J i, a I AL, J; -j 16, 1884. :rt. . 13. 1 EKIG3TS i. ilcuii Sad end 4th In each month In X Pollock etreet,at !.80 , h. B&IL President:.- . yj H.B. UiX financial I; ';i to rew iiTcrtJsemcnto. Bonds Tor Sal, v - ' - ' J. O. LaDd-Kafert Baked Bread... Eui tnon & Hollowell Oo-hoe Sale. S i ti! mom & HolloweD Co Hark down Easiness Local. i N New latest Improved fine drawer o 1 iul Singer machine, Botary mo i a. 1 fti ii!! price 60. -Will iell Cheap i Hull, CT Middle St. s . . C ABTRAY from Ueli owner, -onlldeeese., Owner can' obtain (inly paving charges. 0 H Lee, vlcr'a Ferry. -" iCST Gold Society Pin,' H. B, Holland i -raved on back. ' Reward tf returned i . o. D. office, ; V , , JUST RECEIVED Boat load of Bogne Sound Cuban Sweet Water Melons, Bread Street Fruit Co. MILK FOR SALE from fine Jersey cow, stall fed nd watered with pure city water. Mrs Brinson No 64 Metcalf Bt. ' BRIDGETON BATH HOTJ8EB I have fitted oauwo nice bath houaea which I will let at moderate price. Convenient to New Bern people. A B Wallace,neer foot of Neuse bridge. "Whites only. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER de sires two or three houra work every - night. Apply to X, care of Journal of- fice. v . , : FOR RENT 'No J88 Pollock street. Nice Modern Residence In good location . pply to CBEtU, 85 Middle Sb. BOMB Grown -cantelope.. ' Broad St .FrultCo, -Or? A FINE Lot of NunnallyV Fresh Can dles last received by express at Daw- . son's.-' 'wjrj4 .. FINE Country Hams at Oaks Meat Mar , kol. '.hyfi-:.- K of P's Take Notice! Ton are notified to assemble at your Castle Hall, Sunday : July 17th at 4.80 p ta to attend the -memorial aervlces In honor of our -deceased brothers to be held at Cedar Giov Cemetery at 6. o'clock. 'K:':'':'-:it'LL ' Visiting KalghU are cordially Invited to join us,"':; V.ai. ' The public Is Invited to witness the ceremonies at the cemetery. Ths pro gram will be published In the Sunday Journal. .-, ' z Wslt for Barf oot Bros' big clean ' i sweep sale commencing Tuesday mors- v log. .. Bee ad In this paper and big hand ' bill for the big cut In prices. V . - Kext Week. " Mr A Green, tepreaentlng one of New Tork's largest "wholesale jewelry and diamond houses will be here next Mon day July 13th, (hewing a complete line of samples from which yon can give or. der'iat i x. ' ; " O BIXTER-B, '('. : TheJeweier, One day only . which win be July ISA, ' y, ;- r:. :;(:ovcn County 8 per cent and t a red by Mortgage on City Real j to v. " or W, HCGHES, - -t " Committee.' :crj BtearJ A -I .; m.i-k . . ' , Gal:csl na riblbllloa here. Vol I flat totter tOo. r t ! ,, B Bacon, Side Meat, ,00 Meat, Best name, nUns, cbewlng tobacco, r o, cbemota. t f u r. aUal, Floui. -1 r !nt-fd to !" fiatnr- ,t :;HaIUsCoI't t. Ptop th It!Trilae 1 r'TS Willie se er.W. n. . 4st ' tsia t The weather today itill be warm sn 1 fair. It was learned jeiterd&y that Altor- ney R W Williamson tu conllned to his bed with malaria fever. . ' All changes of advertisement mast be In this office by IS o'clock, (noon) or positively so changes will be made. With the recent remodelling and new coat of paint the residence t Mr H 8 Hancock on East Front street will be one of the handomest residences In that part of town. The Infant daughter of Mr and Mil B OJEzaell died Thursday nigh, July 14th. ' The remains were taken' to the Abbott family burying ; grounds, near Qrltton yesterday for