JO j J. U. L1ITCDELL & : C 0 , .. . , f Witt Meet : : rrtrv,oHirtr. .. thA ' IHmato rta rmirt hilt I worn goods to run .t i QdnnoKia iiwinnm petition with old or down our entire stock 4LI Corhvet us; "Our loss your gain Commencing Saturday cMorntng for.:3 3E3eiys Our Entire Stock will be offered to the public at prices un heard of. ' Remember we have only been in business since March and our goods Ate all New. Save up your small change, it does not require but little money to supply your wants at this sale. SEE HAND BILL FOR PRICES and Remember this sale is for 3 Days only beginning Saturday Morning July 16th, and will continue Monday and Tuesday. No Goods Charged, Sent Out on Ap proval, or Exchanged During This Sate 1 1 mm & co, PHONE 288. 43- Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. o oDODonbDnoDODODODoaooaoco !! A & n nn n .11 li if . f ii i iarMi il n n N- S- V Our Reduction Sale is what we knew. H it would be, a big success. ' s O VWehave onenore week to give you O bargatris. Every thing in our p tore will J J be sold regardless of cost. . There Is H i - It ... k'V 8 enougn for every Doay. uur f q I (1 . II - 1 ..--' " 1 II II 1 1 itnrir (r flnnrmnna ana muai eo. k I I '. 'Syin nrnflfH on ftTivthinc: r ' - : vv - ' ..5 "Don't buv till vou'knowour nrlco.:. Y Tielnii ! (b fmonBwr,Dn. VHf - '; rif ?'. -rrr. TII lift ' rof '.X ; '" I, ' f 1 " ln I.'k k t'i;r.!s!ii, It. (.'. x - y tot. Ufa ot trade.. Leer havintT XIO Old 8hOPS off we have been .-. Vv aH. "NTfttsr and v th market in com ahop worn goods. to mark 1 at a great loss to HAAA44ftM O a tr o o C) Sr. C) . r:.-" . 'til HI ..T. ,. w ( ) u For Salol (6 th ' - , To CO itw Frown Cotton film tni on Lfff I'ower Cotton Trsil, nil) loll km; tht-op to jrt out f my wy, An' J to in; :t, ? , :: ( . HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS. Ii Westers taroltaa. - Big Coorrf ssloml 'JiiUt; Too uchCll!zatloa , For Col" Dayldioo. ' - - I '.Rilelgh, Jnne 19. Among today'i if-1 rlYilsf m Tbeodor r Davldaorj ,of Aiheville, wbo-vu sen in the office of tbe Governor. Ha bringi good news from the -monnUtn redon. H eld: "Out monntaln people are tbe qntetest and happiest people yon ever aa There never were aucb crops. Oar peo ple do not owe anything. Bo UtM they are concerned tbey are all well aatlaflad wltb (he State and NatlonalDemocralic ticket. Ton know tbe fountain man always does things cheerfully and with bla.wb.ole heart. There will be a hard fight H the congressional campaign, but we are going tp .carry the district". It will bono child's play, however. We aria normally entitled to 1800 or ?,000 majority, but the Republicans spen'l no end of money. Their conoentuted power la In tfce-lerlaral building at Ashe vllle and it is no trouble for them In any campaign to ralie as nyjch aa $50,0Q0. In the last campaign they had no end of money after spen ling it freely In every nook and corner, had $1800 left, their chat' man told me." " Col Davidson la devoted to the moun tain country, and apuakhig about Tosa- way, the Sapphire country said, that thirty years ago Gen Wade Hampton and himself discovered It Where they camped and met the will mo in ebloer, the bear and the trout, now there art- $2,000,000 worth of splendid holels.rail. ways, macadamized roads and high civ ilization. Two years ago Col Dvlujon n'ojt there, but the change was so great that ho only stayed for . tw days and says he will never ret un. Gov. Aycock smilingly remarked that Col Dtvlrison would be at homo thoroughly only in C!ay and Graham count'o, which have as yet no railways and are la the State jf nature which he so doarly loves. DEDICATION OF MRS GIFT. EDDY'S Jhilstiin S len 3 Church, ConcorJ, N H , a Hsgnlflcent Structure. Concord, N. H., July 15: The news paper men were today shown through the beautiful new church edifice, a gift from the Rev. Mary Bker G. