t i . . -.. .. .... v. J, V - - r- ox! Ha ! i.-ff ': iDiTca i: a raaromov ; j?- su::c:.i?iiss UTis :?m Op yew, la tataac. . Eievw, net la adTao...... .f AnthW. tiv carrlar Im t&S titVi.. wuwl -rf ( - ; , AiTertliln Rate farailWl ra appU "toured at tie Port Ofloa, w Ben, SI. M aeeosa mass maw Ben Mi vnnu ffiCravrrt Caaty, . IINRPSTOpW.CC. MINORITY STOCKHOLDER. i -w; -.Th ttvetlng in Jersey City of the lMhoMer'ot the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company on Jnly SOth, U ln- 5 treating i'nlti prooeedlngi, In showing , how absolutely, helpless the minority ':: stockholder to tola company to, and also la the reports real, llmltsd in number, - but Which meal eome strange feature r and myitlfyjig vflgaret. ' -The unreel ti the minority stock bolder In the VO C Company la not nn intnrttl. Be baa in the pest received iComforUble . dlvldendj upon hli stock, Jand has seen aa active market demand ,orhIi stock, while today there 1b no U I T IUVUU UU MiV JWV " " f C' hont one third of its previous market , 'quotation, and uii upon apparent reas iv&nM.ii miuiMi t m hrarllol nnntml of V1U1BK VVU. ua vkmvvbv- ..MO iiimmw v., h'tcw -i - --o '.kAMMirA rn.'"Mntiiri Willi n.iriiHr L prices being paid for the fertiliser AtihUlMt inBettnBTBiolutioni were who eought itatememti of the true in- aide working of the company, these res l- wuupns oemg lurneajjown. " eteaionXor rlhe minority resolu - tlons leem to IhaTB abundant warrant, - wheath mttwo statements of the &f eompanar looked at, besides other ; ihlngt "Che eoatpany'e statement la U vu f a'.,fU imvw"w - proximate enrplai at that time of $i,685, ' "fCOO.wlineon Jane 15,1904. the state , jmelitgaVe eurptae of 8,140,000, i c dbcrep&ncy ol over one million and V . iTalf dpllara, and't lorthus Investigation " .ttl these surplus' atatements made It ap- , ;!. 'tf that year, ;June 15, 1903, wu paid m w & j a . 1V1M M U1MM avweui atau uvt avw ; ins nee tarninge.; - These itateme&ta, and the continued iMUance'of stocky With the bonus and - tutereit paid, to those negotiating their ' sale, Was aaollef thing which the minor ity stockholder wanted ' to know about :-. -.'On the 5,M0,000 -Joaa made lastAu . gust, (he company paid 11,060,000 and 8 per cent Interest While of the ,OO0,0OO preferred loan." a- financial company toori31W.00Cr afM per oent of 1U face value, the stockholders being kindly let In at pat -o 950Q worth of this . tock.s .'It flherftt we beneflolarlos to .Whom these' ,loans are made at such -lgood advantage the minority atockkold '. . n wants.tffnow 'them, but at the pres ' i-nt time is unable to find out, and will aot - ? luilll Uiose who. control the company are willing' that .'the Inside praottoal V ' -wSrilngs and doing shall be Iknown. : . - And If theee are known, what advan- tije W the majority itockholder, aad by be a majority toekaolder, us lass . ' aire be special advantage la It J Tara rprjiarked the oongreestoarfs '!auKtrr. looking at the dock. vsTwit U it, LonT, asked pp, wno 4 tlnp n4 In tha dtawtug room with t' e jtcoplelj ' It Im D o'clock. ;At thu tlm Oeorge ill . iriiiy go into committee." Then ' 1 a n tiii-d. i the moat A jaeultlng woman 1 r i;i'T. ... " j. i i v, r l!k-d her fyt, ; tt' tnvi The last time she vtott j iUJnt.wt.te bet fert when ., fn, but she did wipe them , tvpnt out"- ' ' , j v t- wr: Htwirl im. i 'ot.W papers wOl U that there Uatleaet one r i Uat M)aebae1es) : i t'.l its stages, and that U Cstanw. Cure 1 tie t rs now known , to the y. .Oatarrll being we, requtm a aawU U nlTi Catarrh 6ern Is , srng' dUeoUf lpoa nt svfaoes of the -viylng thefoBeV "S and giving the ' bniMlog up the eot' tnre 1 dnlaj :!"torhaveOtneh l jwnrs tbattbeyof. -1 for.aeycM 3. ( 1 1 fOf . lll : t 1 Cotton, Grain, rrorliloaj and Stocks Range Ii Prko. Receipts and y. " ghlpmeats. ' r- w The following an the market quota tions, received by private wire Irom J Walter Labaree AOo,. to Barrns XJo. Hew Bara.H.0.-; ;-.- X ' f T Miw To, July 21. Oonoirt L Open, High. Iw, Clow Aejfi;-10Jsw 10.70 10.M io.ei ,o5;9.9t 9.6i 9 .ft.. ;Deo...... ... v Jani. ........ '9.61-9,86 9 61 ' 9.98 9.61 9.61 9.79 9.84 Chicago, July 81. 'J Chicago Grain. 'Open. ' 7t m . 82 743 l7i) .683 Close Sept Wheat BeptCorn BeptOaU 88 83, 766 1282: 693 fjept Elbe Sept Pork Bept;bard Mew York, July 81. Stooxar- Open. Close 129 Amr.Bugar 129i Amr. Copper. ... 63 Atchison 781 62 781 24 89 121 61 1201 25f 117 147 117 63 254 Southern By.... Hi Southern By pf.. 88 TJ. a Steel 12 TJ.B. Steel pf... 2. Penn. R R 120 Brie.. 36 Loulsvllle&Nash 117 St. Paul 1481 N.Y Centra 117 ft. & W 62 Va. O Chemical. 