interment. . Mr J B - Robinson" of SDovo and Mtis Amanda Outlaw wtr married at the home of the bride In Kinston Thursday afternoon; Mr and Mrs Robinson will reside at Cove . Mr T B Davis, paator of the Tabei necle Baptist ohirch, In Raleigh wil preach in the Tabernacle Baptist church la this city Sunday morning and even lug July 17th.' The public are cordially invited. - Friends have ' received word ftom Qessts Bishop. Hughes andCoxwho are traveling In Europe, elating that they has a delightful trip and did not suffer from sea sickness at all. - The let ter was mailed at Queeuetown, England, July 6th, the day they landed, ; There will be a game of base ball be tween the New Bern and Wilmington teams Monday afternoon. '. This game Will be well worth seeing tor the Wfl mlneton club Is composed of some of the very best players ta the state Re member the day, Monday July 18th, The Burma ft Gray Co, grain and feed dealers have removed to the west side of Craven atreet In the oil Cotton Ex- change building which has been greatly enlarged and Improved to accommodate their business. Their old quarters had grown too small. , ;- If any one doubts that the servant question will be one of the most serious problems that New Bern people will have to solve la the near future, visit to the dock at the lime of the steamer Neuse's departure will dispel the doubt, Down 8 of colored women leave on nearly every .trip going florth to aoeept situations and the worst of It Is that they-are those who are willing and able to work. Those that remain here are too old and disabled to work, or If they are young .they are unwilling to become domeatlosj A Trlbote of Lot. Snatched from the folds of love and tender care, almost before we could realise It, was the life cf our beloved Nets Hall Nee Richardson. Her sick- nest was of short duration, only being for a f aw daya. YeYahe suffered intense ly, without, murmuring, as was. her disposition throigh life, never to mur mur or Complain. Patient, loving and kind, to everyone aboat her. '. The sick and afflicted never nested her by without some kindly aid or tender sympathy. Her kind and affectionate disposition won for her many friends who will miss her so much, ; She leaves a husband and dear sweet babe of fifteen months, besides a mother, brother, rela tives and friends to mourn her lose; To those of advance years, there Is great compensation la the thought that every recurring year, brings as nearer to them. nearer the end of osrr Joaraey. , As the loved ones have fallen by the way It has become lonely traveling. If kindness and sympathy con Id baatsk sorrow, ours would be gone, bat while that may not be, they have brought a balm to oar wounded hearts, the fragrance of which will never depart, x, Friend. Norfolk Ledger please copy, . , ' ASKIN. . V,-)'t JulylStlu The Farmers' Feast the Slh seemed to bo enjoyed by all all who attended, ' . TLara Wain mot antra thaa half lb a I aumbci of pigs barbecued that were ex pected though everybody got plenty of dinner. The game of base ball In the afternoon between Zpworth and Lima I we very eioltlng, whea tb game end led the teore was 1 toll favor of Ep- Worth. -Taeerowd has beea estimated frosa fire hundred to one thousand. The Beoton Orove base ball team are expecting to play the Olympte seam the 18th at Otympla, they played as the tad I and we wee the game. , RevJBrUspaM Is