthorlzed date, tickets good for ten iow raie rr ora otnor siaiion. - cpeciai accoramoaatlon arranged for pan Btnp ovars permltled withent nult at C.4 O. celebrate Monn'tala retortsi f .trsK TH E 0 & O ROUTE and purchase you tickets acoordinglv For coach exennioft dates, reservations and other Information address - :S -"". iJr(..-, WO. WARTaWT, Dps Richmond, Ve r.-W.-H V KIV v-aa. Afrt. U l. KV , T. AUreen.'freai. . - i - " B. H Meadow, Vlce-pTesU'.- -- " . A. Cxasll, Cashier. Citizens' ; Bank, xrvw wsrxua.tor.o Oo a Genera! Banking Buslnesg . Surplus and Uadivl ded Profits, $38,00CU)0. ' " . We will give prompt and careful atten tion to all business' entrusted to us, We Invite your account, Try us, '' .t Buiurd si Dtxaotora. . j;V" rerdinaad Dunes . al. H. Waadowa, 1. a. Meadows, . Ohaa.0p.0y, Jr. s BamDatW.Ipoek '- James Bedmond, Obaa.H.rowwr, . -.' Mayer Halin, J. W. Grainger, laomaa A.Graaa, E. W.SmaUwood, C.S.rov. imo. ll.Ivaa. - w.y.orooaatt.; Mark Dio a , L. B. Habicht, FINE ThS Finest Liquors and Wines. Habicht's Key West, Habicht' Ten Cent Perfectos CIGAR3, Corner 8 Front and Hancock Streets, New Bern, N 0. . L..WABD, Attorney at Law, 74 Ho. Front Bt, Opp. Hotel Ohattawka ITEW BERN, N. O. Craven County Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jonea, Onslow, Oart srek Pamlioo, Greene, Lenoir, -and th Baprem and Federal Oonrta Notice of Entry. Bute of NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, To George B Water, Entry Taker for Craven County: The undertlgned J W Stewart aad 0 H Wether iogton of Craven county, North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece Or par- oal of land In number nine township, Craven caunty, Slate of AorrfrCarollna the aame being vacant and nnappropriat ed land, and (abject lo entry, viz: on the North aide of the A A NO RR, bounded on the South by O H Wether- Ingtonand Hiue Bros Lamber Com pany, by heirs of Auguitu McCoy oa west, on North by the McCoy land, Ben jamln Loftln and William Wathsiing- ton, on the East by the-Smllh lands, con talnlng by animation One Hun dred (100) sores mors or lei. Entered this 38th day of Jane, A D 1901, O. H. IWETHERINOTON, J.W.STEWART. Russell :Hqus6a ; " : BKATJJFORT; N. P, C -Centrally located. AU the dell. caoiet of the. seasoa. Well tenti lated room Good bed, Phone ooo reauncef, Polite and attentive Ser vants;. Ratea $1.50 perldAT Bpeclal and liberal terms bj week otmonthJ Q-A; HUSSELL "5. 'i proprIe(ira 10 P18C0TJMT. e a a -. look Coatalnlng coo pors for 600 lbs. of lot la 10 Jb. eowpon,, value 4O0 wlU. h sold W-mstomerS at a dltconat of 10 per east., -x 3' " V, - I f3 80 will bay 84.00 worth of ICI If book b prooared, sltber from the driver of Wkgoa of frna lhsofflos.18 Grlfflt ireu;';:-u" " y.Ui'--i !cv7;Bcrrirlco Company. World's Seeds. Crimson Clover Sown et the Inst wurki-j r.f 1' :Corn cr Cc;:!;,n Crf p, ran Ke j utl'l"f te fn!i"Wii g ;-ril r.t y,4f In t!m l- plant Curu i r oi :. r cropa tho it . a,n-' n. 1 ii I. I in t,ii'V-r i rf- r.ia i r nf t! -.i in -i il In f-1 :.o to a ir -.1 ,., I .i .,! ! .1 Lager Beer IGB Car. K j ' . .days at rate of t22,70. .Correspond Mortnlt. Vs., - a:&n.c;r. I TIM TABli HO 8 Tp Take Effect Bnnday, Apt; 10, 16 ri 'f .Wi01.J4,tB,8.T. V Going la t BoamviBr Going W Wfc raSsenger Trains No,4 DAILY. 