26 Barms & Co's Cotton Letter. New Bern July 21th. The cotton market opened slightly lower, owing to the some what easier Liverpool cables, but almost Immediate ly be pan to advance on the renewed covering of shorts which was In evidence yesterday afternoon. The outlook for a peaceful adjustment of the Red Sea inci dent, helped the market. Traders Ignoring the pessimistic reports from Fall River regarding a big strike among the textile workers, and the favorable weather news. Short Houses were moderate buyers and Wall street Inter ests and New Orleans shorts helping the advance. The over sold condition cf the market Is alone responsible for the advance, sb It Is difficult to see on what other grounds an advance could be based at the present time, when the crop out look Is so encouraging, and weather news favorable, together with the poor spinning demand. Spinners are still pursuing their hand to month policy and will continue to do so as long as the demand for cotton goods continue as It If. At long si the crop outlook continues good we cannot see anything but lower prices for the staple. Working Nlfht and Day The busiest and mightiest llttjj thing thatjever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills ohange weak neae Into strength, llstlessness into ener gy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the heellh Only 960 per boa. Sold by C D Brrdhem THE HALL OF FAME. It is claimed that the father of Gen eral KurokL the victorious Japanese commander, was a Frenchman. Ilia mother was a Japanese. Paul Kroger Is living In a villa at Clarens, on the Lake ot Genera, with bis daughter, . his grandchildren, bis secretary and bis physician. The death of York "Powell, reglus professor of modern history at Oxford. leaves Gold win Smith the survivor of ell bis successors in the chair.- F. N. Fobes.'a senior In Harvard, baa been selected as the Massachusetts Rhodes scholar. Fobes Is a resident of Lexington, twenty-two years old.. T. I St Germalne of the Cbtppeway tribe enjoys the distinction of being the first Indian ever admitted to prao' tic law In the state ot Iowa. He was recently admitted to practice in Des Moines. ' Commander Booth Tucker of the Sal ration Army bat a twelve-year-old daughter, Charlotte Motte, who baa) tnarrelonsly sweet voice and has yon bralee from musiclana of note ' for original compositions. f v. ; R. P. Berrano, wbe was nominated for rice president of. Mexico recently. Wilt no doubt succeed Geaeral : Dlaa. It U reit tnat the aoiaierpresiaeni wm bare things In proper shape when be givee np tne ft ins c government.; . ..Dr. XL JL Andrews, associate pfo feseor of biology at Johns Hopkins, has been selected as one ot the advisers on the Hew . educational periodical," the Ratore Study Review, the first vont- ber of which will appear next January Henry O. Da via, I veteran, eighty -one years old, beads toe Democratic ticket as candidate for governor ot West Ylr glnia. He is the fatber-ln-law of Bene tor Elklns and hie mother was an own obiter to tbe toother of Senator Arthur Pue Gorman. - .. v .'. ! A. Henry. Bsvsfe Lsndor marched With the allied, troops , to Peking 1900 and WU the first Anglo-gaion to'.'eutar the Forbidden' City.- Mr. IDdor beadijuarterg are in London, but be frequently comes to Hew York la the intervals of hi longer Journeys. Tfcrowa rrora A Waron ; Mr George K Sabcock was thrown from Ms araoa and erer!y LruUed Be srrl'd Chamberlain's Pain rlmfrfo 1 and sr-yi It is the OMt llnlmant be ever u"1. Mr Batxxtfk Is s well knowa cut itn cf tforth riain, C"nn. Tbore la no- 1 . The farmers are boty Uylcg by oot- ton. Mrs Caddie West of Aurora .was the guest of Crs Martha Hunnlngs Sunday and Monday, - - : . Mr J A P Lane and son Louis of RoberUvllle are visiting Messrs J W and Charlie Lane here,' j - Messrs Wm Campen, 0 Tlubankjlt D Eubanks aad Others, spent Bunday at Morehead. , - " - .Messrs J R JennetC Irving Russell and Miss Daisy Brewer ' attended "the Teacher's Institute atBeaufort last week and this week.) - . A number of our oitlsens visited Rus sell's Creek - Bunday, taking in toe Quarterly Meeting -held by the Free W ui Baptists, ana had the pleasure ot hearing an able . sermon - delivered by one of the highly honor J land marks ot that place, Rev J B Russell, -i ; Mr Lycurgus vision ; formerly5 'a citizen of this place, and family, who have been visiting relatives and friends, here MtJMonday for. their home )n Blr mlaghsm, Ala.'r.l SJ . ' " Mrs J C Caffrey and son Dan and Mr 'Charlie Mansoa of Beaufort made a flying trip to our neighborhood -Friday and were the guest of Mrs Langdale and family." , ' J Mr W FCnthrle and ' family ,mad a pleasant visit to Bachelor and were the attests of Mr Abner Whitehead! - .They returned Bunday afternoon having tak en a fine drive through the country. ' Mr w b uavisand wiro ot Moreneaa City are visiting friends " and relatives here. ; ' .. V"- ;.: . . 