expected to his tegular appointment at till Bwamp church Batnrday and Sutday. Two members of the faculty of New Hartt MUllar Acadasn Vail at U I rarmer' Feast, Prof W B Kemp end 'ICanlJW Balth. A anmbar ot enr bote and girls are expecting to at Kb that hutltatloa next session, ' Miss Matile Btevenscw and MIm Emms Wiloox of Lima are vUHIng la our v deity, f ' tit i b Eimpeon aea mim tlice riim soe ere spending a eocrl time wllb l. pren s Mr and Mrs A P Blmpaon. W'.tm alio ts Uklr.g a conn In lUuUn ! Csrollaa Ca!nt ColU-je and Hi both epeah la very high lersx of tH eoll'ge. AHo'clixX Pnoilsy arenlnf !r U,nf )l!a Mr NK!bs VDils d'r 1 fc!s homo, a;: N yfrt. tie ) wife. thrs ..nl ana ihrr -, 1,'r , i n.'.nn fc's )s. ( 1 i , 5 - let'. I f hat P 0 & W I'.v-J : 1 I ca EvV'.t By A4Crl. For several dsys t'-ate Live b.-en street reports, eiid rumors t t the Pamlico, Oriental 4 AVe&lcra ro&d In course of construction, had ben pur chased by the Atlantic ANorth Carolina road, and that the latter road would finish the P Ov & W and add It as a branch road, " ' - ' To ascertain how much there was la thla report, the Journal called upon Treasurer Matt Manly of the A & N Q. Capt Manly was told of the report, and laughing, laid there was absolutely nothing In It." The temporary - stoppage of work here on the P O ft W Is not due to any sale or transfer of -the road, at has been rumored but on account at Ink of PlHbelng engsg In the Sunday liquor a w liose.a -8 w , turiness. He was tried In the Mon ths Neusa river. . Piles of the needed A " rt .,, Kv, r,--. , . length were secured but being light wood, were too heavy to be floated, so had to be left to dry out before they could be towed to where the bridge Is being constructed. ' The story of (the sale and purchase ts like most etorles at this season, .purely "hot air." - , Nallonal Leafie Gamesr. STANDING OF CLUBS-: Won. ' ' 45 41 - ,40 , -SO ' " 88 18 l. Lost. SO 87 ' ML, 'BO 88 r. 47 63 Per Cent, m 689 ,' - 671 v 18, , ' 1 408 878 158 Ne w York, Chicago, ' Cincinnati, Pittsburg, StLouh), Brooklyn, Boston, -PhUadelphla, " Clnstnnattl, July 16. The folio wing game was played todayt - - v - - NASI NewTork . , - 6 - ; I Cincinnati - v ' 1.8 Batterlee-Matthewson v sutd;Wanaer; Xwing and BchleL r Vmplreei-Emalle ana Jounstoue. ' . Bt Louis, July 18-Th foUowlng was the game played here today; ;v , - r I . R H , S Biooklyq " ' ' - I , 4 St Louis ' " . ' 0 i : Batteries Qarvin and Bitter: OaaiJl and Zearfos. U.Zi Umpires Zlmmer and Carpenter. Chicago, July 15 -Oasu todays' Boston- ( : ' '4 ! i Chicago J 'ii&X r". Batteries PIttIhger and NeedhamQcr rlrlon and Kllng. "ZSc. .i. p TJmptra O'Dari; .ink;' PltUburg, Juiy 15-Ih ollowhwt game was pieyea toaay. v -, ;.;r Phfladciphla ' ;-1 Plttsbnrg i: .';v-'.lvl Bstteriee Mitchell and Dooltti Cai aadfimltbi V . . TJmplre-Moraa. -i- ? ". THET CDXB AND GO. ' Mrs R TJlrloh lefton the Neure last night fur Virginia where she will visit friends, f , Mr ana Mrs Oharle A Baker rttaraad yesterday after fortnight' visit at Vlr gtnla Beach, -v--; r; i .. 