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, to First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Concord, N. II. The mem bers of this denomination, In large num bers, from all parts of the country, are expected hore for tbo church dedication on Sunday, July 16. The coit of the handsome granite building Is about 1200,000, and will be dedicated free from debt, which is tbe usual practice with numerous Christian Science churimea which have been built In this and foreign lands. The dedicatory services on Sunday will be of a fimple nam re, in n-xord with tbe desjre of Mrs. Eddy." They will be held at 10:10 a n , 3 p.m , and 7:80 p.m. The important feature of these religions services wMl be tbe dedica tory message from the 'generous donor of tWs magnificent church edifice, the Rev. Mary Baker G. EJdy. The architecture of the church Is the Italian or Southern Gothic, to which the famous Concord granite is admirably adapted. Over the main entrance, carv ed In Tennessee marble, Is the ilgiflcant Inscription: "A Gift tbw Mart Uakkb G. XmT; Tn DuoatiKin and Fodndbb or. CrntisTUft Bcihce, to Fust CirrjiCB 6 Cbrtit, fmaNTiST, Coboobd, Naw Jcf iMpaBtna." A striking feature c-f tbachoroh exterior ii the atone tower and lantern, which rise lato the air 169 feet, being vlslbh from all rar" of the neighboring country and forming a handsome landmark. . Th erection of th'a magnificent cburcb wat made possible by "Mrs, Eddy's leneroos gift of ohe hundred and twenty thousand dollar.' Tbe loyalty of Chris tian Bclintlits to their b Moved Leader baa been well Illustrated In ipoDtaneoni and unsolicited donations tarl the furnishings of tbe Home Church of Mr. Eddy. A few conlrlbntfooi from aooret of tbnrcbea and hundreds of Indlrldqals are as f jIIowi: . '" . f"r i The local member-ot the- Motaar Chofeh, The ' First Church of Christ, Solent 1st, In Boston, Mate,, pretested lo their Leador tha auia of ten thouiaad dollsM fot the organ. ' . ; ; 4 - ' , The alt eburchoa of Cblcigo nulled la k gift of lea thonstnd dolUri for tie pewa..-.- : - tft. -k . FlrstCburchof ChfUt, BclsntULof Ne York OUr, gave tea ihon'Und dol lar for tbe'twa Urg trainpt wl. 4ew. .. x'ii " - -i?.. -r ; Second Chnroh of Christ, Bclentts't, of Loa Angeles, CaU atnt two thonaml dollar for fnrnlshlBg ha chancel. . v "ThefitodenU AawK-latlon of Jamea. town, K. T.i forwarded to thousand dollar fof liie lobular chlroas. . ' 1h Eansai Chrlatlan Bclonoe Bta- denU Aftwclallon of Kiasas City, on thousand dollar for the Reading liiom. ' f ( , ' fiecond Church r. Chr'at, Bcientlst, of Kansis t-ity, anout one inoniaoa aornrs for the Interior forBlBblngl. A liustmbd and wife of N York City preenlii1 lo Mra, E.ld tha tiling for the enllreclinrrh, at a cost of nttirl ten thoTsud HoIIm. , fil-n lit in l! Mon gve t vo thoti mn ) ttollnfi f-r t',n Jnn!iv tf ftl M ! W 1.1 h r .f. t t' Christian Bcienee Sunday School came contribution for furnishing Mr Eddy' room in the sew church. "The local church hal given liberally; and, iadeed, Concord' attitude qutvsgnerally shows thaOhr i'd f'proTerbif teverled, and that U Mrs. Eddy' case a prephethu honor in . her . own, conntrj as well a elaewherftfi.:5 The now church h --ona of the finest locations In the city, having a prominent position i 4 the "pnblic ;'p,uar, around which are- grouped the Btate Capitol, the handsome ; ?oit ;Offlc Building, . the State " Library,"; tfltgb;;6chool. the Jnllarlahand UniversalUt Churches, the City Library, and the new City Building fhl notable addition to the handsome public buildings of the Capitol City of tbe Granite State la on the corner of State and School itraets, with the main appioach to the church on Stite street, and consists of a broad granHe platform running the full wilth or the church, with three Gothic doorways which give entrance to the building. This toe consummation of tlie pur pose which has longbsen In Mrs. Eddy's mind, to have the church