3' Messrs O O Lewis and J W Runnings spent Saturday and Sunday at Adam's Creek, having taken the tide on their wheel?. - Mrs Martha Hunntng: and Mrs Dollie Dudley spent Friday in Beaufort. ZOB. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS. , Forty million bottles of August Flow er sold In the United Btates alone sines its Introduction 1 And the demand lot it is still growing. - Ien't that a fine showing of success f Don't it prove that August Flower hss had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion tad dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of health and happiness T : Does it not af ford the evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach aad intestinal disorders ? that it has proved Itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower hat a . matchless record of over thirty-fire years in curing the ailing millions ot these distressing com plaints a success that is becoming wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flow er spreads. Trial bottles 25ci regular size 75o. For sale by all druggists. F 8 Duffy. ' y Brains of Mem d Ape. According to the examinations of the brains of Europeans that have been made by enatoinbrts, one of the most important physical differences between meu and apes and monkeys ban been the absence of the bo called simian fold in the human brain.' This simian fold, or sulcus, which occurs on the posterior portion of the main heml spheres, has recently leen discovered by Professor G. Elliot Smith of the Egyptian government School of Medi cine In the course of an examination of a number of brains of Egyptians end Sudanese. He has found that In certain examples of brains In his col lection the characteristic folds found In anthropoid apes are jo closely repro duced that he Is able to trace and clear ly establish the Identity of every sul cus, or fissure. Professor Smith 1 also succeeded in finding human brains where the occipital pattern corresponds closely with the brain of the gorilla. As these points of identity between man and his nearest relations have not previously been encountered by Euro pean scientists In their brain studies, their importance can be wanted,; as they do away with one of the supposed and hitherto recognised structural di- tinctions.-"-Harper's Weekly. . Ttlttknhla. The man with telephonltis la on of the features of New York restaurant life, and there are many of him. .. As soon as his party l! seated and the supper Is ordered he rises, thrusts both hands In bis pockets and strona tip to the cashier's desk to use . the - tele phone. And of course every man and woman In the restaurant watches bint. and all try their level best to bear what he says. - He shields bit Upa with bit hand. Which adds to the effect of mys tery, and for some minutes be holds the center of the stage, which Is aetly wba be wants. "Then back go bit band! In hit pockett, and be re turns to tbe table.--: -4 :rX . The cashier in on popular cafe tays that tome'of the conversations are pos itively absrjrd. He overheard this Im portant inesssge:.' ,, ' -T. jt 1 "Hello, J lml- Is that yon? Oh, not lng.v Just dropped Into B.'s for supper. Tee, they're all here. Know anything newt All right See you 4omonw. Bo long. - , v ' . v.. ' If he's f regular customer, this bouM pays the toll ,'And the other patrons got t" chases . to - study ' his .' summer waistcoat ot the fit of hit Toledo coat X t4; ,THirE0PU ALt tai Che FrWa. lr Vm KvwVro'a . j . .... . inis vora or iat dm bn in vrr one's mouth, and mnnr sr Wonflorln riw xn word ucnln thuiigb no tin ffi 7t fawn fnnnil. who will ln)r 1 ,Woll, for th lnfirmtloi if thmi.nnd o Hj1 who Ilk lo linn all p thin. V Would r liat J rn-nn. ditror9r or klllsr cf f.'fn "JIrpl Ii t)i fumll i C"tt tnifi ),f rrlnii lti. A Kilnl'lir ri!rn,. , -, OnifT. ItH.I'i -i,in. f ' la I ml. r-. 