1 Capt 0 C Corbla of Norfolk Was la the city yesterday. ' t .. fj-' ; Metdamee WUllaxa MldyetU, of Orl tel and Robert Williams of Portamoath wer visitors In New Bern yesterday. lev H 8 Bradahaw went to Moreheed UatalghtV -V' ? ; - BevQT Adam retamedlast Bight from f syetUvUle where he has been vU I ting bis old home. ., '- Mr J M Howard started for New Terk last evealag on a business trip, 'Mrs Mary Case was paeuagot oa ths Neuse last Bteht going to Norfolk o visit her daughter, Mrs Orr. Mr D W Bailey, left yesterday for See to o a business trip. Mr William Rue who has bee vUllttif relatives la New Bera left ywterday re turning to bis home ta New York. Mr A U Rawlins and family left oa the steamer Neuse latt evening for Vir ginia Beach to apsnd the summer Mlas Caratva Clarpoole went lo Black Mountain JeateriUy to speid l. slimmer. Ths Oaks Meat Market Haaaii the best of everjtlilng. c6'; V I j; t t.Ar d Koa la FoUce Court Far A", j. 1 Violation of State Law -and City OiJinanoe. The second edition of the blind tiger ami anday liquor selling catee wae In eriJence la the police court yesterday. Considerable Interest It being develop4 In this matter and It 1 a significant tact that Illegal traffic In Intoxicating djlaka cannot be carried on In this city with Impunity. ; :- 'r' ; :. - John Spencer, a colored man was on trial on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday, also of selling liquor wlthwt a license. The defendant was represented by Mr Robert Nixon and the prosecution by J I and R O'Hara. V- , The main witness was Foster Williams who himself b nnder indictment for J wwsv aaaaasi whuu vit SrV due ajupwf lor Court f. ; David Barham wu on trial for celling or procuring liquor on Sunday July 8. at witn yy liuems ana Bpenoer wu bound over to court. i - ' ' , The evident purpose of the tttate'eat- torney's wae to produce evidence to Im plicate the saloon keeper or saloon keep era who deliver tba goods, the men oh trial being merely the alleged agents through whom the liquor Is got . The mayor and police are working to gether and putting In their beet efforts to stop this Illegal selling of liquor and they should be commended for their vig orous prosecution of all such cakes. .Was Pleased With MewBenu Mr Sd V Heemau of Elizabeth City, Dullness manager Of the "Tsr Heel was In. the olty yesterday. -H t studflng Industrial condition In Sastern Horth Carolina and vUtUng the different cities in this distriot securing such dau u wlU be of as to UmyRf'.'K H : was greatly pleased with New Brn, H think It a ptetty and atuao- tlve olty with Uv nd energetto Jusine men who take a great pride In the place and make It . one of V the most progres sive clliee la the But. He wu partic ularly Impreeaed . with ; the courteous manneT of the business men and others, ad say we bavo all the requirements of a snooassful community v -. J ' . B believe that there I a splendid future In store for New Bera, her pub lic spirit and enterprise entitle her to tank; among th Brst si tie of the He was a visitor, at th Journal office sad oompltmented th paper tor tu pro- gnsslv and energetto spirit. : -, A HOstB REMEDT. i . Bvt hVitma Reedlly ZUld to Ban- , ceck'i Liquid Sulphur. ,: Ailments la childhood and ecsems I th aged allk an on red by thla favorite houehpld atd. , yz'Mt laecaem th affected part cf tern the scalp Or ankle ehould be bathed la water only when diluted with Haw oock'i Liquid Buiraroi nature's gnateetgarmlcld- -1 ' ' : . " Acn, Itch, herpee, rirgworm, plsv pie, prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh aadeenket are gueranteed a earthy Hxcocx's LiqciD BcLrnins,vaUx sore oo dli Ions of lb eyelids, scalp, nose, mouth and throat. 