of her faith In her home city adequately housed, public announcement of which was made In a, local paper as lonj agro ae March 19, 1898 when, In answer to an inquiry by the editor, she wrote: "On January 81, 1838, 1 gave a deed of irittt to three individuals, which convey ed to them the sum of $100,000, to be appropriated In building a granite churth edifice fjr Flrit Church ol Christ, Scientist, in this city." Prior to that, in tbe f ill of 1897, Mrs Eddy had purchased the Inmestead of ths Ute Dr. Mosej Itussell, at the corner of Etute and School streets, and had ra modeled It so as to provide the Christian Science Hall snl realing rooms now in nan. This Involved an outlay of $20,000 In ailtlltlon to the $10V00, Bat asl le in trutt for the erection of the church which is now completed. The Concord tliurch having outgrown the aocommodatious of the CUrlstmn Science Hall, Mri Eddy decided in the spring of lf03 to commence the erection of the new structure. .Ground was I rokeu June 1, and the cornerstone was laid July 10, 1903, with simple cere monies, in accordance with the desire of Mra Eddy. It will ihus be seen that th- church was completed on the anniver sary of the laying of the corner-stone. The new charch is built fromdes'gos by Messrs. FiaDcU R: Allen and Charles Colllua of Boston. It la of Concord granite throughout, and In Gothic archi tecture. Its proportions and lines are strikingly handsome, and In those archi tectural symbolisms of aspiration which are inherent in ecclesiastical structures, it will be a notable featare in the city's attractlans. Ths seating capacity of tbe church Is 1,000 and its Interior finish and decorations are In keeping with the chistlty end elegance of its arch Hec tare. The builder of the church Is Noyce Whltcomb of Boston. The trnstees of the building fund are Messrs Fred N. Laud, Joaiah K. D wight, and J. Wesley Plummer. lb present Reader of the Church are Rev. Irving O. Tomllnssn, C. S. B., and Mis Mary E. Tomllnson. Cnritttaa Science Hall, which hat been replaced by the new structure, wis completed and tint occupied In Decem ber, 1897. Here Mr Eddy preached Sunday, March 4, 1898, and In November 1898, she taught here a class of seventy students, among whom were clergymen physlclane, editor, Judge, businesi men and other. The Ball ba been the meetlog place for visiting members of the denomina tion from thli and foreign lands, and here at varlon tlmta Mr Eddy hai met and addreast d her follow t . Tbe ntw edifice which Mr Eddy has given to Concord I not to be confused In any way with the proposed msgnlfl cent new addition to thn charch struc ture of th Mothr Churehof thl Ohrii ttsu BcUno denomination located In Boston. The Boston tabernacle will accommodate, when completed, .6,000 people, and l Deeded ' to meet th In croaslng membenhlp' Aere. .' rtnt Church of Christ, BclentUt, Is Concord r a branch of th Mother Church In Boston, and Un. Xddy'i gift to th lotat membership 1 made to meet the .demands . of th Coacord chnroh, which wai orgaalted Fab. S3, 1890, with a memberablp of . Ii, hot which ,haa o lotrMied la anmber a to have ntlrely ontgrtrwa It old quarter and to requlr tb eractloa oi ta new cnurcn. The growth of ChrlttanJ8clno I In plrlng. Statistic how that Un year ago th membership - of tb Mo;br Church In Boston wai 3,581 - Th mem berahlp It Bow BO.RSt, of which S, l6l united during th put year. Tb nam ber of branch churches la 1894 waa SO: th anmber now I 819, Th total nam bef of plane In which Christian Bclenc service wer held tea yearaagowaa 114.) the total at thla data I fir.9, -. Tbeclt'zeq of Concord genersily bsv taken great Interest la th now bulKliag and are Juntly prnd of th handaome additional ad irnmrnt of their fair city. In a, broad-mlnJeil way, ' regardless of claal or Creel, to a large drerw, liey tpprcUt this striking manlf'itatlin of Mm.'s loteriHt In all that makrt for tlie