1 t " : i rn"-; ) i ; r r , t ! . ' I 1 . . M ' I til i 1 July 19. Tie weatLerls very warm and the farmers are getting discouraged because of the dry weather. - - ' v There are .plenty of watermelons, at this place bat not very large, and of course you can see the colored popula tion sitting in the shade eating to their hearts content, 'r ' ' v - Mr A T Lokey of New Bern spent a few days at Rlverdale last week : -" - - Mr Geo Pellellor aad brother of Wild- wood spent Friday and. Saturday at this place,,q4, Miss Reba Morton of BeaufoiV b the guest of Miss Margaret Flaher. - ' Misses Mamie Simpson and Mary Ires of this place have ' gone to . Bayelock to visit relatives. .1; - '- Mr Rhem Simmons - spent Sunday in Morehead and Beaufort, - " - Mr Dave Simmons and -Miss Curtis of New Beru spent Sunday at this place Jit and Mrs Koringo ot Stonewall ate visiting Mr H CWoodr';. ' Mrs Damle Whttford ' who has been seriously lit Is some better; - . - -: Mr Frank Bkanen passed through this place Sunday en route for - Wilmington Where he will spend hit vacation. , ' - ' v. . The Original Two. - 'K would cough nearly all night long,' writes Mrs .Chss Appleg&te, of Alex andria, Ind, "and eonld hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I -walked a block L would -cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bot Jes of Df King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds.'! It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Rronchltls and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 60c fed $1.00. Trial bottles free at C D Rrad ha tt's drug store. -V BiitUh Baronctoi. The first baronets were created by James I., and any one might obtain the hereditary title by the payment Of 500. Since then I have rarely heard ot -any baronet being created for bis personal merit Baronetcies are main ly conferred for party services. Any one in the bouse of commons who is prepared to vote Invariably as his par ty whips tell turn can receive a baron etcy If he is i sufficiently persistent in pushing bis "claim and does not al low himself to be put off with a knight hood. In-some cases be has to con tribute to the party funds, but If he bustles about and shows bis teeth oc casionally this la not always necessary, London Truth. Exelnalvenau. Excluslveness la a brand of nothing, nsed by nobody' who Is anybody, to protect somebody from tbe dangers of nothing. . You'll find it everywhere, more in Boston than ln ' New York, more rn New York than right here In Hayfleld, but Hayfleld Isn't rid of it. Excluslves are people who don't know enough to go at large-. Exclusive sod ety Is a rickety, leaky, lopsided asso ciation of idiots, fools, tailors' dum mies, htngulders and hangers on, so snbstantlal-less that you have to feed a couple of dozen of 'em Into a hopper to grind out a dwarf. Hayfleld Mower. . rues upon up vi rua Piles upon , top of piles - of people have the Piles andDeWitt's Witch Hss el Balve cures them. Then are many different kinds ot Piles, but If yon get the genuine and original Witch Basel Salve made by E 0 De Witt fc Co, of Chicago, a cure Is cerlsln. H ATisdale of 8ummerton n O,"? had piles 20 years and DeWItt't Salvo oared me after everything else failed." Sold by F S Doff Wfctaflar's UtSae BaTaataa. In "Whistler as I Knew Him," Mor timer Me&pes, the author, has a good deal to ssy abouit Whistler the fighter and' his quickness ln resenting an al- froni : He is careful to add that Whis tler was always refined in bit methods SUU, he. wss not actually brutaL- He never" tref ted bls'.enenlles in k coarse way, . Any man who bad offended blm Whistler -would rap sharply over the shoulders with bttrcane, and then, by tbe. time tbe. sufferer, bad recovered, the master would be. In the next room explaining to every one 'bow be bad Just felled bis enemy.:- Once be caught a man, With whom he was for the mo ment enraged, washing his face,. With out, moment's ''hesitation Whistler dashed the hnfortmte . bead strotght into the bnsln or water, an! while the foe. was endeavorlug to clear the soap from bis eyes to see tbe cause of this sudden Immersion Whistler Was in the smoking room setting the men there ln roar with tbe account of his adven tures, ".When J. first met Whlstlef was in the act of searcning for a man who bad dared to criticise-his Venetian etchings.' i "If yon wsnt to see some fun, Men pee," he said, "come with me. Fortunately the man had been warned and wss sow here to be found. J. , Taa resse ei im raa jsea, . 1 got off a Street car tola morning,' said a doctor to" me, "and, being in no bnrry, I began morallzuig on the so Uous and probable character of three men who bad alighted Just ahead of toe. The first ode was even then half Way. down the block end was going on with such rapid strlilcg that be bad already put a couple of hundred yards botwers bliimi'if and the next man. Thi-,' thought 'I, "g'X'S a husth-r, man Who's bound to surcwd In life.' Tin swond man waa walklnn rather slower snd iinpr''d me as one wbo Wuiild do fairly wc'.l pcrhnps lo this Wnrhl.- Ilut l!ie lnt fallow was Jum dnxililrg aloni? Ill t'9 Hinut ntilftlcn irt nf WBjr. I vory quickly iw't blm d'l-.Tn fur a lmfiT. ' , Jum hi-n nrioliitT M'H nnn limn to Iilr-. All t lir.