'i;, . Lv, p m ; BTAnomt J- Ar. s 6oldsboro..,.,.....H a a. Krtirange. ..,...; .10 423 , ...Kinston. .......i.lO B 40....Ar. New Ben, Lv,.. 8 1 J Lt. ' -Ar..,., 8i 7ift.-,.Ar.Morehesdo1ty Lv..;.. BE No. 5. No. 8, . Passenger Train. Passenger .siAnoaej. on, f ITam DAILY. Lv.a. m. . -- -s-- Ar.b?.a 8 00. . . . GoldsbOTQ. , ..k ., ., . 8 8' 8 18............ Bssfs..v....... 8 0 8 3 LaGrange...,.,... 78 Falling 0reek.....,7t 848 ..KJnston.-..i..:.. 7 8 J ,0sawea..,... 7 8 W ..Cow Creek.... 70 860...... ...Tnscarora .,8 5 8 54 Olarka- . Its 1010 Ar. New Ben, Lv...." 88 a, at. . p. a No. 7. Passenger - No. ",'. Sundays Only Ar. p. fi Lv. New pa Ar. . . 8 1 ' ....Rlverdale 8 4 . . . . . Croatan. t 0 4 ....Havelock 58 Lv. a. m. 10 80.,.. 10 40...... 10 48 1088 1116 Newport. , r,i 11 80. .Wildwood , OH. 44 11 40. . . .Ar, Morehead Oity Lv FREIGHT. No.1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 9 3d Okas. 8UNDAT -. IdCkuw Lv, am 'a' Ar-dp1 51I....M- ..Goldsboro.n.;v.,r8 6 2 ...Besfs....n.;i 8 13 LaGrange.,....,,,,, 8 0 JI k. Falling creek..., .W 1 8a 1 83 Kinston.. ,.M..r .18 1H 7 40......-.....oweU...., 18 01 00. ... , Dover. ....,..;. 11 0 1 40 core orsek... .......10 4i 10 10 Tiiscarora.....,V..10 lo 1088. olark'r..'......v 54 UOO Ar. New Bsra.Lv 8 30 So. 7. r : Mat'"..- Tnee, Thnr. f Von, . Wed, BU . ' - AFrld. 18 80. , . . . .Lv. New Bern Ar. ;v. 8 05 1 18.. ; Rlverdale .-..,' 7 8) 180... Haralook..,.,.7C ! ""if... Hewport, Lv. ...... 8 ' WUdwood. 8 3 88 AJtaatto.,A...,-r S 8 88 -. .Ar. Mwbead Oity, Lv..... 8 8 00 ...Ar. U. (Air Depot. Lw..... t Supplement No I,- ' - To take effect Saturday, May- 14th' a 11,08, am, 1804, - ; Kut Bound, -vftWsoad. No. ail.- o Naaiar"- . DAILY, 1XCSP ' FRIDAYS AND-. tBTJNDAYB.'j Lvp. m, mnba ,Arp.m. 4 00 ,t..Goldiboro.i.t.,iwu,.8 M 4 30.;:,.r,.C;... Best'! iJuMn'Jt 8S .4 89..,.. .;LaGraaga,,f.rtM. n 4 40,..; ....Falling Crsek,....! 5, 4 88 o Klatoa......l t. ...rt.(...Cawalli.,...v 138t 8 18.,,".. ..,J)ovr.....Ms.u., 13 33 8 80,.M..H.Oors Oreak.sam.11 U 8 49.:....i.';.Taearorai4.A. f It 40 8 55M,a.4.MUiirKii.ai'Mn:; 11 81 ; 8 lOAr.Jew Bars, lJ..,i M 09 tf 'Ko 818 will pass Ho T, where ever tasaaaadrna ahead ad aad toGolda boro as leas ethertwtea Olkarwiae or dered. "-.-;.' -'- : - - -.-'-- 'Vf.w HjTdilL, '. B.A, MtWLAKD, ,Jf eal Bupt ataaar Tavupotastfoa. i - -. :' A.' f.'JiCLLEMAH; '; -"$t-V-1 Chief DtopatckR . -.' -r: v r: IlotaTiIiu A, Brnnii ATTOBIttT At Uw. -Practice In the eonntles of Cravn, Oartorel, ramlloa Jose and Onslow, and m th fcuue rJdprasaS aad Fsdsml Ooune, - . I ,q- ,.. .. Onios: Boaih Tmot Straak ersgTile rVh oSoe, Nw iksa, tf, 0. 1 -, , . " I' ' Dr. WUUams1 .IndUd Pile Ointment will aura riind, Dlaedhif, TJlcemled anrt IUI.li r'.. It absorbs fit saaier, !!!- U. it. Mi, rat enee, et as pool tie. a h . t.rallsl Sold ky DA TIB' 1'1!ak'.:acy. -, -, -. - v 1 ( "' a r.E.r ;f.i,Mrar4 - ..'Mi WARD, - t : cr.tsxLois a r : ta 8c)nl 1 ilif rapj Of , s', to -. 1 1. ' ' tif 0'T. I liUat, l m !! rune a I f a rt s ar

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