hlglint elfire of her home city. ' . Try a 1 . f ( rt:r I C TORTURIIID SIdn, Scalp ;aiid: it:- FromPiraples to Scrofula.frcni Infancy to Age -; Speedily Cored b) Ciitlcon ties All Etet Fails. The agonizing Itching and burning Of the skin, as in eczema the fright ful scaling, as in psoriasis the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp, as la ecalled bead; the facial disfigurements, as in acne and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants and anxiety of worn-out parents, as In milk crust, tet ter and salt-rheum all demand a rem edy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully cope - with them. " That Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolv ent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement Is made regard ing them that is not Justified by tbo strongest evidence. Tbe purity and sweetness, the power to afford Immedi ate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great' economy, have made them the-standard skin cures, blood purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world.. Bathe the affected parts with hit water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse) the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without bard rubbing, and apply Cuti cura Ointment freely, to allay itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuticura Re solvent, to cool and cleanse tbe blood. This complete local and constitutional treatment affords instant relief, per mits rest and sleep lu the severest forms of eczema aud other Itching, burning and scaly humours of tbe skin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all else fails. , Sold thronghout th world. Cuticura RMolvcnt Vto. (In rorm of ChoooUte Coated Fllla. tfe. pel rial at AO). Ointment, 60c., Soap, 26c. Oepotai Londoa, it Charter, houiie Hq. t ParU, 6 Rue da bt Pali t Boeton, ltfColumbua Ave- 1'otter Drug k Chem. Corp., Sole Proprletota. tjr Sena lor " Ilow to Care wy U amour." More Of A & C Lease. Special to Journal. Raleigh, N. C, 18. Governor Aycock says he will in a few days receive another bid for tbe lease cf tbe Atlantic & North Carolina railway. Tbe 'bidders are North Carolinians. He declined to ty mora than this. This will make three bids. Road will In all probability be lesssd this year. Next Week. Mr A Green, representing one of New York's largest wholesale Jewelry and diamond honse will be here next Mon day July 13th, showing a complete line of sample front which you can give or der' at J O BAXTER'S, The Jeweler. One day only which will be July 18th. Merchants Take Notice I The achooner Robert F Patton, now In Baltimore will load' for New Bern this week. Merchant expecting good from thtt port will confer a favor by or derlcg ihlpment-by that boat. 8. S. HARRIS, Master. 0. C. PAUL, agent, Balto, Md. Go lo tbe Oak Heat Market for th beil Canned Meata. For Spring andjQrown Chicken gt to th Oik Markat. ' Fire, Accident, and ' surahce ? Horn and Foreign oompaalet: :: MI3S NANNIB P. If Wit'.. ...... t 1P is the very Bent Paint made. . , It surpasses all other paints as to Quality, Durability and C6v: ering Capacity. ' : r ; r'Ii : . v : Leads,- Oils And colors:: a: Varnishes Enamels, Woor-TrfntlWat nish Stains Bnggy Paints, " Roof ) faints, and Taint Brashes. ' " : -."v Vind or S crccas ;'aricJ, ; Screen ; Itc fir'! L. ii " Ice Cream Now, Every Day, De livered For v 35c. a quart at your home Ice cream soda, pfcos -phates ancj all other cool and refreshing drinks at McSORLEY'S. EANTEU1M CAROLINA DISPATCH LIE and; The steamer Neuse will be wthdrawn temporarily from the ronte on Wy IMh for her annual repairs. During her abaence the stenner Ocra coke is scheduleu to sill from New Bern for Belhaven, (Instead of Flztbeth Olty)at6pmon Monday, Wednesday aud Friday. Until further notice there will be no steamer sailing on Tuesday, Thursday of Saturdays. GEO HENDERSON, Agt. A Card I take this means to inform my friends add patrons, that I have sold my Inter ests In the Sale, Exchange and Llveiy stables at New Bern, to Mr J M Arnold, who will continue to conduct the busi ness. I have arranged to retain my t'fllco at the "old stand" for the purpose of mret ing ray many frleude, and collecting claims and accounts due me. With thanks to nil for past patron ate I am Very Respectfully, MEYER BABtf. Brick! Met!' Brill!'