-x TTi re shi-inl of mfl"- Kuhart Mellon II J'liii'-I"lt III KucrfhU. I illy r "FfT M'J f .' :i 1 f ' ti . y -1 r k ; .a rr t ; Vr- -FRENCH MAY QUEENS. - rmtr Cwliia Wklck Is Still la . Vca la tiauia Vtllase.''- . Ln:' ancient custom which still ob tains In many, villages In tbe south of France' Is a- pretty . variation of" the choosing of the May queen with which we are so familiar. -The mayor and six of his political offleera choose froui among the vUlflge- maidens the most beautiful glrf, a soon as the choice la made known the queen, dressed in white, even to a-long, white: veil and wreatfT- of iwhlte . roses,-, assembles with her parents and all the villagers jn' front xt the mayorf housed Here" he -and six friends, dressed In nock coats, and top hats, form in procession. the mayor and queen leading, ana march to-the church, where thete tsa short ceremony ' - 'j , ' , 1. They then, march, back t the may or's house, where a favored few are entertained at luncheon. When, be proposes her health he enumerates her virtues, kisses ber on both checks and hands ber an envelope 'Which contains the prize, $200 In money. . But the cere mony does not end hem .Tney form In procession,, the band leading this time, and in a -sort of "follow my leader" gams waix tnrougn tne village, up lanes and over hills for three hours. That evening a ball Is given at the Inn, where the queen dances first with the mayor and his six friends and after ward with the lads of the village, and to. the celebratlod 'ends. The queen's White veil, with the. veil and wreath, are ' carefully . folded away and are brought out again only when she be comes a bride. . A HEAVY DIET. What tha Plkea la Tlpventvy Watera Like Moat aa Food. There is a professional fiahermau of my acquaintance in Tlpperary who kills many pike during the winter months, for which he finds ready sale tn the town. He told me of one cus tomer of his who was in the habit of so beating him down ln price that he felt Justified ln resorting to somewhat questionable means to increase the weight of bis fish. In the manner of the winner of the stakes ln the cele brated "Jumping Frog" sporting event, he wonld Introduce some weighty sub stance Into their interior, stones, bits of iron railing, etc. Once he went so far as to stuff two old handlesa flatlrons he .bad picked from a refuse heap down the gullet of one before tdfcing it to his customer, who, having weighed it carefully and, after much haggling, paid him a frac tion less per pound for It than he might have perhaps obtained elsewhere. Meet ing him next day, he was instantly aware there, was trouble in, tha.wind by the opening remark, "What do pike feed on, Paddy?" "Och and Unlade, your honor, but there's mighty little that comes amiss to thliu lads," he an swered. "Frogs and fish, sticks ond shtones they like well, but they would give their two ej-es for flatlrons." English Country Gentleman. The Valae of a Stinny Sonl. The world Is too full of sadness and sorrow, misery and sickness. It needs more sunshine. It needs cheerful lives which radiate gladness. It needs en couragers who will lift and not bear down, who will encourage, not discour age. Who can estimate the value of a sun ny soul Who scatters gladness and good cheer Wherever be goes instead of gloom and sadness! Everybody is nt traded to these cheerful faces and sunny lives and repelled by tbe gloomy, the morose and the sad. We envy peo ple who radiate cheer wherever they go and fling out gladness from every pore. Money, bouses and lnnda look contemptible beside such a disposition. The ability to radiate sunshine Is greater power than beauty or than mere mental accomplishments. Sue cess. The Beat 4aaliaed Oradaala. It Is the custom of the graduating class of the medical department of Queen's university of Kingston, Cans da, to designate by ballot tbe fellow Student who they believe could be ex bected "to do the right thing under .all circumstances'' The succeasful student Is honored with a special prize by the faculty. We believe that such a man is really the most capable of his class and if tot identical wltn -Hto gold medalist it probably his superior in all that goes to make up the tci entiflc - and successful practitioner. New York Medical Journal '.'.;. ..'"' -"''..Atees. VI . The most valuable aloes come fiom tbe Island of Boketrt; which lies Just off the east African coast from Cape Gnardafui. The drua Itself is tbe bit tef resinous Juice of the leaves' of the aloe plant that has been hardened the sua. These leaves ere of a fibrous, fleshy' nature, and,' in addition to tbe Juice, the natives, make this fiber Into rope, many insisting that it makes bttr rope than hemp, V-l: ,, it i i il . i? 