'i-'X : . Bold at leading pharmacies. , Valuable descriptive booklet oa th as and re SBlta of that standard article, Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co, Baltimore If d. , . Try a bottle of Carbonated Coca Cola It poeaesee wonderful ton) properties mad from th famous Coca plant and Kola auc '.c .-' y: , '-' . Gc to the Oak Meat Market forth beat Canned Meal. V " t.:iE.:cir i cqllece (If fr,l"I'T flCMMOHU, tPHIt-reTim-r'M,tT SadalMMlaHra HoiitaL " j w-t- T v raonve. , forsnykladof t Call oa Ovcn Q. Dnnn i -. 'f.r. i i r. 1 ' k k ( : 'ByDish, Quart or cltl Flavors Bread St. Fruit Gompany. J. ZX. ARNOLD, : Livery; Sale & Manse Staples. I have pnrohased tEe horse bna- aesB of Mr Hahn and am now oo- onpylng his old stand on ' . Middle Street where my coBtomers can find me, and I trait that Mr Hahn'g farmer cuatomers will favor me with their patronage. We have a large stock Horses and Ifules xluggieijW'agonB, Harness, Robes, etc which nill be solh at cost for cash, or at a small profit on time. Patrons of the new business will be treated all right at heretofore. J. M, ARNOLD. Hahan's Old tand, Middle Street. AlVriSEPTIC jBlarrhoea Cordial Prevents, Relieves, and Cnres, - DIARRHOEA In fancy or old agev .Absolutely Safe. Contains no opiates. For 61 at HARGETS, "West Broad St. MwwweiaMrHBcyeaMWiie Disinfectants ! 1 - . " Chloride of Lime, " Sulplmr Candles, on sale at "s :"y t uawts TUOWTV SO.' r n uinq lil 1 y n Every pair of Bhoes in our 6 tore liar lied Down. -If you want a pair ot Clicc3 or Oxfords for, any member of tL? rriily, ccrao and boo X7hnt vre can da for you. : '. . . .. y. : SPECIA1 LOT of OXFORDS tSl tizzi (net tho latest tJyls) , Great CLEAH . AI4J4 C.00E3 4 dry noona. ,. - I Heavy yard wide HomesDna 4a vd best Light CaiiocM. clean weep Ho AM aed ?o PrUta at I , te Apron Ginghams " -. - 4o lOo Oreae Glnirbama 4 " 4 8c 4 rant Cloth for Bowa ' ' J 8n Good Bed Tick , ' 7o 75o ready Inade Bheet t 880 each , - NOTIONS, W , - Mens Negligee Shirt 15c 18c Ladles Fin Bleached Vests' 0o Boys and Misses Ribbed Hose . 4c Krtra heavy 16o Ribbed Bote 8e xoo. HScead ooe Ladle Lac Collar end Neckwear n . , 90s Ladles Summer Corsets and Glrdlee , 20n lisaiea ana mens sin umnrsiias, aa-' eonea wooa ana" mti ntnaie worth no 10 tl-50 at -' 07o each Window Shadea, all fixture ' 13o" Genuine Oil Shades: 200,880, 88c and 48c Summer Busgy Robe, embroidered center swe Ladlee Linen Collars; new st yle 8c Lustre Rmbrolderv Cotton, all colore 4a Embroidery Bilk, all shades Slo m w ana ail bi.oo . MesiiM vnt- sets at i?6e oatr Mens 75o and 1.00 Negligee ehlrts at 60c t, UKttsa oooua. Small lot Dress tawnf 4o yd Sae now under full Headway. As goods sold at above prices wiH melt away in a short time. Come and yon will not be urged to buy, if prices do not tempt you it is because you do uot uee I the goods. ' Every article advertised will be so!d will be showu, as we never advertise merchandise we do not have. Terms of rale Strictly cash. No goods on approval or exchanged. arfoot For Sale ! House moving oilflt In perfect con dition, nearly new. Two new eet fella and about thirty jacks. Apply to J. M. REGISTER, New Bern N C. arwHiHBSJBaew)eitwieieej)ejaii Crude Carbolic Acid, etcfor dlsintecttng MesasasP parmacy 8UEESAiE!p::l TIIKOlJOnOUT ' Tlffi BIO lOe tod itie tiwnittv? 8C id' 18 and BO Uwn at i 10c yd 16c Voile, clean sweep ' . 