! Quality and price guaranteed In any quantity, wholesale or retail. Orders left at J W Stewart's office at P & M Rank building will receive prompt attention. Enterprise Wrick, lie and M f g. Co. By J. W, 5TEWi4RT, Sec'y. & Treas. Wood Turning Porch Columns, Balusters, Brack', ets, Scroll Work, Grills Stair Work, Mantels and Screens, Sash Doors and Frame. All done on short notice, at Register & Ezell's shop on Church Alley, New Bern N O. Stenography & Typewriting School For Colore! Pupils. Opened at the Collegiate and In dustrial Institute, Corner West and Dypreaa Strettf, this citj. Typewritlna; taughtJMonday, Wednea day and Friday. Stenography, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Will arrange to glv private lesson on application at 91 Qeorge t, T. L. McOOY, . Teacher. d Water Cote,; " Dominion Sieamsiip C f ' y K) omau lot rommouw ornea Jast Received Very Finest Freh Elgin Buttar 30o lb, Eeceived Frestt from the dairy every week. Harvey's Small Hama English Cured Shoulders and break fast strips, Complete stock staple and st mialitv. 5 litst quality. Vonrato B 5 1 U. U. 'Phone 1. Hi When in doubt, drink the People's PaTrorlte 1711 fill iilEull LEI mil All orders, either local or shipping promptly filled, Private families sunnlied. Corn-Col lnttlinor Wrtrlro CA. NEIFEltT, iff gr E. Front St. Hot Weather makes you look lor Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers. We Keep them. Also Screen Dona and Windows, Screen Wire. C;ir loinl I joors and Sash just received. Prices Low. Heath & Mulligan Paint is the best full weight, and covers most. , m:n . ..-i f ..i.:.. n-.ji . -. . .... mm him juHcmi.ti oupne. Gaskill Hdw. & UAnDWAltK 73 MiddlelSt. Plione 147. Under Hotel ChatUwkn, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doorg and Windows. The Ice Saving Qla zier Refrigerators. Agent for the Farmer Girl anil Boy Cook Stoves. Farmers will boar In mind that w carry a very complete line of American Steel Wire Fenco. NEW KEItN, N. C aaaowwrawracrg Jot Primting1 If yjQwantFiRST CLASS Job Work don't forget to tend yonr or ' der to Owen G. Dunn ' . Lesdlna; Frlnler Stationer. . C Car. rallack tt Crave a Sta.' '. New;Firm r W aav Oj euoJ tnp at Ho fl South Front street aad ar prepared to do any kind of Ma work aad plumtjlag Contrart Mkttad, . K, ' , ' ' rvnr (nnf!''r ElUwooi, i n u fancy Groceries of ihe very please, TTIT Wholesale I h A Retail 71 Broad St Duuaing material oi ail kinca Mill Supply Co., . ;M1LL;sUPPLIKS 44 Craven'St . Phone.aifl., He Fell From The Topi So did our Percale, It fell froav 10c to 6c, v So did our Figured Lawn, It- ' fell from 6o to 4o, -1 V So did our White Lawn fall froni" -18o to 12Jo, 'l' 8o did our Dress Gincham fall" from lOo to 7o. , So did our yard wide) Homespun ' fall from -7o to 6io. ' 2.000 Vrll rTat,V,nwT -K . J ' ' J mwi. m v aa uiii. . thatirin astonih joa from 4o to" l IUa .4 . 38men'nuinner niU that will' BO thlfl week from 47 ltd a 4 v Cboy mta that muatiroaC- orne prioe, call and get bargaio ,vi trnM ox; man's anuie) tner .. moat go. , : 4 t " - 25 Ladiea ganae ' and ther muaft : go. r-'V'v.,, Ww arj , down to buainaM ml ',' Straw HaU, it 15a U too much ctXlL 6eexor window.' tha sMrt mn.s v : . Cut down prioet on all Tannie When looking fe a iI drop In at 75 Kiddle) fit jj) out with -an arm full 0f good, ; U S. C??LOW, n KiDDivi it:;z-t, kail CalC ' ' Hardwara Co, Ta w Earn. ; ; i' i..r. i ; : TiTTHFTIl v. 1 lets I () Jf (' ', T 1 7 ' I