'it -If ' Mrs. AIou sty brandy Is'f jrood remedy for colic; bnt I don't agree with yon. - Mrs. B. Whattrde'1 yon know about rtt' Mrs. AA great deal." B ore I had brandy In the house my hus band nerer bad eolte more than once or twice a year, but as soon ss ( kept supply be hsd colic almost cv,ory day .. , '. ' A DlSVreat Thlas. - ' "I didn't suppose that .Cupid could more a atony hearted man like Jones. ""Cupid has nothing to do with It Omiluity is whst moved him." Detroit Free Press. ' v. ." .V AmMHon is .pltjlwis. -Every merit thnt It cannot use Is coiitcmptlMe In Its eyes LJoubcrt . - ' r. s. turn Is tlis T 'cti cf tl.ls TTr Klin r su.T. .!r.s l h ln-i 'n'los or ily'i t-i t t '! cn C :-i nt imm anil gfi a bull' i f J. ' 1 ' ' i ' If yem (lit . i.n X :.. Tae BUaaer'a Braatk. The old fable of the' siren has its duplicate in one .of the most deadly of modern - weapons; The- whistle of - s bullet ought to be a deadly sound; it te surprising .to be told that It la a beautiful one.; Mr. H. F. Prevost Bat- tersby saysln his South African notes called "In the Web of a Warf f The- Mauser's- most melodious period Is from axrto 18,000 yardai Over that distance-its note is the most exquisltery lovely ;f single f sounds. Toes . silky breath of the Mauser" Is a phrase thai adottuately describes it ''j..vAVi . But there IS something more about it than Its beauty, Something strange and balefull It goes by- like the singing of a wondering soul that can Ond rest on ly by bringing death, to another. It is a sighing so Indescribably tender and sad and sweet that every sourid of hu man' lips' seems without charm beside After lying for ,s time under that silky breath, one has ren to resist a desire to lift his head and take the next puff of It In his face. Jokala Joke. ' At a banquet Held ln bis honor in the town of Torda, Msurus Jokal, the Hun garian writer, was called upon to pro pose the toast of "The Ladles." He made an excellent speech, during which he continually toyed with tbe brown curls upon his forehead. Finally he said; "I raise my glass ln honor of' the gracious ladles of Torda. May they all live- until my hair grows gray." His audience drank to the toast; but it was easy to see by the faces' of the ladles present that they did not think much of the compliment. Jokal rose again from his seat and took from his head a magnificent brown wig, showing an entirely bald head beneath It. "My hair," he added, "will never grow gray." And the ladles, who had not known of his baldness, were more than pacified. Two Headed Symbola. Both Uussia and Germany display two headed eagles on their standards. Yet this symbol is considered by some heralds to be merely the result of the heraldic practice of "dlmldiation." This was simply a child's way of impaling two coats of arms on tbe same shield by the primitive method of cutting each in half and taking the dexter half of one and the sinister half of the other and placing them 'back to back, as it were. Strange two headed beasts nat urally resulted, as, for instance, when a lion and an eagle were halved and Joined together. The griffin is sup posed to have been evolved from two lions rampant by dlmldiation. It robs the two bended eagle of half Its ter rors to know that It owes Its origin to this sort of child's play. Chtldlah Cnrloaltr. Little - Florence, aged six, had been spending the afternoon with a neighbor who had just lost a near relative, and who was working very hard to get some mourning gowns made. Florence had been very good and asked no ques tions, but When she returned home her inqulsitlveness asserted Itself. Her mother explained as clearly as she could, and for a few momenta Florence sat ln deep silence. Then: "Are all her gowns going to be black, mother?" "Yes, dear." "And is she going to wear black nightgowns?" "No, dear." "Well, doesn't she feel Just as bad in tbe night as she does ln tbe day?" Brooklyn Life. "Sacred LadrblrJa." Among the Insects that can be claim ed as friends of the market grower probably none are more useful than tbe ladybirds. It Is said that ln mediaeval times this Insect was sacred to tho virgin, hence Its popular name. "Although ln these prosaic times we may," says the Fruitgrower, "huve got over tho superstition regarding the In sect's sacreductt so far as the virgin Is concerned, for the good they do tuey should be sacred to every market grow er. Perhaps the most beautiful of all the family is the eighteen spotted lady bird that Linnaeus named Cocctuella octodeclmpuuctata. IT7 Polaoalas. Country Life says that ail the drugs In tbe world will not prevent a bud csso of poisoning from poison Ivy or sumac unless one does something aa soon as tbe telltale Itching begins. When tbe pustules break open, there Is nothing to do but "grin and bear It."