10 yd White Lawn at . - . , 5c,7c, tto, yd up 8O0 Topes 811k at ; 4e yd Pongee 8llk or Champagne - - ; S to yd SSe Silk Mull for evening dreasea 16s yd 6O0 ail Woolt Voile, black and eolore''.C .' ' vi4 40o'fd 100 Quality Woolen Voile - , 78c yd 48 Inch Black J) res Qoods nov- r ally , , - 40cyd 76e Mohairs, Black, Navy ele 46c yd 71 men Uhlne BUk. all eolorj ' - 40n i ueanttrui woolen Bklrt Oooil so a sue One lot 80 and BSc Summer Dress Goods at : - lOevd White Mercerized fillk Walstlngs - wonn euc at zoo ya 18c and 80 Pk at 18c yd auuuN jckx osri. All Mllltoerv marked down half to a third. New maimed Hats from our own workroom el $1.00, l.Htf. 2.00, jutt abont half price. One lot Ladies readv-to-wear Bats value up to S 00 clean aweep prlce.rholce fi.uuana i.oueacn Sample untrimmed ehapes. half cost. Chlldrens Htra Hate beautifully trimmed at 75, 1.00 and 1.50. All flowers and trimming at cUan sweep prices. v 1 0 IT 50 Three Piece Suits will be sold at exactly half price: $7 50 Suits now $3.7. 10.00 " " el.OO 12.50 " " G.25 15.00 " " 7.50 This is a chance to soJe money. Terms strictly cash. J. G. cDunn & Co., i 57 Pollock Ntri. o)To)f CAROLINA BRICK CO., The LARGEST SIZE and BEST QUALITY BRICK offered on this market. For prices see M. M Marks, F. R. Hyman, (i. A. Nicoll, T. Or. Hyman, the New Bern stockholders. Plant at Clark, Hyman' Siding, Kinston and Kobenwnv.l e. Annual Capacity 15,000,000. At The Dofly Drag Co., . Cit.Bbi ailMSIs. JllctLvHi.G;-l will b glad to f yon. ' But, If roe eea't torn. Just phos Na.,'107 sad w will send bt yoer bona foe preeerlp tloae sad afisr they have beea carefully aad aeearately Vied, we win promptly deliver , tba medletae wlta a tr ebarg, , We are yoers to serve tad roars to pleas; s'of aeythlng la lb dragllnepleeotlfy a.; We 'ore yours to pleased we i j : : I'i.ovAt, . ,1- r I V Greatest iuntln. in sn.i.u ' la fact ail mllllnw atiuat abont vour r own price. '.. . Several very handaome pattern BaU at lust half price. V nowers aoo kind, at ,6e, C0:hiadat " 88c; 7Se kind at 40c bunch. fenrai Hat Veils, 76 grade at 45c. 50 and 75c Ladles Sailors at JOo. HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. Ladies fast Black Hose 18i ktid 80 Mum urop anion nose lio and 80c. Mens 75o Btlbrlggan Shirts 40c Ladles fine bleached Veats and 14c. wane, niaei ana colored 811k Mitts 15c White cloves at 8 and 12r nlr Slens Bathing Bulls at 88c and 56c a suit. HAMBURG EMBROIDERY. EDGING AND INSERTION. Miles of Usmbllttr Edvinir mil Tnr. lion at from 4, 6, 8, 10 and up, all at greatlv em prices Klne matched sets of Swl s and Nainsook &Un lo tbla great clean sweep sale, Lace Eiigo, Allover L,ace. EXTRA SPECIAL. 8c an.! 10c Osmbrlc Finish Floe Bleach ing, yarj wide at 6fc yd 75c and 1.00 Ladies White Dock Hats at 46c each lieBt Spiol Cotton and spool 811k 4o spool. ros. Fire, Accident, out I .Plate Glass In surance Boma aad Fore'ga comraolw: MI5S ItaXNCB C. i t ; C ' A Card I Ul tkls mses I Infurm my friends aad patroaa, that I bave sold my later eale le tbe 81 Esebaase sad Livery SiaM al Ne IVra, l Mi J M Araold, akn will roaiteu lo r. mI rl ihitMai seei ' I htre arraeee.1 to i tale my (.Ooe at tke 'NiM aland" 'or the purpose of saset leg my maay f rleade, aad oolleotlag eUlae aad eceonat dae ate. - Tlih UaakstoaJI for past patrot ,. ' . I em Yeri Repeerully, . ;' MBtKH fUBtr. . ieeee 14 Tatl tings , Retired, : mttctan" Wkolwnne end eiltag. later- r: li i I 1