- The remedy adv!se4 Is extract of grlndella. which should be always kept In the house. Rub on the affected parts every fire minutes till tbe. trouble Is averted. . He Sfl-lheed Ware. ,"Yoa must not expect-tt to give up my girlhood's ways ail at once," said tbe happy, bride. ; ' TOK I won't," be' replied. ' -I hope yuan keep right on taking an allow ance, from your father Just as If noth ing, bad happened'-BTiperlor (Wis.) Telegram, 'j : . -; - v? - "- . ; ,-. ' -'JBei Here. . , ' Flrtt. Woman-rWhat did you hus band bring' borne from his visit to the ettyt , Second Woman Two silver spoons for tbe children, and I wss to mad tt bit extravagance- tbat 1 went straight down to the store and bought me a new dresaClevelaiid leader. ,-. ' ,'. .' -' '.' . ;- - ...... -.y.vv.ita Mlttsfstsea. . i' , . 1 v , "Freddie, eome here! I fwgret to say Pre got to punish yon; yowf teacher tells me. you're the worst bo fas your class."" -J ; .-; : "1 '. V V"Meboe shei right,' ma. Only yes-' terday she told me I took after yon.; : ' We til "doctor" too muclt A good doctor IS B bloaslng, but A pOOf.eO it s cursO.AtrhJsoa Globe. - ;.. ' ErnUHy Tortured,. A csls csms to light tost fof psrstst ent nfl nnmerclful tottire tss prbpi t,. tii hrn S'ltislod. Jos Ootoblckof i.iura, c:::f. -wrlUs. Tor H yrs 1 cndurril lnii.TfltL! fr'n from Jluca- 11 t!n nn 1 si.U.Sng rii;fi Ins tbomh I Ir'-l r.r5-t'.!, t r 1 . I c-'t l f i 4 ', r - : AN ARBITRARY TYRANT. . -6 . , ..... s." , v V Thltf Aataerat Kxl4a Salrlr kr tha iAndJt cameb pass that to the very height of modern times an arbitrary Ltyrant ruled ever a great country call- ea America. uae name ot hub ijrrani wa TEverybodydoeslt, and all the In habitants of the land bowed themselves to his will. - -'; V ' . ' -".Terror of the autocrat caused grown men and women to-cast' aside, very dictate of common'' sehse--sometlmes of honesty as -welt "Children, over studied, wearing out precious eyesight. cramping growing organs, yet mothers .whispered under their breath the name of Everybodydoeslt and -the evil: went on. Men bought houses and European passages, automobiles and other ex pensive luxuries, the cost of which was out of all proportion to their income. "Everybodydoeslt" was the explana tion they gave. Sorriest of all was the case of tbe young girls. They patronized un wholesome plays, read books produced by diseased ruiuds, they overdressed, abando'ued the gentle ideals of their 1 mothers' day and grew old before their I time. "Everybodydoeslt," they sold, j And thus it was ln all classes of sod-1 ety throughout the broad land. All men and womeu, young and old, recog-1 nized the sway of Everybodydoeslt and , bowed their, necks to Uls yoke. Phila-1 delphia North American. j An-Accommodation Train. Iu the lake district of England there Is a tiny railway which bus only one train run by two ofilcluls, one of whom la managing director, ticket collector, guard and porter and the other chief engineer, engine driver and stoker. The train stops anywhere. It frequently goes off the line, but crowbars ure car ried, with which the train is persuaded to return iff its proper position. When a friend of either official Is observed the train Is brought to a standstill. At one time, when tbe managing director was courting Ihc daughter of a farmer through whose lands the line ran, the young lady would take her stand at a certain gate every evening, tbe train would be stopped, ami Hie young man would kiss her jjmd night. I.oitjLV Wldo liooil. In 17.V!, in the ninety-sixth year of her age, died Jean Countess of ltox burg'ic. She vv.'im nut a very remarka ble woman, but her memory is pre served en nee. unit of her lung widow hood, which lasted seventy-one years. Her father, the Mr :t Lord Twcc.hlalo, futiv'hl at Marsti.n )luor in bill. This Countess .if Koxlitirlic's liiu-j Widowhood is insignificant compan-d with that of a certain Agnes Skinner. According to an inscription in Camber well church, this worthy woman .lied in 140!) at the age of I III years, having survived her husband only eight years less than a century New Bern Military Academy, NEW BERN, N. C. Tho. Largest an J Itest Equipped huaiilniL1 '-HmoI in ! i.stcin Caro lina. Specialists at tbe head of every I )cpai Uncut. V :u-.i:lty ! I '.i mem bers (including heture faculty, represesilinj; I'niveisiiy ol Nuiili Caro lina; University nf Virginia; A. & M of MnHistipp',; Texas Noiri.al Col lege; Relhaven Hospital Medical Collef.;.-, New York, College Physicians and Surgeons, New Yoik; eahxly Norinal College:, New York C'onser vatory if Music; American lnalitute of Normal Metliodn, I'ostoti; ( on servfttory of Music of Paris. France; Leipsic Consei vutoi y of Mimic, Germany; Harvard University: Trinity College and other prominent in stitutions. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS being expended for m w buildings, Barrack p, aud Dormitories lighted throughout by electricity, and supplied with city water, as pure as the State affords. Bath rooms. Large and Loyal Studen'-body last session. Apply at once lor beautilully illustrated Catalogue. Carolina Business College, New Bern, HT. C, A Separate an.l Distinct Institution with a strong Faculty of 8peicalti8ts. The best and mo3t easily mastered methptls of B-ok Keeping and Systems of Shorthand ever developed, are Hied" in this College. De mand for Bookkeepers und Stenographers greater than we can supply. Positions guaranteed to those taking combined eouise, Itailioml fare paid for those tasiug full Sborth.nd and Bookkeeping scholarship. Take one of thesi cotiraes and let us help you to a good paying po sitioij. A 25 per cent, discount will be given on all Hoholarthips sold dnring the month of July. Enter now aud receive the benefit of this liberal discount. Apply at ance for illustrated Catalogue. Addreia S. J. Holladay. A. B. LL. B. Ir?slliit. DR. LYON'S French Periodical Drops fitrtctlr vcjetiWe, perfectly hsrmleM, sure to sccotulafi DGSIRED Greatest kaowa femls remedy. Price, ft.SO per bvttlo. CAUTION Bwtr of eagBMrfMW ta4 InlUUonl. Tk whIm ll im Ml; In tM-ta,4 Cr- fcoa with fM-imtl alffiwtnra o .Sold'by DlyjS PHARMACY. tyZl kTHE NOKTH caeolina Z&Stitit Notmd'-andi Industrial College, .fv.v-j'' :" r mint nm "' - . COURSES- ''-vr Cinc$iX'tu,by -Domestic Stku - Scientific piairoicL' - .tlvs courses losdlog to Dfplomts. ' Admeed enrtss ktdlnf 16 Dtfrsesc'1 Well qnlpped prtoltcs sod Ubserritloa-BeBOoL ifsealtf ssmbers CO.' Board, tan dry, laUIon, tad fees for n of Isit bjoks, stV I'W k jrssr, For'noa-rnU ' dents of the Btkte $ie0. ThUtwntfi tnoatl sesilos bflss Beplsmbsr . 2Sth.l90t ' To mnn 1ord In Ilia ilnrmlttirl. s ill fr4-lnltlns ' snnllestlotiS ilifinl.l K fr,1 lirf its July Vilhi Coreporilenns Inrlisd from Ifcms dJrlB rx mpctsnl tesoher ' soil siriff;riif'lirs. For csUlogns snd other Isformstloa SddrSM - "'.'.'. CIIAHLH5 I). ricIVnH, Prcd t!jnVV . Mad Wo Baalneca tv Knew, -v ftiderly Aau- i; ..vuJolen. yva shoclf me When Toil t:ilk at a -1i1Sn 1uiii -i "pullcd oft. ' ou oiv.it to be ashamed ' '' to use pr.zc fagtitlug elau in shaking of so solemu a thing as a weddingii Young Niece You misunilerstood tag.' Aunt Hepzibah. 1 said th wedding bad been put ofT. But bow did you happen to know that "pulleU o.r' v.; prize flbUt tng slsng?-('lii-ugo Trilmnp. lie Cuultlu't Trll. ' The editor of nu Kngli.su paper re cently received a fine rhickoi.. which he, supposing it to be a tuke.i f appre ciation from a disciiiulnatlHo reader, took home and enjoyed for dinner. The following day lie received this letter Dear Editor Yesterday I sprit you a Chicken In order to settle a dispute which has arisen here. Can you tell ua what tha chicken died of? Import Hat to Prop erty Owners. MaUrUls that pulmitnte Pure leid-aud-zluc eavo pltu makers from ?0 to $00 per tou. Why in crease their rr.ifits at jcur ex penso t Davis Paint is Guaranteed lOO Per V.t. Pure. Free of Cost If otherwise Wttte for 'Junrautee and rleokiel on patut talks. E. W SMALLWOOII, dhtrlbilor New Bern, N. C. Return of Purchases, JEtc. Offl. e of Clerk Board (Joiinly Coin ml -elonere, Oiav n (Jo. New ltern.N. C June 1 iM . Sb: If yi.ll re the oNer f a i'uhlle Fciry, I'r ili'i- o Toll-Mil, or it ' u ure a 11 Vory man kee ii iif bor.ei mi I mules 1 1 hire, or If you are a d a er liicpilt untie, Vilnius or mill liipi.iri',01 niinr.o'i-r of h ilispi u-ary, ) ou nr.- i. ii rid to .h -liver or return to in.-, ivit'dn icu,lnjs fl r the liist d-iy . f .l.iii'ouy m. I. Inly of ertch eiir, it bw.iin iMie. iu ul i't y.eir K'iS le elptH-KM oa nt 1 01 11 public f.-rrv, Inlde, ,tc , iln numl.. r d horncn or iuiiIck k pi f ir Idn- hi n II v. 1 v mull, a '111 Hie let ll nun Ml 11! 1 I -p 1 1 1 111 m k .Villi UJ null nmll. Iiipiorii fn: r-'h-iHi-.l by ou. In or out f Iht: S Hie, f.r pi ,:.:ct d i 11 six inonl hp. I'roini t comp i 1111 e wli Ii the law la tsrue-ly riqilenicil, a id f.ir ilie fHliuie lo do m , 011 will 1 e r, 1 1 1, i r . . I I 1 i-Iiiiw i a'lBi whv 1 he o.-iimIi y .it ih: biw slmll not be liiip"- .1. Kt.peel'nlb , OKI) H. WAi'Klis, Itei'lMer of Dee'ls ml&m of tha bntil. vkwtr Music. ToUdo.0. t ' - ! it r'a t ' a fur t r , : i. it r LI i " t a ( ro ! i i ' J f ft - .